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2 Food and its Nutrients

2.1 Introduction
Food is one of the important needs of all living beings. You need food to live. Without food you will not be able to live long. You eat different kinds of foods such as roti, rice, dal, chuntney, papad etc. Can you name some others foods that you eat? You also take liquid foods like milk, soups and fruit juices. Whatever may be the food, it is made up of small units which keep you healthy and fit. Hence you should eat food which gives you all the nutrients and keeps you healthy. In this lesson you will know all about the nutrients and why our body needs them.

2.2 Objective
After reading this lesson you will be able to do the following: define "food" and list the functions of food; define "nutrition" and "nutrients"; enumerate the functions and sources of nutrients; explain the importance of water in the body; explain the need for a variety of foods in the diet; define the term "deficiency diseases"; relate the symptoms caused by the deficiency to the respective nutrient.

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2.3 What is food?

We are always thinking about food. This is my favorite food. I will eat this today. But have you ever thought of what is food? Why do you need to eat? Let us answer these questions. What is food? Any thing that we eat and is beneficial for our body is food. That can be the dhal that you ate or can be beans subji or an idli or can be a bamboo pickle or can be jaggery or sugar that you used in your tea or milk. Now the second question is, why do we need to eat food? Our body is made up of many materials, which we get from the food we eat. Food not only fills up the stomach, it also helps the body to do a number of things. Let us see what these other things are. 1. Food gives energy to do work Everybody needs energy to do work. You need energy for walking, eating, working in the house or outside and for many other activities. You get this energy from the food that you eat. You need some energy even when you are resting. Can you tell why? The different organs inside your body are always working: the heart is pumping blood, the stomach is digesting food, the lungs are breathing in air, etc. They also need energy and food provides that energy. 2. Food helps in the growth and repair of tissues Do you know how a small child grows into an adult? The body is made up of thousands of small cells. Lots of new cells are added to these to help the body to grow. You need food for the formation of new cells. Sometimes cells die or are damaged due to injury. New cells take the place of dead cells and thus the damage is repaired. Food helps not only to grow but also to do the repair work. 3. Food gives the strength to fight against disease germs You fall sick when the disease germs enter your body. The food that you eat gives you strength to fight the disease germs and get well again. 4. Food helps in making the body function normally Do you remember various functions that occur on their own inside the body? Yes, you are right. These are respiration, circulation, digestion, excretion, etc. These and many other processes are regulated with the help of food. Your blood has a certain composition. This can change. Blood may have increased or

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decreased level of sugar/salt which has to be brought back to normal. Food helps in doing that. Your heart must beat at a particular rate i.e. 72 beats/minute. The excretion of waste products from the body (carbon dioxide, faeces, etc.) must also be regular. All these are regulated by food that you eat. 5. Food satisfies hunger When you eat food it fills your stomach and you feel mentally and psychologically satisfied. You can yourself recall a situation where eating has given you a lot of satisfaction.

2.4 Nutrients and Nutrition

What is nutrition? Have you ever thought what happens to the food when you eat it, or how do you get energy from the food? The science of nutrition deals with it. Hence we can define nutrition as a science which tells us about what happens to the food when it enters our body and thereafter. The food that we you contains many chemical substances. These chemical substances are known as nutrients. So we can say that nutrients are invisible chemicals in the foods which are necessary for keeping the body healthy. These nutrients have different names. Most of the food contains a mixture of different nutrients, so when the food is eaten your body gets a mixture of nutrients. Each nutrient has a role to play in keeping the body healthy.


Fibre/Roughage Fats


NUTRIENTS Carbohydrate

Proteins Animal Proteins PlantProteins


Water Soluble Fat Soluble

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2.5 Proteins
What it does in our body needed for making new cells in the body helps in repairing old and damaged cells. helps in healing wounds needed for making blood, enzymes and hormones also give energy to do the work. Plant sources: All pulses, cereals, peas, soyabean, groundnuts and nuts From where do we get Animal sources: Meat, egg, fish, poultry, milk, cheese, curd, paneer

The protein from animal sources is known as animal protein and the protein from plant sources is known as plant protein. One gram of protein gives 4 kcal. An adult needs 1 gm of protein for every kilogram of body weight. Can you now calculate the amount of protein you would require for yourself? For others in your family?

2.6 Carbohydrates
What it does in our body gives energy helps to make the food tasty increases the bulk of your food spares the protein to perform other functions Some foods give carbhoydrates to your body in the form of starch like cereals, potatoes, sweet potato, etc., while some other foods give carbohydrates in the form of sugar like sugar, honey, jam, jaggery, etc. One gram of carbhoydrate gives 4 kcal. An adult person needs 400-420 gms of carbohydrates everyday. From where do we get Cereals like wheat, rice, bajra, maize Potatoes, sweet potatoes, arbi Sweets like sugar, honey, jaggery

2.7 Fats
What it does in our body gives energy- fats are the concentrated sources of energy From where do we get Milk, butter, ghee, groundnut oil, coconut oil, vanaspati, eggs, liver, meat, fried foods,

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help in the utilization of fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K help to keep our body warm make the food tasty provide protection to delicate organs like heart, liver and also provide padding on our skeleton and muscles.


Like proteins, fats which we get from animals are called animal fats. Fats which we get from plants are called plant fats. Animal fats increase the chances of heart related diseases. One gram of fat gives you 9 kcal. Although fats give you more energy than carbohydrates, you eat very little fats and hence fats are not the major sources of energy in your body. When fats are eaten in large amounts, they make you fat. Food containing large amount of fat can cause stomach upsets. An adult needs only 50-60 gms of fat everyday.


1. 2. List the functions of food. Choose the correct alternative: The main use of proteins in the body is (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. to provide energy for growth and repair for making the food tasty for increasing weight. Potatoes Jaggery Wheat Egg Sweet potato Mustard oil

Name the main nutrient present in the following: (a) Fish liver oil (h) (b) Butter (i) (c) Vanaspati (j) (d) Cheese (k) (e) Dal (l) (f) Meat (m) (g) Milk

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2.8 Minerals
Minerals are present in all body tissues and fluids. The minerals calcium and phosphorus are found in bones and teeth. Iron is a mineral which is found in blood as a part of the red pigment haemoglobin. Minerals occur in food as salts. Minerals have two special characteristics: Minerals do not provide energy Minerals are not destroyed during food preparation. There are many minerals which are necessary but we will be studying only a few of them in this lesson. Calcium and Phorphorus are known as macro or major minerals, as they are present in the body in large amounts specially in bones and teeth. Iron and Iodine are found in the body in smaller quantities, hence are known as micro minerals. General functions of minerals areMaintenance or control of water balance in the body Contraction of muscles Normal functioning of nerves Clotting of blood. 1. (i) (ii) (iii) CALCIUM Calcium helps your bones to grow and become strong. It makes your teeth grow healthy and strong. It helps the blood to clot. When you get hurt, you bleed. You must have noticed that after some time the blood stops flowing and a hard crust is formed. This is called clotting of blood for which calcium is needed. It also helps in the movement of muscles.



Sources You get calcium from (i) Milk and its products like butter and ghee. These are the best sources of calcium. (ii) Green leafy vegetables like spinach, curry leaves, coriander leaves are also good sources of calcium. 2. (i) IRON Iron is a very important mineral. It is needed for making red blood cells in your blood. Functions

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Sources You get iron from (i) (ii) (iii) Green leafy vegetables like spinach, mint, etc. Liver, heart, kidney and egg yolk are full of iron. Gur/jaggery

You must include iron rich foods in your daily diet. 3. IODINE

Functions (i) Iodine is needed so that the thyroid gland in your body can work properly.

Sources You get iodine from (i) (ii) (iii) Sea foods like fish and sea weeds. Plants which grow in iodine rich soil. Salt which has iodine in it, that is, iodised salt.


1. Pick the odd one out: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 2. Calcium improves the taste of food. Calcium makes the bones and teeth strong. Milk is a rich source of calcium. Calcium helps the blood to clot.

Choose the correct alternative: Iron is found in plenty in (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Iodised salt Milk Leafy vegetables Wheat

2.9 Vitamins
These are the substances which occur in very small amounts in foods, and are essentials for proper functioning of the body. Vitamins cannot be manufactured by the body, therefore must be supplied by the diet.

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These are classified into two groups on the basis of their solubility in fats and water. Those vitamins which are soluble in fats are known as fat soluble vitamins. These are Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Those Vitamins which are soluble in water are known as water soluble vitamins. These are Vitamins of B Group and C. We need all these vitamins in small amounts daily, for the body to work properly. Let us see what each of these vitamins does in our body and where do we get them from. Vitamin A How it works in the body Your eyes need Vitamin A to see in dim light Foods it can be found in Vegetables, fruits (especially yellow ones), milk, cheese, eggs yolk, butter, ghee, liver green leafy vegetables

It makes your skin healthy Necessary for normal growth and development Provides resistance to infection. B Complex Helps the body to use energy Keeps the digestive system healthy All the body cells need Vitamin C because it helps to hold cells together. It also keeps our teeth and gums healthy. D Works with minerals phosphorus and calcium to make teeth and bones strong. Prevents tissue breakdownit is an antioxidant. Main function is in blood clotting process. Oily fish, milk, cheese, butter, ghee, etc. Our body can make Vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Whole pulses and cereals Green leafy vegetables Pulses, whole grains cereals wheat, rice, etc. Fruits, leafy vegetables, potatoes, sprouted grams. Guava and amala are the richest sources.


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1. Tick mark () the fat soluble vitamins from the choices given: (a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B (c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin D Here are some food items. In front of each write down the Vitamin they contain: (i) Amla (vii) Sprouted pulses (ii) Carrot (viii) Sunlight on skin (iii) Cereals (ix) Milk (iv) Eggs (x) Butter (v) Fish oil (xi) Pumpkin (vi) Green leafy vegetables (xii) Liver Fill in the blanks: (i) Vitamin D can be produced by the in the presence of (ii) One function of Vitamin A is to keep our. healthy. (iii) To keep our gums and teeth healthy we must take .. (iv) The vitamin which makes us feel hungry is.



2.10 Water
Water is not a nutrient, yet it is very important for you. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) It helps the body cells to do their work. It helps you to digest your food and takes the nutrients from the food to the different cells of your body. Water also helps to keep your body temperature constant. In summer, extra heat is removed when you sweat. Water helps to remove the waste products from your body in the form of urine.

Everybody must drink at least 7-8 glasses of water everyday.

2.11 Dietary Fibre

Dietary fibre, also known as roughage, is the undigestible carbohydrate present in food. Fibre is present in foods of plant origen only. There are many types of fibre. These can be

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water soluble or water insoluble. When foods are processed it may remove the fibre as also the vitamins and minerals. Can you think of some such foods? Let us see, rice has a brown covering over it and is known as brown rice. But the rice which you eat is white rice. Yes, the rice has undergone processing and the brown coat is removed. So also is the fibre and some Vitamins. Can you think of some other examoples? Wheat atta is something you use everyday. Some people have the habit of sieving the atta and then making chapaties out if it. But in the process, what happens is that you remove the wheat bran which is fibre and the atta becomes refined. When this refined flour is eaten it is not so beneficial for your health. Fibres perform many essential functions in the body. they increasse the bulk and softness of the stool, thus making it easier to pass; foods which contain fibre require more chewing and thus have a high degree of satiety.

High fibre diet helps in the prevention ofConstipation Haemorrhoids Cancer of the large bowel Diabetes mellitus Obesity Foods rich in fibre are: whole wheat atta, dalia (porridge) fruits such as guava, apples, pineapples,banana pulses, dhals, rajmah, lobia, whole dhals vegetables such as peas, beans, carrots, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables.


State whether the following statements are true or false: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Fibre is not essential in the diet Bananas are rich in fibre We must remove the outer skin of apples before eating Fibre helps in the prevention of cancer

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(v) (vi)

Consuming fibre leads to obesity Fibre is found in tomatoes and grapes

(vii) Fibre increases bulk of the food (viii) You will lose weight if you do not eat fibre

2.12 Deficiency Diseases

You have now seen that each nutrient in the food does some specific work in your body which helps the body to keep healthy. If you do not eat these nutrients, do you know what will happen? Yes, you are right. The body will not be able to function properly and you will fall sick. Interestingly, if you start eating the foods with the missing nutrients, the symptoms of the disease start disappearing. This is the reason why such diseases are called deficiency diseases. The deficiency is casused due to absence of the nutrients in daily meals and the deficiency disappears when you start eating the missing nutrients. Can you now define the term deficiency disease? See the following box. Deficiency disease is a condition which occurs in the body when a particular nutrient in daily meals has been missing for a prolonged period. Remember, a deficiency diseases occurs only when a particular nutrient has been missing from your diet for a very long time. The deficiency symptoms start showing only after a while. We hope you have also understood that a deficiency disease can be cured by adding the absent nutrient into the diet once again. Let us now study exactly what happens when you do not eat foods which contain the following nutrients. 1. Proteins and Carbohydrates

When there is lack of proteins and carbohydrates in the diet for a long time the deficiency disease known as Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) occurs. This deficiency occurs mainly in children below 5 years of age. This is of two types(1) When the protein is deficient but calories or energy from carbohydrates is sufficient, the condition known as Kwashiorkor occurs.

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When protein and energy both are insufficient for a prolonged period then a disease condition known as marasmus occurs.

In both these conditions there is growth failure, the child does not grow to full potential. In our country PEM is widely prevalent in children under 5 years of age belonging to poor and underprivileged communities. When the child is suffering from PEM, often diarrhoea and other infections also occur due to low body resistance to diseases. In the adults there is often a lack of carbohydrates in the diet. Then the person loses weight and becomes thin. If there is excess of carbohydrates in the diet then the person becomes obese or fat. This is the condition mostly found in the well-to-do families or in the affluent class of society. 2. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 3. Fats Fat soluble vitamins do not get used up properly. There is a loss of weight. There is a feeling of tiredness and restlessness. Proteins start being used up to give energy to the body. Vitamin A deficiency When you do not have enough fats in your body:

Vitamin A deficiency is also found mainly in children. Pregnant women are also susceplible to this deficiency. Since Vitamin A is required for the growth and development, the lack of this vitamin results in the stunted growth. Deficiency of Vitamin A also leads to dryness of conjunctiva (the white portion of the eye). At a later stage the conjunctiva may become wrinkled. The cornea (black part of eye) may also become cloudy. At this stage the problem of night blindness sets in, i.e, the child cannot see in dim light. Improvement in the condition can occur if a diet rich in Vitamin A is taken. 4. Iron deficiency anaemia

Iron deficiency anaemia is another major nutritional problem in our country. The age groups affected are women (in the reproductive age of 15-45 years), pregnant women and preschool children, especially from low income groups. The major causes of anaemia in our country areInadequate intake of dietary iron or its poor absorption. Hook worm infestation mainly found in young children and adults. Excessive blood loss during child birth or due to accidental injury. What may happen in Iron deficiency There is not enough hemoglobin in blood, therefore, the supply of oxygen to the cells is

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reduced. When this happens, you feel tired all the time, restless and fatigued. Therefore you cannot work to your full potential. 5. Vitamin B Complex deficiency

Low intake of Vitamin B through diet is the main cause of this deficiency. Common symptoms of vitamin B complex deficiency are sore mouth, sore tongue, redness of the tongue and cuts at the angles of mouth. Some accompanying symptoms like diarrhoea and dysentry may also occur. One does not feel hungry and has difficulty in digesting food. In earlier times the disease known as Beri Beri was quite prevalent in areas where polished rice was the staple food. This deficiency is no longer seen now. 6. Vitamin C deficiency

Earlier Vitamin C deficiency disorder known as scurvy was endemic to people who did not eat fresh fruits and vegetables, specially sailors and soldiers. In the absence of fresh fruits and vegetables, deficiency of Vitamin C occurs. The gums, bones and teeth become weak. Gums swell up and start bleeding. The wounds also do not heal fast. The only solution is to include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. 7. Iodine deficiency disorders

Iodine, is very essential for the proper functioning of the body. Deficiency of iodine leads to a number of disorders like goitre, cretinism, mental retardation and deaf-mutism. Goitre is generally seen among adolescents, young adults and school age children. More females than males are affected. A severe deficiency of iodine during prenatal life may lead to Cretinism (severe mental retardation). In India there are certain goitre prevalent areas. The foothills of Himalays and the areas where there are frequent floods are the most goiter prone areas. But recent surveys have shown that areas in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Bihar, Gujrat, Kerala, also have goitre pockets. The only solution to this problem is to eat iodised salt. The Government has banned the used of non-iodised salt. Persons who are suffering from deficiency diseases must be given the deficient nutrient in their diet so that they get well soon.

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Put a tick mark () against the right answer. 1. Deficiency diseases are those that occur in your body because of (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 2. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 3. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 4. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 5. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 6. (i) (ii) less water absence of a nutrient absence of exercise presence of disease germs medicine fruits and vegetables cereals missing nutrients Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Iodine prevent night blindness keep the skin healthy prevent anemia prevent constipation scurvy anemia goitre night blindness bones eyes

A person suffering from a deficiency disease gets well if she takes

Scurvy is caused by the deficiency of

The function of Vitamin A is to

Deficiency of iron causes

Calcium is required in the body for healthy

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(iii) (iv) 7. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 8. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 9. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 10. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

skin lips Proteins Vitamin A Calcium Fats night blindness marasmus scurvy goitre Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C Iron Vitamin A Vitamin B Calcium Vitamin C

Deficiency of carbohydrates in food leads to deficiency of

The disease caused by deficiency of carbohydrates is called

If you want to improve digestion you must take

For healthy gums you must take

2.13 Need for Eating a Variety of Food

Now you know the different nutrients and also the functions they perform in your body. You also know what happens when these nutrients are missing in your diet. So what should you do to remain healthy? You should eat food which gives you all the nutrients. As you have seen, there is no one food which gives you all the nutrients. Some foods give you proteins, some give you carbohydrates, some give vitamins and some give minerals. You must therefore eat a variety of foods so that your body gets all the nutrients in the

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required amounts and you do not suffer from deficiency diseases. Relationship between nutrition and health Knowledge of nutrition helps you to know the type and quantities of different foods to be taken in the diet in order to maintain good health. According to ancient Indian concepts, health based on just diet is Arogya - the state of no disease.The World Health Organisation (WHO) has defined health as"the state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not just the absence of disease". Hence, to be healthy in the real sense, one must not only eat right but also have a healthy mental and social outlook.

2.14 What You Have Learnt

In order to make it easy for you to remember here are the main points of the lesson.



PROTEINS Build and repair tissues

FATS Give energy for doing work MINERALS

Fat Soluble
Vitamin A(prevents night blindness) Vitamin D (prevents rickets)

Water soluble
Vitamin B group (prevents beri-beri) Vitamin C (prevents scurvy)

Calcium makes strong bones and teeth

Iron Prevents anemia

Iodine Prevents goitre

1. 2. 3.

Terminal Exercises
What are the main reasons for eating food? Write down the names of the various nutrients found in your food. Write the definition of deficiency disease. Write the names of any five deficiency diseases and one main symptoms of each.

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Fill the table below with one main function of the nutrient, three of its important sources and the deficiency disease resulting by its absence in the food. MAIN FUNCTION SOURCES 1 2 3 DEFICIENCY

NAME OF NUTRIENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Vitamin B Vitamin C Vitamin D Calcium Iron Iodine Water

2.16 Answers to Intext Questions

1. Please refer to section 2.3 2.1 2. (b) 3. (a) Fats (e) Protein 2.2 2.3 1. (i) 2. (iii) 1. (a) and (d) 2. (i) Vit C (iv) Vit A, Vit B (vii) Vit C (x) Vit A, Vit D 3. (i) body, sunlight (iv) vitamin B 2.4 2.5 (i) F (ii) F (1) (ii) (6) (i) (2) (iv) (7) (i) (ii) Vit A (v) Vit A, Vit D (viii) Vit D (xi) Vit A (ii) eyes (iii) Vit B (vi) VitA, Vit B (ix) Vit A, (xii) Vit A (iii) Calcium (vi) T (vii) T (viii) F (4) (i) (9) (ii) (5) (ii) (10) (iv) (b) Fats (c) Fats (d) Protein (f) Protein (g) Proteins, fats (h) Carbohydrates

(j) Carbohydrates (k) Protein (l) Carbohydrates (m) Fats

(iii) F (iv) T (v) F (3) (iii) (8) (ii)

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