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Efficient Large Displacement Elastoplastic Dynamic Analysis of Steel Frames **

A. S. Elnashai

B. A. Izzuddin


P. J. Dowling

SUMMARY A newly developed computer code frr elastoplastic laige displacement dynamic analysis of structures is presented. The program ADAPT uses the concept of adaptive mesh refine ment with a combination of plastic hinge and elastoplastic cubic elements to arrive at an accurate solution starting from the coar sest possible mesh. In dynamic analysis, independent lumped and distributed mass elements are used. Time-step adjustment is employed with the Newmark integration scheme. Verification examples indicate that the developed code is not only veiy accur ate, but also exceedingly efficient. KEY WORDS: Dynamics non linear, elastoplastic.

1. Introduction Notwithstanding the importance of experimental testing, the development of accurate and efficient analysis models is of utmost importance in quantifying response characteristics of complex structural configu rations. In recent years, concerted research efforts have been focusing on the dynamic analysis of steel frames /1, 2, 3, 4, 5/. Several analysis tools are available using a variety of modelling and solution techniques. Several of these studies in Europe are driven by the need to define behaviour factors for various structural forms, necessary for the determination of seismic de sign forces /6/. A critical review of existing analysis tools /7/ revealed the following: Detailed models for member behaviour exist. Recent trends use the concept of concentrating the elasto plastic deformations in the bottom region of a canti lever member. This approach was shown to be inef ficient when implemented in dynamic analysis programs /8/.

The formulations are based on moment-curvature idealization. Some assumption regarding the leniti of plastic hinge zones is required to convert cur\a tures to rotations. Formulations based on conventional finite element beam-column models are prohibitively expensive and cannot be used to conduct systematic parametric stn dies. Modelling of the large displacement response. cou pled with elastoplastic behaviour, requires a fin mesh. For complex structures, it is very difficult determine a-priori areas of expected plasticity. It was concluded that a fresh approach to the prnd 1cm is called for, hence a research project was initiated, with the objective of developing new modelling tech niques for steel frames /9/. In the following sections, a brief review of the can bilities of the developed code is presented. This is lowed by numerical examples demonstrating th versatility and extreme efficiency of the prograTe ADAPT. All analysis times quoted are for a Micro \ II computer with 8 Mb of virtual memory.

2. Review of Static Formulations The program is capable of dealing with a variety static problems on two levels of accuracy, as descrTh in Section 2.1 below. It has built-in facilities to predn: the post-ultimate response of frames subjected to portional loads, and has an option for analyses whc the loads vary independently in the time domain. I L formulations implemented in ADAPT are beamoi umn finite elements accounting exactly for large nvTd 1 displacements, but modelling the effects of mater: nonlinearity with varying degrees of accuracy. I Eulerian (chord) system forms the basis of derivatnn. and exact relations are used to establish transform: tions between chord and global systems /9, 10/. The tnr mulations, presented in detail in reference /9/. C described briefly hereafter.

* **

Imperial College, London, UK. Received aug. 1989, revised dec. 1989.



imperiection lx)

x I.

tiOn /10, 11/ revealed in reference 19/ that one quartic element can be equivalent in accuracy to two cubic ele ments. This has significant implications in savings in data preparation and computational time when using quartic instead of cubic elements to model nonlinear elastic members.

2.2 Pi





II dl I


displacements and imperfections

This is in u\lensiull to the elastic quartic lormula tion. dcseribed in 12.1). acCounting for the effects of


hin..e is coverned b a ( 1.i) plastic ntcr.ietion eur e. and the increments of plastic displ,icenienls obey the assoeijted flo rule. [his element t pe is suitable for preliminar inestigations and for dnakses where the material response is essentiall elasticplastic v ith no Strain hardening.



Actual chord deflections



This element assumes a cubic shape function in the chord system, and monitors stresses and strains at vari ous points across two Gaussian sections (Figure 2). The

c1 Chord forces


l. 1

Parameters of the quartic formulation.




Chord forces and displacements 1/2



This element is based on a quartic shape function in :he chord system (Figure 1), and is formulated to :rodei the beam-column effect as well as initial imper tections. The accuracy of this formulation is such that only one element per member needs he used for most trame problems as long as elasticity is retained. If plas one of two gcitv is detected, as the analysis .ltlferent procedures may be followed: a) Approximate procedure: Idealized discrete plas tie hinges are introduced at the ends of the element, .ith the option of subdivision into two new elements if plastic hinge has been detected within the element Icnght. The analysis is then continued using the plastic hinge quartie formulation described in (2.2). b) Accurate procedure: Plastic cubic elements, des cribed in (2.3), are inserted in pre-specified parts of the Origjflal element where yield has been detected in the extreme fibres, while the remaining unyielded parts are kept as elastic quartic elements. The analysis is then Continued using the new mesh configuration in place of the original one. A comparison in the elastic range between the quar tic formulation and the widely used cubic formula.,



4 y


2 p


Locations of the two Gaussian sections

Monitoring point (i) (c) Monitoring points for a rectangular section

Fig. 2

Parameters of the cubic formulation.

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Plastic loading

main use of this formulation is in parts of members undergoing plastic deformation, thus enabling th accurate assessment of the spread of yield along the member length and across the section depth. Adequa measures arc taken in the implementation to allow the use ol any material law. Currently, two material str 5 strain relationships arc in use. The first is based on bilinear elasticplastic model with kinematic strain har dening (Figure 3). While the second is the more e laborate multi-surface model /12/ which employs a virgin curve (Ku) and a cyclic curve (K,) with a weighting function (W) dependent on the accumulated plastg



Fig. 3

Bilinear elastic-plastic model.

resentation of material cyclic behaviour including the Bauschinger effect, softening under small strain ampli tudes, hardening under large strain amplitudes, and mean stress relaxation.

0 K
3. Program static analysis features






Frames can be analysed, using ADAPT, under s loads which are proportional or vary independently in pseudo-time. For both types of analysis, loads can he either applied nodal forces or prescribed nodal displa cements. For frames subjected to proportional loads, post-ultimate response can be predicted using contrI of nodes (global) or elements (local) displacements or rotations. The program accounts exactly for large nodal di placements, and performs elastic analysis using one elastic quartic element per member. Plasticity is checked continuously in the elements as the analysis proceeds, and if achieved, approximate or accurate pr cedures can be followed as described in the prcviuu section. The advantage of the approximate procedure that only one plastic hinge quartic element per memh. is needed, with the subdivision into two elements per formed only in the case of member buckling. On the other hand, the accurate procedure gives identical re suits to a detailed finite element analysis, with the vantage that finer meshing is automatically introduce if and where needed. The approximate and accura:c procedures can be used in the same analysis for diffeo ent members, thus providing the capability of modelling members independently, according to the importance of their role in the total frame response. The stiffness assembly and reduction, needed ts the iterative procedure, is performed using the ei established frontal solution method /13/. This meth has a particular advantage in the fact that no major optimization process is required after the subdivision an element into new elements. Moreover, the maximun increase of the front width is two nodes, regardless the number of subdivisions undertaken.

4. Static examples Weighting function

Fig. 4

Curves of multi-surface model.

Three examples are used to demonstrate some of the above-described facilities for static analysis.


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0 S 905 kM/rn )15n10kN





Geometric properties and Fig. 5a deflected shapes of beam under bending.

E. .10 kM


E.-10 kM

force F are solved. In all cases, bending moments up to M are applied, where M is the theoretical moment causing the beam to form a circle under pure bending. Load-deflection curves using two and four elastic quar tic elements are shown in Figure 5b for all three cases. These curves demonstrate that sufficient accuracy can he obtained using two elements, even at an excessive level of deformation.

End 1nPiO[f.1tfl 1



Load detlection curves of beam under bending.




A tubular beam-column subjected to an initial transverse load (Q) and cyclic axial displacements is shown in Figure 6. Analytical prediction of the res ponse using ADAPT is based on the accurate approach in which the cubic elements employ the multi-surface material model. The material properties were obtained ) 11 from reference /14! where a modified cyclic curve (K Favourable comparison is demonstrated in is proposed. Figure 6 between experimental and analytical results, with the difference mainly attributed to the effect of local buckling neglected by the analysis. The prediction of ADAPT is slightly higher than that of reference /14! at the compressive peaks, possibly due to implemen tation differences in the multi-surface material model.


Fig. 6

Tubular beam-column under cyclic loading.

4.1 E3esi


This large deformation elastic example, depicted in Figure 5a. shows a beam initially subjected to an axial force F and very large bending moments M at the ends. Three cases with different values for the initial axial

This is an example of a tubular braced frame which is loaded beyond its ultimate capacity, as shown in Figure 7. The frame buckles in its lower compression brace which has a parabolic imperfection distribution in the direction of buckling, with an amplitude of (L!5U0), Whereas the braces are modelled using the approxi mate or accurate procedure to accommodate plasticity, the rest of the frame is assumed to remain elastic. Initially, all the members are modelled using one elastic quartic element, hut when plasticity is detected, the specified procedure is followed. With the approximate procedure, only one plastic hinge quartic element is needed per brace, except for the buckled brace which is automatically subdivided into two elements. While with 35

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= () ({u,. A,}



{v,} +

(lj [





{uj) + (I

Fig. 7

. -





{rj +

7 2/3




Load dcflcction curve of plastic truss,

: nodal velocities vector at time (t) : nodal displacements vector at time y and f3: Newmarks parameters.

{ v,} { u,}


the accurate procedure, cubic elements employing the bilinear material model are inserted in any of the ten positions pre-specified for each brace if yield is detected in the extreme fibre. Figure 7 shows the loaddeflection curves obtained using the approximate pro cedure and the accurate procedure with and without strain-hardening. These curves demonstrate the postultimate analysis capability in ADAPT, and the accur acy of the plastic hinge quartic element in the case of insignificant strain-hardening. 5. Dynamic analysis Comprehensive dynamic analysis capabilities have been developed in ADAPT. The structure of the pro gram is improved significantly by the way in which mass and damping matrices are implemented. Separate nonstructural elements are used to calculate inertia and damping forces without any interference with the sta tics elements. This enables the analysis to proceed with any combination of static and dynamic represen tations (quartic, cubic with lumped or consistent cubic mass elements). Moreover, for elements with negligible mass, only the static part of the program is executed. Direct integration using the unconditionally stable Newmark method is used, with automatic time-step adjustment. The forcing function may be loads or dis placement time histories. Independent support motion is also possible, with displacements, velocities or accele rations. In the following sections, the program dynamic analysis capabilities are reviewed, followed by verifica tion examples to assess the accuracy and efficiency of the developed code, in comparison with existing analy sis packages.

5.2 MAss


The contribution of these elements to the structure global forces depends on their nodal acceleration, a given by the equation: } 1 {F where, {F } 1 [MJ

= [Me] {a.}


inertial forces contribution of mass ment (e)


{ u.}

: equivalent nodal mass matrix for eL ment (e) : nodal acceleration of element (e).

The equivalent static stiffness of mass elements 1K ). 1 is defined as follows: ] }=[K 1 {aF {u} where {Oue}: iterative increment of nodal displae ments of element (e) within time-step EAt). Hence, from equations (1), (3) and (4), the equive lent static stiffness of mass elements can be written

1=-1 [K [M1
Two types of mass elements are used in ADAPT:

5.2.1 Lumped mass element This element is suitable for representing the inert! forces of masses concentrated at structural nodes. i equivalent nodal mass matrix, [Mel, is a 3x3 maiL; given by:


m 0 0

0 m 0

0 0 0


The nodal accelerations and velocities at time (t+At) are obtained from the relationships presented by Newmark /15/.

where m: concentrated nodal mass. No rotary inertia is taken into account at the cur rent time.


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Cubic mass clement This element provides a simple yet reasonably eeurate representation of uniformly distributed mass. The formulation is derived in an Updated Lagrangian system, with cubic and linear distributions used for the :runsverse and axial displacements respectively. Its equivalent nodal mass matrix, [1}, is a 6 X 6 matrix sjven by:

damping of different nodes can he easily implemented. Since the program accounts for cyclic plasticity, as dis cussed in Section 2.3, hysteretic damping is included. Therefore, the accuracy of modelling other damping mechanisms has negligible effect on the obtained re sults. 5.3.1 Concentrated damping clement This element type represents viscous dashpot damp ing at individual nodes. The equivalent nodal damping matrix, [CJ. is a 3 x 3 matrix given by:

[T1F [M,] [TI


where, [T]

: transformation matrix of direction


0 1 3m. 35

t) 1 ImL:210

6 1 ,n

9m 70 l3mL/420

I3mL 420 /140 2 -mL

() (1

(12) 0 0 L 0 0 c j and C are damping coefficients in the where C. directions of the three global freedoms.
6. Program dynamic analysis features
As discussed before, the implementation of the

[c]= I

/105 2 1 lmL/210 mL 0

m,3 0 0


13m/35 -l lnzL210


/140 2 13,nLi42O mL

mLTI 05

here, in L

: element total mass : element lenght.

Although the cubic mass element provides a much n-ore realistic modelling of distributed mass than the lumped element, its accuracy is questionable for mem hers which become severely deformed (e.g. due to hoc sling). In such cases, two or more cubic mass elements need to be used per member. iS DaMpiNo ELEMENTS The contribution of these elements to the structure Tubal forces depends on their nodal velocities, as given 1w the equation: {FD}

dynamic formulations in ADAPT as separate (i.e. nonstructural) mass and damping elements has facilitated the full use in dynamic analysis of the previously deve loped static elements without an alteration to their features. However, an additional requirement for an accurate dynamic assessment is the proper choice of the time step (ult). which is largely dependent on the structure natural frequencies and modes of vibration. For this reason, an eigenvalue analysis capability based on Lanczos (16) algorithm has been implemented. and a facility for automatic reduction of (zJt) has been in cluded to overcome convergence difficulties.
7. Dynamic examples


7.1 El


[fl.J {J


{FD} {CJ

{ t,}

: forces contribution of damping ele ment (c) : equivalent nodal damping matrix for element (e) : nodal velocities of element (e).

The equivalent static stiffness of damping elements. j, 0 K is defined as: {Ff)}


[K,)] {u}


Hence, from equations (2), (9) and (10), the equiva lent static stiffness of damping elements can he rewrit ten as:

An Eigenvalue analysis is performed for a free beam to determine four of its fundamental frequencies (three bending and one axial). The beam is modelled using elastic quartie structural elements combined with cubic mass elements. Four different meshes are used to study the eigenvalue characteristics of the mass ele ment. The results, given along with the theoretical solu tion in Table I. show the increase in accuracy with additional elements, and demonstrate that two cubic mass elements are sufficient br first mode represen tation. It should he noted, however, that for structures comprising a number of members, one mass element n, i member gives a good tirst mode representatio of mass is the governing since the global distribution lactor.

[KI)1=-fr [C]




Only concentrated damping elements are currently Used in ADAPT. Additional element types relating to the

An elastic clamped heam is subjected to a dynamic step load of 640 lbs at its mid-length, as shown in 37

table I



S.d 333.



I S.inni





tIndIflg. .i




Figure 8. 1 he time response ol the beam was blamed 7/ using h\ e 8noded plane by Nlondkar and Powell half the span with lumped mass idea stress elements in hzanon, and emplovng \ewmarks time iniegration with ( = 1/1. / = 1/2 and It = 5)) usee. The response as predicted by Al)A PT is obtained using quart ie elastic elements v dli three eases of O!i\5 idealization in half the span. The first ease, similar to the idealization in reference /17:. uses live lumped mass elements and the same time integral on procedure. Excellent agreement with the results of reference 17/ is demonstrated in Figure S. The second ease employs a distributed mass idealization using three cubic mass elements. s hich implies that the number of structural elements is also reduced to three quartie elements. This results in 177 reduction in CPU time over the first ease while main taining the same level of accuracy. The third case employs two cubic elements only. thus saving 25 of CPU time while still providing a good approximation of the response.

Fig. S load.

Dvn!inlie response ol elastic beam siil1jeele!l to

3 Iep

R33 33 ,33H p

kSI i3 332 P 3OOH

a Fig. 9

Ela.tie trame (7,

0.3t7 see).


Sv.icumotiogs ELASTiC FRAME





An elastic frame, depicted in Figure 9a. is subjected to synchronous and asynchronous ground excitation using the Gazli earthquake (USSR, May 19/6). For the synchronous case, the earthquake record is applied simultaneously at the two supports (a) and (h). The absolute and relative responses of the frame as 1 obtained by ADAPT and PAFEC IS are presented in and 9d. The prediction of PAFEC is in ex Figures 9c cellent agreement with that of ADAPT, even though geometric nonlinearities are not allowed for n PAFEC. This agreement is expected. however, since vertical loads, which amplify geometrically nonlinear effects, are not applied to the frame. For the asynchronous case, a shear wave velocity of 150 msec is used. This results in a time delay of 0.08 sec in the ground motion input at support (b). as shown in Figure 9e. The response predictions of ADAPT and PAFEC compare favourably for this case as well, as g demonstrated by Figures 9 and 9h. The dynamic com ponent of the response. plotted in Figure 9i. shows a similar variation to that of the synchronous case in Figure 9d, but with a scaling factor of approximately (V/2). The reason is that a time delay of 0.08 sec represents approximately a phase angle of (.r4)

Fig. 9b

Displacement history of the Gazli earthquake.


Fig. 9c Absolute displacement of node (c) for svnchronou excitation.



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Fig. 9d
Displacement of node (c) relative to support (a)


under synchronous excitation.

Fig. 9h Displacement of node (c) relative to support (a) under asynchronous excitation.


....luppsrl SupporT

a A




Fig. 9i
Fig, 9e Displacement histories at supports under asynchro nous excitation (time lag=0.08 seconds).

Dynamic component of displacement at node (c)

under asynchronous excitation.

between the inputs at the two supports when the funda mental mode (T sec) of the structure is con =0.317 0 sidered.




Fig. 9f Relative support movement under asynchronous excitation,


TN l)sec)

Fig. 9g

Absolute displacement of node (c) under asynchro

flOus excitation.

A three storey frame, depicted in Figure lOa, is sub jected to the Gazli earthquake. The elastic and elasto plastic responses of the frame are studied using ADAPT and LUSAS /19/. Gravitational forces are ap plied to the frame, and the earthquake is applied as inertia forces at the lumped masses positions, since LUSAS does not have the facility for applying accele rations at the supports. For the elastic case, only one element per member is used in both ADAPT and LUSAS, and the time integration is performed using Ai=6667 sec. The lateral drift of the top floor relative to the supports as predicted by the two programs is plotted in Figure 10 b, where excellent agreement is demonstrated, It is noted, however, that LUSAS requires 4 hrs 53 mins CPU time as compared to 15 mins required by ADAPT. For the elastoplastic case, the frame is analysed by ADAPT using the approximate and accurate pro cedures. For both cases the frame is initially modelled using quartic elastic elements and 6 lumped mass ele ments. With the approximate procedure, plastic hinges are introduced during the analysis at locations where

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fig. lila frame.


1.. i.. of
mulii-storc M 3ciim. of mu ii s1orc or omc or b analysis using AI)APT.

Geometric and dynamic propeilies

ci cLopI 1st I

00 so-f Loi






(Approma:e proedue
IAcaIe proeAeI




11+1111 If l, I II ti




15 I


so I

Fig. lOb

Dynamic elastic response of multi-storey frame. Fig. IDe frame. Dynamic elastoplastic response of multi-stores




(Elaslc) {PlasSc hngel ii ii II II I secl


331 201



i I\ II

analysis using LUSAS was terminated at t 2.5 se after 9 hrs 30 mins CPU time had been consumed. compared to 20 mins and 1 hr 20 mins required h ADAPT for the entire earthquake. using the appru\i mate and accurate procedures respectively.

Fig. IDe Comparison between elastic and elastoplastic res ponse of multi-storey frame.

8. Conclusions The advancement of design guidance, making use the nonlinear response of structures, necessitates iL development of accurate and efficient analysis capahiIi ties. Such tools should take into account the large di. placement response as well as material nonlinearitk.. while retaining efficiency A new adaptive dynamic analysis capability has hecii developed and presented above. The comparative stu dies described in Sections 4 and 7 demonstrate th accuracy and efficiency of the developed program. 1 optimum flow-chart and structuring of the progri:; coupled with automatic mesh refinement and time-stc ping, renders this program a valuable tool for the rc listic nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures on rnicro computers.

plasticity is detected. While with the accurate pro cedure. cubic elements employing the bilinear material model without strain hardening are inserted automati cally by the program in locations where yielding is detected. Comparison between the two approaches in Figure lOe demonstrates the accuracy of the approxi mate plastic hinge procedure when strain hardening is negligible. The elastoplastic case is also analysed using LUSAS. The frame is modelled using 10 elastoplastic finite elements per member, since the locations of plas ticity are assumed to he unknown beforehand. The

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The static part of ADAPT was developed with par tial funding from the Steel Construction Institute, \cOt, Berkshire, United Kingdom. The authors are aratcful for the support and encouragement given by irs. Ci. Billington and J.K. Ward of the above organi ation. The authors are also grateful for the support provided by the Edmund Davis fund of the University London.

/8/ Castiglioni C. A. Di Palma N., Steel Members under Cyclic Loads: Numerical Modelling and Experimental Verification, Costruzioni Metal liche, No. 6, 1988, pp. 288-312. /9/ Izzuddin B. A., Elnashi A. S., Ward J. K., Dowling P. J., Inelastic Large Displacements Analysis of Steel Frames, ESEE/SCI Research Report, No. ESEE 88/4, Earthquake Engineering Imperial Col lege, London, United Kingdom., Nov. 1988. /10/ Wen R. K., Rahimzadeh J., Nonlinear Elastic Frame Analysis by Finite Element, ASCE, Jour nal of Structural Engineering, vol. 109, No, ST8, /11/ Jennings A., Frame Analysis Including Change of Geometry, ASCE, Journal of the Structural Div ision, vol. 94, No. ST3, March 1968, pp. 627-644. /12/ Popov E. P., Petersson H., Cyclic Metal Plasticity: Experiments and Theory, ASCE, Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, Vol. 104, No, EM6, Dec. 1978, pp. 1371-1388. /13/ Irons B. M., A Frontal Solution Program for Finite Element Analysis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 2, 1970, pp. 5-32. /14/ Mizuno F., Kato M., Fukumoto Y., Multi-surface Model Application to Beam-columns Subjected to Cyclic Loads, Journal of Constructional Steel Re search, Vol. 7, 1987, pp. 253-277. /15/ Newmark N. M., A Method of Computation for Structural Dynamics, ASCE, Journal of the Engi neering Mechanics Division, Vol. 85, EM3, July 1959, pp. 67-94. /16/ Hughes T. J. R., The Finite Element Method, Linear Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analy sis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987. /17/ Mondkar D. P., Powell G. H., Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Static and Dynamic Res ponse, International Journal for Numerical Meth ods in Engineering, Vol. 11, 1977, pp. 499-520. /18/ PAFEC, Linear Analysis Program, User Manual, PAFEC Ltd., Nottingham, U.K. /19/ LUSAS, Finite Element Analysis System, User Manual, FEA Ltd., Surrey, U.K.


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