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Terms and names significance. 1. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out on an expedition to find the end of the new American nation. They were the original pioneers of the west, and they were among the first of the American settlers to see the Pacific Ocean. They basically showed to the rest of America that there was much more to be seen of this great nation, and thus inspired a Westward Expansion movement that would span the duration of the next century. 2. Aaron Burr almost became our third President. Aaron Burr was a New York lawyer, politician who was Thomas Jefferson's running mate. Under the election law at the time, the highest electoral vote getter becomes President, and the second highest becomes vice president. 3. John Marshall shaped constitutional law and made the Supreme Court a center of power, establishing the concept of judicial review. That is the significance of his service in the Virginia legislature. . 4. The Judiciary Act of 1801 was representative of the power struggle between the Federalist (founded by Hamilton) and Democratic-Republican (founded by Jefferson) parties for control of United States government in the early 19th-century. . 5. Midnight Judges refers to the judicial appointments made by President John Adams just before he was succeeded by President Thomas Jefferson. . 6. Marbury v. Madison was one of the defining cases of the U.S. Supreme Court. Marbury was a man who was appointed immediately before Madison took office. Madison replaced him with one of his own appointees when he took office, and Marbury sued, claiming he could not be removed under the terms of the Constitution. Madison claimed that as president, he had the right to interpret the Constitution. The Supreme Court found that the executive branch had no such rights. 7. It implies the power of federal courts to consider or overturn any congressional and state legislation or other official governmental action deemed inconsistent with the Constitution, Bill of Rights, or federal law. 8. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 doubled the size of the United States, gave the country complete control of the port of New Orleans, and provided territory for westward expansion. This was purchased unconstitutionally by Thomas Jefferson.

Louisiana purchase the Lewis and Clark Expedition Doubled the size of the country. provided useful information about the new territory.

Writing the declaration

Brought rule and regulations to the country.


The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States while Lewis are Clark were the first to map the new land. It stopped the expansion for about a year.

4. It established the courts ability to rule if something was constitutional, although

ironically a president could ignore something like that since the courts have no way to impose their will on the president. Kind of funny although tradition usually keeps presidents who have any hope of a political future in check.

5. It shows that there were more beautiful places out there in the new territory. It
also showed how good the new west area was.

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