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Power Standing

Essential Principals
by Lee A. Bracey

Disclaimer :
This ebook is copyright protected. You do NOT have the right to share, give away, edit, sell, or resell the material contained within it. No part of this book or the Power Standing program can be duplicated or reproduced without the prior written consent of the author.

Medical Disclaimer:
This book provides instruction on ancient forms of exercise and is intended for instructional purposes only. You should consult your doctor and get a complete physical before beginning this or any other form of exercise. Lee A. Bracey or any of his partners cannot be held accountable for any damages incurred from doing the practices contained in this publication. Results and claims are not typical. All of the results were directly related to the authors own experience and practice. Since I don't know what you will do with this information, I cannot claim you will get the same or better experience and results as the author. As always, practice is beneficial and crucial for results. Results will vary. Practice daily for the greatest benefit.

Hello. I'd like to take the time to thank you again on your purchase. These Exercises are powerful and will continue to evolve with you as you do. The Principals contained within this report and the accompanying video training are the keys to your success. They are what transforms the static postures from simple standing, to dynamic practice. You can use these principals in your other studies as well. This report is all meat. There are no fillers. All solid information. It will be kept short. The number of principals are minimal, the effects, however, are great. Let's begin.

We will start at the feet and work up the structure. 1. Feel the whole foot. Feel the parts of the foot. You should take the time to notice where you are exerting pressure on the foot at all times. Practice feeling the outside of the foot, the heel, the inside of the foot, the ball of the foot, and the toes...individually and collectively. Make sure you have equal weight distribution on each foot. 2. Allow the body to sink into the Earth. Feel as though the feet are heavy and/or that they have roots growing deep into the Earth. Feet are parallel and point to the front. 3. The knees are never locked (no joint is), and they do not bend past the toes. When you look down, you should be able to see your toes at all times. Never let your knee extend past seeing the toes while standing. The knees are springy. Buoyant. Soft. Not too bent, not locked. 4. Inguinal fold is open. At the top of the leg, where the thigh meets the lower trunk is called the qua. As you stand, you will slightly torque the knees outward and thrust the hips foreword. This will open the inguinal fold. Keep it open throughout the exercise. 5. The Hips roll under and foreword. This is similar to a dog putting his tail between his legs. Follow the path of your tailbone to point to the front. This will cause your lower back to flatten out. Hold this flatness for the entire exercise. You can practice this by placing your low back against a wall and pressing it flat. 6. As you inhale, lightly lift and contract the anal sphincter. When you exhale, release and relax it.

7. Your breathing should be diaphragmatic. As you inhale, pull down the diaphragm and allow the lower abdomen to expand. Do not expand the upper chest. When you exhale, the abdomen goes back in. This is natural breathing. It is how we all breathe when we are new babies. As we grow, we learn to take air into the upper chest and forget the lower abdominal breathing. You should strive to breath diaphragmaticly ALL DAY LONG...not just during training. It pulls in more oxygen than upper chest breathing and is better for you. Inhale through the nose, exhale out the mouth. 8. Your chest is concave and hollow. Your chest should curve inward slightly and feel hollow. Do not stick out the chest during practice. 9. Your shoulders move to the front of the body (socket). Imagine laying on your belly on a plank. Allow both arms to fall and hang. They move to the front of the body and shoulder socket. Keep your arms to the front during these exercises. The hollow chest will aide in this. Elbows pull down lightly. 10. You should have a space under each arm. Imagine a balloon or a ball in each arm pit. Keep this open in all postures. You should be able to fit your fist into the space. In fact, imagine you are sitting on a large balloon or ball. Also, imagine holding a balloon between your knees. 11. Lightly press you chin in and toward the cervical 7 vertebrae. If you relax the head and let it hang to the front, you can reach back and feel the C7. It is the large one where the neck meets the back. Keep the chin pressing lightly in the direction of the C7 for the entire training. 12. Keep your tongue pressing on the upper palate. You should

strive to keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth lightly throughout the entire practice. 13. Keep the eyes relaxed and 'sleepy'. Look straight ahead at a great distance into the horizon. After you have practiced for some time, you can add looking up and out at a 45 degree angle. Try both methods. 14. The head if filled with helium. Imaging as though the head floats upward. Pretend that you can touch the clouds with the top of your head. 15. The body hangs from the head. The head is suspended from above. The entire body hangs from the head as if it were a puppet. The entire body moves together in this example. 16. Relax the body deeply. Keep all the joints soft and rounded. 17. SMILE. Not just on the outside, but feel that feeling and internalize it. It will benefit you greatly during standing. You should place the smile into each of your organs and ANYWHERE you may feel stress. Minor readjustments and the warm smile feeling are usually enough to remove any stress you may encounter during practice. 18. Let thoughts occur. Thoughts are going to enter your mind during practice. It is one of the biggest complaints of meditation-internal chatter. Let it happen. CHOOSE to be unaffected by it. Detach from them. It is easier to not be affected by a thought, then to try and clear your head. Just remove the emotional tag connected to it temporarily. It will become just a thing, neither good nor bad. Eventually having no effect on you. No resistance. R_E_L_A_X...

19. Resume movement slowly after exercises. Do not rush into fast or exhaustive activities right away. 20. If you are holding a posture and it becomes too much for you, let your hands drop slowly and calmly wait for your timer to end. Do not drop them abruptly. 21. Avoid eating for approximately 30 minutes before beginning standing exercises. Digestion may interfere with other internal processes. 22. PRACTICE OUTSIDE WHEN POSSIBLE!!! One of the easiest ways of gaining more life force it to be out in Nature around trees and plants especially. After some time, you will become sensitive to the energies around you and notice a difference from one plant to the next. I seem to prefer a pine forest but any bit of Nature is wonderful, really.

This Exercise is a deep exploration of self...if you allow it to be. It will change every aspect of your life over time with continued practice. It will become as much as you let it become. This one simple dicipline can literally be used for the rest of your life and it will continue to evolve as you do.

Train Daily For The Fastest Results. :)

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