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Franky Goes To Court www.frankygoestocourt.

com 6/21/12 To be hand delivered day of first appearance Crown Attorney Office of the Crown Attorney Judicial District of York Region 50 Eagle Street West Newmarket, On L3Y 6B1 From accused Frank Gallagher 34 Riverglen Drive Keswick On L4P 2P8 Canada Re: Incident # 12-154994 Reference

I would like to consult with my assigned independent defence lawyer please

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency,

of no force or effect.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General Puppet Attorney General The Attorney General is the chief law officer of the Executive Council. The responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other Cabinet member. The role has been referred to as "judicial-like" and as the "guardian of the public interest". 1

It would appear the Attorney General is solely responsible for the illegal Legal System, However, it is the Legislature and Parliament that issue policy and enact the laws inconsistent with the Constitution such as Law Society Act

RUN Responsibly Unaccountable Nuances Attorney General, guardian of the public interest 13. (1) The Attorney General for Ontario shall serve as the guardian of the public interest in all matters within the scope of this Act or having to do in any way with the practice of law in Ontario or the provision of legal services in Ontario, and for this purpose he or she may at any time require the production of any document or thing pertaining to the affairs of the Society. R.S.O. 1990, c. L.8, s. 13 (1); 1998, c. 21, s. 7 (1); 2006, c. 21, Sched. C, s. 13. Admissions (2) No admission of any person in any document or thing produced under subsection (1) is admissible in evidence against that person in any proceedings other than proceedings under this Act. R.S.O. 1990, c. L.8, s. 13 (2); 1998, c. 21, s. 7 (2). Protection of Minister (3) No person who is or has been the Attorney General for Ontario is subject to any proceedings of the Society or to any penalty imposed under this Act for anything done by him or her while exercising the functions of such office. R.S.O. 1990, c. L.8, s. 13 (3); 1998, c. 21, s. 7 (3). The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available. Responsibility for Court Administration (s. 5(c)) A key component of the Attorney General's responsibilities to ensure the administration of justice in the province is the administration of the courts and as a result the responsibility for maintaining liaison with the judiciary. Given the fundamental importance of the independence of the judiciary, the responsibility for courts administration is often a very sensitive and delicate issue. Great care and respect for the principles of judicial

independence must be exercised in this area.

Ultimately the Attorney General is accountable to the people of the province, through the Legislature, for decisions relating to criminal prosecutions. Such accountability can only occur, of course, once the prosecution is completed or

when a final decision has been made not to prosecute.

Victim As a Victim 6/30/05 Attorney General refused to prosecute and legislature refused to hold him accountable

**************************************** On 6/21/12 Franky Goes to Court as the


The responsibility is to present the case fairly

- not necessarily to convict. This is a fundamental precept of criminal law, even if it is not a particularly well-understood concept among the general public. One of the Attorney General's responsibilities in fostering public respect for the rule of law, is to assist the public in understanding the nature and limits of the prosecutorial function. However any decisions relating to the conduct of individual prosecutions must be the Attorney General's alone and independent of the traditional Cabinet decision making process. In practice, in the vast majority of cases, these decisions are made by the Attorney General's agents,

the Crown Attorneys.

An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's responsibility in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to represent the public interest - which includes not only the community as a whole and the victim,

but also the accused.

The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available.
The Attorney General's authority, therefore, is not only to conduct litigation in cases directly affecting the government or its agencies but also to litigate cases where there is

a clear matter of public interest or public rights at stake.

This has been characterized as a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the public interest is well and

independently represented.
It may involve interventions in private litigation or Charter challenges to legislation, even if the arguments conclude that the legislation does contravene constitutionally protected rights. Copy of Registered Mail to Ontario Attorney General John Gerretsen Attached 3

"He who is sincere hits what is right, and apprehends without the exercise of thought"

Tuesday, February 13 Organization: Release: Law Society of Upper Canada

TORONTO, Feb. 12 /CNW/ - The Treasurer of the Law Society of Upper Canada, Gavin MacKenzie, today expressed the Law Society's continuing concern over the need

for a well-funded and sustainable system of legal aid

in Ontario.
"We believe that the right of vulnerable citizens to legal assistance is an important component of the administration of justice in a free and democratic society," the Treasurer said. "Since the Ontario Legal Aid Plan was founded in 1967, the Law Society has recognized that legal aid should be considered a right, not a charitable gift, and that individuals

are equal before the law

if they are assured the option of legal representation."
"More than a million Ontarians benefit from Legal Aid Ontario every year, many of them through our excellent clinic system", he added. "Legal aid also helps many vulnerable Ontarians with family law, criminal law, workers' compensation, immigration, landlord-tenant and other legal issues." But there are still many thousands of individuals in Ontario who cannot afford legal services and do not qualify for support from the system. The income threshold is far too low - if you earn just over $13,000 a year you are too rich to qualify for legal aid. We are alarmed by the dramatic increase in the number of people who try to represent themselves in court without the benefit of legal representation or advice about their rights.

Others simply give up their right to a fair hearing. For all of these people, access to justice is denied."
What Ontario lawyers perceived in the 1920s, what the Joint Committee expressed in the 1960s, and what many people experience first-hand in Ontario courts every day, is that

individuals are equal before the law only if they are assured
the option of representation by counsel. In a democratic society, everyone should be able to participate fully in society and

have their rights protected.

Canada has an adversarial justice system that anticipates two roughly equal parties presenting their cases before a judge in a court of law. What happens if there is an imbalance of power between the two parties? When an Ontarian cannot afford to hire a lawyer,

an imbalance of power exists,


when the state is one of the parties,

as in criminal law and child protection cases. Legal aid attempts to correct this imbalance by providing low-income individuals with legal representation.

The legal aid system contributes the potential for equal protection and benefit of the law for the poor and disadvantaged in our society.

to ensuring
The following was published on the web Legal Associates | Everyone Deserves Equal Justice We give Everyone Equal Access Etched above the doors of the US Supreme Court are the words

"Equal Justice Under Law."

It's one of the basic principles of democracy. Unfortunately, in reality we receive about as much justice as we can afford. The wealthiest ten percent can afford to have a lawyer on retainer, and are accustomed to consulting with one before making decisions. On the other hand, the bottom ten percent has access to public aid. But what about the rest of

For most people, the idea of calling a lawyer before taking legal action or making an important decision just isn't an option -- either because we think we don't need one or because it would simply cost too much. But there is a solution. Legal Associates is currently serving the legal needs of well over one million families for less than a dollar a day! Content copyright 2009. Legal Associates. All rights reserved.

So I sent them an e-mail

From: Frank Gallagher [] Sent: October-22-09 2:31 PM 5

To: 'Jesse Magee' Subject: RE: Legal Associates | Feldman, Kramer & Monico Obviously any lawyer is in the business to cash in on the illegal administration and enforcement of purported to be democratic governments that demands equality and they publicly proclaim it, but do not enforce it, whereas private sector lawyers are set up to debate the non-debatable permitted by the obvious criminal frauds as you people admit on your site as I am well aware that a person can buy or rent all the rights they can afford, with the legal profession profiting from the woes of society that the legal system responsible to deal with it refuse to do so. The root of societys woes is the illegitimate legal system as CanLaw a Canadian national Lawyer referral service states on their front page that the Law Society cannot be trusted as they protect their members not the consumer. I went on to read more published on their site that gave me the crazy idea that they would help me in exposing the illegitimate legal system and they confirmed that I was a wild and crazy guy It is time to change to a legitimate government legal system that protects every individuals equality democratic rights internally as financed by the taxpayer to do so. I am Frank Gallagher Director/Operations Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc. federally incorporated to Solicit Victims of Crime for Class Action Suits against Government Personnel whereas the majorities are victims 80 percent as you publish. Having clearly documented corporation organized crime have now disolved Charter Democracy Force Justice Inc. We are operating under company name 1 LIFE www.1life.cC and have the site being professionally developed to sell membership and C-Note certificates for the express purpose to organize the majority providing them the democratic voice they are entitled to with equality, an entity every individual of the majority desires but not a probability unless equally supported to ensure the governments consistently enforce it. The Law Society is going down and abrupt change is imminent, not having a leg to stand on in an informed populace. I am considering attempting to bring a Law Firm on side with us though seemingly a venture into futility but nothing ventured, nothing gained. I provide you the opportunity to scrutinize my sites for consideration and eagerly await your response, though well aware of the depth of thought required to do an about face and the length of time it will take to study the evidence to be coherent to the validity and firmness of the rationale that can only conclude with the collapse of the present government legal systems once the public become informed. Please acknowledge receipt and your intention whether or not to consider Thank you Frank I published on my Scribd site and not long after poof their web site was gone 6

Not much longer "Double Poof" the document along with 250 others on my Scribd site were gone

6/11/12 Registered received 6/12/12 Contact on Line 6/8/12 Aprox. 7:40 PM Attorney General John Gerretsen Ministry of the Attorney General McMurtry-Scott Building 720 Bay Street, 11th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2S9 From accused Frank Gallagher 34 Riverglen Drive Keswick Ont L4P 2P8 Canada Re: Incident # 12-154994 Reference Dear John I would like to consult with my assigned independent defense lawyer please 15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law

without discrimination
and, in particular,

without discrimination
based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. 7

An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's responsibility in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to represent the public interest - which includes not only the community as a whole and the victim,

but also the accused.

The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available.

Legal Aid Illegal

Ipso Facto Prima Facia Evidence Exposed


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