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Ill do my best to explain everything to you. Ok 1.

Preload Hawthorn Berry and Milk Thistle for 10-14 days take it 2x a day. 2. Day 15 Cycle Begins, in the morning take 2caps of Hdrol, with Fish oils, Mult i vitamins, And a meal in GOOD FATS As this helps with the absorption of Hdrol. Make sure EVERYTIME you take Hdrol, it is Dosed With Fish Oil 2caps of fish oil and Multi Vitamins. And Remember since good fats help with Absorption it is Ideal to take 5-8 almonds everytime you take the Hdrol Drink at least 4L of water a day to hydrate yourself The Multi Vitamins are needed because Vitamin D and C help with absorption of th e PH thats why its important to take them with it. Joint support take this anytime man it doesnt really matter 2. 2-4hrs later after taking your PH, Take 4 caps of cycle Assist Reason they say give it 2-4hrs is because if you take it immediatley it affects absorbtion. SO in total you will be taking 8 caps cycle Assist a day. No Preworkout, or Creatine whilst on CYCLE Save that for the PCT. 3. Diet Making it Calorie Surplus Whatever your daily intake is for Maintence (I e if it is 2,700) eat 3,200-3,500 of GOOD calories. 4. Protein try to get 4g per kg of bodyweight for protein remember carbohydrate and protein sysnthesis increase so you need to really amp this up, and also remember the quote "The BIGGER YOU get the MORE YOU have to eat" 5. Training- Lift reps 10-14 reps reason high reps because you will build a lot of strength on the PHS if you start going heavy; firstly, the connective joint tissues in OUR BODY are NOT ready to handle such a heavy weight so you gradually start to increase the weight and you can do a few sets of maxing out your bench but do nt do this always you can cause real damage if your joints are not ready to handle the heavy weight For Exmaple my self, I could squat 80kg 8-12reps after 5 weeks into Hdrol I push ed the weight to 130kg i got 5 reps but I COULD REALLY feel my joints that something was gonna happen so psychologically I can handle the weight BUT my BODY is NOT ready for that 130 was pushing it. and 2nd say if you keep lifting heavy what is going to happen when the PCT begins? You w ill NOT be able to lift that cause the Anabolic properties of the Prohormone will have left our body and then we will l ose all of OUR gains. Which is why you lift 4-8reps on each set in the PCT to help you keep the muscl

e gains and the strength gains. This is a very complex issue to explain but as I said brother, DO NOT start unti l you know everything. 6. Keep checking your weight at the end of every week and watch it go up if you followed everything and DONT be alaramed if at the start of your PCT you lose 2-3kg that is ALL WATER weight, and it will co me back at the end of the PCT if it doesnt then it was just water weight that was bloating you. Now the PCT. Ok When your cycle Ends the FOLLOWING day is your PCT For this you continue taking your Cycle Assist till its finished 1. In the Morning take 3g of DAA powder (if your using tribulus take 1cap in the morning although its not needed just boosts libidio) 2. Train HARDER than before and Take your Cortisol controlling product as recomm ened on the packet follow its dosing protocols 3. Take Clomid around after 6pm really you can take clomid at any time of the da y, the HALF LIFE is 7 Days so dont worry too much when you take it reason I say after 6 is because I have found and people have fo und that side effects are low that time of the day. 4. Keep eating a calorie surplus and train remember 4-8 reps on each set Now for dosing Clomid Day 1 you take 2 tablets at the same time (which will be 100mg) Day 2-28 take 1 tablet daily Creatine hmm... I use Creatine HCL by MuscleTech cause Creatine HCL has no sides , no bloat and no loading is needing. If your gonna use a creatine before workout and with your postworkout shake Preworkout I think u know how to dose this lol. and yeah bro thats pretty much it you should be done. After your cycle is finished get some blood work done to see if everything is al l good do this every 2 weeks after the PCT And finally bro, PLEASE although I have explained everything to you I STILL WANT YOU to do some r esearch till you have mastered Hdrol, I am a soon to be paramedic my job is to save peoples lives trust me I am puttin g a lot of time and effort in assisting you cause I Care for each and every other human being regardless of Race, Gender, Culture, R eligion. With that begin said I wish you all the best. Regards.

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