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UnB / CESPE – ABIN – Concurso Público – 19/9/2004

Cargo: Analista de Informações – Código 1

Nos itens de 111 a 120, a seguir, são avaliados conhecimentos em língua inglesa.

1 The pre-Iraq war and pre-9/11 performance of some secret services is subject to harsh criticism
and, in some countries, various investigations. Governments are accused 4 to have taken essential
decisions based upon dubious information. The different agencies are blamed for inter- and
intraagency rivalry blocking the efficiency of any early 7 warning system. In addition, they are
heavily criticized for delivering the message their political masters wanted to hear.
10 We do not want to blame anybody. But we believe that it is necessary to rethink the whole
business of secret services.
13 Without knowing the details that obviously led to serious deficiencies, there are several
fundamental problems with the work of secret services in open, democratic societies. In 16
democracies, there is often a basic mistrust towards intelligence gathering. It seems to be a dirty
job. Democracy asks for openness and transparency.
19 People in democracies do not like the work in a shadow. Scientists and journalists refrain in
general from cooperation with secret services. They are afraid to destroy their access to foreign
countries and colleagues.
Recruitment of qualified young people has become difficult.

Dieter Farwick. Internet: < securitynetwork.

com/showArticle3.cfm?article_id=9226> (with adaptations).

From the text above, it can be deduced that:

111 the action of some secret services before September 11 is under bitter criticisms. C
112 the American decision to declair war against Iraq was based on doubtless information. E
113 other interests were put above public security by secret service agents. C
114 political issues should not prevail over security matters. C
115 the author deeply criticizes the British secret service. E
116 open democracies welcome the action of intelligence services. E
117 journalists, in general, are very keen to cooperate with secret services. E
118 qualified young people have never been interested in becoming a secret agent. E

In the previous text,

119 “whole” (R.11) can be correctly replaced by entire. C
120 “mistrust” (R.16) is synonymous with distrust. E


Simple Present
Idéia de rotina.
Ex. I study a lot.
Present Coninuous
Terá o sujeito + verbo to be (am, is, are) + verbo + ing

Coisas que estão acontecendo no momento. Ex. I am driving.

Coisas que estão acontecendo em volta do momento.
Coisas que estão acontecendo em um período maior. Ex. the dollar rate is falling.
Idéia de futuro. Ex. I am travelling tomorrow morning.

Past Simple
Idéia de passado.

Temos os verbos regulares (regular) e irregulares (irregulars)

- Regular
Terminar em ED.
Terminar em IED quando tiver consoante antes do Y.
Ex. study – studied
Ex. play – played

- Irregular
Ex. fall – fell (passado)
Ex. feel – felt (passado)

Vide. Apostila de verbos irregulares.

Geralmente aparecem com YESTERDAY, AGO, IN 1978, LAST WEEK, etc.

Past Continuous
Sujeito + verbo to be (was, were) + verbo + ing

Ex. I was at home last night.

Ex. I was sleeping.

Geralmente aparecem junto de duas conjunções: WHILE ou WHEN

Ex. I was walking WHEN I broke (passado de break) my foot.

Ex. I broke my foot WHILE I was walking.

Ex. I will travel.

Ex. I am going to travel.

Present Continuos (idéia de future - future idea)

I am travelling tomorrow.


Tipo de verbo auxiliar, sendo necessário um verbo principal.


Shall geralmente é utilizado em pergunta.

I’ll - will + not = won’t

Utilizado em ofertas, promessas e pedidos.

I’ll help you.
Shall I open the window?
I’ll pay you tomorrow.
Will you open the door?

Demonstra-se possibilidade, permissão e habilidade.
I can speak english
I can go to the party
You can use my laptop.

Obrigação de fazer algo.
I must pass on the text.

Para o HAVE TO na interrogativa é necessária a colocação do DO antes.

Do I have to cook?

Idéia de conselho. Deveria. Ex.You should study more.

Idéia de que faria algo. Ex. I would like study more.

Vide. Apostila

Vide. Apostila

Análise do verbo GET

São vários os significados para este verbo.

I can’t get a job. (significado de find - achar)

I’ll get my mother (significado de fetck - buscar)
I get sick very often (significado de become - tornar-se)

I got an email (significado de received – recebi)
I got a taxi to jog (significado de take – tomar)

UnB / CESPE – ABIN – Concurso Público –19/9/2004 Cargo: Pesquisador, Classe Assistente de
Pesquisa, Padrão I – Código 12

A former head of German counter-intelligence recently confided:

3 “The best piece of intelligence is the one that only I possess.” That spymaster’s emphasis on
exclusivity and with holding information even from his friends is, alas, the watchword among
intelligence chiefs worldwide.
7 And it threatens to undermine efforts to globalize the hunt for terrorists and their bad works.
Timely and credible intelligence — often the merest scrap — can be as decisive in foiling1 terrorist
plotting as any police action, cruise missile, or bomb. That’s why the American Congress and the
White House are focused on improving information sharing between the CIA and FBI. But the
debate has so far overlooked another chronic intelligence failure: the inadequacy of the CIA’s
liaison with other intelligence services. One reason for urgent reform is that even though the United
States far outstrips other countries in its technical intelligence gathering, many other nations often
have better human intelligence, or humint — real live spies. 1foil – to prevent (someone or
something) from being successful.

Robert Gerald Livingston. Internet: <

450004&subid=900020&contentid=250680> (with adaptations).

Based on the text, judge the following items.

111 The best piece of information is not supposed to be available to anyone. C

112 The word “one” (R.3) is a numeral. E
113 Chiefs agree to the principle that intelligence can only be passed on to some special friends all
over the world. E
114 The word “threatens” (R.7) can be correctly replaced by menaces. C
115 Believable and opportune intelligence can decisively replace the action of the police, even
cruise missiles, and bombs. C
116 The CIA and FBI are yet to establish a process of information interchange. E
117 The USA surpasses other countries in terms of technical intelligence collection. C

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