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A FAUX ANARCHY By David Martinez

based on a true event


FADE IN. 1 INT. MELGARS RESIDENCE - EARLY MORNING DANIEL MELGAR, a 23 year old schizophrenic, descends down the spiral staircase of his familys condominium. He is home alone yet hears human voices coming from the lower level of the three story house. 2 INT. MELGARS LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Daniel enters the living room, then his psychotic episode begins. BABYLON, a disembodied female voice, is one personality of Daniels auditory hallucinations. BABYLON (V.O.) Youre a lowlife. A lowlife. A lowlife. Lowlife. Get it? Daniel, Im the Devil, silly. CARTMAN, a squeaky male auditory hallucination, sounds in his own rendition similar to Eric Cartman from the T.V. show, "South Park." CARTMAN (V.O.) Heretic! ANGELIC BABYLON is a similar sounding voice of Babylon yet she has an angelic reverberation. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) You are going to hell. And I cant wait to meet you. BABYLON (V.O.) We hate you. Daniel, we love you. We looooveee you. 3 EXT. BALCONY - MOMENTS LATER Daniel is smoking a cigarette. He is well-composed and unscathed by the voices morning attacks. CARTMAN (V.O.) No! Stop smoking.


BABYLON (V.O.) What is he doing? CARTMAN (V.O.) Smoking a cigarette. Cancer. Its cancer. BABYLON (V.O.) Go back to San Diego! Go back! Go back. STEVE JOBS is a male voice of Daniels hallucinations. STEVE JOBS (V.O.) You stupid asshole! Is he smoking? BABYLON (V.O.) No hes not. Hes not okay. Leave him alone. Daniel, you loser! Loser! You are a loser. A loser. Loseerrrr. Loser! Loser. Get it? STEVE JOBS (V.O.) What the hay - Hey Daniel! 4 INT. DANIELS BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Daniel has an over-packed backpack on his bed. Daniel is shaving in front of his bedroom mirror. BABYLON (V.O.) You look like. -Stupid ass! Hes shaving. Sharp things! Sharp things! STEVE JOBS (V.O.) What is he doing? Daniel visibly becomes agitated. BABYLON (V.O.) Shaving.


STEVE JOBS (V.O.) What does that mean? CARTMAN (V.O.) Daniel, get the fuck out! 5 INT. DANIELS BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Daniel sits on the floor beside his bed becoming distress. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Daniellllllll. Talk to me please. PEE-WEE is a deep tormenting voice sounding to Daniel like a screaming demon. Daniel had sardonically named it "Pee-Wee" because it is the voice that frightens Daniel the most. PEE-WEE (V.O.) Fuck you! Sharply, Daniel is starled by Pee-Wees scream. BABYLON (V.O.) Hahaha I tricked you. You always fall for it. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) You think youre really going to leave. You better leave. Youre leaving me? Why? ...Loser. CARTMAN (V.O.) Loser! ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Leave, Daniel. Buttttt Daniel. Ill follow you. BABYLON (V.O.) Isnt it ironic? You are against me, yet Im the only one trying to help you? ...Hahaha Daniel. I tricked you. You fell for it.


Daniel smashes his head on the floor and smacks both ears with his hands. He keeps his hands over his ears. CARTMAN (V.O.) Stop embarrassing yourself! ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Stop embarrassing yourself. Change the channel. I cant watch this. ...Daniel, thats a hint. PEE-WEE (V.O.) Fuck you! BABYLON (V.O.) Hes impervious. Forget it. Lets go. Bye. Long silence. CARTMAN (V.O.) Annnnnnd over! Alright guys. Good performance. Without looking up, Daniel grabs a prescription bottle from a nearby counter. He opens the bottle and swallows a pill. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Hey Daniel, Im the Devil. Do you want to meet. Take another pill. Take one. Daniel remains on the floor with his head down. PEE-WEE (V.O.) Ahhhhhh! Daniel, do not piss me off! Daniel lifts his head. Still on his knees, he sways back and forth in agitation. BABYLON (V.O.) Hey, Daniel. Its me! Its me! The Devil. We have no ulterior motives to kill you. No ulterior motives to


kill you. To kill you. Get it? Im joking. Really. Daniel. Just kill yourself. What the hay - Hey Daniel. Oh my god, what are you doing? Youre a loser. Daniel is startled by Pee-Wees entrance to the verbal assault. PEE-WEE (V.O.) A loser! Loser! Listen to me... Fuck you! DANIEL (Snaps back) Fuck you. PEE-WEE (V.O.) No, Daniel fuck you! Daniel blindly gives a sharp look to the air. PEE-WEE (V.O)(Repeated several times.) Devil worshiper. Daniel is nonchalant. PEE-WEE (CONTD) You fool. BABYLON (V.O.) Lowlife. You cant do anything. Lazy. Commit suicide ...Commit suicide, pleassssee. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Someone is in the room with you. Hes been watching you very closely. Hes now in your face. Hes a nasty pervert. STEVE JOBS (V.O.)(Sounding very near.) Hey, Daniel.

6. BABYLON (V.O.) Now look what youve done, Daniel! Im depressed. Heyyyyy Daniel. Want to see something freaky? Daniel sharply turns his head to face the corner of his room. He visibly morphs into anger. BABYLON (V.O.)(CONTD) I hate you, Daniel! I lovveeeee you, Daniel. DANIEL What do you intend? ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) I intend for the disorder. 6 INT. MELGARS KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER Daniel grabs a Sprite soda can from the refrigerator. He pops the tab and drinks while walking over to the kitchen chair. He plumps himself on the chair and his face morphs to a miserable expression. BABYLON (V.O.)(Chuckling) This is so embarrassing. Stop drinking me. Stop. Drinking. Me. Youre drinking me, Daniel. Get it? CARTMAN (V.O.) Go to hell you lowlife. Go back to San Diego you loony-tick. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Pathetic. Intelligent people! Intelligent people! Intelligent people! ...Get it? Im God. 7 INT. MELGARS LIVING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Daniel is walking toward the spiral staircase. Suddenly, he turns when he hears Babylon. BABYLON (V.O.) Psychopath! -Oh my God, he heard that didnt he?

7. INT. DANIELS BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Daniel quickly runs into his room to grab his prescription bottle. PEE-WEE (V.O.) Get out you fuckin lowlife. I hate you! Take your fuckin pill then you idiot. See if that works. BABYLON (V.O.) Daniel, its a phonie. It wont work. Im not leaving. CARTMAN (V.O.) Noooooooo... I leave one minute and you are already... Daniel? BABYLON (V.O.) Daniel, are you hallucinating again? ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Daniel. Daniel. You look depress. Im depressed too. Youre not listening. Daniel overdoses, swallowing a large amount of pills to quickly sedate himself. PEE-WEE (V.O.) Nooooo. You stupid asshole! Fuck you, Daniel! 8 INT. DANIELS BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Daniel is laying on the bed miserable and visibly pale. CARTMAN (V.O.) He looks pale. BABYLON (V.O.)(Panicking) Hes going to die. Daniel, let me see. Look over here. Daniel looks to one direction.


BABYLON (V.O.) No the other way. Daniel looks to the opposite direction. BABYLON (V.O.)(Worried) Oh my God! ...Just kidding. I dont give a fuck. Loser. You cant even commit a proper suicide. PEE-WEE (V.O.) Ahhhhh! BABYLON (V.O.) Got you. Go back to San Diego. Dont smoke. Theres a reason for everything. What a stupid ass. Hes trying to figure out what that means. Hahaha, Daniel, youre funny. Oh my god, Daniel. Its me. The Devil...Yeah I know, its just the Devil (said miserable)...Stupid asshole (said bitterly). Crazy maniac. Hes doingCartman cuts off Babylon. CARTMAN (V.O.) What is he doing? Nothing right? BABYLON (V.O.) Yup! Get a job! Get a job! You loony tick. A phonie. Phonie. Youre faking. Get a job. Get a job. A real job. Theyre hiring loonies in San Diego. Go back to San Diego... Intelligent people! Intelligent people!...Dumb ass. Oh my goodness, what a freak show. Youre a lowlife, like your father, your sister, your brother, your mom. I hate them all. And I especially hate - Daniiellllll. I love you. Its me. Its me. Its always been me. Get it? He still doesnt get it. Daniel, youre suppose to be intelligent. Haha, I


tricked you, Daniel. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Seriously. Go away. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Daniel, youve been hallucinating again? What a joke. Just kill yourself. Want to know a secret? Its me, Daniel. Its me. BABYLON (V.O.) Oh my God! What is he doing? Change the channel. I cant watch this. Go to sleep. Change the channel. Change the channel. Im watching a psychopath! STEVE JOBS (V.O.) Is he dead yet? BABYLON (V.O.) Not yet. STEVE JOBS (V.O.) Let me know when he dies. PEE-WEE (V.O.) Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! You degraded piece of shit. No future! Daniel sharply looks at the air with an agitated expression. He is rubbing his arms repeatedly. He kneels on the floor feeling defeated. PEE-WEE (V.O) Then get out of it you piece of shit. I will keep you down. Get up. Overthrow me? Overthrow yourself! Intelligent people! Intelligent people! CARTMAN (V.O.) What is he doing?


Daniel miserably picks himself up from the floor. He is visibly fed up with the voices. CARTMAN (V.O.) Hes getting up. Hallelujah! He wants to kick your ass! PEE-WEE (V.O.) Fuck you, Daniel! Fuck you! How can you overthrow me? Forget it. This is a waste of my time. BABYLON (V.O.) Danieellll... I tricked you. I tricked you, again and again. You will always fall for it. Its me! Its me Daniel. The Devil. Silly Daniel. Jesus Christ, Daniel. You look upset. Any reason why? Daniel throws himself to the floor. BABYLON (V.O.)(Cont) Thats it. Go back. You loser. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) He still doesnt know does he? Daniel, what do you believe is possible? What do you believe is possible? What do you believe is possible? Daniel hallucinates a sound of a vibrating aluminum sheet. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Reality is flimsy. 9 EXT. BALCONY - MOMENTS LATER Daniel smokes a cigarette. BABYLON (V.O.) You lowlife. No, no, no, no. Dont smoke. Dont smoke. I hate cigarettes. You fucked up.


Babylon is humming, waiting for Daniel to finish the cigarette. Daniels cigarette is burnt to the filter and he puts it out on a flower pot. BABYLON (V.O.) Was that a good cigarette you nasty pervert? Prove it. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) And nowww Daniel, you are shadowboxing. And what are shadows? Nothing. Youll be fighting thin air. But I - I am impervious. Sowould you like to spar? Then? I thought so. BABYLON (V.O.) Hahaha. Daniel, youre the biggest pussy in history. No, Daniel, I win. Your mind is my war and my weapon. You have no weapon. Then use your mind. I do not give a fuck! CARTMAN (V.O.) No, Daniel! Dont talk to her. Shes crazy. And yes, Daniel. Were the same person. Different voices Ahhhh! Cartman switches to another voice. BABYLON (V.O.) And now I am a girl. I am a girl now. A girl. Get it? ...Go to San Diego. Daniel looks over the balcony and sees a taxi cab pull up in front of his house. The taxi cab honks, and Daniel exits. 10 EXT. SAN DIEGO HOTEL - EVENING Commanded by the voices, Daniel arrives to a San Diego Holiday Inn. There is an elevator on the exterior of the hotel. The elevator lifts up and Daniel is seen through the glass window. The elevator stops at the fourth story.



INT. HOTEL ROOMS HALF BATHROOM - MIDNIGHT A calm Daniel hallucinates voices of "surfer dudes". The voices are coming from the hallway outside Daniels hotel room. They are laughing and talking about things unrelated to Daniel. Daniel looks to the mirror nervously, being cautious not to be noisy. SURFER (V.O.) He still does not know does he? And he is making too much noise.


INT. HOTEL ROOMS RESTROOM - CONTD Daniel walks into the restroom to urinate. He looks up to the vent. PERVERTED FEMALE FBI AGENT (V.O.)(From vent) Mmmmmm lollipop. I like your lollipop.


INT. HOTEL ROOMS HALF BATHROOM - CONTD Daniel walks out the restroom without urinating. He grabs coffee from the plastic coffee maker.


INT. HOTEL ROOMS MAIN ROOM - CONTD He walks into the main room and has a visual hallucination of a three-dimensioned shadow, THE APOSTATE, standing at the center of the room. Static shadow figures appear upon the flat surface of the walls. The Apostate gives a subtle bow to Daniel. THE APOSTATE I am going to waste your time with my revelation. Like a hostage, Daniel unwillingly sits on a chair. Angelic Babylon and Cartman speak to each other. The shadows on the walls turn into caricatures of humans performing sexual acts. DANIEL Who are you?

13. THE APOSTATE I am the Devil. DANIEL I dont believe in the Devil. THE APOSTATE Really? Why is Death waiting for you outside the window? You should look outside to see. Dark spots hover in the hotel room like spotlights. THE APOSTATE You are going to die. Light patterns extrude from the carpets decoration and flare up and create a pathway. DANIEL Who are you? ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Were nothing, Daniel. Nothing. Look out the window, death is outside. And it is getting closer. Daniel from his chair looks out the window through a small opening of the curtains. Daniel sees the GRIM REAPER on the parking lot. DANIEL I dont think so. Daniel shakes his head. DANIEL (CONTD) We both know how this is going to end. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) You are going to die. DANIEL God... ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) Hahaha, you still believe in God?

14. SURFER (V.O.)(From the hallway) He still doesnt know does he? Simultaneous to this psychotic episode, Daniel separately hallucinates voices coming from hotel rooms all over the entire building. The voices are guests complaining about being unable to sleep. Daniel listens to the complaints. HOTEL GUEST 1 (V.O.) Something just touched my foot. HOTEL GUEST 2 (V.O.) I just had a strange dream. HOTEL GUEST 3 (V.O.) Someone from that room over there is making too much noise. I cant sleep. Daniel is embarrassed and stops listening. He turns to face the curtains. ANGELIC BABYLON (V.O.) God is not what you think it is. DANIEL You are an itty bitty fable demon, nothing. God is powerful, and in control, everywhere. THE APOSTATE It is backwards, Daniel. The Devil is god, and god is a little itty bitty thing inside you, and I have captured him. Daniel has a visual hallucination of GOD, an old midget with a long gray beard, laying handcuffed on the bed with spread arms. THE APOSTATE This is your almighty god! GOD Whats the password? Safety! Safety! Safety password!


DANIEL Not true. God is truth, all-mighty, powerful. THE APOSTATE Daniel. You have it backwards. Its flipped, you see. Daniel turns his head to see a theater stage in the hotel room. The thin and tall Apostate walks on stage. THE APOSTATE (CONTD) People have always had it reversed. The God is now standing beside The Apostate on the stage. THE APOSTATE (CONTD) This is your god? I am god! An unseen audience starts clapping. AUDIENCE MEMBER (V.O.) Ohhhhh, hes good! Daniel turns to the bed and sees the God unchain itself from the bed. The God unzips its own self and The Apostate springs out. THE APOSTATE Ta-da! DANIEL Youre aliens or something. Not gods or demons. Aliens. The surfer voice speaks from the hallway outside Daniels hotel room. SURFER (V.O.) He still doesnt know does he? A echoing vibration of a zooming noise accompanied a linear imagery of the Devils many faces appearing on the wall. THE APOSTATE I have many faces.


ANGELIC BABYLON Daniel. Aliens! Demons! And there is a demon in you. Everyone who dies becomes a demon. Look Daniel! Its me! You need to stop smoking. You know what I do when you smoke? Angelic Babylon becomes a visual hallucination. She jump rope over cigarette smoke outside on the parking lot next to the Grim Reaper. Giggling and having too much fun, Angelic Babylon then duplicates herself to jump rope more. ANGELIC BABYLON What do you believe, Daniel? The Apostate is about to sneeze. THE APOSTATE (Properly) Excuse me, - ahh, ahh, ahhhRather than him sneezing, a tugboat outside on the marina blows its horn. Daniels separate hallucination continues: Visitors leaving angrily from the 5-star hotel. Daniel is listening closely: angry guests are complaining about being unable to sleep. They mention such things of paranormal happenings in their hotel rooms and a lot of noise coming from Daniels room. Daniel hallucinates the constant ring of an elevator picking up exiting guests. Daniel stares out contemplatively and peacefully to rationalize the possible nonexistence of these angry guests. DANIEL Two games. One hallucination next to another hallucination. 15 INT. HOTEL ROOM MAIN ROOM - MORNING The hotel room clears of audio and visual hallucinations. Daniel looks to the clock and incredibly it is the morning. He hurries to open the curtains to let sunlight in. TELEVISION It is better to lose a delusion than to gain the truth. Daniel turns to the television.


DANIEL Who said that? TELEVISION The Avengers. FADE OUT.

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