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Kesehatan Reprduksi dan Keluarga Berencana: Implikasi Program Aksi Kairo di Indonesia Haryono Suyono Cairo action program or more popularly known as "Plan of Action" is not a difficult thing to be done in Indonesia provided that it relates to the mandate of GBHN (Guidelines of State Policy) 1993 and of Act Number 10 1992 as well as is not against the main point of the Second PJP (Long-Term Development), i.e. the economic field is in line with the quality of human resources. In this writing, the State Minister on Population/Head of BKKBN (National Family Planning Board) gives some explanation about the "Plan of Action" among other things: reproduction rights, reproduction health, and family planning. Most of these things have been done in Indonesia. Therefore, it was not surprising if Indonesia gave more inputs in the Cairo conference.

Arah dan Implementasi Kebijaksanaan Program Keluarga Berencana di Indonesia Siswanto Agus Wilopo There are some interesting differences between the Family Planning Program in Indonesia and the family planning in Cairo Action Program. The FP Program has larger actions, such as the society's attention to the increasing age limit of marriage, family resistance building, increasing the family

welfare, and birth control, while the family planning in Cairo Action Program is only limited to the birth control. This writing tries to describe those differences as well as to clarify the direction and the implementation of the FP Program which increasingly become an FP movement.

Kesehatan Reproduksi, Hak Reproduksi, dan Realitas Sosial Biran Affandi Reproduction process is really not a dangerous activity because it has gender rights reflected in the supporting components, i.e. ability, success, and safety. In the social reality, however, it is found different, as the high mortality rates of mothers and children, the appearance of sexual intercourse disease, and the side effects of contraceptive use. Biran Affandi, in his writing, describes social realities of the reproduction health which tends to be in the high risky point especially for women. All of these are as the consequence of the individuals who do not adhere their reproduction right.

Kebijakan Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Reproduksi Remaja Joyce S. H. Djaelani Indonesian adolescents are 37 per cent of the total of population of this country. The large quantity, however, is comparatively unequal to the right of reproduction health service they receive. They are often seen in the position as an "isolated tribe". Consequently, not only few adolescents, especially the female ones become victims of "Mimi Momo".

This writing begins with a description of a case related to the reproduction health hitting an adolescent, and then besides being related to the Cairo action program, it is also correlated with the recommendation on the policies of the reproduction service for adolescents.

Seksualitas dan Ketahanan Keluarga Masri Singarimbun Sexuality is closely related to the family resistance, and the safe sexual behavior is considered as a characteristic of faithfulness. However, it seems that the test of a husband's or a wife's faithfulness becomes heavier since the prostitution location can nearly be found everywhere. Sexual freedom in the youth's circle is a sign that such a location will not easily disappear in the earth, because the freedom becomes one of the prostitution causes.

Seksualitas Manusia dan Masalah Gender: Dekonstruksi Sosial dan Reorientasi Yulfita Raharjo Up to now the residual product from the social construction of sexuality and gender is still considered as a reference by most of the society so that they put women in the subordinate position. In the sexuality sphere, the women's powerlessness is obviously seen as reflected in the constraint of sexual intercourse, violation, wives who take high risk of HIV/AIDS, and so on. Yulfita Raharjo reveals several sexuality

lameness and gender problems. This writing, further, describes the solution of the problems through a deconstruction and reorientation in understanding the gender relationship, i.e. the partnership relation between men and women.

Mutu Pelayanan Keluarga Berencana di Indonesia Saparinah Sadli The quality of FP service in Indonesia still shows some weak points i.e. weaknesses in the quality of giving information and in that of interpersonal interaction, so that the clients who want to optimally get their satisfaction in the choice of effective, economically reachable, safe, and suitable methods become vague. Saparinah Sadli, in her writing shows the weak points of the FP service based on an empirical study. Further, she also shows the solution formula related to the Cairo action program.

Pembangunan Berwawasan Kependudukan dan Keluarga: Sebuah Percikan Pemikiran Agus Dwiyanto The concept formulation of the development having population and family concepts aims at shifting the concept of population from a burden connotation into the development performer. The problems which are often seen in achieving the goal is among other thing: the existence of collision between the reinforcement of family functions with

values and interests of other concept, such as economy. Agus Dwiyanto, in this writing tries to formulate a solution, i.e. the need of integration between the concept of population, family and that of other development.

Jurnal Populasi Pusat Studi Kependudukan dan Kebijakan Universitas Gadjah Mada Bulaksumur G-7 Yogyakarta 55281;

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