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THE SECOND COMING We have all heard the statement what would Jesus do; my personal feeling is that

this particular statement is often abused and used indiscriminately by many that neither practice what they preach nor truly care what the true meaning entails. In the Second Coming who would actually arrive? Jesus, himself, was a Rabbi and a Jew. Most of the disciples died as Jews. Paul built the foundation for the following of what we now know as Christianity. In thinking about the Second Coming there are important questions that must be pondered. Those embracing the concept of The Rapture may be somewhat unaware of the possibilities. Certainly qualification isn't rhetoric or the possession of the appropriate bumper sticker. Qualification also will not resolved by where you go to church. Likely if there be a Second Coming it will not be readily recognized by the multitude waiting. Likely it will come in an unexpected form; remember how it went down the first time. Jesus was of the House of David and the Savior of the Second Coming will be of that same house. Herein lies the complexity. After Two Thousand years the world has changed and over that time a very mobile population has created a number of possible permutations. Basically we would first look at the House of David as the more dominant option since many of that house still retain there Jewish heritage. Will this be acceptable by those Christians so eager for the rapture. Technically Jews are still waiting for the first Savior so a Second Coming adds further complexity. The very considerable social and cultural mobility of Two Thousand years has created a multitude of additional candidates. It is very possible that a Branch of the House of David did meld into the early formation of Christianity or at a latter time descendents converted. This is the Christian option possibly as dominant as the Jewish option, but no more than on equal footing. Yet would Christians even a Christian Savior? Most say yes, but again remember what happened the last time. The Savior would be a person of the people and not of any establishment. Don't look for any Savior opting for Catholicism, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist or any of the recognized religions including Anglican. The Savior of the Second Coming will likely rise from common roots definitely some number removed from David. This Savior can arise any where in the world where the Christian religion is Practiced. A child from Africa, South America, Europe, or the Pacific Rim might be the future of faith. America may not be the birth place. How will any society accept a Savior not of their own culture let alone not of their particular brand of Christianity. The obstacles are tremendous close to home; imagine the hurdles to clear when foreign heritage is faced. These options of course follow the expectation of the two major faiths which birthed the concept. Yet other complications come to mind. What of those of the House of David who

converted to Muslim or even Buddhist. Considering the movement of descendents over time one can't be sure of where they may turn up. Might The Savior be of other than Jewish or Christian faith must be pondered. This option can not be considered an impossibility however remote one considers the chances. The acceptance of possible candidates outside the Hebrew or Christian religions cannot be considered to be well received. We do not know if a Second Coming will occur, when it may occur, where it may occur, or the circumstance under which it will occur. Unless individuals ponder the possibilities they will not recognize their Savior and in fact could through their ignorance become like the Pharisees becoming tormenters and prosecutors of that which they think they want. Indeed will the Savior be a man. The writing from 400 AD and interpretation may leave room for the possibility. Considering the failure we all have experienced when communication occurs did they get the wording absolutely correct. Dogmatic response will be a unqualified yes it is correct. Reason and logic say this needs further thought. Remember the last time around and beware.

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