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Con pi di 25 anni di esperienza, ABOUTBLU ha assunto un ruolo fondamentale nella produzione di calzature di sicurezza, affrontando con importanti investimenti tutte le nuove sfide del mercato mondiale. Leccellente design, la straordinaria affidabilit ed il comfort imbattibile sono da sempre caratteristiche fondamentali dei prodotti ABOUTBLU. Grazie al nuovo sito produttivo vicino a Padova, Italia; ABOUTBLU in grado di soddisfare tutte le esigenze di un mercato sempre pi sofisticato riducendo i tempi di produzione grazie anche allimplementazione del sistema di approvvigionamento LEAN. Un team giovane, dinamico ma con una notevole esperienza nel settore, garantisce i massimi standard di lavoro grazie anche la certificazione aziendale ISO 9001:2008. ABOUTBLU orgoglioso di poter offrire oltre il 95% dei propri prodotti MADE IN ITALY. MISSION Fornire calzature di sicurezza funzionali, confortevoli e innovative a professionisti che, orgogliosi del proprio lavoro, si propongono di conseguire nuovi obiettivi in ambienti difficili, nel massimo rispetto della sicurezza. ABOUTBLU utilizza materiali e tecnologie allavanguardia per realizzare i propri prodotti e si propone di contribuire al successo, alla fiducia dei lavoratori in se stessi e alla loro protezione nellambiente di lavoro. Chi sceglie le calzature ABOUTBLU vuole sentirsi protetto e sicuro, a proprio agio ogni giorno. PRIORITA DEL BRAND Per ABOUTBLU il cliente sempre al primo posto. La societ crede fermamente che le partnership siano importanti per la completa integrazione del business. Grazie ad un team di Sales Managers dedicati, ABOUTBLU in grado di garantire il massimo livello di integrazione nel rapporto fornitore-cliente.













With over 25 years of experience, ABOUTBLU has become a major reference for the production of safety footwear. Major investments have been implemented to ensure it is able to face the new challenges of the global safety footwear market. The remarkable design, extraordinary reliability and unbeatable comfort have always been fundamental characteristics of ABOUTBLU products. Thanks to the new production plant located near Padova, Italy: ABOUTBLU is able to satisfy all the requirements of a ever demanding market, reducing the production leadtimes thanks also to the implementation of the LEAN system. A young, dynamic but experienced team guarantees the highest work standards, thanks also to ISO 9001:2008 certification. ABOUTBLU is proud to offer over 95% of its products MADE IN ITALY. MISSION Supply functional, comfortable and innovative safety footwear to workers that are proud of their work and want to achieve new objectives in difficult environments, with maximum respect for safety. ABOUTBLU uses modern technology and high quality materials for all its products and wishes to be part of the success and self trust of all workers for their protection in the working environment. Whoever chooses an ABOUTBLU footwear wants to feel protected and safe, comfortable all day long. BRAND PRIORITY For ABOUTBLU, the client is always a priority. The company firmly believes that partnerships are important for a complete business integration. Thanks to a dedicated teams of Sales Managers, ABOUTBLU is able to guarantee the highest level of integration in a producer-client relationship. ABOUTBLU LIFE IS NO RISK


Assorbimento di energia nel tallone Shock absorbent heels

Suola resistente agli olii e idrocarburi Oil and hydrocarbon resistant sole

Calzatura antistatica Antistatic footwear

Suola resistente al calore Heat resistant sole

Suoletta antiperforazione in composito o acciaio Composite or steel midsole

Tomaia traspirante Breathable upper

Tomaia idrorepellente Water-repellent upper

Puntale in composito o acciaio Composite or steel toe cap

Isolamento dal freddo Insulation from cold



Sistemi PUR Elastopan di BASF Poliuretani Italia per la produzione di battistrada con ottime caratteristiche di grip ed intersuole leggere che assicurano elevato comfort alla calzatura, eccellenti propriet antistatiche oltre ad ottimi livelli di resistenza allidrolisi. Elastopan PUR Systems from BASF Poliuretani Italia for the production of outsoles with high grip performance and light midsoles which guarantee maximum comfort levels, excellent antistatic properties and high resistance hydrolysis features.

La membrana WINDTEX una membrana impermeabile, morbida, leggera, elastica, resistente, con ottima traspirabilit, di grande comfort, termicit e versatilit. Una membrana ideale per ogni condizione di lavoro, garantendo al lavoratore il massimo livello di comfort e benessere. WINDTEX fiery di tenere i Vostri piedi asciutti. The WINDTEX lightweight membrane is waterproof, combining softness, durability and elasticity. In addition, it provides maximum breathability, great comfort, good thermal exchange and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. This membrane is ideal for all working conditions, guaranteeing the highest levels of comfort and wellness to the worker. WINDTEX proud to keep your feet dry

Nata nel 1976, Eurosuole da sempre un importante punto di riferimento mondiale nella produzione di suole in gomma. Grazie alla continua ricerca e collaborazione tra le due aziende, Aboutblu riuscito ad ottenere i massimi livelli di certificazione SRC, ben oltre quelli requisiti dalla normativa vigente. Con le esclusive mescole Eurosuole, si riuscito a soddisfare anche le difficili esigenze delle piattaforme petrolifere del Mar del Nord, ambienti estremamente scivolosi e costantemente bagnati. Born in 1976, Eurosuole has always been an important reference for the global market of production of rubber outsoles. Thanks to the continuous research and cooperation between our two companies, Aboutblu has achieved the highest levels of SRC certification, far higher than the existing certification norms. With the exclusive Eurosuole formulas, we have been able to satisfy the demanding requirements of the North Sea oil platforms, with extremely slippery and always wet surfaces.

PLASMAFEEL una fodera realizzata con la tecnologia ABOUTBLU, una fodera estremamente traspirante che fa sentire il piede riposato e rilassato durante il lavoro. Il materiale assorbe la sudorazione e la espelle immediatamente, evitando quella spiacevole sensazione di umidit. La fodera PLASMAFEEL dotata di una eccezionale tecnologia che ha come risultato tessuti altamente qualitativi, resistenti e flessibili, che vengono applicati nella fodera della calzatura. Indipendentemente da quanto impegnativo possa essere lambiente di lavoro, la fodera PLASMAFEEL resiste conto lusura, labrasione e offre il giusto comfort ad ogni movimento. PLASMAFEEL is a revolutionary lining developed with the ABOUTBLU technology, a lining which is extremely breathable, leaving the foot feeling revitalized and relaxed when working. The material absorbs perspiration and immediately expels it avoiding that unpleasant wet feeling. The PLASMAFEEL lining is bonded together with a remarkable technique resulting in high resistant and flexible quality structures which are applied to the inner section of the footwear. No matter how challenging the working environment can be, the PLASMAFEEL lining will resist wear, tear abrasions and support every movement made in maximum comfort.

PIU SICURO DELLACCIAIO ABOUTBLU utilizza da sempre la soletta anti-perforazione L-Protection che garantisce i massimi livelli di resistenza alla penetrazione. Su numerosi modelli (indicate nel catalogo), ABOUTBLU utilizza la linea di ultima generazione ZERO PERFORAZIONE QFLEX TXT6, in conformit alla nuova norma EN ISO 12568:2010, la quale prevede che a 1100N, il chiodo non passi la suoletta. Grazie alla lavorazione strobel, il 100% della superficie rimane protetto. Ottimo anche lisolamento termico, flessibilit e morbidezza. Le suolette L-Protection non sono rilevabili dal metal detector. SAFER THAN STEEL ABOUTBLU has always used the L-Protection anti-perforation midsole that guarantees the highest standards of resistance against perforation. On many models (indicated in the catalogue), ABOUTBLU uses the latest generation of ZERO PERFORATION midsoles QFLEX TXT6, conform to the new norm EN ISO 12568:2010, that requires at 1100N, a nail must not pass through the midsole. Thanks to the strobel stitched midsole, 100% of the surface remains protected. Excellent are also the thermal insulation, flexibility and softness. The L-Protection midsoles are not detectable by metal detectors.

Aboutblu ha realizzato in esclusiva una linea di puntali in materiale composito che ha ottenuto ottimi risultati di certificazione, anche nelle condizioni estreme del mercato nordamericano. Grazie allesclusiva composizione di multistrati di fibra di vetro, kevlar e resine; il puntale ABCAP garantisce la massima sicurezza con ogni uso mantenendo un livello di comfort eccezionale, da sempre prerogativa di Aboutblu. Aboutblu has developed an exclusive range of toe caps made in composite materials, obtaining excellent levels of certification, even in the demanding north american markets. Thanks to its exclusive combination of multi layers of fiberglass, resin and Kevlar; the ABCAP toecap guarantees the highest level of safety in the most difficult working conditions, maintaining the Aboutblu DNA of comfort and wellness.





19300 01LA

S3 CE EN ISO 20345:2012

Tomaia: Microfibra/inserti tessuto idrorepellente. Puntalino anti abrasione Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: NUOVA termoformata fusstatic estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 490g

Upper: Water repellent microfibre/ textile inserts. Anti abrasion toe cap Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: NEW thermoformed removable fusstatic Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 490g

Tige: Microfibre/inserts textile hydrofuge. Embout rsistant labrasion Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: NOUVEAU thermoformee en fusstatic amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 490g

Obermaterial: Mikrofaser/Textil Einstzen wasserabweisendes. Abriebfest vorderkappe Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: NEU thermogeformt aus fusstatic herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 490g


19300 00LA

S3 CE EN ISO 20345:2012


19300 02LA

S1P CE EN ISO 20345:2012



Tomaia: Microfibra/inserti tessuto idrorepellente. Puntalino anti abrasione Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: NUOVA termoformata fusstatic estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 35-48 Peso (taglia 42): 490g

Upper: Water repellent microfibre/ textile inserts. Anti abrasion toe cap Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: NEW thermoformed removable fusstatic Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 35-48 Weight (size 42): 490g

Tige: Microfibre/inserts textile hydrofuge. Embout rsistant labrasion Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: NOUVEAU thermoforme en fusstatic amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 35-48 Poids (taille 42): 490g

Obermaterial: Mikrofaser/Textil Einstzen wasserabweisendes. Abriebfest vorderkappe Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: NEU thermogeformt aus fusstatic herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 35-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 490g

Tomaia: Microfibra/pelle scamosciata traspirante. Inserti in tessuto traspirante Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: NUOVA termoformata fusstatic estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 35-48 Peso (taglia 42): 490g

Upper: Breathable microfibre/suede leather. Inserts in breathable textile Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: NEW thermoformed removable fusstatic Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 35-48 Weight (size 42): 490g

Tige: Microfibre/cuir suede respirant. Inserts en tissu Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: NOUVEAU thermoformee en fusstatic amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 35-48 Poids (taille 42): 490g

Obermaterial: Microfaser/veloursleder. Einsatze aus atmungsaktivem Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: NEU thermogeformt aus fusstatic herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 35-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 490g




19301 00LA

S3 CE EN ISO 20345:2012


19301 01LA

S3 CE EN ISO 20345:2012


Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante e idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: NUOVA Termoformata fusstatic estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 35-48 Peso (taglia 42): 470g

Upper: Breathable, water repellent suede leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: NEW thermoformed removable fusstatic Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 35-48 Weight (size 42): 470g

Tige: Cuir sude respirant et hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: NOUVEAU thermoforme en fusstatic amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 35-48 Poids (taille 42): 470g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Veloursleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: NEU thermogeformt aus fusstatic, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 35-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 470g

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante e idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: NUOVA Termoformata fusstatic estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 470g

Upper: Breathable, water repellent suede leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: NEW thermoformed removable fusstatic Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 470g

Tige: Cuir sude respirant et hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: NOUVEAU thermoforme en fusstatic amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 470g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Veloursleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: NEU thermogeformt aus fusstatic, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 470g


S3 CE EN ISO 20345:2012


S3 CE EN ISO 20345:2012

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante e idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: NUOVA Termoformata fusstatic estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 540g

Upper: Breathable, water repellent suede leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: NEW thermoformed removable fusstatic Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 540g

Tige: Cuir sude respirant et hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: NOUVEAU thermoforme en fusstatic amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 540g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Veloursleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: NEU thermogeformt aus fusstatic, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 540g

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante e idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: NUOVA Termoformata fusstatic estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 540g

Upper: Breathable, water repellent suede leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: NEW thermoformed removable fusstatic Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 540g

Tige: Cuir sude respirant et hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: NOUVEAU thermoforme en fusstatic amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 540g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Veloursleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: NEU thermogeformt aus fusstatic, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 540g




19301 02LA

S3 CE EN ISO 20345:2012


19261 01LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante e idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: NUOVA Termoformata fusstatic estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 470g

Upper: Breathable, water repellent suede leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: NEW thermoformed removable fusstatic Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 470g

Tige: Cuir sude respirant et hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: NOUVEAU thermoforme en fusstatic amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 470g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Veloursleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: NEU thermogeformt aus fusstatic, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 470g

Tomaia: Pelle idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 510g

Upper: Water-repellent leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 510g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 510g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 510g


S3 CE EN ISO 20345:2012


19260 01LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante e idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: NUOVA Termoformata fusstatic estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 540g

Upper: Breathable, water repellent suede leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: NEW thermoformed removable fusstatic Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 540g

Tige: Cuir sude respirant et hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: NOUVEAU thermoforme en fusstatic amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 540g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Veloursleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: NEU thermogeformt aus fusstatic, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 540g

Tomaia: Pelle idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 550g

Upper: Water-repellent leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 550g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 550g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: KunststoffL-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 550g




19261 05LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


19261 03LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


Tomaia: Pelle fiore idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 35-48 Peso (taglia 42): 490g

Upper: Water-repellent grain leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 35-48 Weight (size 42): 490g

Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 35-48 Poids (taille 42): 490g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 35-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 490g

Tomaia: Pelle fiore idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 490g

Upper: Water-repellent grain leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 490g

Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 490g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 490g


19260 05LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


19260 03LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle fiore idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 540g

Upper: Water-repellent grain leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 540g

Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 540g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 540g

Tomaia: Pelle fiore idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 540g

Upper: Water-repellent grain leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 540g

Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 540g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 540g




19263 01LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


19264 00LA

S1P EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007



Tomaia: Pelle idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 35-48 Peso (taglia 42): 490g

Upper: Water-repellent leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 35-48 Weight (size 42): 490g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 35-48 Poids (taille 42): 490g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 35-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 490g

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante con inserti in tessuto Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 35-48 Peso (taglia 42): 480g

Upper: Breathable suede leather with textile inserts Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 35-48 Weight (size 42): 480g

Tige: Cuir sud respirant. Inserts en tissue Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 35-48 Poids (taille 42): 480g

Obermaterial: Atmungsaktives Veloursleder. Einstze aus atmungsaktivem Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 35-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 480g


19262 00LA

S1P EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


19264 02LA

S1P EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 470g

Upper: Breathable suede leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 470g

Tige: Cuir sud respirant Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 470g

Obermaterial: Atmungsaktives Veloursleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 470g

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante con inserti in tessuto Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 480g

Upper: Breathable suede leather with textile inserts Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 480g

Tige: Cuir sud respirant. Inserts en tissue Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 480g

Obermaterial: Atmungsaktives Veloursleder. Einstze aus atmungsaktivem Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 480g




25138 11LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


25116 42LA

S1P EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle fiore idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 620g

Upper: Water-repellent grain leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 620g

Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 620g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 620g

Tomaia: Pelle fiore Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 590g

Upper: Perforated grain leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 590g

Tige: Cuir fleur perfor Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 590g

Obermaterial: Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 590g


25116 36LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


25116 22LA

S1P EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle fiore idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 590g

Upper: Water-repellent grain leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 590g

Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 590g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 590g

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 560g

Upper: Suede leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 560g

Tige: Cuir sud Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 560g

Obermaterial: Veloursleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 560g




25187 00LA

S1P EN ISO 20345:2004


19267 00LA

S2 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


Tomaia: Pelle fiore Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 550g

Upper: Grain leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 550g

Tige: Cuir fleur Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 550g

Obermaterial: Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 550g

Tomaia: Microfibra idrorepellente e traspirante Fodera: Tessuto imbottito Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile antibatterico Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 420g

Upper: Breathable water repellent microfibre Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Thermoformed removable antibacterial FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 420g

Tige: Microfibre respirant et hydrofuge Doublure: Tissu matelass Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible antibactrienne Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 420g

Obermaterial: Mikrofaser Atmungsaktiv und wasserabstoend Futter: Gepolstertes Gewebe Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar antibakteriell Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 420g


25164 00LA

S3 EN 345


25026 00-A

S2 EN 345

Tomaia: Pelle fiore e inserti in tessuto Hi-Tech idrorepellenti Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Acciaio Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 550g

Upper: Water-repellent grain leather and Hi-Tech fabric inserts Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Steel Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 550g

Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge et inserts en tissu Hi-Tech Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Acier Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 550g

Obermaterial: Vollrindleder und wasserabweisende Hi-Tech Gewebeeinstze Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Stahl Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 550g

Tomaia: Microfibra idrorepellente e traspirante Fodera: Tessuto imbottito Soletta: Air-Bience Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 450g

Upper: Breathable water repellent microfibre Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Air-Bience Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 450g

Tige: Microfibre respirante et hydrofuge Doublure: Tissu matelass Premire de propret: Air-Bience Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 450g

Obermaterial: Mikrofaser Atmungsaktiv und wasserabstoend Futter: Gepolstertes Gewebe Innensohle: Air-Bience Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 450g




25021 02-A

S2 EN 345


25027 00-A

S2 EN 345

Tomaia: Microfibra idrorepellente e traspirante Fodera: Tessuto antibatterico Soletta: Air-Bience Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 500g

Upper: Breathable water repellent microfibre Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Air-Bience Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 500g

Tige: Microfibre respirante et hydrofuge Doublure: Tissu antibactrien Premire de propret: Air-Bience Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 500g

Obermaterial: Mikrofaser Atmungsaktiv und wasserabstoend Futter: Antibakterielles Gewebe Innensohle: Air-Bience Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 500g

Tomaia: Microfibra idrorepellente e traspirante Fodera: Tessuto imbottito Soletta: Air-Bience Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 500g

Upper: Breathable water repellent microfibre Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Air-Bience Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 500g

Tige: Microfibre respirante et hydrofuge Doublure: Tissu matelass Premire de propret: Air-Bience Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 500g

Obermaterial: Mikrofaser Atmungsaktiv und wasserabstoend Futter: Gepolstertes Gewebe Innensohle: Air-Bience Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 500g


25048 00-A

S2 EN 345


25072 00-A

SB A E EN 345

Tomaia: Microfibra idrorepellente e traspirante Fodera: Tessuto imbottito Soletta: Air-Bience Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 510g

Upper: Breathable water repellent microfibre Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Air-Bience Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 510g

Tige: Microfibre respirante et hydrofuge Doublure: Tissu matelass Premire de propret: Air-Bience Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 510g

Obermaterial: Mikrofaser Atmungsaktiv und wasserabstoend Futter: Gepolstertes Gewebe Innensohle: Air-Bience Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 510g

Tomaia: Microfibra idrorepellente e traspirante Fodera: Tessuto imbottito Soletta: Air-Bience Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 480g

Upper: Breathable water repellent microfibre Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Air-Bience Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 480g

Tige: Microfibre respirante et hydrofuge Doublure: Tissu matelass Premire de propret: Air-Bience Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 480g

Obermaterial: Mikrofaser Atmungsaktiv und wasserabstoend Futter: Gepolstertes Gewebe Innensohle: Air-Bience Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 480g




19261 12LA
Tomaia: Pelle fiore idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 35-48 Peso (taglia 42): 490g Upper: Water-repellent grain leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 35-48 Weight (size 42): 490g

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007
Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 35-48 Poids (taille 42): 490g Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 35-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 490g



Un corpo elettrostaticamente carico, in una situazione di normalit, tende a scaricare lelettricit statica ed in questo processo pi o meno rapido, pu arrecare danno o interferenze alle cose circostanti. In particolare, possono essere influenzati tutti quei dispositivi sensibili ai fenomeni elettrostatici (ESDS) con una bassa soglia di sensibilit. Quindi nelle situazioni critiche, la corrente statica deve essere tenuta sotto controllo per salvaguardare le strumentazioni oppure lo stesso prodotto finito. Le situazioni critiche pi comuni sono: Possibilit dinnesco di fiamma a causa della presenza di combustibili e comburenti (polveri infiammabili, vapori di sostanze infiammabili, ecc.); Possibilit di attrazione accidentale fra due materiali con situazioni di pericolo o danno; Quando, nella produzione e nellutilizzo di componenti elettronici, lelettricit statica pu creare interferenze o danneggiamenti ed in ogni caso quando si opera con dispositivi sensibili ai fenomeni elettrostatici con una bassa soglia di sensibilit; Allinterno delle aree protette dalle scariche elettrostatiche (EPA). Nelle condizioni elencate previsto luso di dispositivi specifici di protezione alle ESD, tra cui indumenti protettivi anti ESDS (abbigliamento, calzature ecc) Le calzature anti-ESDS, chiamate calzature EPA dalletichetta inserita, sono sempre dispositivi di protezione individuale con marcatura CE, ma con maggiore capacit di dissipazione della carica elettrostatica, e rispondono alle caratteristiche per lutilizzo nelle aree EPA. Le aree elettricamente protette (EPA) sono realizzate con gradi di protezione diverse a seconda del prodotto. Allo scopo di definire delle classi o categorie sulle quali i progettisti o i responsabili delle aree EPA possono scegliere, vengono introdotte le seguenti norme, nel caso di calzature di sicurezza, complementari alla 20345:2004/A1:2007: CEI EN 61340-5-1:2008 (prescrizioni generali per ambienti ESD), la quale prevede una prova di resistenza elettrica con calzatura indossata su piastra/pavimento; con un valore di resistenza elettrica inferiore a 35M; CEI EN 61340-4-3:2002 (requisiti specifici per calzature ESD) prevede una prova di resistenza elettica solo sulla calzatura e due valori di resistenza elettrica: Resistenza elettrica per calzature conduttive : < 1 x 105 (0,1 M) Resistenza elettrica per calzature dissipative: 1 x 105 (0,1M) R 1 x 108 (100M) IMPORTANTE: LE CALZATURE EPA NON DEVONO ESSERE USATE DA ELETTRICISTI ED OPERATORI CHE LAVORANO A CONTATTO CON CONDUTTORI DI CORRENTE ELETTRICA. Inoltre, le calzature sono marcate con una delle seguenti diciture: Classe ambientale 1 Conduttiva Classe ambientale 1 Dissipativa Classe ambientale 2 Conduttiva Classe ambientale 2 Dissipativa Classe ambientale 3 Conduttiva Classe ambientale 3 Dissipativa
Classe ambientale Precondizionamento Durata: 96 h Temperatura: 40 3 C Umidit relativa: < 15 % Condizionamento Durata: 96 h Temperatura: 23 2 C Umidit relativa: 12 3 % Durata: 96 h Temperatura: 23 2 C Umidit relativa: 25 3 % Durata: 48 h Temperatura: 23 2 C Umidit relativa: 50 5 % Misurazioni Temperatura: 23 2 C Umidit relativa: 12 3 % Temperatura: 23 2 C Umidit relativa: 25 3 % Temperatura: 23 2 C Umidit relativa: 50 5 %

An electro-statically charged body in normal conditions tends to discharge static electricity and during this more or less rapid process, it could cause damage to or interfere with objects nearby. In particular it could affect devices that are sensitive to electro-static phenomena (ESDS) with low sensitivity threshold. Consequently, in critical situations, the static current must be kept under control to safeguard instruments, or even the actual finished product. The most common critical situations are the following: If there is a possibility of igniting a flame in presence of combustible or comburant substances (flammable dust, vapours of flammable substances, etc ); If there is the possibility of accidental attraction between two materials with situations of danger or damage; When, during producton or use of electronic components, electro-static charges could interfere or damage instruments sensitive to low electro-static threshold; Within areas protected against electro-static charges (EPA). In the listed conditions, specific protection devices against ESD must be used, among which anti-ESDS protective clothing and footwear (hoods, clothing, footwear, etc..) Anti ESDS footwear, called EPA footwear with inserted CE marking, but with greater capacity of dissipating electro-static charges and meet the characteristics for use in EPA areas. Electrically protected areas (EPA) have various protection ratings based on the product involved. In order to define the classes or categories from which designers and those in charge of EPA areas can choose, the following standards are implemented, in the case of footwear, which are complementary to 20345:2004/ A1:2007, in particular: CEI EN 61340-5-1:2008 (general provisions for ESD environments),which impose san electrical resi stance test with the footwear worn by a person on a plate/ flooring; with an electrical resi stance under 35M; CEI EN 61340-4-3:2002 (specific provisions for ESD footwear) which states an electrical resi stance test just on the footwear and two electrical resi stance values: Electrical resistance for conductive footwear: < 1 x 105 (0,1 M) Electrical resistance for dissipative footwear: 1 x 105 (0,1M) R 1 x 108 (100M) IMPORTANT: EPA FOTWEAR MUST NOT BE USED BY ELECTRICIANS OR OPERATORS WHO WORK IN CONTACT WITH ELECTRICAL WIRES Furthermore, the footwear must be marked with one of the following wordings: Environment Class 1 Conductive; Environment Class 1 Dissipative Environment Class 2 Conductive Environment Class 2 Dissipative Environment Class 3 Conductive Environment Class 3 Dissipative



19262 07LA
Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata traspirante Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 480g Upper: Breathable suede leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 480g

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007
Tige: Cuir sud respirant Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 480g Obermaterial: Atmungsaktives Veloursleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 480g



19263 02LA
Tomaia: Pelle idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Termoformata FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 490g Upper: Water-repellent leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Thermoformed removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 490g

S1P EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Thermoforme en FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 490g Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Thermogeformt aus FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 490g

Environment Class

Pre-conditioning Duration: 96 h Temperature: 40 3 C Relative Humidity < 15 %

Conditioning Duration: 96 h Temperature: 23 2 C Relative Humidity 12 3 % Duration: 96 h Temperature: 23 2 C Relative Humidity: 25 3 % Duration: 48 h Temperature: 23 2 C Relative Humidity: 50 5 %

Measurements Temperature 23 2 C Relative Humidity12 3 % Temperature: 23 2 C Relative Humidity 25 3 % Temperature: 23 2 C Relative Humidity 50 5 %

1 2 3

1 2 3






20002 49LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


20148 09LA

S3 EN 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Nabuk idrorepellente e inserti in tessuto Hi-Tech Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Comfy-Step Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 650g

Upper: Water-repellent nubuck and Hi-Tech fabric inserts Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Comfy-Step Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 650g

Tige: Nubuck hydrofuge et inserts en tissu Hi-Tech Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Comfy-Step Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 650g

Obermaterial: Nubuk und wasserabweisende Hi-Tech Gewebeeinstze Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Comfy-Step Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 650g

Tomaia: Pelle nabukata idrorepellente e puntalino antiabrasione Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 670g

Upper: Water-repellent nubuck effect leather and antiabrasion toe cap Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 670g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge, bout recouvert anti abrasion Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 670g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder mit abriebfast vorderkappe Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 670g


20005 18LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


20149 09LA

S3 EN 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Nabuk idrorepellente e inserti in tessuto Hi-Tech Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Comfy-Step Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 720g

Upper: Water-repellent nubuck and Hi-Tech fabric inserts Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Comfy-Step Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 720g

Tige: Nubuck hydrofuge et inserts en tissu Hi-Tech Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Comfy-Step Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 720g

Obermaterial: Nubuk und wasserabweisende Hi-Tech Gewebeeinstze Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Comfy-Step Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 720g

Tomaia: Pelle nabukata idrorepellente e puntalino antiabrasione Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 740g

Upper: Water-repellent nubuck effect leather and antiabrasion toe cap Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 740g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge, bout recouvert anti abrasion Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 740g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder mit abriebfast vorderkappe Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 740g




20148 13LA

S3 EN 20345:2004/A1:2007


20016 06LA

S1P EN 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle nabukata idrorepellente e puntalino antiabrasione Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Acciaio Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 670g

Upper: Water-repellent nubuck effect leather and antiabrasion toe cap Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Steel Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 670g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge, bout recouvert anti abrasion Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Acier Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 670g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder mit abriebfast vorderkappe Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Stahl Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 670g

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata e inserti in tessuto Hi-Tech Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 640g

Upper: Suede leather and Hi-Tech fabric inserts Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 640g

Tige: Cuir sud avec tissue Hi-Tech Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 640g

Obermaterial: Veloursleder und Hi-Tech Gewebeeinsatze Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 640g


20149 13LA

S3 EN 20345:2004/A1:2007


20017 03LA

S1P EN 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle nabukata idrorepellente e puntalino antiabrasione Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 740g

Upper: Water-repellent nubuck effect leather and antiabrasion toe cap Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 740g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge, bout recouvert anti abrasion Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 740g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder mit abriebfast vorderkappe Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 740g

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata e inserti in tessuto Hi-Tech Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 690g

Upper: Suede leather and Hi-Tech fabric inserts Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 690g

Tige: Cuir sud avec tissue Hi-Tech Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 690g

Obermaterial: Veloursleder und Hi-Tech Gewebeeinsatze Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 690g




27191 11LA

S3 EN 20345:2004


30266 01LA

S3 WR HRO CE EN ISO 20345:2012

Tomaia: Pelle nabukata idrorepellente e puntalino antiabrasione Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 660g

Upper: Water-repellent nubuck effect leather and antiabrasion toe cap Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 660g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge, bout recouvert anti abrasion Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 660g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder mit abriebfast vorderkappe Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 660g

Tomaia: Pelle pieno fiore idrorepellente con puntalino anti abrasione in pelle Fodera: Pelle fiore con membrana WINDTEX Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 640g

Upper: Water repellent full grain leather. Leather anti abrasion toe cap Lining: Grain leather with WINDTEX membrane Insole: Removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 640g

Tige: Cuir pleine fleur hydrofuge. Sur-embout cuir anti-abrasion Doublure: Cuir fleur avec membrane WINDTEX Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 640g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes vollrindleder mit leder abriebfester vorderkappe Futter: Rindleder mit WINDTEX membrane Innensohle: FUSSTATIC herausnehmbar Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 640g


27191 09LA

S3 EN 20345:2004


30149 11LA

S3 WR HRO CE EN ISO 20345:2012

Tomaia: Pelle idrorepellente e puntalino antiabrasione Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 640g

Upper: Water-repellent leather and antiabrasion toe cap Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 640g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge, bout recouvert anti abrasion Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 640g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder mit abriebfast vorderkappe Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 640g

Tomaia: Nabuk idrorepellente e inserti in tessuto Hi-Tech Fodera: Tessuto con membrana impermeabile WINDTEX Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile Suola: PU-gomma Puntale: Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 700g

Upper: Water-repellent nubuck and Hi-Tech fabric inserts Lining: Waterproof WINDTEX membrane Insole: Removable FUSSTATIC Sole: Polyurethane-rubber Toe cap: Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 700g

Tige: Nubuck hydrofuge et inserts en tissu Hi-Tech Doublure: Membrane impermable WINDTEX Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible Semelle: PU-caoutchouc Embout: Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 700g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisende Nubuk und Hi-Tech Gewebe Einsatze Futter: Wasserdichte Membran WINDTEX Innensohle: FUSSTATIC herausnehmbar Laufsohle: PU-Gummi Zehenkappe: Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 700g




25216 05LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


25218 06LA

S1P EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle idrorepellente Fodera: Tessuto imbottito Soletta: Comfy-Step Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 700g

Upper: Water-repellent leather Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Comfy-Step Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite ZERO PERFORATION Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 700g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge Doublure: Tissu matelass Premire de propret: Comfy-Step Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 700g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder Futter: Gepolstertes Gewebe Innensohle: Comfy-Step Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff NULL PERFORATION Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 700g

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata Fodera: Tessuto imbottito Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 510g

Upper: Suede leather Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite ZERO PERFORATION Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 510g

Tige: Cuir sud Doublure: Tissu matelass Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 510g

Obermaterial: Veloursleder Futter: Gepolstertes Gewebe Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff NULL PERFORATION Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 510g


25217 05LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


25220 02LA

S1P EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle idrorepellente Fodera: Tessuto imbottito Soletta: Comfy-Step Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 620g

Upper: Water-repellent leather Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Comfy-Step Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite ZERO PERFORATION Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 620g

Tige: Cuir hydrofuge Doublure: Tissu matelass Premire de propret: Comfy-Step Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 620g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder Futter: Gepolstertes Gewebe Innensohle: Comfy-Step Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff NULL PERFORATION Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 620g

Tomaia: Pelle scamosciata Fodera: Tessuto imbottito Soletta: Comfy-Step Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: ABCAP Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 510g

Upper: Suede leather Lining: Soft padded fabric Insole: Comfy-Step Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: ABCAP Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite ZERO PERFORATION Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 510g

Tige: Cuir sud Doublure: Tissu matelass Premire de propret: Comfy-Step Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: ABCAP Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 510g

Obermaterial: Veloursleder Futter: Gepolstertes Gewebe Innensohle: Comfy-Step Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: ABCAP Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff NULL PERFORATION Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 510g




30166 01LA

S3 HRO EN 20345:2004


30167 06LA

S3 HRO EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Nabuk ingrassato idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: Removibile POLIYOU Suola: PU gomma Puntale: Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 690g

Upper: Water-repellent greased nubuck Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable POLIYOU insole Sole: Polyurethane-rubber Toe cap: Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 690g

Tige: Nubuck gras hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: Premire de propret en POLIYOU Semelle: PU-caoutchouc Embout: Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 690g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Fettnubuk Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: Abnehmbare Innensohle aus POLIYOU Laufsohle: PU-Gummi Zehenkappe: Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 690g

Tomaia: Pelle bottalata idrorepellente Fodera: Tessuto non tessuto imbottito Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU-gomma Puntale: Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 750g

Upper: Water-repellent genuine drummed leather Lining: Padded, nonwoven fabric Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Polyurethane-rubber Toe cap: Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 750g

Tige: Cuir foulonn hydrofuge Doublure: Non-tiss matelass Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU-caoutchouc Embout: Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 750g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: Gepolstertes Textilfutter Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: PU-Gummi Zehenkappe: Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 750g


25042 00LA

S3 EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

Tomaia: Pelle bottalata idrorepellente Fodera: Pelle fiore Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Acciaio Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 790g

Upper: Water-repellent genuine drummed leather Lining: Grain leather Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Steel Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 790g

Tige: Cuir foulonn hydrofuge Doublure: Cuir fleur Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Acier Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 790g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: Vollrindleder Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Stahl Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 790g




30054 07LA

S3 HRO EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007


30176 04LA

S3 HRO EN ISO 20345:2004

Tomaia: Pelle bottalata idrorepellente Fodera: Tessuto non tessuto imbottito Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU-gomma Puntale: Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection ZERO PERFORAZIONE Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 770g

Upper: Water-repellent genuine drummed leather Lining: Padded, nonwoven fabric Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Polyurethane-rubber Toe cap: Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 770g

Tige: Cuir foulonn hydrofuge Doublure: Non-tiss matelass Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU-caoutchouc Embout: Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection ZERO PERFORATION Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 770g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: Gepolstertes Textilfutter Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: PU-Gummi Zehenkappe: Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection NULL PERFORATION Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 770g

Tomaia: Pelle bottalata idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU-gomma Puntale: Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 620g

Upper: Water-repellent genuine drummed leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Polyurethane-rubber Toe cap: Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 620g

Tige: Cuir foulonn hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU-caoutchouc Embout: Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 620g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: PU-Gummi Zehenkappe: Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 620g


30171 00LA

S3 HRO WR EN ISO 20345:2004


30179 03LA

S3 HRO EN ISO 20345:2004

Tomaia: Pelle completamente impermeabilizzata con OUTDRY Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU-gomma Puntale: Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 750g

Upper: Genuine leather with water-proof OUTDRY treatment Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Polyurethane-rubber Toe cap: Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 750g

Tige: Cuir fleur vritable, entirement impermabilis avec traitement OUTDRY Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU-caoutchouc Embout: Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 750g

Obermaterial: Vollkommen wasserdichtes Vollrindleder mit OUTDRY Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: PU-Gummi Zehenkappe: Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 750g

Tomaia: Pelle bottalata idrorepellente Fodera: PLASMAFEEL Soletta: FUSSTATIC estraibile, antibatterica, assorbente Suola: PU-gomma Puntale: Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 700g

Upper: Water-repellent genuine drummed leather Lining: PLASMAFEEL Insole: Removable, antibacterial, absorbent, FUSSTATIC Sole: Polyurethane-rubber Toe cap: Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 700g

Tige: Cuir foulonn hydrofuge Doublure: PLASMAFEEL Premire de propret: FUSSTATIC amovible, antibactrienne, absorbante Semelle: PU-caoutchouc Embout: Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 700g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: PLASMAFEEL Innensohle: FUSSTATIC, herausnehmbar, antibakteriell, saugfhig Laufsohle: PU-Gummi Zehenkappe: Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 700g




30167 01LA

S3 HRO CI EN 345


25232 00LA

S3 CI EN 345

Tomaia: Pelle fiore idrorepellente Fodera: Pelliccia agnellata e THINSULATE Soletta: Removibile in feltro agugliato e alluminio Suola: PU-gomma Puntale: Composito (200J) Lamina: Composito L-Protection Misure: 38-48 Peso (taglia 42): 790g

Upper: Water-repellent leather Lining: Lambskin-type fleece and THINSULATE Insole: Removable needle felt with aluminium insole Sole: Polyurethane-rubber Toe cap: Composite (200J) Midsole: Composite L-Protection Size: 38-48 Weight (size 42): 790g

Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge Doublure: Fourrure faon agneau et THINSULATE Premire de propret: amovible en feutre aiguillet avec feuille daluminium Semelle: PU-caoutchouc Embout: Composite (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Composite L-Protection Pointures: 38-48 Poids (taille 42): 790g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder Futter: Web Lamm und THINSULATE Innensohle: Abnehmbare Innensohle aus Nadelfilz und Aluminium Laufsohle: PU-Gummi Zehenkappe: Kunststoff (200J) Zwischensohle: Kunststoff L-Protection Gren: 38-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 790g

Tomaia: Pelle bottalata idrorepellente Fodera: Pelliccia agnellata Soletta: Heat-Armour Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Acciaio Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 780g

Upper: Water-repellent genuine drummed leather Lining: Lambskin-type fleece Insole: Heat-Armour Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Steel Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 780g

Tige: Cuir foulonn hydrofuge Doublure: Fourrure faon agneau Premire de propret: Heat-Armour Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Acier Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 780g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Vollrindleder Futter: Web Lamm Innensohle: Heat-Armour Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Stahl Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 780g


25042 01LA

S3 CI EN 345

Tomaia: Pelle fiore idrorepellente Fodera: Pelliccia agnellata Soletta: Removibile in feltro Suola: PU bidensit Puntale: Acciaio (200J) Lamina: Acciaio Misure: 36-48 Peso (taglia 42): 800g

Upper: Water-repellent leather Lining: Lambskin-type fleece Insole: Removable felt insole Sole: Dual density polyurethane Toe cap: Steel (200J) Midsole: Steel Size: 36-48 Weight (size 42): 800g

Tige: Cuir fleur hydrofuge Doublure: Fourrure faon agneau Premire de propret: Premire de propret amovible en feutre Semelle: PU bi-densit Embout: Acier (200J) Semelle antiperforation: Acier Pointures: 36-48 Poids (taille 42): 800g

Obermaterial: Wasserabweisendes Leder Futter: Web Lamm Innensohle: Abnehmbare Innensohle aus Nadelfilz Laufsohle: Zweischichtiges PU Zehenkappe: Stahl (200J) Zwischensohle: Stahl Gren: 36-48 Gewicht (grosse 42): 800g


Calzature di sicurezza Safety footwear (S) (Rif. Normativo: CE EN 345) Categoria Signicato Calzature di sicurezza Safety footwear (S) (Rif. Normativo: CE di sicurezza base con puntale 200J Calzatura EN 345) SB Come SB+zona del tallone chiusa+propriet antistatiche+assorbimento di energia nella zona del tallone S1 Categoria Signicato Calzatura + penetrazione e assorbimento200J Come S1 di sicurezza base con puntale di acqua S2 SB S3 S1 S2 + resistenza alla perforazione + antistatiche+assorbimento di energia nella zona del tallone Come SB+zona del tallone chiusa+proprietsuola con rilievi Come S1 + penetrazione e assorbimento di acqua S2 Calzature da lavoro Occupational footwear (O) Come CE resistenza S3 (Rif. Normativo: S2 +EN 347) alla perforazione + suola con rilievi Categoria Signicato Calzature da lavoro Occupational footwear (O) (Rif. Normativo: CEtallone chiusa, resistenza della suola agli oli, propriet antistatiche, assorbimento di energia Zona del EN 347) 01 nella zona del tallone Categoria Signicato Come O1 + penetrazione e assorbimento di acqua 02 Zona del tallone chiusa, resistenza della suola agli oli, propriet antistatiche, assorbimento di energia 01 Come O2 resistenza 03 nella zona+del tallone alla perforazione + suola con rilievi Come O1 + penetrazione e assorbimento di acqua 02 Simbolo Requisito/caratteristiche Come O2 + resistenza alla perforazione + suola con rilievi 03 Simbolo Requisito/caratteristiche ---Protezione contro urti delle dita A E ---WRU A P E C WRU CI P HI C HRO CI ORO HI HRO Calzatura antistatica Assorbimento energia nella zona Protezione contro urti delle dita del tallone Penetrazione e assorbimento di acqua Calzatura antistatica Resistenza alla perforazione Assorbimento energia nella zona del tallone Calzatura conduttiva Penetrazione e assorbimento di acqua Isolamento dal perforazione Resistenza alla freddo Isolamento dal calore Calzatura conduttiva Resistenza dal freddo Isolamento al calore per contatto Resistenza dal idrocarburi Isolamento agli calore X = requisito calore per contatto requisito non applicabile = Resistenza al obbligatorio Calzature di sicurezza (S) SB S1 S2 S3 Calzature X sicurezza (S) di X X X - X X X SB S1 S2 S3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Calzature da lavoro (O) 01 02 03 Calzature da lavoro (O) X 01 X X X X X X 02 X X X X X X X 03 X X X X X X X Safety footwear (S) (Ref. Standard: CE EN 345) Categ. Meaning Safety footwear (S) (Ref. Standard: CE EN 345) Basic safety footwear with 200J toe cap SB S1 Categ. SB S2 S3 S1 As per SB Meaning + closed heel zone + anti-static properties + energy absorption at the heel Basic safetywater penetration and absorption As per S1 + footwear with 200J toe cap S2 closed heel zone + anti-static properties As per SB + resistance to perforation + cleated soles + energy absorption at the heel

As per S1 + water penetration and absorption S2 Occupational footwear (O) As per S2 + 347) S3 (Ref. Standard: CE ENresistance to perforation + cleated soles Categ. Meaning Occupational footwear (O) (Ref. Standard: CE EN zone + sole resistance to oils + anti-static properties + energy absorption at the heel Closed heel 347) 01 Categ. 02 01 03 02 Categ. 03 Categ. ---A E ---A WRU E P C WRU CI P HI C HRO CI ORO HI HRO Meaning As per O1 + water penetration and absorption Closed heel zone + sole resistance to oils + anti-static properties + energy absorption at the heel As per O2 + resistance to perforation + cleated soles As per O1 + water penetration and absorption Meaning As per O2 + resistance to perforation + cleated soles Meaning Toe shock protection Anti-static properties Heel energy absorption Toe shock protection Water penetration and Anti-static properties absorption Resistance absorption Heel energyto penetration Conducting properties Water penetration and absorption Insulation to penetration Resistancefrom cold Insulation from heat Conducting properties Resistance to heat contact Insulation from cold Resistance to hydrocarbons Insulation from heat X = compulsory contact Resistance to heat requirement Safety footwear (S) SB S1 S2 S3 Safety X X X X footwear (S) - X X X SB S1 S2 S3 X X X X X = additional requirement X = additional requirement X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Occupational footwear (O) 01 02 03 Occupational footwear (O) X 01 X X X X X X 02 X X X X X X X 03 X X X X X X X

ORO Resistenza agli idrocarburi Calzature di sicurezza Safety footwear (S) X = requisito obbligatorio = requisito non applicabile (Rif. Normativo EN ISO 20345:2004) Categoria Caratteristiche delle calzature Calzature di sicurezza Safety footwear (S) (Rif. Normativo EN ISO 20345:2004) Requisiti di base SB

ORO Resistance to hydrocarbons Safety footwear (S) X = compulsory requirement (Ref. Standard EN ISO 20345:2004) Categ. Characteristics Safety footwear (S) (Ref. Standard EN ISO 20345:2004) Basic safety requirements SB S1 Categ. SB S2 S1 S3

SB + Zona del tallone chiusa, propriet antistatiche, assorbimento di energia nella zona del tallone, S1 Categoria Caratteristiche delle calzature resistenza agli idrocarburi della suola Requisiti di base SB S1 + resistenza alla penetrazione ed assorbimento dacqua del tomaio S2 SB + Zona del tallone chiusa, propriet antistatiche, assorbimento di energia nella zona del tallone, S1 S2 + resistenza alla perforazione del S3 resistenza agli idrocarburi della suola fondo della calzatura, suola con rilievi S1 + resistenza alla penetrazione ed assorbimento dacqua del tomaio S2 Calzature da lavoro Occupational footwear (O) S2 + EN ISO 20347:2004) S3 (Rif. Normativo resistenza alla perforazione del fondo della calzatura, suola con rilievi Categoria Caratteristiche delle calzature Calzature da lavoro Occupational footwear (O) (Rif. Normativo EN ISO 20347:2004) requisiti per calzatura completa indicati nella tabella Simboli Requisiti di base + uno dei 0B 01 Categoria 02 0B 03 01 0B + Zona del delle chiusa, Caratteristichetallonecalzaturepropriet antistatiche, assorbimento di energia nella zona del tallone 01 + resistenza alla penetrazione ed assorbimento dacqua del tomaio Requisiti di base + uno dei requisiti per calzatura completa indicati nella tabella Simboli 02 Zona del tallone chiusa, propriet antistatiche, assorbimento di rilievi 0B + resistenza alla perforazione del fondo della calzatura, suola con energia nella zona del tallone

SB + Closed heel Characteristics zone, anti-static properties, energy absorption in the heel, resistance of the sole to hydrocarbons Basic safety requirements S1 Closed heel the anti-static properties, energy absorption in SB + resistance ofzone,upper to water penetration and absorption the heel, resistance of the sole to hydrocarbons to perforation, pleated soles S2 + resistance of the outsole

S1 + resistance of the upper to water penetration and absorption S2 Occupational footwear (O) S2 resistance of the outsole to perforation, pleated soles S3 (Ref. Standard+EN ISO 20347:2004) Categ. Characteristics Occupational footwear (O) (Ref. Standard EN ISO requirements + one of the requirements for complete footwear indicated in the Symbol table Basic safety 20347:2004) 0B 01 Categ. 02 0B 03 01 OB + Closed heel Characteristics zone, anti-static properties, energy absorption in the heel area O1 + safety requirements + one water penetration for absorption Basicresistance of the upper to of the requirementsand complete footwear indicated in the Symbol table O2 Closed heel the anti-static properties, energy soles OB + resistance ofzone,outsole to perforation, pleatedabsorption in the heel area

resistenza alla penetrazione tomaio 02 Simbolo 01 +Requisito/caratteristiche ed assorbimento dacqua delCalzature Calzature di protezione + resistenza alla perforazione del fondo della calzatura, suola sicurezza (S) da lavoro (O) di con rilievi 02 03 SB S1 S2 S3 0B 01 02 03 Simbolo Requisito/caratteristiche Calzature Calzature O sicurezza (S) O lavoro-(O) X X da O P di protezione Resistenza alla perforazione del fondo della calzatura di O O O Calzatura conduttiva C SB S1 S2 S3 0B 01 02 03 O O Resistenzaantistatica P Calzatura alla perforazione del fondo della calzatura X X X X X X O O A C I A HI I CI HI E CI WR E M WR AN M WRU AN CR WRU HRO CR FO HRO FO Calzatura conduttiva elettricamente isolante Calzatura antistatica della calzatura Isolamento dal calore Calzatura elettricamente isolante Isolamento dal freddo della calzatura Isolamento daldi energia nella zona del tallone Assorbimento calore della calzatura Isolamento dal freddo della calzatura Calzatura resistente allacqua Assorbimento di energia nella zona del tallone Protezione metatarsale Calzatura resistente allacqua Protezione della caviglia Protezione metatarsale Penetrazione ed assorbimento dacqua del tomaio Protezione della cavigliatomaio Resistenza al taglio del Penetrazione ed assorbimento dacqua suola Resistenza al calore per contatto della del tomaio Resistenza al taglio del tomaio suola agli idrocarburi della O O O O O O O O O O O X O O O X O X O O O O O X X O O O X O X O O O X O X O X X O O O X O X O O O X O X O O X O O O O O O O O O O O X O O O X O X O O O O X O O O X O X O X O X O O O O X O O O X O X O X O X O O O O

02 Protection O1 + resistance of the upper to water penetration and absorption Requirement/characteristic Safety Occupational symbol footwear (O) O2 + resistance of the outsole to perforation, pleated soles footwear (S) 03 SB S1 S2 S3 0B 01 02 03 Protection Requirement/characteristic Safety Occupational O O -(S) X O O -(O) X Resistance of the outsole to perforation P symbol footwear footwear O Conductive properties O C SB S1 S2 S3 0B 01 02 03 O O Resistanceproperties P Anti-static of the outsole to perforation X X X X X X O O A C I A HI I CI HI E CI WR E M WR AN M WRU AN CR WRU HRO CR FO HRO FO Conductive properties Insulation against electricity Anti-staticagainst heat Insulation properties Insulation against electricity cold Insulation against heat Heel energy absorption Insulation against cold Water resistant Heelprotection Toe energy absorption Waterprotection Ankle resistant Toe protection Water penetration and absorption of the upper Ankle protection upper to cutting Resistance of the Water penetration andsole contactof the upper Resistance to heat for absorption Resistance of the upper to cutting sole to hydrocarbons O O O O O O O O O O O X O O O X O X O O O O O X X O O O X O X O O O X O X O X X O O O X O X O O O X O X O O X O O O O O O O O O O O O O X O O O X O X O O O O O O X O O O X O X O X O X O O O O X O O O X O X O X O X O O O O

Resistenza alobbligatorio O O O O O O X = requisito calore per contatto della suola O = requisito facoltativo aggiunto a quelli obbligatori, se riportato sulla marcatura Resistenza agli idrocarburi della suola O X X X O O = requisito non applicabile. X = requisito obbligatorio O = requisito facoltativo aggiunto a quelli obbligatori, se riportato sulla marcatura = requisito non applicabile.

Resistance to heat for sole contact O O O O X = compulsory requirement O = optional the sole to added to compulsory ones, if indicated on marking Resistance ofrequirementhydrocarbons O X X X = additional requirement X = compulsory requirement O = optional requirement added to compulsory ones, if indicated on marking = additional requirement

graphic & print: GRAFICHE SALVAGNIN photo: Giovanni De Sandre / CB Studio Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Nessuna parte del presente catalogo pu essere riprodotta, salvata in un database o utilizzata in altro modo, senza lautorizzazione scritta di ABOUTBLU S.r.l. All rights reserved. No part of this catalogue can be reproduced, saved in database or be used in a way without ABOUTBLU S.r.l. written authorization. La politica di ABOUTBLU S.r.l. costituita da continua innovazione tecnologica e pertanto la societ si riserva il diritti di modificare i dati qui contenuti senza preavviso. ABOUTBLU S.r.l. policy is one of continuous technological innovation and the company therefore reserves the right to ammend any data herein without prior notice. ITA/ENG Aprile/April 2012

NUOVA NORMA EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

NEW REGULATION EN ISO 20345:2004/A1:2007

ABOUTBLU S.r.l. via Egidio Berto, 2 35024 Bovolenta (PD), Italy T +39 049 9713211 - F +39 049 5806906 -

Azienda certificata ISO 9001:2008

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