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Green economy hal baru di indonesia Masalah indonesia terkait green economy Urgency green economy di indonesia Solusi In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive

Green Economy becomes new inovation of making good government and economic condition without place the environment in damage. Green economy can be thought of as one condition which has some indicators, such as resource efficiency, low carbon or pollution, and socially inclusive. This idea brings two basic elements to be implemented. First, this idea makes possibility in building nation economy which can overcome the climate change. Second, because of the weathering and sistematics error in the world, green economy makes new world order that do not extortionate the natural resources, food, and water supply. Especially in Indonesia, the people start to concern about this idea. Indonesia start to thinks about green economy implementation in its region. The authors have a reason to thinks regarding the idea that bring implementation of green economy in Indonesia. The reason is whether Indonesia has a feasibility to implement the green economy in this country. Meanwhile, Indonesia it self have some problem regarding to green economy. Nowadays, Indonesia has depends on natural resources like minerals, oil, petroleum, coal and forest. From those natural resources, Indonesia have some problems to solve as soon as they can. Those problems are, Indonesia as development country still lack of capital and technology to support green economy. This problem can cause processing national resources which are not eco-friendly. This system had caused natural disasters in Indonesia, such as flood, unpredictable weather and climate, andlandslide. Beside the lack of technology, Indonesia also experiencing the exploitation in many sector and many ways, either from national companies or multinational corporation. Moreover the lack of coordination between indonesian people and its government makes the worse condition. From all problem that Indonesia has to face regarding to implementing green economy, authors will analyze the feasibility of green economy implementation in Indonesia based on indicators and basic elements of green economy. The authors will try to answer the feasibility of Indonesias capability to realizing green economy in order to repair Indonesias condition in many sectors, especially in economic and environmental sector.

Masalah diperparah dengan lemahnya koordinasi antarlembaga di pemerintahan. Masing-masing instansi memiliki program sendiri-sendiri tanpa ada sinergi antara satu dengan yang lain.

Undang-undang kita tidak semua memberi jalan untuk green economy. Ditambahkan Heru, terkadang peraturan lama dan baru saling tumpang

tindih. Peraturan lama cenderung masih sangat eksploitatif pada alam dan kurang mendukung green economy. Sebaliknya, peraturan baru sudah mulai ramah lingkungan. Ketika diterapkan di lapangan, sering membuat bingung para pelakunya. Lambatnya penerapan ini membuat Indonesia rentan akan eksploitasi berlebih pada alam. "Indonesia termasuk satu dari dua negara mengemisi setengah dari emisi karbon hutan dunia,"

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