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Who I Am

A Collection of Essays
By Lanea Young (A1)

Fast Food: A History on American Hamburgers and Fries From the young age of five to this very day, I have always loved fast food. For me, my favorite type of fast food was the most common: hamburgers and fries. It really didnt matter what type of place I went to, what variations it had at the time, or how it was cooked. Any type would be just fine with me. Although I know that there are various types of these two foods served all over the world, I have never known another type of hamburger or fries, other than the types that are made in America. Even though every once and a while Ive briefly wondered what hamburgers and fries made in other countries may taste like, I was always simply content with the American version. And yet, as I got older, I became a bit more curious. Who originally created the hamburger and fries recipe? Was it always this popular? How are the hamburgers and fries of today different from the ones back then? What are the most popular variations of hamburgers and fries?

The who or when of the hamburger and fries recipe is generally unknown. Many people have claimed to have created the two recipes, going so far back as to the 1600s. There are speculations, rumors, and outrageous claims. The general consensus is that the recipes were brought to the U.S. by German immigrants. And while there is considerable proof that the Germans did create this recipe, its still all guess work. The truth is, we might never know who originally came up with these popular recipes. What we do know is that these two foods began to become popular in three countries: Belgium, Germany, and the United States. Though hamburgers and fries have been around for about four hundred years, they only became increasingly popular in the early 1800s, when the recipes were nationally published in Cookery for Maids of All Work by E. Warren. 2

One of the many reasons why I love hamburgers and fries so much is the way theyre prepared. The fries are prepared with oil, while the hamburgers are flipped on a hot stove. The fries are prepared with sprinkles of salt, while the burgers are sometimes made with extra patty layers and a third bun. They werent always made this way. Years ago, oil was hard to come by, and most peasants were unwilling to waste good oil on something as frivolous as french fries: which is why they were usually oven baked. The hamburgers were the most commonly made however, since all a hamburger really is, is a slab of beef between two pieces of bread. The additions to the hamburger lettuce, tomato, ketchup, pickles, etc, began later on as the hamburger became more and more popular.

Some of the most popular variations of the hamburgers and fries and my personal favorites are McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Burger King, and In and Out Burger. There are a few unknown yet popular fast food places that are also complemented for their burgers and fries: Mannys Burgers, Mr. Sibs, and Four Guys and a Burger. While these restaurants dont have chains, theyre still well liked and loved in the general community. Their own variations have hidden sauces and recipes that give their hamburgers and fries a unique taste that keep their customers coming back for more.

Americans are commonly known for their fast food or, to be more specific, their hamburgers and fries. Over the years, as many different recipes and variations for these foods were created, they somehow became ingrained into basic American culture. In fact, my family is often known for our weekly burger nights, where we all pile into the car, argue about where were 3

going to eat, and return home to feast on our greasy fast food. It became a common tradition, part of our culture in a way. Although over time we had to forgo our burger nights due to the declining economy, I often look back and think about our forgotten tradition. I always smile when I think of how some greasy fast food brought my family together when I was little.

Authority Figures: Theyre Just Human We all thrust authority figures in some significant way. Whether trusting your doctor to give you accurate test results to trusting the local police to keep you safe, we all put a little bit of 4

faith into the people who have power over us. Yet, what people dont realize is that these people arent perfect. Just because they have a degree, or have training, or experience doesnt necessarily mean they have your best interest at heart. They wont automatically do the right thing just because you expect them to.

People with power are just that: people. While they may know things you dont, or have done things you would have never considered doing, it doesnt automatically put them on pedestals. They can make mistakes, they can do the wrong thing, and they can give out bad advice just like everyone else in the world. In fact, I remember once hearing about a plane crash that happened somewhere near Florida. Over a hundred people died on that plane, and more than half of the survivors ended up having fatal scars and wounds. The pilot of the plane, an authority figure, who was entrusted with the lives of hundreds, had dad several drinks about two hours before flying the plane. He made a terrible mistake and over a hundred people and their families ended up paying for it.

Some authority figures are known for taking advantage of the power bestowed upon them. They use the trust and faith of other people for their own selfish gain and constantly get away with it because they have power, no matter how small or insignificant. I know first hand what its like to be maken a fool of by an authority figure. I was in first grade, and I was practicing my cursive in this little book I found at the dollar store. Out of nowhere my teacher snatched the book right from my desk and proceeded to make jokes at my expense in front of the entire class. My teacher was entrusted with my well being for six hours everyday, and she belayed that trust just to make a point. She misused her power for her own gain. 5

Finally, there are the types of authority figures who, to put it bluntly, slack off. They neglect their duties and put off everything for their own petty problems. They tend to take the easy way out instead of actually working to get the job done. I remember once when I was eight, my parents went out for dinner and asked my older sister to baby sit us. She was supposed to take care of us while our parents were out. Instead, she slacked off. She never made us dinner: when we asked, she told us to fix ourselves something in the oven. We werent allowed to even work the microwave, let alone the oven. When we asked to watch TV, she made us go to bed at 6:30 PM. And when my little brother scraped his knee when he tripped over her purse, she told us that, There has to be some band aids somewhere. Go look for them, Im talking on the phone. My older sister neglected the responsibility that she was given and basically became the worst babysitter ever.

The authority figures in our lives arent perfect: they can make mistakes, misuse their power, or completely slack off at their hearts content. No matter how we see them, no matter what they do for a living, no matter what theyve seen or what theyve done, lets face facts: theyre still human, just like the rest of us.

Our Heroes: How they Affect Us We all have a hero. A person we look up to for admiration and guidance. For some, a hero is more personal, like a mother or father. Others are from a persons culture or background, 6

like a military officer or a revolutionary leader. Average people like ourselves try to follow their example, or benefit from what thy have done in the past. In many ways, our heroes give us the life we have to this day. Without our heroes, we wouldnt be who we are and possibly wouldnt have the advantages and resources we have today.

I am part African American, and in my culture a more famous hero would have to be Abraham Lincoln. The sixteenth president of the United States, he showed the nation through debate and simple reasoning how the use of slavery was against the laws of the U.S. Constitution and completely immoral. Siding with the North, Lincoln used his many resources to fight against the South in the American Civil War and abolish slavery. As a result, African slavery was banned in the United States. If not for him, I wouldnt have the same liberties that I have today. In fact, my parents might not have even met.

Another hero for African Americans would most noticeably be Martin Luther King Jr., who led the Civil Rights Movement. Though they were no longer slaves, they still werent completely free from racial prejudice and suffered through many injustices. Dr. King led the peace movement and using a nonviolent approach, he showed Americans the result of racial prejudice and injustice. Though he wasnt here to see it, he paved a way for African Americans to finally be free. Without him, I wouldnt have the education or the future that I have today.

A most recent hero for my culture would have to be Barack Obama, who proved to the world how far we as African Americans have come. As the first black president of the United States, Obama was the final sign that our struggle for independence was over. Weve come far 7

and suffered much, and Obama is our ultimate result. For many African Americans, Barack Obama is a hero simply because he proved that we are just like everyone else.

Everyone has their own heroes that affect them is some way, both big and small. Our heroes gave us something a resource, a way of life that put us where we are now. Without them, we might not be ourselves. Heroes affect us in ways that we couldnt even imagine. Without my cultural heroes, who paved my way of life, I might not have even been born.

A Mixed Culture In the short span of fourteen years I have been called many things. Bleached black, light brown, vanilla chocolate swirl, checker board chick; it never really mattered to me. I knew who I was--- half black and half white--- and I was never bothered by it. It never really seemed to matter what I looked like or where I came from; I had other things to think about. And yet, as I got older, I became more aware of how my culture influenced not only me, but everyone else. I began to see how complex my mixed background was. In some cases, my culture would give off a 8

negative influence to the world, showing others how not to act. While other times, it set an example, and became a guide to those who didnt know where to go or what to do.

Though I dont like to think about it, there have been, over the years, several negative influences due to white culture. Racial oppression caused by an all white group known as the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) throughout the early 1900s made people believe that those who arent white must be punished. In some cases racial exploitation in the 60s, most notably for those of Mexican decent, has been caused by those in white media, creating racist stereotypes that some people still use to this day.

Black culture has had its negative influence on the world as well. Malcolm X, a well known black supremacy activist, was a greatly followed individual that was held in high respect in the black community. However, instead of trying to stop black and white racism, he only fueled it by stating that blacks and whites should be divided, only with African Americans at the top instead of Caucasians. His views were reflected into the minds if abused African Americans causing them to lash out in hope that they would regain respect. In some cases, Malcolm Xs views are still echoed to this very day, causing further tension between these two struggling cultures and anyone stuck in between.

While both aspects of the mixed culture do have their problems, it is equally balanced out by the positive results. The equality shown in both black and white cultures has set an example to the world, prompting others of different races and nationalities to share their traditions and cultures without fear of discrimination. Thanks to the leadership and understanding 9

shown in both cultures (Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln), those who have been cast out as pariahs of society can be welcomed back with open arms and expect peace and tranquility.

A mixed culture like mine will be able to show to the world that we can coexist with one another, that it doesnt matter where we come from. We all are just people, no matter what we eat, where we live, or what language we speak. I show the world, just by existing, that we can make the world a better place. Despite the negatives and the positives of our cultures, we can live in peace. All it takes is a bit of understanding.


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