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Jarvis Lyle E. Cal Ortiz II-Apricot

1. Differentiate monocot and dicot roots in terms of internal structure. ROOTS In the interior of the roots, the xylem and the phloem form a ring. In the interior of the roots, the phloem is between the arms of the xylem STEMS The vascular bundles are scattered within the stem LEAVES Within the leaf, the veins form a parallel pattern



The vascular bundles are neatly arranged in a ring

Within the leaves, the veins form a netted pattern.

2. Discuss how dicot roots undergo secondary growth.

As seen from the image, as the root passes through secondary growth, a secondary phloem, secondary xylem, periderm, and growth rings start to appear. However, the endodermis, cortex, and epidermis are lost or to be exact, degenerated outside the periderm. Also, the roots branch even more and roots grow into the soil even deeper to sustain the water supply.

3. List down the parts of the root to show how water is absorbed.

Water and ions can travel through the apoplastic route moving between walls and along cell walls.

Water and ions can also travel through the symplastic route moving cell to cell through plasmodesmoda

Water and other ions can also pass through the cells via a combination of the two routes.

4. Explain how translocation of sugar occurs. Explain the pressure flow theory.

Carriers pickup the sucrose molecules and transport the same from cell to cell towards vascular bundles. The protoplasmic strands found as inter cellular connecting strands are very active and help in the transportation of materials from one cell to another. Finally sucrose is transported into vascular bundles, where parenchymatous cells associated with sieve tubes greatly help in loading the sucrose into relatively empty sieve tube cells. Interestingly, in the mesophyll tissues where the veins end or begin the sieve tubes are invariably kept empty so as to draw photosynthates towards the main translocation stream. So the process of loading of veins goes on and on.

While movement of water and minerals through the xylem is driven by negative pressures most of the time, movement through the phloem is driven by positive hydrostatic pressures. This process is termed translocation, and is accomplished by a process called phloem loading and unloading Cells in a sugar source load a sieve-tube element by actively transporting solute molecules into it. This causes water to move into the sieve-tube element by osmosis, creating pressure that pushes the sap down the tube. In sugar sinks, cells actively transport solutes out of the sieve-tube elements, producing the exactly opposite effect. The bags are immersed in two interconnected troughs filled with water. As soon as the bag A is immersed in water, water from the trough rushes into the membranous bag A. On the contrary, the bag B as it is filled with only water.

5. Explain how water is transported in the stem.

Water in the soil is absorbed by the epidermal root hairs. It then moves across the root through cortical cells where they are filtered through a semi-permeable membranes of endodermal cells. The pass through the pericycle and enters the vessels of the xylem. Once in the xylem the water rises up the root of the stem and into the leaves.

6. What is Guttation? Explain how it occurs.

Guttation is the exudation of drops of xylem sap on tips of leaves such as grass. It occurs at night where transpiration hardly occurs for plants have their stomata closed. When the soil moisture level is high, water will enter the roots and accumulate within the plant creating a slight root pressure. The root pressure forces the water to extrude out from the leaves thus creating a Guttation effect.

7. Explain the transpiration-cohesion theory or cohesion-tension theory.

Transpiration is the loss of water through the stomata in leaves which causes an area of low pressure within the plant and water moves from where it is at high pressure to low pressure. Cohesion now allows water to do this against gravity for water molecules are polar they have weak bonds between the molecules that are enough to cause a cohesive force holding molecules together.

8. Explain how growth rings are formed. Discuss the effects of seasonal changes to stems.
Growth rings are a result of new growth in the vascular cambium, a lateral meristem and are interlinked with the process of secondary growth. Visible rings occur when the change in growth speed through the seasons of the year, thus one ring usually marks the time lapse of 1 year. The inner portion of the growth rings is formed early in the growth season where the growth is rapid, thus the wood is less dense. The outer portion is often produced in summer and is much denser. SEASONAL CHANGE affects stems through many ways. One is that in places where seasons differ more markedly like in temperate zones, the stems growth rings are more visible than in other regions of the world. This happens because rings are created when there is a fluctuation of seasons and climate. Another is that in growth rings, the inner portion of the rings called spring-wood is produced mostly in spring season. While the outer portion of the rings called summer wood is produced mostly in the summer season (although it also grows in the autumn season).

9. Explain how the leaf increases in size. Give the importance of intercalary meristems.
In winter, the bud scales open and in spring leaves expand. The young leafs cells are produced by meristems which increase thickness. Nutrients arrive at leaf nodes, where specially designed cells begin to develop a leaf. Cell by cell, they begin to grow, expanding the leaf structure. Meristems are the parts that act as the factories that make new cells for the leaf, gradually increasing the width and thickness of the leaf.

10. How do stems and leaves conserve water?

The waxy cuticle on the upper epidermis acts as an insulator to avoid evaporation of water within the plant The stomata close to minimize transpiration Reduces the surface area to volume ratio to minimize water loss Shutting down unnecessary parts of the plants to conserve nutrients

11. Explain the mechanisms of closing and opening of the stomata.

Guard cells swell as water is present around the stomata and contract by the loss of water. The pore opens when the guard cells become turgid and closes when they become flaccid.

12. What are the characteristics of leaves that affect the efficiency of photosynthesis? Low concentration of chlorophyll can affect the
rate of reaction as the leaves absorb the light. The kind of chlorophyll can also affect the light absorption. For different plants may have different kinds of chlorophyll.

13. Differentiate hardwood and sapwood. HARDWOOD

Hardwood is the harder, older inner portion of a tree It is not very permeable, durable and dark in color Lies near the heartwood

Sapwood is the softer, younger outer portion of a tree It is more permeable, less durable and usually lighter in color than the heartwood Lies between the cambium and the heartwood.

14. What happens to the epidermis as the tree matures?

As a tree matures it goes through secondary growth. In secondary growth, the endodermis, cortex and the epidermis slowly degenerates. As the tree develops a canopy of leaves, the leaves need more water. So the tree develops secondary xylems and phloems to sustain the supply. As more xylems and phloems develop, cork develops and making the epidermis disintegrate.

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