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AIM: To write a C program to create a symbol table for the source program, Assembly language program. ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start the program. Step 2 : Initialize program counter to starting address if the address is specified is as START instruction else set to zero to program counter. Step 3 : Read the next instruction from the files. a. Check the mnemonics of the source program in opcode table. i. If found then check the label name in label field. ii. If found then print label name and address of the label, Else increment address by length of the instruction. i.e address=address+length. Step 4 : Repeat step 6 until end of the file is encountered. Step 5 : Return back both cursor pointer to starting of the file. Step 6 : Read the next instruction from the files. a. Check the operand. i. If the operand starts with = symbol, then print literal value ,length and its address. ii. Else increment address by length of the instruction, i.e address=address + length. Step 7 : Stop the program.

SOURCE CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<alloc.h> struct sym { char name[20]; int val; char *next; }s[10]; void main() { int ch,val,j,f=0; static int i=0; char name[10]; clrscr(); do { printf("\n 1.insert \n 2.delete \n 3.disp \n 4.modify \n \n 6.exit"); printf("\n\n enter choice"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n enter the symbol name & value"); scanf("%s%d",name,&val); strcpy(s[i].name,name); s[i].val=val; s[i].next=malloc(sizeof(s[i].name)); i++; break; case 2: printf("enter the symbol to delete"); scanf("%s",&name); for(j=0;j<i;j++) { if(strcmp(s[j].name,name)==0) { while(j<i) { strcpy(s[j].name,s[j+1].name); s[j].val=s[j+1].val; j++; } i--;

break; } } break; case 3: printf("\n name\tvalue\taddr\n"); for(j=0;j<i;j++) { printf("\n%s\t",s[j].name); printf("%d\t",s[j].val); printf("%d\t",s[j].next); } break; case 4: printf("\n enter the name of the sym to modify"); scanf("%s%d",name,& val); for(j=0;j<i;j++) if(strcmp(s[j].name,name)==0) { s[j].val=val; } break; case 5: printf("\n enter sym to search"); scanf("%s",name); for(j=0;j<i;j++) if(strcmp(s[j].name,name)==0) { printf("\n sym found%d\n",j+1); f=1; } if(f==0) printf("\n sym not found"); break; case 6: exit(0); } } while(ch<=5); getch(); }

OUTPUT 1.insert 2.delete 3.disp 4.modify 6.exit enter choice 1 enter the symbol name & valueint 100 enter choice 1 enter the symbol name & valuefloat 200 enter choice 1 enter the symbol name & valuechar 300 enter choice 3 name value addr int 100 2346 float 200 2370 char 300 2394 enter choice 4 enter the name of the sym to modifyfloat 500 enter choice 3 name value addr int 100 2346 float 500 2370 char 300 2394 enter choice 5 enter sym to search char sym found3

RESULT: The program allocates memory space in bytes for the variables declared. Hence a C program is written and executed to create the symbol table for the given input file.


AIM: To implement pass one of a two pass assembler for the given input using C language ALGORITHM: Step 1 : Start. Step 2 : Read the souce program from the file. Step 3 : Check the opcode. a. If the opcode=START,then initialize the location counter to starting address specified in the Start statement. b. Write the statement into intermediate file. c. Else initialize the location counter to zero. Step 4 : While opcode is not equal to END do the following. a. If the instruction is not a comment line b. If the symbol is in the operand field,then do the searching in symbol table. c. If the symbol is found already,print its duplicate symbol d. Else insert the symbol name and its address into symbol table. Step 5 : Read the opcode from the source program. a. If the opcode is RESW then add(3* value of the operand) to location counter b. Elseif the opcode is BYTE then add(value of the operand) to location counter c. Elseif the opcode is WORD then add 3 to location counter d. Elseif the opcode is RESB then find the length of the constant string and add this length to location counter. e. Else Check the opcode in the opcode table. i. If opcode is found then add 3 to location counter ii. Else Printf Invalid mnemonics code in the source program iii. Step 6 : Write the instruction into the intermediate file. Step 7 : repeat the step 4 and 5. Step 8 : Stop the program.

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void main() { char opcode[10],mn[10],operand[10],label[10]; int locctr,start,length; FILE *f1; FILE *f2; FILE *f3; FILE *f4; clrscr(); f1=fopen("input.dat","r"); f2=fopen("symbol.dat","w"); f3=fopen("out.dat","w"); f4=fopen("optab.dat","r"); fscanf(f1,"%s%s%s",label,opcode,operand); if(strcmp(opcode,"START")==0) { start=atoi(operand); locctr=start; fprintf(f3,"\t %s\t%s\t%s\n",label,opcode,operand); fscanf(f1,"%s%s%s",label,opcode,operand); } else locctr=0; while(strcmp(opcode,"END")!=0) { fprintf(f3,"%d\t",locctr); if(strcmp(label,"**")!=0) fprintf(f2,"\t%s\t%d\n",label,locctr); fscanf(f4,"%s%s",opcode,mn); fscanf(f4,"%s%s",opcode,mn); if(strcmp(opcode,"WORD")==0) locctr=locctr+(atoi(operand)); else if((strcmp(opcode,"BYTE")==0)) ++locctr; else if((strcmp(opcode,"END")!=0)) locctr+=3; fprintf(f3,"%s\t%s\t%s\n",label,opcode,operand); fscanf(f1,"%s%s%s",label,opcode,operand); } length=locctr-start; printf("the length of the program is %d",length); fclose(f1); fclose(f2); fclose(f3); fclose(f4); getch();

Note: check the program results in root directory in the following files (optab.dat, out.dat, symbol.dat) SAMPLE INPUT AND OUTPUT: INPUT: 1. FILE NAME: optab.dat START LDA STA LDCH STCH 54 END 3700 00 0C 50 *

2. FILE NAME: input.dat ** START ** LDA ** STA ** LDCH ** STCH DELTA RESW THREE WORD CHARZ BYTE D1 RESB ** END OUTPUT: 1. FILE NAME: out.dat ** START 3700 ** LDA 3703 ** STA 3706 ** LDCH 3709 ** STCH 3712 DELTA RESW 3714 THREE WORD 3717 CHARZ BYTE 3718 D1 RESB 2. File Name: symbol.dat DELTA THREE CHARZ D1 3712 3714 3717 3718 3700 THREE DELTA CHARZ D1 2 3 C'Z' 4096 3700 THREE DELTA CHARZ D1 2 3 C'Z' 4096 **

the length of the program 19

RESULT: Thus a C program has been written and executed for the implementation of Pass one of a two pass assembler to generate the location of each instruction.


AIM: To implement pass two of an assembler when intermediate files (output of pass one) are given and to generate the object code ALGORITHM: Step 1 : Start. Step 2 : Read the first line from the intermediate file. Step 3 : If opcode=START then a. Write listing line b. Read the next input line Step 4 : Write the header record to object program. Step 5 : Intialize first text record. Step 6 : While opcode is not equal to END,do the following a) If this is not a comment line then, do the searching in OPTAB for opcode. i)If the symbol is present then,do the searching in SYMTAB for operand. ii) If found then store symbol value as operand address Else set an error flag to indicate it is an undefined symbol Store 0 as operand address. iii) Else store 0 as operand address b)Assemble the object code instruction c) Else if opcode is BYTE or WORD then i) Convert constant to object code ii)If the object code will not fit to the current text record the a)Write the text record to object program b)Intialize new text record c)Add object code to text record d)Write listing line e)Read next input line Step 7 : Write last text record to object program Step 8 : Write end record to object program Step 9 : Write last listing line Step 10 : Stop the program.


#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { int lc=0x1000,ad,address; int n,s,i=0,j; FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp3; char lab[10],op[10],val[10],code[10]; char a[15] [15]={"STA","STL","LDA","LDB","J","JEQ","JSUB","COMP","STCH","ADD","SU B"}; char b[20][15]={"14","32","03","69","34","30","48","28","24","16","0C"}; char sym[15][10]; int symadd[15]; fp1=fopen("INTER.DAT","r"); fp2=fopen("SYMTAB.DAT","r"); fp3=fopen("OUTPUT.DAT","w"); s=lc; while(!feof(fp2)) { fscanf(fp2,"%s\t%x",&sym[i],&symadd[i]); i++; } n=i; while(!feof(fp1)) { fscanf(fp1,"%x\t%s\t%s\t%s",&ad,lab,op,val); if(strcmp(op,"END")!=0) { if(strcmp(op,"START")==0) { fprintf(fp3,"H^%s^00%x\n",lab,lc); fprintf(fp3,"T^00%x^1F",lc); } else if(strcmp(op,"RESW")!=0&&strcmp(op,"RESB")!=0&&strcmp(op,"WORD")!=0) { if(strcmp(op,"BYTE")==0) { for(i=2,j=0;i<strlen(val)-1;i++) { code[j]=val[i]; j++; } code[j]='\0'; fprintf(fp3,"^%s",code); } else { for(i=0;i<11;i++)

{ if(strcmp(op,a[i])==0) { strcpy(code,b[i]); break; } } for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(strcmp(val,sym[i])==0) { address=symadd[i]; break; } } fprintf(fp3,"^%s%x",code,address); } } } else break; } fprintf(fp3,"\nE^00%x",s); fcloseall(); }


1. INTER.DAT: 1000 COPY START 1000 RETADR RESW 1003 BUFFER RESB 1007 EOF BYTE 100a FIRST STA 100d $ STL 1010 $ J 1013 $ END PROGRAMLENGTH 13 2. SYMTAB.DAT: RETADR BUFFER EOF FIRST OUTPUT: 1.OUTPUT.DAT: H^COPY^001000 T^001000^1F^EOF^141000^321003^34100a E^001000 1000 1003 1007 100a 1000 1 4 C`EOF` RETADR BUFFER FIRST START

RESULT: Hence a C program has been written and executed for the implementation of pass two of a two pass assembler to generate the object code of the given instructions.


AIM: To write a C program to implement the working of an assembler that generates the object code of the instructions in a single pass. ALGORITHM: Step 1 : Start the program Step 2 : Read the first input line Step 3 : If opcode = START then i. Save program name and its length ii. Initialize LOCCTR to starting address iii. Write the line into output file iv. Else Initialize LOCCTR to 0 Step 4 : While opcode<> END do a)If there is a symbol in label field then i) Search SYMTAB for label If it is found then Set an error to indicate its a duplicate label else Insert label name and address to SYMTAB b) Search OPTAB for opcode i) If it is found then Add 3 to LOCCTR elseif opcode=WORD then Add 3 to LOCCTR elseif opcode=RESW then Add(3*value of the operand)to LOCCTR Elseif opcode=BYTE then Add(3* length of the constant operand) to LOCCTR Elseif opcode=RESB then Add value of the operand to LOCCTR c) Convert mnemonics code into its equivalent machine code d) Check the operand,if the operand is a symbol operand is a symbol operand i) Search the SYMTAB for symbol If it is found then Replace the symbol by their address Else convert data constants into the machine code Step 5 : Write the opcode,symbol address,data constants into output file. Step 6 : Read the next input line Step 7 : Calculate the program length using LOCCTR starting address+1 Step 8 : Stop the program SOURCE CODE:

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define q 11 void main() { int lc,address,err=0; int s,num,i=0,j,n=0,line=1,f=0,f1=0,t=0,ni=0,m=0; FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp3,*fp4; char lab[10],op[10],val[10],code[10]; char a[20] [15]={"STA","STL","LDA","LDB","J","JEQ","J","SUB","COMP","STCH","ADD","S UB"}; char b[20][15]={"14","32","03","69","34","30","48","28","24","16","0C"}; char sym[15][10]; int symadd[15]; clrscr(); fp1=fopen("INPUT_SP.DAT","r"); fp2=fopen("OBJFILE.DAT","w"); fp3=fopen("ERROR.DAT","w"); fp4=fopen("SYMTAB_SP.DAT","w"); while((!feof(fp1))) { fscanf(fp1,"%s\t%s\t%s",lab,op,val); t++; m++; if(strcmp(op,".")==0) m=0; else if(strcmp(op,"END")==0) break; } t=t-1; m--; fclose(fp1); fp1=fopen("INPUT.DAT","r"); fscanf(fp1,"%s\t%s\t%x",lab,op,&lc); fprintf(fp3,"-------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(fp3,"LINE NO.\t|ERROR FOUND\n"); fprintf(fp3,"-------------------------------------"); fprintf(fp4,"SYMBOL\tADDRESS"); s=lc; fprintf(fp2,"H^%s^00%x^%x\n",lab,lc,t*3); fprintf(fp2,"T^00%x^",lc); if(m>10) fprintf(fp2,"1E"); else fprintf(fp2,"%x",m*3); while((op,".")!=0&&(!feof(fp1))) { fscanf(fp1,"%s\t%s\t%s",lab,op,val); line++;

if(strcmp(lab,"$")!=0) { for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(strcmp(lab,sym[i])==0) { f=1; break; } f=0; } if(f==0) { strcpy(sym[n],lab); symadd[n]=lc; fprintf(fp4,"\n%s\t%x",lab,lc); n++; } if(f==1){ fprintf(fp3,"%d\t\t|SYMBOL ALREADY DEFINED\n",line);err++;} } num=atoi(val); if(strcmp(op,"RESW")==0) lc=lc+(num*3); else if(strcmp(op,"RESB")==0) lc=lc+num; else if(strcmp(op,"BYTE")==0) { num=strlen(val)-3; lc=lc+num; for(i=2,j=0;i<strlen(val)-1;i++) { code[j]=val[i]; j++; } code[j]='\0'; fprintf(fp2,"^%s",code); ni++; } else lc=lc+3; if(strcmp(op,".")==0) break; }


{ fscanf(fp1,"%s\t%s\t%s",lab,op,val); line++; if(strcmp(op,"END")==0) break; if((strcmp(lab,"$")!=0)&&((strcmp(op,"RESW")!=0|| strcmp(op,"RESB")!=0||strcmp(op,"WORD")!=0||strcmp(op,"BYTE")==0))) { for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(strcmp(lab,sym[i])==0) { f=1; break; } f=0; } if(f==0) { strcpy(sym[n],lab); symadd[n]=lc; fprintf(fp4,"\n%s\t%x",lab,lc); n++; } else{ fprintf(fp3,"\n%d\t\t|SYMBOL ALREADY DEFINED");err++;} } else if(strcmp(op,"RESW")==0||strcmp(op,"RESB")==0|| strcmp(op,"WORD")==0||strcmp(op,"BYTE")==0) fprintf(fp3,"\n%d\t\t|Declaration not allowed here",line); if(strcmp(op,"RESW")!=0&&strcmp(op,"RESB")! =0&&strcmp(op,"WORD")!=0&&strcmp(op,"BYTE")!=0) { for(i=0;i<q;i++) { if(strcmp(op,a[i])==0) { strcpy(code,b[i]); f1=0; break; } f1=1; } if(f1==1){ fprintf(fp3,"\n%d\t\t|WRONG OPCODE",line);err++;} for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(strcmp(val,sym[i])==0) { address=symadd[i];

f=0; break; } f=1; } if(f){ fprintf(fp3,"\n%d\t\t|UNDEFINED SYMBOL",line);err++;} } if(ni<10) { fprintf(fp2,"^%s%x",code,address); ni++; } else { fprintf(fp2,"T^00%x^",lc); if(m>10) { fprintf(fp2,"1E"); m=m-10; } else { fprintf(fp2,"%x",m*3); fprintf(fp2,"^%s%x",code,address); ni=0; } } lc=lc+3; } fprintf(fp2,"\nE^00%x",s); fprintf(fp3,"No of errors=%d\n--------------------------------------",err); printf("Output file:OBJCODE.DAT\nErrors are described in ERROR.DAT\nSymbol table is in the file:SYMTAB.DAT"); getch(); fcloseall(); }





1. FILE NAME: OBJFILE.dat H^TEN^0010^1b T^0010^1b E^0010 2. ERROR.DAT: ------------------------------------LINE NO. |ERROR FOUND -------------------------------------5 |SYMBOL ALREADY DEFINED 6 |SYMBOL ALREADY DEFINED 8 |SYMBOL ALREADY DEFINED No of errors=3 -------------------------------------3.SYMTAB_SP.DAT: SYMBOL SIX ANS END ADDRESS 10 13 16 1f

RESULT: Thus the C program to implement the working of an assembler that generates the object code of the instructions in a single pass was executed successfully.


AIM: To execute the working of a macro processor to substitute one group of characters or lines for another using C.

ALGORITHM : Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Open the source program and reference program. Step 3: Search for START. Step 4: After finding START, search for call. Step 5: If the string is found in the reference file, pass it to the corresponding location. Step 6: Else print the output. Step 7: Close the source and reference program files. Step 8: Stop the program.

SOURCE CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> char check[20],check1[20],str[20],s1[20],s2[20],s3[20],ch; int j,ads,flag=0,flag1=0;

FILE*f1,*f2,*f3,*fp; void main() { clrscr(); f1=fopen("macro1.dat","r"); f2=fopen("macro2.dat","r"); f3=fopen("macroout.dat","w"); while(!feof(f1)) { fscanf(f1,"%s%s",check1,check); if(strcmp(check1,"START")==0) { flag=1; } while(flag==1&&(fscanf(f1,"%s",check))!=EOF) { flag1=0; if(strcmp(check,"CALL")==0) { fscanf(f1,"%s",str); rewind(f2); while((fscanf(f2,"%s%s%s",s1,s2,s3))!=EOF) { if(strcmp(str,s2)==0) { fprintf(f3,"%s%s",check,s3); fprintf(f3,"%c",get(f1)); flag1=1; } } } else { ch=getc(f1); if((ch==' ')||(strcmp(check,"END")==0)) { fprintf(f3,"%s",check); fprintf(f3,"%c",ch); } else fprintf(f3,"%s%c",check,ch); } } } fclose(f1); fclose(f2); fclose(f3); printf("\n%s source program\n"); fp=fopen("macroin1.dat","r"); while((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF)

putchar(ch); putchar('\n'); fclose(fp); getch(); printf("\n%s macro function\n"); fp=fopen("macroout.dat","r"); while((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF) putchar('\n'); fclose(fp); getch(); }


L1,55 * CALL A CALL B MUL 1,2 CALL F CALL A END 2. FILE NAME: macroin2.dat MACRO A MACRO B 250 122

OUTPUT: FILE NAME: Macroout.dat L1,55 * CALL 250 CALL 122 MUL 1,2 CALL 250 END

RESULT: Hence we have implemented the working of a macro processor to substitute one group of characters or lines for another using C.


AIM: To execute the working of a macro processor one pass using c program

ALGORITHM : Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Open the source program and reference program. Step 3: Search for START. Step 4: After finding START, search for call. Step 5: If the string is found in the reference file, pass it to the corresponding location. Step 6: Else print the output. Step 7: Close the source and reference program files. Step 8: Stop the program.

SOURCE CODE #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<ctype.h> FILE *fp,*f1,*f2,*f3,*f4;

char c1[20],c2[20],c3[20],name[10],alaarg[10][10]; char line[20],c; char *p1,*p2,*p3,*q1; int found=0,a=0,i,j,k,l=0,m=0; void main() { clrscr(); f2=fopen("mnt.txt","r"); fscanf(f2,"%s%s%s",c1,c2,c3); strcpy(name,c2); fclose(f2); fp=fopen("mpass1.txt","r"); f3=fopen("mpass2.txt","w"); f4=fopen("ala.txt","r+"); while(fscanf(fp,"%s%s%s",c1,c2,c3)!=EOF) { if(strcmp(c2,name)==0) { fprintf(f4,"%d\t%s\n",a,c1); strcpy(alaarg[a],c1); a++; p1=strtok(c3,","); fprintf(f4,"%d\t%s\n",a,p1); strcpy(alaarg[a],p1); a++; p2=strtok(NULL,","); fprintf(f4,"%d\t%s\n",a,p2); strcpy(alaarg[a],p2); fclose(f4); expand(); } else fprintf(f3,"%s\t%s\t%s\t\n",c1,c2,c3); } fclose(f4); fclose(f3); fclose(f1); } expand() { f2=fopen("mdt.txt","r"); while(fscanf(f2,"%s",c1)!=EOF) { if(strcmp(c1,"A")==0) { fscanf(f2,"%s",c2); p1=strtok(c2,","); p2=strtok(NULL,","); fprintf(f3,"%s\t%s\t%s\t%s%s\n",alaarg[0],c1,p1,alaarg[1]);

} else if(strcmp(c1,"L")==0) { fscanf(f2,"%s",c2); p1=strtok(c2,","); p2=strtok(NULL,","); fprintf(f3,"\t%s\t%s\n",c1,p1,alaarg[2]); } } printf("\n to see the output view the file mpass2.txt\n"); getch(); fclose(f2); return 0; }

OUTPUT To see the ouput view the file mpass2.txt INPUT FILE MNT.TXT



MDT.TXT &LAB #0 #0 ALA.TXT 0 1 2 LOOP D1 D2 CSE A B &A1,&A2 1,#1 2,#2



RESULT: Hence we have implemented the working of a macro processor to substitute one group of characters or lines for another using C.

AIM: To implement the working of an absolute loader that will load the entire source statement to the user specified address.

ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Open the source, reference file. Step 3: Read the base address. Step 4: Search for START. Step 5: After START, search for call. Step 6: If call is found, get next string. Step 7: If the next string is found in reference file, put the corresponding location. Step 8: Else put subroutine not found. Step 9: If character is \n, increment location by 3. Step 10: Print the output. Step 11: Stop the program.

SOURCE CODE #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { char input[10];

int start,length,address; FILE *fp1,*fp2; clrscr(); fp1=fopen("input.txt","r"); fp2=fopen("output.txt","w"); fscanf(fp1,"%s",input); while(strcmp(input,"E")!=0) { if(strcmp(input,"H")==0) { fscanf(fp1,"%d",&start); fscanf(fp1,"%d",&length); fscanf(fp1,"%s",input); } else if(strcmp(input,"T")==0) { fscanf(fp1,"%d",&address); fscanf(fp1,"%s",input); fprintf(fp2,"%d\t%c%c\n",address,input[0],input[1]); fprintf(fp2,"%d\t%c%c\n",(address+1),input[2],input[3]); fprintf(fp2,"%d\t%c%c\n",(address+2),input[4],input[5]); address+=3; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input); } else { fprintf(fp2,"%d\t%c%c\n",address,input[0],input[1]); fprintf(fp2,"%d\t%c%c\n",(address+1),input[2],input[3]); fprintf(fp2,"%d\t%c%c\n",(address+2),input[4],input[5]); address+=3; fscanf(fp1,"%s",input); }} fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); printf("FINISHED"); getch(); }



4000 4000 6000

232 142033483039102036 298300230000282030302015

OUTPUT FILE OUTPUT.TXT 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 14 20 33 10 20 36 29 83 00 23 00 00 28 20 30 30 20 15

RESULT: Hence a program has been written and executed in C to implement the working of a absolute loader that is capable of loading an entire program to the specified address.

AIM: To implement the working of a relocating or relocatable loader that will reload the entire source statement to the user specified address.

ALGORITHM: Step 1:Start the program. Step 2:Open the intermediate file in read mode and source file in the write mode. Step 3: Get the starting address of the program to be relocated. Step 4: Read the input of the intermediate file. Step 5: Check if the intermediate bitmask is equal to 1. Step 6: If equal to 1 then add the intermediate address with starting address and store it. Step 7: Then copy the intermediate label and mnemonic. Step 8: Stop the program.

SOURCE CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> char check[20],check1[20],s1[20];

int ads,addr; FILE *f1,*f2; void main() { clrscr(); f1=fopen("relin.dat","r"); f2=fopen("reabload.dat","w"); printf("\n enter the base address"); scanf("%d",&ads); fscanf(f1,"%s%s",check1,check); if(strcmp(check1,"START")==0) { fprintf(f2,"%s%d\n",check1,ads); } while(strcmp(check1,"END")!=0) { fscanf(f1,"%d%s%s",addr,check1,s1); fprintf(f2,"%d%s%s\n",ads+=3,check1,s1); } fclose(f1); fclose(f2); getch(); }


START 2303 2306 2309 2312 2315 2318 2321 OUTPUT:


FILE NAME: reabload.dat Enter the base address :4230 START 4233 4236 4239 4232 4235 4238 4231 4230 L1,55* CALL A CALL B MUL 1,2 CALL F CALL A END

RESULT: Hence a program has been written and executed in C to implement the working of a relocating loader that is capable of shifting an entire program to the specified address.


AIM: To execute a C program that implements pass one of a direct linking loader thus identifying and defining all external references and extended definitions.

ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start a program. Step 2: Define structure object program name, address, type, length. Step 3: Define a pointer. Step 4: Open the input file in read mode. Step 5: The output file is in write mode. Step 6: Get the program address from the user. Step 7: Print the symbol and address in the output file. Step 8: If x=atoi( Step 9: Print the symbol in the output5.txt file. Step10: Close all the files. Step11: Stop the program.

SOURCE CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h>

struct input { char type[10]; char name[10]; char add[10]; char len[10]; }in; struct output { char pn[10]; char sn[10]; char ad[10]; char lgn[10]; }op; char lc[]="4000"; void main() { FILE *f1,*f2; int x,y; f1=fopen("input.dat","r"); f2=fope n("output.dat","w"); fprintf(f2,"CSNAME\tSNAME\tADDRESS\tLENGTH\n"); while(1) { m: fscanf(f1,"%s%s%s%s",in.type,,in.add,in.len); if(strcmp(in.type,"H")==0) { strcpy(,; strcpy(,lc); strcpy(op.lgn,in.len); strcpy(,"_"); fprintf(f2,"\n%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",,,,op.lgn); x=atoi(; itoa(x,lc,10); } if(strcmp(in.type,"D")==0) { strcpy(,"_"); strcpy(,; y=atoi(; itoa(y,,10); strcpy(op.lgn,"_"); fprintf(f2,"\n%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",,,,op.lgn); } if(strcmp(in.type,"R")==0) goto m; if(strcmp(in.type,"M")==0) goto m; if(strcmp(in.type,"E")==0)

goto m; if(strcmp(in.type,"END")==0) break; } getch(); }



PROGA LISTA LISTB 0000520A 000060PROGB LISTB LISTA 00003309 00005006 000075-

000040000070 000055LISTB 000030000047 000039000041 LISTA -

OUTPUT: FILE NAME: output.dat CSNAME PROGA PROGB SNAME LISTA LISTB ADDRESS 3400 3455 3500 3539 LENGTH 000030 000047 -

RESULT: Hence we have written and executed a C program that implements pass one of a direct linking loader thus identifying and defining all external references and extended definitions.



To execute a C program that implements pass two of a direct linking loader thus linking all external references and extended definitions generating the complete object code ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Define structure object program name, len1, len, address, sname,type, type1. Step 3: Define a pointer. Step 4: Open the source and reference file. Step 5: The input files are in the read mode. Step 6: The output file is the write mode. Step 7: Get the the base address from the user. Rewind(f2) while(!feof(f2)) Step 8: Read the line from input program. Step 9: Print the symbol and address in the output file. Step10: a=atoi(tarr)+atoi(nadd) Step11: Print the symbol in the output.dat file. Step12: Close all the files. Step13: Stop the program.

SOURCE CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> struct input { char type[10]; char sname[20]; char add[20]; char len[20];

char type1[10]; char sname1[10]; char add1[10]; char len1[20]; }in; struct estab { char address[10]; char name[10]; }est; struct output { char code[20]; char op1; char op2; }out; int x,y,i,len,j,a,l; void main() { char stadd[10],ladd[10],nadd[10],tarr[10],madd[10]; FILE *f1,*f2,*f3; f1=fopen("inputa.dat","r"); f2=fopen("inputb.dat","r"); f3=fopen("output.dat","w"); while(1) { m: fscanf(f1,"%s%s%s%s",in.type,in.sname,in.add,in.len); if(strcmp(in.type,"END")==0) break; if(strcmp(in.type,"H")==0) { while(!feof(f2)) { fscanf(f2,"%s%s",,est.address); if(strcmp(in.sname, { strcpy(stadd,est.address); break; } } rewind(f2); } if(strcmp(in.type,"T")==0) {

x=atoi(in.sname)+atoi(stadd); itoa(x,ladd,10); strcpy(out.code,ladd); fscanf(f1,"%s%s%s%s",in.type1,in.sname1,in.add1,in.len1); y=atoi(in.sname1)+atoi(stadd); itoa(y,madd,10); while(!feof(f2)) { fscanf(f2,"%s%s",,est.address); if(strcmp(,in.len1)==0) strcpy(nadd,est.address); } rewind(f2); for(i=0;i<strlen(in.len);i=i+2) { if(strcmp(out.code,madd)==0) { l=atoi(in.add1); for(j=0;j<l;i++,j++) tarr[j]=in.len[i]; a=atoi(tarr)+atoi(nadd); itoa(a,tarr,10); i=(i-l); for(j=0;j<l;i++,j++) in.len[i]=tarr[j]; i=(i-l); } out.op1=in.len[i]; out.op2=in.len[i+1]; fprintf(f3,"%s\t%c%c\n",out.code,out.op1,out.op2); x=x+1; itoa(x,out.code,10); } } } getch(); }

SAMPLE INPUT AND OUTPUT: INPUT: 1. FILE NAME: inputa.dat H D R T M E END PROGB LISTB LISTA 00003309 00005006 000075000030000047 000039000041 LISTA -

2. FILE NAME: inputb.dat PROGA LISTA PROGB LISTB 004000 004040 004050 004070

OUTPUT: 4080 03 4081 40 4082 40

RESULT: Thus the C program that implements pass two of a direct linking loader thus linking all external references and extended definitions generating the complete object code was executed successfully.

AIM: To write a C program to implement the text editor operation to implement functions like opening a file, saving it, copying, cutting and pasting data ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start the program Step 2: Get the choice from the user to perform different function of text editor Step 3: To perform this function maintain a file pointer globally Step 4: The different functions are i. creating a newfile ii. open the existing file iii. edit the file iv. Search the string in the file v. delete a file Step 5: //creating a new file a. Give a specific name to create file, which is pointed by file pointer. b. add the contents to the file(set the EOF condition) c. Close the file Step 6: //open the existing file the created file using file pointer b.Display the contents of the operand file c.Close the file

Step 7: //Edit the file a.Open the created file using file pointer b.Append the contents to the existing file(set of EOF condition) c.Close the file Step 8: //search the string in file a.Get the string from user to search b.if it is exist in the file contents then display the string is present c.else display the string is not present d.close the file Step 9: //delete the file using file pointer Step 10:stop SOURCE CODE: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> void del(); void bksp(); void save(); void filopen(); void sel(); void cpy(); void paste(); void cut(); void headbar(); void enter(); char c,c1,b[4096],b1[4096],b2[80],fl[60]; int i,j,x,y,bx,nx=0,lx,ly=6,flag=0,line[40]; FILE*f,*f1; void main() { clrscr(); headbar(); while(1) { x=wherex(); y=wherey(); c=getch(); if(c!=0) { switch(c) { case 13: enter(); break; case 8:

bksp(); break; case 3: cpy(); break; case 22: paste(); break; case 24: cut(); break; case 27: headbar(); break; default:gettext(x,y,80,y,b); if(y!=5) putchar(c); else gotoxy(1,6); puttext(x+1,y,79,y,b); break; } } else { c=getch(); switch(c) { case 107: exit(0); case 83: del(); break; case 72: (y>5)?gotoxy(x,y-1):gotoxy(x,6); break; case 75: gotoxy(x-1,y); break; case 77: gotoxy(x+1,y); break; case 80: (y<ly)?gotoxy(x,y+1):gotoxy(x,y); break; case 60: save(); break; case 61: filopen(); break;

case -99: sel(); break; } } } } void del() { gettext(x+1,y,80,y,b); puttext(x,y,79,y,b); } void bksp() { if(y>5) { if(x!=1) { gettext(x,y,80,y,b); puttext(x-1,y,79,y,b); gotoxy(x-1,y); } else gotoxy(line[y-1],y-1); } else gotoxy(1,6); } void save() { ly++; gotoxy(1,40); printf("enter the file name"); scanf("%s",fl); f=fopen(fl,"w"); for(i=6;i<=ly;i++); { for(j=1;j<=80;j++); { gettext(j,i,j,i,b); putc(b[0],f); } putc('\n',f); } gotoxy(1,40); del(); gotoxy(1,6); fclose(f); }

void filopen() { gotoxy(1,40); printf("entr the file name"); scanf("%s",fl); clrscr(); f1=fopen(fl,"r"); headbar(); while((c1=getc(f1))!=EOF) putchar(c1); fclose(f1); ly=wherey(); } void sel() { if(flag!=1) { nx=wherex(); bx=nx; flag=1; } else nx++; gotoxy(x+1,y); } void cpy() { gettext(bx,y,nx,y,b1); } void paste() { lx=x+(nx-bx); gettext(x,y,80,y,b); puttext(x,y,lx,y,b1); puttext(lx+1,y,79,y,b); gotoxy(lx+1,y); flag=0; } void cut() { gettext(bx,y,nx,y,b1); gettext(nx+1,y,80,y,b); puttext(bx,y,79,y,b); gotoxy(bx,y); }

void headbar() { int k; clrscr(); printf(OPEN-F3\t SAVE-F2 \tSELECT-ALT+->\t COPY-CTRL+C); printf(\nCUT-CTRL+X \t PASTE-CTRL+V\n); printf( CLRSCREEN-ESC CLOSE-ALT+F4\n"); for(k=0;k<79;k++) printf("_"); printf("\n"); gotoxy(1,39); for(k=0;k<79;k++) printf("_"); gotoxy(1,6); } void enter() { line[y]=x; if((y+1)!=39) { putchar('\n'); ly++; } }


RESULT: Hence a C program has been written and executed to implement the working of a user friendly text editor that performs basic operations like cut, copy, paste, saving and opening a file.

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