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Appendix C

CHAPTER 1: ORGANISATION Answers to Knowledge Quest 1.1
1E 2J 3A 4H 5I 6D 7B 8G 9C 10 F

Answers to Knowledge Management

1B 2C 3C 4B 5C 6D 7B 8C 9B 10 D

CHAPTER 2: ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Answers to Knowledge Quest 2.1

1 False 6 False 2 False 7 True 3 True 8 False 4 True 9 True 5 True 10 False

Answers to Knowledge Quest 2.2

1. Cause and effect 2. Computers and robots 3. Organisational effectiveness

Appendix C Answers

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Human Legal environment Super ordinate Organisation culture Monetary rewards The law of individual differences Motivated

Answers to Knowledge Management

1B 2C 3D 4B 5A 6C 7D 8C 9A 10 B


Correct Sentence Classical theories emphasised structural aspect of organisation McGregor is one of the proponents of the Classical theories of organisation Organisation structure is the main determinant in classical theories Classical theories assume that work is inherently distasteful to most people. Human relations theory identified the significance of behavioural process in organisation Scientific management stressed that the one best way to make decisions is time and motion study

Answers to Knowledge Quest 3.2

Key words Job hopping Sarva siksha abhayan Customer Relations Management Workforce diversity Cultural anthropology Industrial sociology Social psychology Business Process Reengineering

Organisational Behaviour

Answers to Knowledge Management

1D 2B 3C 4B 5C 6A 7C 8D 9B 10 D


Identify true or false False True True False False True

Answers to Knowledge Management

1B 2D 3A 4C 5B


Identify Key Words Predictive Models Model Independent variables Productivity Employee Turnover Job Dissatisfaction

Appendix C Answers

Answers to Knowledge Quest 5.2

Match the following 1C 2A 3E 4H 5B 6G

Answers to Knowledge Management

1D 2A 3B 4C 5D 6B 7C 8A 9D 10 D

CHAPTER 6: PERSONALITY Answers to Knowledge Quest 6.1

Identify True or False 1 True 2 True 3 False 4 False 5 True 6 False 7 False

Answers to Knowledge Management

1B 2C 3D 4B 5C 6D 7B 8C 9B 10D 11A 12D 13B 14D 15A

CHAPTER 7: MODELS OF HUMAN PERSONALITY Answers to Knowledge Management

1 B 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 D 6 D 7 C 8 B 9 B 10 A 11 C 12 B

Organisational Behaviour

CHAPTER 8: PERSONALITY THEORIES Answers to Knowledge Quest 8.1

Identify True or False 1 False 2 True 3 False 4 False 5 True 6 False

Answers to Knowledge Quest 8.2

1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Pre-consciousness Ego Attitudes Endomorph Type IV Personality 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Id Super Ego Principle of Pleasure Introverts Phenomenal Field

Answers to Knowledge Management

1C 2B 3D 4C 5D 6A 7D 8D 9B 10B 11C 12D 13A 14A 15C

CHAPTER 9: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Answers to Knowledge Management

1D 2A 3A 4B 5D 6A 7C 8D 9B 10C 11C 12C 13A 14C 15B

CHAPTER 10: PERCEPTION Answers to Knowledge Quest: 10.1

State True or False 1 True 5 True 2 False 6 True 3 True 7 False 4 False 8 True

Appendix C Answers

Answers to Knowledge Quest 10.2

Key word identification 1. 3. 5. 7. Values Context Selectivity Selection 2. Stereotyping 4. Attitudes 6. Closure

Answers to Knowledge Quest: 10.3

Correct the following sentences 1. Halo effect is using a single personality trait of an individual to draw a general meaning about him 2. The first impression lasts longer 3. Attribution is attaching cause and effect relationship 4. Stereotyping is judging the people based on the characteristics of the group 5. Projection is an assumption of the same characteristics of the perceiver in others

Answers to Knowledge Management:

1C 2A 3C 4D 5C 6B 7C 8A 9C 10 A

CHAPTER 11: ATTITUDES Answers to Knowledge Quest 11.1

1. Attitude 3. Cognitive component 5. Opinion 2. Affective component 4. Stimuli 6. Values

Answers to Knowledge Quest 11.2

1 True 6 False 2 True 7 False 3 True 8 True 4 True 9 False 5 False 10 True

Organisational Behaviour

Answers to Knowledge Management

1D 11 S 2F 12 E 3J 13 T 4G 14 L 5Q 15 B 6A 16 U 7M 17 C 8R 18 N 9K 19 I 10 P 20 H

CHAPTER 12: LEARNING Answers to Knowledge Quest 12.1

Identify the key words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Learning Cue Discrimination Drive Spontaneous Recovery

Answers to Knowledge Quest 12.2

1 True 5 False 2 True 6 True 3 False 7 False 4 False 8 True

Answers to Knowledge Management

1B 2A 3D 4A 5C 6B 7A 8D 9B 10 C

CHAPTER 13: LEARNING BEHAVIOUR Answers to Knowledge Quest 13.1

Identify the key word 1. 2. 3. 4. Gestalt Psychology Reinforcement Repetition Self Control 5. 6. 7. 8. Field Theory Operant conditioning Modelling Stimulus Discrimination 9. Life Space 10. Motor Reproduction

Appendix C Answers

Answers to Knowledge Management

1A 11 B 2A 12 B 3C 13 A 4B 14 C 5D 15 C 6C 16 B 7D 17 B 8D 18 B 9D 19 C 10 A 20 C

CHAPTER 14: MANAGERIAL VALUES Answers to Knowledge Quest 14.1

Identify the key word 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Terminal values Manipulative values Values Political values Self actualization RVS instrument Instrumental values Economic values Tribalistic values Instrumental values

Answers to Knowledge Management.

Correct Sentence 1. Values emerge over generation and changes occur over generations. 2. Values are flexible. They are susceptible to change by external and internal influences. They contain system orientation. 3. Aesthetic values emerge out of psychological contentment. 4. Courageous, helpful and obedient are instrumental values. 5. Reinforced experience of individuals results in the development of values. 6. Instrumental values refer to the means of achieving the terminal values. 7. Values are abstract. They represent a description of psychological state of an individual. 8. Indian managers have more belief in supernatural powers while adopting values. 9. Values in France are represented by high power distance and high individualism. 10. Individualism is less likely to be influenced by the group.


Organisational Behaviour

CHAPTER 15: STATUS BEHAVIOUR Answers to Knowledge Quest: 15.1

Match the following 1J 2G 3I 4A 5D 6C 7E 8B 9H 10 F

Answers to Knowledge Management

1C 2B 3B 4D 5C 6D 7C 8C 9A 10 B

CHAPTER 16: EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOUR Answers to Knowledge Quest: 16.1

Match the following 1E 2C 3A 4B 5D 6F

Answers to Knowledge Management

1B 11 A 2C 12 D 3C 13 A 4B 14 C 5A 15 A 6C 16 C 7C 17 B 8D 18 D 9D 19 A 10 B 20 B

CHAPTER 17: GROUPS IN ORGANISATIONS Answers to Knowledge Quest 17.1

True or False: 1 True 6 True 2 True 7 True 3 False 8 False 4 True 9 False 5 True 10 False

Appendix C Answers


Answers to Knowledge Quest: 17.2

Identify the Key word 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Identity Erratic group Random clique Command group Closed group 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Horizontal clique Esprit de Corps Reference group Apathetic groups Vertical parasitic clique

Answers to Knowledge Management

1A 11 D 2C 12 B 3B 13 D 4B 14 C 5A 15 A 6B 16 C 7B 17 A 8B 18 B 9D 19 A 10 D 20 C

CHAPTER 19: GROUP BEHAVIOUR Answers to Knowledge Quest: 19.1

Match the following 1B 2F 3J 4H 5G 6A 7D 8E 9I 10 C

Answers to Knowledge Management

1A 11 B 2B 12 A 3B 13 D 4C 14 B 5A 15 C 6A 16 D 7C 17 A 8D 18 B 9A 19 D 10 C 20 A


Organisational Behaviour

CHAPTER 20: GROUP DECISION BEHAVIOUR Answers to Knowledge Quest: 20.1

True or False

1 False 6 True

2 True 7 False

3 False 8 True

4 True 9 True

5 False 10 False

Answers to Knowledge Quest: 20.2

Match the following 1E 2C 3B 4A 5D

Answers to Knowledge Quest: 20.3

Identify the Key word 1. Story Boarding 3. Delphi technique 5. Nominal Group Technique 2. Petal base 4. Brain Storming 6. Lotus Blossom

Answers to Knowledge Management

1B 11 C 2C 12 B 3D 13 A 4D 14 B 5A 15 B 6A 16 C 7B 17 B 8D 18 D 9B 19 D 10 C 20 A

Appendix C Answers


CHAPTER 22: BEHAVIOUR OF SMALL GROUPS Answers to Knowledge Quest: 22.1

Match the following 1J 2G 3I 4F 5H 6C 7B 8E 9D 10 A

Answers to Knowledge Quest 22.2

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. The Who-to-Whom Matrix Human relations specialist George Homans laboratory technique Moreno 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Shows solidarity Informal leader of the group sociometric diagram Job Design Tension Management

Answers to Knowledge Management:

Choose the logical statement A2 B2 C4 D2 E4 F2 G3 H4 I1 J1

CHAPTER 23: COMMUNICATION BEHAVIOUR Answers to Knowledge Quest 23.1

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Pervasive Management process 90 percent Encoding Sender 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. incomplete Chester I. Barnard Herbert G. Hicks Facial expressions Confidence


Organisational Behaviour

Answers to Knowledge Quest 23.2

True or False: 1 False 6 True 2 False 7 True 3 True 8 True 4 False 9 True 5 False 10 True

Answers to Knowledge Quest 23.3

Choose the logical statement: A2 B2 C3 D4 E2 F1 G3 H4 I1 J4

Answers to Knowledge Management

1A 11 B 2D 12 B 3C 13 D 4B 14 A 5C 15 A 6C 16 D 7B 17 A 8C 18 D 9A 19 C 10 C 20 B

CHAPTER 24: LEADERSHIP Answers to Knowledge Quest 24.1

Key Word Goals Communication Interpersonal influence Personality Attitude Leadership Meaning Intended states of achievement The process of exchange of symbols, ideas, thoughts and impressions To make others to willing to obey External behavioural disposition of an individual Permanent impressions developed out of experience The process of directing others

Appendix C Answers


Key Word Motivation Effectiveness Initiative Learning Followers

Meaning Arousing inner potential in a person Ultimate outcome of achievement of goals Taking a step forward to do the right things Bringing a permanent change in the behavior of an individual Persons willing to obey the commands of leaders

Answers to Knowledge Quest 24. 2

True or False: 1 True 6 True 2 False 7 False 3 False 8 False 4 True 9 True 5 True 10 False

Answers to Knowledge Quest 24.3

Match the following 1F 2H 3J 4A 5B 6I 7D 8G 9E 10 C

Answers to Knowledge Quest 24.5

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer: 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Employee centered Locus of control Situational Leadership Theory Use of threats and punishment for non compliance Participation 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Situational factors Ohio State University Fiedlers Contingency Model Effective Path Goal Theory


Organisational Behaviour

Answers to Knowledge Management

1B 11 D 2A 12 B 3B 13 B 4A 14 D 5B 15 A 6C 16 B 7A 17 A 8D 18 C 9B 19 C 10 C 20 B

CHAPTER 25: LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOUR Answers to Knowledge Quest 25.1

True or False: 1 True 6 False 2 False 7 True 3 False 8 False 4 False 9 False 5 True 10 True

Answers to Knowledge Quest 25.2

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Impoverished manager Designing organisation and management development programs 1.9 Liked by the management and subordinates Team manager Country club manager Maximum concern for people and little concern for production Blake and Mouton Nine-point scale Concern for production and concern for people

Answers to Knowledge Quest: 25.3

Identify the Key word 1. 4. 7. 10. Participative Developer deserter Compromiser 2. Effectiveness 5. Benevolent Autocrat 8. Bureaucrat 3. Exploitative Authoritative 6. Missionary 9. Rensis Likert

Appendix C Answers


Answers to Knowledge Management

1C 11 D 2D 12 B 3B 13 B 4B 14 D 5A 15 D 6C 16 C 7A 17 B 8A 18 D 9C 19 B 10 C 20 B


True or False: 1 True 6 True 2 False 7 False 3 True 8 False 4 True 9 True 5 False 10 False

Answers to Knowledge Quest 26.2

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer 1B 2A 3A 4B 5A 6B 7A 8A 9B 10 B

Answers to Knowledge Quest 26.3

Correct the following sentences Correct Sentence 1. Participation is an essential variable of effectiveness according to normative model 2 Subordinates reasonably accept autocrat the feasible style is autocrat I 3. Rationality in decision making is the extent to which a preferred solution takes decisionmaker close to the realization of goals 4. Normative Model is precisely an operational effective theory. It prescribes acceptable leadership styles appropriate to situational demands 5. A Group II leader share problems with group of subordinates 6. Leader uses autocrat style in the situation of time constraint


Organisational Behaviour

Answers to Knowledge Management:

Match the following 1N 2M 3K 4E 5A 6L 7C 8B 9F 10 G

CHAPTER 28: LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS Answers to Knowledge Quest 28.1

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. William J. Reddin Superior Attitude Effective Training and Development Style Flex Situational management skill Effectiveness Dedicated Maximum concern for people and minimum concern for production Blake and Mouton

Answers to Knowledge Quest 28.2

True or False: 1 False 6 False 2 False 7 True 3 False 8 True 4 True 9 True 5 True 10 False

Answers to Knowledge Management:

Choose the logical statement A2 B4 C4 D2 E3 F2 G1 H3 I3 J1

Appendix C Answers


CHAPTER 29: MOTIVATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Answers to Knowledge Quest 29.1

True or False:

1 True 6 True

2 False 7 True

3 True 8 False

4 True 9 True

5 False 10 False

Answers to Knowledge Quest 29.2

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Gellerman Similar monetary rewards Socio-psychological needs Develop organisational career and personal life Financial incentives 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Status symbols and more authority Social position and power Recognition Physical or psychological Wealth and social status

Answers to Knowledge Management

1A 11 A 2B 12 C 3A 13 C 4A 14 D 5D 15 C 6B 16 B 7B 17 A 8B 18 B 9C 19 D 10 D 20 D

CHAPTER 30: MOTIVATION THEORIES Answers to Knowledge Quest 30.1

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer 1A 2B 3B 4A 5B 6B 7A 8B 9A 10 A


Organisational Behaviour

Answers to Knowledge Quest 30.2

Tick the appropriate answers 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Factors Context factors Motivators Dissatisfaction Motivational factor 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Environment Dissatisfaction Intrinsic Accountants Satisfaction

Answers to Knowledge Quest 30.3

Fill the blanks with appropriate words from the lesson 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Higher order needs Same Higher order Motivates Herzberg 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Maslow Five categories Self-actualisation Clinical experience Status

Answers to Knowledge Management

1C 11 C 2C 12 A 3B 13 D 4B 14 A 5B 15 C 6B 16 D 7A 17 A 8C 18 B 9B 19 C 10 D 20 B


Choose the logical statement A4 B1 C2 D2 E3 F2 G1 H1 I1 J3

Appendix C Answers


Answers to Knowledge Quest: 31.2

State whether True or False: 1 False 6 False 2 True 7 True 3 False 8 True 4 False 9 True 5 True 10 True

Answers to Knowledge Quest 31.3

True or False: 1 False 6 True 2 False 7 True 3 True 8 False 4 True 9 False 5 False 10 True

Answers to Knowledge Quest 31.4

Choose the logical statement A3 B4 C2 D3 E1 F3 G1 H4 I3 J1

Answers to Knowledge Quest 31.5

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Potential appraisal Greek philosophy Peter F. Drucker Quality of Work Life Job enrichment 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Job enlargement Monetary motivation Inter personal communication Providing emotional support An Intellectual host


Organisational Behaviour

Answers to Knowledge Management

1C 11 B 2B 12 B 3D 13 A 4C 14 C 5B 15 C 6D 16 A 7B 17 A 8B 18 B 9D 19 B 10 D 20 C

CHAPTER 32: JOB DESIGN Answers to Knowledge Quest 32.1

Insert the appropriate word in the brackets 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. Goal setting Output Job functions Motivation Technical 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Challenging Task significance Job breadth Quality of work life Taylor

Answers to Knowledge Quest 32.2

True or False: 1 True 6 True 2 False 7 False 3 False 8 False 4 True 9 True 5 False 10 True

Answers to Knowledge Quest 32.3

Select the Appropriate Alternative Answer 1B 2B 3A 4A 5B 6A 7A 8A 9B 10 B

Appendix C Answers


Answers to Knowledge Quest 32.4

True or False: 1 False 6 False 2 False 7 False 3 False 8 True 4 True 9 True 5 False 10 True

Answers to Knowledge Management

1A 11 B 2A 12 D 3C 13 B 4C 14 A 5B 15 C 6A 16 A 7B 17 D 8B 18 C 9C 19 C 10 B 20 C

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