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Magenta - 4th June 1859

This scenario was developed by Martin Soilleux-Cardwell. The map has is supplied by Bill Haggart. Orders of Battle Franco-Piedmontese Army, H.M. the Emperor Napoleon III, Monarch 49,518 inf, 1,507 cav, 84 guns. Imperial Guard Corps, Genl Saint Jean D'Angely, CC Corps Troops * Reserve Artillery M6[ ][ ]sb-h

1st Division, Genl Mellinet, DC Ex=6 (6055) * Zouaves de la Garde * 1e Grenadiers * 2e Grenadiers * 3e Grenadiers * Grenadier Division Artillery M6[ ][ ][ ]* M6[ ][ ][ ]g* M6[ ][ ][ ]g* M6[ ][ ][ ]g* M6[ ][ ]rml-f

2nd Division, Genl Camou, DC Ex=8 (8168) * Chasseurs de la Garde M6[ ][ ]ss * 1e Voltigeurs M6[ ][ ][ ][ ]* * 2e Voltigeurs M6[ ][ ][ ]* * 3e Voltigeurs M6[ ][ ][ ][ ]* * 4e Voltigeurs M6[ ][ ][ ]* * Voltigeur Division Horse Artillery M6[ ][ ]rml-f Cavalry Division (part), Genl Morris, DC Ex=none * Chasseurs a Cheval de la Garde (part) M6[ ]sk (110) * Guard Horse Artillery Battery M6[ ]rml-f 2nd Corps, Genl MacMahon, CC Corps Troops * 4e et 7e Chasseurs a Cheval * Reserve Artillery M5[s][s]lt (1,097) M5[ ][ ]sb-h

1st Division, Genl de la Motterouge, DC Ex=9 (9306)

* 1e Turcos * 45e Ligne * 65e Ligne * 70e Ligne * 1st Division Artillery

M6[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ]rml-f

2nd Division, Genl Epinasse, DC Ex=10 (9460) * 11e Chasseurs * 71e Ligne * 72e Ligne * 2e Zouaves * 1e Regt Etranger (2 bns) * 2e Regt Etranger * 2nd Division Artillery M6[ ][ ]ss M5[ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ]* M6[ ][ ][ ][ ]* M6[ ][ ][ ]* M6[ ][ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ]rml-f

3rd Corps (part), Marshal Canrobert, CC 1st Division, Genl Renault, DC Ex=9 (8979) * 8e Chasseurs * 23e Ligne * 90e Ligne * 41e Ligne * 56e Ligne 4th Corps (part), Genl Niel, CC 2nd Division, Genl Vinoy, DC Ex=7 (6915) * 6e Chasseurs * 52e Ligne * 73e Ligne * 85e Ligne * 86e Ligne Piedmontese 2nd Piedmontese Division (part), Lt Genl Fanti, DC Ex=1 * 9th Bersaglieri Battalion M5[ ]ss (635) * Field Battery M5[ ]sb-f * Alessandria Light Horse (2 sqns) M5[ ]sk (300?) Allied Notes: M6[ ][ ]ss M5[ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ]* M6[ ][ ]ss M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]* M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]*

1. All French infantry and the Piedmontese Bersaglierei are armed with the Minie rifle musket (0"/4"). 2. The French rifled artillery has a range of 5"/20". 3. Note the Grenadiers of the Guard count as having grenadiers present as well as being shock troops. 4. The 2nd Corps, Imperial Guard Voltigeur Division and Piedmontese are MacMahon's command, advancing south towards Bernale. MacMahon may command and rally any troops of his wing.

Austrian Army, FzM Gyulai, AC, 58,813 inf, 2,916 cav, 120 guns. Army Troops * Reserve Heavy Artillery M5[ ][ ][ ]sb-h

Reserve Cavalry Division, FML Count Mendorff, DC Ex=2 (1,200) * 2nd Brigade, 1st (Count Civalart) Uhlans M5[ ][ ][ ]lt-lr 1st Corps, FML Count Clam-Gallas, CC (10,767) 1st Division, FML Count Montenuovo, DC Ex=5 * 2nd Jager Battalion * IR60, Left Wing * IR60, Right Wing * 1st Bn, 11th Grenze Regt * 1st Division Field Artillery M6[ ][ ]ss M5[ ][ ][ ] M5[ ][ ][ ]g M5[ ][ ]sk M5[ ][ ]sb-f

2nd Division, FML Baron Cordon, DC Ex=6 * 14th Jager Battalion * 2nd Bn, 11th Grenze Regt * IR37, Left Wing * IR37, Right Wing * 2nd Division Horse Battery M6[ ][ ]ss M5[ ][ ]sk M5[ ][ ][ ] M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]g M5[ ]sb-f

2nd Corps, FML Count Liechtenstein, CC (15,612) Corps Troops * Reserve Heavy Artillery M5[ ][ ]sb-h

1st Division, FML Baron Jellacic, DC Ex=9 * 7th Jager Battalion * 21st Jager Battalion * IR12, Left Wing * IR12, Right Wing * IR46, Left Wing * IR46, Right Wing * 1st Division Horse Artillery 2nd Division, FML Herdy, DC Ex=8 * 10th Jager Battalion * IR9, Left Wing * IR9, Right Wing * IR45, Left Wing * IR45, Right Wing * 2nd Division Horse Artillery M6[ ][ ]ss M5[ ][ ][ ] M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]g M5[ ][ ][ ] M5[ ][ ][ ]g M5[ ][ ]sb-f M6[ ][ ]ss M6[ ]ss M5[ ][ ][ ] M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]g M5[ ][ ][ ] M5[ ][ ][ ]g M5[ ][ ]sb-f

3rd Corps, FML Prinz Schwarzenberg, CC (20,391 inf, 1,145 cav) Corps Troops * 10th (Konig v.Preussen) Hussars * Reserve Heavy Artillery M5[s][s]lt M5[ ][ ]sb-h

1st Division, FML Schonberger, DC Ex=10 * 15th Jager Battalion * 13th Jager Battalion * IR58, Left Wing * IR58, Right Wing * IR27, Left Wing * IR27, Right Wing * 1st Division Field Artillery M6[ ][ ]ss M6[ ][ ]ss M5[ ][ ][ ][ ] M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]g M5[ ][ ][ ][ ] M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]g M5[ ][ ]sb-f

2nd Division, FML Martini, DC Ex=11 * 2nd Bn, 2nd Ottocaner Grenze Regt M5[ ][ ]sk * 23rd Jager Battalion M6[ ][ ]ss * IR5, Left Wing M5[ ][ ][ ][ ] * IR5, Right Wing M5[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]g * IR14, Left Wing M5[ ][ ][ ][ ] * IR14, Right Wing M5[ ][ ][ ][ ]g * 2nd Division Field Artillery M5[ ][ ]sb-f

5th Corps, FML Count Stadion, CC (4,120) 1st Division, FML Paumgarten, DC Ex=4 * 4th Bn, Kaiser Jager Regt * IR31, Left Wing * IR31, Right Wing * 1st Division Horse Artillery M6[ ][ ]ss M5[ ][ ][ ] M5[ ][ ][ ]g M5[ ]sb-f

7th Corps, FML Baron Zobel, CC (7,923 inf, 571 cav) 1st Division, FML Reischach, DC Ex=9 * 3rd Bn, Kaiser Jager Regt M6[ ][ ]ss * IR1, Left Wing M6[ ][ ][ ][ ] * IR1, Right Wing M6[ ][ ][ ][ ]g * IR54, Left Wing M5[ ][ ][ ] * IR54, Right Wing M5[ ][ ][ ]g * 1st (Kaiser Franz Josef) Hussars (part) M6[ ]sk * 1st Division Field Artillery M5[ ]sb-f Austrian Notes: 1. Most of the infantry is armed with the Lorenz rifle musket. It has a range of 0"/4" except the Jagers which have a range of 0"/6". 2. Approx 1/3rd of the Austrian infantry is still smoothbore armed. Those infantry which are smoothbore armed are, 2nd Divn of 3rd Corps (except 23rd Jager Bn) and the 1st & 2nd Divns of 1st Corps (except 2nd & 14th Jager Bns) 3. Note the right wing of each inf regt has grenadiers present. Scenario Notes Turn 1 is 12:00noon, the battle ends at the end of the 8:00pm turn and the French are the attackers. The French win if they partly occupy Magenta with unexhausted, in command troops and they have the majority of the stands of at least 6 of their 8 divisions over the Naviglio Grande canal at the end of the day. The Austrians win by preventing the French from attaining their victory conditions, but if the French hold part of Magenta and the Austrians hold part, the Austrians will withdraw under cover of darkness. This will be a narrow French win. The Austrians may begin the battle stationary. MacMahon may deploy his wing on the table, north of Bernale but no closer

than 20" from Austrian 1st Corps. The Voltigeur Division leads, followed by 2nd Corps. All divns are on the east side of the Naviglio Grande. The infantry of the Grenadier Divn of the Guard enters turn 1 on the west edge. It may deploy along the front Boffalora-Pontevecchio. If any part of it approaches Pontevecchio on the first turn, it may move only at half speed (these troops have had further to march from the bridgehead). The Piedmontese troops arrive at Marcallo by the Mesero road on the 5:00pm turn. The Ticino combined road and rail bridge had been damaged by the retreating Austrians. While infantry may cross it as normal, artillery and cavalry found it a treacherous passage. The game begins with the artillery of the Grenadier Guard Divn at the west end of the bridge. It will enter the table on turn 2 but will enter disorderd if the French player rolls a 1-3. The French player may then elect the order in which the Guard cavalry, Canrobert or Niel cross the bridge. This order of march must be adhered to. Infantry may do cross normally, arriving on the table that turn. Any attached artillery is diced for. On a 4-6 it arrives with it's parent division but at the rear of the column. On a roll of 1-3 it arrives the following turn, disordered, and no unit may attempt to cross the bridge that turn. The railway line from the Ticino to the high ground is on an embankment which counts as a hill crest for LoS purposes and as a contour for crossing purposes. In order for troops to move along it they must be in road column but get no road movement bonus. Where the railway penetrates the high ground, and until it crosses the Naviglio Grande it is in a cutting. This is deep and steep sided. Infantry may cross it or enter/leave it counting it as two contours. Troops in it are invisible to troops to the N or S that are not contacting the cutting itself. Artillery and cavalry may not negotiate it's sides. Troops may enter and leave it's two ends (the east exit is at the rail bridge over the canal) without penalty. There is no bridge at Bernate. The bridge at Boffalora is down but a supply of planks have been left by the Austrians, on the French side of the canal. It is assumed that attacking units will use these to bridge the gap. In addition to the normal penalties for crossing bridges, crossing the Boffalora bridge takes half a turn. Map

Sources Wylly, Casali, Browne, Glover.

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