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The Lamplighter

PASTORS PIECE Zion United Church of Christ December 2012 Inside This Issue
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to [all] on whom God's favor rests." Luke 2:14. Jesus has been born, the hope of the world come to invite us to peace. Peace in this time? In every age there is unrest as the growing pains and struggles of this world seem to sometimes pull us back and forth, to pull us along or leave us behind. Is true peace really possible, and what is it? Believe it or not true peace is rest. Sure we sleep, we have our moments of down time, sometimes brought on by illness resulting from stress. Sound familiar? The peace that the angels proclaim is not described very well by human words, yet becomes primary once it is touched. Imagine being filled with emotional junk, walking that fine line between "Yeah, sure, I'm fine," and "I feel like I'm going to die if something doesn't change". Sometimes it is only a circumstance between the two. Now imagine releasing all the emotional junk, just letting it go, or even saying "Here God, you take it, I can't deal with it anymore," or "I know this is not my problem Lord; here, take it. I don't want it anymore." And then NOT taking it right back. Imagine releasing worry about Christmas (see the problem there?!), the new year, a million things to do...Imagine reducing that million to a few hundred thousand perhaps, or a few dozen, or maybe even a few. Imagine allowing the warm light of Christ filling you with peace, and rest and joy right now; yes, even now. We are a restless people. Stop. Let go. Breathe deeply of the smell of pine, of the joy of hope, of the peace that passes all understanding.

1 2 3 4 5 6 8

Pastors Piece Palm of Prayer This Months Events Worship Ways Community, County & Conference Clamor Butterfly Room & Expression Session

7 Celebration Occasions
Worship Whirl
Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. Calvin Coolidge

Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880 105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224 Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355

The Lamplighter
A joyful Christmas to you and peace, everyday, every moment, in the new year! "Glory to God in the Highest!" Pastor Kristin

Palm of Prayer
Keep your roots deep in him and have your lives built on him. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always be thankful. Colossians 2:7 (NCV)


It is the time of year when it is so important to renew our personal Covenants with God. We are so very blessed to be a part of God's Family, and the congregational family of Zion and the greater United Church of Christ. Please take time to prayerfully consider your Covenant for Personal Time you will spend with God daily this year. What talents will you share--musical, teaching, generosity, visiting, listening, sharing... And how will your personal Tithe of money manifest throughout the year? On Sunday, December 16, bring your Covenant, sealed in an envelope with YOUR address written on the front. This is a private and personal promise you make with God, and no one will see its contents but you. If you wish to send it to church, put the sealed and self-addressed envelope in a larger envelope addressed to the church, and we will make sure it is put in the Covenant basket which will remain at the altar all year, until we once again return your Covenant to you, for your review. This is a very special way to renew our holy and tangible commitment with God, in addition to our spiritual growth and formation through Sunday School, Worship, Song and Fellowship each week!
Q: What did one Christmas tree say to the other Christmas tree? A: I really go fir you!

Please continue to surround in love and prayer, those experiencing health difficulties &/or recovering from surgery & those adjusting to new seasons in their lives: Andrew Bear, Shawn Engel, Pastor Kristin, Carson, Kevin Whitehead Family of Lee Hoeppner, Family of Eddie Hartweig, Family of Charles Waller, Family of Mary Cousino, Shirley Paul, Ruth Dierking and Family of Willie Gray.

Maurice and Wilma Hoefer--69th Anniversary Matthew Elder--Football fame Mark Fiegenbaum--Nat'l Honor Society Kyle HawthorneJoins National Guard


I'm joyfully continuing my endeavor to visit all the members and friends of Zion United Church of Christ, according to schedules, time available, and desire. You can help out also by calling me for a time to visit, or if a pastoral care visit or prayer request is in your heart. The best way to reach me is at the parsonage, 660-237-4902, and the next best option is my cell @ 660-641-1038 and of course the church @ 660-237-4355. Blessings! Pastor Kristin
The Savior must have been A docile GentlemanTo come so far so cold a Day For little FellowmenThe Road to Bethlehem Since He and I were Boys Was leveled, but for thattwould be A rugged Billion Miles Emily Dickinson

Let us keep Christmas beautiful without a thought of greed. That it might live forevermore to fill our every need. That it shall not be just a day, but last a lifetime through. The miracle of Christmastime that brings God close to you. ~
Ann Schultz

This Months Events

S.S.9:30 A.M. Worship10:30 A. M.

The Lamplighter

December 2, 2012 Advent Chorale; 4 pm Parish Life Committee Basket Dinner; 6 pm December 4, 2012 Solid Rock Grief Support Group, 7 pm December 5, 2012 Choir, 7 pm December 6, 2012 30 Rock, 6:30 pm Robert and Amy Hoefers December 9, 2012 Childrens Christmas Program Re hearsal, 8:45 9:45 am Hit-N-Run Gifting December 10, 2012 Creative Faith Group, 7 pm December 11, 2012 BCE, 7 pm December 12, 2012 Choir, 7 pm December 15: Jazz Nativity (all church activity) December 16, 2012 Adopt a Family due Childrens Christmas Program Re hearsal, 8:45 9:45 am December 19, 2012 Choir, 7 pm December 20, 2012 Church Council, 6 pm December 22, 2012 Last Christmas Program Rehearsal (children and adult choir) 10 11:30 am December 23, 2012 Christmas Pageant December 24, 2012 Christmas EveCommunion, 6:30 pm

Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation

Zion UCC Worship Ways

Board of Christian Education
Zion's birthday party for Jesus and Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, December 23, during regular Sunday School and Worship times.

Giving the Gift of the Season

Zion UCC has adopted a family of 7 this Christmas season and are asking the congregation to help with this mission. Identified gift items for the family will be written on tags and placed on the bulletin board in the foyer. Please wrap your item(s), attach the original tag and place in the foyer by December 16th. Monetary donations are welcome as well. Many folks are in need this year, and we hope that you can be generous with your donations. Thank you!


Presented as a gift to families in the Kansas City area, and sponsored by the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the UCC, this is a signature event that offers families a modern-day re-imagining of the Christmas Story. This event will be held at St. Peter's United Church of Christ in Kansas City. A group from Zion will be attending the evening performance on Dec. 15th. Watch for a sign-up sheet and car pool information. Cost of admittance is a donation of canned food.

Help us take down the Greens after worship on January 6th!

Parish Life Committee

Basket Dinner
The Parish Life Committee is hosting a basket dinner on the evening of December 2, at 6:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to come after the Advent Chorale to share in the joy and fellowship.

The Lamplighter

Zion U.C.C. Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service 6:30 PM

Share the journey-UCC Annual Fund
No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here. We are the United Church of Christ. Donate to the United Church of Christ Annual Fund. Thank you for your generosity.

Hit and Run Gifting
The youth will prepare bags for our 2nd Annual Hit & Run gifting which will be carried out after church on December 9--more than youth are welcome to participate--all who do will receive the blessing. Doing God's Stuff just seems to turn out that way!

Church Council
Looks like a busy Nov. and Dec. with "Hanging of the Greens", Thanksgiving community worship service, Sunday School Hit and Run event, the Jazz Nativity at St. Peters UCC in KC, a family to share our wealth with, Advent Chorale, and of course worship the "King". In the Treasurer's report may it be noted as of this date the expenses are $77,531.05, receipts are $73,911.44 making a difference of $3,619.61 (red). Thanks to the Trustee's and helpers for the projector and fan installation in the Sanctuary. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.

Zion UCC Pictorial Directory

Thank you to the following volunteers who gave of their time to help with the photography sessions for the new pictorial directory: Reminder calls: Martha Hawthorne, Jeanette Starkebaum and Juanita Wright. Food: Martha Hawthorne and Laura Nolte. Registration: Denise Bainbridge, Carolyn Bayless, Ginny Bertz, Helen Hoeppner, Norma Mittlehauser, Laura Nolte, Judy Pragman and Doris Van Cleave. Set-up: Kenny Faigh. The companies sales techniques were disappointing, but hopefully the portraits captured a precious moment in time for your family. That's priceless! Thanks for helping to make this portrait of our church family. If you need your photograph taken, I will be available on Nov 25th and Dec. 5th, after church. Elaine A HUGE thank you to Elaine Hudson from the congregation, for the incredible work you have done and are doing on the new church directory. This is a tremendous job. Also much thanks to all who have worked toward it and are helping to complete it. The LORD has given them the skill to do all kinds of work. They are able to cut designs in metal and stone. They can plan and sew designs in the fine linen with the blue, purple, and red thread. And they are also able to weave things. Exodus 35:35 (NCV)

Re: Stump the Pastor

Who were the twelve apostles, and why did Jesus pick them? Two belligerent teenagers--brothers James and John Fishermen--Peter and Andrew Political activist--Simon the Zealot Tax Collector and Roman collaborator--Matthew One twin, and a skeptic at that--Thomas (also called Didymus or Twin) Bartholomew Thaddeus (or Jude the Apostle) Simon the Canaanite Zealot Judas Iscariot (replaced by Matthias) Phillip All ordinary men!! References: Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:16-19 Luke 6:14-16; Acts 1:13

Zion UCC Annual Meeting

Mark your calendars for the annual meeting to be held after worship on Sunday, January 20, 2011. The business meeting will begin at 1:00 PM.

The Lamplighter
Q: If Santa rode a motorcycle, what kind would it be? A: A Holly Davidson.

Community, County & Conference Clamor

The 34th annual Advent Chorale will be held at Salem United Church of Christ on December 2, 2012 at 4:00 PM. Jamie Smith is directing the Adult Choir, while Ann Iles directs the Childrens Choir. Diane Wagner will direct the Children's Chime Bell Choir, and Teresa Begemann will play the piano for the children. Final rehearsal will be December 2 from 2:15-3:15p.m. All who enjoy singing and fellowship are invited to participate! Each church should bring 6 dozen cookies for the reception following the Chorale. See you there!

Inspiration Station
In the Christian calendar, the first season of the church year, a period of preparation for the birth of Jesus. Advent begins on the Sunday nearest to November 30 and continues until Christmas. Viewed as a penitential season, it is also considered a time of preparation for the Second Coming of Christ. The origin of Advent is unknown, but it was observed as early as the 6th century. In many countries it is celebrated with popular customs such as the lighting of Advent candles. Reference: dictionary/advent

Chorus of Friends
I Hear the Prophet Callin by Pepper Choplin Performance dates are: Sat, Dec. 8th Trinity UCC, Lexington Sun, Dec. 9th United Methodist, Wellington Sat, Dec. 15th St. Paul UCC, Napoleon Sun, Dec. 16th Immanuel Lutheran, Higginsville Wed, Dec. 19 Christian Church, Waverly. All dates have a start time of 7:00 PM. Contact Diane Wagner for more information.

Advent Chain
Why not try making an Advent chain this year. Kids will enjoy ripping off a link everyday until Christmas! Materials you will need: Construction paper, scissors, pen and stapler. Cut out a star for the top and 24 paper strips. On the star, write this poem:

One Christmas night, so long ago. A star shone down so all would know That in a manger, on that night. A savior was born, our guiding light! Now Christmas time is almost here A very special time of year. When everyone anticipates That night we can celebrate! As you remove a link each night Remember the star that shone so bright And told the world of Jesus' birth The Son of God, here on earth!
Its ready to hang up and starting Dec. 1st remove a link a day.

Celebrating 20 Years of Our Jamaican Partnership

On Sunday, November 4 representatives from the Missouri Mid-South Conference signed a new three year covenant with representatives from the North-Eastern Regional Council of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands during a worship service at Portmore United Church in Jamaica. Our conference minister Rev. Jeffrey Whitman was invited to preach and Linda Adams chair of our partnership committee spoke about the 20 years of partnership we are celebrating. Martha Hawthorne and Kyle Hawthorne were in attendance.

Butterfly Room
For Those Who Grieve This Christmas
I love the Christmas season. I love the sights and sounds and smells that come with this time of year. But, for our family there is a touch of melancholy that hangs in the air. It is grief. Four years ago, as we were decorating our home for Christmas, our baby girl became violently sick. We raced her to the hospital and began a nightmare that would eventually lead to her death in February of 2008. And now there is an Emily-sized hole in our Christmas season. An emptiness that matches the empty stocking that bears her name. We are still a joyful family, but there will always be one less of us to celebrate these earthly holidays. And we are not alone. Chances are you are remembering a loved one this Christmas season and you are missing them just as we miss our little Emily. As we celebrate Christs birth, I cannot help but consider that my God knows the grief I bear. Amongst all the wonderment and joy of the Messiah being born, there was the knowledge that that child must one day die a violent death in order to free His people from sin and darkness. God has not asked me to give any more than He has given Himself. So, as we take time this holiday season to look back and remember our Emily, we also take time to look ahead. Ahead to a time when Christ is no longer a babe in a manger, but a man willingly choosing the cross to save those He loves. We look ahead to the Son being lifted up in glory. We look ahead to the day when we no longer look back because everything we have ever longed for is right in front of us. My dear grieving friends, may you look forward this Christmas season. Amy Roberts

The Lamplighter
from surgery on my shoulder. This time is pretty challenging for me, but you have made it bearable! Blessings and love, Pastor Kristin Dear Loved One in Christ, The family of Ron and Mary Miller wish to send greetings and thanks for all your kindness, prayers and thoughts during the trying times we've been going through. To look to the Lord our Savior Jesus the Christ, knowing He took on Himself our cares. When we turn to Him for truth any grace came to mankind so we will pray and care of others. You truly reflect that care and love by your prayers and outreach to others. We in return pray for you and want you to know that you are very special people. Love, Ron, Mary, Jeff, Brian, John, Sarah, Lisa, Karen, David, Ryan Dear Ones, Thank you for the floral arrangements that you sent in memory of Anne. It is deeply appreciated. Also, thank you for your love and support across the years. Much love, Herman and family Dear Church Family, Thanks! Words cannot express how much your cards, prayers, hugs and thoughtfulness have meant during this difficult time for our family. My sister is in a much better place and I know she is smiling down on us. Again thank you! Sincerely, Glenn, Beth, Ty and Leah Wagner How blest I am to be a part of the Zion UCC church family. Blessings to all. Thanks to Pastor Kristin and Juanita for prayers and being with Russell during my hip surgery. And the visit from Pastor Kristin and Rachel Murry and phone calls while in the hospital. My mail box has been overflowing with "cheer". Nurse Dierking has been wearing many different hats since Nov.13 and I ask for your continued prayers for him as well. God is good. If you see me just start to cry it is because I am so overwhelmed by your outpouring that is so great. "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." Ruth

Expression Session
Thank You's
Dear Zion Family, Thank you so much for your prayers, thoughts, cards, concern, rides and support during recovery

The Lamplighter

Celebration Occasions
December Birthdays Pastor
Date 3 8 9 11 12 16 Birthday Bill Bainbridge Trinity Alvested Mason Dierking Carolyn Bayless Ava Amos Carla Struchtemeyer Camden Russell Bryan Nolte Paige Smith David West Tim Wright Mark Fiegenbaum Ethan Bentsen Tresina Alvested Rhett Ehlert Kyle Schrader 23 16 Austin Aardema Faigh Donovan Aardema Faigh Seth Bayless Thursday 8:00 AMNoon Wednesday 6:008:00 PM Wednesday 5:009:00 PM Tuesday 8:00 AMNoon

Office Hours

16 20 21 22 28 29 31

Serving Souls
Dec 2 9 ACOLYTES Adam Hoefer Leah Wagner GREETERS Ron & Diane Wagner Juanita Wright & Carrie Begemann Scott & Jennifer Wright Scott & Tresina Alvested Bill & Denise Bainbridge

December Anniversaries
30 Luke and Kelsey Messer


Administrative Affairs
An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. Bill Vaughn
Pastor Kristin Aardema Faigh Home(660) 237- 4902 Church (660) 237-4355 Cell (660) 641-1038 (660) 237- 4386

Wayne Hoefer Council President

The deadline for submissions for the January newsletter is Wed. Dec. 19, 2012. Send your submissions to: or or Call (660) 237-4923
Angie Lawson Church Secretary (660) 237- 4355 (660) 237 - 4923 Teresa Begemann Organist Connie Sanders Custodian (816) 633 - 4133 (660) 237 - 4246

Zion United Church of Christ 105 North Mary St. Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224 Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians Sunday School 9:00 am Worship at 10:30 am


The Lamplighter December 2012

Zion UCC Mission Statement

The avowed purpose of our church shall be: To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacraments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congregation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Worship Whirl
Traditional Worship Contemporary Worship Sunday School Communion Church Council Board of Christian Education SAIL (Serving All in Love) 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 9:30AM 10:30AM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Sundays Monthly - 3rd Sunday Sundays Monthly 1st Sunday & Special Holidays Monthly Monthly Monthly - 4th Tuesday

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