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Obstacles are for Overcoming

Superando Obstculos
We certainly dont have to be limited by problems! Look at all the men and women throughout history who rose above seemingly insurmountable odds to become great. They had to fight harder to overcome those obstacles, but in so doing they became stronger. No temos de ser limitados pelos problemas. Pense em todos os homens e mulheres ao longo da histria que se distinguiram quando venceram dificuldades aparentemente insuperveis. Tiveram de lutar muito mais para superar seus obstculos, mas foi o que os tornou mais fortes.

Thomas Edison failed two thousand times on his way to inventing the light bulb. He was deaf when he invented the phonograph.

Edison fez mais de 2 mil tentativas antes de inventar a lmpada. Ele era surdo quando inventou o fongrafo.

Being stone deaf didnt stop Beethoven from composing some of the most beautiful music ever written!
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 1827) was one of the most important composers of his time and his works continue to influence musicians to this day.

O fato de ser surdo como uma porta no evitou que Beethoven compusesse algumas das msicas mais lindas que j foram escritas.
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 1827) considerado um dos pilares da msica ocidental e permanece como um dos compositores mais respeitados e mais influentes de todos os tempos.

Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.), king of Macedonia, is known as the conqueror of the Persian Empire. His conquests extended Greek influence as well as the Greek civilization and language throughout a Macedonian empire that ranged as far east as northern India and as far south and west as Egypt. Alexander the Great was a hunchback.

Alexandre, o Grande (356 - 323 a.C.), rei da Macednia, conhecido como o conquistador do Imprio Persa. Suas conquistas expandiram a influncia, civilizao e idioma gregos por todo o imprio macednio, que se estendia do norte da ndia ao Egito.

Alexandre o Grande era corcunda.

Helen Keller was deaf, dumb and blind, but she learned not only to write but to talk! She became a World famous poet, writer and public speaker.

Helen Keller era surda, muda e cega, mas aprendeu no s a escrever mas tambm a falar. Ela se tornou uma poetisa, escritora e oradora de fama mundial.

Booker T. Washington was born a slave and worked in coal mines and salt mines before becoming an educator, a spokesman for African American causes, and founder of a college for young African Americans.

Booker T. Washington nasceu escravo e trabalhou nas minhas de carvo e de sal antes de se tornar educador e portavoz das causas afro-americanas, e fundador de uma faculdade para afroamericanos.

Jerome K. Jerome lost his father when he was 12. At 14 he had to go to work to support his mother and sister. His life got even harder when his mother also died, but eventually Jerome became a writer, not of sad stories but of humor. After such a hard beginning in life, he said, It is from the struggle, not the victory, that we gain strength. Jerome K. Jerome perdeu o pai aos 12 anos. Aos 14, teve de comear a trabalhar para sustentar a me e a irm. A vida ficou ainda mais difcil com a morte da me, mas Jerome se tornou escritor, no de histrias tristes, mas de humor. E foi ele, cujo incio de vida foi to difcil, quem disse: com a luta, e no com a vitria, que nos tornamos fortes.

Wilma Rudolph was an American runner who, despite the fact that she had polio as a child, competed at the Rome Olympics in 1960 and won three gold metals in the sprinting competition.

Wilma Rudolph foi uma atleta norteamericana que, portadora de poliomielite na infncia, conquistou trs medalhas de ouro como velocista nos Jogos Olmpicos de Roma em 1960.

Julio Iglesias had a promising career as a goalkeeper with the professional football team Real Madrid from 1958 to 1962. However, this career came to an abrupt end after he suffered a serious traffic accident. After recovering, he decided to pursue a career in music. In time, Julio Iglesias powerful stage presence, expressive music and charisma helped him become the most successful Latin singer of all time.
Julio Iglesias dedicou-se inicialmente sua carreita desportiva, com o objetivo de tornar-se um jogador profissional de futebol. Ele atuou no time juvenil do Real Madrid, na posio de Goleiro, entre 1958 e 1962. Sua carreira esportiva, contudo, chegou ao fim prematuramente em consequncia de leses sofridas durante um terrvel acidente de viao, em 1962. Da, optara ento, alternativamente, a uma carreira musical. Marcado pela voz e seu detalhismo nas canes, alm de grande carisma, se tornou o mais bem sucedido artista latino em todos os tempos.

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.

La nica discapacidad en la vida es una actitud enferma.

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Art by Phillip Martin, Used under Creative Commons license. Text from Activated magazine, Obstacles are for Overcoming, Wikipedia and assorted sources.

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