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14 t h NO V

Compensat e overeat ing by using diet pills?

Posted by admin under Weightloss news

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N o ve mb e r 14 , 2012 We ig ht lo ss ne ws N o C o mme nt s C o mme nt s Fe e d

Compulsive (uncontrollable) overeating is another type of eating disorder. People with this problem eat even when they are not hungry. They usually eat because of some emotional need. They may be anxious, angry, depressed, or lonely. In other words, they eat for the wrong reasons. These people often gain huge amounts of weight. The weight gain then makes them more emotionally distressed. Some people become so depressed over their weight that they do not want to live. Angelina was one such person. She became obsessed with food. This started after a bout with anorexia during high school. Angelina said she got mixed messagesfood was good for you, and it was bad for you. This caused her to eat excessively, but to feel guilty about it. This type of behavior is typical of obsessive overeaters. They often feel good when they eat and bad after they eat. Then they eat even more because it makes them feel good again. But, of course, they feel guilty about that, and. It is a never- ending cycle.

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Tags: obsessive overeaters

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