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1. Harper-ish anti-imperial guerilla-rebel freedom fighter; seeks to bring down the empire and replace it with self-governed allied nation-states that respect individual rights and work together to advance magically/scientifically and find an equilibrium with nature and each other 2. Orphan street-thief; mother died at a young age, father is an unknown military elf, grew up stealing from imperial personnel. 3. Works with and promotes the rebels; best friend and lover is Leyalore a young rebel-sympathizer elf trader whom he gets information and goods from; cautiously friends with Thirsten, has a minor under-the-counter business relationship with Nox. 4. Seeks to find his father and kill the bastard (along with many other elves and select human imperialists but dad foremost). 5. Secretly desires to become a legend/folk hero/eidolon that will inspire people in the future to rise up, do what is right, and fight the powers that be (if necessary)

1. Kill his father 2. Bring down the empire/replace it with something better

1. Naturally, Leyalore is an imperial spy who mines Antares for information about the rebels. She may or may not actually have feelings for him. She is also the mother of his child, which could be used against him he is not only unaware that her child is his, he is unaware that she ever had a child. (As a trader, she is gone for long periods of time) 2. Antares has killed innocents twice, once intentionally and once accidentally. He intentionally murdered an innkeeper informant of his who leaked info to imperial agents (he later found out she had been tortured/interrogated, and had never actually named him as a rebel) he thought she was a traitor (he didn't have evidence). He accidentally caused the death of a family of humans when he set fire to a storehouse used and inhabited by imperials (whom he had witnessed doing evil things) he didn't know they were keeping a family of suspected rebels captive in it (he blocked the door after the imperials entered). Both incidents haunt him continually. He doesn't believe he can ever make up for them, but they further motivate him to do right.

Frienemy: Leyalore female elf trader (and imperial spy) whom he loves,

and can provide info (possibly false) and goods.

Friend: Esphral Videntas male human ex-soldier rancher whose family was
killed by imperials. He helped Antares fight imperial soldiers who were blackbagging villagers. He allows Antares to hide out on his land and store caches there. Something of a father figure probably the only person from his area who would be willing to take risks to help him or defend him, if necessary.

Friend(s): Lunarii, a white giant-owl, and Esper, a sprite. Both live in nearby
forests. Antares freed them from imperial-sponsored hunter/poachers. They can provide information, scouting, and information-relaying. Antares is not close to them, he is rarely out in the forests, and he has no quick way to summon them when he needs them. He feels guilty asking them for help, since he believes they don't know what they are getting into if they choose to help him, even if he tries to explain the situation as best he can in terms they might understand.

Enemy: Eoleth Nematar male elf imperial inquisitor (not necessarily the
class), a rebel-hunter who is after Antares in particular (he doesn't know exactly what Antares looks like, however). The most competent enemy Antares has. He holds a personal grudge against Antares, who has lost much to him. He was getting closer and closer to catching Antares before the empire decided to fucking blow up the town. He does not pursue Antares full-time, he has other missions/goals as well. For whatever reason, Leyalore does not provide Eoleth with any information, if they even know of each other.

1. His mother dying from illness when he was a young child. She was the only family he had. From then on he had to basically raise himself. As a half-elf, he knew no one would take him in and he refused to be a part of the empire. This was the most pivotal moment of his life, her suffering is what motivated him to become what he is. 2. Meeting Leyalore for the first time, at a forest shrine to (elf god) at night. They had much in common and he was instantly greatly attracted to her. It is his fondest memory. He has spent many nights outside, even in poor weather, because that night inspired a love of the sky/stars/night, and that's when they always meet. 3. A night spent in a tavern booth conversing with a traveling elf sage who changed the way Antares saw the world, inspired some of his ideals, and showed him that there is good among evil and evil among good, and that one must look past appearances and circumstances to see the truth.

Life, Death, and Beyond

1. Who were your parents?: Celra, his human mother. She died from malnutrition and illness. His father is an unknown military elf. 2. Do you have any reviled or celebrated ancestors?: He barely knows of his human ancestors not even his mothers parents names. He knows nothing of his father (other than that he's an elf and imperial). The townspeople who knew his mother were nice but distant they didn't want much to do with a rape-victim raising an illegitimate half-elf, and weren't much willing to help. Of course, nobody likes the fact than an elf raped a human woman and left a half-breed behind. 3. Do you have any siblings?: None that he knows of. 4. What was your childhood like?: Hard. Even when his mother was alive, they barely got by. He learned to be friendly, and therefore made connections and friends, but never had a real friend in childhood. He made friends during adolescence, but they were outcasts like himself and either left town, got professions, or got killed by imperials many aged before him. Antares had trouble with pretty much every authoritarian/empire-supporting/selfish person in town, but nothing that lasted long enough (or escalated high enough) to become something noteworthy. Antares has no role models, in fact, he seeks to become one of sorts. He never witnessed anything of historical import until his town was burnt down. 5. Were you wealthy or poor growing up?: Poor as dirt. 6. Can you read and write?: Yes. Antares has taught himself several languages (with some assistance). 7. Have you ever been married or coupled to another?: He has a relationship with Leyalore. 8. Did you practice any trades before becoming an adventurer?: Antares grew up as a street-thief; he learned many skills during this time, but none that were trades. 9. Who trained you in your current skills?: Antares mostly trained himself, he may have had limited training under others, learning a tip or trick here and there, but never had an actual trainer. 10. Do you have any close friends?: Only Leyalore. Antares would go to great lengths to keep her from harm, but he knows she is highly self-capable and respects her independence. Antares would do much for any person he trusts, and is willing to risk his life to help even those he does not know, provided they are not evil or otherwise deserving of their fates. 11. Do you have any bitter enemies?: Imperials and their agents. The empire (and specifically those who carry out its' will) are guilty of a great deal of evil in

Antares' eyes. He has and will continue to kill them. 12. What are your goals and dreams in life?: Covered in Concepts. Adventuring will provide the skills/experience/resources/allies/infamy to accomplish his goals. 13. Do you have any retirement plans?: No. Antares expects to die doing what he does. He avoids thinking about it. He feels guilty about this because of Leyalore he doens't think he can be there for her forever. 14. How do you feel about killing?: In general, Antares prefers not to kill, but often does, believing that a villain left alive is a danger to future victims. He kills more than he would like, sometimes without losing sleep, sometimes it plagues him forever. 15. How do you feel about death?: Antares does not fear death, he only fears his enemies succeeding in his absence (and innocents suffering for it). He has goals he wants to accomplish before dying, and they are great and unlikely goals. He knows next to nothing about the afterlife, and hasn't given it much thought. If asked, he remarks with a smirk that he hopes there is an eternal paradise he can be admitted to that doesn't have all this bullshit.

1. What are your moral or religious beliefs?: Antares has a strong urge to right wrongs, guided more by instinct and gut feelings than by any system or doctrine however he has learned to see patterns . He simply feels like being good, and so is. He feels guilty when decreasing the quality of life of others, and vice versa. If he had been born a human, living the same life but with a mother and a father, he most likely wouldn't have such strong motivations and would be nothing more than a simple good-natured peasant. He is willing to risk his life to do what he thinks/feels is right. 2. If opposing religions exist, how do you feel about them?: He is not aligned with any churches or other organizations, but he is opposed to evil and tyranny in all forms. He doesn't feel much mercy for selfish (if non-evil) folk of any kind, either. 3. Do you get along with other members of your church or belief system?: Antares doesn't believe that he knows anyone who feels the way he does. The rebels share his dislike of the empire, but he believes they act out of a desire of independence for themselves and their own people/land, not out of a desire to better the world or from a belief in freedom for all. If any do, that he knows of, then he probably gets along with them he can be friendly, and wants to know others who believe in what he believes.


1. What are your personality traits and personal habits?: Antares is usually silent and observant, preferring small subtle actions that nudge events in the right direction, but he often has to boldly step up and take a direct stance to keep immediate wrongs from happening, abandoning his preferred method. He has a dry, subtle sense of humor, often remarking to something sarcastically or deadpanning. He is quick to laugh when fate throws something bad his way at exactly the wrong moment he expects it, thinking that the world itself must have a cruel sense of humor. Many see him as sinister or strange, others see him as cold or grim. Some admire his fox-like traits. A few hate him for his underhanded tactics and lack of honor. 2. Do you have any distinctive physical traits?: He looks stereotypically halfelven, in nearly every way. He has a handful of scars, mostly cuts knives/swords/broken glass/wood. Nothing truly distinctive. He looks like he's had an interesting life, for what that's worth. 3. Do you get along with other people?: Generally not. Most people simply do not see things the way he does, and he cannot abide their submission to fate and circumstance. He finds many people to be callous and uncaring, or else cowardly and self-serving. Most people who know of him consider him dangerous and do not trust him which isn't to say that he's not trustworthy. 4. How do you treat other people?: Most people he encounters or deals with are treated fairly and with a basic amount of respect, unless they prove to him to be unworthy of it. When meeting a random stranger, he is typically distant or closed, but still displays a sense of humor and warmth. Antares doesn't expect people to be pleasant or enjoyable, so he is rarely upset when around someone who isn't. Domineering, cruel, and vindictive people quickly enrage him (if silently he isn't one to verbalize his feelings). 5. Do you have a daily routine? How do you react to its interruption?: No. Antares expects every day to be different, and even when he has precise plans/intentions, he still expects surprises and is rarely fazed by them. Some days he sleeps till nightfall, other days he is out and actively pursuing his goals. Sometimes he ventures into nearby forests for days at a time, sometimes he is about town in disguise, mixing and mingling with complete strangers for hours on end. If something happens to make him change his plans, he sees it as a pleasant surprise as excitement, even a challenge. It's one of his main joys in life daily spontaneity and surprise. 6. Do you have any mental quirks or illnesses, such as phobias or obsessions?: He is highly vengeful of people who have intentionally committed wrongs the punishment on such could be described as an obsession, going out of his way and taking risky, even unnecessary actions. Antares is mercurial and deviant many would say unbalanced, wild, or crazy. He doesn't know it yet, but he is terrified of the ocean, though he knows he is afraid of dark water. He is borderline paranoid. He hates spiders and insects, going out of his way to kill one if spotted. He frequently oscillates between cynicism and hope. He cannot abandon an

innocent person to a fate that he can possibly prevent, even if trying to do so is a terrible idea. Most people find him either annoying, uncomfortably intense, demanding/exhausting - if they actually know him he is often undercover or in disguise. The people he's helped often see him differently, of course.

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