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Teacher Room # Lunch Shift Be Aware

Lee Ann Spillane Portable 29 B The bell schedule taped the arm of the document camera and posted on the wall above the teacher computer (below the red poster) Lesson Plans are kept on the clip boards next to the white board. OR online at English I Honors: AP Language:

Plan Book Location

Seating Charts

are on the clip board behind the roll sheetson the cart at the front of the classroom students have assigned seats see pictorial seating chart on roster clipboard

Class Rolls

are kept in the pink binder (called the Reading Record notebook) and on the clipboard which is on the cart next to the projector. Each class period has a section in the binder for checking out books ** the Bathroom Pass Log is also kept in the Reading Record notebook. I try to note when (date and time) students go to the bathroom. Though I do not limit bathroom passes, I do not allow students to be absent from the room for more than 5 minutes without consequence.

Location of Necessary Materials

On the teacher station at the front of the class. Students independent reading books are with them at all times; if they do not have an independent reading book they may check one out from the classroom library by just taking it with them. Handouts (if needed) will be left on the teachers desk or put on the tables in the book boxes for each table Take the class roster / grade sheet on the clipboard Exit classroom Head left into the back field Line up and check roll once outside

Fire Drill Procedure

1. 2. 3. 4.

Neighboring Teachers

Portable 27: Nick Parziale ext. 2255 Portable 36: Jackie Owen ext. 2361 Portable 31: Mrs. Salazar (assistant principal) and Ms. Eugene (dean) Portable 45: Beth Scanlon & Rebecca Mayo ext. 2321 Teacher Bathroom is next door to Portable 31-two portable rows over on left (toward bus loop) Period 1: English I Honors 9th grade Period 2: English I Honors 9th grade Period 3: English I Honors 9th grade Period 4: English I Honors 9th grade Period 5: English I Honors 9th grade B LUNCH Period 6: A.P. Language & Composition 11th Grade Period 7: Planning

Class Schedule

Responsible Students

Period 1: Evelise,, Denzel Period 2: Nicholas, Alondra Period 3: Billy z, Nia Period 4: Daniel, Jailine Period 5: Bianca , Jorell Period 6: Christopher, Brenda 1. Respect Yourself 2. Respect Others 3. Be Responsible Students are allowed to use the bathroom when needed (no limit); please write them a pass if requested. If they do not return within 5 minutes, alert the dean, Mr. Alvarado at ext. 2631 Rules are poster on the front wall of the classroom above the agenda

Classroom Rules

Emergency Lesson Plans

Have students write an essay taking a position (for or against) one of the following social issues: the death penalty charging teens as adults in criminal court raising the minimum wage public health care students right to privacy (locker searches, etc.)

OR Have students write a Dear Ms. Spillane letter about whatever book they are currently reading on their own. They can tell me about the bookone paragraph summarythen tell me which character they like the best and why and if they would recommend the book to me to read and why.

Class Structure for 9th graders Mondays

Bellwork 5 minutes Vocabulary (2-5 min) Lesson & Practice (30 min)





Wrap Up 2-5 minutes Homework

Quick writing or silent reading. If writing, o Once time is up, I stamp students pages to monitor progress. vocabulary & vocabulary & vocabulary & Socratic vocabulary & or agenda or agenda or agenda Seminar or agenda review review review review Discussion review Shared Reading Shared Writing Writing or or Reading workshop strategy lesson Lesson Activity or Lesson Activity Put away Complete Put away Complete Put away books, clean up reflection on books, clean up reflection on books, clean up and tutorial form and tutorial form and announcements/ announcements/ announcements/ reminders reminders Reminders Read, write, collect words to learn in journal

note*: 10-12 minutes of silent sustained reading; students read novels or class assignments silently. At the end of reading workshop time, I record the page number that students read up to (or stopped reading on) in the pink binder or Status of the Class Notebook which is kept on the podium

Instructional Routines
Bellwork: Question or topics students have to respond to in writing (first semester); second semester the bellwork will be silent reading. We are building the habit of coming into class and settling into English.. I post a question; we write to music. When the song ends, students should have warp up their writing . Silent Reading: This year we are doing silent reading as a center and whenever we finish our work early. Students DEFAULT is to read silently. Whenever they finish work ahead of the classroom timer, or find that they have nothing more to do, they should be reading silently. You can ask them, what should you be doing if you finish your work? and they should answer reading. Learning Centers: We do rotations of different activities (as noted on the learning centers white board near the clock).

Substitute Notes Date: ___________________ Substitutes Name: ___________________________________________ Class Period How did the students behave? Issues? Compliments? Concerns? Suggestions?

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

Period 4

Period 5

Period 6

20+ Survival Secrets for Substitute Teachers

By Marilisa Kinney Sachteleben Takeaways

sanity savers classroom management

Substitute teacher. Wow, now that term conjures up a spectrum of feelings memories. Perhaps you remember fondly the substitute teachers you loved to torment. And now as poetic justice, Murphy's Law or divine retribution would have it, you are that poor substitute teacher. Or maybe you were the good kid who didn't give the sub a hard time. It makes no difference. There is no justice or 'reap what you sow' in subbing. Students are democratic and fair; they persecute us all equally. I have been doing this subbing thing long enough to have picked up a few tips along the way. I've made the mistakes and earned the bruises. I have subbed in 12 different schools for about 40 different teachers. Seriously, it isn't all that bad. I actually enjoy it. And where else can I get paid a pretty decent wage to watch movies with kids! (That is a jest; very rarely do I show movies and the times that I do, I'm ready to scream after 5th hour!). So here are 25 Survival Secrets for Survival. These tips will help you get the jobs and calls from schools. Introduce yourself briefly and get to work: Name and a few quick details (past experience, family). But don't tell long rambling reminisces. They have work to do and your job is to help them. You are also not the entertainer for the day. I know of one sub who always brings his guitar with him. That might be alright for very young grades, but it's really not appropriate for junior high or high school. Bring some activities appropriate to the subject you are teaching. In my briefcase, I have some activities that I can pull out. Most teachers leave great plans, but I have been subbed in emergencies when we could not do the lessons or the teacher didn't have time to write much down. It's nice to have something up your sleeve just in case. Follow the plan for the day: To the best of your ability, follow the lesson plans left for you. Teachers have so much to fit in that they need to know that when they are gone the students will get what is needed for that day. Learn the kids names. This means a great deal to students, especially older kids who act like they don't care. I try to get the class names down in the first half hour. I have a horrible memory, but I make the effort. Your day will go much smoother. Kids respond much better if you know their names. Be upfront with kids: Don't hint, threaten, suggest or use sarcasm. This sounds so obvious, but you'd be surprised how often I see it done. I want to cringe, when I hear teachers use smarmy little comments to insert some fort of discipline. Just tell them what you need. Just once. You don't have to go into a big spiel. You'll find out soon enough whose not on the same page. Don't give 'airtime' to hecklers. Don't waste the rest of the class's time dealing with problem kids. Politely, in a calm way, warn them clearly once ( if appropriate). Keep going with the lesson. When everyone is at a point where they can get busy, bet back to the problem kid if

she has continued to cause problems. Call her aside. Find out quick what's up: does she not get it and is too embarrassed to say so? You can tell if she's going to shape up or keep on being a nuisance. No matter what the problem is, if it's not related to your lesson, there isn't much you can do about it. Don't let her just vent endlessly, but if you can spare a few minutes to listen with compassion, sometimes that's all it takes. If she's playing drama queen and just venting, give her the option to get to work or go to the office, because she can't disrupt others. If the problem is a 'no second chances' issue, call the office and don't second guess yourself. It's not a matter of 'making an example of him' . It's because it makes the rest of the class uneasy when someone is out of control; they need for their own peace of mind to know that unruly behavior will be dealt with. They feel safer. Redirect or diffuse potential bombs: If you see a kid about to go off or a fight brewing in the class, don't get in the middle, but let them know that under no circumstances can it happen in the classroom. Call for support. A parapro can remove the student to a neutral zone where her anger won't endanger anyone else. If it's just a disagreement, a class discussion can be useful, if it's something important and not just a filibuster. You may be able to tie it into a lesson. Greet them when you see them in the hall or out in public. I sub in my local area and I have seen countless kids in the grocery store. Many times they will approach me. Kids will remember this and sometimes ask for you by name. Learn to be a tech guru: Familiarize yourself with all the current teaching tools: teachers will use projectors set up to their computers to show material from a website or what they have downloaded. Also, you may need to use a newer device called an ELMO. It's a projector that works like an overhead. You place books or material on the tray like a photocopier. The Elmo will project it on to the screen and it will look just like a TV screen. Unlike the overhead which shows things backwards, ELMO projects them from a screen underneath. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes: You never know what you will need to do. I've dealt with fire, tornado and lock-down drills, assemblies on dusty floors, messy projects, vomiting children, class pets, nosebleeds, lunch messes, injuries, phys. Ed., mice in the classroom, pants wetting and I need to be able to move around comfortably. Bring a water bottle: Most drinking fountains don't work, put out bath water or have UFO's in them (Unidentified Floating Objects). Never engage a student in a confrontation: If trouble arises, call the office. Keep your personal views out of the classroom: I knew of a sub who got into quite a heated debate with a student because he considered himself a democrat and she felt it was her job to persuade him to change his mind. Ask other staff if you have questions: Naturally there will be some students who try to 'get away' with things. I don't trust or distrust students; if it's not in black and white, I ask support staff. Never bully: I was called in to replace a sub in a detention school, after another teacher had threatened a student with bodily harm. He was a big guy and very intimidating. The class as a whole was prepared to walk out. They were terrified that they would get into trouble. Needless to say, the students were pretty wary of me and were ready for a fight the next day. I had to work overtime to show them that they were safe with me and that problems would be handled

fairly. I let them vent for a few minutes and said that I was sorry and that they did not deserve that. I have subbed in this class many times since and we have a good rapport. Smile and laugh; relax: I don't know of any sub being eaten by students. Don't try to change school rules: Go with the flow and follow building policies. Don't them out of class early to earn brownie points. Don't ever belittle, mock, embarrass any student. Don't be thin-skinned: In all the schools I've been in, I have never encountered a student who had any issue with me, personally. Students may be tired, frustrated, etc. Try really hard to help them complete their assignments and understand the material: Students are generally very grateful for your help. If we have to take notes on a movie, I take notes with them and put some up on the board. Walk around the classroom and see if anyone needs help. I wish you well as a substitute teacher. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

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