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Pge 21
Organisation and scale; Base sizes General game notes.
Move sequence; Unit formations.
Movement; Changing formation or face.
Effect of terrain on movem.ent.
Skirmishers d dtached sub uN ts.
Small arms fir
Small arm. fire factor table 0
Artillery fire factor table.
Morale test.
Morale test factor table.
Unforming and reforming.
Infantry charges; Cavalry charges.
Melee factor t ble.
50 ... C-in-C figure.
2S ... Senior command figure.
10 .... S,taff officer figure.
15 . 0 StAndard and .tandardbearer.
10 ... Infantry and field artillery officer.
15 ... . Cbalry and hone a:rtillery officer.
2 ..... Line infantZ)' .figure.
4 0 Light infantry figure.
S .. Rifle man figure.
2 Cavalry and artillery horse ..
3. .. Light cava1%)' figure (le.. horse) ..
S Lancer figure (less horse).
6 .. '. Heavy cavalry figure (les horse) 0
S . ' Howitzer and field artilleryfigur 0 ,
s ..... All limber driver figures ..
100 ... Rocketeer figure ..
10 Horse artillery figure.
35 3/4pdl' gun model.
6S 10 6pdr gun .model.
95 . 8/9pc1r g\lI\ model.
100 9pdr 'howitzer model.
120' 12pdr gun m,odel.
40 . Hors artillery limber (l_s hor e).
20. . ieid artillery limber (less hor e).
2S Rocket launcher model.
IS Ammu.nition horae or wagon for
rocket battery.
1 . Exlra per figure for grenadier cla.s, infantry (including officers).
1. 0 Extra per figure for Briti.h regular infantry (less skirmisher., offieer. and
2 . Extra per figure for guard class t n > O ~ (including officers and Skirmishers).
1 Extra per cavalry figure armed with either mu ket or body annour.
1 ... Reduction per figure for mill tia c1a infan.try' figures.
2 Reduction per figure for miijti.a class cavalry man, gunner and an officer
Note: All cavalry are a umed to be armed with ' rbin for purpo H of the . rule
I These rules are a basic guide to the type of fighting in.the Napoleonic period. Certain
arms and ,ormationahave been left out, but if any of these are to be used in a game it is
suggested that an amicable arrangement be made between players at the start of the
However, no tactics may be ernployed which were not in ,.ase by a particular army of this
period, nor may any arms be used that are not historically ,correct to this period. .

The scale used is approximately one model figure to 20 - 25 actual men, one company
'being equal. to two, an,d artillery batte'ries of 4 to 6, guns being represented as one gun and
limber model. Cavalry squadrons are to a scale of 1 to 1.
The following are some examples of unit organisation. Others m.ay be researched and
reduced by: the above scales to give national armies a. rQquired.
British French
Pruasian Light
Line Line Line Battalions
Standard 1 1 1 0 (except certain guards)
Officers 5 5 6 4
Close order
4 0
sub 'Units
FIgs. inclose
J- 6 6- 8 6- 10 0
order sub 'units
Open order
1 1
2 4

In open
3- 6 4- 6 3- 5 I 3 6
order sub 'Units
CAVALRY UNITS (of most nations)
1 st.andard, 4 officers, and four squadrons each comprising 3 ... , 5 figures.
1 gun model, 1 Iimber model, 1 officer, mounted or on f ,oct, 2 limber drivers (for
field guns), 3 limber drivers (for horse gunS) , and 3 - 5 gunners.
1 rocket launcher model, 1 pack horse or wagon model. 1 officer and 2 -3 f 'i.gure
Close order infantry .. \" .quare
Cavalry (al1 tYpes) ..... \n wide x l\t1 deep
Guns ....... ' .. ' . , ..... 4" wide x 2" deep
Rocket launcher ........ 2" wide x 2 n deep
Limber ................ 2" wide x depth to suit type of limber
Note: On each gun base make a. mark. half way along the back edge
Open order infantry figures may be set on%" wide )( deep base. if required.
1. Assume that all small arms are loaded and that all artillery is unloaded at the begin-
-ning of the game. Artillery may only be moved loaded when being manhandled. During
any move a unit, including utilIezy.. mus the ordered to load t after firing in the pre-
move, otherwi.e the unit will remain unloaded Artillery ardel'. m.ust include
the type of ammunition it is to be loaded with.
2. Only light infantry, light cavalry, lancers, and other troops in buildings,may operate
in open order. Only one infantry sub unit per unit may operate ill skirmiahorde,r. with
the exception of the Prussian force which may field two per close order infantry unit.
No cavalry may operate insk:irmish order at any time
1. Write orders for each unit or detached unit .. Under no circumstances may alternative
orders be written for any unit or sub unit.
2. Declare any charges or counter charges, and determine at which point in the move
contact will be made. then move units up to their effective charge distance.
3. Move all but charging uni ts as detailed in their move orders.
4. Resolve all fire taking place in the first half of the move. and take morale tests re-
-suIting from such fire.
S. Take morale tests for charging units if contact OJ' other causes occur in the first
half of the move. Morale test permitting, move any such units into contact, that
meet in the first half of the move.
6. Resolve all fire taking place in the second half of the move.
7. Resolve all morale tests due to charges making contact in the second half of the move
and move them into contact where applicable.
8. Resolve all melees. This includes those where contact was made in the first half of
the move.
9. Resolve all morale tests d ~ e either to fire, melee, or retreating/routing units,
which occur in the second half of the move.
10. Up-date unformed percentages.
Note: a) In all the aoove calculations the unit's percentage unformed total should be up-
dated or reduced as causes or reforming takes place. It is suggested that this
total for each unit is written on a piece of card and placed to the rear 0 the
unit concerned.
b) In the firs t half of the move uni ts whose morale order i. retrea t or rout will be
moved back the appropriate distance at the start of the second half of the move.
The morale effect of such actions on other units will be taken into account at
stage 9. above.
c) In the second half .of the move units whose morale order is retreat or rout will
commence their retreat or rout at the beginning of the next move. The morale
effect .of such actions on other units will be taken into account -rom stage 4.
Close order ................. All bases touching.
Open order .............. %,. between heads of inf an try figures. 1 tI for cavalry
Skirmish order ... . ........ .. 1\" between heads of infantry figures only.
Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. One or two ranks inclose or open order.
Square ........... ..... ..... Unit split into four equal parts. each of which fonn.
the side of a square, with officers and standard
Column of attack. . . . . . . . . . .. Not less than one c.ompany wide by a minimum of
three ranks deep.
Column of march ......... Not more than three figures wide by a minimum of
five ranks deep.
Normal Charge Double Notes
INF. Line in
7" 10" 9"
aJ Units in column of march
close order may not charge.
Line in
b) British infant%}' may not
U" 12" a ttack in colwnn unless
open order
a ttacking through a ga p
Column 10" 14" 12" less than 3" wide.
Squ.u-e 3"
c) \ move required for infantry
to lie down or stand up.
14" d) Units o.rdered to fall back
C-in-C Staff 20" 26" 26"
may retire facing the enemy
at \ normal rate.
CAV. Light 18" 26"
\ move required to mount a) -
Lancer 16" 24"
or dismount.
Heavy IS" 20"
b) Horses of dismounted men
mus t have 1 man per sub unit
Normal Man- Action* as holder, and they may not
handle I move over 10" a move.
3/4 pdr Field gun 12" 6" 16" a) * Must include limbering or
6 pdr Field gun 8" 4"
unlimbering bu t not both in
the same move.
8/12 pdr Field gun 6" 2"
b} move required to limber or
and howitzer "
unlimber all guns and rockets.
Horse guns 12't
6" 20"
Rocket. 16" 8" 24"
A unit ordered to double must be ordered to double to an objective. A unit so ordered
continue to double until it reaches the objective, or it i. ordered to halt by a staff
" -
of'ficer or senior command figure who moves to it. He will stop them at the end of the
.move in which he reaches them.
Senior command figures moving with doubling unit may order it to halt a t the begin-
-nine or halfway point of a move.
Any unit which double. for more than" \ of a move may not load or fire that move.
-- -
All fonnation changes and changes of face must be ca,rried out when a unit is stationary.
On the move units may only wheel to change direction. No man, however, in either circum-
-stance, may move further than hi. "doubleR move di5tance, and no unit may charge or
counter charge while doing 50.
I nfan try order Cavalry order
Skirmish Open Close Column OpenUne Close line
1Dte lin.
Turn 90
it . '-move . \ move
From close
\mov8 \ move \ move \ move
-- --
order to:
Form column
1 move \ move' \ move \mDVe -- --


Close Column Open line Close line
linp- lin@
Form square
1 move %,move
\ move
-- -- --
1st rank
-2" -3" -- --
through 2nd
It is im.portant that before the game ,starts the nature of hill tops .must be defined, ie:
they ma.y be flat or ridged. If the latter, draw the ridge position in on the contours.
Steep hills .... These are de.fined as hills with contours less than 2" apart.
Slopes ... 9 These re hills of single contour height t or more tha,n one contour 2" or
more apart.
MOVEMENT ON HILLS (Penalty per contour)
Infantry Cavalry Horse guns & , Rockets Other Manhandled
3/4pdr Field guns guns

-4" _5"
-4" -6"
Slopes -1"
-2" -3" -4"
cit a. flat topped hill infantry and deployed guns 1 "from the edge t and ca,vab:y or mounted
gunn,ers . 2" from the edge, cannot beeeen by troops on a lower level.
Troops on hills of more than one contour height will be able to see over houses and high
walls. and willbi! able to see troops at least 3" aV!ay from the edge of a wood or orchard

IOpen woods . Dense Low walls
Broken Streams Ditches Rivers
& orchards woods fences & ground & ford.s up to
hedges up to 2" 2
Skirmishers None rate % rate None
Open order None rate \ move % rate % move % move
Close order \ rate

move rate \ move \ move 1 move unpass
- -
Columns \ rate

\ move Js rate move

rate % ra.te 1 move.
rate \ move
- *
\ move: \ move
Close order
\ rate

1 move % rate \ move'

- -
Guns rate impass 1 move \ rate % move

1 move un pas s
Note: a) This penalty does not apply to cavalry jumping an obstacle.
b) Double the above penalties for streams, fords and crossable rivers per two inch
width .

cJ VIS10N IN WOODS is as follows:
Open.. .. 8" inside, troops outside will see in if they are within 8" of the edge,
and will see in as far as 8" Ie Ii the dis tance they are from the edge.
'Dense ... . 4" inside, troops outside will not see in unless lining the edge.
d) Low walls are defined 8 .S walls low enough for infantry to fire oyer while standing
on the ground. When of the occupied wa1l is destroyed behind will be
eta sed as in soft cover'.
w' pona,.
e 8kirmishing,. a . ' may ,not then beclas,sed a ' r ,e
e) Troops lining hedge ,o,r w, in a firing position will
lying behind will not.
een; troops kneeling or

Caval%)' ,may jump ditches, low w ll8, hedges and fence ' if they are moving at charge
rat. d, they move at ' .st '. If of their full move di tanct this rate before reacrun
the 0 ' tacle., This doe. not pply if enemy troops in cloe o'rd line the obstacle or the
oppo ita ' of a ditch, but do 8 ' pply if they ar,e in the dich,.
Infantry '8 1
en Ca
Ca!" ter Melee e
fir fire fire fire

, e
Open wood.
Soft None Soft Soft Soft Soft
and o,rchards
wood. Hard Soft Soft Hard Soft Soft .

Hedge/fence Soft None None Soft Soft Soft
T,.-H ' . , .. 11.
Hard H rd Soft Hard ,Hard Hard _ft W ,
Hard Hard, Hard
H ,R d Hard r
Wood '
H :80 t SOft :Hard
,8 rd Hard

Hard H rd Hard
Hud H d Hard
_ ar


Soft H d Soft Soft Soft Soft
A ' .. " ding will hold one ' npu inch, of outside fron,t,a ,' . per floor. It will take one full
mov " to fully occupy a wood . ding d two ,full mov ,. to occupy a . tone one, ie. to
barricade doors and wiMows, . d cut firing slits, etc,
Troo atta.cked before the full occupation period may beenga ed through each . tural
gap, cJoor, window, or bole at least \" wide. When fully occupied an attacker may en-
-gae ' efenders through doorw y only, and only then . fter breaking dOwn the door
( ee MELEE .ection).
One man per inch of outlJide frontale per floor may fire from ullyoccupied building.
one man per natural gap only from non-fully occupied building. 4
Troops must enter a buildin which is not already occupied by an enemy, through
c100 y; window, or gap at Ie ' wide. To determine th leng h of time required to
, t ,, ' .. - sure the cti.stAnc rom he furthest man from th - , . . ding to the gap through
Nch he to enter ..
When leaving a building the following movement times must be allowed for infantry, and
d .' .move mounting time for cavalry
The wu.t must form up wi h the 1 at man out within 1" of the point of exit.
CIo, e order ....... 1 full move
, d .
Open or er ...... 04 move
Skirmish order .... % mev,
lOOp re-occupying a de troyed building will be claed _. s in soft cover fro . aU form

of small arms fire, and melees.
Skirmishers were light troops trained to operate in open formations in order to harass
the enemy and also protect their own parent unit from. enemy fire. Normally each batt-
-alion contained its own unit, or light company, to carry out these tasks, but individ.ual
rifle or light co.mpanies may be detached from one unit to carry out these functions for
other units.
L Only light infantry may act as skirmishers, and only one company, two in the case
. of P:r:ussians. may be detached for this duty. Light battalions rnayskirmish other
uni ts but mus t do so in open order.
Skirmish companies must have explicit orders as to their actions, ie.: they must be
given separate orders from their unit, and these orders contain a specific flank,
rear, or front that they are to protect. ..
2. To form an effective screen against small arms fire only ~ skirmishers must bea
minimum 0 "and a maximwn of 4" in front of the unit it is covering. Each third hit
from ball and canister fire on the screened unit will be classed as a hit on the screen
No freindly fire may pass through or over an effective skirmish screen.
. -
3. Throw one dice per hit on any detached unit. If' a 1 is thrown the officer is killed.
4. Skirmishe s will no longer form an effective screen if three or less strong.
5. Skirmishers may not be ordered to melee unless they have specific instructionsto hold
an enclosed area, such as a house or high walled area, or they first change into close
order and are protecting the flank or rear of their parentuni t, or a unit to which it is
6 Skirmishers with the exception of 5. above, win at ways evade an attacker.
7. Skirmishers more than 4" away fJ.:Om the unit they are covering will withdraw to the
cove r of that unit when. any enemy close order troopscom.e wi thin charge range. They
may only fire if they are loaded a t the beginning of the move and are able to reach
cover within half a move. Cover may also be defined .as: within 2"0 the flanks Or rear
of .other friendly troops, or skirmishing its own unit.
S. Skinnishers may move through any stationary unit in line, or movingope.n order unit
without penalty to either, but must to move round any column or m.oving close
order units. If the close order unit makes contact with them they will unfonn. it: see
9. Skirmishers within 4" of their own parent unitt or unit to which they are attached,
will test for morale on the following occasions only:
a) It first takes casu.alties greater than one.
b) Its affic er is killed.
c) Other skirmishers are routing within 12" and in sight.
d) It re,aches half strength.
On all other occasions it will react ,with the parent unit. If the sub unit is detached,
ie: not within. its cover, it will test on all occasions asa separate unit.
10 .. Skirmishers must clear the front of any ~ t which is charging or attempting to
charge, before that unit reaches its minimum separation distance. They will reform
again to one flank.
11. If a skinnish company looses its officer it may not advance, unless covering its
parent unit or it has been ordered to cover, and such cover is wi thin half a move of the
position where the officer was killed.
12. Skirmishers who double for over % of a move may not load during that move.
DE-TACHED SUB UNITS (Other than Skirmishen) .
Any sub unit may be d.etached from its parent umtat anytime to carry out a specif-
-ic order. Orders m.ust be written for each detached unit each move and they wlll react
as a separate unit for all purposes.
A sub unit will become detached if an uncrossable obstacle is between it and its par-
-ent unit, or it has no man within it within 1211 of the tanrts standard.
If a detached unit routs or surrenders the parent unit, if in sight, will class them .as
being killedt.hat move and any subsequent move during which it rem,ams visible. Routing
subunits will move towards the base lin.e as normal but retreating sub units will. where
possible, move towards their parent unit, otherwise nearest cover to the rear.
1. Officers and standard bearers do not count in the nwn.ber of men firing.
2. Only one round of fire is allowed from anyuni t per move.
3. The first two ranks in any unit in the open, in open woods or orchards, or lining the
edge of any woods, may fire a tthe same time.
4. Troops beking cover,. ie: wall,. hedge, fence, etc. will be allowed to fire one rank
only. They m.ay, however, fire the front rank then interchange (without interpen-
-etration penalty) the first and second 'ranks, and fire the second rank. later in the
.move. Troop-. behind hard cover and fences only win be able to claim resting weapons.
S. Range is meuured from the centre of the front rank of the target to the centre of
the .front rank of a close order unit, or the second rank of any unit in open or skir-
-mishorder. For flank fire measure to the centre of the flank.
6. Firing on troops engaged in a melee will only be allowed against unengaged sub units
on the flank,.f1ank guards, or the third and subsequent ranks of a
Musket ... 1211
Rif 1- 18"
. 8 , .oIIi .... ......
Carbine .. . ..... ... 8"
1 3
, S to ' .. . , . .' . . '. . . .. -
The following movement time be allowed for loading 0. all small arms. All
loading must be carried out while the unit is stationary, with the exceptions shown.
'Militia troops will add\: move to all the times given and may not load moving at any
time unles8 skirmishers.
Dismounted and Open order troops Mounted and

stationary &

stationary mOVIng
- -
Musket \ move \ move 1 move
Carbine \ .move \ move \ move
Rifle % move 1 move --
Pistol \ move'
\ move
Close order ......... 15 right and left Ski.rmish o.rder .. , ....... 60 right and left
- -
Open order .......... 30
right and left -Troops in buildings ..... . 45 right and left
Before a unit 18 allowed to fire at an attacker, at ranges of 8;' or less
it must take
a morale test. If this is good enough then it may fire at any point within the 8" t point
hlankbeing .1"
An attacking unit may halt and f ire a volley before charging home. but it must teat
its morale beorecontinuing the charge. For an effective charge (see MELEE section)
thia must be at 2" or more range.
The unit being attacked will only count the minus factor for being charged if they in
turn fire after the enemy has moved 'past its minimum effective charge distance.
-1 Per inch of range
-2 If target moves over 3" and less
than 10 It during the move
If target movea 10" or over during
the move
-1 If target mounted
-2 If target in open order
-4 1 target in soft cqver
-4 If target in skirmish order
- 5 ,If target deployed gunners
-6 If target lying down
-6 1 target in hard cover
-4, 1 militia class firing
-1 If being charged by equal or better
quality troops
- 2. If being charged by cavalry and not
in square or hard cover
-1 If unit suffered casualties from
artillery fire last move
-6 Mounted troops firing mounted and
moving (not while charging)
Mounted troops firing mounted and -l
.' '.
-1 Pe'r 2 ~ , or t of t unformed
+ 1 Per spot on ordinary dice
+1 Militia troops firing initial volley
+4 British troops firing initial volley
British troops firing company volley +3
+2 Troops of nations firing initial
+3 Troops anned with rifles firing any
+2 Skirmishers firing muskets or carbines
+4 Skinnishers firing rifles
Target in column
Target in square
+ 1 Troops other than skirmishers firing
from buildings or high walls, or
+2 Firing on close order or open order
troops (in line only) within 22\0 of
+2 Resting weapons, but not skirmishers
Notes: a) Initial volley is any volley which is the unit'g first of the battle, or which is
fired after three moves during which the unit in question has not fired. This
does not apply to troops more than. 50% unformed, troops in buildings or be-
-hind high walls, or skirmishers.
b) Company volley is any volley by British t 'roops that is not their initial volley.
First determine the .factor for each unit or sub unit from the appropriate table.
To determine casualties, from, infan try fire and melees, other than skirmishers' fire t

the calcula tor is set as follows:
a) Set arrow B on the middle disc against the factor det ermined, on the bottom disc.
b) Set the number of engaged figures on the top disc against arrow B on the middle disc.
c) Read off the number of casualties due to fire from the arrow marked 'fire', and due
to melee from the arrow marked 'melee', on the bottom disc.
a) Set arrow A on the middle disc agains t the factor on the bottom disc ..
b) Set number of men firing on the top disc against arrow B on the middle disc.
c) Read off the number of casualties from the arrow marked 'fire' on the bottom disc.
Each fifth hit in anyone move will be counted as an officer killed. If the unit is in
square or behind hard cover it will be each sixth hit.
If a senior command figure i. wi tli the unit he will only be killed if all the other
officers in the uni t are already dead.
This need only be taken into account when using mixed units. ie: grenadiers in the line
All non-officer casualties will be taken by the r nt unit or units. In the case of units
in line, this will be splitequaUy between each CQrn tJa Y. starting from the right, for
frontal fire, and will be equally divided betwee the ranks for flank fire.
Units under fire from the rear will determine casua lties as for frontal fire, but on
the rear rank.
1. Up to two extra gunners may be purchased at the beginning of the game.
2. When the of ficer is killed the battery may not change target unless ordered to do so
by a senior command ,figure, or to defend itself from an attacker. A battery may not
be commanded by any but an artillery officer. .
3. Casulties on a batteI)' will affect it as follows:
Gunners killed. . ...... Reduction in the number of enemy killed.
Limber men killed ..... Add %. move to all limbering times per man killed. If all the
limber men are kill ed then one gunner must be transferred to
the limber.
Limber horses killed ... Reduce the movement rate of the battery in proportion to the
horses remaining.
4. If a limber is destroyed during the game the gun may fire only two more rounds .of any
type before running out of ammunition.
5. To manhandle a battery using men other tha.n gunners 8 men or 4 cavalry to
move it 3
per move for guns up to 6pdr, or 2" per 'move for larger types.
6. To spike a battery requires a full move in possession (not in melee). Once spiked the
ba ttery may not fire again.
7 . Gunners ordered to take cover in a square will move a.t the double ra te for skirmishers.
They may hold their fire until the last m.oment, but must leave sufficient time to
reach the square after discharging the battery.
8. To repair a damaged battery throw one ordinary dice, the score being equal to the
number of moves for which it will be out of action. If a battery is hit again while
under repair it will be completely destroyed. Limbers hit again while under repair
will also be destroyed.
9. Batteries may not pick individual sub units to fire at unless it is a detached unit.
10. Only one round of fire is allowed fro.rn any battery each move, and no battery may
commence loading again until the beginning of the next move.
11. Indirect fire: Howitzers and rockets may be fired from the reverse slope of a hill, or
from behind cover (m us t be a minimwn of 2" away from such cover) on to a target
which one of the crew is in a position to see. The battery must fire at the end of a
move, and there will be one full move's delay between .firing and the effect being
back. The battery .may therefore fire only once every other m.ove.
12. Artillery may not fire ball or canister overhead unless firing ball only from higher
ground than the intervening troops. Shell , case and rockets may be fired overhead
if friendly troops are not within 6" of the firing piece or the target.
13 .. 1 close order units are within 3" oeach other along the line of flight when firing
ball , all ranks in such units will count for purposes of the fire factor calculations.
Remove one casualty per rank in rotation, starting with the rank nearest the firer.
'Batteries must be layed before ,any firing starts: pivot the battery about a point in
the centre of the back of the base.
-,_ . ", ~
3/4pdr FIeld gun ... I , 0 , 0 0 I - ~ move Rockets. . . 0 0 ,0 ~ move
All horse guns. . . . , . 0 ,. \ move
6- 9pdrField gun . . .. I "- move
Double shotting any
gun! AU militia class
12 pdr Field gun, & Howitzer .... . .... % move crews. . . . . ' , 0
- -
Ball Shell Case (British EW's only) ,
(Howitzer Min. Max. Single
3/4pdr 36" -...
- ~ 15"
6pdr 48"
12" 36" 18"
8/9pdr 60
12" 48" 18"
12" 60" 18"
-- 60" 6" 48" 18
+\ move onto
above times
Note: All artillery fire is assumed to hit the target aimed at with the exception, of
rocket fire,. Mea,sure all ranges from the front edge of the battery's base to the
centre of the front rank of the target. For flank fire measure to the centre of
the flank.
1. Rocket's are classed as 6pdr case for fire 'factor purposes, and no additional dice is
required to see if it explodes.
2. To determine a hit by rockets,. throw one ordinary dice. If 1 to 4 is thrown the rocket
misses the target. However, if the target is over 6" wide add one' to the dice score
If no hit is obtained on the chosen target the rocket will con tinue along its line of
flight up to a maximum of 7211. Dice for any unit along the line of flight as above.
Guns ordered to double shot, ie: canister/canister or canister/bal1, calculate their
fire factOT as follows:
Canister/canister .. 0 Increase canister factor by 5 ~ .
Canister/ball ... ....... Calculate as for ball and canister simultaneously and add 1 to
to the final ac or.
Shell. ... . Throw one dice per round of shell fire. If a. 1 is thrown. the round fails to
go ,off.
Case ..... Throw one dice per round of case shot fired. If a 1 is thrown the round
fails to go off. If a 2 is thrown the round is a ground burst. Calculate
casualties as for ball fire again:st a single rank of infantry in the approp-
-riate order 0
The following gun crew may only be counted as firing each move:
6pdr and above ....... Up to a maximum of 4 men Officers may only be counted
3/4pdr & rockets, .... Up ,to a ma,ximum of 3 men when the crew is reduced to 1
The effect of each hit on a. battery will be determined by the f o l l o ~ dice throw:
1 ......... , . Officer killed
3 ............. Limber man killed
2 ..... , . Limber horse killed
4 - 6 . Gunner killed
In melee or when moving, a dice of 2 will kil1 a gunner.
+ 1 Per spot on normal dice throw. -1 Per 10" of range (not canister)
always rounding up.
-4 If target moves over 4" during move
(not when firing canister).
+ 1 Per rank of close order target behind
the first, up to a maximum of six,
when firing ban.
- 5 If target moves over 12 U during
move (no t when firing canis ter) ,
- 2 If target moves over 8" during move
when firing canister.
-2 If target mounted.
-2 1 target in open order.
-5 If target gunners deployed.
- 5 If target in. skirmish order.
-5 If target lying down.
-2 1 target in soft cover.
- 5 If target in hard cover.
-8 1 target in redoubt with overhead
-2 If militia class crews firing.
-2 If under counter battery fire last
- 3 If firing indirect fire.
+ 2 If firing other than ball into enemy
flank wi thin 2 2 ~ o , target in open or
close order.
+2 Target in square or column when
firing other than ball.
Ball: +1 If 819pdr firing.
+ 2 If 12pdr firing.
Shell: +3 1 howitzer firing.
Case: +2 If 6pdr firing.
+3 If 8/9pdr firing.
+4 If 12pdr firing.
1 3/4pdr firing.
If 6pdrfiring.
If B/9pdr firing.
1 12pdr or howitzer firing.
Gunners. when mounted
will be classed as in skirmish order from aU forms of
fire. All fire directed a.t moving guns will produce casualties on men only .
Shell, case, double ~ h o t t and rocket fire will, when directed against other artillery.,
cause casual ties on the crew and horses only. To put a ba ttery out of action either all
the crew must be killed or it must be damaged by ball fire.
To determine the effect of ball fire throw three dice, one red and two black. The
black dice scores are added together, and by consulting the following list, any damage to
the battery can be determined. If no damage is caused then use the red dice score and
the previous factor table to detennine if there are ,casualties on the crew.
11 or 12 ... . .. Gun damaged. Throw for repair as detailed.
10 .. , . . . . . . Limber damaged. Out of action for two moves, two horses killed.
9 or less, . . .. No ef.fec t .
No te: Add 1 to the black dice score if 12 pdr firing.
Subtract 1 from black dice score if 3/4pdr f iring. '

To destroy cover first determine the point value of the section of cover to be dest-
- rayed by consulting the following table. For hit on the cover reduce the points
value of the cover by the amount given in the DESTRUCTIVE POINTS VALUE table.
Uni ts in cover will still be classed as i n such cover from fire only, until SO'X, of the
original points value has been desLJ:'Oyed
at which point hard cover becomes soft and
soft cover no protection . . All the original points value of cover must be destroyed before
the unit behind looses its benefit in a melee.
Buildings will collapse when more than 50% of its points value has been destroyed.
Throw one dice per man inside, 1 - 4: man killed.
For 'counter battery fire, using ball, against guns in hard cover all the cover must be
destroyed befo're a gun can be damaged or crew casualties caused.
Hedge ......... 2 per inch (shell only
Fence .. . .. . . .. . 3 per inch
Low wall. . . . . 10 per in,ch
High waH . . . . ... .20 per inch
Heavy ga te , . . . . 10 per inch
Ball from: l'4pdr .. , .... 2

6pdr . . ' ..... . 5
8/9pdr. .. .. 8
12pdr . . .... . 10
Redoubt ............. 30 per inch
Parapet . . .. . . . . . . . . . 20 per inch
Building ("' ood) ... . ... 2 per inch of outside
Building (stone) . . . . .. 5 per inch of outside
Shell from howitzer ,. I 4 (hedges and fences
. 2 (for other cover)
If a building is hit by shell or rocket fire determine if it catches fire by throwing two
dice, and consult the following ta,bl e:
11 or 12 .. . Any buil ding catches .fire 10 . . ... Thatched or wooden roofed buildings
9 . . ' ' . . . . ..... Tha tch roofed buildings catch fire
catch fire 8 or less . .. " . . No effect
Add 1 t o the total dice throw for the second and subsequent round by each gun firing
at the same target from the same position.
1. One attempt may be made by t .roops. insi de a building to put out the fire. To do so
t hey musy have a total dice throw equal to or better than the guns, adding one to the
total for each three men employed in fire fighting.
2. Fires will spread to other buildings within 6" downwind each two moves that they
3. Buildings will be destroyed at the .rate of 4" of outside frontage per floor, per move.
4 . No troops may remain wi thin 3" of a fire unless fire fighting, the .move after it
S. Smoke win travel downwind a tthe rate of 3" per move , up to a maximum. of 12' , and
will last for one move after the fire goes out.
6. Troops in or directly behind smoke will be classed as being in. soft cover.
7. To determine the direction from which the wind is blowing, spin a pencil on the table:
the point will indicate the direction.

Al l unit s must test th.eir morale at the point determined i n. the move sequence when
one of the following occur.
1. \A. hen a unit first takes casualties greater than one, but not when taken on its
ski rmish company only .

2. When a unit of equal or better quali ty retreats or routs within 1211 of it, this unit
being a t least half of the testing unit's strength ..
3 . Mili tia units when they a) suf fer casualties from case fire .
b) 9'uf fer casual ties f rom rocket fire.
c) have more t han three men killed f rom artillery f ire in a
move .
d) are fired on by an enemy intial volley.
e) fire their' own initial volley ..
4 . When a s eni or command figure is killed , captured or leaves the fi,eld within 24t1 and

in sight.
S When a unit reaches half strength.

6. Each time a unit, other than guards or regular gunners, takes casualties from
shell fire .
7. When a unit loses more men itt a melee than its opponent.
Note: In a melee, if any unit has its flank guard or other subunit engaged separ-
-ately, they each test individualy and, as long as they are not classed as a
detached unit, they will each still count all the unit officers and the
standard in their test ~
8. When a unit loses an officer ...
9. When a unit has lost its standard. It will test each move.
10. At the end of a move in which a unit suffers casualties and has no officers.
11. When being charged, except infantry ina. square charged by cavalry. A unit must
test its morale before it attempts fo fire at ranges of 8" or less. This may not
apply if the enemy stops to deliver a volley, see SMALL ARMS FIRE secti on.
12-, When infantry attempt to charge home. They will test at the point where fire is
taken, or, if it stops to deliver a volley, before it enters its minimum effective
charge dis tanee.
13. When cavalJ:y attempt to charge home . They will test at the point where fire is .
taken. If fire is taken at 3" or less and casual ties do not exceed 2SfX, no test will be
14, When the C- in-C or a senior command figure attempts to rally a routing unit, see
RALLYING section.
These figures may leave or move to any unit that is not in .meleeat any point with-
-in their move distance. If the unit is in melee then he may only leave i t after the first
round of melee has been fought. 1 the unit is routing he may leave it halfway through
the first full move of rout but may not attempt to rally it if he does so,
If he remains with a routing unit he must stay with it for the first attempt at
rallying. If he fails to rally it, on the second attempt, or the unit leaves the field
before the attempt can be made, he will also leave the field with it.
1. Any unit forced to retreat for more than one full move may be stopped if n o ~ in
contact with the enemy by a senior command figure being with it or mOVlng to it .
He will stop the unit at the end of the first move or move in which he reaches it.
2. Skirmishers and gun crews forced to retreat to cover must tak.e a morale test be-
-fore moving out of cover. A total of 12 or more is required, and they will be
cla sed as having retreated last move for all such tests .
3. A routing unit may atte rapt to rally at the end of the move subsequent to that in
which it broke. A senior command figure mus t be with the unit or move to it before
the attempt may be made. Only two attempts at rallying will be allowed. Troops
not r .allied will continue moving towards their base line until they leave the field,
and may not return.
4. In all rallying attempts the routing unit must have a morale of 12 o.r more, other-
-wise it will continue to rout .
5 . C-in-C, senior command figures or pursuing units who leave the field with a routing
unit will not be able to return for two full moves. All units within 24"0 the point
at wMchthe C-in-C or senior command figure left the field will test their morale
each .move that he is off, as though he had. been killed . . Pursuing units may reform
during the second move only, before coming back onto the fi.eld.
Throw three ordinary dice and aCIa or subtract the fotlowing:
- "- .-
Fire effect this move
-1 If casualties caused by ball fire.
-2 If casual tie. caused by shell/case fire.
-3 If casualties caused by canister or
rocket fire.
-1 If first casualties greater then one.
-1 Per two men killed so far this move.
-1 Per officer killed so far in ba tt Ie.
Being charged by:
-1 Open order infantry.
- 2 Close order infantry in line.
-3 Open order cavalry.
-4 Infantry in column.
Close order cavalry (ignor if infantry
in square or hard cover. .
Unit strength
If unit at half strength or below.
Supporting units.
- 3 If no friendly urn t, not in m.elee and
other than artillery or skirmishers,
or detached sub units, within IS" of
unit's standard.
-1 Per friendly unit retreating within
sight. *
- 2 Per friendly unit within sight ..
-4 Per friendly unit surrendering within
24 tt this move or last, within sight. *
(* Ignore if less than half testing
unit's strength.)
-1 1 pushed back las t move.
-2 If retreated last move.
-4 If routed last move.
-4 If lQser of a melee rOUnd this move,
- 2 If enemy close order troops are within
charge range of testing open order
-2 If .m.ilitia clas troops.
- 2 If fired on or engaged in flank or rear.
-1 Per or part of J unformed.
-6 If C-in-C or senior command figure
is killed, captured or leaves the field
within 24" and in sight.
-2 If enemy has broken into an enclosed
defended area.
Own formation
+ 1 Open order wan try and deployed
+2 Close order infantry in line.
+2 Open order cavalry and mounted gunners.
+3 Infantry in column or square.
+4 Close order cavahy.
Troop class
+ 1 If mixed grenadier and line with gren-
-adiers leading. .
+2 If British regular infantry or grenadier
class of other nations.
+ 3 If gua.rd infantry or regluar gunners.
+4 If guard cavalry or guard gunners.
Officers and Ii tandard
+l If standard leading, centre of a square,
or in a defended area and In sight.
+ 1 Per officer remaining in unit including
skirmish officer if not
+2 For an officer commanding a detached
unit, battery or skirmish company.
+2 If winnwof a melee ro\U'\d this move.
+11 in soft cover.
+2 If in hard cover.
+4 If in buildings I high walled area, or
a redoubt.
+2 If infantry charging or attempting to
+3 If cavalry charging or attempting to
Senior command figures (only one of the
following may be counted).
+1 If senior command figure wi thin U"
and in sigh t .
+2 If C-in-C within 12" Ltd in sight.
+2 1 senior commar i figure leading unit
or attempting to rally it.
+3 If C-in .. C leading unit or attempting
to rally it.
+3 For a detached sub unit or battery
above half strength.
+2 For light infantry and rifle battalions
in open order only.
If the total dice throw plus factors is 12 or more the unit's morale is good and it
may continue with its orders. If less than 12 consult the foij.owing tablean::1 notes.
Charging In melee Others Skirmishers/gunners
11 , Halt. May fire Pu.shed back Retreat J;. Retreat at double rate to rear
move facing of own troops or cover. May if infant%)'; ,1" .
cavalry turn
retrea t remam-
-der of move.
enemy. attempt to limber up if
10 Halt. Retreat Pushed back Retreat 1
move facing
remainder of 3" .
move facing
9 Halt , Turn and Retreat 1
retrea t remain- move facing
-der of move at enemy.
doublera te* and
next a t normal
8 Halt. As 9 above Retreat 2
but second move . moves
at double r a t e ~ facing'
7 Halt and r ,out ,. Rout.
Retr,eat 2
As above, but gunners may not to limber up.
'* Cavalry at
normal rate.
Rout. Gunner's will abandon guns
.and any damaged limbers.
Notes: a) 4 or less in a melee will result in. the unit surrendering if the enemy outnumber
them 2 to 1 or more.
Any unit surrounded and in melee, with a morale throw of 8 or more, will con-
- tinue to fight holding their ground. 7 or less and they will surrender.. Guards
will continue to fight until their morale falls below 5, when they will surrender.
b) Retreat facing enemy is at half normal rate .. Cavalry will interpret this order
as: turn and retreat at normal rate.
c) A routing unit will take ~ move to turn
d)Stopng distance for charging infantry is I" and f ,or charging cavalry 3". If a unit's
morale is, not good enough for it to continue a charge it mU5,t stop within the
given. If, during this stopping distance, it makes contact with the e.n.emy it
will fight one round of melee before 'turning or falling back. Such units will
be unformed due to the adverse moral and will not get impetuli .bonus on
The following lists and tables give the percentage by which units become unformed
under different circumstances. Any u.nit m,ay continue any action or order when unform.ed
up to 100%, but its fighting ability and morale will suffer accordingly.
When a unit exceeds 100% unformed it will halt and reform if not in melee, charging
or occupyong cover., If in a melee it will fall back fighting, ie: facing the enemy, until
no lo'nger in contact with the enemy and then start to reform. If charging, the unit will
continue into contact if its morale test allows. If in cover it will continue to hold its
position' reforming as required. If the cover is woods or orchards" it wiU",itbdraw until
no longer in sight" of the enemy and then start reforming.
A. unit m.ust be ordered to reform in its move orders, otherwise it may not reform
that move. T,o refonn a unit must be stationary I not in. melee, under canister .fire or a
compulsary morale order. Reforming will take the same percentage of a. move tha.t the
is unfOZiheQ, ie: if unformed. it will take half a move to reflclft. Units without
officer. may not reform. Unit. with only half their normal comPlement of officers
will take twice as long as normal.
'Skirmishers in skirmish order and gun crews deployed or mounted t will not be sub-
-ject to unforming, unless engaged
Note: Keep a careful record of a unit's unformed state by writing the figure it reaches
each move on a piece 0, card and placing it behind the unit,
I. A unit whose ,formation is broken into will be unformed to the extent given ,in the
following interpenetration table. A unit will count this percentage after the melee
round has been fought .
2. A unit whose formation is broken through will count double the interpenetration
percentage given in the table, and will count the percentage in all rounds of melee,
including the round in which it was broke,n through ..
3,. A unit which breaks through another will count aa interpenetrating with itfo,r the
unfonning percentage, but will only count the percentage after the impact round
has been fought.
4, A unit which breaks into another during melee will notbeco'meuniormed due to
Interpenetrating unit
Unit Infantry Cavalry
Close order order Close order
- -
Nil 101 Inf. Skirmish order Nil 201
Open order Nil
10% 4Of,
Close order 201 30% SOl
Cav. Open order lSI 301 101,
Close order 30% 601
Mounted Gunners sO% 201 501
Note: The above table gives the percen,tage unforming on units being interpenetrated.
For th.e interpenetrating unit reverse theproces&, ie: the previously inter pen-
-etrating unit becomes the unit interpenetrated, and vice versa.
Deployed. gunnersW111 be classed as open order infantry for purposes.
;0 _ ., '" ...

TRRAIN' Wan Cavalry
PENAL TIES Open order Cl ose order Column i Open order Close order
Open woods,
orchards and Nil
broken ound
De.nse woods I Impass Impass Impass
Walls t hedges Nil
and fences
15% 10%
Streams, f ords Nil
and ditches
C rossableriver 2otJ,
sections 30%
Hill slopes Nil
Nil Nil Nil

Steep hills
Note: Percentage unformed perove
Rate DubIe or
Charge Rate
* .A pplies to cavllry jumping an obstacle only
.. Ignore if cavalry jump a ditch.
Unit doubles (after first move). .. . ..................... 10% per move
Unit retreats due to morale order ................ 20% per move
Unit routs 01. ... I ' oj, ... ' ' . '. !I ' '. '1 ... II II ... I ' II ' ,. '. II 3,0% per move
Unit pursues another after a m.elee .... , ........ 20% per move
Close orderuni t breaking fonnation to move through
or round obstacles ..... ... ... ....................... 20% per move
Per figure lost during the move ........ .................
Mounted troops (stationary) receiving casualties
from shell fire ................. ....................... ... 20!. per move
Mounted troops receiving casualties from rocket fire ...... per move
Militia. troops receiving casualties from ,either
rocket or shell fire (not ca.valry) ........... ' ........... per move
V nit charges and does not make contact I I , I 20% per .move
charges and makes contact at other than 90
3Q1M, after im,pac't round
Unit enarged and contact made at other 9,0
20% after impact round
'Unit attacked in flank with impetus .......................... 30% ) and no flank/
Unit attacked in rear with impetus ......................... ) guard
Cavalry unable to counter charg'e. . . . . . .. . ....... .. . . 201 on impact
Unit caught changmg formation ......................... ' ... on impact
Infantry in line penetrated by colum.n ................... on impact
Per move that a unit is in melee, after the impa'ct round .. 10'J6
Per move that a close orde:r unit in melee attem.ptsto
overlap or move round the flanks of an enemy .............. lD!,
Melee, or hand-to-hand fighting takes place when figures come intoconta.ct with
each other, or with an obstacle separating them. Only ,those figures actualy in bes'e to
base contact, touching the obstacle, or in contact with a flanking friendly figure who
is in contact, may be classed as being in melee.
A unit may charge at any time, as long as it has been ordered to do so in the move
orders, it is not over 1001 unformed, changing forma tion. skirmishers, or reacting to
a m.orale order for any part of the move .
. An effective 9harge must be made over the following minimum distances, otherwise
a unit will only move into contact.
Infantry charging. ............. 2" Cavalry. .. . . . . . . . . . . ..... 6"
Infantry counter charging ... .... 4" Cavlry counter charging .. ' .. 10"
Ideally a charge .should be made at right anglesto
,the enemy front, and all attempts
by the charging unit must be made to do so up to:he minimum effective c.harge
diatan.ce. If contact is made at other than at right angles the charging unit will con-
-tact ,the sid.e or sides! of the enemy formation, breaking up its own formation. Both
units will count the unforming percentage aft{)y the impact round .

Notes: a) A unit may make to its fo.nnati?n. direction ofmovernent, or
,. - rf'J-" .
eros 0 t cles,. up to the minimum effective charge c1i.stance .. .
, . - -
and then charge home.
b) Cavalry may counter charge at any time within tne restrictiona in a) above,
but infanny must have ordels to counter chaqe in their move orden.
otherwise they will receive 'the charge.
c) In any charge move aU units will get an impetus bol'lWl on the contact round
if they are: a) in close order.

b) charging oreounter c:.harging oyez the minimum effective
c) cavalry charging l:roope other than. those in cover ,or square.
d) infantry charging other infantzy, other than those in hard
e) notattaclcing troope in order.
) not over 101 unformed .
(See also at beginning of the SMALL ARMS FIRE section)
When a column of infantry contacts a unit in 1..ine, which ie not hard cover I it will
push back 3" the same 'number of men in the line as there an in the front rank of the
column. The column may continue to advance at 3" per move unle ordered to halt and
turn to meet a counter charging enemy.
The defender, if ordered to counter charge, may move into contact with the flank.
of the column after the impact round, see OVERLAPPING ectlOft below.'ftle defender
may deliver a volley.' before charging ,in which case the column may halt and face outwards
to meetLthe attack, .or continue to advance at the 3" rate, defending it lf againat flank
attack but not rear
A column must 'always stop to defend itself against cavalzy attack.
t ' ? f
Close'oider 'infantry attacking other clos8 order infaany in the opera will into
the enemy fonnation if they have impetus, and the enemy are OVitt 701 unformed on
impact. ..,
Open order infantry may be ordered to charge in open formation, but they gain no
impetus. 1 contact is made with another open order unit the relRllting melee will be
between figures in each unitt assumimg that all the charging figures can reach the
enemy in that move.
Open order troops contacting skirmishers will, if brea,k through them to
contact tr'oops behind The open onter formation will count all the men who actually
pass through the skinnish formation as having taken part in the melee at the same time.
Open order troops contacting close order stationary lZoopswill count the front
rank only on the firetround 0 melee. On the second and subsequent rounds, the open
order troops may fill in the gaps in its front line, effectively forming close order. and
may also overla.p the enemy, see OVERLAPPING section below.
Open order troops contacting clO1ie order moving troops will have their formation
broken into, and wjIl be pushed back in front of the cloM order tzoops. If the cloM
order troops are doubling or charging they will break through the open order t100pe.
..... l'R ..... in square)
. C:lose "'rder charging close order infantry, other than those in square or
covert will bMak into, the infantry formation if they have impetu5 and win the fir.t
round of melee.
Close order cavalq charging open o.rde.r infantry or cavalry, in the will
through those formations and may carry on to engage other enemy units behind, up to
their maximum charge distance. All the close order cavalry figures who pass 'through
the enemy formations are classed as being in melee at the same time, as are all figures
in the unit broken through.
Open order cavalry attacking open order or skirmish order infantry will, if ordered,
break through the infantry fonnation, as the close order units above .. If they remain
in melee with the infantry all the figures in both units will count as being in melee.
Cavalry cha.rging infantry in a square will break into the if they win two
succeSSIve rounds of melee, otherwise, after the second round, they must withdraw
at least half a move before attacking again. They will not be classed as turning in
melee, in so doing.
. .
No close order troops may break formation to engage a. second face of an enemy for-
-mation on the impact round, unless hitting at an angle, see CHARGING section .
. On the second and subse.quent rounds of melee, unengaged troops of the attacker may,
if there is no opposing flank guard, overlap to engage the enemy flank or rear, breaking
up its own formation in so. The defender may not begin to overlap until the third
round of melee, unless he has a flank guardout._ This may move to engage the attacker
on the second round.
Close order overlapping troops may move up to a half normal move distance only, in
anyone round. This takes into account all changes of face required.
Open order overlapping troops may move up to three quart,ers of a normal move
distance in anyone roW\d. This takes into account all changes of face required ..
A unit wi1l1ose its standard if it is forced to retreat and the enemy throw a 6 on
their melee dice. This will only apply to a unit in square or behind cover if it breaks.
A breaking unit will automatically lose its standard if the enemy pursue.
Any unit attacked in flank or rear may turn to meet the attack if it is in more than
one rank and not engaged frontally. If a unit turns to meet an attacker it is still
classed as being attacked in flank or rear, unless the attacker is .forced to engage a
Flank guards must comprise of a minimum. of one sub unit, commanded initially
by an officer t and it must be detailed separately from the pare.nt unit. Its orders
.must indicate which flank it is to protect.
Infantry attacking other infantry behind hard or soft cover defences must force the
enemy troops away from the cover before they I1\4Y occupy it or count it as cover.
Cavalry, unless lancers, may not engage troops behind such cover in melee, but may
engage them in a fire fight.
If one side wishes to break away front a melee it .must do 80 by tunUngt . in the case
of cavalry, or falling back facing the enemy, in the case of .infantry . . If a 'unit turns
whilst in contact with the enemy, the enemy will have one free melee round against it
without any reply. In this instance the round maybe fought at any time in the move.

If a unit wishes to follow up a retiring unit, it must throw one dice. 1-2-,3-4: it may
follow up 5-6: it may not.
The infantry unit breaking off contact must continue to retreat facing the eneJuy
until no longer within charge reach, when it may turn and continue at normal rate.
A grenadier sub unit will be classed as grenadier in melee if at half strength or above.
A player may ignore their bonus if he wishe. to include them with the line infantry, to
obtain the maximum num,ber of figures mvol ved. If a player wishes to use the grenadieY
bonus, the grenadier and line sections of the unit must calculate their melee factors
separately, but using the same dice throw.
Routing units will move at charge rate.
They may attempt to move round other units in close .order. if the close order unit
is at least 6
away from the point at which the routing unit broke or comes into sight, if
previously hidden from the routing unit. Routing units not able to move round other units
will break through them; a.nd th.ey will always break through any open order unit on their
line of flight.
If a building is fully occupied, ie: doors and windows barricaded, an attacker must
first break down the door or barricade before engaging the deeftdet's in melee. If the
building has not been fully occupied, the attacker ~ a y engage the defender at each open-
-ing. ie: doorway I window or gap at least ~ n wide.
. .
It will take one full move for an a.ttacker to a ttempt to break down a door and fight
one round of single hand-to-hand melee. A dice throw of 5 - 6 is required on the first
attempt, reducing by one subsequent attempt, to bring down the door.
When the door is down. or an attacker engages through ... any other gap, an attempt
may be made to enter, by fighting a single hand-to -hand melee with one of the defenders.
If the attacker wins he, and one other attacker, may enter the building the next move
and engage the defenders inside. In the following moves more attackers may enter (two
per move per gap open to them). The total number of men inside a building at any one time
may not exceed the maximum number that it win hold ..
1 the defender wins; , another attacker may engage him the next move.
If all the a ttackers in a building are killed in any ofte move, the defenders may re-
occupy the gaps through which the attackers broke.
This takes place when two men meet each other in a naI1-OW gap, such as a doorway or
window ,and may be used where only limited numbers of each side are engaged, ie:.a single
sub unit or less.
Throw two dice per .man ,engaged, adding or subtracting a.follows:
+1 If grenadier class. -1 If attac:Jcing through a doorway, gaP.
+1 1 mounted. or up a ladder.
+2 If guard class. -1 If attacker has 'broken through .into
+1 +1 If anned with sword. a defended area.
+1 If weapon loaded and discharging now. - ~ 1 militia class.
+2 If defender of a building or high walled -2 If attaoing through a window or gap
area.. above ground level.
+ 1 If defender in other cirC\U1\stanc
The highest dice total plus factors wina, the loser is killed. Teet ,or morale on unit
losing the most men, or on de.en.der, if the en.emy break. into a defended area .
Morale test result: 10 and above ..... Morale alright.
7 - 9. . . .... Fall back 2"tt.
5 - 6 .... . . .. ...... Rout (sur encier if surro.unded) .

4 and below . I I Surrender.
Note:Separate aiege rules are available which cover in more detail attacks on walls, etc . .
The previous rules are only tJ.ic, to enable defended buildings and other small areas
to be attacked dUring a game.
+1 Per spot on ordinaq dice.
-2 If in skirmish order.
-1 1 infantry in open order or
deployed gunners.
+ 1 1 cavalry in open order against
dismounted troops.
+ 1. If in clo.eorder.
+2 If in square.
Troo2 !=ype
+ 1 All regular infantry or dismounted
+2 Deployed gunners .
+2 Grenadier class infantX)'.
+2 Light cavalry or mOlD\ted gunners.
+2 Lane-era on third and subsequent
rounds o melee.
+3 Lancers on firat and second rounds
of melee.
+4 Heavy caval%y.
-3 Militia class troop8.
-1 .1 enemy has body armour.
+3 If guard class troops.
Enemy cover
-2 lfenemy i. in soft cover.
-3 Ienemy ia in hard cover.
-S If enemy i. in redoubt.
Morale and unit state
-1 Per 101, or part of, unf,ormed.
-2 1 unit pushed back last move .
... 3 If unit retreated last m.ove.
-6 1 unit .routed last move.
Impact (impetus bonus)
+1 Close order infantry against ether
+2 Ligh t cavalry in close order.
+3 Close 1ancers/infantry in column.
+4 Heavy cavalry in close order.
+ 1 If enemy pushed back las t move.
+2 If enemy retreated last move.
+2 If enemy turning in melee.
+4 If enemy routing.
Flank and rear attacks
-3 If engaged on flank.
-4 If engaged in rear.
- S If attacked in flank and unable to. turn

to meet 1t.
-8 1 attacked in rear and unable to turn
to meet it.
+1 If senior commander leading unit.
+1 If uphill from opponent,
+21 C-in-C leading unit.

-2 1 moving whilst in melee (does not
apply to troops pushed or pushing back).
-3 1 dismounted troops, not in square er
hard cover ,fighting close order
mounted troops .
... 3 Mounted troops figh ring in open woods
0.1' orchards .
-1 If fired on whilst in melee.
1 one side retreats or routs from a melee. due to adverse morale. the victors must
\7Ursue for one move, unless they are guard or behind ha.rd
All British cavalry must always pursue for one move, then dice for each successive
move: 1-.2 3: it continue. the pursuit.

cut out, and assemble

" \
\ \ , I

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. J E
Bottom Disc .
Middle DitIC:
Top Disc

Wood Block

........ _11)
Copyright 0 Tabletop Gimes 1975


A product of Tabletop Games
Copyrigh . Tabletop Games 1975

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