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El Salvador tourism is great for you and your pocket!!

El Salvador is a tropical paradise with countless natural sights and panoramic views. You'll find that El Salvador is a country rich in natural resources as well as a very appealing culture. Many people I talk to say that the people really make a difference in their day! I know why we like El Salvador, but you may be asking yourself why would El Salvador tourism be appealing to me? Well, let me tell you some of the reasons why El Salvador is the perfect vacation spot to come to with your family or just to hang out with your friends. Weather: Being in the heart of Central America, El Salvador enjoys tropical climate throughout the year. Imagine that the average temperature ranges between 20 - 30 degrees C. And there are no drastic changes in temperature but the north western area of country Like Santa Ana and Chalatenango are cooler than the eastern areas like San Miguel and La Unin. The rainy season is between May and October which is actually the best time for surfing there. I enjoy the cooler months of October to January the most, with a nice cool summer breeze. Click here for more info on El Salvador weather. Beaches: Undoubtedly, the many amazing beaches are an awesome part of El Salvador tourism. You can do whatever activities you enjoy like swimming in El Espino, scuba diving or snorkeling in Los Cbanos, surfing in La Libertad or just relaxing on a lounge chair enjoying the view.

If you like to see stunning sun sets then you really must visit Costa del Sol, one of the most beautiful beaches in El Salvador. Do you want to go to the beach for the day or stay for a week, a month? You will find many beach hotels and also top-notch resorts or why not rent a villa?

In Salinitas beach (picture on the right) you will find the 5-star Royal Decameron beach resort with all the amenities and you may need so you can just relax and enjoy your stay.

Not Overcrowded: The tourism of El Salvador continues to grow, people from North America, Europe and South America are beginning to discover El Salvador as a tourist destination. You will not yet see the masses of tourists you find in other more visited Central American destinations and you'll find that the locals will be genuinely happy to help you find your way around.

Less Expensive: A great attraction of El Salvador tourism is that it doesn't cost a lot of money to travel there. The currency of El Salvador is the US dollar, so you don't really have to worry about the hassle of currency exchange or anything else. You know, this makes travelling to El Salvador very inexpensive. Just think that you can spend the night at a very nice well known hotel for half the price you would pay in other places! When we are there we prefer to take taxis instead of public transit, so we know that this option is also very cheap. For example for a trip around San Salvador, the taxi fare would be about $10.00 - not much and you are comfortable, you get there faster and are also safer! Arts and History: Interestingly enough, El

Salvador's history is now a great attraction for tourism in El Salvador.

The mountains of Morazn, for example which were a stronghold for the guerrilla during the El Salvador civil war have now been converted into the very popular Civil War Museum! We like visiting the Mayan ruins like Joya de Ceren, San Andres or Tazumal, very interesting places to go for sure.

the arts and crafts of El Salvador, it's really interesting to see the creativity of the local people who create miniature pottery on display at the Museum of Popular Art. Food: You will find all types of foods in El Salvador whether you are looking for fast food, international cuisine. Or maybe you'll want to try some local eats like pupusas, tamales, sopa de mondongo yumm! El Salvador food...oh, there's so much to try and fall in love with! A must try I recommend to everyone is our famous Pupusas, a tortilla with an either cheese, ground red beans or ground pork filling (or try one with everything mixed- "revuelta") with its must have side dish: CURTIDO which is fresh pickled cabbage with carrots, onions and spices and fresh tomato sauce on the side.

So we want to invite you to explore El Salvador tourism, you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you find!

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