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Fraction in Action - Math Apps vs.

Math Computer Games

Grade Level: 7 Subject: Math Prepared by: Kyioka White Overview and Purpose: Students will use their prior knowledge of fractions to find apps and computer games that will make learning fractions fun. This will allow students to use technology to help master the concept of fractions. Educational Standards CCSS.Math.Content.6.NS.A.1 Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem.


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to

Find computer games and math apps that teaches you how to do fractions. Solve fraction problems using both computer games and math apps. Compare fraction math apps to fraction math computer games to determine which way is a more effective learning tool for grasping the concept of fractions. Formulate a pros and cons chart to determine the effectiveness of using computer games versus math apps.

Materials Needed: IPad for each student (30) Poster boards (30) Pens, Pencils, and Color pencils Other Resources: (websites, videos, books, etc.) List of websites for computer games List of math apps Information: Give and/or demonstration necessary information

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Students are to use the supplied list of websites for computer games and apps to locate no more than three of each for observation. Students are to use their prior knowledge of fractions to play on the computer games and the math apps they selected. Have students use poster board to make a pros/cons chart for computer games and math apps. Have students write a summary explaining which way they feel is more effective in learning fractions (apps or computer games).

Verification: Steps to check for student understanding

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Ask students to display a designated hand signal to indicate their understanding (thumbs up/thumbs down/wavy hand). Use the following questions and follow-up probes:What question are we trying to answer?/What conclusion might be draw from this activity?/How is computer games similar to or different from math apps?

Activity: Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson 1. Students will formulate a pros/cons chart. The chart should have following categories: a Was the game or app fun? b Can I explain to others how to play game or use app? c Did this game or app increase what I already know about fractions? d Will I use this game or app again? 2. Concluding from the chart, the students will write a summary explaining which application (apps or computer games) is a more effective tool for learning fractions. Students should select one app or game to explain how it worked, and how the selected app or game helped with fractions. Notes This lesson plan should take about two days. Each student should present their findings in front of the class as the instructor evaluate the students chart and knowledge of the assignment.

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