Sei sulla pagina 1di 196


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S;;;1 T 43 thru FE!:3 4h,Acr 44,
11 11 JUnE 44
JULY 'Lili.U 44"
HOV 44 thru FEB 45
'. "
BUILDmr; T-5,(T-1782).
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.

. .
7I8!JI .. BAftALION (L)
UPCRl OF ACtIO. AClA.ml1' mIJAtr
OOTt... 1. II bel.
. 18 tIa 8char 196I.
. .
.. ......' ... attaold to tile .... lln.l 1Je'- at tho U
.,.,M.... hHld 111 NM.... tbrouc....
......Wden 10ft. .. aon.
a Oft. .. U C,)ft.
n ..... '
1818OQ&. Oft. .. uaG06. oO't
.. tat. DiWai_ IIQlOCl\ on. to 1f1OC,'IQl Oct.
VIa.". 1f1OC,'IQl Oet.. to .. -..u 31 ':ct.
;.5. : n the 19th Jctober 'the .........b8d '- i;he 84t.ll W.
.1'01" & po8sible action in the lllr4 IrIf'.
aDd Cor:JlUd ..... Au t:I'4 _ ani u.&
a.'n. rt'.r:GionB but necMBit"'.i tor tr. -.14 .M ot tile taJra did DOt deWlap
and tllO bnttnlion re"V6rt\lKl to a.tftJ. tl.... ..,.

i\..( : .'
. ., ...

COJlWU.)Elt'8 u.w.!IYI

Li1!hU'.rrrr TAB. ACTIOll 05 HILL (0 0IIII0) lotmI 11181 or OLrmto
.. Septem'bor 1965.
1it\P I WU 1.lGI,.OIO 1118.. lB6 .... 198.
At lex:. _ 10 Septeaber INS. tbe Ba:ttaltce .. attached to 1:.he
lOath In1'eultz7. 118 Battal10n moved from bue tanlc Part: .t H 918014 at 1J1re
fUl.(t closed b1 Nl .... , area &1; N 151210 at 200(5. A l1a1aon o.r.f'1cer with .
radlr, Ftl.8 aui", .... l80th Inhntr.v'. The to11ClW1Dc JIDI"II1Dg route ..
reo4 nC 11M oan1.11d out by 'tbe Battalloa. CCJWDamer aDd statr.
The 13atte.UCIIIIl t.. ... lIUmIIIOll.ed to a ..tilDg $tatf aDd COJ:1'l.'ll1dera n
_,,_tal at 2100B at n 8662&0. 'fhe plan fbi" opera:'dOJlD tile
tonc.tas ..,..' ...-..,.1' 1943.......t torth as IoUon. Intnntry to __
& _tI*,.aM "'.-s 'the from 0 ooeaoa to 01beto Citra Uld seouro tJ.
riu..-o.t ......, __ morning. -Aft CCIInt"'lU\Y of ths 19kt !ank an. (tI) to arou
.. If ..It (k14p on H1g111r1q No. 91) at 060C8 boun aDd movo to 011wtJo
to ...."., .....,...." in hnldiDG the town and. be prepared to ropell oounter-
UJ....... " .. !UIk!Sa. (t) (Les. <me to toU.- -Aft ot
the 19ln ..... (II) ... am into attack pos1t10!U1 on the rvveroo alopea or
t1e hiell I ..........." ot OllvetoJ prepared to launch a oocrd1no;tod at:taok
whlall.. .......... place as eoon as eltuat10n wu dotet"!ll:1lled aDIl
reo""""'.'. 'I .' ' ....1. . .tolloldDg 8UppOI"b1Dg .....pCIIW .... attaobtd 1
thD raok Jt ... '.I,..a:"."'.Jaaura. OazmMl leu ODD pldofa.
Co. ttgtI .. pC,""',., Soal......uoa (w.n one platcMm). iIfo art111e1')' obit........
11'", ............... a.tfal1ou aDd it ...... UDdentoocS 1zbI.t the Dathll_
would b&va d artillery aft.1lable to aupport 'bl. attocJl. Tbt
u.di18. :'zr... to '- attaobH to the Light !ak l&1;tal1on at 011...
!bt .........t>11td 0,..".,... of attaohecl units. arid.lleI7
'til, k'I.......... __ CO!IJ91ete tentatift plaDB tor a coordinated att:aok
4'Ca 1iiII!I.;JIIt' Vw,...--..... p1Ded by tbD dap reootma18SIi&QCe. ec--mioa
t10m ...,S...i."...'Ia ........aJ1pd to !Delude a apct01a1 bNv'lty oode to
'.,.,' o " -. l'aS.. ., v-. ott1een n4Io tbIt ....
........:..,!... f.II.. __................. ,.... to CI"OU ., JP. b
. houra atMl at idJIIt tbe .. faa .,",:....... '%P ....
..... Cr....t f,I.,. "ll.s... otftoer at o..P. tIM
..?. .."......,........h&,la'1Mf.S .. __ but tbet tI8 i:adIIJ ....
' ....,"""..........'. t.4 route. It. fIIDk 8&"'-11. Canmanr10r iDlW.4
. . .:............l II , . Out , .. at theM ll111Vuctl_ a4 1I'be Mlldium' Canpury 0.
.. J "'e_sa.,-,. U;h'\ Tank Tlattal10n foll-.ctw11Jh reoonnaiOB&DCe aa!
......./11 .,.,;1;'.. the front. At 0 006lOI 070Ca the Il1aa C .,
. I.s. 'It at _.q'. iii" 11. c-Dder tat he ... I'U1'l into artiU-Y Aft

and had !OO'V'Od ott 'the road under COYer'. At th1a t1M 'the .l'tuation ....

.... am the !aDk Ba'tU.Us ad-d..d tM 1IIti_ COl.,....
tlat he would "olD Ida ba,dlateq- to gft a better 10Gk U ... torra1D.
r-. Co-ender d1reo'ted tuk Bat1:a11_ to .... 1z:ltJo an aa.....lF
ana off tile I'oa4 aDd went .rc..r4 u4 oa.tuW ....... CoI:Dpcw 0,....""
81". i'lle I:1OI'D1DI .... 1rU .0 lIMV 'that ftIdblutr .. ..., .... aD! tlI'oopi
oaatactod l&mw VW7 little about 'tbI .1t1a&UoaJ be..... the fUIk Da-ttal1-.
leootma:1ouaZJCe Onloer had repartecl the appnad,ate 1oo&tl0ll ot t!e ...
linDa a.nd bid been by poft*Ial omd;aa1:; 1'I'1th tm
'lank Liaison Om.... fte L1a1aon Offloer had til ....... loat ooat:r.etJ
w1th tho CI ...... !he !uk B&ttaU-. Ck ... e4w1aod ..
l.bdiun Tauk 0-...... 0 ..... to m&7ft iIIto dat1la4e t1r1Jas poaltlcms fuIrwIe4
or his preaeat ,..1i4. UId iDton.d him tbat lie (tba !ante, Battellon Ct ..
c1er) would DJW ... c.... QIA nconn&iaaaJICG aDd ooataot h1a...... 'l'l Dn.
lb:eoutiw jot.d tM. ... C."...ndcr cd tlwy moqd on l"eOao
ec.e..'''' with the lIM1um C01!f!'&'W C"'''''er ad the Dn.
Oor..-JlIl IIdJI4 Battal10n of ta !he BattaU._ OmmanC'.or at
_W rnu, 1IiMtI.1l- 1IU not in oontact With the but
U; ......... [,..... 'tIa- tho Infantry had been .topped aloag tJ. geaero.l U.
or .'" g'l '&,0.0lIl 0 OIAM. It was alao deterJd.aed that the
... ... . .. ocmaldenhle 1oa80r. t:c det1D&te 1.D.f'oIoa'b1on as 150
* ...... 'no of enerq -nap=- oould be n. rank nu.
0. 1$1e1t.," ..Ii. CornazvSor moved to & IIDrtu' QP tor betAlw
.......... __... W2d while still at the Of .....
ad by ..&4' ." ft-',IIiMtI.1l- whloh was eDpgM 1I1th - enatV alq
'the Aquaduo't. ....... l" .. tt..t our In1'aAtI7 had been stoppM
by In's 6D1 ........ Hatllela &ftNo ba.viJi& 'bMn 8C11.ewb&t out up by art11lRy
and ;lOrtan. 8 q ...... ,baaU.. ot eDeIIIP automa't10 weapoaa .... 1adloa-be4 'b7
the 3-5 .. ,. to, ...... but he had no iDtoriIat1aD. anti-ta:all:
-.... _ ........ ftnt dellnite intonation as 1;,0 tho looatian ot
the . ...... .... with tho Firat Battaltou 1A the b-ont u...
tho s...a ........... the lleci_Jdial CQlX!mPpder-.. att.lptin; to ftCI'W
gan:he hie ....';'-" .. ..u .,... ftIoo. l'.ID fauk Ba.
COln"l.nUOl' "-At rri;..... t&nk relin'e the .:1...... .. .. 'til
out !\1!'the II g11 'at ."IecI-atN a ""'1' beoauae ot the 1rl'a el_.1Il
involvod. lie ...:-. .......t... DlYlatoa ea-nAer be.tor. pu'bti.."'l6 ht8 plu. ill
etf'eet. l'b!t j In&'-" DtdaSa0 ]' I $ _ .....s...4 cODtaDt with flM
OJ' ...................1 O. .. .. proaee.w to tm
_ U- - ,..' ....I.a..... ..... . 7'" aJaotly .... ...1 C
a. a,s' d it ' .1. .:falt.....
..... __ 1NUl4 .. lie _Ie to toll_ __
*t. 1'.1"1 'IUII' nll'lrMlildl_ ... 4Jn4te4 ... tamra be ....
,.n ..... V..' , ...:r:-'"'' .............. !'lIe!.ttd1ua'" 00
...., all,I','" ''''. .., ...11.. :'!'uk kttaU_ ....
. . ........................ tIIIdJ tiJ lid 'be ilL ,..1t1ot1 to ....11
. ........ " oft 1D. _ &'t1laok. PlatJlI_ fa "'1&t._ ..
... r._.b_ ... .... 0 0laa1. I.t \iU elM. .... _ ' ....... .,
.. S$'tIt ...... :'# ,....,. 1Id;o fran ....
, . . .. '81 ... A gr I .... !Ida pan of the pia.. DOt t...
......, M.S. I r ..... -u.. to CeP. fer furotlat la
Rruot1cms. n. haf-nt9.l. OamuaMr &abel 'the B&tt&Ucm Conw.nder b':M' soan
at oould be pnpare4 to launoh a OOGI'dlatM a1;tauL 2'he BAttalion
1Ddioated two balun u4 aooord1ngly a plu.... aet up .. toUon. Tank
,:1 llll" !.,. ''10. ,
\ I' ir', '"
; . fi1. ':.,
.' t l7 r
,Ui,li'.l".',','Hiif'!IJH .'.'

to!" ct It . .... c+ 0 ""' C). '" 1'" !:I 0 do ....,.
II :r ,",.-.r .t:I' _ '. c+ 0 ... .... ... it' '
.. ,: I" ifPi' I "" !.
g J} _
i:}'hY'l; l" nhn :. ti: it
." '. f'. ... t f I i bt c+ (t tt 8 i f [ > i 0 I<' I 8.
I f I = t;' [
I I, I. 1',1 ,J f:! f r If ij. f f ! l f If ! ; f
, .I 'Ii! fll .. i f I =11" pfh i
f ... h if! 8 ,
. . ..
fB i ... It t &110 4" ! I rJ f II ,
h!f i !ti if i;
:!j ,
l'tl f!: ,t'l,'I(f,'ls'ii r'
, ,
H!Ui:!" ; HII;'i,,<.'ll ffllr:llr;il,11h;;.U If
:= Ii: 2"11 t h" ;'
to g' h -Ii 1- CI a..

was not IilWlll8d aDd that Bome eDay ww. attelJlptiDg to talot ref"u.e;c in a
buildiur: noar the gun aa4 ..... 00Dt:I.Md W the buil41ng by tank: fire. No
(J'f;hor 8.t'1'ti -taDk gu:aa ..... diHOftrM during the attack but a ntty I'1iUi
mater CtUl was di.oovered ill ___W potI1tion Dear Ubt center of the
objective tl:e following day. !hi. gun .... not IIal1Ded during too attack e1tlwr
am. both cuns 1rM"e captured in tightillg conditioa. 1'he hea-q glUl on tom roM
1IIeD a 77 with large JIIlaale braka. No tak pel'801lD8l 01" _terial casualt1M
"Were Buf'f'ered. !bN-e ..... l1'tU. or 80 ~ .nalu.. 1n tro attaak)
In t11e O"roning after the attack the Tank Battalion .... relieved !'l-Ot1 o.ttaoh
mem tv J ~ h o 180th Inf'antry and attaohed W the 11tth ~
. ~ : .
~ . {. i C
768TB !ANI BlftALIOH (L)
OOIl&1l).'S 1f&DA.1.'lU
II September 1961.
I1'AU 11100,000 IhMte 186 aM 1M.
At 22Q _ 12 Septll"" 1MB .. full: Ba1iW1_ C-"C!. and the
0ampaD Ccnwvter of -&- Co. of 18l1t !uk BatItIallOll (M) are
that the Ba'btal1_ M.4 beeJJ. rel1n.4 rr. 'tM l8Ot;h lDfaatry am been at;taoha
ed to the .... it .. <*X8 _ 81 hptelrber before ..
n&tto.lion C,...ZNIer u4 0.0. -.1- c.. 191ft l.'uk B.. (If> .n able to oordlu't;
the RegimDtal ac-"'.. beoawIe tI legt.meatal Cd .. Sa the process of
dUplaoing tWwaN. ..... tilt !a:a.J: BattnUOIl 1M ...-_1Ital C
Oorpandor that the .. atiaokfng at _llgbb al.oa& the Road (OUwto
01tn. - Quac11e1;ta) and tat he ..1re4 __ aupport tor the attack. fh8
misaioll of ... to a4ftDoe aloDg the 1DdS.oatecl ada as tar ..
possible. Afte.. a_ cl1aouaalon u to the adri.aeabillt,y of the onrly 0QIIB1t
ment of tanka the aeg1menial O-Wnder indio." that he deaind i.Imood1ate
tank support of tI 1eatiDg .11 ante of the ............ tt. Battallon
Ccnnander of the 1M4iDc BattalJ.en d Iataa'tIr7 UI'lw4 at the Re&1tYmtal C.r.
at about 068(8 boura ... tile plaa... ......... Initially the 1Wium.
'fault CCDp&l:\y ... to auppart the adftDoe of the 1"'"1 of Inf'aDt1r7
tJ.oun tIe high pound jun aoutb aDd juIIt of OUftto. two platOOlJ8 ....
to take up tiring palltiona on thB high CJ"OUIId aOl.ltb of taa and one pla'toon
ftS to take up poaltiona on the high gr0UJJ4 DeI'th of Ol1wto Oitra propane! _
mow f'or\7Ud iJ1 npport of 1Ibe le.di:ac of ....... guard. A Lt.gbt
, rank \7U tumillwcl the llilawa 0I .... _ be UM4 u an A.rt1UeI7
Obaervors Tank tor 1iM tn platOOllll HUth .t 011'- 01.... An extn .
ton OlR .... &lao Arra1ahM .. JIM.1..- 01 ..... to furnish neoma'a.
lance tran8poria1d.OD to ..lilt 1a the tonar4 of the two platoolw
in t1N IUppGn. flit Ught t.ak oompuS...... to be held 1A their p1'eINIIb
...o:ibly ana 0 00II11 uat1J. auf.1Iab:W MJe!'llb17 __ IIi8I"tb ot Oliveto ooul4 be
"looted. It. .... Lla1101'l Ottlo.. with a nd10 .... 1;0 report to the COIl".MI- ..
1ng orneOl' of the 1ead1zac IzafazdIry .. D4 the regular Uai80n om....
.... us1lP84 to !he fa.nk c ............. t;la't the
lMd1ng to the tela ot Talft .. out but the 1I'1t1h b,.".,,1Ia4 by
pused the britlp aDd .... a4w' of 1sbt 1'he!auk
CtxlllB.ndors returDt4 to the tuk uHlllbl ..... ad 1Hae4 orden and
tlona to oan')' out the plaa Nt tor1:h.... !'he tank Battalion Corma:nder
then moved .tOI'WU'd ad apJ.n ooataote4 the .. on the south
.ide of' eu_to. fhe tank 14.....011 om.... ... pnaent and iDtormod the !aDk
Oocmwdor tile lep.ntal C_lMhl" had 41..... a .&.UCl tank platoca
join tlx> loadiDg .,..nte of the adftDoe at __ UI4 that he des1J'ed a
( : t
.. -"
. .
II"'llt.flffflfilittIH" Ifi Ii i 11'),'I."uilriii
,- - ...C:
.' II .. . '.. ;'
i-s f. 1f i 1 I!: h t f h It [!i f 1',.'1 "1'" fil-' aI T
u .. fr!lIJlltl.. ,J.&I
.ftfllil ;,' '.' ' ,.
fll ' I ",1. It If .. f
'i )('
r b. f I ,,,, E f t f: '" .

; 0
frli" i 'iI.,... 'v .'

. .' II
. .: .- .

. "
/ -

oolu..l:u. Tw-;.ks returned the fire with both 91ll and ca.nnon i"lro
"huro nas a sudden lull in 'the tiriug. Inf'aatry whioh had halted
durinc tho brief engagement resumed. tho JMl'Ch. The taDka rolled
a.cain. :.mddenly intenIIe autoJatl0 ..... t1re resumed at tbD head of tm
column o.:nd inteue artillery opeud up &em both tb8 tJoont 0J1t1. th6
ric:;l"tC flo.r.k sbultaDeoualy. .l sharp action toUc:M8d whioh luted e.bou't
::l'Lnutes. Artillery fire from the b"ont appeared to be
rec::"storod indirect tire. n" tJoam'the tlaDk MI"08S the at 0 080IIJ6'1
was 1dCh volooi-ty direct artillery tire. One eDallW gun oould be seen
firinG fron the t1ank aDd med1ua tanka of the 0Dd platoon returnod th1s
f:tre. ur!ng this action the enemy gun (DeteJ.'!!l1ned later to be a l-t-rk lV
Tall,) ,\;c.s silenced. Ont.l ot our mediu.m taDka was set on tire. Two ,-mro
da:'la; :0,:1 onc of which bogged down, and another tank wh10h had boen f'iring
rapiJly, t1.'rned over when the .dee ot the road gave way under it. 7m
intorw ".ty of the fire from tho 'lauk subsided considerably a.ud
but an;;" voldcle which noved brought immedia.te artillery ftre !'ror.! tho
front. The Tank COTI'IIIBnder J'OOVetl forwvd to the leading tank elenontB
aDd tounLl tIe leading medium platoon in good poalt1oa. 'l'be Platoon Leader
of t..lJe liGht tank section W8.3 also w1th thl. platoon. but CIIDe of hiD tank8
had turnod OWl" and another had bogged dClWll. HOD8 ot the light tIWlcs and
acme o tie medium tanks of the leading platt"'On 1MI"e d'.ged. 8Z'!DB was eoati;etred and al.moIlt negligillle. There were trleDdly infantry
troops depJ.Gred t'oI"Ward ot the ar&a 1u flhioh the tanlas ..... usemblad.
!bey ".-ere not in i_.itatoe oontact nth the eneRff. TlMt Tank Coz:r.1s..nc1or 0<lIIP
taotoU tho In1'antry Battalion Conrpander and leal"DOd that 110 W'a8 rooromiJl
1ng his troa,. whioh had boen cut up do bit by the artiUery Jhe Tank
oantect.d the Platoon Leader ot the ...ltm Tank rlatoon " had
auff'orocl the cuualtios aDd iDatructed bin to oonta<rt h1a CO!llJ?fUlIY' CorJDBllder.
tala;, st(ms to 1..anJ what vehioles were 8till on the I'0Il4 aDd await rurtlwr
1Ds!;ructl<:>Jm. (%h15 platoon had been caught on a section ot the road where
1t \'mO a.t1oult get vehioles ott ot the road and the .t111 lYI.u-n-tnc 1:Ian'k
marly blocked the road. The Tank Oommander realised that the l;latOOll Leader
would ;}l"obabq need usistanoe to remove the burning tank but two
l!ed5.uns stiU on the road although they were beb1D4 r;ood cover at
t1on.) TOO Tank CO!JIJIaDder then oontacted tho Regimental Conaa.nder f'ur
tber iltBtruot1oDB and learned that there would be no t\Jrtbor '.l8e o teI:1ka that
ewn:'' The Tank Co!'ll!Wlder issued instruotions to esta.bliah fleouritiy t'or tl8
tanT1'l \:hio11 oould not bQ 9"ftCuated tlBt evening and ordered tmt the tltldeaced
'banks be a.;;aedlled in the 1.ntenDed1ate po.it1oas after dark. Tho licbt __
to potIlt1on north or Ol19Wto. The IW1wa !ulaI returned to poIIlttc:..
80uth of cllwto. NOD. (The terra1n in geaerel. and the roe.d in
were not f'avorable to tank -.ployrael1t. Spur of the moment deployment frQa the
road VlU6 al:J.ost hIpoIta1ble ....1_.. the t'ao1: that fIV"ery tank th'G l.&ft -tba
road in om .eot.1on either bogged .tc.n '" tuJoDecl owr. fflthlObll1ty
reduced, observation poor aDd thlt element or a'Ul'pl'1H aouopollzed the et8I\V
the tnnk casualties were 8urpr1aingly lIght. ODe killed. tive w()'.u!.dcd aZJd om
taTh.:: destroyed.) !1
f ; i)

/J / ""'
, ....................0SirJb'Tnn
l '
----- -------------

15ath Tank Batt&11.on (L)
A1'O if4&4,
EXTRACT trOlll the UIrU J' mIt.'IAL
22 September 1943.
Wcu:ii.i..m; IJ 9i);;271
"..oo0noa1S8a,nc$ o:Wared bivOU3C at N 9562"; crousod na.
n. li fiS1271. fWd moved on H1gbwa;y 91 to IP at brlc4.-e ut ::
C(J:;:.Ow.t elomonta croased rlu. IF a.nd r:,oved 0'-1. )I::.g;lljl8\.' 01 <;'0 !)l'Ldse
:; Qae X3.!lk oJ: Co. !fe" overturned a.1:1d ;Jet. Jr)::;,nle :Of/lllaIl
cu.ffered sprained left a.ud cuts.
vu. ItA" lJlat Tank l:in. (Ll) czoossed bricigo at l{ 999293 c )!timl64S
t<...-.rda 01iveto.
elements croBsed bridge turnod lef't on road
800 yarda eut of bridge. a.nd toward Oliveto Gitrn.
l;CiI:.bat elemelltS {;roaaed bridge uaing sa:ae r':lute as ncc:)' T'(', j neD-noe
,'lA' -.:.u .elected new Asserably Position at Asa8.U:i;c .. o..d..tion
?ravi.vusly picked in ena.rry ha.nda. Hedium Co. 1'3C3ivil:!.: 1':I.n
,o:t 0
'74cUi ; ...;.0. oouta.cte4 Lia1aO'Jl Officer and Ron. Otf'loer who il'or:;'()tl him ot
oneJ!W' liDOa. C.O. went torward on ron.
jJati;a.llon closed in assombly arM..
19;;; C.u. oAlled tor Executive to join him. C.O. and IiLwoutl'll'o \'{el"t tonard.
tv locate C.0. of lSoth Infantry

a C.O. ooutu'bed Rectmenw.1 0..0. ,at ... ordered- to l11L'IW to a
1'0l"Ward peedt10n behind trOllt 1S.De 1n1'a.ntry to 1".11
COe "Aft 19lat Tank Bn. (M) a1ite.ohed to 158th Tank an.
l,;)1.; : "Aft at tho 19lat Bn. (II) BIQft(\ into tol"WU"d poslt:i.cms .
o ....18. 0 11012; and 0 ;,._1. Co. "Aft 156th tank Bu. (L) OCDPl.e'W.
I Cfl!i.L,*" ...,. and prepand. to.....'
0.0. repertred to Regimental. CeP. ai; 0 Cooi-dinatod a.ttack ...
plameCl tw 16IJm. (l,jectift hlch croun4 .outbleot ot Oliveto 01...,
.Q.".." l.8t*l Intantl.-y to at'baok lett ot Tank of Acrldon_
. tal''',lnl F1'9V Batteriea PeA.
, ;:..
l4l5B t to Tank 13n. U.P. at 0 jl.5$15 and. orc1ere .......
'. ':i''l''' ,', -'
: . AbfSaclI .,. until lS3I'B en order. ot Reg1.ment&l C.Q. to all.-
to cn ...,ealUon. 151th Infantry bgiment wee to get into poalt1_
to 1.....atd:taclt a.t the s ... time baa the right ot the Tank .t
, Pvt. Co. reoeived .e-Ver8 snrapnel wounds 1n in tM
v101Dl.,, .4- lSOth Il1..fantry itsgirll8nt and VIU to the 120th
C1ewtac "!tIr.-. 0. 610 Radio destroyed at the same tUlO.
The __, on tL.,-.o. The objootive wu te,l.;ou anJ held WltU
.... on t1 pOtIitiou. Lig1It 0netiV ru1Bta.n08 enoOUldlllr
ode Wo persf}nnel or Tehio1e oaaualtioa.
, Battalion lUoved to rallying position 0& objecti.,._
Datta110n withdrew hom objeot1"n UI4 mo'V'r;td to .. reaervioiag poidd
o ;tJ5295., '
The following
image(s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
, f

.... ... I '






r, ... ...


t D.O. 1"eOCW ....... by wi...........&1' 'bhrouP Liaiaon 0:f'icer '&hat
liP' __ platoea DOt; De ..,l.ep4 in au_to.
C.O. Tank Bn... 1DIiWw-' tbrough l'pk LS.'.. Ofi'ioer to IDOt'e
.ma41_ ..,lat... ia aupport 01 tM oJ.emBut. at
b ...... .
. 'lK c.. "'- aITl....... ",..no_ 1'Wo .taa1ra' wwc ple.ood ill the
1JI! " tilt""'" thi'ee tanlm ... iato poei'biOll aorth ottle towa..
itm 10;.0. ................. u..' of .... .... :.J.rnutry OIl
..... ur .......
I c'O'..... ..... 'ill ......:-. ..u._ feak Fldoou
roa ............... ............."-0- Co. n. s-e *: .
l.e41... a ...... di-h... .,. .. road. BIt 011 to
the ftII1P ................... (W tanka to join the
l-latoola ..... a..n. " . .' .
, ;,;.,. w_as Jlic.iaer.tal C.,. h;ba of
t..l s1tutl....i,:7'A.\;u....... WrlatooA of Co. -A" lOlut Tank -. .
(I,:) r-.... ,a..,'" ,...... that M." ." .
. by. !I... . .!1>:'f:" .,.:
. '.
Area &1;. G .. , ": ,.' ",; " " ';I. .:: .:. I;' ... ;"' ,/
'_. t-
Tlree ot c.. up .
Guarcl. .. . . ". .... '.. . ,.
'. .
Wantry atoppj4 b;y......". Gull aII4 ..,.tne Piatal fin '1 vio1n1V:'f4,...
o Tanka_..... .... .t ... _ opened .tire.'l'r'eIm But 01 ...
1<1...... llud 1"roa tbe .....' _ 11P' taDk' overtune4 41\Clone U&l* ....
One __.............. u4 .. 4&1I&p4. No Persoz.a:.l ....
._W.. ill the U,,* "".. 0.. a.1l. ;dUM. one teriously wouna...
... lOur slightly ...... izl t!Ie !4e4il.8'1'aulte. .
I.' _Dr t..... of (10. MC"
elee.. lD ped-u..
.:t 0 ,r.&wl.

, ,
, _., . .. a..a ........ w ...__ .adquarter
. ..
r" ..,
I ",

..... ...
.. ..

....... J "I
0.0. .....e4 to withdraw tanb ftom Yioln1ty of 0 to
o,1tAA' after clark. OM ot Co. 0 19lat 'l&L1k On. (M)
'110 ....... 0 _an in vicdJd." to tuppori Intantry
of ,...,U.etta at Sept iter Itth aDd be pnpered to ropell
oocllla............ 80 clet1zd.te d'tIMlIIeILt ot 00. C 19lat Tank B. (II)
., ,... !uk Bra. (I,) ..... __ at thi. time
... - .
.. "
..._.-:;<' '0.0. !uk Ill. oontaoted 0.0. Co. c 19l.t tank Bn. (':). 0.0.
'" Got eft" 1aI.toated that hi had .. to tbe effect tla1J h18
, .oC,.",,!IacS __ attaoM4 to the ,11th rank Bn. (1,). 0.0. '158th
'..,.... (I.) batruoted C.O. eo. act' tG 00Dtut the Reginontal C.o.
,... 4l1not a.nd claritr tile situation.
, -." <

-a ..
, "-'
756th 'laru: Battalion (L)
SUBJ,';CTs TraIl81l1ttal ot -Reports or Action Aga1Jt8t tor l:louths of
;eptember aDd October, 19<Y.
TI1HOOGIh Gamnand.iJ1g General, 45th Dinsi.., APO 4:5, U.S. 11.rr:f3'.
1. Transmitted horew1th -reports ot Action AgaiMt for tm
and October 1943. Report tor 8ep1:efmber 18 a cOJ.'Y of
orir;inn.l report.
a. ElerooBta or this battaliOJl effected actual oontaot with i;h8
in only "two instances during tbl month ot Septeai>er 19<i3J u covered
by the C::!"lTln.n.ders Narratt,-. tor Septamber 22d UId 2M.
b. Report tor ootober is a negatlYO report.
2. Uriginal "Report ot Action Against Enemy" tor September war; f1niled
fi-Cl:l thes0 1:f.eM.quarters on october 5, 1943, and by AUied Faroe
Headquarters on October 10. 1943. Repor1o wu elT0D80U8q -.118d diroot.
For the Ce-nding Ott"1oera
4, Inc1,
1. Report:>t Act10n on 22 Sep't. 194Z,
with Extract of' Unit Journal 22 Sap't
in quia.
Z. or Aotiou 011 28 sept. 1943,
with Extract or Unit JourDal 2Z Sept.,
in qu1n.
s. 01' Aotion tor October 1945.
in quill.
. ,
<1. :apa of Ita3.. lal(x)()()O,
1 e.aoh Sheets 186 and 198.

.. '.4IIIit
, -' -' f
'.'.1 I

756th Tank Battalion
. "
_ APO =1f464 CD
8 0cccnbcr 1;'1:3.
NC7Yember 1 - 30 Incl.
1. This Ba.ttalion did not gain contact with the enem;y the
month of november 1.943. as noted below.
2. Prior to the action initiated by F.O. #13, VI Corps, 2
194:3, it was pl&llll8d'to us'e light tanks according to the p1tl."l outlined bJ'
the attached )(eaor811dum, Hq, 45th Inf. Div. dated 4 :;o7cnber
194:3, Sub"jeot, of Light Tanks in ltountainous Terrain".
3. The ot the plan were carried out, as sot forth in detail
inthe 'Unit but during the initia.l and subsequent act5.on
only one fire mission 11'&8 oalled for. (30 rnds. 75mm A.G. fire, TarGet:
Building, Results, Unknown). Possible amp10yment ot tanks was indicated
by the supported troops several times, but no action developod of
the absenoe ot atrcmg resista.nce where tanks could be employed.
COlO.S!Ss A.otually the plan proposed for the of the
tanks applieS-best to tanka, but the Commander desired to tost
the !..Iechanics o.t .the plan and was granted the opportunity to do so.
Results proved that more time is COll:3tUllOd in
Initial recoDDa1asance and less time consumed on subsequent
,",hen this plan is used.
1. Unit Journal for 110v 1943, ydth
Incls. (Dup) ,
2. Unnumbered l1emo, "Employment of Licht
Tanlca in 11owltainous Terrain".
3. Map" of
Sheets No's. 161, 111
. ,
: ?i:-liS
756th 'i'.m.k
Ai)!) .:,1),.:1
....... .l.!
31 Tn-:-!.
,l.3 .. liou 'hi,:. !llt';'l:::tp Ll 'lCt:'JJi',->ch too Cli.i_
....'" ;;, _C ',,,"11..I'H I 1!).13
.. ..
'.' ...;.
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
- - -
E'E R U A RY 1 4 4
'f4 ____..;;.
: .
i' ;"
''';''.,' ...>.1<'

.I ..... t,..
..._-_.. ,.
Equals' British
. .. :t,'
r R ft T I \ E
F 0 H'
o F

BY AUTHOlUTY a TAG...... MS. n.

.r .
1. }'
! :
.............'. '"'

? # ."
'1<', " _, '

U. '5.
Equals British
r,lv fe s :
JD.n. 1- (-':ncl)
J.';'n. 10-11 (\ncl)
T"n Ie
- .. U
1 )
f...i C',.
..:... .:.'
..Tan. lC... 2C (::'l1cl )
.,. 1 -, r (. 1 )
... 2.n. '-' -t:",: ll1C
",' c.n.
(.:; >or
1 )
. G
J.. _' __ '-"
...... ",-

l'ov,6;ont tc I?r-::-;[ , n .:;:'e fv3c,:],nity
of,;' 1C1, ,"0. /,ttr,cb'I::r.t to 'J'[.sk
POI'C e j, 11:;:!,.
E ',' r c c i'0r' "02 c i
7"J on :l'.") - :rt.
: tt ci":,ent to l', :",1' ':'"('0',''').
c :! 8 [;, f' 7) C 8 f" 0 r ,J, n' O'Jer" 8YJ t
to .18',r v 01.:: f;: ceres.
to I!').:i'r:otr'
in lnlt5pl
(': rst
( Dr'

" t. l" OJ.
C -,)l].:1c. j. F" ;.: r:: C G 0 l' ;_", ::J.c=' t _c i :)C.
'.',:', r",'ltcc: iYl
1 () ....
.. <t:,'.' I"r'):-cce,i.
". t ts ct... "";:.r;,t to 1::'-::: tl', I1':;.<:
tt::':C:l're!:,t tr: 1;:;::':'(( Ini -
. '2 ,,..1-
:', ir:. l.:'j I Jf;"; 0
u. s.
Equals Briti$h
I .: ,

.- .

Duri!1[ the b8 tte lion '::c' S in reor
an( trc,:.nini:: :t IGATL, ITL.LY. The ,ttrlion hro.d
teen converte( froD 2 L1 ht to a trnk tEttelion on the
15 Lecember 1943, Ene. been in tr8inln!:, since thst ('ete.
fDrin2 L-:18 tp.tttL::m movec' to E. ne"
ly area in the of I IC}: NO at fS6113. roon in
the new pres the b2ttalion to T8Ek Force
Reconn2.i:"2,rnce wo'e, effected the PORC.IO and ... III
araCE: for p'"CJn8t counterc\tt c.p.r;' "b5ch ('eVeIOD c
rounc the forth flenl'[i'of' I't. :Cl.W:CIO. ]'.'ere Tll['c'e
f r t
"'e .,.., IOaf of ('0 mrn1r on iI' Ii Co
o . 12 ... e J. L .1 ., ;J..... c. <- 1.;... col" '" ..L , I .) " . /I
756th Ten.: rctt2,L;.0r:!.. ?L.ns ';'3re ]1'&( e ..cor :C' c 1)1;.: t.oon: of
tar:ke anc" tl':'.e . s:;:,8.1...11t Gun t'J in 1:
r(; '1et;.:o(s. It
1451'.. on 11 Je.rlURl"iT 1.::1:4, t::l6 I'rtte.Lon 3.. 3 'd,'S that
0.1 '
the tatt:eLon bee. teen 2tt:-.cheC' to T8.l'll' Crrsup, VUCG, II
Cor'lc' eF'lr'ect'TTe
.J.. \
,-I J
t 1 e

L', .'
.,' l ._ J'Vl'.' ... .(.!, """'.

"0t "'l..,t
j )._ 1o.J, I..,.' .a.l ... 1_' ..."..
in effect.
Jan. 12-15 (ipcl) - for cnc' in 1n
:.. t::.eJ. .:-tt.:-oc;r Fc,jnst ? t.
---------.---.---. - --- ._---_.-- .---- . - ..---, -
The I.e t c3L.. on Cor','cncer reDortec' to the GrOLl') Co!:;
the of the 12th January and received in
ior!"'ac.:,oY: of the tentDc:! ',lLTl of' 8ttac; 8
:.2.inst T't. rrIWCGO.
Route, site nne rcconn21Esence the
cay_ TLe c: nrotlem '.crf2 to 8. snits.llG Y'ot'te ir:to the
erea 2.t :'ere f'ld t8.1::1e 2csseni:ly r'ro::: e nne firing'
1':)1' t:',"." ;'e jn" YlEe.r C:c. \ ,nC' ter J
rE'.in,vr.-::B l's.:lrli' J:or e"nlovn'6nt, e808c58117 :1n the
liD;; Co. z,one 0;" flct-ion '.S) 7;ir:;I), ho;.;ever routes: }.nto
C:I:_'cYI:10"'e 1'0 .jery noor [nc re consic' erat 1e worlr.
" c"il"'ecte( Ero':2h ST. t::.rotgh the
CICE.::-:,lII I b.'t the t rctil from 8'r. to CE?':tnO we s
the onlT one On the 13th J&nuary the
Tank Battsllon C.O. contactec' the C.O., 168th Inf;ntry Regiment,
on nlanf for the attack asainst fT. 10. Plans.
at th2.t time contemD1ctec; use of the ent::'re Tcnk I'[:.ttt=d.ion. It
1;1)'2 S aGree-c' to em"01oy ilIni'cntry Tank
t8ctlcs for tfte close sup.. I,.,
port of the Infantry, ','iheTGVer tcctics coule 1:8 applie(1. \
The Ter"lr :;-;;ttc1:i.on C.O. kept the Croup CO;'.11'r'?ncer infoI'r.1
ec of the pro[resc of tLe "Iork E-nci tl-e Gr01)D Cnmrraneer
t)8.S tL,::" s inform: tlon on to r:'e:o dqv.2.rters, ;54th Inf2-ntry Li v:i.
sion.'. Such li8J.8on tet\,een tl1.e Tank of the. r:.ct:tvely
enZEgee trnk elements the is not An
::engineer ,aeC011mj ssance 2!::ouJf te ett2.ched
to anC work the active elements the very ecrliest
stsfes of any 8.ctlon Ci.n conceiv2bly r0,:::'l'ire ineer vTOrk.
Lt 1015!:.., 14 J.snuary 1944, theTEnk Bl:ttt21ion C.O. v;rfg
informed tho.t only one ofte.,nks be eroployec. Re..
, connaissance continl..1ec' [cl1C; thz,t cay. It 2000A, 14
Janue.ry 1,44, the Group Co:mr:i.ander informed the Tank Iatta1ion "i.
I C.0. thact only one tG, nk DIe; ,toon woulc 1 e in S1J1)!.lort of)
I., .
the 168th Inftntry E nc thE'.t no t8nl:: nipnorting ".'eapons
cculc' be mover' over the .sT. rORG. 1-..ccorc,
1st 'rank Platoon of Co. iiI'!; set out-foI;',CEHVAHO at ._
rrece('ec' 'cy a .
, p' 2 I' .......
r: ge .... r '
t:: B";-;'.:..i;*
_, \-'. ,,_-.... __
14 1944,
, '" .
' S"
". . .
I '
15 Januery1944,
in the
Eattal10n and ComDany Commanders. It 0200/,
the tt:mk pls,toon closed in an nsserntly ares square B.t
CRl1VARO., 123011 the Tank Br.ttalion C.'O. cantacted the C.O.,
lS8th Regiment, and 6iBcusfed the plns fot the.
e, ttack, [mel for a rii tb the C. O. of the 1st En.,
IG8th rt 030C}'. The Tank FrttDlion C.O. then contact ...
ad the C.O., 1st Dn., 168th final for
the for 2, of T2nk Co::";'pu:ry E:n( Pla
toon Off:!,cerc vlith the InZ;:ntry Z:D.tt21ion neJ
Tho pL:m vI S s:!nplc. Tile tank nL t.oon ',1: E to f jon the or D"
Co. zone oi (E:se 1:;;' [91.) one' v>=::: to l!10V0 for'!::r", E.:che
10nec to tree left snf. slj,[l1t1:r to tbE; r,,'l' 0':' t>e rttceJ:':lng In
fantry of 13t En., 168th vas
arranr.:od as follows: th(; T)lr."coon 18[r'0::, ("irect
t t
"-,:;: .;.. .., '" ,'C,o +-'-0 ':",-," .. "",'t""l C P ,-n..,,,,': ,"ttr
o "v l,c;..n.", :1< ..... :).1 OJ, _ J.ce:r (, ,,' 'JU,-, ",
C.O. to C.O. 8n
In::'r.ntr:;,- Co. to by Y"Jr..ncr, rne" t:-;.e Ta'1 k Co. CO'Y<men
ear U[s to trivcl the r8 a Tsnk
vj ,serf The ,:.tt2ck VI lCl.:'nchec' 11 L:nncc' o.t 061S
, 15 JrDvir:T
The plen end trooT)s
lY'.et no re::: ;:: tLr.ce c n( t} :!. t ': r c, " t t t:';cre
be l,.ttlr,;; V's jn thr t ZOYle
of rction. The [(vG:LCG(l to e:le, of '0515,
, t'" - t -r - t " t- t' "t t' ,
W(JG ;.-'0 ,:,:,' ,':-1.. c 'een ... orcec: :) e . vO flO ro c: .y ne'!1a. T.;pre
of tcrrri:-l. T118-;'e lv( 'toen only onc c2E:1.1',lty, ["
'1!88 thorovsl:ly stucl wit:1 t1:','O The 2cttvljon C.C.
jnSTJecteC! tl:e t2Y1::'2 in theJ.T' for'.',Tr(pOE'J.. tion cnc oecje'ec1 that
it v!(wlf 1:e :::eE:t, for 1::i.:8 Infsntry, to them in
teC8.1':"e t::iey h' c- ooe' (it; "Jlje:ro WOi"'C, t'vt 1'101.':;(" he,ve
p.ttrf.etee' ','v.cll 2.tte:::tiOl1 J, t:::.:,: tric( to !;"o\e OD,'t .jn cay
li,ht. Tho tank plrtoon 8nc returned to tivouc
at 1500['., 16
Jan. 1G-13
to 34th Inf: ntrv

At 1545L, Ie 1944, cttcched
to 34th Llvicion. :y 17 1944, 8
r..e'iJ r.ivour.c greE.' in the r,lj( :v' loc"to'" cnc'
reconnoJ tere( Ey 05GO'L, 12 :C-:f, aLL Gler:"lcntr b' c
clo;,'er jon th8 nc'.' 1-::'vo'.:8e s.rcE',. ';"'sttC]J,O:i con
r< "-. ""'c, T.. 1044
J.. .L 4 v .. .!. ...7-".,., .... "'';''.' .Io.l.t.. ;/ J ...... , ....,.. t .. .L. ;"'I ... U .J..!"...:, ....... t.,:...,.:"1.l.o".C,,,,.Y
or tentEl pIons for t:l.0 err.ijloyment of ths 34tL I::l.:'ncry f'J.
v:'s':.on the t2,nlts. tj::.c t;l',(;'lion
C0l11]'Y1&,nclt)r ('j,r2ctec the 3-3 to'i2ke 8. rccom:.,j 2,:,rn.ce for
e!11TJloyme:lt :1n ti;e c :-cer }J. ':i. of
Jan. 19-20 (incl) - Reconnis82Dce for &nC in in
itigl action btSGIfO: (FroD2retion
of Inc'irect ___ ..,____
On the 10 IS44, the Ectt21icn at
'"J -1-' f .... ' til r '
ence(: [' o Leg:i:lwn;:-, I.JOlr'2nr:(}l"f, elf 34+.:,}-: Infantry
c.t t}le COl'r!l':lOnc'iDS outl:in.ec1 s,:vcro.l Dlans
for against the fi1.:nntcrI' line. The initial" DIan
cont0r'platc{ a' by ths 34th Infantry Division/E
C.. frcm t1;,e (Fa Irq, 34th Infp.cntry L:iv1
s 1 on, J"m.E ry Tho TBnk ['10 t tD on r in re 8arv8, but
the TE'.nk Battn2ion c1eC:i.cJed to tr:r to l.Hle t.Le Ascc.ult
Guns ['.nc' fJOme ot the in inc;ir8ct :in of q1e
:. ,.

'.':".,,' .J,.; [",.
on Tho
Route far of v"orlt.
..!,. - .....
tmSL ti s'ec tory [' t t>.iE t:r.:c 2.n{ it
to.Dkrepresent8tive to uCCOl;'!-lullY
tl.-,.., .... tre r1 ,-'nt ,.
-I.. l\.c-oI. LJ .J t.. :V;L.""",Q
for nn{ thct
weB north of the

demonstro tion. In the ):"cEnt:l::ne' arrrD2,0j;.ent s 1j
ere lY'u" e to hi: ve
Tank Foot pc: trolE tli Infentr;:- '9' trols in the r.NI-
of 2T. in en 2. t cc"'pt to 2l':'i. tenx tr&:'lE through
the 2T. aree t:',e of tb.e t'pT.)er 1J..fILO. The .
i'sSElult Glm2 ''Jere sot UD in positlons 1:.2.' of Ci:;,:VL:W,
tho unCcr the con
trol oi' the T';.'o tanks pItoons. were sur
veyec". in,cFt 'Jere not fired uC8t'.se of of visj til:\.ty for
[0 ':rh6 to firer.' i'rom tbe tivou.'1c area.
Tl'1G (12cY; 21 Jrl!uc,ry, the liC;i Co. COl'DJ"anoer selected
'lJosl t j ons for two tOOD;'; o:{ in t.he V] c ini ty of C7.;hV!.RO
ant' tn6;:e tiOD'S [:CL1 f"'.:r7eyod In. the tenks

-; c" o'C f'

t ': ..,.\ c.' t 'i "1" ,::> :': c, 'c" !", l' <; ('j 0 ,;' ('I C'11," 1'')('' r 0 f -t:.:i. ,(z '.:1(.' I' r'1 rior i
...i.. _..L.._ J" .L,.t-_ "'._""'\.,.1, , ... \.,1 ....... j.,.,.. .... . ....- _.l. - _. v j.
on t:::6 of:Zic'Bl't; .':nc3 YeO' [: of t: (;: CO!'p2ny.
Jan. 21-89 (incl) - Reconnsisscnce for rt16iprt1on in
tj on rh::'ch restiltcG in [1.'cc08[1..11 cross
_: fir., 01' tJ:el-Li.PILO.
On 21'1-;:T the Estt::;lion Comr1cn(or Fnc1 S-3
attenc'ec1 . 01 r:c;imcmtEl :-t t
:1e Co:mnsnd
in;; C:encr:c 1 outlincc.: furtllcr for thE.; f., tte cz of C: ..
t:18 it Su8r'CC) tr,.::t tbs phn COVere( -,-,0 {II, 1:eao
C!,l.wrters ;)4th Infantry }:.:l.v5 Jf:.nur.r7,T 1'44, tLc Y:'lO[:t
like1"" nL'n to Le .c[.rr:'Lec: tlll"O"L'gh. At ,'EY rr.Le, thet
.... l:"l"'l l'r;-;" ; i Ie-.' -}-r' +-.',.,,,, Co, ''''l-r c",'n' o<.-r
" ... J. ....... '.) l.I.__ ....... _... .-. , .. \. ..... -. \.., v -..J . v \.I...... d \,.... .. d.,.. "'""" tl . J. _ (.1. a.,.;
3 inCicr ted r:r prel5.";ir r;::' rceO-::1tu' ::sso.l1ce ";1111C1': [L r' clrc2cy
boen :::CCOrir.'l. 756t;'-1 TC:'11;: E!?t'Crlion. Ey the evening
of 21 J[U1l1rry 1S'4'-1, the Ec'tt:.:.J.;on ILl' sufiic),ont in
of' tL.8 '1)1: nco oi :':11;;e1' CDC'] 'pre
lil"".:l,n.:ry terr-:ir: in to iSf::'l'e C. tEnt' nls.n
to f' ':'1:1't:.1c1' of (3ee Ex's
.IJ.2 q
"'!'1 c9
! +. "]r
. L...
T"T '''''l''','''n'lT
.1'6 '\J-1 i-
""J',,)C' r
_, 1r '"" i,
_ v-;..l........
ro" t c
11...:.6 1, ..,L..
t" ,',
.. U .. l.
r)T[ 0

valley L;:-.d toem diseoverGc 2nc: En.gineer hr:( '.' lre2ciy teen
On 22 J8.n1.1,ry, .::':8Ecr,1 e1:l'Jloy-ment Ft,S
"'nc" e""e.c"to
:;rhE' .... rt"'l'on ('I CO ilt.;,
L!. . v j v '.. u . , ,_ '", ." _'" _. . _ v. " '-- v ,.. , ...
C. O. cOl'.tee ted the J,rlentc 1 C011"Y"lI:'n( er o{ L:":3 133d Infr.ntry
ReGiment nlcns for the
far Tenk to th6 In
fa!1.try tt21io':'l Cor"r.,cn(eu' ".TIc. -plan for L,c, j 'or: CDc' c''Jr'Lrnuni
c : t =- 0 n 8 1?:: ireeC;' ") 0 :1 Ir['.nl' Li 8. j 80n Or. f j C r,) Y' ,:' +;;: r c: c' i 0
W01.']( be to :;0 e2ch / u:"llt
talion. 1'he [.r tLL on tee' t> t [' 1:1. 3
so fzr D:J:.rte" to the eref of tYf; as
the 1'1":)S-: for [: t
-:-t cr03S
i!1C:s Lo,( net,oat loco tee' cnc' that '.tOl"'lr;:OllIC' l)robE
ely not r..;<e i'litiFte,' l'nL 1 t ttrcl. The
Tt.n1i to r'sr 3vpr'ort of tre Infantrv
ot (c.yl:1o __J:'1t, "!'l.:tc.llG rr?ni[ Ofl:'.corf; '!JiH'C to r'G1')ort to
tJ.'1G InI'rmtry or to t::18 F ttnd EYl( to
nce cT"po.n3
t>c; ni he'.:. ttE' clr. t;o i t ionc;
l tll tl-18 t. c n1c c [t V/ll.
t.l'tel"' the conf'ercnce -::he 3e ttr L or: nnd
"1\.li Co'r':p:'ny COr,11'l"8.l1C:E.;r CO;ltjonue(' 8-3
checked the selectod T8.1J.k
- - '. '.. ,
T;:JH3,work wes founc' to 1'e
Vl2,srrrengec' lr te::> on f\.')l" n
En,::.ineLrvTork r:-ort:).Ee: on tni.::
. C'l"''''T nr01Ji0"<:
- .J.. __.J.!!! ..;.... .... __ .... l, '- L '...
'of action was the
most fcvorctlc for
(N VILLA). :=teconn2itEanCe '78.8 slo'.'" 8m] t(0) i-ccruse of
c1i.stri.nces \7hich hsc to be tr['v0rrec on .
bece'use of, Germancounter"u2 troling. r=ortcr f:tre VIE'. S 8. nu1 sa.nce,
cut dj c not 1'l'lD reduce ti veness of ," .'
}.T1ght .pe.trols were ham:::,ered, hb"ever, bec8.use it we 8 t: t the. time.
of the ee:rk of the I'mon. HOi'iE;ver, cy.the evening of the 22 Jan
l'8ry,' the Tank E.'"'.ttE'.l, on ComMEnde;." hcI
to Cevelop the t2nL to 1} point '.'11101"6 routes , f 8f.em1;ly and
deployment['[: ',,'orB "7ell 'deciCeC: u'on. It wr 8 still
believed at time th2t easiest crossings CQul( be ef
fec tee in tL.c [. tal:; nortl'. of tl.,8 l' Lrr,',' CkE in the

............. 1/'-
to t 1'.",.
c '."'ne ..... -=-l
. -' .
"17v l'\'CI"'0''''''
1o,.1,.J .1.'.. . .J.JJ, .o,,'.v
we s t9 bo by ;;;2.y of t:.lG Trnk ROt:to Yoke-;, ray- I;ic tOl'. Or] sim:.l
ceryloynent \JC.L to ; e ::" R t:l C'. etcnce 2,nc;' inter
( vpl. T2nk ,.rere to reQl.'csted
am' t-. e oDDortv,ni t;: 0[.{81'eo.. COl.'tL":':!znc' ers coule rno',:e element s
of theirunii to poeitions for the
spec If::l.c tcrLc t s rc tee" 2. t the t:L:::'1e. The L[;', t (;&lio:1 Com:r!;er
pic.nnod to n::'i.e t}-'G ef.Lort VJ:1th hi i, Cor'"I)rny, to
l.. e fo1 1 0\''1 e "l 'hv Ii 7.' II C0"11" - Y'\'F l' 0 1-1', <'!l'nnort "'Cl Ii r< Ii ,-, 0:' ....., r r '<;, Ii r

1...- .. ...... ". V L ..J l, .:/ .. J , l.' - J,..,: L-' v - .... .; v V .1:-'" .... e.)
\i'f'.B c;:::--r.-;c( ',,} th t"'.'O E'ccl'r5. ty of the flLnlcf C"'.J:!."'in:::< the
:-:ttE"'ck. Cn - otl'! t:'iC r:"":,'Lt <n( the left 1'1;'; CO"er),',ny coor
ei1:.c ted V!j, t:1 the In;: ntry elo!".E,r1 c::". i, :>; Co'cor'r.ny 1;":8.8
to be prep::t'ec' to n'p'Jort dr.;\ C:;mpt.r.-y ::::1: t!:'c .' of c counter
ctt2ck Ol'r flml:.8. It :clc:.. n!lc( to y'(.m[,:tn in ar.r;)royj
'(1['te crc;'s :: S [Io'n 1.:nt5..1 s",,'cc6ss.f1.11 crossinC'VIE'S
cffecte(. DO to 60).
, \
The :':,[":-'0 (:ven:lni..., 22 Jenvcry, "")rtrole
'.'0re sent out 'i.Jj.t:!. InJ-ntr;;- D,trols to eetor-inc
cro Sf: j :1[.s of the ' c Inetrl1C t:l 0;18 c;.rcrc i:J sued f0r
:n: t:ie,tio!:. of f0r GJve i!1!::trl1,tions
in :: t::le I.... ... rr:ol:!1in[.
The of 23 the C.O. auf 8yecu
tive Off:" cer tl1 tLe G-3,34th Iiv:l Rion on
the t'SG of t: nk Y01.:tc: ;::n( tr;G at the .ung:inoer ":Jork
thereon. The G-3 t:C,0 E,:;.ttaIicm CO:'l:";;ncer th2t
the 'do1'ld In: 1'c1; sor-;e ts,n.L: over the t2nk ro'_'te
the. t [rJ' tbc:..t tS.nk 'lor'c')0nel h'. ( 12 ttCI' c:'6ck tJ-:,c rov.te
fi.fter Frcncr-" :t::nj.;:, GC"] it. Tr:mt::' ;,I''';:1r: for clerr-
!C'.:'1' l.'EO 0:1' ro'.'te .:; t tiY:'.C' 1'r. Lon 1"101.'16.
rO:-11.ir0 it, t .. 0 t:tme.
'The :..[ t t:::. L on e1" contc.c t:18 C. O. 0:; LLs 135th
r n try c nc.: confGrre( 0'1, ph n::.: i or tLo . t t cL. It
was tLtt the 0; 135th could
te n}!)Portec' [vfirc from 1')o::lt i0l1f3 wi thin the Inf[ ntr'T
L .'. "" v
zone 0.:." DctJ.on en:' thrt Jnit:l.rlly one Trnk on cell for
',11c1..'I(" 1: T':')(-; r.
Co.!." .1:"11 f'o"',....'nv
';"h6th T"n'K
... v,-':. - _ (-' ,L.:' oJ v '""'.' : ',.1 ... ' 'v .... c.... .
EBtt"'l1or', -, pro"'ort F,Yj '.' e( in +-l"(
. ... . J. .... '. ..... , J _ "'_. ';" ..J V..l.,1 .... " _ .... v ,_ '. _.' ..'.. L_. .
t '!'Flf "[;0 to TJrep GO f the 130th Inj [ntr:T by
e1.tber J.':re 0, :n:ovomont.
Lt 23 J8nuEry HA4, E: con:Cet'ence of COlil>r1,"n(ers,
anc strff was called to settle the finsl for nt
tact. The pIc nof ttc cL closely te
tent::: ve p18ns
sot (288 1 for t1:::-::-]' ")lrns). Tho T}lcn
for c:e"':)loyrrc'n
.- :" S 0:.) on 0n s>:etch1!!x. ,:;)4::: c 2, retc'ineC=: on the
f:'!"l[l;)l ':' of ('E.':,loyrr,ent, v,'itt. t 1.1c; c;)cJnilon tbr,t tbe forl".srd
"01:- toon t<:th of iii!; En6 i'r OJ COj::'Dcni0E v:oule" heve to select (1e
ploYT-'2nt ["; rsp.s on higher [ener;: lly just to the Er st of'
tho:':r l2t ;::ncl 3d Plr,toone 2recs were
to be 'securec cy rocon!},,.isu:nce retr.ils ot' one ,.,...:::,1'1 per
t?hk, ,the Cet; 112 .to to tC6 :::reF[ to inE1)re
rreas TIare of enemy
"08rty 'V."';f:. to the colu:'::'.n to i:1..::l.C'C2 CDc.' secvrc tL1
line of [rcll. 1'he T'"' c('lL;:--n to t:y " nlrtoon
lipht .nlr: toon o,!, '-:'e(ial1.'i ' . of :8n
t t .' PC.gE; 5. U .

not ver,,] ef
11[. 1 end IlL;" Com..
::y r:'ovin[
Co CO::?!ITtnc1er

., ..jIo>
,. ", J

u .
(-;., .
0:' ,j;:";.l
ginoer2 to rr,ove sS3f.:bly 8.:rcas in rsrr
of i!f.iI COIY1.p<.:.ny
........ (' 'r'" c< to be ,,,,,,,,'1' .... 0 C! '" c't Ii i. ii Co.. ..... v -I r:l
,-,,-.i.J '11/ Co. J \:.I __ v - U '- t..J '. - ..... r!'- J.':",j --
of the i{.:'.FILO .by (6-'011 tio)')r :;']c" corc"'..'roJ-.
On tl'.G 24 J2D1),' r:r, t:-:o C. (I 1108 .2n[).nccr Gro'L''t)
' tLe 1.:tt
c COnfCLl."(C; o:'} tl-:c En;ineor
I'C t ','c" lOY'> t;o ,-L"'T the O' f"f"'cor of' the '_.. v .... \..1 1.; ... ,. _.L. " . ..'. J..'_ _ u... __ '-'_ ..: _..I. .J....;...
235tl1 contc:cteo the E::1Ci cr
rC.-:lsec fo:r [n [(..'5.((; foI' tb,8 Ec (:i CUEr6c
tho ::-:nr neer .: tL r:;:'-:'0 T....)k file n S y
,- '.., :: '. ,', co t r .1.1.,. . 'Y1 :i C 1.: ("'- C t c. C" ,.. C' I t:< ..
to cvC.ncu .f:Jc1t., ... n.e:.:.r,.;, "J "l;c 0.0P0o.:;l\:.iC cr),_,.. r;.=. _ ... "-., .... oon c "
th6 1n.[' ntry (' seclJrE.. C " fjr;;:d.1 EnC eff',;ct c cross
:Ins b:T ClCF1Cli t:.nnc cr:C' ti:.0 rOl:te ;::i th
At th: 2 .l."l1i:):'neerc ",'re co-:--onco1'.lL
for tleir tlor;,
..\t the T'fnlr E' Ol1 Com1'in.c"er ":1th
the G-3, 34th InLntr:' l..,',,':..s5,on on tLl' Lnc1 '')1 DC . nc' ol--trinod
tl.c ",,'ove 'V(';,:n:::,. It' "2,.,[tcf thf:'.t it
trkc sovon to rrovc zn( cloce ttc It
''Ie 8'180 ':,,"ot to :covs t: i.'-']' f.: 1),- [t >;oint ')rior to 22301
in or(or tliE0 I:-L c::nce t.) clC[1" t:.:..o' ""oint.
At 12351. the T"nh: B.tUl_o!" Corm,:' nds!' :i EO :'::'uc',c !Y" }ncb oT'der
for to the 2ress cnC the finel de-
tell::, of }.)1C.Y1. tl"l ..:-; 1)rst, E;c"\Ter[l tl10 J:',..
Gun h2f teen [iriTIS rC2ulsrl' vnCcr lrtillery
c:-ntr01. Lt 170CA tJ:..e 3-3 stOl).'7 to l"c.;go.ln 1":' tt;J: on con
trol o{ Gvns.
LA. t 20001., t::l8 solvrm '':'OiTc,c' ont 01' tl':c 1::1VClL'C C
;,' roc. c. t Si'. FI..:;ilW ?:ac 1":'7 tLG firE. t: ';'e::ric Ie of the cohm.n
new of 889231.
The tr.nk route1:'ccc:,10 V01"Y (ifn,Cl'lt :.- t ncint [1-01Jt 400
Eoutl1 of ;,rcy, cr;.C ::.t took work I
V1Jt} : 0;-'0 l" . Sf;': to [et the col1Al1,n throu..:h. ;"y 0345A,
25 KO:t of hr( C10S8" in :
[;S "l,nDE:;(. "pI: toon of ..::,.t,t I','.nkE'j En:' :: PIctoon of icc::"um
Tcnks h2(! to selcct beCfl'f2 cQvle not
retcl1 ttc one:,:' if) T"Lnn(;( 0:.1 cccourt of ttc con
c:tionE. !;t 03451 the funk IC'tt':liol'l cir:::ctec1 the -;::.ncineers
concentrctc on the Route ::"n orfcr to cot thejr
o'. .'n :n( ," .,..,inJx,u'11 ... of O'T s1..pv'ly vc:,J.clc8 thrcn.(.h.
Tho 1101)te ::V (' 'bocome :::0 ft: cuI t from t:-')6 Dr E' ff.;' c of the
trnks th t there ,12.S C:rr.scr of not be:, ng [(Ie to Eot .i';nCineer'sl:. the: I'Ol.'tc it ,,';' c: 5
tlthough it hrf not besn to vtilizs the trnkE
in S'....';J':lort of ntr:; l,ntil O;?.CCt the :ir::-t
for tsn:{ '.r t' l', of:r covc;ts
c('intJ;:>1..:Gc':rom th;:t time \Jnt.: I cavm :m( COllt:':y1UOC' of cOllY'se
thropghout ':he o.'y. Tbc (l:rlnc c'r s rr SCI from
to runtr:ro'l.Cgh;c .f:i.ol( to ::'ire riE'sions. 801:'\8 of
these Y"iSE'ior.E: '.!trc ::-lInost to ccco",'..,li2h 'teCt1..:SG of
u cO:r:1b.tnct:i.on of' ('iff:cult .. in "!1C' cor"Jletc (';:'r}n6oSE. (The

,'0 Ii.,..,"n 'f'
...'.'.'. t ,0; r. r"".,.
+.1'J.8 .,." 0 0'"
.1, .....:
"0 -.,
0 f
.. !",.i...L .
0 f..

'\1 ..... I.,:.\.'v.>
effort ',8.8 ':': CO to "'1V:t r if. "8",t VJ3 C;.ou1c1. i".ltb
ouch w"'-. LO ni:....l1t L ring (I evice s" wl10Y).c\'cr t;'lG tr.J'[.,E, t C01.'ld
be. definitely 1occted, the Lsunnerf3boro- Gnt 2:ed the
tr.- rget on tio.l ronne's. 'r:',orGzo' ftGI" :;":1.r2 s C.c' s ted tl:rough
the 1:1.c.1.8011 wiGl: the Inf,-ntr:7. 1't:!.2
fective .:\s eoon r:s it tOC[.lnC both
ps.n'j.cs uere' c1:'le to renc'E;r {trect fire :::"P:}O:L't
oons etout to suJtrble positions.
Tunk Bz:tL'Ij'on Corl1lJ;nder'cClnfer'rec' 1iJit::: the ;i:;;
!"''"; " .. '
. ..... "

"";, j" ,"--rijr .....
.:, '

--'1" . '.

. .....
. -.
.00: ...
the 'orogrcss 11'I1'Oe, the
to te r1'118 I'o: d ol'ie;in[;':.lly
plr.toon,of Co col
fro!l1 TIoEer W S !J f[ ir rlte,r

concerning the. terra1n,
crossing F'nc Engineer work
selected [.S 0. route for the
Innsed, tut the ro8.( run-nint; IT ".7.
no. te route. (It ,:.ctuc.IJ.:- b.elc" 'Lin for E'. cOllple of I opera.
t ions) lurther reconrlr:l e srnce 1:1::'(' nlso tec
thr t 8. cro.s s
ing Et point 600 yr.r(s of ' hele' much Ynore provJs'e
the nc&r the tarrcckc. The
C.O. cirGcted thc.t;'.?t"' TlCG continuoc' tm.t:',l tLc
,.." Drs
. J '-,
" ct." ....

...." ..... .. L l.i.
.v ..-,. .
......, ... i

.L.l. (.' "-J ......
r't this
b J. ne 'V
::..:.. '"-' "
"n..:! on ,...r()C' ....

it lookce' ('oubtf'J.l tlv.t tho "oule' to ecle to ',Jork

onJ t
. ...... ....
" .l
.J \.
t"1c'or v'
\. 1.
1_ .1_
. t.., . (.;..

..J' \,.... .... .,_1

"'-' ... ..
tillery firo. 'n18 rrcJ.:k I:;;::ttlion C.O. the ;:::o.ttrlion
C.O. of tl'e l::'t. 163th InJ.cntry :::t the C.P
.s.cout ODC tLotJu'nc} of ROLer. The T::-nk :::ztt:,l:1.on C.O.
inCic?te( to the C.O. the Ensineers were
in through, th8.t
it ely bo :::low En:ine0r ,',ark on tLe ;:-ropoc8c

in C2yliLht. He the C.O. tonks
cO'Ll1c iHOV on tbe roc.:d' 6:i.roctl: to -l'lif' front [nc tho't C:::Lrcct
f1reE could be in every whore they cC8jred
:-:-nc'tbe:' conIc b0 br01... to bC2.r. Lr:ter Co,cny Gunners
2OJ.'!"(; f: rc insttbe (::::::'0 of t'te bill ct l::-ox fror.1
this rocC' one German PriEonor strtcc thrt a tank,
nring fro'n c, y;08::'1::;on on, or nc::r tl:o ro-d, be: plr:ced
a lucky r:tot ::::.l i. nortur- ,of [' 1')ill kiIJ. ng C CC'.Tl
tain. Lt 1015A the Tfnk G.O.
0.1 8orrm.?nder of the 13Z,(1 cnC' inf'ormec Lim of
the S8.!1(;j terns: icl. he c: 1:".0en d j scusf.:ed th Tsnk COJ'11D8.n'Y Com
of \i,,' CO''1')'='ny . (,..'_J. tt,-::, __ v C'o"""'"",der J .1.11.,_ ,-' of 1st .L,..C D"t_ .,1,. " __ \... -i....,I ... , .-.1. ....... J. ... .
16Sth Infantry rJ.l n L ;::tc;".ll.oi'J in
forF'oc' tLe Cor:rr:lc' t::.: t hc \:ou1c
. ['o(jtionc1

C.O. to tho Tcnk C.P.
at Victor c.t conlcrrec.1. ',I:.t'1 the Ll:::isOl'l OfI::'ccr of tho
235th Ensineer i'1ctl'1)Ct8d to )(688 'ork on the
T2nk Route mrke lor r
tho Cor:)s tounccr:T r:cst of Li::i.:-on Officer
in(iccteo t:1::-t 1:1::: rifIJ ':'J..... TO tl" t ;.'oul( need rroro
hel." fro1:1 hj.2 bcttr.:'.:lon (Onl'- on the joi- i't tlds
timc). The Cornr""nr'c:,,> t,')l- ;".,::x' to_ct ;jslT"
l1G ncec:ec" fna called G-3, In, ]/\i:3:!:.on to for fur-'
'''n", tbor;'n'<ineo
.J..J ...
..... hel""
p ('
J :.:_'_..L1.VV . 1.1,... ....,;
.t. t:.. .1.. __
J .

_,.J. __

...... u /...J,.
ted to the T::nk Ltt"lio-::'. 11301.. the 'I'': C.O.
CJo'''lrrtec; on ':orv.. rc
])t'.r:L12, tho ::fternoon of elk 25 ...'J t:nl: 1'Kt ..
rols were on prc'-;l.nJ 1'1'1.:; :eocc
s (C_,vzc'r
ODoe) ['nc' [.lonG I-:i,)l'v,'E'y;:G into 0,\[':"1:0.
o:)ur' tee on tho
ry I Itt:; (t;.:"'J tcr:ki:)
Ob00) ro"c': 2c:vP.:rlcoc3 to Q 0:0:1.:11:. Ui:O::it
of O1:'oe'.:herc :l.t S b

ontitank t'Llt :.t (id roce.iV6

The ot:lerr:tr trol on i;;'6 [.S
s. Tr.nk Officer "'iitl:
- n" T -; " .:; Cl 0 r: 0 .t" f' C co; r ,... - fl . n () .'_... t <
rl, ,1,:'. J..J ..... ', ... 10,,'1 J. ..L-..J. ,,:,. ,j".I.: ....i ... ..i._.l.. :. .. .'
2rno in the. of Peter ;.;.::' l_clL;'IC(
to turn the t:'nl:: 8tcti.on 1:'c.J
",[.S 01';. hi!';
before thJ.8 f.' ct \![tf., :cncc'. by tho
hOl;ever he orrlored the 't"lis,slon to
if it s still dcrirod by
Pc.,se 7.
:u. s.
Equr.:ds Brihs;,
,. .' ' ,
Ih3C8 p. troll'.'
CorlTI'h:r:':"inC 'Je").c;rLl, 34th Infcnt ..
o:/,;rr.ting on the (Sl1grr..
f:lvc :unc'rec 71:ros ;ost
tlor'n l:r:lc"[es. It" rEceiveo no
C01'1c;jcer-::tIe c.rt:11Icry fire.
stQ':>::>e{' 6.Droute to T,re by
Jr '. t T _. k C ' C'
. I.:.. ry.!. ::.n"&" ;.. g'l)n.Ln ";'J.!_'
ini'or)"',tion c1.1f
.. he c'::, not l;-l'OYT the full
tivo. It '.'2.f.' c[ter'dcrk
TDn:{ r .. ttr.lion Comncnder,
run firct ching tl':'o noxt
'.'7 ,. ,-".., .... I' C,""'I': ;h ,- 1 tr.; e _
, .-. " ... __ C'J,J..J c..;..!.
{'.. 11("; to (lo'l:uch '\'ork .on tJ::e cI'oSE'jnEs
er cons t!'.nt f rtl1lc;ry fire. The
move into tho unt11
Tot tGEm [tle to 8.ccol"v11:::h ?-ny work.
confePJ'G( \!)ththe illl'l CO;:r'['.ny Com

l}. Sp I

wee rVD the next (l.e.y. The reeched c. "!Joint to the "jest'
of Tr re where tLey v:ore :2 ty :::' 'r10'In .brldge. The
did' not receive fire, but they (lid receive rrt111ery
fire). The results of cot!;. of the1:;c dC.f' re'r:o.rtc( to
G-3, 34th Vl .::L.c>rt1y ftor co;,'plction of
nne' ,iI''' CO;"';i)llJ.C:;: cont.iuUE(l (:5rect
misstons thrm:cr,.Ollt the (1[:.:" :In the: t'.,'pnort of the
:'E'-vGr21 tC).lk of E.ii:. L tY"0'lc',"l Y": wrs
to brine:. fir:., to on the' Cc}"Y.;:tery l.n(1 t1-;c in the vic
i ty t ; . .::: s t of f;Y. 'l'he r10',:ere re P8rt(;C1 loc' t J.Orl2 of 8UtO
r'' t "c \!C .:; Y) c.n [. Y)O 8 i t i C'y:: f' l'h-; Ii J 11 C Co:m',:. nd e:c moV0d t e. nl! s
c fev i'l1.mcred y rc'E.' fOr,Ji rc-' frorn tYd.r " 2fc
,l;ly .:' '<C.:: ,C:TlC! fjred
them froll the of or from "'lont,; the
Eike... N[.n.. T:1C fir:, o.ppu rE:Cl. to be very
Lt 16001.. t:ce T:cnL ,::t'c2l5'JE C0'l'!:1:11.rnc'8r to the
C.p. tt CO",:1:r:[.11'J- 0:" the r
16th ttr:L:on 'been tlC.C b:ttc..
Dvrins thG of the 805tb T,L. Ictte
tc tbe fn{ thrt
cunl:: 'lcr.: in ,\,-jlel](: tor the sL-n'ort of tho
1:;c.ttrl: 02'"!. T:-Cc; I':'.tt'-L>"ln CO:'JTr:'nc"er ir.r]:;'c, tee: G the '!T,I f
co'ld ['l"')Y',ort ': t.ea rO.c'2 r1.'11n.'l1C. Nortb :nd
\j.L, ...........

(Tt ""
'-,. ' .l. ..,;
'..L_.,.... .l:
"" ....
" ... "","(,;,
.J.. \l1I(;.1o....!

'1 n1o".! .1..1 fOI' to"rer' -\." "-" ..!!'", "' .... .,.,"-]. ",,1, r
..L .Ll ___',-, :_ :....,...;....G ...... .... I_ _ .1. e;,.,\". .,) _. .. _U '":J'_ J. L ..;..(., <;..v"
..;.I. v,
t 1"O O.L.('oI"', Y1 ""'1 'i',
, .', ........ J J.j VI,.J..
..... ,
'l'T I
co ',' "'1
..L . _. ",.
J.. ... "'" .................._
_ .. L, .,'J '........
L U"ir'on Cf.;>cer ".:::1<:- FOP'['r',"3 of t):-':'G !5s.'t:1 Lrrr,o!'cc
Field ,i,rtil1c-'y [r,ttr1ion ol:rir:2 tbL; r ftcrroo:.
tJ::ouEh t:::e Pi..c:J.c i',I'tjl1c.r:- :_,'.tttl:LcT'. net 003
::'c:nt.ted ir of r;;:;,tt[.lion rt thj E tjc, t1::(. [iree
of t e ' fvr:\.J_5.l:le nc'': tho CoPl
1'11[:-1('(,1' :"'(C (,o( l'S", 81",:,1
:t lSZ,CI t;:-,(. Tz:'Y Er-ttr'Lon C.O. ,::'t1, t:t.e
15 .: [on Officer of tLo :i.;'llc)nf;cr L".tt,:,L on: nc' '::j tbe
C'o ,jT;i 1C./-h (;r""'o'Y'i'C"' r.;., 1" 0"" ....,'(;n " ....
..t. l".L. ... ., '. _ . ..,,;:.. t. J. J...,. _.L" . v .' .. L. _ ... "
'l.1i'tJr.:cr:.t of Co. lEth I{c_b;cnt : still e:n.rol'te
1.::t:l t:r:o 0-,- :1.t '.il:'['. tt:t tt,c'" \vo1.11d
err:ve jntj:-n
-, to 2,1.;:::-t ',or: reforc Tho (:0"""1'): 1!y of'
t'JC 2::5tL :L:'l_:'ncer.c 'T:::: ):::v;-:''''' 211 it cot'lc' c<o to jr;;.c]J tte 'reDY
G.Jute 01')(:1'1 E'O t;;:.t "'(')r:; rnr' c:n::''''i"rC"l'- CC'!1:'U ':.c r.r01.l;,[-,t
. ...:,...J.L.
.. ""1 'c"'-,rrl',..,
, _.)
J ...
.. r"tt

. '..,1
.. ((;,


'... v 1 .. vI.,., . "_,,,:.
_. J.. ___ .).. . ' \:., __._,.L. .I. ... .:...1.\ l
1e::v0 0:1 t.L:O:jor]; (n:' lC:l 16t::l
on eLc crofs,:n,J. The .. Co. Corr:r.i;n(cr- be) [[jE:tec'
by Off ;.ccI' in '::,;,!':.. ne' ')F(:,-:-t;:C) tll(. crOEf '1'1.1e imCj.l1e6l"> Off:
ccr :'. oi ti'lG
sit;:..:: ::->C' cec:;(a( tLt; he. c')l-lc :',,::-ke usc
of 1i[lt
Ii. t 2COCI. T:':'.:> k 1: [' t":c- L Oll COT":"'- r,c' er :!.. f S l: C ( j:18 t
ions fOl"" :'lCyt 'C.til:1.
The lor witll
Ensineer,':' to [ c:)"t.r1n,-, forC!c i:)r tLo
if t:-c::,- "(:,1)11,' :Lt ,?osfHlc to ':,'or';;- on tt.:- cro,::s:;.rlE;S 5r, c;
- nv 0 ':)(10 ''. 26 J:.- 1'-
L"'tl u ... L __ , .",_.v... _.)
',F:I'C :10t gOi:1L, to be
in C1):ilf '1:hej 1"(,;f'C
[ineors hrdnot been ot10 to
06451'_, 26 Jrnv; ry err' :1' 0:.'
The COY,1,i'CJ1Ccr
,: ", '

:, , ; r . .
'0 tr'l".k pI', toon c )'01 nt.

[j ,
of '.
T'ne cr.....
u ..

.... _._.;.. , ..,..1. '-'/ ... v.. . . J .... ......;,c.

,:'" \,... r..... r "'_7 '} .. :- r,.6C: :: """''"' C' :: .. "t-. .... 1 .
or C l r-; -!-,'..,-" .. t ':'; y' .;: .. VleeT' C.;' f f .
-- - 1.... ) -'__ _ Io..f.... 'A )..;.JJ. .. ..:.. _,_.l.
tl1c cC'-:..;..;n.reT' r ['Gct"on
pt t,:, cror:
.:;.:'}' I'C:-C" fro'-'- :Log,
t:,:0 :'::_C .(:'lr:::,1.:; t::-.. ')1- ;;ot'.cL rOl'tG,
t':c r:"),. te, ; 1.:t -:(. :) fry '_1. tc-, tc t:--f't. ,
r01.'to eo'"'lcire (uv,:lo;Jcc1 J.r:to [: cro::rj,T:' ,: ,:,roh:H<
t:ivc of :P]::6 :'L on.
t:"'.cted e.o. 01
c.. r. :-r'- -:1,_ '.::'-\,.l.,'iC to t"...c r. t t:-. c1:' of t;: e ::1tr:,"J
t'J tr.:'c 1Jl[cc r.t Iirie C.O. i2J.(ic:.t0C1 t;:1E.t
-r:D.l(l .r: to f'Qrce t:.
0:1 it to 2..t, r)nce ' t':-:'l- 0:-: t-ro Xbt ,tl.. r';1":.-11.
the :'-..:)t i02CG 'cLc '.:o'l:lc"
to .. .. re Y);,:.. t:!..'J11E: ,. 1 .. t--. Pc
, .. .. :" .,1.. 0 " c
r,')"'(, :l,::t t:} tt:'.; ,;-:1 .. Tc.r.1::
V} r(: ,e: ... J.. :" r ",.r:! t ::' y. - ': "'''1-: : c t:::'i.". o.t 11 1 '. n tee
on, 1:-:,:, e ',.; t..G:- C"}i.'J( i'
2 t: e
1.. coor( :.n CC(!. l:lC!(fl i t ..:. \.' ..:C.t l1(;[;
C not to r:'6 .. lJr' .... t:"l:r.::tjon. _l'lvc:; y .... O!)C:
t-:l1.!'f.; -"J:re cO:-':.")let8J7- E'tvc]. ::,.::.:' '!:l-:':jrc :10 "::';.:1:. t l(ft i 'C. to
t11e tUl"')8 of' t::'G -sc.r:lr !"l(' In[. n. tll.O (;nt:i r'E; ErSt. on
1"10:(' CO:r(l...-'1'Ci7:- :-""8[,(:: t.,,(:" to
t:) t:-.G t,z-,nJ..rf: 0_:-' .. J?::l. (... T118 ... })II 0 :-'''ct of
I!:. .... 11 ..- .... ..
L::vE;; c".'t tl-,e (oem t.) ;:-110'- :: te.T'.l. to enter
r 1. r:;" "ve .. ); .:. ::re e 't i 2 tit:: :. t c. r' ? t 1:: :.: 0'0Ge
r.. -c C'O::: c J n :: t t-."':' c: :':1 t [J :. f "G :."< .. " ::: rl 3 20&"('
:::Uf.: ...). __ _ __ k ..... VI
T. r:]_ C ..,::., ;' r! j> e i; t D 1).10 e \. [; }.-.z ( :l.ot
teen c.
;'lc to r;. : CC( {:'.t i. G sC;:; 11 :If:.;rrr int-:( to
fleD (:0.
r t:J.G f' ft ii Cii C r n:l' e ... e,; ::.:l 81
of 15EtJJ (j c t !' ;1 C .. i'i 1")(";(

t ':: c 1 ("
C t e(! t '" :r

"'" ,=
4 Yl P
", r" 'r ') i:' -.

i t: f" {-
t ,,, ':.
,- t:' l"
- C i,.,.
J.. c,
-. c ... v v..... . ..... l - - v
(l f
_. _ _
-'0 a
,,- '..,I _ .I... v ,
t:l':"':):': li:ii :.<:.. Grl (II-!; out
of 2.::-:0.l1nj. t: on..
,l.'!.t 1['.'20/:,. t:...:e Co:r.:
1.i.13 CfL' Cor of t;:: e leath IT:_,. t -.,.. . t "!:::!.:3 ,G. r. [nc:
conferroc' on 8. of for t;.e ne:;-t t8nk 1::Et
t' n 1" 0'''' c ". "j--f... .. +-0 .... e Ie -='t
_, -- '-'r"'!'" .... , - .',: .. .." +-' rn'.-"
:... J.. .LJ. ,L,'.' c . ...., L,,; .......... L,.o' LJ . _ VU .... , _. :::1...I.r.. ... /.,1,./ ... 0:. .. vn.\'I), . .!.'':'" J.c
re. t t:l ion C:o!' er t:lG ..:;::":2.1 () or:'J')[n( tL2. t he
boJievec1. th[f,; c CO':,::/ -:,0 rE.( .?lon:; tLe r 0[::
8..:". fl"Or::1 Do:, t .. ne" t},.t, ::,'C ,Y... tcl::e 8.. '"'ro]":l:itive
OlJnt of' i.r:cer to .1'.9 -C .. 1E- r'o" te e.: l:!cle
i::'L';er'[! :.LO-.: l:.c'.m. '"., J.& to co [:omEJ cor(uroy vlo.rk


t'"". cj'e
" .. J ..... ' . ...1. ...
1"., .
c \.. "- ......
10. ....
... t 0['
oJ ' .,.,

\,' ...... ' ..... ... oJ
..... of t. e:'_I' , ork i.,.f(' 1
'(-,::-]'": ::lor: of s:.el1.:'ire r.nd
(' )'1J (? c ro.:: : 1:.:_ 6 (I .. i.. C 1- 0 tl '. 0 f the
1-- f c .c' .. ns. C :: Q 2:: t 1 t1.;.e '1;: n1. L..:: t '::'.? ]. :'i. cr. .:;
!!,F!Ir'Ol" cO].l.nte( on tL8 :: 1: tl:c el'Os:': :J.flE alonE.:
the 8c>1::t>eCf:i." . ::.3';' of t:ttsck
1o\ft-.r s;]"1jlar tc t.:1E' '::'or:!.. J.'J'[ 1, ',:;: t .. t:-.. 0):cer-tlon tl;'E'-t iiE"
C YlY [;. t <) 1: 0.'t,h e J. (; c C r r,(' ,,;,1/ '2.:::: to f.' Ti"l)ort
t'y on f.'.r::: oi.'.; e 2')}; ce.l
lec"'. "TIle P!.:1"'.-:;le
). .. to ,I.i..;1
crc:ssinr " y :l"ir,') (to ('1.::- so :'.. t r:8.( to 0,1. ::t:s tF.:.nJtc)
en.' "_'';; te, 1.o1i.o;; iii.'" COJ.1'.T)t.n'(T [.cros::' on orr:"er. 'nl6 firf:'t
PC':e f".
u. s.
,;-- '\
t ., n n
TI'issj_on of the tanl:s VJ8S to the :nfc.nJcry onto Hill 1\.1:1e,
['clrer, and Fox '(,;7 S!'ls.sJ i1:1_ b&rtec: '.'lire ents.ngler;-entr:,
p2,tl'l8 f'Jot fic:,]('s:n( nel'trnL'_2lne; ,:l'to:'1i:_tic
ne2-"0Cmf. 'Ihe t;"r.l-:ssre tr' ',;e:::(; of the !:nd
r,f Fox. The E:' Li t:",2 c'::'E':.' .-Cft 0':' tile l::cr
rcc'.rs n.c)t 1 Ee( JIJ. 'Tlle eTe to
1::e 'JrS1),- :;. ... C_ t<} t,) tYe lort:; j_nto rn(cC) tJle
2n to Ct. "C: :C:- C Tc rt . r d 1-"' e :. i co':,: 1rJ 0 t ion
8.rJ:-' "'.!eY'e. to 8 Y"ll'"'GYj[,.:r'e: to J ire on c:.. i v"Jere
f':i re( T:: [, r t. e r:J ? L:'( :-1 1', G=--) c-:;--, l:,r
l'lJ_e 1::1,: --228 = .. o 1':7' ec" 0 (; r r:::' j.r,2tr1.1C tee.
to os Lor) '-T-:::1)c [::; tLe cloY'::' t::8 rood
to i e
0"" :i'1 t:c of
i:-: c.z::;e cr\:-15:::2-:'1
Tll.s 01 t:E'en , to tl-:8
f' air .\':2 t =: 1 it, f' 0 r G C f:''-r' i"''') (j 1."' t j) i> r c (' 3. E, to
f'ire or:e lorf te.:'':!J:'2 C7C:C1_"
ptC;(1 j-- Y-in:" .' ll"- ...- ... >lc fir
'reY'(; ':;:O,'lI1 l-&.c 1: for ,;"0I'f' m(;V8l:"8r.t
15ttle to tile 2Cl;";or i:','eCCl::2e tLe>n;<2 'rrere
in l)l' In 1;'"-' 8';r 0_; S81'v.-tj_on. 0':':'] i'l:c,t, T're
ve,::"ter L,,2 <::;-181'";' fr'JYl: fJ. t r',;8'O":', r
'.. t,E. t:12 ;1:rlf.! t'..'.-'0 2-5 tee.
C73:0I.., 27 Ii;.-:l Cl"OC2 tl1e
c er"0c;::.n._ slane, tLe rot'n(e_ry.
20!i:e oft tt:G c( ,0 '"Ji' t_ t.: y?crr:;'.", snd
... _........
rl e , r:.

) ,- 1--. c.:. f'T\ -r r .... 0 ".
+. .
r ro' r,
- .....
r C"'" , r nr. ; -
............. ............. "_' .......J __.t,.., ;. L
- , ... <' '-' ...... '-" \
(j.< ":ot C:;.t:,-trYlk >ec
(Yr_ t110 CCf:1.e:.nec7 trio
G1..-':-; -, +';'-2-, LeIcs.
'8 2. :C'8con
'(.1)'3 to t::, to E:t ty-;,l s
:':''C jr:l. .r ut.-:. cros
n :" '" 1:''': 'I-+- p.' n t '(:,- :I,'" II (' ",,"."" ,. -,\T ._: h (':';.' T.:". t +L. ]_ -, C,Y1 Cor ..,',:
I... 1_ ." V . .... u ,",,;..J J.J J ,,_ . ,. I .. J 0 -- - - _ ... - _.........
'2D(ler c"3re:ctec' Ire" ';'(eY' to tr-:- tLe
y')re"''!:"'Y'e-::; ill 0'[' :!1r t.") E;Y
(:;0:1(1 tc ::::.:.:2 ir,t;o l.-1:6 1'Y"8n'J; i. ct:ton.
lied COr.-'lj[.ll;;- 'E' 0r:e
or Ll'tC 1: 3:,1 G15I", t'.,/o i:=; CO;"y"
. cr022C( tl-18 ;:iPIIO,inC';ll';n C:)r:pE.ny ,
"li_.r: ... e( 1
c __
te tO trnlr
rO'6ver, CDC': 1;1 l,j: }'-:,fstG to cro::,;, Z t::nl- in ntioh
tbe 'H'C r.ot- ""ece:',-uer 'iT:C:E, ';:orkjng
: 0,'('v81'_, ".' 0 'b16 to rece5V8
on 8 tet b7l the cnc
out ':' tr: tL::- :: c i:, [: e.:'.--,ce '> .. V'C) 0t
e1" ,.3:: E'. One of the f01..1r
:--_.,-' r-: ff".( l"1Jn r . . f: nr: (' a
tr8.c:: ot>cr'ul[;6 h2(: .:""'et no t,ne were
onerating c"':ore OJ:" 1(32::, ;::t 11. It ":C 2 Serbeant s' tnnk
v:hicb ,-.- ins.
In tt.o ':;1(:[ n t .Ll"e, the 8 to tLe cr() s::: :iD2 h:' C' fa il
(3(_ e.n( stucl' -Tere e,ttel"pts of croi;s:tng.

to on'--'-"


",.1 ... _",c,u.j .... ,_ ..... d
, ,.'
anc' l'l:'c1 i:n c. ::::eriec: or to force
the ir wt'.y throllch ,
, . 'j . 1
,.... "
PC'5e 10.
Ii n
i,l ... } 1
, .u,:
Stuck.tanks had to be clesremore'Engineer
h2.dto ,bO'accot1plichec 'before e.ny ccnsinCl'2.blo number of
cOl'la" te' croEE'od. t.t 'the IT.'.Ol'nent it vr"S not to Cet a
i tank .. at l120A the 'l'nk Ertt:,:'lion ,Com-,
mnncer ' Clirected thot the Tank Eatts.11<lm !. Officer
. clear the stuck tsnkr at once. At 1135A the ,Tank Bat
ta1 er cz for the C. 0., Co. Ii E
, 16th Lngineers
to renort to ct crOf:::3:i.:"'l(. rite as soon 1)offi'tle. The
2n[ineer Officer contactod the Battalion C.O. 1200A Bnd
{irectoe to ct2rt on 2 to the South
of the 1'0[;( from Dog. ',hon the j t;solf cOlJlc:
te cle0rec" of stvck tcnkf:' .snr' :lmproveC:: :!:ng1.nor ,JorI. .. the
rOft' tb.e corduroy 1 ','0'" t;:,w 8. n r:)roc:,c]'1ee. to tl::e
.At 12001. the C.O. l6Jth nt.ry c":rcctec' tbs Tank C01Y',
ii'E'.nc'er to z;ot L 8 l"ic'ny t8l',kc :-croeF' ['2 The Tcr.:L Com
:''er th:: t eve'1"Y ef.c-ort ''''[,f.' b,t tL;:,t ti:ere
'.'18.8 little Dro:"ise er...:,' ,(,ore cOl-'Ie' :::,otten acrOS2 t
c1 :t
In the e tnn:':: ero:: f the ri vcr :t,PC!
"lJerforr:ec severs 1 ",;in.llonf for tlle Inf:ntr"-, hov/eVOl' by
all tank8 rivGr out o[ Tvo tonk:: Were
struclr b"r
tb..3 rockets ,iIII:nc'r lec t[\nks
in an attack 2[uinst a concretE Tbo of
two' tanks wc::'e cr "Jtured. ,': t':rmcr of jn or's
l:y the rtrtlc], tc->."':l<. "lit.
1,T8.S 'v,rhc'n :1e rtfnf'or.c/ t::,s tcrk rfter :it :'1':'I11ob1Jized.
One crEn,;' r'emc;r- lj S };illccl. ':;-'1:0 others \HSj"e cr1)t:J.!'cd.
The tbirc" t9.!1J-:: got st'UCli it tCl the ',-0ft of
tho SI.t2 81J. :.ts T1'1: ere'..' of ttd_s
t?nlc ints-ct.
It l33CP:. tl'J.e Ee.ttr lion Cm:-n:,zn(e ..: "re.' s ::i.nformed through
Liaison thct over for the day.
In.:.'fntry It:oulc hole.' tl:e 1',1:-, ic':. th.Jy [;8.C eJ'.ine(. (The
f. tar 2':) t;-;erc :Jf' 'teen
ver:,": 1:l.tt10 smell -.'3"':)i)J10 cl'ossi.rl[',e It 1.,':'
to note hO'i!;ver t:.. [ t 48 :r't, 1- tel" t::eY<3 'r,:,::.. still enemy
sma11 arJ.:1f: sn3_p::"ns in t:1G v:icinit'2T oi ly inftltrated
T:w,:,r; to T)r0ss t>ejr T:rork
a.s uE' unr1cr COVEL'.". T2Ek retr:l.ev8rs '.Jore
to cIon::." t::e [:-so.rting vIOrk 2.t or'ee.
I'l'rln.:::, t'-:.o courcc: of t:r'e tJ::e '1'&'::1\ on C. o.
ht1c'" [:,cdit:.tono.l Enrlncer ;nr' :L,'ter' in the .
...:t,...,,. t"'';'- 'c'-'1't,o
l .....d

.Lqr ..

0 ..
f '1"'''--
...,.kon. L.' ..
... ",.,."
u.( . ne ..., n,
At 1530/, tt,e'To.nk DDt C. O. tec! ;;\ nC' conferroc' ',/ i th
tho C.O. 168th Infr,ntr'\r Regiment. It "1C'.8 sgreed 1'.:.0
inS be r: tte"ptGc9 on t1.18 JE.nu8rj", '\/ork y:ras
to 'to 'l'U.shed '.7:i rt3,','t' unt:L1 tl,8 IT'orning of the L8 Jt'.nun.ry,
when the tc.nlcf.:;:):11C: initjstc., the act:.on by effecting acros":!ing.
T:1S Infsntr,;! I"ot ;:.. to unt::l thE.; t2.nL.,:' effect
ed the crossin[. Infsntry teen rllc to set
the fielCs cn6 WS8.pons fire on the ftr 21('e of
tho ILP:'::DO D,nr' it l'r. 8 C Ol'JE e[;:s0:1tir.l to get tEi,nks [cros s
E: ._ 'of J... for ti."'G ... , h"...; J.J. t;"l:" ...., c. '" 10,.; '. . ...
j'.t 18001'. trie C.O. 235th Enfinscr Er;ttDlion.. C.O. Company,
HB" 16th ;3ncincers C. 0:, Tr.nk En ttelion conferred
on the ::;nf,inoel' "'Ln.' CO"!lDany "B" 16th j..r:morcC. :?:nc:i.neorr: vIas
to conti:r..ue TTork on the l"'os,d. The 235th' ;mcinc(;rs
furI".ish cOI'ch,u"'o:, 2.11C" prefirrics.t&d c":-11vertsahd mrint-rin

-" .' ,

tcnk trc il from EighYJ8.y =;;!6 all the '.'lay to the river. / The
tr':ils from<i.!:c.$t to '.est t:1.e 58:11 0 of c'ction v:TE)re
be3inni:nc to collo.',:-e from 1:.SQ en':; tJ.:c follo::'Y1.L the .
Ta':1k E2. ttr:lio:1. 8 i." at te. j r,EC "':_ lon to use r xc". which
h t .-, ' ....." . - t .- r' .... "t T'," 'ro
ran rou[ ... no zc:n(: 0.:. r.cI,.,_.r. 2:1G. 8'.."1-, we. c.,
The roc: in zone 0: ccton relieved ;rotlom thct
cot1 1C' 11E:ve :-'eve10'JE',d to t:,<: flon(ecl . rc- rnc' re
c" '''ne'''r'' ""0 ' "'r'r. -t .1-.'n_ "Cl''" CY'()C"-'Y1[ "'ht 1-<""'1-'"
OJ I o,.J lie
\I c' 1....., l..' r '..; J J.t... C .I '." c.:. .J- __ ,_ ...L .... 2.
..Lc J.j. J.....
':;ere to be 'VJJ8'" to t::[',nsY',ol... t tCCF..1:.cS of t.c cone" tion
of roads and of of t- c
'tllG t:1G I:"ttrlj.'Jn
for t "'n"
__, (....J.).
r",c': ," t'C'.'nk
_ 'to' Z

oJ .l ... v.
to the
..i-ll._...... J.. ......

,(,.. .... __ _.' oJ'.,. , _1.
oattrllon. J',t 2030t 8 L:i'-l:=:on Gff:IC0:C' 0:- COTto'D-Cr.y "C", '7GCth
Tank E2ttelion rCDorteC j'or instructions. Tank Eattaljon
C.O. the on the
to Dut his into 2sEemt1y ?rc' j
.t.t 2130t. the to t.:,e dte ':,ith
t:1e C.O. c.= t:JE) 2Z,;3t}: .::'::l).nc:;r[ c:'1.C:; C.O. lCtr.., I",'
O.. Y'ec'_ . _r. F," ,.:'" r. vV c"'C1,...... F;"C; 't"'opte ..... ,.tbG .... r-):, raes
En;;ineer r t; t.W the ;:)rogr.sss of tt'.C T2r.k b2.t
talien (tE;tricvcrs in tLe :"01,(' rt t}l0: cntrEY:.ce to the
.oA.V,'.......... +,-. ,...... 41_.L 0,/ 1-. of the
At 220Ct t:lC Ccm"1[,nder oriented tho rrenl::
Cm"l)2ny CO!Y1JT:,:,nc6rs 0:1 Ly; J:' Gc.:-:t c'evelo::lT!16nts LF;n to
cC;:ltinu.J f:trc s','p,ort 0.: t :) Inf::-.n:;ry t:; !iri::l,_ 0:.1. t[!r:2cts '::8
!' '''''''''It "rr" r ny't
"'" ""'",;"'oon'" t' 0 1-,0' -}c.Y't- '-('or "'1'
v v.. u ... .. '- G_ i..A. J ;.. _.L _. '-- .... . r...L., v ....... L. >....I' \..I.... V ol. 10.." '- ... r....:
on call.

:.".t 0' 15"

on -:.'n r .....


, .... '-_
..L..z.. ... f-;"'-...; ,",L.I--' L .... .J...J V !LITJ ..... v.P J .L ..
Lrtt"llon to T.-:::.: .sttc::1Jon C.O. ':;:;'-:,e L2tl.;,-lion
COI7!.r"FrlC8:::' or::.entec' :':L11. arc t::-e tolC' l"im tl:t t>ere
'::6 no for l:lJ S on 20th f'nd
[:,11:". t:) "lO'.'e c:r0::: :11(' IC-'Ot't LtcI' in
t:iO c?e..:
i'or ft"lrt:_.c:."
0700A 2-3 on th:
the ('f t:e Y-orl".. "t the crosE::ing, end
tho 'lrogrcs[ O.L t>:: T:l0 tr[',:i.l "2;:' !'c.-,:_c}ly be
com:,ns, tJ:-e c,J')rl! rr'2' E]O'7, {'ne' ')-8
',7<Jrc t.:vinG c':mE"id",rcl:'L, (::_ff:Jc'.,lt'r :n !'err1 (;vL: tenks.
Tl10 !10t tC)O tcJ t:.:e trEil
CO'). ( be by llsinc t:iG tr;:. il the French
Z011(';' of 8cti:Jn, rrorG 'c.o:-l( too y)":)t .. ere
still 24 tc.'o:;'''l.' 1:0['01'0 t:'l6 to ce ]'reoe.
:lso ta by from the
pnc 'c,here vn.s still tir!1.0 1eft to effect
coI.,)10 te c lor.I' 0 of tllE: C. r''')!'(,E c11 th.:-; c rbs:'1 ,,:LonG tr..e
COr'1E b':m!:(",8.l"Y. 'FLE: tine.renee ';:ae the 01'; :i t most incol1venie:1.t to cr rry on ste[.,dy
Hor].: Ft '::;e c!'() E!:;::. ':1(-;.
:'.. t OD:OI.. t;.::0 :Jsttr.:i ion ne'er rc:,ortcc to the
C.O. of 'cLe lCGth :-n,c:r:-' [,.j1(: '.:'j.tb the
J1'18.nCEH'::nc' t:1C C.O. ofi:;L6 110Gt.h :;ng1n:::or C:r()'p. rrLc;;
C0111r'l;:,nrer inc>.,cr t;:::. t he :felt con::! cent t:,.': t t:le stucl: t.anks
t'lOt.l1d be e10s!'oc in plent:" of time, i;nc tt.,:- t tbeIi:nsineers could
prepare two tc cros2ing tefore time
for tt.e. G.ttacl:. It just s. of '!')ushini,; ,the vlOrk as
fast as Doscible. Tte :J::1:.,1neer Gr.,un COlrr.wrider inz'r")ectec' the
Pase 12.
.C.o. of the 235
1.1ohC.O. thc.t one of Compony Comms
'the' rivf?r.:t-ec1 from :373259 to the crosstng CO\)
-proach. ,to the Pe h80 j:Tlp..c}e 'B DC.rtial
'tut we,$ not t. thE: eo j n ,-the
1ng -obste.cles t:le strenmbed., Lc-''the Trr.k :L,att8J.:l.on C.O. direoted th:::-t Lt. GI'UUJ":rof
Company Ii j," accom:;>r.ny 80;.,{"::Ll of t:',e inecrs on !In
to l'cconnG.:LE<:.cnce of ';:};0 rouce. Eefore 1800r the Tank
C.O. copferrad 1;5th the on final
pl:-nE: for t11e ;Jork. 'l'hrec :-Cl tel) to be
The bnt-'ineers 1NerE) to improve the .:Lr::ti- 1 routE, olonE th0 Cor")s
v ..

1 '\.
. ;C'c,c
W,A.! ....
l..l':'. e,.,.,

__ :.1,
.c"" .L.!o .t... .L ....
was to be c'esi[:nz'tec1 1\.1::1e Route. 'r;:":,e rO....lte jt's"t; to 'the .south
of S Lble TIoute 'Ii/as to ce corc1uro:red 2nd
ted EsJzor Route. 'rhe ne':.' route from t>o Yorth was to bo cleared
of obste:.c1es t:r c!(}),1",ollt:!..ons, 2.n 'nnr02.C:1 rr'e,(Hng 'iff'S to 10 IN::.d :
['t ;Torth entr2.nce to tho str:.3p,;. c(,(l (Ti.ear v'here the b!,\:!cJGe
we. s t 10\;rn whicb, hf\( the s tr8e.!r.), the entrr;nce enG
stream bee] "ms to f;yr' This route '.rE,.:=: to be desi
gn,'l.ted as Cnrrlie Route.' T;'lEJ ;.:.Dcsinccr Ecttcl' on C.oIT'r-:'nder Via s
to re:oort to tl-,e T;o,nk L,att::llion COJ:1J'!r.n(er overy t'!O hours (luring
the on the pragres[ of the t finel renort
n400" 2 T'm.l""'''.r on ,'r);'e+-',r' rY'1-E; "01,1(1 o'l"1en for c . ...I V l..l . C.L.t1 . __. ...._-' !,. .. ' ,.' , .J , oJ
" or ,t Tl,,,. T'"'n1r i "Y) C -", .. }.,,.-'l to
'" C.. nc. ... \J (7,_ J..' _ O!lnY',... ,.Oc; ....<v.l.; ""0 'r' L.
!Jass on t.ljis to the CO;,]1-;::nc
er he received
the re""orts. _.If the " ':,':-'8 the ettec
re de 1E'. y :, (1 24 VYlt::\ 1 : t \1:::S s'l:'ccessf1-:l.
I:,t lC'OOA tho .T8.nk Batt:rlion CO'JT'l0nGGl" i88U0(' in
struct:i.onf' to ell Corr.m2nc)0rs 8n( (See JO'L'rml for final
" instruct::ons).
Lt 2200L, 28 JnnuC"'r:r, the [xcaut:l. va Officer reT,'lortec'
that ;11 Leen reYlIOvc( fror. Haute sne' th8.t the rot"te
s no'.'.' C lec,r. ' The VG Of i leer h: (' :=- u')crvi sec' the
er in t'.lO f: tC.n>s. '
l.t C400A, 28 ry, the Co: ")1'1.0 nc'er
tll:. t route[' [;,:.1-<::1"' '.:C'1'2.d '. e fini::.hcd day
light. The!'y COl'1I,Knc1eJ: 1:'12.3 ::ni"o.;.;'('( of tl-;is fret
t1:Jct tt.,e t vl01.::.1( .st. rt crJssing "t O?::'Oi.. t the
,.,om...... ny C P ,.. '" c:: <': ''1'''11<:-.(- 0 t 11e CO"""
v J1 - "u".. t.,..J, ,....... .) ... L_v v, ... .. u ...
ed. Tho ComDLr..y Coml:1[" 'reY'ortec": t:] tho I::n on ::-. nr-: the
EE'.ttc.Ilon Coy.m::.nder c'ir,;:ctcd the lj:;ecut've Offjcor to seo that
the SGC'Jn.( in Corrul1 .no 01' tIle CO";"('),').n:" '..:nc1er 'j,'r.y OF. Dne to
so t"lG 0':''''. t:1.e ,Co:m'l2,ny.
'The G.O. .8-3 :oine( the 0615A
tt10 E9.tte,lion C.O. !ljet ot tho"'icers return... \ ,!
ing fron work on the CJ:'osE.1in;3. The r61')Ort vms If/ater 'wss
much o'n the i.tIe Route,.. WEtS 1-lockerl 'by two,
stuck TI.ngin3t::Jr trucks. 0'.nc i10ute itCii not t'cen.:)repareci. The
Bc.ttE'.lion C.O. in.cormcc' the ;iLII COrtl'Of;l'J": of the cross
in. conc1:t tjon[: :no f1.rectec" th't if' Jltic Route faj,lec' W8S
to he,ve 1.' t::t::!.k the trucL,,,: off of Hot1te c.r.d Co through
thl':.'t 17ny. t.t C700A, 20 J-nu'ry, "i.ll. Cor.'71C:lY st6rtoc crossjng,
A1::,1.e l:oute. Six U,::J.r:::.:, Fl tank got rcross
befe-TO the rOt'te1: [, 1:-10c.kec: [. ettlng stuck in the
p'crt of "!.,, Cor.'l''):;;nY cOlt:.:pm "'!Emt 1) [.c.ver TIot;te
when the saw the tlbckee ty two trucks.
The pIt:. toon er invo1ved L.:-( n,Qt cSI;;m J ths. t ES.ker '
J{outo vms thougbt fartl,'er c:Oi'm the
. Pe'be 13

.' .... ,"., ....
. 'I;
. .
, ..
way. Ths Tcnk B?. tte.1:!.on Comr.umder ::;[11[1 tl--:,e t2, 0nr' of the
toon (er1;' m.orning fog:-:nc' coller' t>.c." T"llr,
toon-cnck. Lt. lmr:crtook to 1)l.-ish two Sf-ton off

L.. _.( .._
\,..' . ' ........ ,1..
.1..... t ....
f'cJl'r tIdes
.l ;":"

... .!'..
,' .. -
""ccr,c"{c'- .. n c'l,- "r'il" t::, 'f"o"tn 'r,' c01"(lt::.r
lrJp "rus
c.;., ... (.'. I 10.._ \.... ..... _ _ _ .' c-. --'.... J,,_" '-' - '-". --. .. - \... ... "- V ",_," '
not com')lcte r'.o,!!CVE:I', .. r'. l r serE-tcl: of soft .,:S:r>ovnd
w:-jch :-iUC' to 1 c tr: b(;:!:'()r,;; tllE) t:nt:c Ci. (';1.Gr' tlJc E:olJ.d route
:: ;-: jn. .f: t), t 1']1:: C:c ('nc of corel:.ToY:!.'1;,:, j.t 2i:'nk
v _
....;:,., .l '. 10-_ .'_
( _.J.-
the Cr


- oJ.
_ .- l,..'... , ,. L .. -:-1 - tj ...
f i;r 1 c >::.( c.crO:::8 to cs.r'}'Y 01::t the J.f'i'igned
.../ , v
1ft 1::rn.it0:' :,i['
8"1:..:' c. oc' l:';i' or ""cre2/P ,'iT) 2. 'Four tc '!""c 11.'('; i Dg tbe C01""
L,.:,:::.:=') "ere )it cnC' Two
.;... ;' ..,1. C' 1--1'Y'--1C.(1 "'11- In f'-;'lt "r;c. Q//p r:1)11 'N2'" 'T,och:::d ..
.''': .l,.J.V '.._' '/'1.,;. ... ,-I. ...'. ,I ... '- -:....:01-.. ,. -'-... 1....1 E. - 1_ . I .... \;...
out :')nc1 T;':e t 0 r(" ,:j :"::\ r: tflY!Y3 cc-,--t:1"'l.-iE;( tbc mis
s:'_ on l' rl t: 1 t: (,' r ""o:ri:':1:. t.::: on 'iT r-:2 a 1m. 0 E' ': ext:-:, 1J:: t c ( n Uley re
t1..11'")n.2 C to (; ':' r
i \,7(.. r \_ .(1--, e C8. 1) tt' in ,:'1S riE t Cteel
theIr to PE.. L:::'r r) e of tj'!:,<_I' tion for>:':tcy, TIC: F, it
1 [Gr:i.e :.orc cross. reck on t: (; :::':1(1(.
t'.,e river' t.2C T::nk [: tt'llo:l CO'.':lr:::nc;er of n::.Gio
C OTl ve r f.. c t i c);''1 t c. Y!!.C)''- t: l' . t z" :f" :t_t t c t Y",l :.. C S e tIe
t',';::,- or:<. ;.:1i-:: iic:j .. ( Gott>2:1 to ;, [it
triG 2.rr::.\Tcl \)1 Cc..].J.f;c' s-;) c.rlc;. ir)sti
ctcc'ir to et the"'1.ce Of::::iccr on t:c :ob f.Yout
ttrcc 1'-2'8. Ronte '.. [':' of no 1. 8S l,.iti::;lt 110l."c:":n
gincer lIork, brt /'tL ..:tC ';ovlc' bE. OIl rs soon s the :::t.ucJr
t",:nks cotchi h6 r0""'ovec'1. route . T[s TC"k __'cm C.O.
the :-n
' c: hil1 to ';0-:': COTI;.;'Ih.t0 :';:>;.;ction
on Rovto enC Get thCT on clear
tile rovte [.t. once. "L1C tl:c l.Etr' E;V
ers to
TLc T.,rk DCctti:'lion z re:.1.'(.st; from
tLo In'::-'["'ltry t:le 'l'r:--:k Lii:::-on rt
:':c...,i::cnt 10r cSi2 C flce inLt cutO!]';': tic. unn['i ; 5.rc from
P1C v::'c.j.rlit:. of ce'(ct.ery. l'ho ten. COPT''' I'e'er 5r'i'ocr.:c(' t::-16
IL.ison of tho 8i:x'Lon.
':'he Cor.,.,.,c;:l(cr conto.eGce' the "rrlcnt01 COl'T]J"rnr'er
['.nd conferro':" on ct:'CJn to ">'; teV:':n. The f'c,lJoinc.
F. ur':on: Tr.Lc In f:, 0 !101f ',fhs t tLcy h[( \}n ti 1 tlle t rnks
o::'t t''"''-':l",l,\.


CO to '\-'r
' , .JL. -'
!"I .:... ..: ..... \ .. v.'
J,-, J..:; J J.J.\,.. U ' '.1
to try ::: : CD i.... Ti'.1C 8i" tt.G - tt< cl( f:et
1330P:.., t'1;:t l1't)on tl:2 Sl.lCCGss!':\Jl 0.f t,2nk
'rIle TO.:-:J' C()!ilT1'l:-rlc;8r t() C.l"'()f.f.::,.. 2.t i'_tIe
Route cnc' sa" the stuck 16E.n thct
t:.le r'oute \.':r:-tS .. t 1)203(1 :tn 2 t8.nk
... 1.
t'.-, ('. t ,-:"\ ('.
_._ . 1.")..

n'\ c -f- !-",

v_ ... '_,_

(,' 0'''',
.... lL._.
'Y,',.," rI,

1..(::;, .l ......... '...Ie _......
'l"P; 1r
__ .... . .'_'--'u
.y' C.'
'" '
er on s foot st this point 0
c"'nfere:1cc. t 'L 1.1:'-18
t:'le CO),1yt1 rn,::'11.;r ('ir'.cccc.1 the 3-3 to tLE. comm='nd
ere ['.rtf" 2,'o11on. C.p. o:c{erso)
T:'8 COInFI:nc1or rot-.t:.rncf'- t.e) tLe =:ctt;clioYJ C.?
at ]400' (' t " t- ' t' t-' ,
c. _. :. _8.'.") _ol.Jl.l"\.":'o....,L ()l C.L10 rG1!orl.ler. :' v -,i J
ll,-,.' l"eon cOl1"'l')let3c; on Cr.arL.6 Fout;0, t"lCt he ':728
E1.1ru of 1')l'"IO.resf, of' tI1G :.::to .0;' r
l.::lr(J t.l1.e ;.7itrJ.
tFnk '. afore (.: tho O:K . t.ccoI,oir.i;;.ly, c code 'tIES' (I.e;" .....
vised to sh-:'Dl:'.fy r,'c'10 rc)orts. FOtir 1)cints alonG the
ware ,selected Encl c1csi::.:.ntted 1, 2, 3, b'''.'.C: 4. ':l'.!.on ncint 4 was
re"1ortec' 8.8 clear it ")1JJ.c;incic2tE; tlyt tho tsn:r,:; get
\ .
ell the waythrough the route and
P.. tank Lt
1nterprete.tion of remaining obstacles.
the 'Tank Comma.nder issued a new attack orc:er. plan we s as
foilows: The Tank Commander W[.s to lea.d ;tc" CompanYI 760th Te.nk
Da.tta11on by Cha.rlie The ;xect.itive Officer was to
proceed to the entrc.fiee bf Able Route and .send "A" and "C
tanks (756th Tank Battalion) through Able Rdute, one S.t a t1m.e.
The ree.son for th13 was to keep to.nks motile if Able :... failed /
and Charlie :loute was successful. Route held tJ1e most
promise at this Thetsnks which crosser at L121E; :::loute rlere
to 8.Esel'1.ble on eide of th.c crossing until the tanks
moved through ,Charlie :-loute or the concUt:"on of tha.t route 111&S
determined. Objectives and missi-::ms the 8&rne.
t I?bout l500A report s he.d come n thE'.t -poir.t 1'1" was
clear and passable. At 1530A the Te.nk Eot the tank
column unde.r VJc..y and had moved as far as the intersection at
when t11e report came through the '!)oint ."3
was OK anG. passable.
In order to save ti.n:.e the Tank Co:rrrnanc"er did not wait any further, .
but proceeded at once to move the column to and into route Charlie.
The column of ts.nks W9.S E'<lready ia the stream bed (Cbo.rlie
when the final OK we.s recei vee by rac."!.o st:,ting .. t point "4" was
OK. At about l630}. the head of thol 'overtook the reconnaiss
ance tank on its way back and the conditton of the route V,TaS con
firmed b,r personal contr.ctd:l. th CaptaJ.nSOHRELL. A few moment!
later the b'nk colU!!tn left the river ced and noved tovvards a point
of several hune.ree: yards beyond the point of debouch
menta from the river bed. The T8.nk Battalion Comr.:tander (lirect.ed
an initial to the left in orcer to get as many tanks
in line as quickly &s possible in t-: develop fire power
quickly. After init ie.l c.eploymen t to the left it l!B s pos sible
to platoon to the rizht (North) of the Cenetery. Foot
mines and barbed vrere encounter'ed t'l1e t8.uks, but there
seemed to be very little artillery fire or morte.r et this tir.1e to there hE,d be(";n earlier in the day. The Infantry
reported 8.utOY.ltC, tic arms fire from t1:.e vicini of the Ce1"1etery.
The TG.nk Co:mYlE.nder moved to the cut could detect no
Automatic arms fire. The t a::1ks W0re denloyed and everyone
watc:ting, listening, for t he' slightest response. The enemy v
see!'1ed to have quit for a feiN minute f. 8. t le2 st. 'I'ho moved
about to get into geod position to precede Inf2ntr7 and thon
Moved straight t OVJc.rc s Eill 56 and raIl 213. The Inf'8.ntry followed
closely in the te.nk tracks. It W:J.S C:usk. 1:..s the r1C,SS of
tr00pS neared hill sone utOT:".atic 1.788.pons oponcd u:9 from the
flanks. The tEnks returned the fire at once (.n( t?lC 8,lJtOT.:a tic arms
fire cee.sed 1.?1Inost ..s soon as it began. The':8 l1'ove:d to the
base of hill \\There. the' nc.ture of the c1 cnicd them further
advnnce. .At that pOint they gave tr.l.e hills e, little over
with both HE E'.nc1 me,chine gun fire then cet,sed fire ns our
Infr.ntr;r swarrl'd up the hills.
As soon as the Infantry was well up on the Hi;lls 56 and
213, the Tank Co::nl11E.'.ncer the ROE:tmental COl'l".mancler the,t the
Infantry was on the objective Bnd desired artillery to be
lifted. Considetable Infantry 'through
the Hadio net s to the' Hegim.ental C. P. HUnnEll'S from the
Infantry ccrried mess&gos to be to the t2nks. I.a
soon eta it '."iD.S apparent thr. t there !2. S r.b 11eod for the at
the irnr.lec'iat6 btse of tb.G hill tho Co;n1:"1andel''erdirected
tho tanks to Y".OVG out onto the .fL:t nne; form c.eployed strong points
for tho night. HeclirecteG tho tanks 12. on to. be to.
move back into tl1El shelter of the hills befor. first lignt' in the
morning. He contacted the Eettalionili:ecut!vo OfficGrt;md directed
hi!:! to nake plE:ns for resupply,()f the tc.nks first thing t,hene.xt
d'cY. There iV'ere [ few requests for te.:!1l.::s nssj.stance during the
I night .nd reqt.'..est ".'.8 filled it CE.'.1"10 up. 'l'ypico.l request
WB a for tr<,nlcs to clear. Borr.e more b.? r1::-0a. v:il"'0 01" SOXile 1"10re mine a.
The Tank COJ:1ffi!?'.n.der rcqu.o r: tad c.n InI'c n tr::7 Pc: -erol for local security
tEmk hunteri Jhan tr..e PE.trt. P6:por . Tc.nk COr.'
. . .
.' . Page 2.5 '.',. ..
. ,,,
" bqUQ,
.. .

relo8.sedit beceuse tpr.k stronG pointe to be well

enough org8.nized for ir O'7n SG cur:' t:'. Th6 1:2d,
80111.3 cc,su'.ltios thrm.1i:;h to tLG the Trn. Comm
c.nder did not (1 cs irG to t:lCf!'. contirluc the t.c.z2.rdous tcsk of
working in ond atout mjnc fields.
The :;1':;gimor:ct;.. 1 contz,ctEd the L8tt.s.lion
C.O. by redio end hiu to to cn Infcntry
FOr\l\lc.rd C.:)., -,<t8rl? ::"6 could rocGivc ft'rt:::'0r.:'.nstr')ctions by phone.
The Tc.nk cr cont::ct6c1 C! .:-. 16Gth Infr.nt2Y by phone nnd
received to an petrol, oporcting into
CAIN" in the mornin;:::, with 'llhc r.2:"nk Cor1mc,n(cr ted
tho.t h6 bcliGVCC a Dl[.toon of vJovl( t(, enol'gll for the ,5ob.
Tb e ne ': im,.;ntc.l CorrJY:1c.n(er C' }.r.;:.ct (;C -'..:::.G rr;'.:rll: to c 001'0 inate
'11-'" r, c'-'t: on b ':. t- p Iv" p,,, n t y, v' ;-: "-1(', 'Tl" r" 1 S
v(......" ..L.. ... vv.vvVJ.J. l_..L-v ..... 1"i .... ..... _

n't']] 'r'
t h 1"'rot':'ctl"on'ol"
't .p .
-' ... 11......
WC"" l ....
.! .J.'-"
... ..&..l] .. I .J"",
Eills 56 cnd Lia!son with the 2(
lG8th' c.t C300A T"1'11, 00,:1;'1;::,)'1(\:;1" conferred ',7ith the
D .., .. on, 1._.:._ .:..,.. (1 t_... "' .L "-...I 3d .L.)& t-t lJ c . ..L]_ 1.Gv r 0+' ..... J:1 Tn ntr,r ...j.J.,., 0 "De" '" 1:"r".... n'""j:,).... -,c1 fo-' c-.. r :.J.. v
betwC'6!1 ti'e tcr:k "Jlctr;Ol1 lCefer >1C: t:::.c plc:toon lCf.c'cr,
\7ho w(,rc t 0
1:>1. ThrJ DIe. toon L:cder's te got
U._ ..I,.
tOGether' cClY'.ferrcc. on th l.,:1r 'Ql:'n. fi.t 02.4;::1, the In.f:::ntry r.nd
te.nks sto.rt6d oper'.'. tj n;.::; t 01]'
C. I'l" to CCi>L. TherE; s o. f'ig'ht bet',.,j(lon
the tc.nk pl::toon [,:10. two 2/P onC'od one tr..:1.k being
knocked out ::.nC toth 2/? suns comolctcly Gcstl'oyd. Prisoners
bCg2rl strcnmins the
Lt 0900A the iXGcut1vc Officer I'cportcd thr.t tho siJ;Jplies
were 2nd tho C.O. directed to thom over at onCG.
C"1"' ..... 11
-s ..
I..; ...........
I, t,.:
.. +-0
0 l . .:t: Go ..!. ...... ().l
C' ..L..J ( v

coiunm ::rri vee. [t IllSi\. end 81),)Dl:i.e 8 [, fJ ple.nncd.
Thu T,nk C.irected the Ex;:;cl'tivc Offfccr to fom 8. relief
of t 1'O (.:.1-< .. ,,,1, "l" ___ .J._I.... _\..\.... r11W>"' ',J. 1;/...... '....L L 1:.JL,.1..iY\- n''''t''''on8 .,_..J..t. .... .. L_ ..... l.. nlrotoon.t..
C.O. of C011:.P::::':1Y 'liIil 1."S to be cOr.'n'c:"ld. 'L}e relicf 1;ms to be .
rendy to movo on Officer wrs to contcct G-3,
Iivision r':,inforcoY'cnts of mcditlm tanks.
U.. cons i dcrr:.blc of ors=nlc t: .rL8 re; iJ.ize. d [" t this
ti:;1C nne: it locked LlOl'tl1 the wc.s gOLl': to be cont ..
... ("10 4-.
t ;r:--1"' to ' .... r-- ..... t-c hc' ro""rt .. ,'l lOn ....
...:u Cd W u ..l l'l-L u .', .. .., ',-, v) .... ;. 'vO-. "'.. .<'0
to [,11m"! r. unl t tirlJ.C' to 11:; c rly f'tirt::E::r
c OI'1bE. t. . i.c tw::.lly, ft:rti.1( r r.::. _ s ',,'cr'2 '/':,:.:' irod
al tLovgh, dur::'. nc. tiK fo110vling 1':: ont:l t:1C.';-C , :c. l;..:c;r CG t erior
o.tion in the neche,nicel c(;pcndnbilH;'J of trF:..;:.CYl, in
B:l l130L the Infrntry-1'.:c.n1c P::'.C,!'CIJ. li-.(l clcLY'6d the town
of it. courEe of th0
the tnn1:s in tovm recoivc;c. littlo fir3 some i:..mcricr.n tr.nks'
mov::'nc in fr:)1?1 tho st. It He s s.'lJTJr,rently somo wild
machine gun !ire from tenks on the 28 tho
French were l.:,s::'ng tr.nks ill their on thc,t flc.nk.
The plc.toon lef.(18r of t.l1G tnnks in W2S so ini'or'TI',ec1 t the t il?le
end indicct-:.d tho. plstc10n could t:"!kc s.s.t1.sf'':1.ctory cover r'.Mong
the of' c.nd. th::; '\.'iTs.S not cc..uslng casur,lt1es.
The tr..nks hed cxhc.ustod thE-ir l.n their action E'.8c.inst
CP,:IHA nnd at the ry.1c,nk Bf.'.tt8.1ion Cm!"J":", oir6cted tho C.O.
of CompE:.ny i1C
, 760th ':(l1n11: Do. ttE'.libn to Y'ithdrnw the plr:':.toon.
t.t 1020A the Regimentcl CO!1.untmc'ier directed the Tr.,nk Comm
nnder to send E'. couple of around "the corner of Hill 56 tCi
determi:1.o the enemy re!J.ction. Accordir:c1y 8 tF.'.nk soct:i.on worked
c.round the corner of the Hill ['nd qrew ,:mti-t::>.nk fire frOm the
vic:i.nity of E VILLL. Th(: tcnks returned th3 fire, 'but withdrew
around the cornl.r 1';h(;n they could not toll where the fire
coming frcr'. This wr.S. to the Regimentr.1 C.0.
. . \
Page 16
'lJ). c: ..
".,. f;.... '. A .. ( ,;:,.,.
,.j .
. rt' ......
$ m .... -.
,',": .
tarted croesing t
The [mti-tcnk G1..'.n in the vicinity of
screon wc..s cropped
llso ,d1s,o.tchod. r.round the COI'nor of Hill
cnd. they opened on sus
Equals' ;
J.. tl545A the ItD
; Compcny
field tQwards I-Iill 213 .
VILLA opened fire r.nel !'. smoke
section 6f to.nks ViC.S
56 in the direction of tho bc.rrEcks
pected posit ions vJithin the b..rrs.cks!:'." but this t me the.y did
not receive o.ny fire t.t '.11. ;.$ soon 8,8 the smoke screen
Wf'.S dropped bctilecn the El0viiJ.g tr.nk ['.nel the nnti-tcnk gun
it stopped r'o in tho column were hit -' but the '.nti
tcnk gun did hit [' tc.nk 'Jhich hec' bc(.n stuck nt side of the for c. couple of dt;,TS c,nci set 5.t on fire. 'rho "DII Compnny .
column e.rrived in posit ion without cr sur,l tics. rrho t;:- n1r COl'!'m'l.and er
oriented the iiI:'! Oomp2.ny Ooy.'1.::J.ondGr on tl10 .situation cnd infonlwd'
hi1'1 h0 could get in 00nt:-ct ut :ny time 1:::y rl2,dio.
The ttr: lion COITh>;1c.n( cr plcnnco. c. t this t ::'mc to reliE.. ve the tnnks
wl1.ich Vlore in r.ct ior; 1:::7,'" the fr6 tl";. force the ii r" Oompe.ny
Octf.1111[.nder. The "v7hich vere [',ct:;.on et th:.t time were
CCC::.l'SC of': of :'lc(;p Gxtended f.ctivity . The
effected othGr then thrt
nbovc. The \lOi! Conp.s.n:_Gs of 756th Trnk 2[:ttc.lion
the 760th TC.nk cl08(;(':. in tl1c5_r c.sSCT!l'bly on the side of th(; :-L.PILO c.t r;,b01..:t1830":
(The ilV' COr.'lpc.ny Cor,n::r..n(0r lFd conte 'rrnk Dr.ttr.lion- cr through thc cel(;pnor;.,;; [: t the. 2(1 E::lttc.1ioD" -168th Inf
r..ntry C.P., nD 0e11 by redio).
Thnt ovening thG.O.O.,. Tonk Br.ttrlion conferr.:;d viith the
0.0." '168th Infc.ntry .on ph'.ns nnd ccb.on.
D1.1ring the nisht of 36 Jc-.D1.'c.ry liD" Gonipnny vins not cCll1ed
U """on for .., c... ... of ", ......Lc.I ,," , hl,t r"c::> t .. v 1"'8"V"<T Co... ,} '" rtl"' l""r"''' \.I .:.'/ 1:' "''''J" on . L.L vo'Od (.,... ..J.. K' .LJ.. fire
end t
lO tc.nks were cr,mc,ged.
Jan 31-f'cb 1 (incl) - Lction \lith "Butler to
135th Infnntry
L t 09COA" 31 Jnn1..1c.ry, t s vvere !'ccei vec to dis
p8.tch n t[,nk section to opere.te El pf'trol of the Reconn
nis S8.nce Squ8.dron.. icl!.ich wns to move U1) tb:; rond from Ci.IRA toW? rds
end contnct the butler I'orcc. Tcnk Ectt8lion OorrJln
cnder directed the 8-3 to ptocced to 654240 rnd supervise the
instruction E'md dis,r.tcl: of p trcl. Lt the tr.nk section
got s tuck on c. trf'.il ebovo Oil.IFJ. r:n(' tb., f:0connc.isscnce PI?, trol
proceeded without the t2nks. At leOOh" G-3, 34th Div
ision reported. the Patrol through
to the Butler Force thr,t t!:',cy conlc
[;1:,ic1.e the t.nks through
if the tr.nks could Moet them.' The (.renk CO!n:-np',ncer the
8-3 c,nd directed h1.m to di.spr. tch c. pIC"'. t:)on of liGht tanks to the'
Butler Force &nd SOE th2t the7 got the rocd and kept
goh:Je. .hcco;odingly, the S-3.s:.ent (1. rl:.toon of li:::.;ht t' to
OAlrU. to join the bhr.t 'WC1;O there then pel'tonnlly checked
to seo that they took the correct .route. B:r 2250A tht;) plntoon
laecer of the lisht 'tank plc,toon reported thnt he hed contr.cted
tho Force.
Lt the 0.0." 16Stl: Inf::::.ntry He,si"'l(mt directed the. t
o.;t pr.:.trol o"orc.te r,t,"pLu;t M in c.n Inf
c.ntry pc.trol. the 1'[lOi Uf..S instrtl- .
c tod c.s to the plc,n [.nd ho a;.."'rcng :.'!c1 th) db s on :r:e
orrengod for a screen nt to the initi;l operation
of the tcnk suction \"1hioh i:10 hed up. He plnYlned to use two
tenks in conjunction with light tc.nk. 'At 1305A the
pc.trol stc..rtccl. out under cover of the screen" c.s planned.'
The sip bu.n opened fire from tbo vicini t:'" of 858233. One medium
tc.nk hit. The sip Om: not c.6stroyt;;d . Th0 t::.nk pc,.trol with
drevl. lTo 3Clt c.rO"! nC' .. oS corner of Eill 56 r nd TJl"ococd to the
south" tanks to cross c ct s hridgc. bridgci wis in,
.' . , Puge 17 L/.
Eq",a/s .8rd::.;::)
, .
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
.. "
,: Sl"J:tj

'.', ....
cut it the 8.t> to the brrr::?cks '.fM me-de it very
for c:mce.r.1ed S/p g1.1ns to hold of.f r,ny c.ttern'9t in thct cJJ.rectton,
even when tho tries were :tllc,ce llr:.der were
tCcken b:'f D ni'::':lt Inf:'ntr-y \,'j t:10vt the SUDport of
Lt 1';,30f'. tl'G ECetV;lion C0111l' VIC.S iYlformco thc.t
the E["ttc,lion wes r.ttnched GO the 1::5th Lt 2245.". the
C.O.o.nd the Officer the C.O., 135th Infnntry
]eg5.mcnt [end cGnforrcd OE of <-.ction for tL.e dpy.,
The '728 f,S follo'.'\'S: 0116 COI.1'JZ,ny of' t::-.nks (Co IIC" 760tl1 rh,nk
Bn) to support the 3d tt::-lion., i35th b:': fire fro!"',
positi')ns in the vicinit:" of 2nd posltions to the ',Vest cnd
SouthviTo2,t of itC' CO:'1p:-:ny VIC,S to s1.cJlport the 2d
l68tb by fire. ,Cmlpe.ny ilD;! is to tr7J! to Get [: trml' sec
tion v/ol1 1.19 :.YLto tLe drew .fost of Eill 213, jn r.positlon vlhere
it co.n fire on r,: .. ',lILLi" 2nd to the South in support of the Inf
"'n,trv. tiEII ",'1Jl "ctio"1 ""'''l'nst t'..,c o/p n'''n
u . v .J. ) _ C! /,'.,l;:..6.. U .'_l . .... '''':-L .!oJ.. 0 - c,V'
in the vicinity of E. so th:.t opor[te rround the
corner of HillE,S. '1'1.'18 Tcnk U'.ttrlion COt1r.1,:"pc;Jor e::--t it
W2.S do','ctful if tcnJ:,:s corle. i.nst the suspected end' knovln
C"llns l)",rl"""1.<"! "11"'".,<" \7;'''''0'L"j- cn"'s-Tncrr'}'lc' 10"'" in gc,tti"',r:r
c' J.. ,LV.-... C ......L..i._lo... t_ . ._ .lJ _J..l .J,.. ... <."--, .' .,j. k,JU :: J.:'
r.round tt.o corneY.' of Eill 5,-" C::1cl tt':': t tLc .) ffort to got orot:nd thE t
corner vtould c'oDond on hOliT tLe ne'Jdcd the css:i.stcnce
of tEml-:.s in tho drLW' of the 1JIJcr:.pons were
to be reedy on ccil. Tho TD's wore in pOEitionto fire on
the crec, but it woe di:ficult tG cot 2
r182.pOn in position ':,11(;1'0 It c.ot',lc e.o 8ny on tn'n:cts in the
bcrr2cks the of Licison
Officers v'ith redios ii''.. c'ircct v'it!,1 Erttc,lion' c.r:c
CO"" D" YlV T... n> C "nc" c 1" '" I J _. '-_ ...... 0.1 '-- ... _.... _.l.u. ,J. ,__ . v i.
i'..t 2345A tLe '1';'nk Er.ttr.:.llO!l COP1l1'C,nc
cr issucd tbe c,co\-e
pl[',n to his E:sscnc'lcd ['11('. E:'to.ff.
The n.tt2ck developed p12DTIcd except the Infcntry
mot much less rssist::nce t11u1 Gxpcctcd. Ey C:;3CJL tlF; Lic.ison
Officer with the .. ssc.ult '::>.ttclio!'.s r,,:ported tJ1C:t t11c) 8.2sistf,nce
of tho t2n1:s is no lonisr DurinG tte cctioD it V2S
throe enemy sIp guns nero oDurrt1ng in the bcrracks
Grec.. L cs.nk recoLnc.is82nc0 n"tre,l w; f:; cng;.ccQ th8se
sip buns whcr it cttempted tb n02e [round tho corner of Hill 56.
Lrtillcr1, Lort:'I'E:' cm]' i ... s3cl.'lt Guns on suspcctc,d, f1r'e:c:s within
the 8.rer.. ;.' ter:l;: SGct'.on fc,ir thro1.'[h the
drml,Gst of tall 213, but fOl.'ncl fo':! J:'ESC ts to fire u'Jon
[;n.d eventun2.1y stuck. l.t 09301. tL(' Ti'nl:": w['s relieved
from the 1:.J5th and f.S'? :LCLtSd sUi)port of l33d Infpcntry,
'.'.'}:ich wt:s to :'1[ko D.n r.ttcck ,soutL, thI'Ol,'Zh tr.t:; c!"rr:-c1r s !:',rc,[ th.:-.t
i.l.rrr.nS8TI!.Cn'ts 1ilE;rC rnrde once tD chi:.'t Lic.:Lson Officers
and the r:. nL' t lion CO""'J E::'1 e:::.> cont cetc(:', ths C. c. 1;:S3d Infc.ntrv
E02h:",ont 2t i. rlc:n of is f'.grc8d w;-:on. Infc.ntry
is to [D 8.ttrck the [reG cft6rnnon
Lnd ccntin1.'o UK c.tL:ck uatil the; era tckeYl. flB'i C01">J.prnv
will Eunport th, will .
the dr:w,Iost of Hill' (It wr..S [.ot tc,nks thro;:;:gh
hore vnth t:lorc t::..f.1C f,Ed c:-rc). IIB'l CC':r.lpCeny to tf'.nkz into
the bcrrccks crGG cs soon [8 !nfcntry cen CSSiRt in neutrGlizing
SiP e:uns. I/C,I 7COth 'l"ny 'L::- tt;:lion to in reserve
in present positio:l :::n 8ii.:r-U- TD's to 81..1")port. tl:e :-.ttc:ck by :::1ov1ng
guns into vlherG cen bring f:.!,ro on bC.rI'[,cks [',ro'..
Other I.'J8:'.Dons to be :::'ed t') fi re on cell. The
TEf'Ylk Lnttf'.lion CO;MT:":',ncer :tssuoc
thG'cl\ order rt l330i... The To.nk
,.:;.tt'.lion CO;Y1]j,;er to C1. O.p.""t 8Cs;'218 1400i
P2ge 18
t f'

Inf'c.ntry pushed the ctt t the bc.rrnc ,
the:- troops", '
bC.rr[;cks c:reR b:r This r/cs reportr;d '
L,t the Tc:.']k. Bf-ttt:lion
Cmnpc.ny Commc.nder c.nd directed him to
nnd, they ,
the north end of tho
through th.::, Lortr,r PI:. toon
Conrrr..r.nder contc.ctec. the ilE"
contc.ct the" " " _ . ,.' -, '- ; , ,:. _.J. "
3d Be. l33d Inf:',ntry l10gimEmt for furt11er ti;:n. nd.
initir.t.s r:gGrc;o['ivc ct tl:efirst o1?portunity. i:..t 16.:.:51- the
Ten],;:: C.O. inf::H'mcc
the ":;xecutivc Officer tl'i2.t tVTo sip,s'
were defini loce. ted in the M. VILI,i. c.rec D. t 857253 857235.1
'c.nd th:-t the infornf.tion should bo ;)c.ssed to Division
cnd i.rtlllcn': r:cti'J:!J. '.1;:,S contint'cd [',ge.inst the b:::rrrcl{s
creEl, c.nd t&nk sUyport ing wee.pons 1;lere used nso. lnst the bc.rrr cks
nree., tut tcmks did not t 'c.r:'"" bc,cr..use the sip Guns vlere
cover lng tl'-:',e one nc,rrO\iiT bridge' over vvhich the t ::.nks could
l.t 17301'.. the Tr..nk 3[,ttr.lion 8or"'!:'lcnc1er directed the C.O.,
"Ell to orgc.nize strong points under cover of Hill 213 nnd report
to En ttr,l ion C. P. for ir.structions. The Trnk Eo. ttr.lior.
COmMander contncted the C. o. 168th :;:nfc.!1try r.nd proposed plan
to trc.p the sip gvns in the b. nrctl. were
issued to cc.rrv out c ulan whereev mine wes to' be
lnid a.cross strecr" 90C. r08.d the bc.rrncYs
c.nd Cfl.SSHrO. i.n enemy a.nti-pel"sonnul mine fielc; heo to be pe.ssed.
through in oreer to I:'.cconnlish tl'ds, cut c. h',d been clenred
through this field fore. previous operation Dnd it was
still The p2tro1 wes c. ccr",osite pr.trol of Infcntry, Eng
ineors I f.nd Tnnkers. It \if s so slo1.'1 gett ir:.S ste rted t1:r- t two
vehicles were reported cs p8.ssing along the strer..m bed or the roed
be foro the p ..:.trol sot 'iiel1 under w'J.Y. By 22401:.. tl1c 1nginc:er Officer
in chr..rge of the pc.trol that mines 2nd
st.."Ch th.::-.t ,the pc.trol could not recch the rogd. The Tc.nk
C.O. wes convinced ths.t the sip tms he,d mEde good th(.ir reler.sed tnt: f'roY:'l furthtr effort thr.t evening.
. During the cmothor tc.nlr pI". t oon hrd been cr-lled for
cnd he,d reported to tl:e EutlElr Force rt rrm-:lLLE. the
light and. medi'llr.1 tr.nk c 0:,",1l11c.nders nt 'I'2P..:J:Ll:2 (But ler Force) re:')or
ted that no further' use W2.S cOllte'.:1plLited for the t'"',nks of this
by the Eutler Force. This informctlon wes confirmed
through G-3, 34tL I:"li'<:'ntry Livlsion bofore the tc..nks v.rerc wi th
lit 2l20A the T'J.nk Bnttc.lion conte.cted the C.O.
l68th Infcntry end cm for:2ec. on plt',nsfor the following c1.r.y.
2300A the C.0. presented t!'J,is plrcn to rcs SG!Ylt lee' comnC:.nclers end
stc.ff: The Infc.ntry h8.d to.ken most of the r..lrc2.dy 2nd the
Sip guns he.d to SOV.tl1. Comps.ny "Vi vdll
Cf..SSIrO in conjunction with the 3d Bnttt.lion, 133d Infantry at
daylight. Ii platoon of tc.nks from' Compnn:T VT':;.S to tr:Jce positlon
at 869218 to cover the left flrtnk. All other t&nks were to sunport
the attack froM present positions. The TD' 9, (IIC" Co:r1,pany, 776th
TD Bc.tte-lion) wne to eU""iort the fr:'l!Tl positions fit 855242
nne. 875223. Mortar nnd g1.lUS were to be on cnll. '59th Fi
Bc.ttc.lion was given e.n initial on in the rTorth cnd of
C.l'..SSI1:0, therecfter on c8.l1. "Eil Campc.n:r V1C,S to move a tank sec- i
t ion int 0 the dey-light anc. be to support the
in an against the the Hill S.W. of .
the br.rracks. i.t sUGh 2.S re'sistc,r;ce G:evelops from C,,;..SSDTO
itself, 'snoke nnd to be plr.ced on the Horth 0nd 'Of
CLSSIPO. The first mission and objective however, is to clear the
eneMY ell elong the rO'2d from the b::.rrc.cks to by joint Inf
antry TRnk action. The C.O, WoS to nIl fires '
from en a.p. at 869218.
'The Plr. t froI:1. the But1c,r Force reported in
at 2345.l'... Only' c',suc.Ity \V[s a . fnnl{ i' hc.d strucl>:: c. mine.
, .
", .

Pr,ge 19


Feb. 2-21 (incl) - i.ction Ci..SSIFO to 133d Inf.
0730A, 2 Februery 1944, tho C.O., 133d
roqt'eeted tc,nk bo novcd to :South 3(.ce of the r,ru:" thlOt
t!1e Inff:\tltry '.IC.S i ving i..1::'..cL:tne t,:;t1n fire.. The C. O. contr.,cted
t '''''' C 0 CO"1p""r:'F iiT'11 ,-,!- 07"Z':;" nnd to sur:port tho
... .1.(j , ... .....! J J..,. '. v v v...... c..-... J. v ..... J. . .
e,s ;:.t oncc. By (;935;. the C.O. , Corr.pcmy liE"
reports hE:; is to c.dv:..:.nce South f'I"or1 the
(He s bCEm ins the ['. fr'om ):los it ions j_n tc.r!'.cks
c_rec.). l7ncior cover of ['. li3:ht s'l'''!.okc scroon 858225 , he c..dvEmced
t'.10 plf.toons One rJorb::d its dmJn tl:;,c stretJ'1
bed rnd cnotl1or it.s WC:.7 down tIle ror..d. 11ho :'.ocdinc; clor:.onts
of E,c'cl"'.! olr.toon -.F3rc ccJ?lcerncd prinar'il::r V.:1.1::1 fir;:; to the front .
n11ile t:'12 follm7'in2 sections took crre of thG fl':':nk:s, w5_th
culer to tb" hills on the rig}-lt. The -pro:;r(;:ss is sC.t
isfr for f.. ,,;iJ"::ilc \1 ith flushing f. fow prisonors.
The pl.'1toon in tho stroc:::'. t.ed 1:I1'8.S stopped obstcclcs end j.T
fire f't 858218. ThE'; pI::" toon on th'; vms stopped b:-
fire; '.;hen it r.rri vcd 1':', t 853280. The fire -,t[' S fro:'1 2. very
short r&nce, 'bt,:t there wes 1"1uch r"':,ol::c c.ust t thE: gun
could not b3 locr<;c,d. The to fir' ng
positi'Jns the qt.:.crr:' end '\JiJ[:S Ilftcd to f!.1::"0'.; the t:-.nks e.
to return tbt .fire. the C.O.
"BII r(;portcd thzt his 3t'.ns COtld not re[,ch tLe cnt5.-t"'.nk uns end
thEtt tho Lnti-tcnk Elms V'lere on thE; :!:nfrntr::-. 7hc support
ing fire s w(;rc plD.ced on rorth edc;e of [.g.: Y]. Shortly
theret'.fter c..n S/? nLS r(;ported ct - 8'56217. The
59th F .;u Batts lion plnccd hc,vy tions on this point.- The
C.O. direct6c. the C.O. , "E,u to cont1.;:-:t,w pressure r,nel
p8.tchod the S-3 to check and sti' coordin.E.ted
r.ct lon betl:leon Infc.ntr:,- snd T::-nks. The '1'[ nk C instruct8d
tho "3
C01:1;)[my C01"'U1lc.ncor to be raady for PUS;l into CLSSINO.
F'::,"o:rr'_ observc,tion of the nct:!.on so f:,,!' the Tcnlr Cor:'Y'8.nGcr v/ns con-'
vincad thc.t Tc.nks [Jle' Infantr::- covld !!love into the Y'orth Pl1d of
Cil.SSIN0 undI' Cover of hc::vy s:.'!'lokc screEn rnd an f'.:;,"'tillery con-
it ty our troo,s then
lifted r s tt ncvc-nce of our ,troops. He
ap:'1ropriG.te t::rnc for this r,ttnck 2.bout En hovr nnd a he.lf
before d',rk. 1.ccorc.it1[,ly, be c ont2c ted tr:..e C. 0., 1:3cJ :i:nfantry
HeglJYH;nt Rt 1600.[. cnc'. presentEd his 1.'1:'0 Commander
agreed to plan. Tl:e 3-3 of the 1330 Infr,ntry TIezirrE'nt [;.,cco!"]:p
['.nied the Tr..r.k :JEttD.lion Cm:1Elander to tho O.F. The Tc.nk Brttto.lion
if'st,'!ed tbo neccssE'ry instr'.lctions to U;.O tC,:1kr
ing wee,pons 'by t::'.nc the weI'; rec.d:r to pU2tc off in the
attack at 17l5A. Smoke c..rtiJ.lcry COl1centrf' t :i.. \I';crc placed
Fl s ["nd 0. t 17251'. the tenks ndvc.nced on C",'.. ::[::IrO. By 17401.
the t::- nks had c..rrl ved !.n the, North end of CL8SIFO vii t:1CUt al1,Y
resistf'.lJ.ce being received. were c little flrtillory
fire, but it procc.bly sorr.e of our ovm Frtiller':r \1r.ich W[.S
adjusted very close to their objective which was tho first group
of b....lildings in tbc !.Torth end of CASSn:ro. _ '1.l!:..e Infantry die. not
follow and the tr:: nk platoon wc s instructed
to ope r& te where he wr: s until the fri6r.dly Inf;-,ntry c oU).d cr tch up
with hi.""1. On request of 'Ete tank plc.teon lE-ader the C.'0. shifted
the artillery fire abouttuo hundred yards to the soutt. i. t 1750A
the 3-3 reported the did not get W8.y
the tcnks. C.O. directs the 8-3 and the Liaison
Officer e.t Reginent to accelorate Inf[;ntry nction. On sDggestlon
of ti"lc. 3-3 more werc dispr.tched to the 1 VILLi. [",roc.. By
1840L the te,nk plE-toon in to'Jn V;o.s receiving en87:1Y InfD,1'l:try attr.cks.
At 19l0A the C.O. Comp['.ny nEil 16d a tanlt section into tOfln with.
Infantry fol1oning tanks. The trmks \IOre fired on b"lr sip guns
froM. left front [mc: bj" 8.nti-t:-.nk guns from the front. The Infantry
wero fired on b:- sj':1f_ll c..r'!"lS. The tr:nks '-'!ere not effective in .
closir...g dusk the 'iii thdrov, the tr,nk section followed
suit Gnd took up position c.t 857227. Lt 1930A the 3-3 reported
thf'.t cont2ct hcc. beon lost with tha a!l'1:,.J
that it known thEt on6 of the .fOUr tanks Which Ies..dcr

Pege 20
,,;. ...., ',.: ... T
.. ..., .
Equals .

taken inwi th . h1n't haq. peen knoc . 'P0r:t...
ed\th2,t the Irtfantrx not ")).an"t'J eV6n1ng/'..
ar.J.i. Iz\ccC)rd'in21y, tr... e c.c. 0-3 ::hr:t '-0 ::-:,01"0 tanks
'would be sent :rnto C. L ... I 0 thr..t evenJ.:1.[. rEhe C.O. 21
o infoI'r.
$G.;tbe\s-a that he '.,us rqin" to r.:r,j nt.::dn the art: 110J:7 concen
t'rt'tion 'on the l-rbrth en2: of to ,t'ive the 't"E:.nt- sectio.n '
in 'C.i.:f:::.D'O 801""e if they ,;,:ere 11, l.n on,e.t
tl;e sa'" e t:.Ine ho :l.ns tr-vc t']( 3-3 to a scert2, :'n' 'he t}LF.' I' cOTI"!J'Junt
crtiO:1S c01.'1(: '1::1' esL l:'::'j s::1ec' ("ith 1)l:ctooT1 in ! t
21451. the Bctts.l::ol1 C.O. contr,cte( tho C.O., 133(' Inff:.ntry
to revie" tJ.)e s.ccicn " DC' 'l)lpnc. for c<mt:lDu::.Yl3
the neyt r'ay. It 'i8 "IL' to ,c'cke tt c')o:roinetec'
Tank 8o::"et:,me tho : c,llo"::"n, . t,V:5 (at: L: of
the Dlen to be 8ettla( the next
TrlO cc.ptvre( t tY( Cr-?",""[
the (1;.,'.ys orJerl?ti"ons. '1't.e ctt['c:' 10.(' crrr-'ec' tbe Inlr'ntry
fro:.'; nee alroof,t to the e(_6 C_.'..,ITO.
During the 3 J elrucry reconr,c, 2.05 ,:'ance .. ,:::: con...
[,lorlL the '__.. ;:' .. ::= 0, rm.('. Lt (/700.'. the C.O.
:LfoIT16(1 the S.. 3 til':'..C the j];xecvtJ.. ve __ I':c0l" 01)}(' contLct him.
le,ter in t: ... e e,&'.y '\i;ritl1 'pl8.1:c.: 1.:):;:' z on '): t;:;.e t orl C1 .. ':':_1:0, cnc" t:f', i.:;:'L:nc;!.G ;;e W2.8 to continue
','it> t.i:E..t in l.t OJOO:, the 121'1k
contnctec" the C.O., 1:3d RnC (etul1E
of t:le ,tt'eli: i,/!ich to t&1r.e nlece th?t
noon. The C.O. rettT!:.6( to the c.r. instr-'ctec the
O:;:-'fj.cer in t:,e nls,n "[.8 a2 follo'.'S:
::'nicntry co 1:e r02c"Y to [tt cl
ct 1530.:". 3.nto
the north ec.e of' C1..,.r--o UrJ'8r::.. ::;'"'0"(0; .. nr" screen.
CoY";):::',ny i;e", 760tr... Ti::nL EnttE1ior:' to :-tt;::ck. ;ii,11 IiEY Com
756th Tank to rne be reacy
to L nlrtoon of 11,0 ',.F;: to Sl:0',')rt frof' t':Je vicinity
('If 872225. 1:..rt::'ller"T HC s to p:ce"'[ re 1'1c rl8,intGil"J. 2. concentrp:
t:on orc:.c,:lize( :1.n zons r.'llT'1l eI'ecl :. C'>rti:" to :::' I:;rch ... one
1.'[2[: to te two l.. rCf ;:j/e. TllO [::,rn ": [3 to 1::6
by zones :.;'1 it "j' [,l.-c," t:" Tte 'rC'nl< .
C.O. [[ to concrol :-:'t_11Gr::;( :, orV rf' .I.r0'. t::..e O,P.
The5S'th :.I"'ors( .. '2.;:' fT'Y n e stt;.'cl{ 8.S
well t;le' !:lv', onl:'l 11ery. f11"(.2.' OJ thi::
"rerr.> C:"11"'erir-:p()"'':',-
.. ............ ...
0':1 1-:
' ... .1-.
'-,I .....

l#... .' If:.' .,J ....
..... J,. to. . oJ v _. ..-

..... ." v ....J.(.. 1..-, V.".l . . ... L'
the 'Jrev::01:S c'a:,r. TLE' r:::("te :1: "6r7 8c'2Y to [,,,:',)st
tl-'e te""'po 0' l' .,. i 'r:"' (If""; ca r ''',.. Q.
.. ..L. ..... (.... ...._. -L.' v' .l _4. '-' I. . _.._t""..._...1 -' __ "" \.' _.t _ ,', ( I ...
to re:'['in 1:dtl: the troops tY),,:i.r Pvr
ing the the.S-3 b.:-;( C.cj"" E,t)"f "Morter
. rIO on reportee" 8nc: ::'1' .'::)6cte( 10Ce t. of S/-:- ;:)::;::: :;,n tl1e forth
of this. (s,y ""n( Jcn' r;evcTT,.l (nyr t;.;erec'fter (
r... .I...."
.... e <ere t

o 'l"r,
1.., ..., .....
..... :
". &.. " ..J...#
, T'h
....e,.,: oIo.L ..J oJ.L ,
;'t'ns C011(' -r' eI 01 <:!ervee" .,,) 0.., .... .. ..... .;, i 'J.'"'''' '" Inn I ., '.: .. 0.,' 'v' ... _ O. , \00.; ...... ('Jcc' " i ' .L . _ .. .. - . '". .. _
1:;1,;.t it ",:8,S J"ost (iif:J.c'1.:,lt to l'.L t t:ea'iector"';' f':Lr'c on these
;:nd a1thaq(r:. c.rti11ery' lC'Ol"':C:.I'S them, i.t eid,
....1,... ':'! ..
\,. c;
r, .

.. ,\J

.,J : ......... J..l

The EYecutive Off\:.cer ,"rrive( c.t tile C.P . of the 3c1 Bat
talon, 13Z( c.t 357287 ct L'-', N,t ,1230:" i.Gf1..'CC. in.. ., ..
strvct: ons ror the :;tt(;lck. Cor11,::ny ". Ii .rc.s to, -:;lcce, t, platoon
of' in V'le ,.,,,..,,1 tc' """i',or: yot' ..,."., .,...1" ...
- "4 ..\" .N ....... .L J ... . V'.- . ""\' ..' ''-'''' .' J..... J . ,J,.".J",J,c:;..I.
toon":f' lib
! Co'::''')n''' .... rr-o ..'ive '"'cr'o"' -,..,,' <,,':;,..'.,OI't
_..." . .... . ... ) oJ.'...."J ... 1,. ..... 10.., t ... 1,J..1.. .. ...... ' : ... ' . ,_J
1:.y :(:r8 froY1' .,;61223 ,.n( (J. ':')lc'coon of.,'!'1
.!C.E a1rvCy- in poe:: t:0:1 e.G nic..toon '.Thich
'.7'.8 to t;.:e.rivor ',':.[ to j:1ove 5.::-:'lto p0C: tiOD. tel1
so thE,t :!,t rC8CY to fire by 1515/. " On0 p1e.toon of ii.CiI
CO'"'02. ny, 7GOth 'h.n1r D on to move ('own ro:' ('. into
Pe[;e 21.
, .
the Forth edge of m8kin
tIle;-'cl-,: in conjunction I"'j_th
tl1e 3d Lattc1io:r.., 13;jd Infe.:ntr:r. The 1.',t:_s to 8_tt,ck
E.10ne; tL.c; rJ.c'ze [8 trIe into anc" were
as rf'_pjdl:r PS t:ey cOl'le jD ore creo [Sforc !YIutuf.11 \end
t 1
, t L, '- t"< t--""TS '--r-' .
. 0 cons') : CE e .... ne Ct.-. .J DE',,_ ee,. y .1.1..: t .H"'_
,The S1..:'Yort. ;JlLtooDf -,JT:X8 3"'1 into pOf'ition
an( t::E- not.:;t, l-'ncor l'nt:_i This
("(' not C8_1)S8 cTV ::on1t's:i0::1 1-sC;[TSe' - D_2 on_ the"
!i',ove:-'cnt of t: ,3 'f;:,-)l;S ::1".," rot on Ct ;:1')8cii-:'c ':,,.'r. ;:ttc-ck
-r:'ro::.:;resred 8_9 ''ll:n.i1ec V}C t:: n1--s, f."ovin[ ::nto rc.n
j?1to a reEl cl1 :n th::; ro>./ 1. InLntr-; ql :_ck1:;T l'0:,!C ired
1j:!it'_0l-t IT.ft:e i:Jcjc'ent ::nr1 t:-.::o
Ltt. cl co:-.tinuec!. 16451. the
!-i;;(" CYltere,' -;'ortl:. one' of [_nr1 p1[ toon le8c'er
t-b -I- - '''-0' -'rt-,'l'er-<T -""" oY'('cr to n' ,',
reqt ,;;: ec v ;::InO",. ,. XL '. . __ ..... :' ._ " c.' '0 ...._ c: ..'_.J.!
se visie tt,':3 clecrec 8_n ;;11n o:;:Jonod
fir" 2 nt' 1:i t tl:e ve s t::nk ',/;:; S on tho rood
in the v: c.init:T 'l'Le r"o:;Zo ['_n( rrti1lery \.'2.::' Dut
(lown the loC
i.n tov.'n '.'eye '.1ot hit ,-t
t:-:,.i.:-- th18. :,_ -:; 1710L the E; ecub ve reportee" tl:c t t}-,c In; entry
y:a;J not kCG1j:i_l1fi U":' ',r1th tbG t,n;l;s. Tbe C.O. C.'O.,
1 l.,.IIl",./
'7,'7,(" .L---nc:-ntr-
J..i.. ."..
-1-"2- f"ct
'., ,L
.. ,.L

V ,
_ .... ..
I _ .! lI.L-,-.J (,.'-'.... V __ __
lrhe ntF"T
vance te 2_CCGJ.crE'_tec". ,.t 173'JJi the :;:';i:GC1:tjve
tbr t he c'i6 not think the t thE;: Inf,'_ ntry he' '" 81' c tent strengtt
in the G_ttzck to llc requ:r-ec r,l'rcbor of 'in to:Jm
to 0f'foct -:--utl:,&l for tr.e s, [inc
c fE:,';! "1'nutes lote!'
2.t 1740L he Y'8:'1t'.estec ryGrmiSE10n to circct thCiit::..r'Ir";'Ji J. of
t>e t?n
,f!. in town. It i.'J-:f; c.'usk by thiE:: tJ,,',e, the
srco1-:8 lyo_ te:3n ccnc:c-8cr<:ly, "1[S poor.
It 1--.. (' 1. eO:1 l'O'DC( t:l: t 1:''J- ti:}i[ t:,'rc tl-lG In': ntry ot-1e" )lcve over
tai;cn the t':"ll.b.:' inc.' )or.: 1 tlonr in tr,eil'" vlclnity
to ")rotect tl_'lc;rn from cnor._y t2nk hvntj_n::, !)C rtiG 2. (T'.10 tc ::1;:8
'_12( reen cS-,-,t'l-;:r'CC' 1::eforo t>:7 ( rc [,i:-lec' in
to"rn too lone, unsu"')1Jo:::'CCC by In ntry) il1
ly, tbe Tm k
C.O. :lor t>t, ':'icrfrp.vH'l :'.1'
tions wr.rr':-ntcC' it, [.nC' :.m1 'G:'l'tely tl,c C.O., 133d
I:-l':rntry thr0172,h ;-{CCl}o [5 to (' spositiol'"l
intont:_ons of :P:e ti.!'- t t l.'c ho_c
S_c1vfDcer:'' tl:.;n ,I'erc rea1J.7.ct" int6r:(e( to con
in of the C.O.
reVEJrse( '1::}_8 ::10 8.t 17f;5," the
Byocl):::_ve Ofi5cer to lKVEJ tilE) p1ctoon of r.;'!11cin i:.1
E'.nC conf:01iu.:te -:lth ::ho In ntry. Onb.T 0:'13 t2nlr h:(" tir:'e
to : ttc;pt to ','Ii '.'reD tLc to re-;, :"n in to\Jn he1c'l
t>r _... ,-. r''''t " of the 'tn,.-.toon ._c;. " jr' 1Jlnce ,-, --. 1\:0 l' '_L'- -. V _ ... >:_ ___ '.' _ '.1_ " .;; -", IJ, '- r,..t:-,'-,l-',- ..
one \!ElE, hj_t -:;7itll lire i.t ftZyJC. c;< to thC:r'cw.
L t 1830;." tho :Exec1-: tive Officer thet OrWGf :-1[' ( been
}jJt, i"':vt t:l:'.t the ;:'l1c.to011 wOC' nO";7 in conte.ct - tj:l tLe Inf'r_ntry
cme in CO;'l[oli(".:tion W2.S f< The 0.0/
o;'-'.rtrj.ctcc" l'Li.m to el-'0ck t)-,e 1:: r0c0nnn':iflf'cnce, 8.nd
to the c.r. trnk bnttr1ion c.d. contrcted
the C.O., 133d Inf:::ntry lor conferencG on next
!ction. 'rhe Insntr",- ',_'(;f, to the
n<.::xt Tr.EJ I'll;: Y to- ]-':;' i,.T 11
in ?lee'or"' i n( ':";11. 5.n5t:._':':l;e to contint.e
t1,s .' r r "'-'.7 .
.L. .... vJ..!\".I J. .... M I, V . ...,.

'', ,-I, f'l crm---'"
,,>," f
.. 1,,- - P"c

- .'
(' . t
u ,- .. - :-'"
,.';;,. _,_,.__ J' vOJ:rlx').anoan .. , .. ,_"
to relieve the ",0 Of.' _ cer to ,c'i() t:,-18 trc t:i. ve
for servo c1n_ end t1:!( t::,)'.-f _: n
c reG. :: t 11 21;:).
, In the c'c::-s :::_ct 0:1 t:.l(:{.s ::'m' hc.( !:.'inec: a
footho1c in tba !'--6rt;.1 of C.. C;LD"O-. .Th\;i ton:'::s Vlcre in
l ,
G 22.
.' ;,
. ..
I .
'.' ... J

- ""J...... ;
.. ._..
S sMell strong poipt 1n-$.6 court ....
usin; waJas .and corners of 1::1)j.}.(j.n:.s for (?efiltcce. The
.. to tl:.eir 'iJest cs forr L3 tl-"e (ry ('itch at
85621f; t iJ:'\70 h[' r: l::6en hi t em' c' e s h'GYee' in ayn
ing. ,
The 4th retrv2ry tho 5n
J..:'l 1.... oJ .l o'''''C' rTl0.nk
:20. t ce.} ior:: C,)]:'rr:, nC' Gr f" en.t the c" on re(e'nr"J.:i [; S:C:!1C e [: n( nlnnning.
t nov o.P. st The C.O. conerree with the
7! CU( ::'cco';:r'0mr'e'; th: t 57rnL1 c,t'YlS be ,,::lc:.ced at
The "t t trior" to : at j-'1,"; 0'1."1 t'1'" 'C'}'lC
of tl.
ie ..... .l.. _. ....,.. "1' ;J .. l'o-..,tl' .... oj. "'L oi' ;rhe J..
v .'... u .I,. ..... _ .J::..., 'J ... ;' 4) ,., l;.J ., . i
they not, succeec. Ol(r':'cnco ::.U::' "C-f L nr J 17 obtained
t.nd tbe cun v{[' f: PC'8 .'3G"bJ ec', c::r:!:")c:c' tr.e 511 Gce ty 1')iece,
rC.E:Be E.. nC' Dut :):"]'02:, t::.()n. 9.
I"O 3 1CCO::.f-'ful
I .
of the glom s or t;-l6 ':J6conc' tr'. Crhe 235th :i;n
017. neer;-1 hn( i:een Y'(;;]1.oVGc' f",lJ"ort 0.; t>c Tenk. 1=':rt.A"'.l'ion
.' .1-'". . ....
..,t ..........:...1. .I-.lj""'e ., r,t _. . \:. \To1,"'tr.r-"Jv) t....t.. J. ,. _ .I- T""o .' J. _. V ..i...L . .J. .... ..... ,"Or' J. cob ( .. .. v. .1.,1. .. c;,.... _. ,",.' 'oJ ....
C' t"'e
... t 855':)':"2 '''!1 ''''0

J. '-...
... Y'lr
1. ..... .L..I'. .. _...
on "'] l'" nry
u .... 10
T'r, t 'c',,'j
. .. -.L.r....
:' T
on tl""

J.L'.. ' .1._1.
r.-""d ,,,,
V.t .- ..... .L.
l _ . .
1.1.... J. l:..I.L-'.'.)
'. J.
..:,....;.L ;.J ':'.1
inclu:'ee] t'he tbrec l05nlJ!1.. 1;n8 free: t'<:. rf;(:,1)1:1 tr'1k cGY1''),
vF rrovoej to c new f':rin;:, C .. I'::..:.. '!'}le :c.c.ttEllion
11"::(" to ottC,'lll :: j:'C= f:irc on the rc,c.r
." "-j'r, '-,.' 1" .. .. '" - i t''o c''- ""+"'1 0'" ,', c ,'. 0 'n"t- +''']e c...r.-f'ect."ve11e"''''
OJ. l,. 'v c J '- n . 0 ... .l. VL .......... " , ..... v
ot tr-e c.ngle of fire ':112.8 sor:1.e':bct t:-c of
OUT 'YIn One s cc t i o' of 3 rEI's U'-lor [!) \'1[ r " 0ved
into t>.e sontl, of t:.e fnc' e':e north ene
of C.,.:: 1:'-0. :. fe','! (: l' cor [:11 j .10 '," f l'i'ove( i;1to t:w -terry
;T:::ere i-C'C.8 vnc'or cover E,' 1'1202. ""on in tbo
event of unc'ue e]';(:1'7 '-'r'oorcc' :n t:;'G north of C.;,E:
SI:"O. ytc;.! voer', t:i:o in [outh end
of l:r:o r f rrnc!"s helped to (estroy [" IV 1,' ter j.n the
Let::' on. The onl;:- c.ction of t::-1EJ ('['7:7' occ.lred ',-Yen ttrcc r:./p Cuns
into the 2. t-=,58214 [1;'( 8GCl"cd to bo f:'::"lcl:i!it into
l')os:ition for c.n ey.n6cte( cl<. :L'ire (','01'}('
r88C> ti:::eT.'J c:,: rnC TCo.:.k,.-1j0H 8.0. r:;:;:
t ' - '" L"I"',r. ':r'-l" c/n . n r .... ' .......... ,...., It'"'" t f!!-1"'J
on !lG .I.e UjJ. .. \}.;c, ... 6( L.rl .. .. J.n... G .i..-:;; ..... ce
of "the :o.:il house. r.r>e liB s ':!n r'r:vl!Y ttcm
Ol't.'liitc !/1:..oE',:)he,ro;]s 'Fe trJ8
f nr"; en tl'e [['cOJl'8 ',c,
the Sir 1:c..(' ',r' t'.:( ""'[VIm. It [,,' not. 1 :r.0"h ',,' they took
rc'vrntf'[;e I)f" thf; scrC0r'. to m'll 01 t (+:}.'-'Y 'COl Jr' :, ;:ve Dl.'ller: ovt
1"'; thon
f- ""'p"'1-,
0 t'r:
't, e '..L"P; -. .
"" ) or'
.,L ....
1 .1
c' .., n "
.. v
'''\'''- i r
. t- 1" or '" te
'.- .J.
10..., J
r)b.osphorous tothere( t1:elY! eilol:,.): to ""'C :rc L \'7. tbc'rm;T. rhe
C.O. c0nfe:crec t:'J.E) C.O. 3d i:,rttn.Lrm, .c:'.n6
tho.t t'!:1e In[antr:: 1::01.10 net :-ttrck the.- YlE:yt Tbis V!f'S
cc;n.L.I'tnod'-.lgh t:':e [t ;:>c'[, iEi:mt.
Tho 5th we f' : n .1 tf,!;.nc.e
(lr2C' ..,lnnnin[ ti16 of r'..,C.P. :ir.:, C".7'LL. (ThiS
C P. c s tee mt in1".T of' ::ec 0 fO.L' tl'.e c (cc.:!: rte:rs Com
T.'nc'c.nt 2. ',If ee'!,;:' ';;1:.0 'fm k (JOli'r,i:- nne b:: FE
r.t 'l'here i'!8.S rn Intcrmc( C.P. [.crosp, the
1.t 889232, 1;i[1(?rc tlle i:;,Xecl:'-cj ve' Of:t-icer contro11ec: tllC f1m'" of
sl:p'Jllo f: to tht) 'front 2.n( 8,11 'g.on0l"'n}. r tr't ti ve fun
ctions ware hnn(led. In (uMnr I)f
V!G!'6 . ,. SOMe of' vebic1cs '108 Fnd
pc rt:'.eE' :"1ovinb to or from tr,tS t: ttle [' rO?1. \,lorG or L,ec" trid
:l,nstructecl. Fet.r S, t::'01'C['.f3 +;::'1:1"'(' orr-oe.l' C.P., vvnore
the ce C. o. controlJ.0c. tt.e
: B' Soc tj CD. of' the
During the the Sip [una the rquDre
858214, nec.r the ':.ere inc'uced. to, 1:lthf!rc.vl l"'y (',.d
j1.1stment of 8. of .1e01)ono5 in tJ'eir vlcin:tty. ("ecpons tn
cluc.1.ed l, .. Gl'.TlS, f.rtillcry GnG TI;I s)
""' '\0 " "
. ,
, u ," . r-
...,:.' t ' "T (; ..
- - ..... - '. -" ".'u .>".;

Lt 1300.";. the C.O. lee' 8. X'6comFiss[lY'.co j')E-.::ty

of 3-3 C.O. Conp.ny 11[.11 J C?:n.ny ;'E
Ler'(er, "C" C:>1 recon'Yle.:_[,E'D.nce t:;c 01.1tr-::K:'.r-cs
of OtIS VJ01"'C ';'.: 011 :.. I'Ol;tnd.
TentCltJ,ve 'lIens were for- .s3,zt:,n.::. .llJ.rtr.:cr:'(vcnce O.r the
:- nc' for c" E, s troyiag 8 troY'ii..:' aIds of ttG enemy. The' 2:?
nroxim: te locatir;T:. of sl':',iper ',TS C'C-CG:.:','::'ned.
Plc-ns to out '.:Jere lcic.
C.O. ..ri'!:;}: t11G e.a.,
lZ3d In.C.utry lec,rEod th[,t Dlr.Ds '.,'ere '0:1.(1,,- 1":('8 to cO:1.tinue
the :l..n C.':__ SIl'O, I.:ut tb;-.t retiol': t:-'e (zy ')0'1.'10.'
be confjn'e( to' "'Jc'trol clction .l,t 17151. tJ:e r..",t
C" .......,r., 1 t' tv" ,1 0' .. ., ,..

-,-on 0 "C.,neer _r..uv<.,.C ,."0 v '-'''''!'''uY "" , ..}VL,r",. ..

Eettalion on af the 1n
-':n +-hc r'OJrnl."'" 0'" 6 F'e1-'Fur,rV il;:,r'" IV t"'n
c r'D_
.L:J ............. ,: IJ ..... G _,... J. .... J. ." . c"./ (. .\ .. .L_ .. c.. . ..L __ <;' :.:
Y)O[ roc' ':' t tLe corner of the rt 858214. It opener fire
"'5'7015 onened c.'. t'\e .'... 1.'1 .r. .J....!': __ "'t v" , "nd _-'- TI)I ci c... r +- Cc5
<')'7I ,
fire. The r.D.rk IV '.','0.3 p:::'or'ptly c1estroy8d. It cIJpl('l not be
deterrnir:ec ,,,1".0 de 3tro:-uc
the e:'lemy t: nl< bec[uE'e it t'urne(""l r'nd
(_".1. .._..... 1';,",1'J1'1 (.... c,,_ t1--'e ......, v ;;;4Jt:.J
The Estt[l:ion C.O. l1ogiment
[,.1 Ctnc1 BO.ttclion .. rn.ccrs, C1..:tt ".;lrs 11.0,
tenks for the Cry or the dey.
DJ]rinz, tt.e c:['.. :" rll sUT)'1ortinz ',e':'.':::,0:;'15 ':'I8re fired
. 1:.-. (
11.1,elr t-rrcr-,i-"
.J L

............ L
,-'r cut
..1(,... J.
.. ... 1 ..- ., \..;,;
.. re
or to cl='on fiolc:,:: of fire, ,C.juntr',Gn::;E, \,'ei:-e on
c,;. '- . c." "nd __
' , .... ,.J.\,.;..L..... t'-,-::, ....... ... v ""'1e"'I"er _ (..l .I.
to ;-ct"ive) _ ]'ne 1"",;>0"""" GY",el',"'T '-_ .... ..............L.. J. -Tf:Y1.J.1.'.: ..
eont:nued r8co,'mcistel1ce.
the tYe I')lutoon in 'C 2SnO "'['.S relj,eved
tmcer cover of f'D:)ke, c.rtJIlery 'rr- fire. tt,e evening
the W2S pleceC in nositi8n on the Gt
L of the C,.:,,'..I"O 'flreo.. Yl28 h:; tl:ce' tank
bf1,tto.llon B,n' ].;:: re.fc!.'I'ed to herein <"S Unnur:".bG:':'oc
2'wtch, C... S

(E'" :fill)

,LJv 1"" Clhetc'-
... ", ..-;._ ..
'-' oJ\.. I, .... ......
.... J . .1. vi
..... :.J
Wr& 2S follows: Artillery 82 p1nnnse 1y the In
no special fircs for the t&nl:s. I]\rnk
ons to be on c'f,ll. Comp2ny i1C
, 7GOth T:::n k :r.tt21ion we.s
to of in sUDDort of Infantry 210ng
the ro'..'te ..... -L-'-F or to f:.sf;ernb16 i:1 the vj,cinity of O.
'rhe. ent.ire CO"1j)Cr...y 'dS,- to be lJrcp2red for r ct:",O!1, tut it WfS
not [0:::'::::"1::18 to :Dors thsn r of trnlr s Lt once in
section of th8 U.s nY:1 8:;ter, 'J' i8Ct, it F['s(0l1ctec1 that
trn')"<=: ci"'1..'lc
;,"-t t"r'J"'Y
, .:...;
'.J_ .. (..V '
J.. . l
__ ......... 1.... v ... -- ..... __. _L.V

12' 1
, II.", .... e.
the ftrects JL tl:i3 hOi?eVer [, tEnk or two OOtil}
give some vrlu:--blo initir'l SVDnort." if it could set into
. C,)I1pc:,ny "C
756tl1 Tc.nk fctb:-.lion 'ITt'S to :tt-'ck t:'lrol'gh
tl:.o E:ection B-D-G-E-I\: cnc : csemble in vlcinity of' P. liEd Com
'1/O,l1Y ';,'[\S to zttzc; t':,rCU2:: tlle s('ctian8 <-'-:1(1 =:-F-Q 811d s.s
[emble c t Q. il .. il Co:o:;:pc.ny ',If; S to 8Up'00rt 1,'/l th one pIctoon from
872225 with the rel":1[',::'nc.."er of tile CO::Jpr,ny in rcccrve t.t 855238.
Theel tc.nkp of t':Je three the. ['.. ttl:' ct: v!ere not
to rybysicnlly the oren.0.-P... O. Thls line vms merely
used ;:,S Co tin, ['.nc' the vehicles of the compe,nles
were to deplo:""ec. in cepth nortt, of tl'::rt line resis
on tLe 2n.Dt of :.1:"16. Fire
c'.re plc cor' on the (1 jc.cent
succaedec" in tt
r 0:"<' rorth thurcof.. The ry1c.
",'ove(l in t ovc,r (ls t pIc. t00n running'
'l'tc , procGt:;(':ec3 tOi'!r::rc'f! tho jril.
tOY!Cl.rc:.f: t:_o t:-}O tr.,T'lks vtr.rned not
T':,nks "ere.; \1i t:tin ? 5 yr.rci f:' 'oi' tbl3 j\ i1'
trol'bl.e s.ome
bcckee the rOEd t the .
'.ne VIf'.8 thore by f'. r:' fIe ,gren
P"ee 25
tnnco teen in.
stF.:.tuswoulddetermine the .fre>!.1 Initially.
C.o. m:ts toe.1rGct 'oi'Jerc,tions from the O.P. c.t 8f:'5222. D.ric the'
t f
. f" t' t n -- r,n20 I
S-3 'VICE ,to con rol tr[\ n.c 'I'om .c.e qtlCrry r. (... ,. ,
. ."
The. 'E1.ttc:ok \7nE to 3tc.rtr..t when the tnnks
[oof lishb. The trnks to the Infrntry
clorelv 'n( 2t close ranges.
. - .
tl:e. oven:LYl.::,i:.Ye s:nY)ort of t1:e 59th P .:-. 8 t- .
"'-1 ' .... 1 ,..,.' T' 0 "'0.'" -"r' n r,t'r"ls
tl".12on V'!8.2 ..;.J2.'c,.:crC.V1TI, arlO v. ntt J, ..... .L."'. <. lJ.\. r.", ..
sen.t into C . 0 Lor? 1r:.:t !-r;irmte GhGck of con(i.tJ.ol1 of
.p t' ':.- t' 0, to t1',r., r"o"" r r()tJY'lr' t-', e ,;,,"1
rOll t E)[J J. rO!:1 !.le J."0r n-..;;,Cll:, :_"C , .,.v ".1 , :" .. ,,-", v",J.
..::l' '. ""''''''e ... '" "ot enC'lu1"'r"r'111." "\-.,.+...... l"ns
ThG rO'Jor rcnL,croc:. ,,: L-" U-,- ... ,) !c. ... - ("(;.-0' Le,. .., L. '.1 ...
i-. '- v ...

l.I.I., .LiLV _

',./ \.. '-'\..'

... - ...
of tte '-r.d
routes con1c' to forc0c"J. The SCC!T)C 0 - the.: recon:.-.;, it Sf.nce he.d
been li!!1itcc ty 0ne::1:7' ,ctiv:t7'
.'.t 0600,,8 ?c"cr"i,:r:T, t1.:0 C.O.
\7:1. th the C. 0., In.:C:-: ntr:.- :: l'!.(' (c tcrloinec' the. t th6 n ;r::' S
to oY.ecutec3 [)[: plrnnec1. E:T ',n: s set. :.t
rbout Sip c:i( into the 3.2.
cornor of tho s cninre '.t :.." ot2-:er n::.t:r the lost of
the Punnor:" .tD. J:cr1y ::!1orning l:-,i5.'t:s hee' ::-lot cloc.roc!
visibility wrs poor. one of the Sip shoulf hcve
beon oc.silv visible to th0 571"".In ,tlD. on tbe 11. The TnnJc Er.t
tC.l:.:. on C. 0: cnl1ec. th.e' o.fter seme ty
mc<'1e contnct to t1:Zt tl:lo Sip [,G j1.' .steel becc.use of rrox
1.-':i ty of friendly troope. In t:16 10<,c,nt:'::!e one Sip bun r,nc three
tnnks ens' gee j.n a fire Lt r. t ,? 't'17'.:1k renee of c,l-out
"rds "".... foot .. .. ..... 0 .,.," O"'''''C' .!\oJ' '"' ","' 1,\1' "molrc ').. "'nd fog srr.o)re .-' (.. 'I'he 1 "" \. ......L. littl'''' __ ... c,. _
dust from thE( me S0:i'.ry '.'rhjci.'. H2. S nt:; c.emolished c
urinz tbe
fight. In:. fev; i.,inutes however the Sip sun hN' hit <.ne: r1cmc
.ged two tankr ,s.n,' n. thc'.revJ' tl-:e torm unc'er cover of the other
gun 0.. t D. The Tc.nk on chr,nsed the p1r n r- t this
The plo..n 0..8 revised, tho use of
n nlc.toonof nC" Conpnny, 756th BF.ttnlion in ere). at
lit:\il C"'''''T)''nV t",yinr--
,....: .... . J

nt ,..
"nd C

J:_, J....,,; ..:. c.J:".. .l..l:,.. ......1,.
"rene;. iiC"
Compnny -yL:toon wr.s to j;"iOve in n.r::t. T:lO plen \,'1118
initir.ted ,
but vms \ blocked a tlown r. t the lTorth cnc of' the
PE trols h8d not rc-porteG. thir cl,lvert blo'.m the t8nLe v:ore
n.ot ;c, ble to te the Co. ,_t 0 _,15L tr,e e ',,;i thdrew
to tho The pIc.toon le'f0r cn( 2-3 report to the
C.O. D.t the O.P. nnd the 0'.1tlincs nnothor nh.n. The 1st
pl[toon, Conpany liC
is to r'ove :Ll"lto tovm c.long t:1C
ror.d. I?cnd neutrc.1ize the en011".:r "Y)o;:itions in the s :l::. st
of l:..ble. The Infcntry is ,to t>.G <':'.t 853216
then under cover of tc nk f'lre, the Infc,ntry c lenr pc.rt ,of
the r't-:bb:l sh cnc
etris frcm. of tho Icing
. ,.
858216 to 0.1,10';: tt.e BE'::::!,O of the s. noon the In
h<.'. s teen lnf O:"'l':OC' . of.' t:ilO cbo.112,o of plebs r..nd the
(' i8 sot for' 1330L. .. t 13201. tLe t'-nh'.: move into town end
the 2.ttrck by fire on the South or
the sqt".rreat
258216 2nd cloe.reel tho
toon of II C"
out of
'ronks movet. o,:t
to f: 1"8 t}:EJj c. i1.
.t th:Lf',t:'me, l-:-t,t \':orc.
of the cebris. One
ner of tho bvilc'ing' r.t
. .": ..,:
".> -".'.


n .............
' . ..::. ,J I ":;'."?J
0,0 c. Tho rifle grennde froze the turret /:' nC:: 8 t:-.rted 1: flre,
but the tC.nk die r::ot up. ftcr tc.r.Jr .cot"'.TI1e:n.c
er ki1lec1 cy [' sniper F':-' s hi t rLf1e gren
cde put the 01)t of [.,ction. 2,inoo tll.6 tr:.n1:\: 'I;:rcf:' blocked
by the other t::-nt: tho Tho Infm tr7 pc.s
""lre r'd"lC'" \-,""""e"'er
r ..... r.'tr';- t--,,;.,.., on tb e (... J . J,. U"" -1 J._. _ ... .t ,,"'_ '. _ ......... ..- ... <;,.;.. ...- _ .L
!1orth c;nc GU"t 3i('e8 of t':!.0 t<:1.;... rE:t 1.t10 rn,,',c> of t)-iC otl'lcr
1: 1___
( ...r __
'" -'n:t
C- _ ... Iv a." ':-b
.1 Jl.. G
... t '58216 rI"'C'
.J."!"'-, ...... .t:...u I

'-"...... .. J.'..
h ... ('
gotten men into the TIeinforcemont 0: the fOTCO
in the 5.--:11 sni'!)cr rr;:::ch:1.fle :1.:n fj.rc, the
of ,;!l:ic11 l,J'S not to Ey 1545 .. tl-:e InL:ntry
Gtt.:,cl:- 11c.c oYT)e::(ec [0rce r.n.c'. furt}-:,:er to.n1c: r etinn wr.s hc.m
b:;t the the IT. E. or tl>: 1::ui Ie' ing t
858216. 'rlw Tr-.n"k [ctj-,;l].on G.O. Cf.ut:'0t'.ec; the I'D's to be OE
neelD-lJ.y Y!>fnJ of ::-:lon[ of
L. t the 1': on C. o. enterce' C.L .. 0 on foot re-con
n i
,,;;::C)I ..... ,......
toe '"'Yl f.'" r' n'"
-+- 1"1,.. ,. In -f.',_
11 t r":'-
.) v
nrl "' .., r. in the
J c...
'" "..., nco co.
\... l..... (.... ......L.I.,'. .
,... o..
..... . J. ..
toym. Inf? ntI'::" o;;j.1"e eom:nun:i c:- ti0ns. ','rere 01.'.t .::' t the' tic n::.c
the Ini':: T)::ctl-re ,'/;:S not cl{J['.r. The e.c. thE.t


."1 tL
.l_, .....

c. '"cert,.

L .. _'-

- ..., t..;; ..L_... t. .t...:.. -d ...t. ...;.. L.# , t. ...... _
... .;
l,::[tS r.tte ''')"G:5:rlS to. co::-u; \7;'lC.t they bc.c :-'::l(e ['.De
. 'Iii'ere
not ')1.:- nnin,::: fllrtl:'QT ::.C'VLY.'.ce tl:.e t eveninL: The 1: J:c't
C,...,'J'>'1o:-nd"',.... t 11'" ... C:, "'oY""'-'-'nr'or +-n '''IOV'"'' '.. l. .......... _... VJ. J..:. ......... _ v .L J U,,-, J.\o \:J . _ .'<-.. ... _tJ V __ .JJ. \...-1. v........L v ...
tc.nks to 850240 cSte:: c:: rl(, to in" :%C' t:i.on in
ti-:-.e C0urt;'TY'd until <'crk.
T:10 Tc:--:}c C.O. confet'::'6c1 tl'.e Com...
1"'1:-n(er on. the ;:'l0xt .::-c'i;;:lon. The rlj,( not ,")k,11 D.
coorclinr..tec' z.ttr.c!:, but !}lr:.nne( to H:.l.ct hu:1.
'The FCttt.::l:!.()2:. C.O . err need for Ingineor t 0
tt.c culvert on the N':)rth SJ.'-C of the G, improve tho
ro; 0 oi tho 'c'uiJf ini t. 353216 runni?lg T:[ just. South
of t:1C j: i1 (ebr:"s.
for next is(ued ct 2000t. The
To.Y'.k plr.Yl. to ccmti.nuc r',ct:' on f-(::flnst bn:'Llfini..E in tLc square,
r.-' d .>.. t 1- ('I "1" "'.,..,.p, . .L...,..,._ "-' 0
'10 "c ..'. ,. __ le i, ..... C.L _-'..' r.J,. ue .:[".1..... 00".(; J .".,. nG ....'
tbe jei1, but WES not errouzh to hole it in the oninion
of tho 'l'cn):- C nc 61" :"i r:r3 '::8 c tee. t tb.ore \.01; 1r' be
to fire cn the :051 tr morning.
IJl:'Y' J. Y.'3.. ttL!. c-n v'j[",s to reC01lcr th.e tr..nks
...,r i c':,). hu' :. 1."ycOCYCC' 01.1t ,t corner of tto 1.TilcHng c.t
050216, tut tte BSE net svccessfu1 of anerny fire
w::,.J.C:1 the Y;'orl' Cr8-;:iT t:'1ey ",:::-( e
On C 1ms obtained to Zire on the

1 +-'.-'0"
ul;. ...L.
1C",'-"c""'t:'lr ","

-. \..- U

1.,..0 Lv.... L.
. '- ...... V_,"_"
i .Y 0+'
.... co
. '. \. .... J. . ".t.:;;; .. J.. L";",, ..J,.
The f".l[ 'J 1:'0 in D.?l'Jt".Gr l"l.:'ing
in the C;Cl1c.rc ["_6 CCC'l".:icc': l.y our In z:,ntr::'.
Tbero TIC:C no on tho Sth Fetrv2ry.
The ;r .. r",tt. C.C. cO:lf"crr8d '."it}: the :Ln:icntry ConrrTnC'el"
[' for ti:e -:l(3)""t ::.cticn 203(::. rl'l-'e
to cOf.'.solir":t0 tl--l8 tC.nJ<: '!Jl: Yl to con
t nue of 7')oriti
)11. '00 1=,y
tJ:le tl"le cvr.. :;,Oe.""1 tion.s ..
On th ::nol"nin:: of lOcI:. Ul elp f::U:"l fhe11e('
o.P. 2nC 'Jut of r(lbs. The C.P. set un wns
Lt.-.Out 09001..
The Tr,nk the C.O. 133(1 Inf',ntry Hegi
ment conferrsc1 ['.tout , cooroi:r.c. ted E; ttnck t') pIt ce th8
Pc:;::e 26.
r"" p
.. v\,.
of 2ct1ort.
I1"T'l" ...
',' .. ".S
day. 5nit1cted for
yeW sketches were mC'de. ?1.:- ns ',lore
.te-r.,kB plr.ns for the n3xt '.'jcre
censi.c1ero.ble nct:lor:. 1Nef:; exect'tef. :\:1. ::>r(1)s.t':tj.on for tlie
next days activity. into toryn the
crew' of tVlQ tl.11Ys in tm.'in.; rnd thee i f:t'bled
tanks out of the rhe of
the ;r.i1 f') th:t the In. "ntry 1:;0
t:lf't tt
7 COl J.e OCCl';,y '0;:::'(:; it 150C.. :- ttem,t
eo to 00 20 c t'YJ1.: ::'1 '""nort. r>:::;ver:- 1. [onere
'.Jere crpt1:reC, :'ct 'res Tbc rr'cnk I:-;:tte}:1.on
C.O. ngo( to intGrrcg te four
... t 1000L t1",o f'j'''cr.l,: i."(,1:C( tl:,8 orc
or for

f"'110"''''''c {e-',"O:'vl-.'il,.,t P10"" rl",'1. W"'f

--".t,. , ...... \..1 ...........,.,. . _ ... .... 'I ,. ..... ,,,.. 1 .... )
O:le co"onrny [:,1011S tLc left i'.-I'-K, onE;
cIon; tt.c left o([e of rt'.il(ing, G-L-fJ-(, ,'''(Ic' 8. i'f.,W
throu:'h n.?:cr':.'\J stI'E:Gts C-F.-'. 'r;,0 1,.tt(;r 'Jcn:lc
1 to be
T'l rc c 'L"'U' In;' " n+' r--;- 't..1.,'" "i' ,''-' '" '-,1" ;', c [". +-''',.-';- "', C.,T C'l"" '4 fo110,r;
J:' ,_
c ee"
... l""c, 1.. uJv., .............. W.""'W""",; ,..... \... ,
the closely C;:'.\EJ then. t stJ.p'0ort t::oy coulc'. t:.n..
-'- 1 i".e"r" ,'Jrr-.. "'{: .., ... r ..' 'h.... rr'" C''''1r:'l'''''''' II""'L' il 0
u ..1_ ..!.. J.. .:. ....I..:..... J. "" ,. IIo.J .... :.:. i:'..J ,,-. r....' ;; . .... 1.... 1..
U ... ,........ OJ..J I J L V
'..'hicil ':::'.2 to to":r::'s 1'0): 'In.f to ,-c'rnce
1v Ecloet :jrin builC:n;c i10np the route

_,).1. .....

'to t'\.-,o'

__ \..-._ c . "L ... ....... ..
t.l'il(:i.n._.s C-1-?-'.. O. j? \1[t8 to be J":'!.OVQ( to C;8.stlG 1-:i11
if events
f'our p:cJ.r:or:sI'[: of :[',r '.Jere ':DC it '.':':13
cd tlli.t t:8re LT gun in of f:-,ct
teon The C.O. 3d 133d Infcn
try visito( C.P. conferrc( on ths of ctt f6r
tbe next c1 c.y.
On the 1: the for tho rction
\,!Tore cLcmgod c.reG no .'ct.on '!['.r; 0'1 t:: In:C':'::try C't'r
jn,:;,: cr::1::i,ht. Tho tc.::.h: contjnuoc C',ction f.i..[ i:,1::> 10 the jail [he'
['.(;c.:Lnst 1:'p11c'in..: [ :u::t to c):.() 20l'.th of 3:"'. ,.t 15301.
C.O. (crired firo on the

. ..L
_ "":
.. "'
.... rrr t
cc"""'''' t'
.Je "jC _ "."c' .'.. , ........ ,I".. lt e.. (l .;,-,

tl;-<t nic
:.r1'- "1'(: fc)l' on rone
?'ortl'l of the j8.:i.1. :1(,re (0br:LE 1:.' ( be .c1c'.:;,"e( to e,:ive
8. tcnlc ::")f'C0 cnOl<l1 to c..c\_c (If the cUter: 17b1ch
n)ns Jest c.n(Tort jnrt l'ortl'l of I['.i':cr. Sor"\.; "lork ('.-;::;.e on
the rlcl:'ris, 1I1't 'lot c.20u[,h, 01'1(; t i'1k cli;?ned
i..-:to tLo (iitcl'l 1:'. fei . J.c'CGI'.
The [,:tt.:. }:Lo!l C.O. cLec:':c( "Itll tile C.O. 1:::,30 In
wcs 1'10 plcn for : the next
next of tl'jC' 12 ?el"Tl'..:.ry, t:'lC 1st Lnt
Infrntry took j[i1. T::nk C.O.
tLe C.O., l::ot Li'.ttz:l..ioY'. C!1C: tlw C.O. 3cJ .,'
.... ,.... , f'or c f" 4,,0. to!-" '7'one\" .
.......... __ ... _ '0; _. .T i";" .... 1.... ',.. . ...l.' "-' __ .1. ' I../J . .l l.oJ .3-.
operctin; in thcvicinity of Charlie
encountorec" sip L1.<l1 f.Lr. fr0r,1 of 1'11::e.
..... l-'O"T;::,"rI' t'," . 'T' '1.''''' n01']r' ''''0''; C
"Dl'" <"'" "",f""" c "..,t
... ,_. L.ol. .... . .!...'J ... \. __ . '....JJ,.1v ...... :"::'. J.L.: ,._ ...: . 1...' . ..... '-' 10.. \...' -'- _L ,..L.L.... J. ...._-()'
i':rc t:) tGc.r c' :'.:C'(;ct1- t;}-:.,. ,:nC: :;:
'-'/p. r"Cl tn ,".t;1,'r"'"
... _.:.. .
" +-",1 c,
... .,1-10'1-,..,,-'1
, ....... "-
,. ... _ U{ .l.'.......
.. ...... \,.;\.1.

.1._.' ,:,:,l.,..L_.. (..w'. ..
tCrJC8 :,t Loc. (.;r'cC"ntc:'c.'('.'r J.':'.iJ.c zr(;nc"('CS f:l.rc.
l;' :-:K tccr.l:iG stuc}': j n tho :"n(:81" .::5J1 [It Lon enc' it
__ .... (,"trlc __ '.. .. ..... _ _.. t.,. ...... ","I
.1 .L ...... -,,', ;:.;) \, ..1. .... ' :;t0C']r.> 1,J.. '()"r .....J. 1.' !,..' . ..t. " v. J
(' os, tV!,) of ',\T3rC ;:J 0 110 trc t.:! cns. Lfter ,tbe .fourth
the ere,,, :,1-- nc1one( t-nl: znr' tt.e eonnc:.ncJer C'.t"e 'brck
the qu&rry ::'.ncJ secured Lr.O tl':er ."'ith VJ11101. ho .coyeree c.

u. s.
Equcb British
within the sqv2ro the
Both olf tho 'Nere reco,reret: ofter
T"nl" Bnttrll.'on C'O "r""'''ng' A '" t'" le:c>ve {.. ::I t-,.l,. r':',' ,........ ...... t"'nk ;,.ibo J.J."
jeil. until the Inf:--.. [' posit:l.,on Just
of Cn:'rlie, hO',:evcr},culties ceve10pec in ,
the 57!"JJTt :--.n(: Jl',cm::- VI: S r.1out 2130.,'. "L ('r.;: or so
1r,tar D, '1'-2 ,'. in the
On thc 13 the die not but the
C.S uc:u' 1. TV10 l1'1Ore;,s '7Gre recov.. '
Zro-:-,] the workec')n ,rore'
, '
illt Ci. S 0
On the 14 Febrv ry thero no Infcntry set ion.
(rbe trnb:: cO':"ltir.:IJ.uJ operr.t: u[1.1.1. SY''c:per positions ['.nd
nrrt of the CC.stl.oS 'Em.'er weI''::' ,:, of
tho tbrOli:;}:;' ; ... E":'C'reve:,.lce
til t tkle rric'L,E:
l ... ,
rt' d. it
_ _ 1__

...... ..1 v

l- J

'"'- J.
J.... <,"_ ".-.."_ .1._,
f;"'O(' "
v "''',' ... _ ' Iv-" .
or 2nsin,:;er in p,:rt oi. :.-n Gven:'ng. 'rhe t;J"::C1
bEen in ,Posltion 1:' c' tIl oeen ;:'C;-;:OVOcl, . r:.1.Jt tLcro cOYl21c1er
[tIe C'obrifl . 10:r1..S t:,(;'; cdc,e of tJ:-.(; c:r7T (1 tcL :'U2t nort':, of tl"e
J2i1 Eovse. C-5-r [.lso rt intarv:ls with
Dj,lcs of (lcbris. TD,O VJ.1-2ls of ('ebri::l [t2VC teon nes.oticb1e
.. v .. '-'_.,v..... _. in .L _ ,,:rJth" V'- (:"'!lr;'1.'nr.:.o'r"' -.J '''0 ,']nr'- .. l:'... ':T"'" U cl'\V'It--lnuc.c" V _ i"-'c .I... v.J __ - "'nd L.
n tri(ge "il::"rJ rt ntt::'1 the ,.,2[,,: stc,ncG of s 'Tcnk
Le. t T-2. The br:',dc;o '.'C.::: 'r)re.Lbric" tee' sec t ions 2nd
t::-.e soctiCH"!.S v,"ere cr.rrJ into co thc T-2.) T>Ls foot
rcconnr :U: EC nec confir-GC .' prev" ot:' 3 rOCOI1!'lC ':. S f s.ncc.
:-:'QC im'icct(;c" t'"c.t :'.t q'J', lcj be poer,iole to finei ;', littlc cover
fror:1 tions J,n th0 city while r.c'vf.ncin,; '.'T) the r;)uto. ..
The nlong the route furnishe( cover. ;ftar the
sever:.l Tds8:1or;s were run ti:.c Lre" D-2-1 ';dtll
out loss .)i' or eC::.1.1:Jp:l1ont. (30]11e rdss. one which were run
(urinr : thcse Ct:.--E i:.t tl10 rOC'l'cst of the lnL ntp-T z'rf
....... . \ '
were the intLnt 0: kec,ins nrcs.suro on the enemy
.. nC' kOC0lYlc rros2v.I'e off of o't!l1
the 15 [cnC 16 l
the'l1ion con
. tinued j,t:_ ufu:l Ect:'vitiec: in [.nd '.I.'Ol:,t tJ:.G north ene of
srro r,lt>ougl'.: cross tiro W[s ['!'('ugr,t to tec-,r on tho cY'.urch
... t iiX
fro..... t-n



.... "'(1 fro""

tbe 011.11
\. ...... .I. .t ......

.1 .1 ... ,-, ("'_ '-.... _". J .... _ ".:.
PIc', toon f. t 872:::25. Tho Tnf:' ntry Cm;11'' er reqye E'tod
n'_is ch::n[;'e i-::-: to ,sec if tL.c Gcrw:ns 1'7 (i1.' 1(: J.8t 1';-; 2. tit
on S0:86 of the intense f::}'e11in;; mort?rL:: \:J:J.C:'l V"c:.? hI: c
been yrc.c inc:; on tl1c ;7orttL Gnci. of
On the 13 tLe T:nk C.O. contccted
the C.O. 5th ::'r::..gcdo, -4th IYlcji,?n Lj.v:'Lc),on (Britir.t). -p1r,n.

..... J., ....
for t'--.r'
..lI", 0'"
C' ( ..,.TO 1."1
J. ..;clll
!l ,- .1. '-', ',j,. .J"IJ...:.:. t .... . ..!.!'
v) U
,. 't'
the -::;O"''''e-
p, tt"l jnn or ,Hi nr,-lc-t'le "'(ro
""\. J,....,'- .;........L .......... -J ... l..l vuJ- .... _-' ..... t:::..; ...., ........ _ ...... J.. <.. .1 t;.; , .... ./ ..... 10.".1 Vii "' . ( '_
to bE ve the Enttnl ;)n CO)'pc'.ny ,;'n(', Steff meet


,,_ _
('.-. ..

! J..< v


ff .rot for

rp. ",1,
:... Ve.
,.1..1(..... -' (.... r. '-" .... . .1..
CP of the 75Ctr, r.t t o.fternoon.
DurinG the 80,;01":.,1 E1.i::2:0Y'S '.Jere run for the ..t
the rcietins got un(orur: the nl:Yl
V/;:O set lE:sex (1.(' !.:1tcn( to .: ttc.c}'"" C . S
SIlO [roT'" ttG r.ort> unLJ. .'-.1:-1:0'\' E:5,11 'nc' C. st1c Hill
. ...
i- ........ -- -' ...."".
t t- ",
. .,..
"l(;r c
VIC::: ti

,; CiI ("v' .".... '); '1'1 (,
c: r, ft.,

....... '. '-" _ v \..,I
t r, 0""'
'J V
. ( ...
t e
BanerD,ll:, tl1rol'cl1 C-G-L:"P-Q 1']1 til the In:>n tr'7:: oporct in. (' ceper .
in th0 tC)\im \;1:i18 the (C:,',8 '-:- J.on tlj':; d" c. /.t t>c
thne the liB" Conpc,n,ios of tl:1Go batteJ. 01:12 \'lore'-'to sener
o.lly slang the left t:lre,vsh vri th the opercting
o.lso c.lor.tS the route of C-G... L.. ':J.l1 IJir'.ison
'. ,
, '
Pc,;:e 23.

!" '

II S .
J ..
Equals 8;-i;'b:l
effected to include tho use of Iritish in
s co:nt::wnder I fJ t:::,nks to ene.tIc ny Inf:-: ntr:"
C0!!l! to cO:'.1r'VnicL. to. E:c- 1 "lOCI. ,lens \Jere COrt
T)lcted 8.11 tho (et:::.J1f 'i'crc i.t 2130:. tl10 cttecJ{
\71. S cr..lle{ off.
vory l:1.ttle C'.ctivity OD Fcbr1'r'ry 617ce"jt
!:"':)rt:r ..le" /,8Z'.UJt Cl'ns 1,;Jic:'l 0n t:rcots
'rl-:( ni:b.t of t;;e 19th, "C" Co' n:' 7GOth I:,ttnl
ion t:, to thE:; on
the sica of tl:e ;l!.2IIJO for c r0st.
0:1 the- 20t:1 of F;Jtrvr',::':: V::.E' roc<:;;.'.'(;('
th:-'t the 'Gztt2.J.J.OD 'it:" ,c to :-:0 roliev(;c t:.:o ni .}1t of.' tLc 21-22
"J:-y bth rz .. Y"moroc" I"?c,c;inent. I.t 1430," tho Ln. O. ;: nc' Eyec
t't.: ve of tl1c 5th Rct:iFont .... rrlOrcd :'2;c( Tonk
Pnttc'li::m C.O. :rr for tLc 1"01ief v,'ere cC:Y"''")leted.
The 'lc..nL C.O. or:lentoc the rz Offic0rs on the;
L '::':1. ir;. rorth of Ci_E3:. ITO nne:' furnjshcc' th(.:-1 sc';rcr'l cop.. of t:Lt t:-10 1:1,( :::con l)siD.[. rrl:c
of tI:,:; reltef VIC.S s:'!"lplc. :- roc,onncis
snncc of t>.o [nC' c:rivG [: tede 1n :'i.(o for
t}lC, l-.:.C( f.n(: r:',lert PO[it:tODS
.1]en 'c 2 tcf' f Lr:tiEl'. Ln. '\.'ol'lc} notify tho
Tc':.:.",:c EC.. C. o. t tllt? rolie:f }1:'.C:
.. t 10001, inctrnctjons'i"or tL:c relL;f !':?rch to
t:'l0 InteI'!".1c.:(j_ to 'Jc;r .., 2.cst'Gd. Jort:::"s VIera
c:!. or"" tt!.c' .. :r)o e1":.(! prot:lcI':. ,.s
[sult Cl:D.;' r:o;:'(; to n.ra t:.c: rest of tLcir c'!'.'.:.:un.::.tion first t:1ing
E,:";yt (c.y, 1"['.:: c0'L"llc of' ;:1Qurs t},C'n be::.:in to l'!lClV(; their
turn tc: nove vcl-::j.clcf t:T j.nfiltrr cr-.l'Jl' 8 ':J01'O
to il'1 or(.er !,}:;i I lICit, [\11G B "',,," CO"'q:;::nj.0S.
!.t 2130... nl" nr for ':::.;(; nO'leI1cnt of ti",::; tr2.:!.ni' frot:: the
Inter1':ef . : te POf. tj"n to the ST. PIZ'1'i;U i'ICf'C co":plotcc1.
21 Fc
rll, I'Y, 2. 0. :I.."'on cor of tj10 19th
!r"orod R_::.Jnent, 4tt, . rorec2 :C:CJgc.'('c. to t;'-lC C.O. [nc
in:lorne( Lim chef it WC'l,l(" 1:.c of :.... :2..(. 'rtL' 'dC''''( rc
lievo tl10 75Gth f,)Y' t>c rslicf ',;ero co",:
Lt 1430.
f1nc:l for n:c:, :,c2.1ct ",'CHi iS21;'cd
to the cOJ:'r",':nCGTS. 1710 i" C.,L;. ' .. :" end
l' 7 '.,,'...... -1c'" , i i t., "'"I h :1 n
C.r. .. ,- .1. ..,. H-.. nOl: cz r.L or n .,1;:', cry r GCf.'.'f:f.' or MCC nn1
crl :1"[;11'.)]"( hit --'re' (crtra:ecL
Lt 0100L, l"cbru[ry tyc ison. OfL:LCer of tl:e
lS'th "rTrJrccl tLct t, "ollE;f '\!Cf'. cOJ"-:;:,lo'co [',nd
t;-le tr.n>:.:: of t:,(: 756ch T:::!l;' st:: rt8 tL.eir 1 bE:Ck
: I
to tho Incrr;cC'te .. 11 ve11 :icle; C 10:::' 0(: 0600:.
TlJcr0 'ere La :CC1 ]"C( the relicf
the lose: of rI-7 it _.,,:; [:-:till i11

,:.t 1030. tho 1:[. t tC.J. ion r'lc.rchc( for ....,LIP:"; [: t 2'65048, end
tr,8 L s t 'lel:.icle c losee c. t 0600,. on the 23 i?et'r't'::ary.
PC[6 29.


In :(c'j.t:,()::'. to 1.'2,\.1,[,1 c;:;.:']) r;uties, -Cr.e !'irst f1ve
wero in rerervicin; On tho 2Sth of
Per-rt' C ry trc. i n::,D g "rIrc 2, r ['.3":1 ,.;:, f: j.1<1 t if' ted.
Lo S C ')118 T'Led.
J !.. U.

\, l ....

__ .....
' .l. __ \..oL,. .J.a....;

v', ......... " V ..
',"',is r,ct,
"",., ",,'"
... A.
!..... .......""
.. Jl11
J.. t...
.L. _.I

r erl1-
... ...... oJ ...../.L ... , t..J \...... L
...- .!._ i.'J ..., -- .. Cl
rot ir',clu(c( L'l tho of ',riYlcl:p1cs is tl:e
ocserv2.ti,)D set cel,.)':;. :::t ::'-.:y te of cO:lside:cc.tion
r.r a 2,,'..',lc1c to ::, to effect UY1(er c,::"lil:r circum
str.nce. (If r.ot me' -to: 0:'" 'cen.).
')"r,E:;r2t=oDE: tt O:1C in r: nre
O 1
'" ..... ct' ..
,,., 1rr:.L. f..,"]'1
....... ... ,
.. ;

..... \..c.

__ ....
" . ..,,::

_" 1.. .1 _ _'.
.. v -.
...... c. __ _'..J f..-.l. oJ
circ'J.tu::trnces. It'ri:i1C (c.y '"' f2e:cie:;; of ;,tt:,c:"& '...:-re c. Gel'" "'cD The ",'ere strcns :;:0 1.J[',s
the Ey noon the :8 ftopped ibr trccLs
.;"n cle. L"en or,Sz to 8 )J. C0 ':::.V::':t r::.. our enc' a
:IF.1f t'efo1'8 ::;1' ce ,_ S T>.c :ccLve is
'" roo ",'") t 1 "':' '" it1_ i c.1.T CC'. ::; 1 t C E'".,",nc" r'. (; r' ().f :)1' 1 2 r s
'.ere In c:cJ"l C"EO tJdS Ger.':'f.,n sce:rnc;c
to be l::T
CITCD in on:;:. tc,nce tho ent : cY':.e 'l)lf':n
\'CS YTn erf t,r:l.cU L!, I'')\!
- L.J .:' " ...
.. 1::' t: e ?CbOE $"'n::l; S} se( t>.c :'C(; of ','eJ.1 trrin
e(1 cJ:"ews 26Ct::-:-;8. ... l< cOITi:'n::'Ol'f ":''lH',t 1:0 tr: 5;'2F::( t(l ""['ke
COC:'2:'..ClJ2 :"'l:ic
'1:' . fre l'noc.}"c'( out or
t;' e ir :C' c' to) oniT':'':'' ':rr.c' 'i ViC.'l1C 1 t t' er s (l?;W',
t]:,E; ritt..'f.'.t:'on r::1( t"a !'l'E::t then 1,)01-: ['r'ot'nc
Enc' ';'ove
to the on.
'r:10 vjta,J nee of e2
t j.:-,le c'ne: .:'. :: j- 'llh.::: yl(;C :nnc of reCO:1.n2 is :"Lnce ,lcnnirl.i, 'nc" con t-
t{ous iSEE'.llCO 1";',.'C.i. ':'0 :Lvll:rvnc'erstoor' l.y -11 concerned.
T-C.p 1'")0 C 011l1' .:L E' r::El:!'1C e 1.::' "1".,-0 ..... s t rlo Cor..n :t c f. .11 t2 e. p lGl'1ni!:S,
1'''t r':-,c,'l'y)r"'tt' "er4r:} "n' ",. , .
,-' v ' ... 4 l- .... V _ _ v '-._! . \,J __ J... V ._ (....i.. __ (_ i,' _. . .... ( __ t.. _ ... J $l...... v. J.)..
,:. f in;or";"', '!:; ::,:1. L' "(I.ot :"t C',11:' Conf i r',: e c. ,.,0 C :'
be :U :.t 1;'(;:''''<.; 'on ,'.' l:'l'l.=er )";'oro C011''.
')rehcYlsivo [,C,::18 ' c"el:U::ercccc tc'
info!'r'lct' on co11cctes: fro"', i':::'ont. Very
l:Or.t of
;"'o"'c 'j"""'orJ.."'Vlce
___ v 1;. J...
:.J ....... -" _ _
;,J J.
or. f.':"
t, .... ,....",.


Io,...i , J _ 10...

_ ..I v......t.., ... _
Io...J _ _ _... _. _... t-o ;.. .' SOJ"'et:::GE.: ;'101:".Cnts, beforG tLe-:.ct:ton :'!"iocted
t'.lC rcc:l}",n:i.::CE,nC:, :'<.8 to be i:itictec'. 'I'his ,i c 1o;.A t .. )
over :- :1.2 ":.V,- ].1'>10 to
t[ 1io'" C()n':1... t:H'.
t :'1l{ tc,t 1io:1E Br.ou1d ::e t t - cIled to tmi t2 c
th6y .: rc :::up')ort :in tr -r:::'..."8; ner
lods Dr::'or to Tl:e vc1"...'8 eX m c:'" rt;L (ol.t is 5nestim
:';nr.'.;or the ';-)rer:e:1t T/-:; L t[:!)L [cttoll'JTl j s sl-ort of 1/4
ton C
... \.

, . .1 _L v ..
)n t'l''';;:' c'ecr'ln
r1 (lS' of;
v u
( \.J _ ..,
J.. .!.J I c_ ...... J...;.J... ._. ..... c,;
the 'Jort; t on "'T'O for re 18;'; t c ,,":,f; r SOr1ne 1 t f
TJ,lO tcnk stoulc' be e:;uippeC v/itL ["t 1ecst four
DClck recior: of c"esi,n.The rf,.d:to to
tht?t it cr.n run to prevent
consur:ption of ,-:. ck bE, t not t-e so tulLy .::',,8 t:o
its c2rrying sen 500 :8 n6t suit

Peb. 24-2<:'
In r(,':''c:0l''. to 1:?,1.'.c1 CCF'p r;uties, tbe
f'lrst five
were in re:ervlcin; rJtEb111tctior..
On the 2,th of
l'er-r1:cry nl''''''zrr.:l ":'f! 1r..itit'ted.
Le S 2 ,)21S I,eD. rr.:.t3..1.:.
p']'.\' r ..8Y,' lcrrrleci in a:1:r of
t'is :::.ct.,c;,"l, c1.::' ,'roc prlnci;.Jlcs :::troT'gl:r C!P.
rot in.clu(o( the co.tesory -'1"1nc1:.p108 is tIe
"'oi- +,,.,-t,


"'e ';:r""'Y>t",,-
.V.I.J.. '--
,,-I..Jo. .
.. "tion
t...- ..... Lt..)' vel. ... 1 i-J .1 ..1. ..... ...,\,,1 ...L.v U I _.;} ..........
E'.8 a 21..ieo to effect 'J.nc8r c:l.rcum
s tC.Ylce. (:f rot us' e,.' t oc o:;.'c or.;.)
Three St:cc Gf, 2:[,'1 ')")I'::r.:' t:; ons " t C.. : . .:: 1;0'0 [Dr r):'1C in [' nr0
V:'OiJS 2.ct::.)'''' l-.::t f0.11, 2,11 l".:;': c2.1 tiy:!ng c.nC:. very
circt.1T:u,t8nce[',. t:1C Cr.y ... of ',:re :r.'lrc
2. gc. ins t e. Ge ,:,.rl IJo E: 1 t on. .:- t C t:;:"cnS '.-!f': S
resistt.t... cc. Loy l1C,C"r:. tLe'cl{ ::'s [tc)P:(jec: i1':' tr.:cls
. t c k 12 Lien niz ")(: to c[} e )J.: C'S r..1....-.1':; i :.".' 0ur cn0 a
:',;,plf t'0fore t:.!'Cs r;lce ,8 pl:.:nnec". T>c o': .. (;cLve is
t2l'en pro'''ot1:: .. ';:1 t'."" .1' C,[ C:, ::::l1': 1t c s, [. nc'''' 0f 2 'mers
er-e In 813 to i:,c
s1.rnrize ",-Tun in on:;:, tc.}'lCE. 1J>.. e:"G the :l.('"J:y . .cl"'0 'J1r,n
.11 tJ. ('\ cct:::!', [::} '-",ee' t>c of ':el1 trein
eel crews 26C"':,: "':;;,. corT >;'Uc:t 1:8 1:r, tCl ..
fre l'nocyc( out or
tYe'lr T'- c" : to') Lm.c ts. I:r;.c' i vic.t'c.1
tte fi tur.t:: on t'.o Y',i.::s5,'on) then 1'101: cro1.mc1 cnc'. ;;'ove
rrounc' to co:-,;)loce tLo T'1l':;:': 0:":.
'JP1G V 3. ta.l it1''):;1' t nc c of I'E' c :cmr J, S ::[.1'C 0 S S i z ed
t 0.nC :, ::-:1.' Y'.C< :1:-:-'<. of l'E:CO:1nc is r:LLC0 __ nc" con t
\.lOUS iSE;[,nCG 1':'\."1. ','e ty - J.1 concerned.
l-e.p c 0 i f (; c' r--' .. n rlJ c l;.;:J ," :L f c e 1 f.'t S,
'u't ",,-.r'''crt .; ... t" 0'''' J_ P ;., 1 ",' o{-o: ....-,- .-",.' '" ('" ,,:,; 81 g o, ...
... --,,_, _ \...I _ -I.. tJ.. 1.....'.:. "-"' _,-\ j.J.. ... c.,J.. (,. . .:..1. .. ' J.\.-..:, __ v ; ...... -'-VC/. ..L..
2_1;' {lDt
co': Ie' be j f V'ere cl"':':'!"liz,ec: Oyl' )"('or8 com
prehensive [c:"lo t;,
infoJ:'Yl'1:-t' on c(')llE.JCCE.'c: fr-:)':. t ..- r. ':.c' \'er:;
fr-e:!.ucnt1yc>c 0:1 ];Cf,t Cc; c.!.'cc" of
:,"ost i2 "G:1.on til, t c ::1'
'C; r fC"\7 l:ours,
Lnc' S0;'".0 t: s 2nr:' '(. r OYl ;lOl";.on t s, tefore ;-. c t:l, en ;' fIe c t ee.
'" t'lC is to be 2.::itictec. 'I'hi::] 'iclo:J:l t') ;ct:ion"
over :. C011,S::"( er',tIc f:-::mt ic seI(om to tl'G b,:,t
t:: 1. i:) ,'\ Con'Te:. r:(.' (;"!:'
Se')c L t ':llz sl-,.ould te-tt- chcd to 'lmit2
Vlt,O" they .:T'E. ,.0 :)n (r,t..:1e,.vr:tn;:, tr ner
lods 1Jr::'or to:'Ct:'Ol1. T'l::.:; vc I"} 0 c.f 8', cl';".tt: i2 inestim
under tLe 1)reE821t L t::::';l: 1:[; tto.1Jon :'is sl'ort of
ton erR trtl1f">,):,:,'tet'("n tLa reeonr' (a-- of f.fter tnet .
tbe trc,n2'r)ortc t on for rec')nns i e "10r80nne 1 ECte _'.'..'or'-se
. .
T;;10 t.:nk be 'vlith r.t 1ecst
pc,ck X'F,C ... 'J:\hsrt:dio t 8 co
thct it cs..n be rUn by vehfculcr' 'b8.ttt! to... preven.t eycessive ..
. of -::>,-,ck bc.ti.:;eritr,s;,(:.ut :t1.l..:st not te so tu1ky :: s to '
effect its qUc,li.tit")El.; The. '':)rccGnt scn 500 ::'8 not suit

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. - .
RBPOR! OP .lOfI. AGAD8t .&IiIl
AprU 1 - SO" 11K IM1.
During the AprU tM'168th !1LDk Bat'taUoa cJ:1d not .
in any ott_iTe aot101L. lira I.prU l' 1;0 AprU 10" .Caap..
"Bit. was attac to 3I9th aa A8t1l IJd&DtZ"7 ae,__a, OClllp&lJ "B'!
. (less one platoon) ..... attaohed to 33'1th Recu.lIt. tisa10111 1;0
oounterattack &n enemy thrusts. Beme were JU.C1e. wBw 8uttered
no casualties" though subjected to light sporadio 1U,Dg." '
From April 9 to April SO. inolusi.,.e. extemi.,.e reconnaissance
was maGe of llIN'TORNO-MT. SCAllRI area. Result ot recoDDa1s8&DCCU Areu'
seleoted for employ.meut ot in TRBMBHSUOLI-u!. BliALE sector.
Firing positions seleoted tor two campanies" usault gun platoon and mortar
platoon. Reconnaissance somewhat hampered by l.1Ja1tatiOl'18 iDlposed tor ,..
seourity reasons. Tfhile on reconnaissance. about 063(8. April 30. S/Sgt.
Riley, Ca:J.P8ll "C". was killed and Capta.11'1 WALDRON" "0
, was wcunded
by artillery fire.
plans for attack and counteratta.ok were formulated and sub
:aitted to Commanding General. 86th Infantry Division (see Journal).
"Bit was relieved night of April 30 by Company "c" (leaa one platoon) and one
platoon, Compatl' "A". (ODe platoon, COiIIpaIlf fI A". attac 'to 338th Infantry
, Regiment) Company "C" (les8 one platoon) attached to 33?th Infantry Regi

1 Illel -
Lt. Col., Cavalry,
unit Journal for April, 1944.
. .
!lY AUTHOmTY or TAO.....:D
M-t" r'1

'\ r,
_____.... .. _

, 9,>, ..
E.! -.
\ I,
- -":T"l,
f JOffiJ D. H. .... )).T,

1 Inc1 - 2d Lt., Infantry,
Report of Action (trip).
:0 .. "'f
... .
,," " t
.. "I .;.i ,A.,
, ;
\ I' V "j' ; .. ; ....J)
" ..
, ,

. I j

756th T&.Dk Battalion
APO 464
5 10':4.
SUBJECT:: Transmittal ot Report of Action Against the Enemy for Ecmtll of
April. 1944. '
THROUGH: Comnanding General, Fifth Army,...APO 464, U.S. Army.
TO t Commanding Gral, Allied Force, APO 512, U.S. Army.
Transmitted herewith Report of. Aotion Against the 3na:-1Y the
of April, 1944.
For the Commanding Officer:
/ /1 /
' .. / Y
... ,I'
The following
image( s) may be of
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the poor quality of
the original.

e 2-I-D-E-'-TI ..A-L
ITALIAN CAMPAIGN (:5.!l.Y 11 - JUllE 11, 1944)
756th Tanle Bo.tto.lion.
Prior to the attack. on May 11. 1944, the 756th Tank Bo.ttaliol1 to
85th Infantry Division) was disposed as follows: Company C (- 1 1,'ras
assembled in the vioinity of HINTURNO, with one section coverinG tho S. road,
and one scction covering tho AUSENTE Vo.lloy. Pln.ns had boon for the emp1oy
T.'.ont of tho company in of Germrul One platoon, Company j'l., I"/['.S in pa
s ition of TREMENSUOLI, covoring SCAURI and tho flat canst 1 Tho
rom::dndor of tho battalion 'VlD.S in tho vicinity cast of Pl::>.ns \"foro
I to move Company C ( .. 1 plo.toon) and Compuny B (-1 platoon) ['.::1 c.ttr'.ck po
sitio]1. 1500 yards north o.nd o.'\st of TREMENSUOLI. (S(}O ovorln.y). I believed thn.t
thoro o.vo.i1o.blo for four plntoons and desired to ho.vo'"'. commn.ndor
o.vo.i1o.blo to support tho of rogimont (339th a.nd 338th). Tho plo.toon of
A Compa.ny l"ms loft in position, o.s nn in tho TREHEUSUOLI s-:;ctor wa.s be
liovod possible.
An 3500 yc.rds S of SCAURI I on tho coa.stC'.l plain, Uc.,S recon
noiterod for tho ronw.indor of tho batt::tlion, which vro.s to mOV0 0.1 division ordor.
Briefly, thcplrl.n suggested a.nd a.dopted for the omploym-';lt of tho troIka vro.s
0.8 follOYfs:
In the event of Il night by our info.ntry tho Vlere to 1'01
lori, prcpo.rod to support the f'urth0r o.ttMk by do.ylight. a.nd to ropel
countero.tto.cks. B Compnny (-1 p1o.toon) HUS to support tho 339th. C Com
po.ny (-1 p10-toon) wns t.o support tho 338th. As s Jon as D CJ!ilpnny (-) nnd
C. Company { .. );hftt<1 __th" att..c.k. tho rOrl::tininl; !,lrI.toona- of:
thcso comp4nlas..; join.toooompo.o3 if possi.blo, .::>r nt to' .,
r.lQVO to tho by.,thoso _Qom.ptUl1Q.!l prior tJ the
... Compo.ny (-1 pln.toon in pbsltion nea.r TREMENSUOLI) w'.).s 'SJ bo pro:)arod to
to delivcr interdictory fire on Highwo.y 7 noo.r ],IT. ':;(1 be prcpa.rod
tCe tlOVC forwa.rd to r0P91 from SC1".URI, ,r tJ n2VC to support
either B Compnny or
., .
Positions for nssnult guns woro o.nd tho ,s s "', '1t Guns were
dto.ched for firing to tho Division Artillery. The [\13 S '.U It norc to bo
to thg to.nk CO on' cnll.
The mlrtr..r .plntoon wns t::> g:J into ncar TR n.nd sup
I'crt the o.ttt'.ck of 339th Infantry, initin.Uy. They nero t') be n-mi lnb 10 t)
the tnnk CO on cnll.
Tho roconn.a.issa.nc9 plo.toon wo.s to rcc')nn8.iss:.... nco pc.rtios to
follow' nssa.ult of info.ntry with ongineers a.nd to ro.dio the b::>.tto.lion CO
"Thon routes fon.siblo for tnnks wore faund a.cross obst['.clos.
( 1)
C-0 H F-! -D -E-lJ-7 -I -f..-L
:.;, -("' -
C:npo.ny D Vi:J.S tc !'cr.J.( :ni i.l1 r;sur'tc pr::: r. ::1' re(
o.t any p"iLt c::r t,' c:"rry sc:.PI,li2s the if
t:d= pes'tions imp,ssible to supply by unarmored
CP w::'..s sclec<:;od ::'..t th;.1'.ult pc,si (p '.:
-;";'0 succoss of this plo.n, as fo,r as the to.nks W0re C ,( , " rind. on
c:;.;;tti {1: :,crcs s c'::;:::t2.clcs. :,r which tho CJ.PO di .CQU}, 'l/8.S th,.:; :-:1 i'-:..rni1ablo.
;;:i i\'rt \":::>.6 t-:- cbt::l.i::. - photo ir..tcrpr.. '::-..ti )"l, from
the f35th Divisio!1. - t': YThich ,':or:) :ltt::-..chcd fr:1I:1 the
i 1f c..lrcndy socured by po.trcl.s frc:"t the 85th Divisi:n. Tl.( :)(;si; 7' i:,r
fr:r,l those sourcos wo.s th::;.t the CA:?O di ACQrA V:::,8 r,>"blc \;.;cc :';:
but mere d.ifficult o.t 8thor paints. Def'i'(',ite ro?')r 'C'. ""'C: rocr,;ivc",
frOiD "tho 85tl-< Division the Gcrmo.ns "!Tere f;rcis wcst )f ... :md
the: stronn in thn.t o.reu' no obstacle.;.
'l'hc nroC'. in tho vicinity 'Jf MIFTURNO n.nrl. SCLi'.CCIi,T'O ht' 1sivcly 1"0
prior to the o.ttuck, including SOl-J.t lut fit nie;ht to OF'.S
:lJt o.cccssible during da.ylight. Hen wero n.ttnchedto ':light f the 85tp
uivisL'n. Opportunity fJr overy officer (l.nd plat::)oh to ever the wc..s nffordod.
The torrai:J. was found t. prosent difficult fe:1turos. '1'11(; di
1.CqU;.. !:ncwn to be 0. difficult ::lbst::l.clc, dosnito reports th::1."C the nrrthorn cnd
was forcbblo. Tho hills in this urC:1 ymro vory rugged, U!1.d had Li:;h torr::';.cos
')n thoir slopes. Dro.inn,go ditches woro c.bundn.nt n.nd sarno were doep vTide. The
flo:t. c C):,.strl :lff0rdod n. (;80d region fer tc..nk 8pcro.tior..., but the: plain ondud
in n. botrllCon the TRK :P;::SUOLI hill Bnss n.ncL ::'1'. 'rUs nock V[o.S
occupic:: by tho tmm ':If SCAURI, which ';I:lS known to be dofondo:l by f:;uns,
3000 Yr'rds of SCllURI an anti-t::mk ditr.h forced [I.. 'Jf n.ny
b.nk ::'.cti Tho g:lpS in tho c1.i tch were Imcv,n t) bo mined.
;It 2300, Hay 10 1944. C::-mpc.ny B (-1 pln.t:.::m) n:)vcd t::> ,. t!h, vicinity
C-Jnpany C (-1 pln.toon), 1500 yards north a.n:1. of TRK.::EITS-UCJT. l.i; 2330B.
tho platoon m:)vod to c. firing PQsition noa.r TRE!IENSUOLI. 'J'IK' rl..I.lC\.indor 'Jf
th0 was ordcre:: (by 85th Division) t::: 1':10VO a.t 2350B, J"'.;,y 11, 1944,
t) all en Highwa.y 7, 6000 yards of SCLURI. (This \";'"',8 501i"utos :1.ftcr
H-H ...ur). The nove was com-pleto'd o.t 02000 on 12.
0200B. onginoor rcconna.issa.nco pa.rtics a.ccolapo.nicd by :'L'r
pars 'n'.1c1 c..dvnncod towo.rd Hill 69 o.nd SDUI.CCII.. NO, but \'Tore ''':lU\.blc t'l
::\cc "'cut of he,.wy cnoIV"' firo. (3ill 69 ,'r:ts but firo f:nn SC:.URI '\.J1d o.r 0 ",
west "f '!':"":=:'EUSUOLI drwc off tho partios)
. .. .. 1 d t d t -, (C C) t m("r . th '-T'T""rR"C" ,,.,,,,-,
.iC nr-.:':' p :lnnc_ 'J sen )npn.n;y :.l ... ! .C ,I.;: '-.), :.i"'!', ..
r')':\,: (vrHl". pCl"missio)';, 0f tho 88th Division) ':rhen ::lYlrl if S. :.. '." b,c"
l\t "-ur lia.is0:l officer 85t:-t :::vj":iscG. :r .. ..()l, ..
'l.,)".: C;':r.1tlnll'l C (.) thcrc,f'0r0 up firing p'.'sitLms ::,n:: 'Jr-u'-ht
fL'c .. '-c.r.'Y ;on.r B Carnpr.ny C-) p-:-,s'i:".i. brir..e:

C-o-N-F-I-D-B-!I-T-I -il.-L
fire on c.ny Gorman on HILL 69.
l.t 0818 a messago fr?T.1 CO. 338th Regimont (rocoived :Jur on ::-fficcr) o.dvisod that tho route to T.'J!I Was ::>pcn. One C
')rQorvd to 'lin. tho S. IL\,.l1IA ro::td t:J n.nd n.ssist the: ir:.i'o.ntry in
01oo.rin[:; S. r.hc rcmo.indor of C::JL1pcl.Ily C (-) moved on 'ut n.t
)930 onc-:.,urtol:::d n. ditch which tcmks c(mld n.:t cross vri thout n.ssiskncclY cngin
0ors. smn.ll n.rms o.nd :tJI'tillery' prevented engineers fr')n by dn.y ..
light. Compn.ny C continued reconna.issn.ncc for c. cr)ssing site. 0855, tho
:;0. 33Gth Infnntry (through our HOois on officor) rep'Jrtecl tll:',t S. n:JtL".. had
bOOll b.kon', the routo to TAUl W:lS clonr. Wo were wc.rncd th".t, tanks
'.'lOre opcr.:-.ting in the vicinity of S. Uli.RIiI..
l.t 1000B, tho romo.ining pbtoons of B and C C:::>mpanics 01 x; ,](1 in cur attack
I>. t 100SB, first plOot::>on of Company C reported S. 17;,8 not clen.r.
thnt S. :::..iUll. wns not tOoken. thnt he Wn.D receiving AT fire 3. J:i.lG1.., thCtt ho
hael 10st clle t.c.nk to mino, o.nd thnt about four other ,fricndlj '':C'JL:S hC'.d bean
kUJc":od out on tho r0a.d. He stOotcd thOot ho vtn,S unn.ble t() ulltil tho ninon
wora retnvcd.
ll.t 1135B, I wont to the CP of tho 339th Infantry in r08)Ons(' to Ct request
of tho CO of tho 3Z9th Infantry and learnod he plo.nnod n.ttCtCk -,n HILL 66, o.nd
dosirou. tr.ll}.;: Corapn.ny B Vl8.S ordored to r.l::>vo to sUpp0rt U1:j Ool1d to
o.ttempt tc cross tho Cj.PO di Tino of OottC\.ck. 1400. B C')u )'J.l1Y moved ,out at
1345, t': firing positions nnd supported attc\'clc ;)11 HILL 66. In spite of f."ot ro ..
conno.issc,l1cQ by conpany n.nd pln.tvon londors(undor ho',vy GIll.".l1 n.rns firo)
n::> p)ir,ts for croooing wore locC\.tod. Howevor, a. 'cr)ssing 'limB cttomptod
at three paints on I.'JY order. but the throe to.nks vroro stuck. B expended
0.11 its ruumuni tion in firing:m hostile pillboxos em HILLS 79 Ctud 66 nuel wi thdrow
at 1630. (Tho attack by tho infantry wn.s successful). In tho T:1(;",;1tino Conpany C
m..'\intn.inod its roconnniss:mco for crossing sites Over tho ditch s cutL cf SOLAD_
CD'dTO. liuncrous OottOtlpts to cross woro Mdc, but nono worE) succossful. Tho OClllll
pnny returned to tho Oossombly oren. nt nightfn.ll
.At 2100, I wont to c::mb,ct CO. 339th Infantry with to n.l:l ,n.t
tOocle by tho 339th rnfnntry next dny. His p1n.l1S were t') HILL 79. jt do
cLlocl t:1c,t the platoon Jf Cc-..:pn.ny A, noC\.I' TREHEHSUOLI, sh'Julcl sup=, )rl. tho
,111i1o I weB o.t tho CP the Gorr.w.ns o.ttOockod l'REl:'lEHSUOLI. CUld pln.ns fer our
noxt clV 1'I(;re ct'.llcollod.
0230, l1ay 13. I received ardors through our o.t Division
,iIo:ldquo.rters to through t2 support the 338th
, ,
0430, Compo.ny C movod out again to Oottcrnpt crossing 'Jf '(;;:c bn.rring
tho route, but aGain unable to orass.
At 1000, ongineer reconna.issance pOortios Oorrived to soloct crossing sitos.
Herotofore enginoors ha.d beon una.blo to make a recdnno.issanco m of c:"10r.JY
C-O-N-F-I -D-E-N-T-I-A-L
C-0 -N -F- I -D -E -i -j -.'
1100, tho C.G., 85th Division sent f:>r r.''J 'lrdcro': '1. --:st t:-..nJes
"er )SS 8bstr.clo to supp'"lrt infa.ntry, "ttt aDY' cost". Ace ')rcli1r1y, r< 1:';10 I "rdarod
mjY.ny C to pick tho most likely crossing site::; thoy h'l.d fun:l 'l.r'.' tc C'.ttompt tc
. r ')[J s, even if b,; liovod impos'Sib 10. All afternoon C C'mpany c ;nCc : Vil C".-ttcmpts
er')::;s. tho ;'mpany rl.nd tC'.nk ':ic'l::"urrtorl in
:r';.. ::' and s17ln,ll [l.rW3 fire. By 1600 throe tanks h::,.:.i. ('.:r,'ssc..., ;jr,:ht
:"lCro bogged or overturned o.nd one ta.nk lost to enemy AT fir). The three
. ',Thich hrl.d cr:Jssod moved toward firing at lnztih; "I,.r Tr.; :::lints
in h ",180S. Fourteen prisoners of war surrendered, and since no ;'rr.3 f.,rn.i1
,..blo to SeCure thcr.1, two boW' gunners were dismounted o.nd 'brr;..:.ght :l;-:. (The
i:lf:1.n"cry VIC.S engo.ged furth0r l1.Grth em S. RIDGE .. nono in the t";: ::; ,;ct,r) I di
rected B Ccmpnny to move t04Support C Cc:mp::my. Compn.ny B c t l'e. rc place
r.r::>SS th.... ditch, o.s Compo.ny C t8.nks vloro bogged o.t th...; i;'.G sites.
a:lti-t:--,nk fire wo.s baing encountered by D Companyj ::nc t:mk 1: it, but ir::.t
pO!lutrn.torl. I ordered our asso.ult guns to lo.y smoke to soraon B :;0. hut 1lhis
.nS lilly J?nrtio'lly offcctivo as we hnd 1;0 no'i;+; lc1s of fi r0 {"l" '- npn.ny
aatl th,} overwhelr.wd by the fira of tho thrvCJ C t::'.nks,
t:lirty-s iJ: Gcrmn.ns surrondered o.t 1938B, to B Compn.ny. Yf}p U3C )1\;] tyro nell to
then in. Compo.ny C roported that their c..."Jr.1unition -'/::'.S rl.lm .... cxhnusteJ. I
the CO, 338th Infrl.ntry of tho situo.tion, 'J.n(: ordered C C';:T':'.ny tanks tc;
r...;;r.Ll ij,l !Josition to assist the info.ntry as long o.s they had 'J.:'.y I
1r(:':r00, "l.'.muhition sont to the vicinity of the ditch, alsc) :'. T .. Z l"(;c;.vory
t.) roW'''';"..: bogged tanks. With tho approvo.l of the CO, 338th Il1f::ultry, I erdored
C to return to tho assembly areD. for servicing o.t 2015B. hrtd
f1.11en the to.nks woro by this tine drtn:O()r;Jus1y subject to D..":Jbush. Sever,')}
were remJved. but C Company V;:'8 unable to recross the .'itch, 0..11 three
t.n!:s ooc
T.1ing bogged in the o.ttcnpt. Tho.; rec,)vered re::'.cho'JcI r'.sr.;enbly aro[\,
o..t 2230. i.t 2235, I reoeived verbal orders to support 338th I f:-:try d cbylir;ht,
11 :.!o..y 1944.
During the o.ftorn')on I had conforred with the Divisi '"1:', whe>'.choc: ::-. bulldozer rtnd one comprmy to 756th To..;lk Bn.tto..liC"n. I ordor::d
tho Comprl.ny to construct ['I. cr;Jssing 0Yer the the night.
Jl.t 0200, 14 r:Ia.y 1944, tho engineers reportee. tho..t a crx;si:r; "WU' completed,
r 'c-,d sc'uth of saU.CCIANO.
l.t 0600 I Jrc.\ored Compa.ny B to o.ttack, covered by C C lPrl.:','. The plc'L UttS
cross the obstuclos, move north through SOU.CCI:l.HO and th;", H'rtll up S. RIDGE.
[ lrc:,)r,)Cl the ormored enginoor bulldozer to f')llow Compo.ny B til::. evv'tt thc.t
)thcr -::bst:-.c1es were encountored. After fivo ha.d crossu' the; tch ',he;
,;r)s:;inG collrtpsod. The bulldozer wo.s il:t>:1cdic.tely put t'J VTork 0000, B
Gmp:-.:1.Y \"IC.S in a.nd north of SOIiI.CCIAlfO. Some fire vms being rJc ..,:Lvc
ron 111LL
108. :\m: fire Wrl.S brc)ught to beo.r on thn.t poLite Tho infantry rOT :r-tcd -l.;1-cir ob
jl..!ctivQ tnkcn.
i\.t 1000 I wo.:o sent for by G-3# 85th Division, who infJrr.lo
no thc.t the
337th ILf::-.ntry was rop1ncing tho 338th c..nd tho.t tho 756th l'c.nk B?;ttali '::1
',':".8 .J,tt',chec' to tho 337th Info.ntry. At 1030 I c:mtact'Jd tho CO, 337th L':f'::mtr::,
L.; nacd T.lO of his p1o.ns to attnck HILL 108. Ho dosir;'}(' th'\'v ,,' ;]:C

0-0 -N-F-I-D-E-IT-T-I-A-L
sup?Jrt the infnntry in tho In tho evcnt thnt tho IL:"'C hold up by
the CJ":J'O eli they woro to fire from positiona enat of tho stre['J'il until vro
c::mlel cress. Tiro of - 1500. At 1120 I :llertcd C'Jmpnny ;\. b tho
C'.tt::-..c'::. novine: to nssnult position ir.nodintoly. (The pln.t:)on )f 1:.. nenr
TREBHSUOLI I r.Jplncod by ono pln.toon of Conpany D). Compnny B orc:cruc1 to
3U"') ). rt CCLP:1.llY A by fire nnd to f')llovr Conpa.ny A on ordor.
J.t 1215, I sent three tn.nks of ConpC\.ny C, the nrnlJrod bull':ozcr ::',1'2 n. do
cC\chr.lol1t of engineors to n. crossing across tho C..\PO di ''lost of
(This wt\S tho (U"on in which infr-.ntry ho.d reportod tho strcr:r.l on.sily
fordr.b1c). In order to. give additiona.l cover to tho pnrty prcpnrine: the crossinG,
I JrclcreC. 0110 pIo.toon ofConpo.:ny D to transport tho r:nrtnr pb.ty:)u to positions
in ..NO, fron which point thoy could lo.y snoke to screon tho crossinc;. J.t
n.bJut 1330, the engineers str-.rtod work on tho cross ing, but rcporto,l the strcntl
vms C\.,r obst:lcle, tho water being about threo feet deep, srriftly flovring, n.nd
wi th b ".n:.:s eight to ten foet high.
l..t 11lOB, direct a.nti-tonk o.nd HE firu vms reooivud fr-m. .-rost of the strorun.
I or,.:oroc: the ruts(l.ult guns to la.y 0. SIJOkc scroen, but tho firo W'.S so hcn,VY trot ..
tho one;illGors wero driven off by 15008.
I then orc1orod COt1pany II. to Jil0VO out to provide o.dditi f'Jr tho
cngi noors. to firo in support of the infantry. Cor:tpo.:ny A t pos i tions ..
oust of tho CL.PO di :..CQUA and fired on t:u-gots on HILL 108, yrhila tho oornpo.ny
OJ::mr\ru.;ar chockod tho vrork of tho ongineors. At nb:Jut 1630, tho ro
p)rtod they could not construct Il ford nnd requested be obtninod
f')r r\ h ric. go. Knowing tho. t this would be far too s low to onablo tho t{'.nkS to
giva nny cl03e support to the infantry, I:irMtod tho CO of C)l':1':'Ool1Y flo c.nd tho'
engineers t:, rooomloi ter further a.nd to try o.t tho most likoly spot.
A crossing was completed by 1800 over which tanka could. cross with diffi
oulty. 7he crossing required constant mo.intena.nce a.nd the bul1doz:Jr VInS order!l)d
to tal:e cover in the Ticinity of the crossing a.nd to maintain it. Company A got
ten across o.nd assembled in tho vicinity of "z" (ska'toh }l) !l:ropr..rod f'o}t .fUr
ther n.ction. The CO, 337th Infantry reportod that the objective hOod been taken.
Fir, ':lo.S boingroceived by Company A from tho south and southwost.
At 1858, the CO, 337th.Infa.ntry requosted tnnks move north of "ZTI to c100.n
up ene.v pockets of resistance. Company oOll'llllnnder of Compo.ny A YIO.S directvd to
movo tho cornpnny -- one p1a.toon to a.ccompH/sh this. Tho remaininG platoon wn.s to covoring the left flank o.B considera.blo firo WaS coming f.'rom the "Cavc'S",
(Sketch ,/;':1), which ho.d beon repQrtod tokon by our infantry on tho do.y bofore and
at whioh We wore directod not to fire. .
. ,
By 200OB, Compo.ny A vms hoo.vily ong::1.god on the ,north fl",u': nnd Company B
ho.d cros::;cd. I ordered Company B to protect tho (south) .18.n1::, o.nd tho pla.
toan of A Compo.ny then on tho left :fla.n1c, to join Company A.
It being apparont that supplies could not be brought to A a.nd B
by a.ny vehicles except tanks, r directod tho Exocutivo Officer, lI'jor DOLVDr, to
( 5)
C-O -IT -F-I-D-E -l'J-T -I-A-L
C-O-JlT-F-ID-' -,-1 -I-/.-L
l::l.VO sUI'plios sont up on Company D's light tanks.
At 2045, Comprmy.A reported that tho infCtntry WD.S insuffi-:; i- to hold tho
')osi.tion in '(;110 {' of 0. strong Gorman I ra1::J.j',,::'c !"-03GC'.g,) to
1;.J CO, 1 "mtry o.nd directod Compuny A to ::l.ssist tho ir..i".ntry -.,0 hold until
2::Tivo. A Comp['.ny dismounted machine guns to ::'.s3ist -:,L. ir.fc.ntry n.nd
buns to fire on suspected ::l.venues of Compn.ny L .lC.S dirocted
JcJcuro tho left ll.t 2300, tho routo to Point "z" bec"_'11c ::l.nd
,ngLLcrs Vlero dirocted to the route. Dismountod po.trols ;:'rOTIl Compc.ny
rl.;r:) r.rrc.n[;cd to protoct p:trtics) Vlore hn.rn.ss3d p:::.trol:J.
At 0309, May 15, tho light t::J.nks ::l.rrivod n.t "2" for L ::l.n,l B
After servicing vohiclos, Compo.nios A and B boC'.::' firinc tr>.r;;-.::ts
of oprnrtunity in tho r::l.vine north and west of HILL 66.
:.t 1300 I recoivod word thn.t wo woro to support the 337th Ll::'C'.ntry ia o.n
atttck OYl CL.STELONOR:..TTO, o.t 15000. It bainG impossible for tai1l.c:;:o go
C. Hill, I diroctod B Comp::l.ny to vii th tho LlfNltry, rJ.'!i_ug to
tho south vThen the hill was encountered. and to push west just souti1 of ,:,0 hill.
CompCl.DY 1, ''faS to overwo.tch B CompMY o.nJ to follow the att' on I ordered
Comp::J.ny D to follow Company B, prop::l.rod to movo to either flank. (C Compo.ny was
cll[j."\.::;od in recovoring t;mks stuck on th:>ir on SOL:.CC L ..lJO 'C-iTO d::-.ys before).
The wo.s rather slow in progrossing; B COJali1D.'li',Cr I G t::"nk ro.dio
[';OL1G just prior to tho attack, which necc3si tn.tod dis);'lountoJ e;oing
from tan}: to tank. However. by 1630, C'lmpruxy B hv.d ad.vanced aOQu
,; 1000 yurds,
vrhero thuy (.;ncountorod a strOo..171 lino (dry) ...-{hich required dislilOUi1tccl reco:1YL'
sanco to find crossings. At tho srune time I directed ono platoo;. ')1' Compo.ny D
to proceod dovm the road, hopinG routes could be found to spa )(1 up our
plo.toon wo.s stopped o.t tho stroClXl 1i::_o by 0. blown bridgo. All compo.nics hn.d
b00n firing at hostile strong points in houses, chiofly ::l.round tL "C:'.703" - which
h::l.,l, buon reported n.s to.kOl1 by our forco:l two boforo. Tho :0,;;,,(;,,\ used to
soloct v/us to observe our ini'o.ntry and to fire at thi, hans ,,:: -CLoy Y{..::re
firillC ::ct. Results woro excollent - a checl: of tho bc:,.l.ity'isc18sed lD.rgo
nurn.bors of enemy doud in the rubblo of tho buildings, o.nd o.bout
two rounds beon firJd in 0. building, the survivors surrenderocl \;.:) cur inf:.tl1try
.. 1700 Company B had found Cl. route J.cross tho obstnclo n.:l' ov,;r c.:'"'.d
o.n infantry b.:\ttn.lion of tho 337th Rcp;inont. Tho i '1fCl.n:,r, this tine
w:).s be hold up by fire from south of C;,STELONORhTTO, P iIllT.1o
:lie..t,)ly in support of tho info.ntry n.nd s low but stc ly 1'1')c:r053 vms ;
I Compr.ny D to follow Compo.ny B, to roinforce their l'ir-.:: I r,l1.' to protect
our Lft flank.
J.t 1806, I orderod A Compaoy fOl'v.''\l"d, 1.3 Company B hnd proc:rcs b,:y,:md
supPJrtinc ro.nGo . Compo.ny B Wo.s still hc:--.vily c::ngo.god n.nd Compo.:\Y IT'.!':, helping
rou:y'. IIp snipors bohind Compn.ny B. >!n.ny priso:_c)'s Herc boing tc.kC:1 bye' sup
p0rto<: L 1fC'.lltry.
l.t 1850, I rocoived ordors from tho CG, 85th Divisi:m (thr::ll:r:h li::'.iso!'. of
( 6)
C-0 -F -F-I -DENT-T -h-L


C-0 -H-F-I-D -- ','f -T-1-11.-L

ficer,' 337th Infn.ntry Rogiment) t()organize n. reconnaissa.nco in force tono.rd MT.
3C_I.URI. using light ta.nks. Tl10 diroctive sto.ted thn.t the force p'0coed to
""'ard ron.d. junction: (point "B'! sketch 1fo2), "tnkD a. quick look n.t "CllQ of 1I1T.
SC '"URI n.nd returp ...,6th r:my information gn.ined". I ordered b.vo plc1.t.oons of Com
pany D' tOt1.ovC(J' tho roud junction directed n.nd obtain My informr,tion of tho
.3l1emycl'.oy COtcld n.lso to report on the route (blown bridces, r,lines. etc.).
directed one pln.toon of Compn.ny 11. to protect the 'left fln.rtk of COffi')0.n:,' D, us
moved out. "Just us D Compo.ny wn.s pulling out I receiv:)d 0. mC8Sc.go (through
liuis on officer, . 337th Infuntry) not to l('so any t:mks . in mo.kincchc reconlluis
sn.nce. 1'1,1, I interproted a.s mOD.-'1i'1fS I should not get heC\.vily engb.gcd 'us
it w:\s obviously impossiblo to guo.r ..,.ll'CCO no lossos would occur.
At 1915 hen.vy anti-tanlc firo wn.s l'ocoived by D Compa.ny and two tC.nks Vlore
destroyed, onb burning. Compn.ny D roportQd vms unable to proc,)od vithout
sevoro 10SSOB, As it wn.s rn.pidly becoming too dn.rk to sep" I ,rdcrod Company D
to return c.t 1945, rallying a.t liZ" (skotch 4f1). 'both :1nc1. B Compa.nies
received hcc..vY inti-tank fire, B Compnny losing onetnnk. Tho inf::'..ntry by this
time h:,.d moved up tho hill whore tC\.nks could not follow'. I ordered L.' c..nd BCom
pn.nies to ro.lly at point "z" (skotch 41=1), bolioving that no useful pUI";?ose ",ould
be s2rved by oxposod to anti-tank firo. Under covor of smoke donn by thQ; a.$sa.ult und tho rn.pidly fnlling da.rkness, tho bn.ttn.lion
ra.l1iod c.t "z" ('Skotch #1) . A ohock revon.led that n.t six 50rmn n.nti-to.nk
guns 2.11d u-m 76m n.nti-tank guns had boen ca.pturod
2200 hostile plnnos flow ovor our ussombly areo. o.nd flo.res 'wore dropped,
but no bombs fell in our vicinity.
At 2230, I received orders to report to tho CO,. 337th Inf::-:C1try. I urrivod
0. t tho CP, 337th Infantry at 2330 (vicinity ofMT. whore J 7'::'..8 informed
that the CG, 85th Division dosirod thnt light tanks be dispo.tched o.t once to
procoed from CASTELONORATTO ulong the TRIVIO road to n.nd IilC1.intt'.in conto.ct
with tho enemy, beliovod to be withdrn.wing. They wore also to rC90rt nIl infor
mn.ti:ln GC'.ined. I out the CO. 331th thatj he.d bean
o.ble to Get up tho do;yhght, that tanks would be helpl03s ut nl.ght,
n.s thoy could not sec through tho gunnors' that they TTould be subjoot
to n.mbush. The CG at 85th Division wo.s contn.ctedby' telopho,'!e, he confirmed
tho ordors. nt npproximo.tcly 0130, May 16, 1944.
i ..t 0330 I returnod to tho bn.ttalion as'sembly area. at "z" (sl:etch)l). '(I
had o.lerted tho roconnn.isso.nce soction and Company D by rr\dio pri')r to' 10r\ving
tho 33'lth Infantry CP) I ordored tho roconnnissn.nco Boction t') n,cccJ1apany Com
pn.ny D, c.!!; sist Compo.ny D in rocolUl.Q.isso.nCo to got up tho CLSTELONORATTO
Hill, r\l1d n.ssist Company D by dismounted n.ction,in tho ovent of C\.nbush.
, , . , -,\ .
l.t 0400, Compn.ny D n.nd tho roconnaissQ!lco soction moved out. I maintained
radio contt>!dt'iwith Company D, who \ms unsuccossful finding a r )uto up tho
,(Higher hondquo.rtors heLd rolied on n. trnil which 'shoi'tbd on
unlU)'rJo..i'tpH6tbgrnjm-, but v...hich turned out to be n cnrt trail. much too narrC1.....
for .tnnks)-.
,; ,
C-o-N..F-I .f)-E -N-T -I -A-L
c..o..n..F-I ..D -E ... jJ -T-I -A-L
At 0615 I roceiTcd ordors to contaot the CO, 337th Ini'1.ntrf jn to
an that mor:ling.
At 0700 I -:lrrivod at tho Ott. Wa.ntry and W:l,:" informed thnt
"k: L1fo.ntry T.::>; :;., att:'.ek towo.rd TRIVIO. On n.ecount of thil terral,- I !"oconmtended south of tho CASTELONORAT'rO Hill, thon swin, push towa.rd
and liT. CAMPESE. I further recommended thn.t tho oompn.ny of destroyors
(attachod to tho 337th Info.ntry) bo o.ttachcd to tho T56th Tn.nk B :x"tc-.lion with OnD
pln.toon n.tto.chod to medium oompn.ny.. I requestod ono pln.toon of
,vi th 0. bulldozer be o.ttn.chod. This wn.s ::tsreod on. Hour of attack -- 0800B.
At 0730, I iSlJuod ordcreH'or tho Company B to 1,_:'.0, followod
by COr.l;)2.ny A o.nd Comtnny C (ComPIl.l\f Chad succooded in ::\11 but fiva
by this time). I rocn.lled Compn.ny D from itw unsuccessful nission di
roct0d thom to follow Company C.
}o rcsistMCQ wn.s encountorod up until lOOOB ,when f'"Ol'"'#ru-d
wn.s sto?pcd by n dry stroam bod. I immodin.toly had tho engineers move up, nnd
a crossinG naB oonstructod by 1200. A and B'os crossed n.nd took up firing
posi.tions to covar tho crossing. Sorno mortar fire wo.s roooiv.)u, :Jut diminishod
D nnd A Companies had crossod.
I contactod tho ba.tta.lion CO of tho infnntry n.t thQ crossin!.': site. Ho
informod me tho.t some units had becomo mixod with infa.ntry from the 038th Infn.ntry
nnd t:'1n.t the o.ttnck would be resumed at 1500. Hostile tn.rgots \'Tore; locc.tod on
rIT. C.\.:PESE 0.00 TRIVIO. I pln.nnod to su.pport the n.ttack of tho inf:mtr:' on MT.
C1HP ,i;SE in tho :nfn.nncr:
Company A to move diroctly cn lIT. CAMPESE to support i do.ntry in thAt
soctor. Compn.ny B to movo to the right of A Cempany and drive tho
bridgo loading to TRIVIO. Company C to follow Compn.n:y B, ; to n.s
3ist A nnd B Compn.nios. Compn.ny D to protoct our right Tho mortnr
platoon to tn.ko up positions in tho vicinity of tho strorum bLd to
c.dvnnce a.nd to lay smoko if nocess!'ry. I ordored tho o.ssaul t guns to dis
pIMa forward to n position ncar "z" nnd to n.ssist n.dvn.nco, to
smoko on ordor.
At 1500, the wns launchod. Considorable rosistance including n.nti
b.nk fire wc.S recoivud from 1IT. CAMPESE.
At 1615 o.n order wo.s recoived from tho 3!57th !nfnntry ord.orinc; nn c.ttnck
1800. As wo ware alron.dy heavily ongn.god in support of tho i1.f'r-.ntry wo con
tinuJd the ['.etian.
At 1707, tho CO, 337th Intnntry d:irvcted thn.t t.'\l1kS move furthar 'rth to
o.ttn.olc crossing Oot "P" (Seo ovorby, Sketch #2). Compony B wa.s dirocted to swing
to thu north, but shortly reportod it WOoS stopped by hon.vy n.nti-t:,.n:_ fire from
poLrGs '-'S", "P" n.nd "I" (Sketch I directad Compo.ny C to move C'.round Compo.ny
Band\ck towo.rd "P". At 1830, when Compa.ny B reported thn.t torr['.in prevonted
C..o-N .. F.I..{l-E-N-T-IA-L

C..Q ..N-F ..looD -E -N-T-I-A.. L
further movement forward, I directed Company B to to tho then movo
mrth me' support Company C. At this time I ordered D to protoct our
right flo.nL, C.s hoavy sma.ll a.rm.s fire n.nd some o.nti-tc..nk firo YTC.S being recoived
from vicinity of "I". (Reported a.s been tc.kon by 88th Divisiorr). At 1933,
C)mp1.ny C hc.d point "P". Compo.ny C Comr:mndor report,::d th,t 110 friendly
infantry availo.blo to support nnd thn.t smo.ll ::\n.m fil'e; '.Y.S baing
r;)cei vee:. He reported tho.t tho bridge to bo mined, r.C there; n:-.[> 0. ridge
of dirt ::'ocross tho middle of tho bridge.
2015, tho Co:t:mk'1llder of Comp::.ny D reported receiving small fira cmd
requosted informntion o.s to loco.tion of infantry, so tho.t the fire couln be ro
turnod. As Compa.ny D WaS prosum.a.bly in rear of friondly infantry, I ordered him
not to fire, unless he could definitely spot Gormo..11 ta.rgets. I c:mt:--.ctod tho
info.ntty CO (via. liaison officer) who informed mo tho.t 'ehc Germc..ns ho.d
infiltrated through our linos o.nd thnt ho tell 'who YTrtS firinG. He re
quested our tr-.nks not to firo. At 2023 I received orders fr'Jm tho CO, 337th In
fantry (through my 3....3) to withdraw, as tho infa.ntry Wo.s pulling
ly aft;;;r I recoivod this message t.he info.ntrr withdrew past the t".n}:s r.11
tho lino, firing o.s thoy fell back. It was impossible for tho to fire. as
we could not dotormine the location of out At 2100. I went to the bat
talion CF of tho info.ntry, but found thD.t it ho.d withdrnwn.
At 2110, tho CO, 337th Info.ntry ordered to.nks te assomble in the vicinity
of Cj..3 TELONOPJI.TTO. I ordered the wi thdrawa.l in tho 'ordor: mortar plr.toon, Company
.\. Company B, Company C, Compo.ny D. The COI:l.panics wero directod to pull
slowly o.nQ. mo.intuin contact with other. The ussonbly area W:lS
us pOint,"Z". The clemonts of the bc.ttalion closed. at 0200, ITo.y 17, 1944.
At 0215, liaison officer at 85th Division reported that the infnntry wus
o.tto..c):ing TRIVIO at 0450. Because our gns and ammunition had not ::>.rrivod over the
congosted roa.d from S. HlillIA, I directed the liaison with tho 337th Infr.ntry to
notify tho C{), 337th Infantry that I did not believe the t[\n!cs could bo ready
by tho.t hour, but thnt we would support the o.ttnck as soon o.s possible. hIl
comp[\nios noeded gasoline o.nd little o.mmunition 10ft.
Tho g[\S and runmuni tion a.rrived nt o.bout 0530. As ['.5 0. company
could be serviced it moved out to the attack. Order of tho compo.nie8: A, D, B,
ruld C. ..i.t o.bout 0900, A Company hadprogressod boyond TRIVIO 1/(:'-8 hc..lted by
t\ blown bridgo at point llyn (Sketch ft':3). I immodiately requested onr.;inocr o.SSi3
ta.nco. By 1100, a hnd been completed, but I received instructions from
the CO, 337th Infantry to hold tho tanks in place until further orders.
I issuod ordors at l415B for tho tnnks of Company A and tho -\.;[\n1c destroyers
to up positions covering the nre.? to tho west nnd southwest, flnd nith tho
pormission of tho CO, 337th Intqntry tho remaindor of tho at
point "Q". (Sketch 4{:2). Tho rema.indor of the dny wa.s davoted to Cflro of and
ma.ini;.:mo.nco of equipment.
L.t 0730, May 19, I rocoivod ordors to movo 0110 tc.nk compo.ny to tho vicinity
of FO:1:IA to support the attack of the 339th Infnntry. (The oo.tto.lion was re
from atta.chmont to tho 337th Infnntry und atta.ched to 339th Inf::>ntry).
C..o-E-F-I -D...t;-N-T...I-A-L.
I ordered Company C to move out as soon possib1c,".'1Q c..t '.bout 0900,
C he.d ranchod the - TRIVIO ron.d, but VlOr.: ted by troops
>In.vinG priority. At 0930, lio.ison officer with the: 65th Division' ;li'orncd me th.o..t
tho GG, 85th Infantry Division ordered Compo.ny C back to until
['urL', 'r ordors.
_"t 1147, I roooived in:::tructions from tho CG, 85th DivisioL (t}:.::'ough Unison
to roport to tho CO, 1st Armored Group for ordors. At 121')[ I left tho'1., movod to SCAURI a.nd FORL;L\, but wn.s una.blo t) loc the CO of
tho ?irst i..rmorod Group.
At 1400 I contn.ctod G-3, II Corps who issued ordors to move i;ho br..tt2.lion
llorth of i.USONIl. and report to the CO of II Armored Group.
i.t 1500, I contC\ctod tho CO, II Armored Group by tolephono I: ordored
1;0 r:10VU the north of AUSONliI. o.long tho - s. GIOr:.C-JC' r(8.d C\nd
1oc:'.t, and occupy a.n n.sscmbly nron.
L.t 1530, I obto.inod 0. trn.ffic oloare.ncc for n. m:wo boginninc at 1700.
1700 the batta.lion movod in tho ordors A Compo.ny, B C Compn.ny,
D C 1i.1nn,ny,}llt, &Un pla.t-oon. f.'lOrto.t platoon, Mljdico.l.s.ection t,hc,
01':>3 iug- in 1 1/4 milos northeast of S .GIORGIO. at; 2100 hcurs
.I'..t 0630, M.."..y 20, I 'Wo.s visited by the CO, 757th To.nk B'\tt:cHon, nho in
formed nc thc.t he ho.d boen to Hca.dquartol's First Divisidn, Motorized Info.ntry.
(French) ::-..nd tho.t ouo modium compo.ny of 756th To.nk Bo.ttalion wo.s hoi)lr; c.tto.ched
to tho Fourth Division, Moroecoa.n Mountnin (French). I irnmodi2,b 1/ dertod
CJmp::>,ny B to bo prepared to movo, o.nd sont 0. lio.i30n officer to T::- ;_morod GrOUp
to got informo.tion.
l.t 0800, 0. lio.iso::1 officer from First Division Motorizod bf:--ntry t.rrivcd
with 2.:-1 order attachinG tho 756th To.nk Bo.tto.lion ( -1 :Iedium C to the
First i)ivision Motorized Infantry_ I was informed that orders VI)' Ie: l)e issuoc,
lo.tor iL tho do.y rogarding the omploymont of tho 756th To.nk
.. t 1130, our lin.ison officor n.t II il.l"mored Group roporto'l t1:"t tho CO,
rr Group ordered thn.t 'me compo.ny of medium tanks tr:: :'.n o.ssom
bly arcC', south of AUSONIA o.nd ordors. Our 8-3, Mn.jor .:nrOLD, iJT.lodio.tc1y
1-:l,nrtocl to conto.ct S-3, II Group for more definite inf'lrl':',tion. COr:1pcmy
B w::\s ordored to movo 8,)uth or and orders. Compn.ny D ,'0vod ()lit o.t
1200 ilours.
i ..t 1400. I reported to tho OF, First Divis ion Motor! zed Inf::-.. ntry j'r ordors,
but diroctod to roturn a.t 1900
..l.t 1600, Mujor i..R.NOLD roturnod to our o.roC1. and stn.t9d tho.t I? hn.d
('1.sao:Jb1.)d c.s ordured south of c.nd that tho CO, C:)mpn.ny B l1c.d received
orcLJrs tc move o.t 1800 to tho vicinityor ITRI, [\8 pn.rt of Group:lont DLPIDE.
C"lu.m;.l under commo.nd of Major DODELIER.
C-0 -N-F-I -D -:;,. -'1 -I -!-L

C-0 -'!i-F-I -D-E-H-T-I -11.-L

1..t 1900 I a.gain reported to First Division Motorized Inf':1.ntry, ....rhere I
mot the CO of II Armored Group I who inforr:ed me that 756th Tank: Batt:-.liol1 (-B Co)
YIO.S relieved of attachment First Division Hotorized Infantry and atti'.ched to
Third vivision Infantry. Algeria.n. I immadin.tely reported to Third
1)i vis ion Infantry Algerian at ESPERS lA, whero I reccived orders . Gve the bat
ta1io:1 to cho vicinity of S. OLIVA.
0 br.ttalion was attnchod to the BONJOUR Groupmcnt, an.1 I nr.c c1irccted
to report to Colonol BONJOUR for orders Cl.fter closinG in S. OLIV... I 1,"1[\6 directed
st-.rt movonont as soon us possible. I roturned to the batt".lilll c.rea at 2105,
::tlertocl the companies I sont out roconna.issunce parties and let:c..ils
I.mJ.or comno.nd of Major l.RNOLD, and started novoment at 2235. Orr1cr of Barch: C
CO.ilp:,.ny, Compnny, D Company,!lult. gI,lnplntoan, Dorta..!" platoon. Tho bat..
tn.libn closed in bivotiacnt oaooaj 2,1.May
:.t 0630, 0. liuison officer from Third Division Infantry reported
nnd me to Colonel BONJOUR, who wn.s in command of the force PICO.
I waS tole'. to hold tho battalion in its present position until further orders.
ll.t 0830, 0. liaison officor from Colonol BONJOUR nrrived with orders to
huvc one t::tnl<; compo.ny o.lorted to HILL 1..,10. I C.ompnny C and_ diroctt
od the s-r.Ult . .guns, totAlw. up _pos.itiJns tOlSupport' the attllek.
1200 I again c:ontC1.ctod Colonel BONJOUR, who co.llod off tho proposed
nttrtck of Compn.ny C. I rOT!lD.ined nt tho CP of Colonel BONJOUR.
:.t 1445, Colonel BONJOUR notified me that an attnck would oe Inunchod to
ward COLLEGRLNDE ..A.} a.t .11.00. He ,eta-too that 000 conw:my of r.icditbntllnkB
(B Co.) of tho 755th Tc,nk Battalion would be attached to tho 75Cth Bo.ttnlion
for tho operation. I was to be in charge of all the tanks used.
I contacted Lieut. Colone I LANE, 755th Tank B"1 tt"lion, Vlho st:'.ted that ho
hnd another modium cempo.ny which could be employed. '"I thon pb.l1:rlorl ['.1"1 n.s
Compo.ny B, 755th Tank Battalion to romnin in theil' position,
(vicini ty "J" , Sketch #1A.) ovorwatching tho othor comp::tnios as t;'1.OY pc-.3scd
throur:h, then to fo11cm tmd support the right compo.ny (Company C, 756th TCIllk Bat
Compo.ny A, 756th Tank Batto.lion to movo through Com;J"\ny B. 755th To.nk
nnd attack towo.rds COLLEGR...NDE, paying particular 8.ctontion to tho loft

Company C, 756th TD.-nk Battalion te follow Company L, 756th T8.nk Bo.t
to.lion through Company B, 755th To.nk Bo.tto.lion, thon sYring to tho right, o.brenst
of Cor.lpD.llY nnd attaok tovII'm-ds COLLEGRANDE, paying po.rticulnr attention to tho
right flnnl:. Company C, 755th Tank Bo.ttalion to follow Company C J 756th Tank: Bo.t
tC1.lion through Compn.ny B, 755th Tnnk B ttalion and support COmpo.llY 7S
';h Tank
BattCl.lion on tho loft. 0.
-F-I-D -E-N-oT-I -}e-L
C-0 -::-F-I -D -E-I f-'i' -I -11.-'.,.
Compo.ny B, 755th Bt1tt'J,lion to follow Compr\ny C, 755'ch To.nk Bo.t
kftcr ovnrwntching) support Company C. 756th in tho
Compc..ny D. 756th Ta.nk Bc.ttnlion to in rtcG for
yo c:J:,J:1i tmcnt to nction.
guns of both 755th and 75(j-th Bo.ttnlions 'cr, nt...
: by fire.. o.ttontion to Li.ldings o.long PICO-COLL::';":..lIDE 1
Only one crystal wns a.vai lab1,: for cornmuniC:l.tion bob'lOen m. clements
;f 755th B::-,ttc..lion. This wO.s i.'1Str1.11cd in the to.nk of the CO, Company B.
755th Br'.tt:llion (prior to my boing informed tho.t thero vrc.s 755th To.nk
Ihtt".lion Compnny !lvo.ilo.blc).
I thon movod to the CP of the info.ntry CO neo.r MT. illUCl:O. (=i1LL 492)
where he informod mo tho.t he had nlrcady issuod orders to the of the 755th
7c..n.:.: in conflict with my orders. He, however, t:1C'..L it lI::,S up to
m0 to provide to.nk support, o.nd I could chango o.nything I desired. i.t this time
HT. L2UCIO 118..S boing nttC\.ckod by Gcnnun forcos. C'..nd the of 1;]1>; 755th wore
hru. ted blocking the route forward. "They had been pulled out of ovr;r"-':-.tching po
sit LOllS C'.nd tho CO's of tho compo.nios involved wero at a. loss on of having
contradictory orders. This vms at 1645.
I ordered Compa.ny B. 755th Ta.nk Dntto.lion to move fOM'l'.rd support tho
il1f.'\ntry :,.nd clca.r tho vro.y for tho blocked behind them. T:l:iS nr.s done, but
Comp:'.ny n VlC',S stoppod by firo after n sh')rt castr.ncc. Com
pany .:... , 756th TC'.nk Battalion then found a route forwn.rd to tho left of Compo.ny B,
755th Butta.lion. by foot reconnaissanco, and I directed Com!",n2" C, 756th To.nk
B:l.tb.lion to support both loo.ding oompnnies as it wa.s uppnrent that niGht would
f'\11 before Compn.ny C, 155th Tank Battalion could. got tnto the
:.t 1630 tho Gcrmn.n on MT. LEUCIO had dri von J:"f most of the
i :lfantry. 2.nd tho CP of tho Infantry CO was subjocted to mortar nnd sma.l1 arms
fiN. The infnntry CO requested rna to bring up tanks to drive ')ff the GormunD.
I ordcrod one p1n.toon of Comptll\Y C, 756th Tnnk Batto.lion to movo t, tha.t posi
tion tn hold the ground (now occupiod only by r:ty t'-l1k, two French TD fs C'.r,l tho
comm:md h::'.lf-trnck of the infantry CO). At the timo I dirocted Company D
to lilJVC forvmrd to 0. position botweon the hill rna.S80S ..A) nnd sond. one
plntoon to.holdM'J:, LEUCIO,'11ng to relieve thO pla.tooiis'of.CotnpC'.ny C on ar
rlvi:tl of tho light to.:nka. This ,wns aecompliahod ubout 2030
.At 2000, Compo.ny I., 756th To.nk B tto.lion o.nd Compox\y B, 75Vcj, TC'.nk Bat
t-..1ion reported tho.t they had. o.dvnncod b.bout 1200 yo.rds, but were pinned donn by
r\nti-tl\l1k firo. tho seurco of which w:tS impossiblo to of the
grC'WillS (I.c.r101os8.
2040, I dirocted tho 5-3 to centrol tho companios in cJ'lsalidr, their
J:)S iti ons. c.nd depa.rted to tho CP of Col one 1 BONJOUR to dotermine t.ho o.cti on
::::cpoctod of tho tnnlcs a.ttor dark.

C..l) -N -F-I -D-E .. IJ-T -I -l... -L
l.1.t 2115 I contactod Colonel BONJOUR and requested pormissLm to ,.,ithdraw
tho t '.MS for servicing. Howovor, at thin time tho Gorr.ln11S Viere countcratto.cking,
n.nd it agreed to leave tho tanks in position to support tho L1f:-.ntry. This
vms dOlle. Tho support o.ffordod Wll.S 10.r
01;:,' r.loral, but seemed effoctivo in pre
venting tho Gerr.lo.:"lc fror.l the infc..ntry.
l.t 2200 our infnntry held vn. thdro.wn so ouch tho.t oonto.ct Wr.s lost. I then
'Jbto.inod permission tOo slevrly wi thdro.vl the t:mks o.nd service th0",!. l'}'is w.:\s
c)npL)tod c.t 0400 under the supervision of 1Jl.NOLD, 8-3, vrh) did n splondid
j:)b in ocholoning tho wi thdrnvm1 so tho.t cont,cc 'W2..S r.w.intninod botnoel1 clemants
and n continuous front mo.into.inod.
At 0800, 22 May, I roceivod o.n order Colonol BONJOUR) relioving
the 756th Battalion from attachment to Third Division Il1fn.ntry
.::md o.ttn.ching it to the Fourth Division Moroccoo.n. I vm.3 cted to
move the to an o.ssombly o.roa two miles e::l.St of ESP:S"U:.I. "nd rxmi t ardors.
MoVetlOnt wn.s ordered to be comploted by 1400.
l ..t 1000 tho batto.lion commenced r.lovoment
.i.t 1100, I was contactod by a linis-:m officer of tho Third Division Infantry
.'..lgcric..n .:\nd intorned that the novo was not o.uth0rizod n.nd thn.t vro Dust clear the
roa.d nt once. I had tho ba.tta.lion pull off tho road, a.nd wont bnck to
Colonel BONJOUR directod tha.t the tonka stc.y I')ff tho roo.d until 1500 and
then r,:;c:JImnencc the nnrch. I roquosted thnt theso ardors bo ch0cl:ec1. through
Third Division Infc.ntry Algoric.n to prevent a. repetition of )ur beine ordored eft:
tho roc.d. (Tho rond ran through r,10unto.ins and tho shouldors ",oro still nined).
I vms c.ssurcd tho.t these ordors were final.
At 1300 I returned to tho strn.nded column and was by c. lir-.ison
:Jfficor from Thir.d Division Infantry that thoro wero nJ r()lntivo
to the r.lnrch of the 756th Tank I went to Hea.dqunrtors, Third Division
Inf'Ultry;oric.n and was inforr.lod tho.t the battalion should nnrch D.t 1500 until
wo crossed tho Third Division Infantry Algori::\ll boundary "TIhore nu 1'lould revert to
Fourth Division Mountain Moroeccan". (I ho.d already sent D.n Jfflcor to contrtct
FO"lrth Division Hountnin Moroccoo.n 50 niles mra.y). I illf'crncd tho
Lidson LLL1EE that I would nssomblo ny bo.ttnlion off tho r':>'1.:.2 n.n' rict
until I rocoived sono ordors noro definito than crossing 'I. boundary lino.
:I.t this tir'1o I ha.d no ielon. of the loc"tion of the Fourth Division :"--;untnin Horoc
C0o.n, t'.nL no road c1eara.nco hn.d boon obtninod to move over ron.ds outsidci at" tho
zone of tho Third Division Inf::mtry
1445. Major i.RNOLD reportod that no a.ssembly a.rea. existod two miles
oast of (tho rond thore ro.n bctvroen mountnins) a.b::.lUt one milo west
of ESPElUJ... therE) was o.n o.roo. in which the ba.tto.lion could movo off the roo.d.
ht 1500 I movod tho battalion into this a.roa..
C..Q-N-F-I -D-E-N-T-I -A-L
C..IJ -J.! -F-I -D -E-,; -T -I -/.-L
Lt 1700 I received orders from tho Fourth Division H01.1'1t' 1 :orocco\.n
i:throuch our liaison officer) to move at once on the route ,J..iSC:lSL',.
,i'JLUr:., ITr..I. No destina.tion wa.s given. I sont an udvmco "ndcr I,i::\jor
',e: IFN (D:'..ttalion E;cocutivo Officer) to looato an a.ssombly tU'on. i', vicinity
r;'T::, C'..nd elirac >'d our liaison officer to go to Fourth Di\i,,;X" j,n'
nr ,:w ct'Jn,n n nd ,1e fini to orders.
1800 t!'.c l)'.+;t:clion (-B Competny) moved to an aroa. n:'rth of
2,-':; '2':'0(.
l.t 2300 our li:tis()ll :,'icnr- Ti.::h tL.) FI"lt;:rth Division loroccoa.n
l<cp}rtocl ['.nd ste.ted that tho ce, lliviEion Morocco;-.n requofitcd
tllC'.t at loC',st ono modium company :,e to vicinity of for em
ploymont \.5 Division Reservo. I decidod to ccnd Comvmy A and th0 gun
;>In.toon. (Compo.ny B wc..s nlroady opernting with tho Fourth Divis bn : i( ur;
Movement WC\S completed at 0300, Hay 23, \.nd tho CP -;IC'..S 10
c :'.tod !1G nr the CP of Compony B.
l.t 1030 Uny 2:3, I contn.cted tho GG, Fourth Division B,)U!lt"'.in I:oroccocm
n.nd obt:\incd permission to C\sBomb1e tho rom.o.lnder of the m just west of
C.d!POUTIlELE. Movomont wns by infiltration andNas completed C\t 1700.
I:ot.ntimo Compl.\lly B was supporting the ndvo.ncc !'lard with plr.toon, ))10
rO:lching n. blown bridgo f8ur miles north LENOUI. on the roC\d. I
desirod te replnco B Company whi:h had boed constnntly in C'.ctio!l since
to FJurth Division Mount\.in Morocconn (In 20. but bocC\u!!c Comp8.ny B Vlt.B halted
O:-l :'. n:-.rron roC\d it \'Io..s c:msidorcd imprc:.cti3cublo at this time. I ."f, 1800
tho ass.':'.ult guns to move to to give fire support to Comp8.n:.' f, c.:; needod.
T'1.0 f'JrwC',rd CP WD.S displacod t) LENOLh.
1.t 0300, li.'\y 24, II field ordor wetS received vrhich directod thC'.t tvl') medium
c lnna..'1ios be o.vo.ilnble for C\ction aftor roC\ching VALLECORSL.. W['.S ob
ti'linod tu meve Campany C forward C\t 1330. Company C closed 1/2 ni 10 "lest of
n'C 1500. l.Ieantimo I obtained pormission to reliove B CJ :'\n(l conpletcd rc
Llof by Company C by 1700.
:.t 2200 n liais:ln officer from Groupr.lOnt BONDIS nrriv"i with c. request for
,nc liSht company plus tho guns to support an ntt'\cJc "n nt
0530, Ii"", 25. Tho a.ssnult gun pla.toon Yl"1.S dirocted to novo inl1edir.tcly to firing
In viow of tho light a.rma.ncnt of the light tn..nks a.nd the 11') shelling
ilOCOS5 '.ry to demolish tho stono houses, I llskod tho ")11 officer to
find out if r. modiwn comp:lny would not bo preforllblo. At 0035, I rnceivcc: a
from Groupmont BONDIS tha.t tho r.1Odium would be bott,Jr. I thun sent for
tho CO C.,r COtlpo.ny C nnd hnd him nlort hi:3 company (-1 plntoon) t')lr8vidc this
At 0600 I recoived II from tho lia.ison officor uith Groupr:lont BONDIS
tl:lt\t the modium to.nlcs could nDt be employed yet, nS tho r0ute '.7'\S still being
c -n-F -l-::l - -T -I -;.-1.

C..o-N..F-I..n -E .. N-T-1...'.. ...L
workod on. Tho CO, Groupmont BONnIS dosired tha.t one of liCht tnnks bo
sent up to rolic'7c -f::he French light tanks. I immediately plntoon ot
C Jmpony D to nov,' <:r LENOU, the romainder of tho onmpnny to movo o.s seen ns pos
sible. By 0800 rlateC:Jn of light tcmk.. hnd roached thoir dostin[1tion in tho
v:l.llcy 1-reat of' +;1.0 .. VALLECORS1I. road
. ... t 0830, tho Bo.ttn.lion Exocutivo, Major DOLVIN. and Bo.tto.lion 8-3, Hajor
i ..RNOLD, to the Vl.I,LECORSA o.roo. o.nd contrtCtod linison officor ni th Groupmcnt
BONDIS, ..,he inforned them tha.t tho ror:.::l.inder of tho Compnny D push on
bohind tho plo.toon o.lro:J.dy in tho vo.lloy vro::>t 0f VlI.LL3CORS.'I.. Tho mediun compo.ny
vms to ronnin on tho rond until tho roai c ou:ci. be roro.i!'od. (Tho tcrrdn in tho
vCl.llcy i"lt.S unsuitCl.blo for modiuT7l t::'.lik"S;. 'Il1u C1.sso.ult gun plo.tJon fired from dnto. on nn runr.IU!li tion dur.1p nonr CSTRO di VOLeI.
By 1430, Company D hOod roo.chod VALLECORSL. Ono WCl.S put on tho
uppor route to C.:.sTRO di VOLCI, one on the lowor with ordors to procuod to\vo.rds
c;uSmo ai VOLer. Tho rw:m.ining platoon romninod in VALlECORS:l.o Honovor, about
ti'iD milos from Cf..sTRO di VOLCI both platoons woro held up by blown
tho remainder of tho battnlion closed in
By 1500 tho LENOLt.. -Vl..LLECORSA road had boen ropaired and second platoon
of Cornpnny C moved to support tho light tnnks, ono soction on road.
1930, tho ordor for noxt operation wns issued (after DOLVIN
had conforrod with tho Fronch):
2nd Platoon, Compo.D D to continuo support infa.ntry in oh
routo VLLLECORSA-Rond Junotion southwost CiJlTRO di VOLCI-l.rL'.BENO,
2nd PlntoM, Conpan:,y C, with one platoon Fronch TD and ono platoon
roconna.isslUlCo Squndron (Fronch) to blook roads wost of C .3TTIO ci VOLCr.
lst Platoon. Conpa.ny D, with ana platoon TD o.ndJno plntoon Recon
nnissnnco Squa.dron to reconnoitor route to IJ1l..8ENO.
l.sso.ult guns to move to vicinity of VALLECORS:. to support tho adva.nco.
C (-2nd platoon) to movo to Vl.. LLECORSA n.s rOServe.
At 1200, May 26, Liout. STU.xE, oommanding first plat:)on, Compc..ny D, ar
rivod at IJ.1i.sENO and roportod routo cloar. (This plntoon mado tho roconnaisso.nco
unAssistod, tho Fronch Tn's nnd roconr.a.issa.nco platoon failing to 8.ppor.r). Tho
Fronch CO orderod tho.t Company C (-2nd platoon) nnd Compo.ny D (-lno platoon on tho
upper move to iJ'.1ASENO after dark. This foroo, under c:);1lllU\nd of Ibjor DOLVIN,
oloaod ih :.El.sENO at 2230. liS anomy rosistance waS !:lOt bot\lOon the roc/.s north
of nn wo.s pltumed for 0500, Hay 27, using':>ne platoon of Conpany C.
000 plntoon of Conpo.ny D, a.nd ono platoon of Fronch light to.nks.
Tho wo.s lnunchod nt 0500. May 27, but tcrrnin prevontod effoctivo
C-a..I,r ..F-I-D -E -N-T-I-l\.-L
C .. O-N-F-I-D-E-IJ-T-I -j.-L
llS:) of Info.ntry took the objoctive l'rithout difficulty
.. t 1000 I on officer 'wi th French forces in :.1 I Hho in
ne thr,J, .:' no.s being plnrm': o.s follovrs:
I L.toon modium t"nks (Compnny C) to o.ttc..clc vrit:1 in
f.:cntr/ to soizo PROSSEDI.
Ono plo.toon medium trmks (Company C) 'to VIi th one. compr.n.y info.n
try to seizo VILLA S;.N STEF.ANO.
COtmIlD.ndor of CompC\!lY C to commo.nd tn.nks in the ntt:".ck.
This got wo.y o.t 1500.
:.t 1240, I ordored Compnny 1., tho roconno.iss[Ulce plo.t<:m, r.n' , the o.sso.ult
Guns to .1!J..3ENO before dc..rk. Compnny B Wo.! ordered to move to V... Lr.:SCOR3... ThoBO
u:rits closed in position a.bout 1400.
Dy 1800, ono pbtoon of Compo.ll\f G wn.s in PROSSEDI, but the on SJ.N
::;:r:?_JJO wc..s hc.ltod by 0. blown bridge south of 31.N ST:GFl.NO. c..rtillory
fir,) rrr.s being oncountered.
At 2000 I receivod pormission to relieve the pla.toons of Com'lo.ny C by
plntoons of Compo.ny A before do.ylight.
1.t 2200 with rrr.f S-3 o.nd CO of ComprulY A, I oonb.ctoc. M'\jor DODELIBR (in
cOInI"lnnd of nrmor used by Fourth Divis iOll Moroccoo.n) c..nd for the
for tho employment of the t:,.nks in tho mot-ning. I wo.s i;1f0n'1oc: th8.t no '..180
of W:'.B contemplated o.nd tho.t tho infC'..ntry would mop up by (J.:'.yliGht. I W::1.S
further told thnt if I des ired I noed not ropbco Compo.ny Ct s t\.l1ks ::'.s they would
not be ncedod. Howovcr, I docidud to mov;) t\vo platoons of Comp:ulY ;.. into Company
C's )ositioIlB 0.8 I believed further usc 0: tanks wo.s probo.ble. The rdicf of
Comp=u1y C w['.s completod o.bout 0600, May 28.
At 0830, Mo.jor iiliNOLD (S-3) o.nd I wont to tho. CP of the Groupmont
LOUCH;::;T (in chru-gc of tho oporo.tion) whoro I found !lIUch agi to.tion bcc0.use, lithe
tu.ks not o.tto.cked do.wn". Tho CO ot Compo.ny 1. W.S thc:ro o.t;tcmpting to
find out who.t wa.s wc.nted. By dint of contcccting Gonerr.l LOUCHET,
throurh FLEET (lio.ison officer from II Corps) I found th '.t the French
.los ired tho.t one phtoon of t:-..uks support the info.ntry in t\ drivo from PROSSI:;DI
to the rO::'.d junction north of GIULWW. Compo.ny A commo.ndor inuno.1 l".tcly stc..rted
a.'n on this mission.
ll.t 0900 I directed tho CO, Conpo.ny B to reliove the 2:1d pl::'toon of Comp::1.ny
8 (ati 11 blocking read junction west of C;ISTRO di VOLeI) dirocto(l 2nd plo.toon
Jf: C to novo to join C0r.lpo.ny C o.t l..M!!SENO.
;.t 0925 I reeci vod ordors to havo ant.) plntoon of light t,ru:s :'.l1C ono COT:1
['la.ny of modium trnks (Compony A) roa.dy to m<lv<, c..t 1200. Compo.ny.\ Wr.s ST';cifi
c:l.lly clcsignn.tod. I pointod O\lt thn.t ona p:w.t )on of Compo.ny A \'lc..B ongr.g(";(L, but
C.JJ -IT -F -I -D -E-H-T -T -A-L

C..o-N-F-I ...D-E-N-T -I -1I.-L

r .
wus informed that their mission would be completed prior to mOTement. I imme
diutely alerted plutoon leader (Lt of Company D and the CO of Company A
for this move
.... t 1] 0./:. -,d"th the Bnttulion Executive and S-3. I went to the Hcndquurtors
of GOl"1f):C 21 l)l ('Hi1\ uhore I "Iffi'.S informed thn.t tho hour of tho movement vms indo
fini te. but tho. t four hours noti ce would bo given. Tho movomont -ar-.s to proceod
up tho CioIU INETO..MONTEALi.NICO rond, with tho ultim.'lte objectivo of ; :QJTT:c.:.. Lf..IrICO
Goumiers wero suid to be operating in the mountuins on each sido of the road.
The platoon of light was to constitute tho point. two platoons of medium
nere to murch at tho head of tho main body. and ona pl..ltoon of medium tunks.
"ms to mc.rch nt tho tail of the mnin body. At this timo I pointed out that tho
rond \"[::'.5 in 0. defilo 0.11 tho wuy with ma.nouvor impos sibIe. I was lnformed toot
tho Gou.'nicrs 'would oloo.r the roud for tho o.dvn.nce. I directed tho 'Excel,tiT6 Of...
ficor. Ihjor DOLVIN, to uccompany this force to suporviso tliO uS.) of our trciks.
1-:-:-' ..
LOot 1300 I recoived information that un order W2.S in existence ('.ttr-.ehing
one comp2.ny of modiwn tanks to Group, o.nd 0. liai,son officor should
report te Group o.t 180QB. .
.:.t 1400, ona pI atoon of Compuny took tho road juncti on nor,th. Gror.-IANO,
o.nd tho platoon leo.dor, Lt. HAMMER, moved his tank into ..that
tho tmrn w('.s cleo.r o.nd toot the info.ntry could occupy it.
l.t 144,s, I sent cur.S-2, as liaison officor to Group
GUILL.AUT:E, but ,ho. returned nt 1500 I'li th the tha.t tho prdor Wrl.S for tho
day bofore o.nd wo.s no 'in effect. No ordors h;ad'bocn rocctvod th"c(
Tank ttalion. .
L.. t 1500. tho plo.toon of Compo.ny A, at tho road junct:i,on north of GlULUI.NO
was ordored to withdruw. ) contacted our liaison officer md if [\.nti*to.nk
dofomw ht-d beol\ S9t up, nnd instructed him to warn tho opcrn.tions o!,fi"cCir'th...-i.t
tho should remain in position until n dofens 0 had been sot up. The ardors'
to withdrr-W wore ropeuted, and tho plutoon withdrew ut 1515. ..'
.,:'.t 1600, ardors wore issued to aOiiof" Compn.ny A by tho ordering that
.;ho roc.d junction bo r...;tukon. o.s tho G-ormo.ns hnd seizod it
when the tc.nks wi thdrow. Ono plrl.toon at Company 11. attnckod t)YTn.rc. tho rCn.c. junc
tion north of GIULl,I-"NO trom PRoSSEDI , one plutoon o.dvancod int) GTIJLL'I.nO from
STEF.NO. .,".
... '
l630j reports wero received thnt enop'y to.nks were on the ro
vorso slope of a hill just north of tho road junction. 1.t this timo one plritoen
of Company .. hold the road junction.
L.t 1830. the IMt combut clements of tho closod in
(B Conpany a...'ld one platoon ef Company D whiohhnd ,.rcliov0ci i're on
uppar roc.d b<. tuoen Cl.sTRO di VOLcr o.nd '" .
;"t 1930, ordors were rocoived dirocting<,C.ompany, A to wi thorr>,w frem posi
. (11)
C-o-N-F.I ...D-E ..
..N-F-I -.f)-E-U .. T-I -J..-L
tiona in GIULIANO and road junction north of GIULIANO in order to Q move on
GJL'Dr,3TO. Again I ordered Lieut. LOEB" our liaison officor at Fourth Division ;lorocr,oan, to find out if a suitablo dofcnses ho.d beon ost:cblishcd in
:,;ho pass, ['.5 T:C 1')..:1 takon it twice.. I rcceiv.Jd ordors to withdrew Company
_'. at Ol1ce, complotod o.t 2200, o.nd Company A o.ssomblcd.
:.t C8::;C. :lay 29, 1944, our lia.isClU officer with Group LaUe}S'! 2.rrivcc. .-lith
lrdors for un ndditionnl compnny of medium tanks to roport to tho Group LOUCHET
CP o.t 0700. CO at Compo.ny B was ordored to comply
0700, tho CO of Compa.ny B rocoived instructions to :send one pl::,.toon tc
S...N STEFi.NO to report to Colonol CHERIERE for orders, the company (-onu pbtoou)
to report to Colonel MAULLET at PROSSEDI. On reporting to Colonol GEERIERE, tho
.ilatoon leader (Lt. ORIENT) wns directed to hold his platoon Ll rC::'.di:1ess south of
S:Jl STEFl..NO. Colone 1 MAULLET ordorod thnt one plo.toon of Co;.lpcmy D , 1'000
junction north of GIULIANO in oonjunotion with tho infa.ntry, rome>.inc:or cf tho com
pany remc.ining in roservo in PROSSED!. When A COmpo.11 had wi thdr"xm from tho
r'M junction north of GIULIANO tho movod in 'This V/CO.S the roo.d
jU:1ction thc.t had boon twioo tn.kon by Compnny A).
1400, ODO plo.toon of D o.nd Compnny A movod out with the forco
m)vinC; tovlc.rds C .RPlNETO, but wes hulted by blown bridgos after [joing eight milos.
\"(::>rking pnrtios roceivod small ru-m.s fire from tho mounto.lns :. fired
(indirect) on enor.v positions in tho mountn.ins. Good rosults wore cbtdncd o.nd
the driven off.
l.t 1900 I roceived orders to novo tho be> (-) to e>. now r',sscmbly
,,-ron. the roOO junction wost of PROSSEDI, a.t 0500, May 30th. This was oom
plotocl nt 0630.
L.t 0500, May 30, Company A clourcd the constructod by onGinoonr
wi th tho column o.nd tho 2nd pla.toon of Conpa.ny D t18vod on up tho C.\.RP IlffiTO read
until hnltcd by n.nother blown bridge furthor up tho roe>.d. Lieut. PL.TTEN dis
m')untod c.nd roconneitared for 0. Ho found tho.t tracks made by ['. Gorn.'\n
or solf-propolled gun lod o.round tho ebsto.cle, but whon he led his first
t:mk nlonG tho route, tho tClnk W:\II dostroyed by 0. Tollormino. U.. '\j or DOLVIN nndo;er.1ents for tho CO ot Compo.ny A to raconnoitor tho routo in n cub
plnno belonging to Amarico.n artillery with tho Fronch.
0900, Compnny B o.tto.ckod tho road junction north of GIULI:.HO ,:ri th French
i,nf'e>.ntry. Light rosistc.noo wn.s encountorod o.nd Conpo.ny B)ccupiocl 'cho objoctive
Clt 0950. I dirocted tho CO, Compt\l\Y B to romnin holding tho po,ition until
qU:ltcLlofunao ho.d boon sot up_ I thon directod our l1aison,fficer nith the
Fourth Dividon HoroccoM to keep rna informod rul to '.lho.t provisiorul for
JOfOllS0 Horo boing L1!ldo.
J:00.nt1mo tho colwnn proceoding to CL.RPINETO Wa,S mo.king sl0\7 progross, 10
byoel by blovm bridgos a.nd hoatilo firo from salf-propollod guns. It be..
C:lllling nppr.ront thAt the ta.nlcs could not spoed up tho tho de
filo, sinc() infantry hnd to cloa.n out Mti-t':'.lllc gunsbeforo tc.:llcs coulc. proaood
C-ON-F..r -DE-N...

C..().N -F-I -D -E-N-T-I ..A-L r
up the roo. d. Tho Goumicrs hnd not clonrod the rond in o.dv:ll1co, :\l1U in ovary cnso
tho L1f['.ntry tho column hOO to como up o.nd chnso tho guns C\\7n.y. It ,7::1,S nb
solutoly Lnpc.:.,:;.:,lo for tanks to got off tho roo.d. Company A firod ['.S crtillory
t 'J ['.3 S i 3 t -:. h--' j .. J'j.ntry
:.t J, '.!_+'. LOEB (liaison officor with Fourth DivisiJa Horoo
rc:porto( tG.t T3.nk Destroyors woro holding the pMS :1crth -:::.f GIU
anc:. thnt COTIlj?ruly B could be relieved. Accordingly, B C:mlpa:w w['.s ordered
to rejoin the bnttalion. Compnny B closed o.t 1000.
..t 2040, in o.ttenpting to cross n. south of C!.RPHGTO Ccmp['.ny
the route by a. tn.nk with 0. thrown No further progrcs s wo.s mndo
t ni ght.
On the morning of Ma.y 31, I movod to conto.ct the column o'Jving 011 MONTEAL
.f.t nbout 1000, I conto.ctod Major DOLVIN" in Cl.RPlNETO, wh.J il-:fcrnod,ne
that the column had moved at dawn with light rc&i3;t;;o.nco until it noved northeast
from C;..P..PlNETO. .thnt tine Lieut. PATTEN's plntoon (Company D) ....1e.S loc.ding the
J..8 tho to.nks moved out of hoo.vy nnti-ta:1k firo woos on
C.Juntorod and tho second tonk: in tho colur.m wa.a dostroyod by a pcnetrc.tion. Tho
first t:->.nk wns imr:lobilizod by a hit which knocked out tho syston .on .tho
but which fired o.t suspicious looking points nhoad. (This fire
0. Gornru1 Ilnrk IV tank, this not discovorod until th) t".n1c burst into
flXilCs. Throo 37rnm ponotro.tions of the Murk IV woro later found). :..t tho So.r.1O hc['.Vy cr.liber nrtillory fire foll in tho defilo of CLRPINETO.
Hcavy snnll nrms fir) was holding up the advance of tho infantry. ihj or DOLVIN
stated that tho French officor in chnrgo of the o.rnor wished t'J the
ing tv{() light on down in advaneo ot tho infnntry. -Major DOLVIN sto.tod that
ho had informed thO. French thnt it would bo usoless o.nd would. ccrt:->.inly result
in the destruction of tho rcmnining two tanks of the light platoon. He recon
nendod me that n coordinated infantry-to.nk notion employing tho medium
hOod the bost chnnce of success.
I went te tho CP of Gonoro.l LOUCHET and (through FLZET) told hin
thnt I did not wish to lOGO tho two tanks of tho light plo.toon in n
so-cn.lled roconnnissa.nco, tha.t ina.smuch o.s wo nlrcady ongageu .-rith the ononv,
0. reconno.isso.ncQ would revenl nothing not nlroo.dy known, nnd tha.t a.n [" by
our medium tnnk3 in oonjunction with tho into.ntry would stnnd a better chance of
pushing the Gcrnnns Gcncro.l LOUCHET thnt wo.s o.groco.bl0 , nnd I proposed
nn o.ttnck with ene platoon of C.JT.lpo.n;y it. opera.ting with one plntoon 'Jf ip.i'o.ntry
down the ClillPlNETO-l,iONT&iLANICO rond, and with one platoon Qf; COl;lPP.ny 1.
with one platoon of infn.ntry to the right of tho ronde (A valley oxisted.'thcro
whoro it wns belioved tho.t ta.nk3 could oporo.te for 0. short di3tanco
This, plM wns o.doptod, to be put into offoot at 1500.
Just ns tho attnck wns la.unched I roceived a rnessa;go from LiD.jar l.RNOlD,
S-3, st.:-.ting that tho 756th Tank Bo.tto.lion wo.s roliovod fron o.tt1.c1-uncnt to tho
Fourth Divis ion Moroccoan a.nd attnchod to II Corps. VOCO, II
stntod thnt not should novo,to the vicinity of COR! (Via;
C -N..T-I-A-L
C-o .. N .. F-I -D-E-N-T.. I-1I.-L
;-[iGhuc\y 7 - CISTERNlI.) boginning c.t 2100; c1ononts shouL:' rO::1:' ongc.god
until relievod by o1otlOnts of 755th Tank BC\.ttalion. I directocl the CO of C:'r.J.po.ny
t) c ,l"tinuc tho action until relioved by 755th To.nk Ba.ttali:m,t
icn LlCve to
r;ho ty rf ;'ORI whore guides would load Conpa.ny 11. an as:J ;nhl
I rotuir'Jc: to tho CP, whero I f:Jund tho.t fifty t\., tr:,nsportor3
;.'Juld be (',vC',ilo.blo for tho novo, the rer:udndor 'Jf tho to.rJcs to r.ll'J'C :)2.'
;.t 1715 tho S-3, 755th To.nk Ba.ttalion urrivod and stc.tod th::cc eno conpD.!W
)f tho 755th To.nk Bo.ttalion wo.s on the way to roliovo Compo.ny A, '(:'6th Tank Bat
At 1800, Major ARNOLD and party departed to contact II Corps.
At 1830, liaison officer from the tank traMport batt"lion arrived and
sto.tedcho.t he could not get transporters to our assembly area beG "use of inade
quo.te oridges. He stated that no table loading area existed on the route
by Corps and that tank8 would have to move to Highway 7, then
to l;ho tank transporters. Ho further stated tho.t the tanks would hove to be un
loaded in tho vicinity of CISTERNA. I then ducided to tho:loVO by marching,
as tho disto.nce so.ved by usi trarusportors would be slight and tLo time: consUl'l\Od
would bo considorably more.
i.ccordingly, the bc.tto.lion (-A Company) marched at 2100 in tho order: B
Compo.ny, C Compa.ny. D Company, o.ssn.ult gun plo.toon, (mortar wo.s sent with
S-3 to .1.ct as guidos).
At about 2130 I contacted our S-3, Mo.jor ARNOLD, on HiGJwtay 7 of
C13T.8:1HA. Ho informed me that II Corps ordored tha t wo go into bivoua.c in tho.
vicinity of NORMA, o.nd under no circumst.o.nc0S to got on tho road,
r\3 it ViC,S blockod. Accordingly, guidos wore ropostod on tho road 1ec,ding to
NORi.iA from Highway 7 o.nd tho S-3 lootl.ted em aosombly arco. 1/2 mile of High
way 7 along tho NORlVlA roo.d. I roported to G-3, II Corps, and ViaS {.old thn.t tho
756th Tc,nk Bo.ttalion would proba.bly bocomo part of Forco HO,rZE :m tho next
day. Tho bc,tto.lion (-Company A) closod in tho o.sBombly Ci.reo. 0300. Company A
had h,;cn cngr.god o.t CARPlNETO until o.bout 2200, by which the Corr'n.ns had
b()on pushed from their position blocking the exit from CARPIIxrO. Tho plu
tC)on which ho.d beon flont off tho rand. had oncountorod irtpn.ssiblo tOlT::tin o.i'tor
rtbout 1200 yo.rds, and tho ontiro pln.toon ho.d beon stuck. Howover, tho
Gqrm.1.ns had boon fordod to their pas i tion. Comp!\ny c1 C)[, od in r,:rot'. ()aflt
of 1I0:1!;''\ :\t 1900, Juno 1, 1944
.:.t 0930, Juno 1, 1944, I contactod G-3, II Corps, who 'ni'.Jr'.Ic;cl mo thrl.t the
756th 'J.',:-nL Bnttrl.lion wo.s o.ttuchod to l' Forco HOWZE !\nd we "'oro to cstnblish
Ci.t onco (through Third Info.ntry Division). I 0.100 sent 0. lio.ison officer
to at II Corps. At 1515 our liuison officer n.t II Corps ronnrtcd vrith tho
inforq('l,tion that we vroro doto.chod from Forco HOWZE 0.00 o.ttachod to the 88th
Inf.1.ntry Division. I imrnodi(1tely wont to tho CP of the 88th Division, whoro
roce i veri ordors to movo th;) batto. lion to an as s embly Ci.roo. north of G lULIiJ1ELLO
o.nd be pre parod to ontor comba.t on short notice. Tho movo wn.s to o()gin '; 0200200

C-0 -N-F-I -D -E-N"T .. r -11-L
At 2300 I roceivod a direetivo from tho 88th Division ordoring thnt tho
756th Battalion moVe to the now assembly nroa and bo preparod to go into
The closed in tho now D.Ssembly area :lot 0300. Juno 2. :lfter
strnfed 1y plane. No casualties wero incurred.
i"t 0330 I roceived a message (via liaison officer) from the CG, B8th Divi
si:1n, ordering the 756th Ta.nk Bntta,lion. to overy effort to 3up-:,ort,l1c at
tack of the 350th Infantry Regiment nt An officor wns il:uncdintely dis
pr-.tchod to tho CP of tho 350th Infantry. On his a.rrival he leni-nod thnt
the advrnce CP had and its location was unknown. However; by 0415 he
obtained tho location of the advanco CP and reported to mo to guide me to it. I
took rul officer from each compnny nnd wont to the adVC1.llce CP, arrivine; nt 0500.
I wns informed that Orlo battalion of tho 350th Infantry W::1,S r',lrer'.dy nt
tackinc; north in tho diroction of MEZZ!. SELVA. (No message been receivod
from tho bt'.ttr,lion, but it was prosumed that the attack had boon launched).
Colonel dosirod t'\nks to movo up as rapidly as possible t8 SUfport
tho Tho oxact location Cif tho infantry wasunknovm. I sont a liaison
'Jfficor to contact tho battnlion in tho attack a.nd roturned to my CP"nt 0630.
l.t 0700 tho battalion movod to support tho inra.ntry in tho ordor: Company B.
o.ssC\ult c:un platoen,Compnny C, Company A. POIllpany D. At 0800, Compnny C bectunC)
dotachod from Compo.Il B and encountered unti-tnnk firo. No friondly infontry
was in evidenco. I ordorod Compo.ny il. to locate Conpany B o.nd Compony B
in tho'attack. I Company C not to become involvod in an independent
action, but to maintain contact with Cornpnny A o.nd be propared to support tho
o.otion ':Jf Companios B o.nd A.
about '0930, Conpa.ny B establishod contnct with the infantry. nnd Compa,ny
B C1.nd COTJpC,ny II supported tho attnck throughout tho day.
,:..t 1500, COr.l.pany B was ordored to sot up a rond block on Hi/!hway 6, 1000
yards wost of "Nfl (Sketch #1-0) in cooperation with the infnntry. IIighwny 6
vms cut 1600 and German vehiclos attempting to uSa Highway 6 were destroyed
by HE. Among tho vehicles wero two porsonnel carriers fully loaded. of tho
enomy pcrs'onnel wore killod and tho remainder co.pturod.
Company C wus eommi ttod in support of Campnny A vrns i 11 the vicinity
of point "HI! (skotch #1"0).
At 1800 I roceived orders (through liaison officer) tha.t tho 756th Tank
would also support tho of the 349th Infantry Roeimcnt on our
right. (Tho location of tho 349th Infnntry was not given). r detached Company C
o.nd sent thorn to tho vicinity of "U", (skotch =lFl-c) directing the CO, Compa.ny C
to tho CO of 349th Infantry and dicpatchod Q. liaison officor to tho 349th

At 2100, our liaison officer with tho 88th DiviSion roportdd that tho 756th
C-0-N..F-I -D-E-N-T-I "'!/'\.-L
Bn.tto.lion wa.s detached from the 88th Division n.nd attachod to Force
Commnnd lic.ison waS to be estc.blishod at once.
I rocc.l1c rl our liaison officer from the 349th a.nd 350th Inl>:'ltry Tl.q;iments
::mc1 vr,nt; to T'. '. HOHZE with our lio.ison officor. Thore, Colon!>l o.nd
f :1 i (' ,; --: ,:.; r1 t"" J ' '1:'1 :
1. An advance towards ROME with the 756th To.nk,LC"
of #6.
2. An o.dvcmce northwest uF roo.ds 110rUl of Hit;hrTC\y )6.
I left n. liaison officer at Force HOWZE vrho to );:0 the or1crs
':llwn IT Corps camo to a docision as to which plan to adopt, and rvturned to my
CP n.t 0200B, 3, Juno 1944.
At 0600, I was informod by our liaison officer vtith F'nr'Cc I{oL-ZE thn.t
th0 Batto.lion Wo.s detC\ched from Task Force HO"IfZE C\nd ntt encd. to the
88th JLvision, with tho mission of supporting tho o.tto.cla! 'J" the. 350th n.nd the
351st In.frcntry Rcgimunts o.t daylight, (whioh was, nt o.pproxi.r;ntoly 04300' hours).
informo.tion w['.s o.s to the pln.ru3 or locn.tion (n.t this U::;c) cf elomonts
of those rogiments. I liaisen officers to contn.ct the regiments o.nd
alorted Comra.n:y A o.nd Compn.ny B to be prcpo.rod to go into nction. J- ordered
CompCl.ny C to roturn from the 349th Infantry. (They had not been j:loved on tho
prov'ious night). I plo.nned to use A and B Ccr::lo.nics in support ::J.e the 3:jOth and
351st Inf'o..ntry Regiments: Compo.ny C o..n: Compn.ny D in reserve.
At 0700 r WD.S infr:rnod tho.t the Assistant Division CG Clf the 88th Division
was ret Compuny A and wished to Beo no at onco. I reported to him Cl.!l(l lcn.rnod tho.t
tho ini['ntry wa.s ntt2.cking p[U"allei to Highv/ny #6 (on the s outh highvray)
vrfth tho 350th on tho right and the 351st on the left. The :.:]::;isknt eG, 88th
Division no.ntcd to know why tho to.n.1{s wor.e not sunportin/j tho Cl.-ct:\ck. I roported
t:) hill thu cho.nges in n.ttE1.chmont during tho night, with tho less of
lio.i3:,)11 nith tho 88th Division. Comprmy;. wn.s directed to movo t) ".tto.cJc botvlOon
:rolJTE I-'CRZIO and Ci.LONNiI., n.ttempting to locate tho 350th Infa.ntry, reported
sout.h of COLONN,A. I directed Company B to move up Highway 7'/=6 to r0n.d junction
at 997585 r.nd support Compuny A. By 100GB, JI. and B Compo.nies '\'lore ir. position to
:\ttaclc MONTE COMP;.TRI o.nd COLONN'A, CCf.1po.ny C o.nd C')mjl :eny D ifore moving
up Iii p;h\Jo.y :/1"6 to support the o.ct ion
. t 0930 I conta.ctod Colonol HOVrZB (Task Forco HOWZE) on :N=6. As r')rco HOfiZE was operating on our right, we o3to.blishcd and
C(Jlonl;) HOIiZ= directod tho first battn.lion of tho 7th Inf[\ntry R'Jcinent, under
Lieut. C"lcncl EISENH(JI{JER. to support our attack. (Tho first bn.ttn.l ion of the
7th Wo..s o.t thnt time in tho ZOlle of our o.dv::tnco).
The w::ts inpcded by oxtrcmClly difficult, beine through
tGrrc,c,d vinoyo.rds and olivo groves and over hills.
By 1200, londing clements of Compo.ny A ''1.0.1';'0 nt 0. rond jun.ctio':l "rest of
::IONTZ rOnZIO. Considera.blo sniper firc sporo.die anti-tn.nlc firc ViaS being cn
C-O-:-,! -F-I -D :-1' .. L-./,,-L

C-0 -N-F-I -D -E-N-T-I -A-L

countered. La.rge numbors ot enemy wore boing captured by tho first bntta.lion
of the 7th Info.ntry. who were cloaring out tho area.
On the outskirts of MONTE pORZIO I contacted tho :loS sistc.nt CG of,
the 88th and the CO of the 350th Infantry. I informed then of tho sit
uatioTl to',u them I planned to move down tho MONTE PORZIO - Highvray S 'rond to
Highrray thon to move north af"Higm'my 4/=6 and continuo the advC'..Ilce. -'his wo.s
l.t 1400 I ta.lkod by rn.dio \vi th G-3 J II Corps, who informod me thai; tho
756th Tank Bo.tto.lion wns detached, effective immediatoly, from the 88th Division
and attached to Task Forco HOUZE. He continued our /lc'tion with tho first bo.tto.
lion of the 7th Infn.ntry, who rounded up npproximately 200 prisoners in tho areo.
xnd north of PORZIO
.. 1800 I conto.ctod Colonel HOvrZE, who directod thut tho 756th Tc.nk Bat
t!lliol1 seize o.nd ostublish roo.d blocks north of Highwny /It points "C", "D",
"E". and "F" (Skotch #2-0). HO:ltilo forcos wero suid to bo demorrtliz"d and op
position light.
At 1830, Company 1. movod out to soizo roud junctions tiC" and "D" (Sketch
=/-'&2-c) I p1o.nnod to put infnntry on the tC'.nks of B, C o.nd D Companies., o.nd for
Company B to seize rond junction "F" and Compo.nyC the roo.d junction "L" (sketch
The Infantry on Compo.ny D's tnnks to be tuken to Compnny A's position
to assist in consolidating their position for the night. Compo.ny D wa.s to re
main in reserve nearCompa.ny A.
Company A seized their road junction without resistunce at 1900 nnd
immediately bogn.n ambushing hostilo' vehicles nnd personnel.
At 1930, Compa.ny B with infantry on the tunks received arms firo a.t
the cross ronds, 3000 yards north ef Highwny#6. Eight to ten cnsuo.ltios wero
rocoivod by the infuntry. Canpnny B nnd tho infantry nttuckod nnd hnd drivon off'
tho onemy by 2100.
Compa.ny C po.saed through Compnny Band Compa.ny A nnd established u-rond
block 1400 ynrds west of Compo.ny A. numorous . enemy vehicles woro c.o.bushed nnd
mo.ny prisonors takon, including a German Lieut. Colonol . Vfuon I visited Compo.ny
A und Compnny C at 2200, thoy had capturod nbout twelvo Gormo.n trucks, ono
dual purposo 88mm gun, throo s-roff' cars. one a.rnbulo.nce, four motorcycles, threo
or f'our light personnel carriors, o.nd two or three 1/4 ton Volksl'rn.e:ol1s. About
sixty or sevonty prisoners woro evucuo.tod from tho rond junctions held by Company
A 0.00 Compo.ny C.
Colonel HOWZE ordors fur Corapo.ny B to orgunizo o.nd h'lld pcint "B"
for tho night.
At 0630, Juno 4, I rocoived a mossago thnt the 756th wns
o.tta.chod immediately to the Third Regimont, SpecinlSorvioo Forcos. :. lio.ison
officer o.nd our S-3 left at 0700 tor Houdqunrtors, third Spocial Sor
vico Eo.r90S. (The Third Regiment Spooinl Servico Forces ho.d noved during the
0..0 -N..F-I-D-E-N-T-I ...A-L

C-0 -N-F-I -D-E-N-T -I -l'.-L
Clrovious night into tho vicinity of the roo.d junctions hold by.'. :,nd C COr.1p2.nios).
0800, the CO Third Spccio.l Servico Forcos roquostod tn' r, 'np:,.nies :-.f
lodiu.n tnllcs to ,tn.ko the. thitdrogirle'tl'b-'in cr.30 of countor '.ck: !.R.'NOID; bad Band C Conpnnies nOV\:) conply. t(;
xt OSJO, u.s. P-40 3tr2.fcd Conpo.ny i., though Lc;
,,'oro thr:'::',!::1 out. Uhilo the gronn.dcs YlOre still gonorating 3'101:0, pln.;-:es
roturno.d c..nd strn.fod CCJI:lpany A, at 0905 hours. Eight rC:;:3Ul ted,
'\nd tire) 1/4 ton vehiclos vroro put out of aotion. I informod C,lo;)(;! HC,'.i;.b hy
r1.dL) , 2.l1cl roquosted thn.t ho action to prevont a rocurronco. :[0 st:"tc:'l that
- I lrps h[1.d beon informod of Jur lOCC1.tion, but that ho would h:'..v') the str:.fing
r,,;:J Jr tied.
Lt C'.bout 1100 hours, tyro spi tfirJs co.n(;)7Cr o.:ld ::;trnfel D ,:. oor.:prmios,
but cu:'S or: dipped thoir wings whon all rcon.ining yo lIo..., s['1)l:; .:" o!",r.'_los wore
put'ut. 'i....VTO vehicles were lapin l'ndioe:! C<!. HOnZE,
i,;::'.t something would ho.vo to bo d:;ne o.brut 'ur pb.'10S us, o.s out
nOil "IOrc G::-.l1ccrou:lly close to using tho o.nti .. nC'..chine CU!lS 2.C2.i:1St the
lo.;;t str::-.fing Colonel st:J.tod tho.t both Chi.,HK Gener:'.l
o.t his hoadqunrters nncl he w'Juld inforr.: then of th::l on. Thoro
'IIOrO 11:1 further atto.cks by our plnnos
..t 1000, tho CG, Special Service F:::!'GO:3 th:'.t ;Y'VO to
tho vicinity of TOR Si..PIENZl. tu bo used i'l of B T.lovcd
::'.nd took up n position just cast .')1' the to'im.
:.t 1100, I WnS dirocted by the CG, Special Servico ForcJs c.ssonblo tho
b"l.ttl.lio't in tho vicinity of TOR Sj.FIENZ:.o
Tho bnttalion closod nt. 1300
1330 :::no pl::l.t-Jcn ,:Jf Conpo.ny D yms SCLt tc reinforce .3poG.o.1
for.cos. holding 0. bridge o.t 0. point 2000 ynrds ncrth of TOR s . .pn;;:=.:.
:.t 1400 I recei voe: o.n 8rdor tha.t tho 756th Tn.nk Bo.tto.lion vmnld support
1.:1 ",tt['.C:: r:n ROI.iE by tho 2nd Regiment, Specio.l Servico ,'C\s
put in cor.lI:1::u1d of the conbincd forces. Tho plnn of' as f:)llcml:
Ono bo.ttalion of the 2nd Hcginont, SpociD.l Sorvico FC1r'CC$ 'n v'c,," sido
tho .rallrbad loo.ding from TOR Sil.PIENZA to ROME -c) 1:'.;11<3
I'TOro to support onch ba.ttQ,lion. When thickly PJPuln.tod J.istrictc ""oro on
ccuntorcd, th. Special Sorvico Forcos precode the t '.11lcS tc
Tho t['J1ks wore not tc go intc nOME unloss rC3ist'.ncc; encount
ered which !:Uda the usa of tanks nocosso.ry. Tine of - 15000 hourn.
I plmmed our'1.ok n.s follows:
Company B t" !3upport tho batto.lion south of tho railroC\.<.',. Cc'nD.,\ny C
to support tho hutto.lion north of tho rfl.ilroud. .. Conpllnic:J,. Cone D to 1"0 in rosorvo. il.ssnult gun:> to tako p')sitions to Siv; firo support if
nocessary. Ono'artillcry oboorvor W.\S to rennin vii th mo.

C-O -N-F-I -D _1; -N..T-I -i\.-L

C-0 -N-F-I-D -E-H-7-I -1.-L

A meeting of connanders of the Specinl Service Forcos ihv,lvCG and the
CJJ:li":l.. "ncing officers of B nnd C Compnnies, 756th Tank Battalion. Vl-'.S held, at
which it wo.s decided to ask thnt the attack be launched at 1530 instcr'.d of 1500.
Evory c.otr.ll of the attack was discusseu betweon the Special Servir-e Forces Bat
t::>.lLm ::l.nd company CO's o.nd our company CO t s. It was agreod to '<:.he infantry
and t::-.nlcs closo together, even if delays were encounterod, in orcor to ,;chiovo
full cooporo.tion.
The railroad was built on n. fill which split our zone in ;1a1f; Iittle if
::1.:1Y ;"Ju'cual1y supporting fire could be delivered. As the right (north) of
the r('.ilroad. W['.S tho exposed flD.nk I decided to accompany the in that zone,
[1.S I folt that if tho reserve wore to be committed it would be in tho.t zono. I
directed the S-3. Major lill.NOID. to remain in TOR SAPIENZlI. at a hiGh toner which a c;ood observation point
.:.t 1450, Company B moved to take up pOSitions for the ['.nd Corapany C
at 1510. Those positions were about 1200 yards west of To.R S.Ti;INZ.:i..
By 1600 t:lO infantry had moved up to the positions held by tho tC1.J:12:s, and the
attack Got undor way. Hostile o.nti-tank a.nd sr.mll arms fire ';[".S oncountered im
nodiately, the bulk of it in the Conpo.ny B (south) zone. However, s-ce8.dy progress
Vl::lS 1"<1.0.(:0, tho attack moving exactly o.s planned. YJhen hostile stronc p<'Jints dis
closed tho tanks noutralized +hcm; vlhen anti-tcmk firo in, the
infantry ti.ovod to drive it out. YJhon the to.nks wore held up by obs'c:,.cles the
infantry covered the crossing, and waited for the tanks to got before
movin::; Similbrly, the t8.nks dtd not get out of touch with the infantry
by gettinG fnr Meud, and thereby avoided bypassing ener.1Y points nhich could sub
sequently engago our infantry.
Lt 1700 the attack had progressed into the outskirts of ROllE, and a large
buil t-u.p section of thc city was on our right. I ordered Company A to move for
ward to support Company C nnd to protect our right flmk.
By 1900 the battalion had progressed into ROME propbr. one ;:>lntoon of
Compan:;' C being about 1000 yards inside the city near the" railroad yards. I
haltod the battalion and reported the situation to Colonel HOTiZE. By th:.3 tirce
only spore.dic sniping was going on in our sector, and no sui table t::-.nlc t['crgets
were available. The Special Service Force Infantry movod on into ROlE.
At 2000, after hearing; from Colonel HOWZE that the 756th Tf'cn;.: Dnttalion
was to guard some of the TIBER RIVER bridges that night, I ordered D Co to movo
to tho outskirts of ROME.
At 2100. I conferred with Colonel HOWZE, who stated that he lmulcl loo.d his
cor.unand ve;hic1os and our tanks into ROME. We movod into ROrIE unopposed, except
by tho enthusiastic population, who somotimos blockod the road and attcnptcd to
climb onto tho tanks.
0y 0200. fivo bridges hold by our tanks. ono tank on either end of
oach bridge. Tho remn.indor of C and D Compa.nies wore assemblod as c. reserve
ncar VILLA m'13ERTO.
, .
C-0 -H-F-I-D

..i.t 0800, 5 June 1944, I received orders from Colonel u:-.;.scmblo tho
Battalion in tho vicinity of TOR SAPIENZA, as we wore relieved from
the bridges. Company C and Compo.ny D cloncd in bivoun.c ;-.;lU vicirlty
of T\n ':;j.PTl:NZ:1 at 1030.
_'_t I received orders detaching the 756th Ta.nk Bo.tto.J; C'(1 from Spccitll
);rvi('c;::; Forces C1.nd Iltto.ching it to the 88th Infantry Division (loc'''.t:ion of 88th
i)i vis ion unknorm). I sent a liaison officor and our S-3 in ',f) PJ)!lE';o try to con
to.ct -Gho 88th Division hoo.dquo.rters. At 1410, they ho.d rCIJurtod to tile r;r;, 88th
Jiviaion ::md roceived ord0rs to be prep:-,:'0c. to move after daylight en JU,lC Gth.
'::'h;) ::; -3 ViQS informed that the t8.nks would r.ot b,.) employed on Juno Gth, D.llct
no t"0conn8.isst:'.uco vms nocessary.
;.t 2300, our lio.ison officer n.t tho 88th Division arri ..-, i th :'. ,1irecti vo
to movo r.t onco to protoct tho division right flo.nk. The S-3 :i.nd rCCG::
dotlil l;:ovc;d out, tho battalion moving at 0130, Juno 6, 19-14. 'l'h(;
closad 0500 hours.
l.t 0315, Mn.jor ARNOLD reported to G-3, 88th Division and '.I'.S .Ll':'t)rmod tho.t
tho 75Gth To.nk Battalion was attached to Force ELLIS. (CO - j,jc.ut;. Colonel
ELLIS, gIst Reconnaissance Squa.dron) a.nd that I should roport to ELLIS
at 0730.
11t 0730 I wont to tho point d.:::sig;n:.tcd, but had to wait until 0930, until
tho :1.rrivd of the CP of tho 9lst RocOlllr>.i3so.ncQ Squadron. At 12DO, Lt. Colonol
EiJLTS discussod the plan of operation vri th the Exocutivo Officer, 3rd Br.tto.lion
)f tho 35lst Infantry (motorizod), the GO of 804th Tank Dcstroyer n-,'.daHon, and
mysolf. It Wns a.greed tho.t the 9lst Reconnaissance would swoep l,,!C zono of at VIi th n. dotail of reconnaissru1ce to procede tho column ir:unodi...toly. Ordor
of l:1arch: Onc' platoon Compo.ny A. 91st Hoconno.issn.nco Squadroh, Compc-.ny J.\, 756th
Tank B:ytb.lion, with one of infa.ntry mounted on tanks, COJl1P:-,llY'D, 804th
T'ill.k D;)stroyer Bn.ttalion, with ono company of inf::mtry mountod on TDls, tho ro
J'l1aincLcr cf the inft:'.ntry bn.ttalion in trucks, Company C, 756th T:cn', D.:cttn.liCln,
C);1.,.,'l'ljr C, 804th Tank Dostroyer Battalion, Company B, 756th Tllnk lic,t;tC'.lion, CClm
pany D, 756th T::1.nk, one company of 313th ,Engineor B:ttt::\1ion. Objec
tivo: . -;.ZZ1.NO n.nd C!.LCATA. Time of 1530.
The attack pushed ,?ff 80S ordorod. No rosisttlnco vms encountcrer1
1700, ','hon Company A 1/2.S n.bout to ontor FORHELLO. At thut time n. ho:,.vy ccnCO:l
tr:"tioll of c.rtillory foIl on FORMELLO, blocking tho routo. It SClOll ob
vious L;h::>.t it was friondly o.rtillery firo, n.s tho explosions )f t>.. o propellinc
wero locatod in our reCU". I immediately called our lit1.ison l'ffiCvrs with
TMk ?::'rco ELLIS and 88th Division, a.nd inforD.Jd thraLl that c.rtE lory
\'ns impudinG our progross. The roply from tho 88th Division o.rti llory ".r.S thn.t
tIn fir0 \'{8.S no+. boing firod by them. However, noizhboring friendly tr( ops ';rerc
TlJtificd r.nd tho fire ooC\scd aftor about ono hour. (Lutcr, n. li0utcnn.nt of the
117th huconnn.issn.nco Squadron sto.tod thc..t tho roconnuissn.nce squ::\dron 11:'.1 a.djusted
firo o.t thC'.t timo on 11 0. column of enomy tanks loa.dod with infantry in tho vicinity
:)f I1'ORlru.LO". Wo woro tho only column on tho road a.t thn.t timo).
c -IJ -F-I-:

C-0 -l'J -F-I-D -T-I -1.-L
By 1830 tho hOl.ld of the column hnd proceoded to the of point "D"
whct'e tlYe roconnc.iss8.nQe pJ.(\to(m ro.ninto cir.'1n.ll f\rDfl' r'..:nd f:br
Com y,ny A 8.nd tho infantry on their tanks drove tho Gormr:1.ns b .... c:e. By 2130, con
tact nith the cneT'1Y hl.ld boon lost us he rotro['.ted or sidu..slipped. Ls dr.rlmess
W".S coming ro.p:'dly I directed Compo.ny 1. to C ))Cs ' thoir F:)s ition 'I' "h tho
i ":;11. I thon conto.cted the 'CO and the c1 Jstr"J'cr CO, o.nd
D:1do for ostl.lblishing for tho night.
2230 I WaS given an informo.tion copy of a re;ccived by
tho dostroyor ba.tta.1ion stL'.tod tho.t tho 88th Division h,.u i::;clUOd a.
directivo ordering Force ELLIS to II continue tho th,:JU-t P8.USC" to
Gcizc o.nd hold tho division objective
vIe wero out of ra.dio conto.ct with the CO of Forco 2LLIS nnd e.s
sonior officer prosent. r assumed cor.rr:tand of tho force and pla.mod 0. further ad
vance r.S follows:
'. Infantry to precede tho advn.nco dismounted; CIf:1p::my .\, 7QGth Tc-.nk Bat
tdion .nnd Compo.ny B, BOOth Tank DcstroyarlBatto.lion t) f lUcn tho inf2.ntry
b:" bounds; tho remo.i!1dor of tho ,infl.lntry bo..ttrtlion to f.)1l0Tl ill trucks;
Conpc.ny C, 756th Tn.nk Battalion, Comp2.ny C, 804th Dest.royer Bo..tto..lion
o.nd a plntoon frem tho 91st Rcconnois.llq,Xlce Squndron t'J' f:Jllo,\i by bounds,
Gompa.ny Band Compnny D, 756th Tank B ttalion to romnin in present position
tentil do.yIight.
Lt 2345, tho advnnc.e bego..n vrithout roni"ta.nco.
At 0230, the infantry contact with tho enemy nt J'.)n.d junction "F" J
(skotch )3-c) north of C:J.1PAGN"').NO di ROMA. Srno.ll arms fire ':'['\.3 oncotmtorod at
first. nnd then considero..ble n.nti-to..nk fire cruno in, disa.bling the lec.cling tn.nk
of 1-. nbout 100 ynrds south .of Highwny #2. Enemy vehicles Were using the
road 2.t this timo. The disabled tank firod on tho road junction rtnd succeedod in
dostr')ying many vohiclos. However , it V{QS alnost impossible t:l fire tho to.nk
guns. I.lS cur info..ntry had n.lroa.dy attacked>; #2 a.nd their hc:,.tions
were Furthermore. sinco it vm.s imposoible to soo tho sight reticules,
tho fire HC.S very nnd invnria.bly brought n.nti fire.
1.t about 0400, I ordored two plntoons of Company. B. 804th To..111: DostrDyer
Ba.ttalion to move off the road (ono on side) and tako positions whoro they
could firo to the front I.lS soon as light pormitted.
jl,t nbout 0430, tho infantry bo..ttalion CO reportod that OlC"1Y V{oro
attacl:inc the advance infantry positions. I sont Compal,ly A forrr,rd ir.unodic.tely,
thouC;h 1'Ie could still See no targets. l.ftor progressing 1000 yards, Comp2.ny fi..
reported hostilo tames und self-propcliod guns retreating ovor a o..bout
2500 ya.rds north. Company A immediatoly opened firo. the destroyers
movod up 2.nd opened firo, but I diroothits. I ordorcd Compuny C
(- one :'la.toon) to movo up on tho right of Company 'A, and ordered a l'or.d block
set up by ono platoon of Compnny C, '756th To,nk B ttnlion and one 1")1ntoon of Com..
po.ny B, 1J04th Tank Dostroyer Buttalion, o.t .tho rgl.ld junc'!>ion "F" ..c).
C...IJ -N-F-I -D-E -lJ-T-I-A-L

C-0 -N-F-I D -E -N-T-I -l,-L
n.t this 'i.;imo I w::ts totn.lly of the or (> cr'!);!::; iT!
2ur ty other thJ.n the troops with me. I then orderod \<,
bJ,'ck ncc..r their position, juncti:m "D", ,.3-2) C'.nd ord
:r.'d CO::1::,::-.ny C +;. :-:love to the ridge over Hhich tho enemy t.l.nks (i: nnd
'r, >xc; "..:1.: th fl.:l.:lk of the forco. COr.1P:l.Il;'; C ob:wrved Mel en,;" .. (: i,:. ()11
U psr,omlol ::md destroyed ono Hc..rk IV tanlc. I 'rJ .";e1 '.r} D Com
..... ,_,.:' .. c,t once, ::tnd on n.rriv:ll. ono plc..toon ,)f D C',S
" ferco in fen o.dv:--.nco on HhZZl,NO and 'lj(J,icd, vrith n
_)rlors to i,TigorouslJT J.-:ly hostile force encounterod. Th-..; i_ '.,"", -'r,'/ follo\lod
:oJr."?:,ny B, c
ismountod. n:) rcsi:::tC' \'Jc..S encountered, c..nd by llOn :-" .. JojoctivQ
r.S occu-:;iod. No furth0r ordors vrore recoived durinE the; dc,y
.'.t 1800 our linison officor at Hoadquc..rtcrs Porco T::; c:'.lloG "'10
by 1"8.(1 i,e c.nd stntod that tho plans woro boing drc..wri. up fer cr.:'] of
'::'1.slc Ferce and that he (the liaison officer) beliovod th:'ot [ .-;l)l\)1(1 [!;ct
'ell..; plans boforo the bec:'lllo orders. icccordingly, .'.-:;rTn c..nd
:. ?r0C .eced to Hendqunrtors. Forco ELLIS, about tvro miles G of
d i
I found thn.t Liout. Colonel ELLm contomplo.tod an ndv,nce iJ' +;vrc colwnnG.
Com'loni tioD of onch colwnn: Ono comprm:Y' from 91st Reconnaissanco'lqun.clron to
sweop the zone in advc..nce of column., one compn.ny of t:mks y!ith j nf:,.ntry
mountod on them, one compo.ny of t:>.nk dc::;troycrs with infc..ntry d c>n ther:1..
Tlw infc:.ntry bn.ttc..lion wn.s to be n.pproximcctcly equally di vidod colUl'lll1S.
Tho 75Gth Battc..lion (-) plus the 804th Tn.nk Destroyor (-) ::-.nd
compc..ny of tho 313th EnGineer Bc..tt2..1ion vro.s to follow tho rrut'c,red tc as
13 t d thor colum.'1. Tho 93rd Field Artillory (J,rmorod) Vias tll S'lp:' ,',rt beth c()l
UJ'1T'.S. Objective: Line, ORVIETO - Point nOl'th BOl.$ENA.
I recommendod that the COlur.U1S c,clv3.nce from Jc..yliGht till ,., halt
f,)r r:';scl'vicing and rest. I explained thc..t to.l1.l< at ni;,:h-',: \TOre ;',(\t e;O!l
that the tn.nks had to be roscrviced 3.nd thc,t cl:,cr','r;ss some
pro',oction to the operation, and thc.t cvonttl.3.11y the men hc..d t" ,-, ' _CT:'.c, rest.
I further c..skcd thG locaticns rf c..djncent and Gupporti.j1r;'X;;5. I
i :-,flrmed "cJ1C\.t Task Force HOWZE vrn.s on oc;.r loft (.w l':c:... ti):1 :,n,' th:'. t
b:\,;t'.lion of infc.ntry wc..s in rc;sorve, x::t to be forv"rd c:ycr,;:-t 8.11 Or.1
vrith permission of tho CG. 88th Diviaion. No informC\.ti "'n :'.v:'.ilc,blo
troops on our right.
:::n view of the fCl.ct that the advcmce ordered w'),s about f. 'l'+y-:Ci're IT}. los
I rocoEuc;ndod that some provision bo 4;0 keep the supply opcn. r vna
infor;10(1 thc..t tho reservo infantry bo.ttc.liol1 'would bo used to ;:-rot;c;: ",'1' sur'ply
1i nos.
T ::.lso rocommondod thn.t advc.ncc supply dur'1ps bo csto.blis
'; WG nor, n.t
chL; line forced to drr.w sUFplies n.t NETl'UNO and 11.NZIO, c..bout
I cc.vo Liout. Colonol ELLIS our ostimated :laily requir. j
C'..ttc..chmont of our gun platoon to tho 93rd ?i.,:;l:l. H)'tillery. My
rcconr.lol1c:n.'cions \'1cro accepted.
c..o -N-F-I -D -E-H-T-l-L-L

C -() -N -F-I -D-E-:7-T -I -J.. -L
At c.bout 0100, 8 Juno 1944, Major ARNOlD and I W')rc informvd thnt the ord
ors and mnps Vlould bo dolivored o.t our CP early next morning. _I.G t.ll(: Llfantry
CO wns not prosent, no pIo.ns could be for mounting tho infantry on
the but L' cut. Colonel ELLIS ordered 0. conforence to bo r.t my CP at
0615 hours, lr00 west of MAZZANO.
l.t 063.5, conforenco wn.s held and given to compn.ny cormnn.ndors.
::.. t 0900, Company C (left column) with infn.ntry mounted on tcc:lks, Dovod north on
IIigln7Q.y )2. Compn.ny B followed nt 1000 hours.
l.t the conforonce, Lieut. Colonol ELLIS sto.tcd that the se;1.ior iru''lntry
officer in column would cammnnd tho column in o.ttack.
The resorve force ( 756th Ta.nk Battalion (-). one comp:lllY GO'Uh Tnnlc Des
troyer B:.tt2.lion (- one plntoon) o.nd 313th Engineor Bnttalion) movod up "ighm'Y
)2 nt l200D hour3. North of MONTEROSI I found the columns nho8.d hdted n.s
somblod ";;110 reservo in o.n aren south of Fi.BRICA di ROMA.
nbput 1300 tho "loft column" (though n.t this tir.1e both "columns" wero
on the srone route) oncountored opposition betrlcon F1J3RICA di ROMh n.nd Vi.LLERllNO.
'l\vo light tnnks (9lat Reconnuiss ance) and aDO medium tank (Company C # 756th To.nk
Batt'\lion) were dostroyed by nnti-tnnk and bazoelm fira. The infn,ntry promptly".ckcd, but lost contact with the tc..nks TII'ho woro still subjected to close rw..gc
n.nti -tr.nlc fire.
At 1530, 0.11 clements of Forco ELLIS were orderod by tho CO of
Forco ELLIS to C10DX tho roads for the 6th South il.fricm .:l.Tmorod Division. Both
colunns compliod, but immedin.tely thereafter Company C was ordered by the
tnnt CG of the 88th Division to move into VALLERlI.NO "to support ClUJ.'" infc..nt:r.y,
who in the town". Compnny C moved forvmrd and found the some 1000
ynrds n.hcc..d, but short of VALLERl.NO At this time ardors vroro received
from the CO of Tn.ak Force ELLIS to elonr the routes for the of tho 6th
South Armored Division. Company C complied. Thoro Yl".s 110 further
Oodvo.nce eluring tho day.
At 0025, 9 Juno 1944, I roceived n.t the CP (756th To.n1: Bn.tto.lion (-) L a
field order which directed CompnrJ C to nssomhlo nonr their present locdion to
n.llO\v Lu'::mtry to remount the tanks nnd continuo the n.dvancc, scizh'..g cnd holding
tho lino SORIJ.NO-oRTE. Compnny B wo.s dirocted to nssemb1e tho F_.BRICi. di ROM/\.
VIGHi.11ELLO rand for tho somo purpose. Abjor ARNOlD wont fOl"'\"ro.rd to see how the
roorgunizntion wns progrossing o.nd found thnt noi ther column had received ['.rr;;
ordors. He. contnoted the CO of Tnsk Force ELLIS and reconnnondod t;l::,.t Comp::1.DY B
ruovo bo.clc through di ROMA nnd up tho VIGNlJJELLO roo.d. l.hjor iJnTOLD thon
contn.ctod tho infantry column COmmAnders and arro.nged tho movonont.
By 1025, tho loft column hnd moved through Vi.LLER..i.NO, but Wr-.B blockod by
tho 6th South AfricM Armored Division ne[\l' VIGNANELLO.
By 1500, tho right column had moved to the line of tho objoctive, though
ORTE not beon oQcupied. Hea.vy caliber o.rtillory fire wn.s beine: receivod from
C-0 -ItT -F-I -D -:t:; -. -I -1'..-L

C-0 -1') - F - I -.J -.I -:T- - T -;.'. -;_
:lcross the river n.t thn.t pOi:1t. The infn.ntry ctttrtcked the to\ffi :'.0-1: :1iihti'::-.1l ::enc.
tOJk it o.bout midnight, the tanks followine; and t::tking rosit,iol:'::.
By 1830, Cc:r:lDany C hn.d occupied SORlil.NO rtnd l'st;'.blishoJ ron,' L,l(,ck:; in
c vr: infctntry n.long tho JETE r:)n.d.
U,,: officer fron the 8elll Division report:} :k,;;k Forco
.. :uLTJ dissolved, effective ir.nnodic.::'oly, o.nd tho.t tho 756th vms
J.sscl.1b1c; in the vicinity of Cl.MPAGN...NO di l.. s Compo.ny D :'.JlCl COr.1Pc..'1.Y C
;oro trr.nsporting info.ntry, H'1.jor l..RNOLJ) cont::tcted to coordinato
.,;loir uithdrcmn.l. Tho plo.n o.dopted wn.s for Compo.ny B to withdran f::-110"..,od
C':lm:JN1Y C. The infcmtry WrtS to ride tho tn.nks to n. positb'1 'In.r I',J;RrCi.. eli
HOl.L, nhvrc trucks would pick thon up. The t:mks would thon tc' ny control.
I (,TGcrod tho bo.ttnlion (-o.ssault guns, and C C,)r.lpo..'1.ios) t- 'lOVD 1200
:\ 'Ji loc::,.tion north of CAMPAGNO, Cor:l.pcmios B ::md C to foll".[ r,ftcr drop
pinG tlw inf:ultry. The as so.ul t guns wero ro lao.sled from tho 93rd ;.rnorc0 Field
...rtillcry :'.nd were directed to movo n.t one,,].
The bnttOolion (- Oossnult guns, B o.nd C Conpo.nios) closcd 1400. Tho
romaininr; clements woro delayed by giving rend priority to the 6th :'-outh :.fricnn
iJ.rl:1C)rcc, Division (0.5 ordered), Company G closing Oot 2330.
l.t 1600 I rocoived 0. messo.go fron the Unison officor wit11 thv 38th Divi
sion tht'.t 'chc batb.lion vms role "sod fr:)m o.tb.chmcnt to the 88th ).1 vis ion n.nd o.t
to.chod to tho First Armored Group.
1800, H:1.jor l!.RNOlJ) o.nd our lirdson officor dopartoc' for tho CP of tho
First .rmorod Group. in ROME, whore they wero informod thOot ',IO V{0!'C' ".ttc.chcd to
First ...r!OrOl, Group Oond would assemble of ROME
.d 2100, M..'l.jor lillNOLD was informod tho.t the 756th Tonk vms do""
t1.chocl fro;';, First l ..rmorod Group o.nd rovorted to Fifth f...rrrry.
'Lt 0830, 11 Juno, l:In.jor ARNOLD cc'ntactc(l tho G-3, Fifth ..rn::' C'.::1c: r coivcd
ordors chc.t iilO "lero a.tto.chod to tho First i.rraore::l Division for ning
'.t 1100, Mo.jor l..RNOLD contn.ctod tho G-3. First :l.rnorou Dicr:;';3ion o..;lU ro
cQivod instructions to o.ssomblo tho 756th To.nJ.c Bo,tt[\lion in, the vici;:it:' of ;;:I.N
ZLI.NO. bwgilming the move n.t 150GB hours. Tho b::l.tto.lion closr;cl'1.t 1800l' hours,
11 June 1944. This ondod tho pCl.rticipntion of tho 756th To.:1lc ir. tho
c:,np.,.i::;:l. Tho bo.tto.lion ho.d mo.rchod or fought, or both, overy The rrn.d
.1110"\;:,) .-ie,S t-.bout 300 nilos - the n.vcrflgo dist::mca trctvolcd by C lm})ctt vehicles
";o.s 600 miles.
Tho cC'.5ualtics ir..currod v/oro c.s follows:
Killed or died of wounc.s
Enlistod Mon
Totals .......... 18 84
C -() -fT-F-I -D _.r:;_;T -7 .. T -".'. [
. ..
C..{) -D-E -iT-T -I -':.. -L

Eight were receivod for casualties durint tho

It should be borne in mind that the following comnonts arc; k\s cd solely
In tho ;loc()ssC'..rily limi tad view point of n. bn.ttn.lion commander. :T-:-: doubt there
fc.ctors involved totally unlmown to ne. Too, wo "TOre ensC\.[;cd in a pUl"
sui t, in w'hich unorthodox procedure would not bring unduly Severo consequences.
Nevertheless, . it appearod significo.nt thnt when principles to.ught in Field
"(ere followed, good results ware achievod, o.nd deviations brJught trouble.
1. The most importo.nt principIa. is: The employment of t:'.nks must be care
fully ceordinated with all clements of attack. A hap-hazard c.)l'1lIli tnellt 'Jf tnnkB
is .:'. w".sGe of time, tanks, o.nd men. Frequently during the cc\'r.1}?a.iCn -\"[e v/ero
to II support tho attack of the info.ntry at dmmll. when !;new' only tho
genJr:'.l of the info.ntry, had only a idea of tho lmew noth
ing of the plnns of tho infantry, and had insufficient time to get the i'1formo.
tLm dis it. First, in order to fire, tnnks must l:n:)1"[ r;hero friendly
tr lOPS nre, or cc.sunitios will rosult from our own fire. For the snmo renSon,
tunks y,rust know where tho infnntry .is going. Furthermore, usunlly the tr-.nks must
go with the " Ie.. closo Qountry like Italy n soparntbn of tr>.nks o.nd in
fnntry is likoly to result in the complote loss. of usefulness of tho tanks. In
ordor to obtnin close cooperation, this bo.tto.lion ho.bitunlly sent n liaison of
ficer to division hondquarters, a li[dson offioer to onch reginont supported, nnd.
linison officers to cnch o.ssuult bo.ttnlion. But tho tanks should not be conmit
ted u':1til i:1forr.mtion is disseminated to the troops, nt leC\.st d:JVm to nnd inolud
ing plo-toDn loaders. In tho nttnck through MEZU SELVA on June 2, tpago 21) tho
to.nks wero ordered to support an nttnck w'hichhnd alroady boen launched. Though
the orcler vm.s issued prior to tho attnck, thore was insufficient time to get the
tnnks to the attack position nnd no tine for oxplninint the plnn of r' Con
sequo'1tly, it wns late in the norning bofore tho tanks gained c.:mtr'.ct ,",i th the
infantrJ' c.nd were able to support tho o.ttnck. I firruy beliove timo nould
have beon so.vod, the attack would ho.vo progressed furthor, and c:"\3u2.ltics 't'lould
hnvc been nvortcd, if tho nttnck hud been postponed until tho could be 1n
togro.c0d in the plan of atto.ok.
On the next day, Juno 3, tho tnnks Were o.gain ordered to SUPl)ort o.n o.t
tnck yr'lich had already started. Again, title lost in locntin,:,: [l.l1d ostc.blish
ing li"ison with the info.ntry.
On 11c.y 21, noo.r PICO, clement::; of tvTO bnttalions of tJ.nks noro rrdcrod to
sup:) ort c.n with o.bout two hours to bring the to.nks thr :msh t\
est:1.blish conun.nnd channels of cOTlllilunication, nnd tunIc pInns with those
of th0 infr'.lltry (page 11). This time proved imsufficicnt, o.nd bocc.Uso of tho hour of the nttMk. it could not be pushed homo beforo dnrkflOss.
1:1 the insto.nco$ 01ted, I believe it fair to Mk: Had tho t."nlcc boon any
other clement of tho would tho have boon launched before 00

ho.d boon achieved? (Thn.t the to.nks Were considere
. n, !11i'.jor:lc;:lc. t
;.:vic1onccd by tho C\.nxiety D.nd ccmccrn dis!)lnycd in gettinG the f,l:r'"I;:'.re.
t:1 support the Yet, tho n.tto.clm Vlore lo.unchod in spite "1' Ule f:-.ct that
ho.d not boon ::1.chieved. Tc.r:ks C:.
:10t effectivoly 3Upy'rt "
:lorely by rolling forwo.r::l. Tho to.nk Dust knm7 tho pl:,.:cs .:.c 10ca
J'Chc. i'-fo.ntry, o.nd givon tine tr, c1issoninn.te this L1f:Jrr;",';]
Incho on ROUE on Juno 1, this batt8.liol1, oporo.ti:1[' w:.h I-;ho Spocinl
Forces, was gi von ti::1o t'.' C:" over plans of tho i!l.f8.ntry i' ,Ie riilcn
cleo.r that the could r.Jt be launched at the 50:1' ..'.'.:.(' :,(ur ox
,:opt ro.t the expense of coordination, the hour n,s;od. ,tl , I;Lc c.t
cC\c:: 1,[,mt off like clockvrork, o.nd cr..sunltios Vlore vory lir;ht, 4;:;8 t::-.:L:s
'V: '(ho infantry.
2. lJight 0gerations by tanks nro hazard01lG u:3Ually
l.t 0130, rhy 16, Conpany D, 756th Tn.nk Bn.ttalion 'J(tS orela::- 'I lito procood
(10m", .'ck C;.STELONORil.TTO-TRIVIO road, e;ain a.nd mo.intain centn.ct exr:ryg o.n<1
ro?:)rt [,11 il:.fornation ga.inod". (Po.go 7). C;.STELONOHLTTO i8 [3 i t'I:'.Lr:c'. ::1. pre-
c i!,i t't:::; hill mass, tho road to TRIVIO being the only route can no
pt in.t0. The roo.d could be at that tine only by t:-J c:.:-' l':t:LOnORl.'1'TO
(The 7Ei6th Tn.nk Battnlion ho.d been nt in o.n tc go "round
C.l3T3LCn}"::.'l'TO, los ing four tanks). FO:lt patrols had roported fricutly findinG
routes for dismounted troops. It c..ppor'.red extro1':1cly doubtful th:o:li t:c.nks could
got up the hill in d0.ylie;ht. Furthorr:l":'re, the inforna.tion that c"lld be Gained
by tn.nk conpany a.t niGht opcra.tinc on Q roc.d Vlould o.pponr to b0 (',f doubtful
v::1.lue. (In ;:1cst plo.cos it ',I::1.S impossible to got ,')ff of this r'):'.r'. OY8n in 1,'J.ylir;ht
c..'d this VIC'S clonr1y by mnrs :'.nd aerial photogr:\phs). ".'ley c('ulc report
"(,;:0 lecation where they recoi ve;d anti,nk fire or hi t :.n intelligent
cr:)my '.t('uld rcvco.l nothing elsa. Tanks arc no sub:;titute f')r c::',Y::'.lry or
disT:lc)untod pc.trols. Furthermoro, this eor.lpo.:.!.y ho.d been cnC:tGod :'.' ( o.nd ho.d
jUGt co!"\)lctcd servicing their vehicles. Continued operaticns
lcss:m thoir efficiency on the following clay.
(P.! Juno Task Forco ELLIS, of which the 75Gth TaT"J:,l vru" a p-crt,
w:'..s to push on "'.vi thout pause". 29). thnt ti::c Forco
ELLI.3 ll"-(' just finished o.n engagor.l.cnt and do.rlmcGs had fo.110n. the colur.m
aOV)l! fC'l"vrC.rc: it ran into an nnbush, and tho lo').ding tank Wc-.S (1. is '.1) 1eel b
b.!L: nrc. If tho b.nk burned, lightin[ up the arc:'., other '!:re::c c:,sc;"ltic3
c')u1:1 teon expectod. Mco.ntinc. tho tr..nks 'Vlere rolC'.tively l,l'] 'leGe tr.S3ist
the i!'l.f"J'<ry. Tho tank persoll... lost sloep and could not '1cl '_heir vehiclos,
r,l[Vl.'C " 1ll11(; advonco tho next do.y inpossible until the scrvici'l: be: :',ccom
plishLG. As tank pcrsJr.nel nust oventually halt for servicing rest,
the ";11)15 cC',lJnot be accuratoly laid at niCht, it is difficult t':' :":0 c.r'\"',c;C3
"f ''. \ijlt C' Cert.1inly. fnstor progross c::.n be r.ade by jay, if :, pur
suii ir, to bo n::dntaincd for n. long period of tL":lc, it would soen t:c
fi,)t"; '!yl,_y ::m:l sorvico ychiclcs and rost pars Jcmcl at !'liGht.
:". in'Clont should be he Id to a. minimun. ;.s r::,.c been
)ut, this bc..ttnlion tua.lly furnished from four to seven liaiD 111 o.fficcrs (
vri th :'. r"dio a.nd two nen) to supported units. Hhen t\ in :,'cV ChmCllt occur
. (32)
C...') -H -F-I -D-:8-IT-T-I -1>.-L

rod, it nocossitnted tho recall of those liaison dotc..ils nnd soa,ILll, them to now
unito. This to.kos time. Furthorr;J.oro, tine Dust bo in to novr
PQsi tiOllS, end in len.rning tho plans of the supported unit. If insufficient timo
is :J.Howed for this process, inofficiont md or n::i sup!,,'rt n.. "1.Y be
L.t 2100 on Juno 2, (Pc.c;os 21-22) this bn.ttnlion WOoS froTa c.'ttach
::lont t,) th(; 88th Infnntry Division onl attMhcd to Tnsk Forco IIO.fZJ:::. By 0100,
Juno 3, liaisbn had boon ostablishod lfith Tns1{ Forco HOWZE, nnel pc>t;c:ible IJln.ns
had boon At 0600, June 4, this was ro1oC\.sod i.'ro)":l. o.ttachmcnt
to To.s1: Furee HOWZE nnd ro-atto.chod to the 85 Division - to support 2-. '. o.ttack
which heed been launched o.n hour earlier. Conscquo:ltly, lio.iz:m det:::.ils ho.el to be
rec:J.llcd from Tnsk Forco HOWZE nnd sont buck to the 88th Division. Illi'ormation of
tho locc.tion and plo.ns of the infantry ha.d to be picked up on the fly I 0.5 we ,{ere
dired;cG. to );love up at once. (pabe 22) At 1400 this battalion 110..S c'eb.choel ,
the 88th Division and rO-D.ttachod. to Forco HOWZE.'\' At 0630, JUlle 5;',this.l'bat,;,
talion rcleased from Task Force HOWZE nnd attached to t]:e
Forces. It is difficult to soc the advantages of such cl1r.l1Gcs in o.ttt:\chnont,
bc!:\Xinc; in Llind the time required for chansing lia.ison deto.ils o.ncl for ::a.ininl::
ossontL'..l information. No sooner had one oituation been ana.lyzed c.n( troops se.t
in ;'lotion thrul the cntire picture. YlaS and the \vholp timo.-consur,unc pro
coss to bo ropcatod.
Durine the thirty"-ono dcws of. combat this b-uttalion cron;<cl i'Gs nttachment
eleven times, not includinc -a.bout four nbortive attachments < 110t. out.
4. Hhon n. Unit-cd States tank battp.lio:1 is attached to other AI-lied
the batto.liori. comrnn.nclorshould be in chn.rge of' 0.11 armored '.
the US\) of his force. RiCht or i'll-ong, our trust their. n.nd
uneasy if dctt'.chod . and pu.t undor inraodiatc oofficcrs whom -\:ohoy do -hot
know. (This' uneasiness is incroa.sod if tho cor:imn.ndcr docs not our InnE;Un/.'jo).
Tho haoi tur.l practice of the Fourth Division Mountain Uoroccoo.n rm.S to detach n
small t::'..l1k forco o.nd put it under the cornmo.nd of (l French of"Coicer. The to..nk bat- .
talian cCT.lIllnnder was' usua.lly not consulted rcc;arding the omployl1ldllt of tho :.ta.nks,
and preciso inforna.tion wa.s difficu1t to Got becnuso Qf the .syston 'of h:wiric: one
officer (French) in cllorF;o of all armored operations, 'ono officer in chn.rcc of in
fa.ntry operutions, another officer to coordinate the pla.ns, o.nd top of this,
(l Groupmcnt cOl!lI!UUldcr in chnrc;e of the ontire operation. an attempt
to finu'{Jut tho' precise pla.ns rGsultod in a frui:tless' visit frol':l,)l1C
a.nother, onch rei'orringtho inquiror to someone olse. For a yisit to thG
c;oner oJ. resulted in be inc; roferred to a rao.j or, whO referred ;no to Mother maj 0r,
who referred mo pnck .:tu. tho e;encra.l. As a result of ,our trQops be
co.rno dubiOus and hesita.nt, even over perfectly proper orders. .
5. To.nks should bo protected in aS5ing thrOUGh defiles. On May 29-31,
1944, me platoon of 1.iCht ta.nk.s wi thhc ourth Divi.;.;ion Mo
roccoun was spearheadine o.n tdvance throueh (paco 18). Mn.
nouvor Vlo.S impessible a.nd the .rond ha.d numerous bloW'lJ. bridc;es ',[;1CU .:lnti-tv.nk
fire Wus rocoived or when tho colu.'11ll encountored blaV.m,.brid[Sos, tho colmUl WUS
forced to halt until infantry niovdd ohoad to driva ..o.wo;Y, tho- nnti-t:-.nk cuns or to'
(33') .
C_0 -N -F-I-D -"C-N -T -.1 -1lo-L
. .
C-O-I! -F-I-D-E-N-T -I -ll.-L
covor the enGinoors tho rondo t', result, tho colunn ,.,:'/(,(' :c
th::tr. the infnntey ccmld a.dva.nce; in fa.c:t, sl'.'Y;er, sinco tir.lD "Tn,S r: . in rc
the column c.nd 3cndinc the t::l.11.ks Twe t::l!1J.cs ';/Orc::OS ll.'Oyod by
c:1C')u:-!'';GrillG the enor.xy in defilos wi th( ut infantry support, n.nd ':10 by ninos.
It. :t lc:Lcl seen proforo.ble to sent force of i:u'a.ntry
,.:::;,.:',,'f the ta.nks, ns in overy case, infc..ntry roc. to como up 'I'.rith c. con
1:':-5s of tiT.1C. HovlOvor, a.t no tine \'1'::I.S infnntry dOfliCl1o.tcc
tc C'lc'tr tho
:":J:ltO, wher. I urr;cntly ,mel enpha.tica.lly roquested .,t 'It
(Po.Go 19).
G. syster.1 fer rc;')la.conont Df c:. ... sh(')ulr.l be fJll,1'.'.'v'.
')f this battalion ho.': six officers' .il,I sixty..nine men ';':lcro
Yror<J (liCht re la.ccnonts rJcoivod, 0.11 enlistod perso:mol. At the: ;:C:l", cf p'cr
.i.o::! ,:,btdnod fJ. ty-one r;onoro. rop a.concnt3 - !10 J.rr.nrod Fordo r;:'r1ucc::1Onto wore
th':!l The problem or to..nkcrs out of untrained ",:::' ic :r,;t si!1plc..
:Jlcrin::; the period of eombo.t mn w'Cre tnkcn ('.1'm.y fran thoir 'i :utic:J
I)U' into tn.nks in ordor to our combo.t 110:.1:3, J :mc1.
:'"; porsellnol Viero utilized. Thou/3h tho wi llincncss of t>,,:c non "=" t::'..ko
on rcl2.tivcly unknown dutios is o.dnirnble, thoro i3 little doubt th:->..t
7. Somo provlslon for rointon'\ncc .. a.mi re:::;t should be mea. Durin:-: the
cetn.:Ja.i.,::; fro::1 lihy 11 - June ll, this bo.tto.lion r.m.rchod a.b.')ut 300 ::1.10s ()n roa.ds.
averace of 300 niles WetS cuvered in como.t. this period,
this bn.t:..,tnlion marched or fouGht J or both, overy day. Conp::\!1.ics :1:1'L ';/uro
co ronain on n.lcrt "prepared for in.::l(} entry inteJ ',;'1l."I.t
1';0 Got W:l..S either flst"llon'l r'r ncccssitatcr1" by :.8:t f\tr
t!-'.cr ot rCr.1:tininG on alert, fr.ticue ,:l..ssunod serious 0r'ClI'r;rtions. It
itsolf in r.rl.sundcrstnndinc sl('mncss in :'J:C: hosit<lTlcy
1:1 :n:cc'11::5on. Thore W::J,G e\.!: undorstnncb.blc ton:' .:;ncy in co.qh clivi,s 1 '. :,iqhNo
to rOell.rd thc ba.ttalion as a. "fresh" u::1.i t. Such '\';:1S -:-lot the C.:1,.<;(,).
9 Iuds -

Lt. Cnl., C:wa.lry. "'1':.

C-{)-U-F-I -D-.c-N-T-I-..\-L
, .

The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
'. ,
RE::?CRT CF ACTlen y
July 1 - 31 Incl.
1. ':'his be. ttalion dL2 not .. a,;e in, action -,Ii th ener:1Y
t:1e of July 1944.

...() J

1 Incl - Lt. Col., Cavalry,
Unit Journal for July 1944 .

*1, :.:1"':.;"c_III!I"'..... .. ... __ :..:::n.:.:L.... .. : : ....'
",-, , '.'

756th Tank Batta110n
Auguet 1 - 31, 19".
From_ Au3\let 1 to Al.1t5Uat 15, tl batt.a110n 414 DDt 1n
combat. 1'b18 t1_ wa. spent 1n the '9'1.1I11tl ot QUALIAIiO, ItALY, in
preparation tor aph1bIoua operationa. On .Au3U8t 7. 8. u4 "tile .
hattallon loaded 'on ehlp.. .
The plan to for A ComPaD1 to aupport. tba 7th Intantl7 Raglllellt.,
B Company to support tNt 15th Infnntl'1 Regiment, and tba batotallon
attachments to asaeable prepared \0 be engaged 41ree'-4.
C Compeny with tbe 'oth Intantrl "g1..n\ in
antlclp8tlon of he1n; Attaohed to that regl_nt.. Both A aa4 0......
lee were tour D D tanka eaoh. The -tank. were to land t ..
to H-hour.(OSOO).
At about or15S, _at JJ, ,be J)D fuk. _ ..' lalJllOlae4
fro, Let". about 2000 1'81'4a ott.hore, A ao.peDJ' r O.v'ALI&D,
Sur MERI, 8 OollPllh1'. neer S1' TROPU. 0
Ot the tour A CO-Pl113' DO Tank.,' three t50t UbON. ,. tou1Jl 6'
wee atruok by ahort. nayal rooket aDd tbe toa. 00- waa U1le4. -:-D
Sub.equent1, the tank wa. eUnk near abore bl .D UD4erwate .t.e.
The tank ot anothe.. t.nk w woUD4e4 b, hOaUle 11
flre, aDd the t'ank w@le de1B1e<1 in it. aot.lon to aupptrt. ,be nb Iat__
tIT. '!'he remaining two prompt1, a1&4 .tt"'I...17 ..,.1'\84
the 7th Infantr:r morter. whloh ttrl tlte b.....
, ,
Ot tha .tour ]I OoJapeftJ'Dl) Tanka, tm-.. SOt. a."'"" '
,.nII .a 41..11.. ... 8wpedbt an intant..., landlrag oraft.
the beaoh b1 a broken t.raolr. Th. reJlun1ag ,_ '.aka auppt....... "_
15th, Int.nt17, tbaoh tbere vaa no opoa!UoD \0 .... laDtl...
ColIP8DJ' A lRIlde4 iD the 9th .aft a.. jo1ae4tile ft!a lata...,
Co.paD,1 B auppMed tlae 15t.b lJatadl7 1....' ...
. Co.paa;r a W, .'tlO"4 \0 ,be .. I.,...., __....... "'_,
IIOrt.4 ttlelr at.t.a_ , .... -OOJOU'"GOI,L , ' -' - , '
Oom.aRdera li8rratl'!!.756t'h Tank Bn, oont'd.
7th Intantr,r ...t. ad.anolng agalna' oppoaltlon
1n the d1reotloD or BlEUS. '
, On Auguat 17. 0 001lJ)aD.1 JIOye4 towar'4 BitIGNOU;S, N.chiUS tbat
Y101Di1.7 at. clark asalnat coDalde,.ble oposltlon. eompaD7 B
to aupport the 15tb Intant..,. reaching OUDa and eo..
pal'l7 A eontlmae4 to auport. the 7th'Intaa'." puah1D& toward HYJJU:8
a'ltt oppo.ltlon. At 21001 .......0.1..4 at.t.oblll&
ODe platooD ot 00.,.111' D t.o tbe '1'4 !?Gop. file pla
'oon lIOYe4 out .bout Il001 to \lIa Ylo1n1\, of OAllllOULD.
On 18 'Aut'!!Uat 19", tbe rema1nde,. of OompaDl D ..aa attaot.4 to
tbe ,rei Rlteonu18eaJ'lO. Troop. Oomr-ny' oontlnued toauppol"t the at
,.ok on BftIGlIOLLe. penetrat1ng the t.own about 1400. houre. eo.pant
,A ana I continued to allpport tM 7t.h Intant.., and. 15th Inttllltl'7 Re&1
_11'.. OoTllplD7)) e.tabl.be4roact bloek. .out...t or TOtJRViS and
eap... e ., whiolea aD4 pa\ro1a UOOB
. ' ......' 19 ......'l_t.lon or '.1.\8...... V1'Ul 0eQe1ll G, u
81.\1I1S'ln the ptUN of IftIGlfOLU, ao."'V' B 00_W1116 BOGQUDJIJI
IdD, GOape., A .....ll.ft4 -1'14 _JIG" \0 ,_ n.1D1t.l .f lUeS.
.....maoltere4 roa4a DOr\...t, _at.8114 aOll1Jl rroa tOURUI.
all4 oo..".e4 .If JWaMl.. ' At, aDOl1. the b.".110. .... ordeN4 \0 .a
M_1. eoaPDt .. ( .. 1 Platoon) .114 GMpeJV a (. 1,Ilato)
... _ U reorpJd._ &114 to pepta,.. ..lnt......
, Oa to.p'. t.b. bat.Ulloa (.) aoy to ,be nolalt., ot POUa-
CIDX. &\ Co__ I w ctlftc\ed' W ... jola t.1Ie 15'b llltaJl\.,
Ilea. ...... 1 1'1.\0 -..... 'blO-:aiI.Ei ......,11... 4 . M
ot O"peJIJ' ........... to ",. ,t.o 7th 1e&1-1l\,
._T11t8 at ,uosooa. 00..... D 00 lmae4 too t._ a01l\1a
an4 w.,. '
OIl ,1 AiIsut. .__.'.on ot Go.peAl 0 npporMd. ..., ... OIl
UX.Oo1IJIIIDl7 '.-.11._.4, ro.d blk...lit. ... tro. ftADA.....
&\ 16301 all M41_ ....... weN, 41....'.,. M ""Jetl1 ,_ ...&1-"
ePial_ll, npo..... " _, __\oil or eoa""l11 I ,. be ....11e4 au
_ 1. Ill""...., ........ CYlolftlt.,.t ,.uX}.
. \
Oa _. , ....... 0''''', 1 __......,'" 1"",.. of AU.
'...... '..., ..t ,A8, .......... .......... , AIX. '
._, -...,,' ......, .. _,............_ ..."
'.', a..... ,4 '
..... ". ",' '."',, , ,J,'
Commander's Narrative, 156tb Tlnk an, cont'd.
On 24 All ::uet. OO"llp 1 ny A -noved r.orth ot the DUJlAJIOB 111 vel' \0
the vicinity ot "EElINDOL, Company C rCJlalnedvlelf11t7 of SALOl.
OIl 25 Au Ilst ,'1ettalion neadttuer'tera end Companlea B and 0
r:lovad ,to APT. CO., ..... "n1 A remained in support ot the 7th
Infant!':! TJ(,t. r ULLer,. At 18003 one rlatoon of Compa!V' B vant
wi the l::th Infantry to v1cini of '/f\ISOl;.
26 ust. Compan1 A movet1 to vioinlty ot' ORANGK, eoapall7 I
m,)V't:>d to vicinity S\iUJNAN, Company C moved to violnity of VAIaoJ1
l!U1d formed l)lock
On ?:l Au ..:ust. A Fupported. the 7th Intentry Heglment
r.orth of i i Company B attaoked ln t. he v1cini ty ot ALLAN J
C in th vicir..lty of TA"TLIJ, Ai-.. Cor-tact -":I't r.ta:1e .... y all
snti-t8r.k fire was severe.
On the 28ta Au Co:,lyany A ;'!.)ved to form the Di v1sion a..el'"
wi t'ile 7th Infantry . Com;>an1El5 B find C eo:-:tir.uel.! attlo]r
tnt':: in the d.lrectl0 .. o!' A.,
C:n August 29t!1. &nd. :Hsl(\t,:;j in t:1e dertruet10n
of R true';: COm;)A:,y 13 knockc<! out three ant.l
On 30 Auust. the D) three mil
e'iF.t of '\. ="r :.R to' ::-;cr"'or" 77101tltn::nee.
31Ft, on Ifehlclef' WF-e continued.
tlorlF.' SUP;JC!'t of 7th, 15th er.d 30th Intel1tl'1
Off1cer. M11.ted MeR
rIA 14


2 16

9 32
FeJl '1'1! 8 8
',1 :ht 1 1

- 3

, . '.I;<J.. f.
',;J ,r.;;, .. _D
.. ,;",'" . t 1 ("I" '!.-; r -r. "'nit. 1. !,t, PI..., the
l,":'l"'''- ""t ('>.. t,,) ,C"jed k"latoon
'-,"'e'l Iv'r fl)ITlG t:",k flup'JOrt everywhere,
'11'J verJ The
:" .... ,.1 ,.,", F')l',:-;' .. r .. W'l!' -.rer:; -- F()iUP. t!, 'ke
-i"orcE" 1 t,,-'''llt nO'<f"ollrlo wne arallehl., doe;lte tho
:'1-:,t F,:,,:-;t tr11ch' to t:'lC ,""QC:l -- '1 200 "il1e rou.,jtrlp.
..' !t.'f' , :'uel '1t'C" ";C' .... in nIck of' tl<i1e," ["lW
"(..1 t:':)p.e tOI eh:Jrt ttll.' o:!l,.
:'he tn' :." ,"(H'e fOrrK!;.,r:l':t rltu8tlont -- for In
,1Cr V1 .. 1; ot CJll1une ,1t ni,h.t .... inc. the t.Hnk.
c-:.-;not t'leir 1H1F !It th1s was apperently done for moral
t:1C 1rf.'>l.. try. I.J/er!!e mor,l 6jffect W'.S noted
t,, 1c'.:.'5e f, ,.,nj creWfl oonccrn,.::d. were plaoe", on
,;]1 ,:. 1t.:1er ,,;1th L:f
r.try Or; tanke or near
thp. ..... lt:,e: :1\c: prot.oct1on to tstlkl from
/"'11., I t.h1p w-(; .larK; for purpo8Cfa of
"\C)!''', h -- v'!,; 1. nt ry ';te t- nl--! r1 ht w1 th the,n. 'lowever, tAnkS
In''Y 11l ('.' "'r:ot V". ' (;o'/er .. 0(.",1 ';11. -"'1 p nt1-t.erJt 1re, and oonnot.
');('!Ort 1 .. ,try' hotter tlv:o by under oOifer. over
\,f1<tchl1C the l:;f:,iitr,)' flP U-w.'J A.Jlln, ane platoon ot t.ftu.
Hnr' o:)or"'ttn ele'rnt" of t11e 1nfr'ntry. weN pro
l)rOC RcrOPfI cO'lr.trJ, 1-l.'t '.'ere or1eretl the Infant..,
to '('t 0 r the rogl1 1T, order to proo-:ed Th1a
,W.'H' l'!Or'P :'rr ..l the ct thRt bor-tlle ta,Jca arJl.'i .elC-propelled b"Un8
f'I[ ...r:ti-t9,J7;)d '\-;'ere )(10""''1'1 to he in the vlo1nltr. I belle..
there tr. t, to the jJI'otcptlon rtorded' hy the
of' t.""nke; P,r.z gf thr> ene",y'e .Ai' s11y
':(' lOl"t one t,. ... l>" to e 4&iirn-un nZ::l"HYLREC. A. l'Ilat er 0
.. 1o,", of th1'? "uc::n, 1 coee nO advsnts;,;:e 1n r.
t/Hn1n' 2 1:'ch pll1te -- onE:' l'ch w1ll turn ...11 arme :tire and
two w111 tnrn 1\'1' t1re. h!.::! !!2. tL' !Lt .6I wh10b G2lr.

On n0001t'1t of the extromec11rriault.l

"'!If "xper1.or.od 1n :T!!'1 donE'. P"rt.A "eN not, ayell
r,hle, snd except for 30 end 31, time Wft. laok1ns to
prorter1y. iSo".ver, I M.lley. that
, under t.he olreua
the malnt.en-.noe personnel did an axoelle_Job.
04..l1lI ftOQqB,
Lt .Gol.. a..,.1r,.
T&eth TaU

.eptellN!" 1
Sept...r 1. the l.t'a1101l, le.. D, wu loe....d three Jldles
e ..t ot P'RAROI, aot ill .otiOft. the 1l'U .pent if, mat n
teAfDOe of 'Yeh1el.. aM &rU. CcapaDl'l), attao... to Brd .eCOlll'lail.anoe TrOGp,
...eel to the rielAl. ot CORIII. .
Septelllber I. lhe I.ttaliac, lou Co.pl1ny 0, !IIC'nd .t 05000. enroute to
YOliOti. When I at ',)lRO. in ad'Y.lloe ot the oolUJIn, I wa. met by our
'Ul.tlag ottl.r. who intoned me that plan" had been I.l'd ,.. were to
aclTaDCe to the Tioinity ot ST. d. IREIS. The clo.ed in that
violA! ty apprOiltlaately .t 184f8. Aiter eoatl1otilll u.uqu.rten. Third Tnf'antrJ
D1Tl.lon. I ... lDtorsed that .dvAne. but in
'Yin ot tbe late hour .nd hea'7 rain., our f'urther .... pOitpoDed .lntl1
uxt day. .,,-1_ COIapUlJ D moved to the Ticilli of' Al&BOIEU.
Sept_ber I. 'lhe B.ttalion to the vicinity of At 1200!
4 w.. to tu 7th Infantry Re,l_nt, Com:pany 8 .... attached to
the 11th Iat_t'rf aeg18ellt. Campany C rema! ned \lJl4ter battaliOD o4)rltrol a. re
........ D ,ond to the noloi ty ot PLlIBOISWJ. A TTtOTe' wi
the 1t1l !nf'antry to the 'Ylo1a.ity of PLADlOISI4U and 0.,..,- B 1IOTe4 with t_
11th IntaDtry to tbe riolniv ot CRO'l"PAY.
aepteaber.. 1'bt Batta11011.. lell A, 8 and 0 Cospanle., to the
Tioinlty ot Le nml. Coapany A to POLIGIIY, AI did COII"pllny D. Co.pany B
aOTed to the 'Yio1n.lty .f' PAIlIOI. At 100C. Ccapany C .... attaohed to the Both
lAfalltry a.,t-Ilt .....tabU.he. road blooa ne_ LOa.t..aAUJrp.R.
September 6. 1'he Batt.11011 OP moved to CompUlY A.
the aotion ot the 7th Intantry toward OllOOZWL. 108t ooe tank to AT fire in the
'Yioinity of Cuualtie'l one enliated ... ldlledJ oue lrGU11ded. CO'IIpany I
and CCIIIlpany D lIOTed to the vioinlty of COllpany 0 Nt up blOGQ
In rioidty of Jl)VCIIUI) _d alLIIS -Le.-AAIII.
Septe.lMr S. CcapaA7 B aOTed to the rioln1'by ot Mail S0U8 VOtiTllAND with
tha 16th Iatantry. COIIp&n7 A .upporte. tbe 7th Illfantry 111 the 'Yiotnlty of'
a&SAJiCOIi, brineillC tire on eae.. Teh101.. em 5T aDd 87, dtroying
.a.e Teh1ole. aDd per.onnel IIDd denyiD& the eDe1l the u of the.e road.. C()lI!pall
C. ,upportll1g tae 30th Infantry, 1a0000d e .. aA4 nortbea.t ot BESANCON and M.r"
at .-IIY Tehlole. an4 per.o..ael OIl TI. The .Battalion CP moved. to tt.
rioinity of T.uOgnl.
Sept_ber 7. Ccapany A coatlnued to .upport th. attack of the 7th In
ta.atry on B&SANOON. C .upported the attaok ot the loth Intantry on
t"- ....t,h and .e.ut/
,SAIC:>., ...tin, atrOJlC reliltu.oe in the 'Yiolnity of the
_ ,r/.'
" I' I.. d. \ I
I6J.;. j \11. tJ l-...:...- I ." '-' c .. ',"
"Citad.l" One tank .... loat to 'bUOOD Oae kill.4. two 1IOWI4et. ti.... The Bat,..Ua .0TeCl urilh ot IIIAlOOI. ..ppon1Bc "he a'
tack t" the north. C.,1UIl' 0 l_t OM tuk to 'a.oeD n ...... J) 1..,
ODe Ught tank to anill .., n.... -O. JEll1., ftD. ......
S.,tellber 8. Ilw at'..U eon'iDud. C..,..,. A .-.lac '0 1101 Yla IDIIIf
and CaapaDJ' C .nne ria II>ICIY M the Ti.tU'7 ot 1101.
S.,t...r 10. The _TaM. pub.. OIl to the Tiolalt,. 0' UJULAJB. C.,...,.
B 10.t ODe tank to At' n .... - ODe killed... weu4.. ( .. omo...). C.,..
D eoatta.4 r.oobMia..... at..t .. in the rlelD1t,. ot )1)1110101 ... Jl)ftAlLOl.
S.,t..-.. 11. C.parq .1 adTUO" acallaa' 0"..1'108 te ,_ notal" ot
PIUII aDd B.1I Du. TAUX. CcnpaIV B _t .trnc ....1It.... &1-. Upirq I'. 1..
lng OM taDk to At tlr.. - 0_ ottiN" .0UII4e4. tOU' ..........
oolUIID ot enemy ."ehlol 1IU tired. OlD. ua ...... n.l ..... ...v.,... 0_,.., 0
to the Ylo1nitT ot J'ONDIl&JWID. D .....-not..... t. the nolal" .t
AUOBLA.RUT. DAMP IDU ..4 yt Le. rlUII. 12. CcaplUV .1 .upported the iatUltl'J 1Il ol....i.& ..,. "....
I.e GRAiD BOIS 4. DAllPIBRU aDd oapturiD HOROI Le BOUIO. -ar oOB'Gp OIl ......
in tlta Yicin1ty ot Le. BII:LL&S IAIU.QUBS tired OIl. C4ap&lll' B nppon.4 \he
16th Infantry in the ot VESOUL. :rr_ ,oalttou _ hleb II'CNIIiI ....
VESOUL. they tired. on ..., c('\lI'I'oy d..tro,1ag oouid.rul. __ri.l. 0
tank wu lmooDd out 'by At tire. ri.". aaoh1_ IlIIl ".U ..... d.eatr0p4 1.....
C.paq C .owe! to the YiolnlV of IIJITIOZCII.
lat Platoon of CoapalV' D cont.otH the ..,. at (JJIIGft Ul4 0.,..... 'hi..
t ..n prhone.... EDeIll COlI'I'o78 fir.d. em ... Yehlcl.. ..... Jaaoo.. aut. "
2nd Platoon oontacted the .um;y in IIlOt'E! Le. kUllnf!; t01ll' ..4 ...,-..t..
twe1.".. The arc! Platoon ... lZl8V.oo...tul ln Ul ...ault OIl PlllLI. r.o.iYlq AI.
1Il0rtar aDd art111el'7 tire.".r 11. CaapalV' A attacbd H111 taO. Ou taDk" ...,. a .....
on. by baaooka. - One -.n .ounded. CcapaDY B moobd. ...,. .'. in tbe riet
n1ty ot GOLOUBOT'fE aDd VELLSIlINI"RJT. Enemy 0011'1'07 ... tir.4 OIl tn the Yleiai'tJ'
ot SAULX de VESOUL. One tank lcnoolaed out by 8/P tlre - wo _n woUD4e4
mortar tir.. Ccapany C ad.,,&D.Oed. to the .,,1 ointty or UPRIU &JIll TALLIWOU I.e
Ba.paa;y D oemthm.d. recomaai....,. in tbe ."loia1ty of OOLO.ID. "GIl.
a . LOIIBOTtl aD! CIRRI VOllO!. ..
S.ptea'ber 14. Ca.paJq A adftDO.d thrCNCh '->N!JU8HI .... lAPS"" , .....
arxTHE.!U.NS and VT Le. WO. Ca.paIJ B aclYUloecl towar4 Jl)LL&18 ... OlllfDUILLI
..etlnr; .troDg oppoa1tlon at CBNRVUlJILL&. Coapany C tabU.bed roM blOOD
in the ."icln1ty of LIBVAlfS. CompaD1' D oontacted t. 18th Intalltl'J D1Ylal_
and reconnoitered. the rlcln1ty ot Ll GllAvcm.
Sept_bel' -16. CoaPaDJ A. advanoed. with the Intctl7 into I.e. aDd
LA GRANGE DU VA-URE. B attacked ADEl.A.NS aDd CrRRS. ODe tank lrnookd
out by At tire. - n. kill.d, thr...ounded .. !ILLITAD. .... ,.. a
_ a - ... U 'V
Up- '"'
Whit.. on reconnail.ance Mar CILLlJ'ABS. taDb or COIIp&ll1 D round the ard Bat
talion. 180th Inr&ntry KIgm.nt plllDld dGlftl b7 .-111' tir.. Th. taDka la14 dowa
rire to enable the intantry to withdraw aDd .fto.ate wCN_eel.
Septe"!lber 16. Compauy A ad:n,I1O.4 into VY LIS UJU. One taDk dllabl.el
by mine. The Company COIIIIaIlcl.r and 0118 Inlllt.....n w.r. ldlle4 'b7 a millie
on r30onnd.. auc. uar "Y L!S LU'Ri. Ou. di.ted _ WOUad.lel. COIDPUl'
B adTanoed iBto L'URli: with thl 16th Intaatl7. em. platooa 1.a4.r 'Hat out 11'1th
an lDtantry oaptain 011 r.ooDDai.lanc. 1a a 1/6 toa tru.ok. l'M truok d14 _t
return. Cl)ftpany emOTed. to the ty ot II(illlOVILLI pd 'P"pared to attack
R.JJD:)N Cf)lDpany 0 re'll&lnld on road blOOD near VILLlrAVS.
Septem.ber 17. Gapany' .uc.eed.d tu tordiu, the rlnr al14 l.-t up ...u.
1;100& near ATHESAlfS. Road blooka .1" allo I.t up lieU" Y""t1llllAlI8 u4 LUll.
Company B maintained road. blOOd near UJRI. Oom.PUIif C adT&nO with thl lO'th
Io.tantr:r iutl) RAnDOl{. Oompany D IIOT.d. to Tiolnl ty ot CI'lIU.
S.ptfJ'llber 18. Comp&X11 auembled Mar V! L&8 LOU to perron 1I&111'M.....
Oa..,al21' B .dTaMed to ST. OElIJIAni azlCl t. 1IP roael bl..b. 0.,..,. C aclTaIl'
to Le. AD)liU IDd BUNCHuftl' aDd BiLM05T. Coap_y D ruat.t -ar CI!DS.
19. A aond to the Tioln1t;y or 4
ST. BRESSjN. 50 enllll luoouut.r.d. Coapaay B lIl&iatdue4 road. lt1oeb. 0..,..
C rSlI.ail1ed 11'1 the noln!\J or Bi1J(ONT. COIIP&D D 1IO'ftcl \0 rAtJCOlDY.
September 20. OOllpU17 A. tired ou .!W1Il' OODYoy' t.1l til. Ylelll1t7 .t 1."",
troy.d AT gun, .eyeral towe4 artil1.ry pieo..... till I.T.ral
COIIlpaDY A. mOTed into STS. P.!ARI8 CHAN:: IS aDd ErJRIIlll a.tall1 B "u I'.U.....
by P'renoh troopa and mov.d into Dhilion RIrTe the 16th IIltUlt..,. Oa
panyC nnt "ne platoon to LA Compa"r D tar.d toward MEUY ...
in3 tank was lost to a mine nsllI' MELlY. .)118 -.A wCNllde4.
SeptiJder 21. 1st Platoon ot' Company A .u,ap4 ie a tire tilh"' iu ,,_
vloi!'\1ty I)r 152S04. An air burst kill.d the platoon aa4 on. mall.
!laD .U wound.d. 0... 'taU 10"- bOIled clOWIl wl\h a throwa ._n.k III "17 1dlJ
oountry. B aOT.d to tM y101ll1ty or RAnDOlf. CapUtI C maiutal'" 1_
pollitloI18 wlth th9 30th Infautry 1n t_ Tlobdt7 ot OLlY &ad Ll VJIYlU:. 0
platoon of Company D e.tabUabed road blook 10. tha vlo1Ditr ot jCRQlWJlT.
S.p al. The Ir4 PlatoOD ot A ftrM Oil --IIIV oonYOJ zionll
.ut ot LA. OIl08LIEBB. Senral eUJIIII artillery pt.oe. _r. 4-trOJed. C.,.,....
r..1ned in poait1oa.. C read ltl04tu ....h ot ft.1JOotIIIf. ,..
roael __&4 ... aiM4 aad had. 1;0 be ol.ared "ton tu.nbn' ....... -.14 __ .....
COIIp&lV' D road 'bIOla to prot rt.dlt flank .t the 1OUt.. lata..,..
2S. One p1a'0011 ot J mcrnd to..... 0.. plat..
ot O.,aq 0 .necl .1Gllf"T wl'bla np,onet lD1'aatl7, tria .......a.c
Ll LeNOIR .. CORUVILLIBI .. IA - ,unr. COIIpaay A , ..1 'II' pal"'.. 'e .......
,_ r.... III ,JIll Yl.iD1'J' .t 0084.,xL'-' J. ,WoO ... 1111 til (1..11).
OapPiY D oonl_4 ",0 ,,,.11 rlcht .. 11_ .t tM IOUllataawr.
A ...tat.. the "'h IDtalltrr ill gr0UD4
i. the Tio1D1ty ot I.e 1lUU.0! ud La ao8UU. 110 road. or 7a.. ..... tired
ft. lill 11. a' ..., "ll1el.. 011 aalll hlp.rq. C.PI!JI7 B YlaiDaiud ita
poaltioaa. COIIpUJ C ... ..u1. to anu.. BOrth rr- OODAVtLLIRS OIl aooount
of abH ro.... 0.,... I) ... tn. Ita ......D1JIC aII4 .....1..
a.p-...... II. G...,.,. A .r..... ...u.a anu wttll 'tM 7t1l IIlfult17
.d tired OIl .... 1. __ 'I'1olalV .r lICOUX &l1li aunaeUl.lllOS.W. CcapUQ'1
nJU.iM4 18 noelti_ wi'h tM 1fth Iahatl'7. C.,aD7 C. uaab1. to adYaDoo
tlarO\llh UOHBD ,...... of ...... r ..... terratll aM At tire.
a.p'-'ber I.. I. 1.' natOOll or A ."...-. _ atta.k OIl
lhlca>. the r.dDotlw of 11M OGapaDT .un..n .....LLI. OtapaJ17
___ "to til. Yl.iaiV .r 0.,..,. 0 roalud I. , ..ltloa.
a.,-...r IT. lbe 'r4 P1a'ooll of C.,.,. aOT04 aonu..t trca IVPI
......I.te4 t. latutIT 11Kr1ac a roM _l..k. pl.... nat...
18 0..,... _ ... ..-1. 'o .. SI. 'be.....f _
C..... 0 ..... ,. ,_ Ti.1alV of "Ln. 0..,.. D atoM..' .. to ....caM1t.r
..., .f II. 4l1li, "' .....ITet -07 tin ....... waUl. te prooo"
..... ' ...... 0 ,8117' ,,-,liNM r ... 'l..k with ... noar
nuavn. ........ taIIJaI wa.lft twnJaer .. 184la,.t 0..,... I
'1_.. 0..,.,. 10 .a.aap. D I A1' Chua 'la'o
..... to ......p....... Ti.laiV .f ft. A.a. 0.'.11.-. Of ,01"'1. ft.....
fw tM lltll ... Iatuti7.
a."..... I.. C.,.,. A ro..t..4 18 , ..ttt.....".nIDI ani... of
___ ., 7th Iatatl7. IMp8ij. - 10 .hap. Ccap..,. C
to tM TiolJdV .t emu-. D - I. ohIap. AHwt ChIll P1___ br..
...... ........tu.u I. Tt.la1V of au.WILLD .. ""111'. ........
of D. l' r ... __ .....JqMII4'" ....... 1Ml1dtap .....lot.-III'
.... ...-v.,...
" tsr 10. 0.,.., A - I Mm.. 0_1.....1. _."1_....
..,..... ia ftnac _ ...,. __t .._i_ Sa hill. 1. tM ....u .t.t_
...... lattall_ ., tile ftIl tataatIT. 0.... I ......... '- ..,port
t.afaatI7 Sa .. 1al1la ...- .t ft. ant... ....,. 0 IIOftd ,.
,.ita_ w ..".n 'M .0\1l1afaata7. - ....Ua .. ftI7 Utftnlt _mi
, ....-.1. _ n ... tlnt .. ,I ... _...In....... 1"".
. .
."rrtID.?- ......" M IUIUII MI...... pi'" ... LA fIID _
.,,_. -. AI I. q .... "'11 late .. 1aU1e. lilt ......... .-w.r.J.
' ., ........ aa... '11 4 ... ,.. ..... __ ...1.,.. _,....J.
rt ., d .... ., .....'"-- ntt..... toft'da..- ...
lU.....l. ,. ..,....... utlUoq fin &.r..... Ia i .....ltIr.
Oa.pute..... to net-au uOllC .1-1'&1 11. CLIUat..f. '*.
lOll nro ... eLYA.. ....M. ...., ... T.r'7 .troac ..
.... tlspte.t .ft_. _.........-pt 'on. ..,..... U'tillel7 tlre. n- tenda .
_ tftallJ' ...1.. ,_.......... .. .. aU., bftDc Jdll .. .,...4. ...
nil......... 1.11 a.-.. f ......lM1t ha Platoon ... .......... 1tl.......
tlriac artUlel7 ......"*1_ 1....,." ot .. aM ...
.....1... wt1rla 1wHkbIc .. _ ...." ......
0..4 rotal Short

1 II
1 0

11 2
1 I. 0
Dwillc t ...,.riM. the .,....t1_ Tar1_ ,... pv8ul t onr teil'll' good
tuak terra1Il i ..... wutbar. to fairly .tabl1tud .1t..'1_ 111 'Ve't'J' hUly
........ ---1'7 1a rat....,.... fte utntv or uwor ....Ilarply eurtdW
tile MMttl.. at 10M -1-e t.a. ,.ri04. PNfaI'_l- wen .... \0 ..,1.,
... UIIb .. nJatwoebc -"1'-7 .-.u eOIIII1tl_ torbU UIIu til tMU'

)II"iIIaI'7 rele. u4 aalt a,. 'lat..... t'- eape...
II... t._ BatMU...... ft&htlac ill 1IiIal1 crouP W'la'tt,.. _ the part
et ,1at_ 1......... 4. III.... _lit 1...
e ... t.D4 _41..,. ___ .1.arlT urD4. I belle,.. tlaat ...ttlO11al tl'dlline
or pl.tOOll 11..." t "orU.. lll.f ., i ......ary iM. the bur4e. tall.
OIl tbell' .u..w. ......... .-.1U.. , ... 4....ValJ.aatl_ 0_4
,1--.__ loat1_ W -. ,0(ft"17 wd......ppr.tmateq I. ot ft
fl...... _ft M " t. tM1I" joM after bei.. 'fh8....
haw had fro. _a .ap to ..... VaiDI", ,. .... '........ c-lllb.t
to .atel' t W'ltMd aMlUIUl tn'.'.. I., _ ........... -.u.
., _ a .at, WIaIu 18 .ca la ....... ,n. elM""." .,
A...... , .... , .... 1.... Ala &1'111.... W ...,_........... , .. a
triTe" lute.. tllla .....h1 ....1M...... 'f... ... ..... .. ,.....
........... 'or_ npl....... ,.... tuJI .'-'- ........... liN. _
ao tralai. 1. '-b. lnek triTe" an .l..d".... taU VIftn. 0eIt ft...
I'pad .... nee'....... taU triTe.. It ,_ ,...,..t'ft ..,1....... ...
lat........... ...&lIft...........u.. ern... Mtwe Ml.........
uoh .rl'''' ...y.,....
I ......
SA. 001., CaYallT,
C ''''
. f4
- Ii L,t. n"" f! f- ' , -'

<; !ot .' - : I :-1" ',,' 1 I' I. '
, ., '!'J L U" , ...,..:. ,-,
755th Tank
A,? ...' 7..:8
5 : cember 1944.
TO Third InflLDtry Div1aioD, APO 13, V.S. Arflt'.
I )
J ttl.: AC of S, G-2 '
" .. ';hird [r.fantry ClviBion,
27 ""v-:Ir.b'r rt'I,:Jrl of ()L,rat::or;:3 fer thf r":riod 1 - 3() ia
sut,ltl"\.l to;::,+r:",r with th, "r,it Journa.l for the Alonth of SovemDer,
I. :: N L LL,
2 ;- r:c 1 i','J (jg).
1 - (ir. 'luie.) AdJutant.
2 - <'o'ArMll fo!" rov mber 1944.
C;' 3 hP.,..:.;, rI H
?5Ith Tank Battalion
1. Ju..-y ot Owa Op!r at 1-.,..
the !led!". tank ooapanl.. be-;an the rerlod 112 tMU 11')f'!!lal attach.."I8JlU'
COftP..,y A to the 7th IDtllDt1' Regt..t. COIIp.rJ7 t. the 16th Int.try RegL..-rt,
.. CO!IlT:'U)' C to the 10th Int..,try fgl_t. 1) to the
10th tnt.try a.JIIMr.t, p.trolUllg tr.U. _ tlle hill ....... of Sf i:.' fE. fhe
Al t 'Jwt il.teon ... tlrlq in pport ot the 7th lntlllltJ7
the period ... 10 - to ... <i.YO,., t. aNI pr.par.
tl_ tor oroe81nl the RIYer. q U'la ..... pert_ted tor the 8'JIPlorwnt
ot the fir. .. or ...., t&llk, but l ..t ......iJwte Oballgea 11l the ... or the
dl ...bl00 the of' tDOtIt. of th. t_lca, .. oould not 110ft
into poeltlon ulltil the night of tt.ok.
COIIpen)" , '\lPJ)ortod the .ttao'k nr the 7th Inrcty up tile ....11ey rr..
US it:A\:1 ta..... S1 ;:n. 1D Werre......, ... ,latoan ... ord....-l to
..lIle to t1M and Wort the 161.t IntaII'VJ 1.I-.t, Seth Ifttalltry
D 1 ...181_. On !1o........ " 0A8 platOCft ... wd.-.d to au))pert the IOtb Inraat1'y
R.,l.uR In tae ...lelalty or IIIRllA.VtI.U. :in N.......... e, the attdhed
to the 1'lIt tntallt'7 reftl"'tect to conw.,l. (l one ta&lk ... or..
4..VoyM '-)' kaooka tu. ) Oa N....ber 10, Co.p&J9 .l (1..... platoe)
.......led 1D the ot ,'I TlIE t. pre,..-. tor ..M ....' ..,.,..'1_.
JD "0"""'" 11, tIM pl.tooa to totan.,. retu.rae4 to
OOlllOaDJ ocmtrol. rr_ HCW08b.. 10 18. recONlaiaaano. UId '(>I"..,
lied. to the 7th Intantr7 la the orOtl.l., ot the .i.... OIl
the 01""", .r liOf'....... Ii \.be o... ..... in'- peeltl.. ODe iD
the ... lolnitJ or two tuab 1n r ......,. rtelalt;y .r u;s P'IIICJJJ1!S. OIl
11en'.-... 10, _Uftl - or..... ,..... 01.....1_ He....artere. Ca"'Jd19 .l
to r.. with ..., ., a polot ..Mr. the ...ter ... r.oort..
V the to ... thr.. t ... d.... 'I'JIe tar ,ren. \0 '- .... tNt
deep, end the tUlk ... 10llt. .1B n....,.. 11, CClllpM)' .I or..... the
(on .,Up) ...0"" to t. the T\Ii tTitoatl7. OIl flo.......
aw. one pl.t<*a ot C-.-, A ... a''''''' t. 10\It. tat-tr7. 'be a...
PlatoCIII (Pl.' LeS", It,. WAOOfiAlf) ......tr_, In ".iT .t
tMt1at bllUlk r-r. 0.,... 80 ,..18.......... 'aha. On I ...... It C....,.. .a.
_ Oa (l 1 ,1.-0- .." ..W at-.k of tt. ftl\ tatov, .w..... ,..
IIt.Il. p1.... ,,1,. 10Ua tDhat::1r7 ...\1..........--... , ...vel.
OlD ......... II, COIIpeII A ....... ,. SftA.l1dtJtO, ....IY1ac at 0fCIM. 1'1 ..,allll
I .... blOOD ..... Mt..ll...... OIl If.... ", 10, .......... , ...18 u.-.p 'TId
..... Hpa.
tile ,...1...., d_ 1 - " C......... 1"" tatan-
If...,. --r halt ...,. la .ttMa _ LA SALU .... ___ d..
dlr..t tlr.. Oa x.,..... I, _ ......... taak t ..... fII .. of I1P'
MalIa... pl.,.. I, .. _ ,la'- .t ft'., .......t.t .. one __
: IIrratl.e, HoYe/llt.m- UH4, '/seth Sr., (eor,t'
pany or 1r:rantry t. hatt.!1aa or fi.ld artillery, attaoked l.
of Loe-"n:j I! (Captain r,"! u) n or the ....,r. n . att ek .... IUO
Cu1 .. ahl"Ut 60 pr1eoaera r. ",-k.n 1D &MitioD to aD ur.}cr,wn Il".b"r or
i,.,rh,( tho p4llrtod - lS, Co.t>&I1)' lupport4d t.M 15tr nfan
try an ....'IDC. or. '.,lUlL >love.o.r ': "'AI at-.ch4'9d
to the l'J3rri TnrIDtJ"y n .1alOl2. . the period 'l?r.her - 18, r."''''Pa1l1 t-'
lupport.' the .ttaetr ot the 408th arid 411th IDfantry :"r,i..nta on thfl HU lI'Iall
."t of T . i::ro 1r:.: the ' T 1ri 01'1 t::oTe,,"'r 12. '-' htld ttro 1'1a
toOll" att,-,obo<! t'l r"ftl. "orc. the other l'l .. eupporH.n..' t.he "10th
TnrantT'Y tr)Rardt;'l' r-. :";' !6th of r;cweaber. both the 41%h 'rrantry
an-!;a." i'oree foIA"'r.:': had er.tere<:i ',' T1 ','. "'he .nk tr,oir
'.OTeftK.!tr t1 the platoon .t tach-' to 410th Inf.ntr1 ht it. .".
-L", tan'" OTt the 2tsth, Into ";'i;;. i,.,.,il... t.oy .h.r 28th 'lD9 r1at:')or "'.,
Ilt:t .. .. " +.h! 4C'9th it",ci C',i"rrt..,d ,upI'll 2000 thr"U:.h e "nI
"'.ld iTOI.. n.:5 to rrlead1, troor.. "l'l "t:>ve."ber t.9, t:he ph.tnor: .. .. ,' .. ., the
'Ceth br.n+ry rCIII.I'.'ht its i'1t.o 'r ., ::\ -IV. 'lr, tOTftll" .. r .,1
att .. 1 i,() 410th r1,..1 "rYi Y:flOC1kec out two 88Rn, ?!'lA 16:"'111
f'AI, '!lnd a battery or 10611'Dl .".Un
'llrin' ... r.rlod 1 - J, I' "Il' .u,:,portin" t-M
it. t!.jD ':1.... :'.; I'. :;':11. W(!trt9 "..,... ,.l"'ok
tn:_ 1,,, ,'ronnd to nert.h, thft .. ki...r arod::' I. l'
"'a' S'1 t.h.. t. t'lnk" frorr, r .... 1.0 "Olft
( , .. l vf!hlc) ... >t'linl. +.., ret: to r i 1'-),
''''''';'!\!'' ; 'f-". fro",:. to the :'JOth aM "'al .t-+;"oh."d
to thfl 41ot}-, of i hhion. t .. nke in
bl')C\dn II.n1 cov.r'r,.. until ,l)ye:.i08r Il-tb. 'h"'l tOlll':)a1'.y !:. re
l.O:'lPH.y H. "Ol:lr".-.y., U-.n rftv(I'rt."d t.o to !Ot)-. ;,.r"r.i:ry
"lnt'l "'r;y..,d to .xl arfJlI . :,(, T or. 14th or
> rl ... tb- ,,,r'''ld ;"yft;u'er 10 - I:}, th.. ntIl1i" r.,eo:.ruti'ltU"Oe .011
p"r"ti'ro.l 'or th" oror ln("r tb.. ... L!, "If' rid,': 01' ...v.,..h.. r
t .11"'9 nOr"! Ollt tnt" :,oati:iOf.5 on t.h'l w t .1... of ttlfJ ,. 1: ':-" i.iver. "'-"',.,a!tPl
"r.." ... , in 1"hfl! ylclr.lty or Jf. l.... Cor.t:.":":'
t.h .. ,.tvr 1lA--I ..oy,.c to vtcir'ity of ' .. - I'f. i.' &\If'lport 0" to}',,.
nt'rr,ry. n +.hft 22nd of : cvember two '!"latooDa of ('")t"fPany :.. .. to
T"ait lhe 'lBtoon firftd on 11. thl'! .:':'hlty
of :.' T' ",i' IlJ')d n< .evlfral. ...,emter 22 to !4..
t'!t''' :' 1".. al'tJport.,.:! j ill' k. ! ".:f, 1: 1t. r ua '" thr 0\ .. t-.. [ <'.
" .. ,".,. ,'.: r', and "'::..1:. '?:he I)t"..r "'at"".. S;I "r.e
: r-::'r:' fu! ntiallj' the lu.e route. "it}- t.he or the
f ...l"'Cf'o .; (-t'ln" ... attach..-d tM
. \. rlJs\.,'"!I '0 :). ()f
.. .)r.:, -1"',')0(1, f..c';: .. :.1.0;,' .'ora
l!'t"Oll fiith th- r'lf!lntr': r ......einft(' ir, thfl vici'l!t, nr I.""
( L! re-e. i n1<11,. "" roe n"lper.y r ( .. or,,, y 1 at "'Ofl f'1'I,.'1'I j f,_C' "'Ie 0
in t.h,. o' ro,c':::loeka t.o the 5,,'t! &0 ,h"e.t.
t ......
- 2
'rJ'.:'1'vi'mb"r 1 at to " (Wl!}mbol' 4th, ;; r ......ttar.he:'. to !.M 3ot.h
.". "atine 1 :.ilt '"7'U6 ")rt'lwlut of':'!' .. !;.:. 'r, .:::JTe:;ber 5, GIle
('r iii"! v', !;'.f':mtry ror an ..
,r .. ". .:"!V" I. t,o -o...r,\-.r 10, the platt)I):'t8 attlllCt.d
t '.f' S\L'p:)r"t ...iti.'! lr,r"ntry in C'l1.!.r1nr. the hUl 'tip. 1911'"' la
.,',"" 1: ',:"11:11 o,::)flr:. "'latM), ft .. t .. to tl:--fI' 13th 8\J"t>orf:.od .},,{r
..,,,c: !\n\..t' ".1 n oV'7!r,h.,r 11. (-)!ll't ;-latool'l; 1\"..,1 r.
! ... ,., '1" , .... "'c th'!! >:)t\, ..y e.Ld r-,':"'rt.d to }-"ttalhm
".,. -:h-i :'lllt"on W"tS me
,.3 ,H\C::l, re't":":lt. "r. :i.)v&r.:b.r 2ot" +ht' 2M rlatOGrl.\lP
,:",":n fn!';n:trJ' !'1rfld .,::slst or ':"., SO'th Inr.nt..ry.
,t"r"l"):;f':" th", or i .... .., :-'lst, "me pl."tlJon .... a+::tv,"4>ff to 7 force
',,] '''('!,,(It "r +.h. f!')'t'" ir. ",.trol11n route.,
, 'i'l" ' r: f . rc try ')n t .... rl" ,,1 n t bl e to onei! IlJrl'. t 'Ina.
'., .."",i-- 'n i,' t'1" r ..t(',," ,:'UJ" (s) ..e .. e the
"'J:,Picn::: ::--, thl of I..i.:: I ;: :rs 'A: '-. r"" P';\1!lS wer.
,;' '. (.'! }," 1 n rJ f" nt ry "or 1\('; "!. t t. t on :.!-. c' f i.Lf or: : omibtlr '!'h.,
,!"" '. .':' !' :.IF,' t-o r . ..,c' :' ire:: L' t r. .", ')C "lPll t.1 ellCel1ent.
\ '1')1' 'Yc f'1rin? ror 7th l-r1I1try. ew.....
',< if\", - :),.u. t'\':rJa.' ..) '::'1 1 1 (,r.ot-.r), at 'M of +:r.1Il C.O.
- .. , .. ",', ':" !::It-'OL (_t.,.:, un.. t.o !nr'l.l,try) n!'III",,<led
.. r " :. , 'j ," r' to 14th. t.hl't ,\ul t -'1;'
". C .. ' r:-:>r, ;t:,,:: reJ
,',.';, ... 1";'(' L( arAB. .. lV, "he
.. /" ... :::;!' i i; ""."' of'? 'Jn8 "-.ct!Or 1f1\.! !It
'.';" ,;,' J,. .. :, ,,' ,l,C 7',( <H,d :'/}tt; :nfllntry "or
r , ,,', :.. ,r .-,;' T".r ,'3,,>;-- to,' tl'o rt'l ... inMi \.1 errfltot. flcth .eot\..
, ." ':,
-",:.\.t ::..'00 rClit:.0& in n(' the "n 30th
"",:i. .) ,.,lr rtr .'.t ion 12:'lli:lat Ii. I'ort tl"..
"!':!'.: 1:; ":,e 1lt1 11>.5 kr.ocked out bj' '='uooira
"i' "'s ): .. ' ,\1"" : r, . <'11\) <;-;'" o!" lOjl our
r. ')'.:-,,r" .. r,4:, '1',,\3 . l-," fble, :h"'l (,""Cl'" inuad
-,! . " "r,'i ;O:UI>I to '.ht
" J ':: 'i'".':i '1::\ :'n,J;03Jc.S v(jry loet
i" "' ..... or .otten by ..,tl1
______ -._.___ - ________________
-:- ,..).;1. ,r:.';:';\:j :.>j'1 W'\.J iT.
r"-,. l'-; ,.J. ts ....... . .t
,.. i ':;(1 :' ; J': i. ':r.. .f) ::l'j':.t1('jr! 0" '''-,m!''!ll1Y G an-d one \,' I
. ffil""rl ;. ftrre.rlt arfie.,., F.nlhted l/,.
Vf/.I 39) (T/O& SI4)
3'; ,I'e.
f?f" dtJt:, 3 for
"' Pre. tor
1 . in ..,) . TO 7th A!"lIIy fk hllMl
I 1'L Reclassification t m rt. ", ...t Ctl'
Ctr flo }O m U lOt ... Ctl'
i'; 01'", ! :\D Pari8
! A!'IVL
4 C
Pit Ontnanoe
14 hoan Por ftm1P
'ed ./7a:- II ! If
""'c 'l'lr., t.t4A5 ./71m.. 'Jwa 17

If 18
1 If
lui. ./U.16 11_. a

t"'2. J:.;.ed flit tleco.ery "'eh. Ii


All othar vehiol.... per t/l.
rho '?littlng UD of batt.llon 1DtO widely ...
alld .. r .. eult. tr. _"tot..,-...... --*",,_lJ ...lteatee
-nint"'rl'll'J:Ce ,.nd supply. 'IIa.t nr the ,..104 .,...... 1 - 10" 0 __
rany of t.he battalion had eletlleltt... a1:: l e, ".. reel"'- ( ___ tllIrw)
- 4 SECRET -
.:;') ,:).:.,:('IT':lI
()l:" c::n:';:'.'lr., allot-her ll1viaioTI wit: <!lemollts "ith
two r".'1.l'f'!::t,. A. t.a!".k ba1.t'll to"'! 1,. forced to 8clely' 0(. it., oan
.. itt: ro ... r'; -:'0 lA&1nt.r.a,nce, a.uc. veri 1"'6e1;,' so wP1U: r.;erd 1." up:;1y.
lr.t'&Ltr;, J ia ion hal no O!'daant). perlC&llel "f' ...t.rhl w!ileh ean allis t in
th" ,...tnten'tnce r:>f ttUlica. At pr.'ent, to send malutecanc. ... raornttl &I:. l)artl
to tr.. .ntaUI Il round trip ?f leO
i "leOsel ";011 e:tpoal ttle l:\s or. ths ",ndO. plato:')tl,
t>einz 111t<'.35S1LT11y 3prd over 0. lar.;e9.roa. ith platoons, .,..n
i r_t:,l. t..nXa pr;,ad OTeT two ;:! i vis ion CO:41lland i .i:>n nee ;,>:1"1 all
but ialpo.,ltle, at ta.L'k battalior. cO zure facil1Ue. or ?eraonr.ol ... .,r
e:urch1i;j; cli:'Ilud than ar. inr.ntry battalion. Loss or c1)otrol and dbci91lDe
is a.l i'Olit il1t!vlt ..ble under- .ach ciroul'.st..,nee
Purthor'"!!ore. shittin;:. attach:nenta braalta '\o.n the
baUrMC! Inr-;ntry and tun, "It&t) hhe.d by hayln.:: tOi"iJ-.r. ;(ecently
. a C.O. tolcf ;no he "ll8 anxious to the ca:'o.t1any hu,k that h9
.oriced .,.. lth, c: ?1t.. tt.e r3.ot be thea had attaohed T
c":'a.ldl!r to b. the h31t platoot'.Jl of th" battalloc. '!'her. 16 co .ubstl. ..
for t. ... 'cued on t.,lIil1arity ::,'utual eonrlc.enoe.
Liaiaon }!etwn a '!ank 'latoon ani '::ypport.ed !nl"imtry.
II ta.!'!c la\lb a1e';Il"le IlahOl! ,r.d to
l"l'port a::. lrr.Ltry battalion. : act-. platoon lea.J8r .hould a l/4.-Ton
f1' ,,1 th a 509-510 radio .sid a telephone. rh. radio I'!nab!., the r' Iltoac
to .. in cOAtaCt hi, wh he the
or. r",eor.r..l UlOe in t.rra.1 u.;ouible to t.nn. c"'lld ').
1J ... tc tie lL the platoon to t.he supp,"t.,d battaUor. 1n .tatic or res.,rv.
po.lt10D1. The 1/,-Too enable the platoon to in 010
c or,tact W'tth battt.llon c. a a11 .. both otiona or t anita. ('ft'... Tr. ha"
one l/'-Ton platooll, anti : Cd .... no 1'&ltd r."oll why Ihwld nf>t).
t-up would enable I..he tntanV)' battal loa C.O. to oontrol more
clol" the .ction or the tanlu. and would ona.ble tank 7C'latCMl\ loae!"'r
to ontial recoona.i.lance.
!. Prot.otton or the Individual Tank Piro.
!': andbalH:;lllf, the l'rOilt of the tank u.aU)" l-.pro1'.' the moral. 1)1"
tM cr... 'l'hh organ1aation baa lmpr01'hed rllDb to' kold .ar.dbaga on
trOl\t of th. tank .1 protect1on b.loob. fir.. (It Will hlpractlca1al.
t.o aanc!'bt.l the ald, al w. bay. bHA opera'tll11 1n .0.... Which .ould
bat:' orf.) ". have not oftC! the r ulta Wlder buooJca rire, hut _
tank ... hlt 01 aD H.! .hell without d-..
"... .st......... t),e ..,UWI tan', haft pr0ft4 to b. excell ,.nt.
1M illljtrOYi .s ......... r. light .., ...thr_t.ery... t ....y
_lth ",..,.t oa ....rae.., tMY Moo. beIIt ad (e1r
..., .. , ..tto.,lat-tllea), .M weak ott "Nr7 U)". ?- __"ft!", far
....tlO11 \he7 ......1_1_, Nt .not be ....1'1..... erlr..."l/ 'to
GUU.I ".
J.t. Col., CaY-at..,.,
.":.:::: ET
.- .. .
.;. .. ... "
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
". ,
156th r.nk: b .. totdtOll
-...-....- _... _----------
; ,r,:", ,'.r;0<' ')';".:1:'" ..... s ito it;, ('?r:!'lJu ..t
') ":/C 1-:" ,:,r, ""ttl "l \,').-:-' ..... ' to li,;'r"l i'lr"'!'ltr. i-dai
'1.':'1\:\' ,,,i !.. ll'\.t)Qr, w'I.', 1 th :,rlwtr;.,; "".r\ two ,,1.too:161
t-, !,.;r :1-#1 '.:r'i".,.tr:...
. t-
.........., '\-
'i:.. t- :Hi rt! : "-1'11 \ 11.. 1:. I
: r-;Q.,j'.'l)c f, . :)8 t 1 ';: S . :." "\r I r,
tIt': 11 #\ t:.rf at:- r'rl .j.. .. 7'f'r:&!. jl.o:ue
.' .. t !.!. n: .....':+-. ,'tpr r1rat lI' .. +;4!tn no
r ::i or '! thfl "tr)on :'8.trol /',tj " ....
r' \ t &v...(: !"+ .,,-l :.1 a(
r .... Nrv. ",-lAo. '<" 0\) ."Ilnj h,. rer'Ytil "'It
'.-,,\1 j ". t,,, 1,' f' c.: '!O f': (' , 'D r)VI.... fr;)"1 :'iI,ncl,<!:'f .. .
L .) ..
v l Lt./ ; 1': .:." SIl7. :". Wj'p' 8 .wd i'lr...d ;. &1"II!II. j Ii:" ... la
.' ; ., ,u.d ':('\.11 it: -n..,'It'-.r .. h"ln
'. i ., T. ,'; '.' ,. '-t'. fI t,) at, 'i, ,.fl> l.r
",'.f"',,; .!:'l
c' ',r t eI 't:"41 :1 :'irl' ..,,' l "," 'l .. ., 0
lilt:. ...'!r)ll ,... ,', t on
.. I ..
lfltJnr. WstR r.,

,. ..
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"', IS \. ill ':,.C'(: : l; ',t1,. t,.,r fl " .'
"tt.c ,':cr:t ":0
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i } Iii.,! +c.J c",l. !'. It; '.
, ..
. ('I""'" ', .. ,:'i,,?,;") ,(:..r. '1):\8 "tt... t" n .. ,. lt), >..
'-: ." .... 2' .,. ,,.',Y IQ.,P t" :' :;Jl. -:';1', "T)'
.. I 'IS:.' "r n,.'::h.,r
.. ' ..). ,<:', .... 1" :, ....j ';' '.' "tt.ei" o!" .! ':V\ : :t'Af,try fr,: .....
''it:" 4;. "."r-. ";.rtt: .. out Co
' fF'! ,., '-'1""'
... ,. <! ...;. >'.:',\:1' :"of' ,.,110.... 1""'. ",:",'!.il""- rfll' A: .rf
'. :"Y'1:'(j' "; .::' ic,f',);:' ri f'r"'" we.t "d .,f . , ..
;. ,1'<\.-,'. :, ... -,t:','. '."" .)f 1'-". ".
11 :'!.Ls ';'lo(',,<,d ""_. twn h:, t:: :,-t 1"11"".
-.I'"'.. S .. rui ,.,.:t' t "'lr f"I!'t'/;,r"'l.ti.::)t ) .r. 24th
.'''' .:" ),,'.",'1 i,' '. lloc .f,1. r ou't nr;ft ',.rlc iV
, .. :, ,.j;,,' 1.f ,,.:IIt,..tler' t.".' .l't"()i' 11.\ c;'l'ltinl)tlh1 t.tI., 2tJrl " l"t.)on 1"",,0):,11';.,'
", ':h" :.. lrcl lat:)Of) the l.t.t
>'1'..1:. ., .''1i;tl''',) t.) ,'Ii.",Ul'., :ll ,":d s"lI)"'Itl.rl/ ;,. t
IlC: '.'; ; I"u'C'o,t,d '1"'" ;'"tt"l!on,
. ":"l:';l r:; 1. "n ,tr 'l'.i,'H''''' !. f'il"'ic 'lie. ... an
'.ri" ';' ... : " rttn 'n Q,,!hte'! ",'.h .. firin}: "11 1 .aC)l.i-.o -oe!l'lY
)l'"1:-trJ! ,'1'" , tl'('\!.f>c. 11-1' :;! or." !",f -;;1 4-:elllber. d,fII \ l"t')on
f;. .. lid tt. '.i,,: Ibth
-.', "., .. < (')L:t ... r .. 'tur. t.h", at.tth r" a .-J.
', ; c. """t ',n!nr 0' th" :'''tri,)ll the l,t : ,on att:
v) ',," t th ' f!f.r.t.ry ':. '" Ttr-" '!.:'lIt" :tV"ChAt: to tl." .30th rnra.r.tlj.fJ.,,,
''',1' I.,. u,, r,f !.r-"., f'",..t '!t " i.l fthtnt< 1": .tt"o,(nd 1II'ith
!,.,r> ,,!ttl& ... "".11 1b..... . t'h... r.l1 or ".he rl)" "n
1 :H' .. :.h4l> ':"1."t-'n,., ",I:;j : c,' ;;;' .C" '..r. (5 nr,o"lQber UHf cos
('! t''') ,'or ')':',rllt',i()t:a Aith '.he "11th or th,.. lO!rd
. .. 11 :, )c.. '.,LIt . ....tllr!;cac l"I'jth HHt 411th '!I.flltl
t..r.'JI .. n.r , ..... 'l'A, '.' .. 1) t rd .f;. ,"r .!
1 J. \,.1'" ....'..;;a:.."',. "',,:,. J \ :/:.... OW... .... '"
,.;)0: ....:r' It.:, 12 ..r f',',r <:t:te",j t ''lK (i .. atrnyera Canaer' .... "'.r.)
IIttC..,... t" 1f'" ':r:tn ... , 1,11 ,..r. ,i!!8tr.,yod "lth ,.. roy e".""ltl"
t;; f'}:,,, ., .......... n.v 'h" llttack to th'" "?rth. ct troylrn:-"n.
''In,''r1,,,,,,,.r,t .,..:1 Jllit 07t41'. ir. 14 Loor the
l!t+b\lY "rf'J,l.r'l8'ed thrn'l.h:.' '_," 16 i ",c."",ber +J-. .. el)'Il":'eny
"''11'.,,' I." ' :. I')rutr'.tiCo.lI .'it)-. 3r,j Inrftntry Z;lyiaion. i:r:. 16
"..,,, to ." ".:, (721:)f\8). trOlm 18 - UJ the
:ir1 tlt;P'tll"t"ti ths Inr"nt.rj In t.r.dr I,jYIOnl to r'r, 1l'J f,.o
I!W'.h...r t:: to ,,'t, ;". '!'!fI rlat'Joc. 'IIoTed to - n!R.
!)r..e ti"l !ti rod ').141 re"'ai 'n .'" L "d, k;. Th" r.1ao.....r. ':)co"pttKl
'l:tll '.h, "'bl.1 ot P8riod. ;.M. t,,';hkl tllt';t in bloCilc:ing .,OI!Nt
ftl'lr" ..r .... IIIt lona.
'':: hto p:'1:,' or thtit I .rtod ':""'Ij'&U): i:i :ed ou" .:,lattJon -t th "'leh
rl', i'''''' ;t. 1... )or. trU;h thtt 7th tl'wl nf
., r: ,,ce 1r er o;h. ftIOY..d t.o Ht it1'Li'i :}; (8960}8) rM'
\ \

:"1.: ": .......,: !'l',Ytt" t'1 .' :IIr.i-:!".1 ,..: .... rl ... :j
" \.. . '.i : t :) ' r :_ - I t,. ':' ."';' J r f,}- ("; II ".. r '.'" -. I : j, T ...
1."11' (lId:; );. +r., to r L" : """'I-""!,,, ..... . ,-:
"'el 1.";,,,' 'or ,.:tl\ tr.-J ' .. ... r.i" .,- q(,
,,' '!'Or . t.' r: y ..,;!'oJ r..',,,.1 ti"l,tt. . r " '.;' :..he 13 t 1\'I' .,.,: "'''t! .. ( '.'':
/th ; ta!lt..r.;' .: . ttl,. L-t.d tG th'!l l.:;th .. .. t..t . t
t! .., ::... t!:-- ; t.h" "',c Ie't .. f?{'
l,:,ul ;:d'-.::)tr} ir, t:h.. "tt"ek L' !,.'" ':,.' AS we:'" !>t, to
t ..,,, .tt:.Il:!(. ..,,') 'lth'!!rl.l r ... t',c .. 'l',,,r . :".. l'-l to:&.
"":)CIIt .. -.: .",:t. b.,n"k:a r1r. 1-. ..'. :.,.../. ,,:',is '371,' ..,.
coy.. r or thtl' r_rloc. th-rlt .. .... etioo.
'"r., ttar:bt' to tilt'" 7th toG Uti -'10(h1:, tn..
0': th _.'" t Qf . '. "T'", '.':' \: ". "
'; 14 th., >,.sault lW f1rflu 1,)0 n";.. \,. (If
v nr: ItJ strollr Dn:nt. In Y'oL;t
oi 08'4tS. ,'V, t4 j' .hf'
'l\lv'I)n Ill' r.r"C'"rIlLon lu!"port of tr" 'd""r.try.
'", n 25 We .h.ll... 't;, ',01 '.' .1. r-"(i!:: rAe.'ne.....,()
't',.d ?f tr't.! th. i.' laton narult:l'; . od ieter(Uc:t:)ry ..,..h.'t
I""t.h"'",l ...1;'. (')( the ..... 'tot."'r.
; the fI .... 1;,' part t'tt" .. eo("'Y "! ...
)nly Sf-ott." r"l!i.",,:']c.. thC(' "'. tl') ttL" k :. t;.: r.,. j now .......""r, tl-fil
enfroy hilI srrilt";l..." ;)f "-lr Iltt'lO;"1I hl!l
.t."ed a count.r-att.ok. 'il <1ltr.llS. i.Il' t!lJ"trwI"ftlj
an:; is bd .:n 0 ... !>aloOka}-:1ch 1, vre... t
.hrinv.. ,,> ,,\'r !'1i,,:):t -.ttar.>'}f - t".., or ':111.:" ... "fire
., .. h:,;' am: ,,"re 1':>114; .,Itl, U.,.:r or
r rr"
-.t the elo -10.1 ..\(1". "'ero .,. )110'-"1'
thto .'en.rn1 Hr. .. (b1l46; - .,'1. ,..,(i I. e:>4:) , - A.' '.";'. ',.' UY (';1-l7,
n ';':::: .. - (6949) - '{Ti..U,. l1lS6) _ B, .'-)-'.{'
r. {76S'. Any aotivlt: br'Q'.lytt h", ... vy
A.,.tllt"tun. w.,.. 1.n with Ute 'r<:l11''lry ar..1 were t,h-
ltdr. of the dl"laloll arlit
1. i'er.onnell
.. '""11
Pre. ror
11; 1.r.
a rreI ror duty E:38


l' r.. l'I)r ... ty
'tt: rr eho01
"\'1 M ' ! v ; eo. t Ct.r
I.' In \'.:-.
. I),...f1 n""'4ut
!'It to
U hr.

;;.t !l1.
:rd ror
. r

.' .
rk .lchool rotd
LOll fryr
./70"21 ;'un 22 1

./16r."'1. run 16 1 1 11 2
','.41 Hr 4AS
.r../'J 5 1 6 0
k.,.on-Tery '. en.
D 5 1
:"1 t 'dCl 115 18
!T 1
I. 11 ..... "It rIo1 ,. IS 'l' ",
.- ;"u,bftr .-..,rt rr'''i 1r. iull rt(1:re. of - ::4"11" ;,.c.4/d n.
1'1(. _/16'1'11
1. the ."o,r.d tltra1 t:t the 1ff,\, aUf'r',ol"tinr- t-o
.ior''' dif;'1cult1e. in u,'/>l:1.nd
rr.aal,.-f; " t'lnk 1. att"c).ed tc it 1ft"'"
:,.;, 9'i I:t.? 'rovi<1... ,d'r\c :"nt I- T,td '. Otla.
-0 r.j( .. 0;, +. "c ." s Itt : i ,t fore! t " l ' .. r".: " 1: r
: 'flr .; r t'1r.;'.' fU-,
, ,
r r : r / :1 Y. t.IIl" ic ,ill 21 C J"th were .war.. by b .. ,noiu 't.OlIU uaC 10. t ..-1 \h
n.swa. 't <., t to tr.. :'!'.Jr qn to attack 'er:;I"" t,.aka
" !J W":') '-Jll'1r.8r. .... j er:'!lan ni"ht .tt."icl wlt.h tanka uuoc.... rul
I'U/; t:,"l.11Rrl:' ,Ill'l&(t('\ t.l1at :&lIt b. "In..:! .,r t"..
'",1' r.'1 """".'\:':' i.,"llkl'll.I'h. ;n the f.ttt.*oae '..'" ':,'or!'1i 011 t.h. 21re !)eo.lllher
,:)-,,.. \ 'Y-Y 1:'1 t:JWl'l. '. fl'-",. of t.h:'l;, tho t .. m: '\.i.t301"1
t;) !":.'ll,w t.o1v. Iv'?ort a!1Cl lOlt tnur tank,. '!l'.ta C'''I\:11!
i\1"" :' ",. '... ,h. Ilt,.;.r ,. ...... r. of in"IIr.1'.ry -:-t.:.. na.
# r
'to. .: "Y.l ry


C0r,q'A.NDP.R ':-l ;'AH:1ATIVt;
168th Tank B.ttalion
I. Sil ,'1< RY r)F (ifiN Of'iRAT IOi'\3
n.. blltt.UOIl the p'ctfYe 1.fAn,. of the Third
i)iyteio, duri,,'1' the .ftrly nart of the rarion by hiciag up hloolrirlp' nositior
and by ftrinr!lsinrr ,nO lntl'trdlotory rire., UU8 arttll"lry
aJTHIa.I'niti..,,,. Re.z:i .... 22 JaJlUIlry the bat.talion th.. at.tlllclt: ,,1' the
Third Tnr'lJltry ;-; i on in eros8i r: the v...Cl'T, the ILL, 11111 l1l!f'a.T'\I'I:i riTer
8<1St of the TtL, flnd thft ,::-,[',),,1< Caral. ret.t led account of
r'ompaDy . FrOll1 1 - 5 .TPI1&ry.OI!IP Ill1Y occur-ier! hlocdn,,,: "C'si+lo"l'
in the BiRG;:!t.P (720663) - ("95549) - area.
rl'll!! +:0 "r ;'6 .L! (fl93fiOO) 6 Jllnuary am OCCilot!"::l 1'1001<'
l.llf -oettions ir. Lhe vld."'ity of LA .;i ;LL':; LA f'U,cr.
R'\' (S914S4) Rnd 1l'AP!G (560469). 8 .1a.nuFl.l'Y the ';'irst fhtoOTl was
.ttaoh.c to 8th RCA ("'rench) in vleln;tj of" i'OTZIVp (fH1151). "ne
1>1 rft\",rYft i., vlo1ntty of' '1/0.'> I -.., 15 ,Je.nullr! tl'>e -lat')on
on :>os Unns ""'ll!! r18c,..d in 1"088n. in t,'-1", vintntty 01' ,.,( 1'"
lind f'lrAd l'1'll"-'ct. '10 'j'";' ['; -:' IS (*,24441). Tl;is f'i.rin COT.
til"Uftri each r1a.r ,,'1rl "ui]--linr::a ir. )'15 "'ore set r
18 ..ry tre Ftrr.t ;'lll.t0n", ."a or !lttach.'IIent to't vrer...oh a.n"
TftTfl'rtftd to nO"rlln'y "I)ntrnl il1 vioinity of (Rg55t>n). rJn 21 Jlln
uillry A mC)v.. < to nci.!.:.lty or a.Bt ",. r' (891111) and O(,CllntC:',l f1r
inr, 0011 iti ona Ti c hi t., 0 (' fJ ;,;B1 -: :.r":::-" -.r.d nrn (719515). (In 22 ..'
C"""!"Ill'l' 1\ aUl"ported attack aorna8 thf" ud IlL ; tven
. nf- 24 and 25 ,T ar;ulll"J1, A. cor:tirru eoa the attaok tmr"rd
.. ,. ;', (735475) ar.c1 :.;,t.J\.H (725425). By t"'e 2t3th r,sd "'olr.. :- .... it!'l J
loss three tank. d88troyed ,00 two hy 'I1i.,e9. "r. 27 tTIlDvary
'me .,latoo" nf A ."e .. ttacr...c
to the ,"Cth I4flllltry lind sup
""rt.,d att'\ck on . . (765480). "'r.e tank 'ffla hy
l'he r8f"11 in "'sitior'li iT) --'n F''Ir8t
"nd",co,o ,latool'll! ')f C"t. '1._ Cqnal a..,ri
rtre. 7hf\ i "latol')r. (.ttllch"d to ;;r.Cth Infa.ntry h"Fi"lAnt) in
t') ret'e1 'n Ja!'IUary :: 'lI'IT'''ny (- "n.
-htt'on) cr")sa.,d the Cllnal 'l:.d "tt.. ck iJ' T
1-;".'U ",.ad
".fsc, .. r"1? (778.40). THrd r-lai:oon :;')sitions ne!\r
''"It'''?, (71)1;.40) lInd TCl" ..... ,;ii ":R (778453) 31 :;08l""ar:y 4.,
'::och",rj t"l 1t'" fnhntry '-'"nt, ,\feelllblerl at -:[R (7?R460). Tl-e ::"-irrl
'lllt.,n.., '1\"" of .ttaeh:tent to 3Dth Infantry 'afiltl8nt !U,d
"" th r.e e amp_r.y.
- p
- 1 ..
-. awo. , IS }L. If"
C.Y"'''F;ye, r;;l 1 a. nttAch... d t,o 15th !,ft' iJ'l'l.nt.
rrrl'1. C,d" t.o ',; .,. r' Anli h1,..,n:rinr TlO
,,: to '.:18 the T' 1rd I lllt()orl to +,h., vicd"\t;y ,..,r
,:4'(: is,inn, t,:) any nfmetr"t1on into V"lley
.t'l f ,",'l'rry "".,f\any 'l'(')ver ' to v:oi .... ;t." or T,<;:'\\I,'I', ('n 7 Jaa
lRr7 r q r(l 'lat ')n" "".s to 264t.h Il'1rarltry "'er1T!lnllt ...n1 "'1"
(I" ",..,s1l:')1"ls i., of lll. ;\:;I,1: U'915?3) 1\'111' r'" (700<;4:1).
:' 9 Rt '. VIlLE "IOT'" t.o :1 ,. "11 Jllm.1ary
,.:, ;,:' IItt3C''-l1lt('i to 1st I1t1l+,t'lli,o'1. ?,!l4tll Inrl'Jrlrv F..... ... nt 00
ow,bll ,)Hiti')tlS in .o\'.,j<!l', .,,',,"!l.\ (GI55475) Ilnd ':111 551 (C-864Q"). ('n 19 Jan
ll'lry ;:I"1r.a ny. (l9SS 2nd .'lat')ona) to the vicird ty or
an'" waS .thched to 15th hfllntr,f ko-t'TIent.::r ?O JJl.,\lary the
-l ... tI.H')l\ at ,':;';,.;m.,J 'lith t.he c,'lmnanl'.)n 22 J."ullry the :',.C'''llld
-llllt"C"l I'1nv"d to fIri.YIf' 'tions 'It IIY,r. (j09507 aUPP""rted
''lttllC.' firA. ')n 24 J'J.luary thA -;I'!e0n'; 'lI,toO" w". or
to lind attaohod to 13th lnr,u,try Her,hent. T., .up
t.I']", l">tl- of ... II L n1"l ?4 JIl"u"ry. four
1;"'\(8 .... "";I;trl')y(;d ">j il<iditlorAl t;)P'l)r Wil. i"",,1-)IHlftt!.
'chr"'19 t"I.i<S '''If''re ''':'letr')ye<i, twf'''lty-f!'in rrillowera t-\rel'i, IIlany f'I"."'Y
II 25 "ll..ed '"In nortr ;, 1.':', "n lin('
trt'!l "as ';r 2S 1.;:)mp!l,Y B "'ill r .. '"If ..nt
t:) ;!"fl'lntry ,>I"cl li .. to fr.f!\ntr:i h'rltre11
. f:' t"r<!'t8 ("0'" the we lost "'"e t ... .lllr,,_
<")1" fit""""J'. t'" ('P1rl of t,he "BY t:<> Will Tp.1it'vpd ,"'sel!lbled
in viC.i.'lit', ()f ,:;I-i.:!'S .... f<" (Bg2;';?3)'0r n J"cuary th- rom
'1a:lyV.FlS f.\:'.liched to 3Cth 'ei .... Ant '1'10"("(: to'ona 1" vicInity
., f 30qII " :3 !) 1')\1; 'i.; N" 'T: (3144 2 ,,) ,
CI ,I 1 ;np!'l',' L, .... ;.s 1'1 ,: ('';f>04l-10),
"ltt'lc0,,': tl') 70t'" j !oJ. ;, qnt. int(:?n "(\ld I"flf! t tion.. in r.. "!-i':;CI'
"'j'-< ;);lP 'J",,;j 11 ',in' "1 a '.(",)11 "',," i:.
I. J"r11',ry. "r.q ",i" -1""::"0" l.A-iI,l" il"
""1";" I"'it;t, t, r; +:hre-.
:,'nvqr' +,.., ", 'i, \'"':,):'11)1',.).':,8 J!l!'llAry 0,.'" l!"'ot\OI'"
':qr"", tj,)1;t,! .. .,st. ,>,' .., "', 4554 75, to SIH',port " 1"Irflry
. t+<l(" iU 11 :""'lIciry, WaS to ?54tr T. fqntry
.. t i:. 'i,A .iCi--,it,: iI ,I. : .. s It 'nohi1A .
: ":-Clrrl'cti,")' fl,ri.!'If:. 17 JaH.J',ry to vic-:'i,'"'
; ? - \;. :, 1 1 r 1., l. ()" n c: ' ') r 84: t (' (l: t. 0 t' 1 T' r tl t r: t , P: . ir-l ent . n 2 3 ,-i,. l'" r I
".' :r'-+;" ;"f""l:,r:/ 'l
t->elr oP i:LL 'IlT8r,
;v.,r!;' t, CTnss . l'ltHPI 1<)10."'r's "'.k '#iRS lost Iltterr.rt.inr to oroas th"
.... ,', zt ,r'!.',uary the'irst sr.d '1 "toOft
.... qtt'v:h,y t'l rf<, B'.C' n-::t""i<P0 "')rl"st :,r '''):,r7
j'"o ,,,'- 'n.,re ,'q'C .,(1 -''It ""'O::".j' t'l:tk rire. 'r,(l eneJ'l'ly -"!'I,rk f' tl\!'Ik"
#qi' :"t. ,,?5 ,''l''')'1rj' tr-" 9 nn ':,- 7',347!) lind
'l:e ")rth"''1l1t '1f :'1 . :, hR. OW':! ... Stl'Cl( '"strt'y..r b:; ..
f'ire. .. C'-.,..i ,'d,PC< l . ""c:l,od ... t ... : ht took 'J,;) I!1n. 'ft 2A Jlln
varv ''".'' to ")4th ' ,hintT) ... .l'Ci 1" cle ... r
\.'1- ).-. ',; ,")1;,.:'" ,"I Z':; ,1,1 'ullry th'!l V"i1"lIn;y ')J'\r
".<tr./. 1-, (,,,,,,tllr,, of 'J; '.. '.' '''"f,f.;'.'''_
-, ,:n::r",. ,j ,\Il,.,ry '1 :''''''''1 \ 1"'58 ::In- "'1 At"Or.) "liS aaae",bl,,<1 in
- 2

/ i ':, .; ,.., \ '_. j ,7 "_., /; r ,'" : r . ", - ,-, ;. t i:, ; r it; .... ') ''; r- ... r r) '1 t . ('" \: '" r
;{! . .. ' .. :. t '. f. =2
.: n 1 ,'! ,\,', &1 'l : 1,,' "0" '.... +.. ".-t t.O ,'"I C!t"'" . r
7'-'::, FitJi "I :t, i-J.lih :,f''' f' b'i'1t.!I. a irs\. \ t.o "+1,
"':',_:1"',,' l f i:'l .. ;!.v' f):; i.t,i:n: ;'! r:1.':'41"1 'Ill" t'110
+., t ;;.: 'lr.rt i.' ytcin.ty ... f r?:)4X.'. 4{, ',-:e l"t')'lr. \ 1"+, .. Tn
,; 1..'1 I\p. tl .\.;1' ; ..
')'if'\ t.o Z.t:: I h.rl. "otion io: .. r,'l iT'" ')t;:'" .... it"
-.':r:jlr..... ('Or !lnc 0",-, i , ','. v, A ,1rlnll'r:, "he
".' J'.t.''>:: '''''u; re1il')Vrtn C]' ' '.l\ci::"'I"'>1t :;"'1 l .. .... : .... ,' It,.
1;.:) T. ('r"l';c:',) ","no..."'; '''' .. . Fe '/')lll
"1\":' (l ... to .. it:, O!, ;,< Co . .......
) ,"'.i "'r"l :, ,"n ' ..., l')tr; r frd'+ry .- I"
.)1' lO ..T:\.1V'iorr t, vici,lty '>f . " '-.1' r. (57gf.rR).
17 ':':'.;.,ry '..i'e l!O\.:ron ....Tv1 f'r-,,', -t'ar.slvl't to "e8."" lEI
'li(!i ; ')1' .':1 2C ,ijitIlJ9ry ,,;" ;+ft ".If :' ;J'\o.... ;'1;-' .1' r: L:
,;" <;';:1, i"ad t.') '0,> to' 7tfl 'pct"r, 91-"" It
:-,:'olel:-'lfl "':.0 rp"'''''f'r. Y! '8 Il:.ri 'l[',d loc1(orl, loe"lt\nn rpo n ortlll'1 to
SiJT'-:orti '\' :'irdr.anctl. :!" '!1i'1'H.ry ir8t. latoor, to 7t,l, 'r.rant
ry, .. ",''l 7?3;J12 i Jilt)"):, to l'jtl-, T.;r":'J.t.rJ,
;,0 '.:" /5:),;.J . :h.10nn to 1'\:1rri I-!eeon (atte.ehAd
to :I'th ) 24 !;'o : lat"lon o V" to vicll"lty ,r
497 'Jprl ... t; ... 'lrr! . ('17.'>011. WIlS r'll.I""c1 rT'r:
to :r':)o'-) aOO to 15th '!n?S Jennary, :?irst
wIth and toolr tl:8 town.
",,'is irr-.h:Lireci hy artilhr-' ir"$. j'11r:i "lat"':)., to 25-4V
1"";1try jl1 .,r :n 2(', Jllfll.4/\ry the i.rAt i Yfd r.blef In
rf.lSArv('l j:-, v;du:ty 01" 're.l \ !'.L ('.i15t'5Q). :"c")nd: ... "-...ed t.o .,I.eintty
:'If' "724rl1 Il:-":' t:Jl)k r; .. fans iTI'!! ;i08: t iO'(H. -'ft 28 JllftUary t:ho dltOt,.,d ; l"tnOIl
",-.,8 r"l 'In.' to '., '\ ;, \ _.J.... .:1 2:;1 -,J flnua.ry. f-l rat - t.toon !\'IOYltd
t') ';L4iI attac\ or 7th II,cr:)" t.ho C:ILAR Car,al. -"'1\ 30 .la1lUAry
!.r"t'l .. C)cr,)81 9.11" 1\J?,;orted the 7th Inrantry 1.
ft I.t tn:'.-.- :.C ". (75fH28j. le.t'Joli supportin,; 254th Tnrutry III
J ]:_1 T'L .H ,Te:ruery the i"1"t -1etoon IUpp:>"t..d attaok of 7th Tnf'l\ntry
lr: ,:74a42'().
ASSI\ult (run The nlatn).; ":as ilia Ii.X-guD "rmorltd
bnttery. H tL"! 0:" th'l T'"rtorl thr.'ft ' loo.tttd llt
t,... r". -ur.1I ""Ir'" .t 619531. '-lrin.y, ot. _rfta hi Yicln1ty ot"
..'. (735475). Jrr? JJ\!'Iuary two ".ur;, !'!'lov,"," Into rj,r. pa.ltionl 1
.,.ici."tty of a"lei fired "ar"r:,tng eO\,tbe"lt"r
l)e'r.e.i.n<ler of tht'! t''lon eontllllu.. d
rntul.'HUI. "n 7 J,.nuary platonn .at attaohed to 41at Fl.ld A.rtillery to
th4'O 254th Iafantry. Fo.atone III Platooa
ftrtllr, for 411t ll.... ry until 23 Jaftu.ry, "hflln they b.,all
rlrh;:- to lut:oort atta.ok, prinolpdly in tOile the 7t.h n. 24
.}Iltt"t!lry two ,",tn. '!IOTlJ!'! to ...lo!nl ty or :t,,,if Joi'trtll[!; o">ntioufltd til
7th J 'rantry lone, ?r81l1(.\nr up oou_wr-attacn oa 0Jt 28 "'--&17
29 .J a l'U> I\ry t-hfll r 1atoon to FT.;;' n'li AI'" f1riq to l\Jpport
+'1 ... "+.... f\(',, FA control. oor.tiaultfi to /O!tId "r period.

'\' '-.
; .
II. . '
.'f !tT"'! 1J1 rA: ist.,1 ',\'r ",,'t" .,1\ "l'101tn :'0
r"nSfll5 (1.:,,;1 ""it: ')"1", "r":,,or. ,'" .,l,rtued .-o:ie:r o!'
:1 "",<l
H th.. 'Snit or the bulk of the hatt .. l1on '8 sU'rorttnr,
tt.,. south of' the C":',L"'.'t-;anal 1" tlw - l-'''\R:,c;2
.. " r-. I,':, ar.a. were the lflrt fla"'K tf'f
J 'c,;- (30e,ea).
1. . 8rl o:uae 1 c
(i rt'l (lera
(T/O. s) (rio. 682)
21 Pr.. ror cuty S Fn_ tor duty 611 ff)r duty
1 ro j tI ti.S. 10 TO in , . S.
2 C rllM!08.t
1 UiT Ctr

28 ro
I ","'ob I11nd <Ill 7lattle
1-,1.: B
'it la
8n 1rd for B..ttl.field Lou for
Mrs 24 hr. tor Rep. Rf9palr later) Total "ollth Short
ne. '.'4
or tHA1
_/15.". gua 22 2 1 0 1 2e 11
. Med .Tk' "4A8
w/?S- r,ua
1 10
L1ght flea 18 I 1 16 1
Ned 'nee "'AS
How. e e 0
T/I \led Tk
a.cCllrer7 Veh. I I 1
1/4 'toil C&R
14 I
It To. !ruaa
1 II 1
All other per T/I
- ShOlQ lIWIaber .hort rre. orl1:1nal ot SI * M' )l'4A1 w/16r:t111
... 19 11&41 t...o .. -, -

The en:i or the period roulld battalion in urrent of re1nr..,rce
The lOla 01' .eTen o.!' wr.n tnrJe :--1atool'l It'ar!ers. :"Ille comr,allY
C/)!TIJr\8 1rler. anc many of the expert on.ct)fi en118 tod tAnk cOMlltrtn'iflre fIIf' ri O'Us 1)"
thf9 .ffioien.t "r armor. this teen
on siaee 15 atld replaeerflent& haYe beft!! of iliterlor
unit n() haa per,')nnel lultlllble to to replaoe
:"o,tim,OlllS Operation V1.:.tJ. c(Jmpaniefl at ,..b('t't GO.:' lI+r"lnrtJ-. t)] t",.'.f:
")8r8oMel hila aeri' .. l:.orale of "shl'llry" "1len r'l.6 l'tr!. at
tf) sC'j,tteriD(, or t8.nlc. iutead of ket'!;'ll",,' the ;:;latoona iatact .;\t:'O'Il't .,f
rleer sup'!'!rviIl1oJ'1, tbe t.uaks hllve not alWay. .1 "",11M! t',", Y c,)'I'ld

The superiority or Itnemy t'lnK and 3r:ul18 hAl _hatn
..1emG"\8trated. rn "10 cale did \F "rc.1ec1:ilee rail to p)e..1e
rllte tuks,
w} : 1", 0M of our t;'nlrl bOl.lnc-,dri-"ft ot!' a C"'l""'an tar> l\t Il clns ... rRnf,e.
t n s ?naa CaS ee "l'l19my 1'")roj ect iles p Ii1i I eri n;)fJlp 10 tel)' t'>:r oYe!-. :)U r tanka. 'tJ.. e
e rreet or of '"l\.'l'" tank :8 obviou
II 0ID8 rllti n frlrCerrlt:1ntt; .ore recoi d1 rL7: the r' ",,,,1. or. , were
ill "umber IUW it: ,talitj'o-er .. t:) toe
Co] a" s i t'1 ....1 "nrftW'Usr.b er" .,.,' th'JU t. h qu all fi "or allY .i ,.,tl. ,: ,.., I' he
ha-i no t,.11c experi.euce othar i:raT t'",at rt'lcOiTOd In a two-1Veek's 0:;111"'8 .. in
q,,, r.-t .... t ':r')Up Thle orc:"rtr.atiol:. Waii ror- to-;rYlt"t it's
y,wn aehool I'nr rJlen, "'V".)1"'y 1la.n ur'"a!".tlv "lH9'-AC for c'Yn
bat. At ".he 0108(' of the perioe : i tb.t v,'fi(J:r .,

.!.... ,',j
Lt. Col., Gav'llr;r.
- 6 -
Tank Datt
JP"bruary 1 - 26.
At th" tednnln,': of thft periocl ",It'! batt.liof" "K1\1'l still supT'ortir.1" U.n
It trrl [ivlsion ir. ita -,. ArRtiol.. 'If th" Of, .L
"A" llti:'lohftd to the 7th lnf'lrltry w"s r""H""ve wtth t:,1It
t}1f! vicir;a
of' at :,o1lr'&ny '.," n '8
to e, [nrantry Il!1e nt op'Jr f,.t \ :-.jl' fr th" ;'j 00(' 8 ne I!. r tlw ' ':: ,. -';"
Cilnal at coorclinatell 8:54415. 809423 ar'lrl :l2.395. (- :st
Platoon) _ae to the t::fur.try .. "t ar.:: .... ! th
+.;;'18 lst !'attalion i:. the;; of ,314422. A, "ar? -'! Ar.r. a
"ark \' n this sT"a. Tr.s first '1f ,: iii "-::. lil":.t8.('(... r."
thl9 254th J;,fu.o.try ? ... Ilnd ... RS oper,.ttnp: i.:l v'N'e
., ttn im;-ort'l:lt r:>!tt i.. 200 I!n&::ly to St,rrt'lr:c"'r. L
I I;: -! Ivh; lor. r.,aer/o. :):,,, ,latoor. +.: 254t..... '(.
fa r. try',: . 11'18:1t It. :1{l one r 11l t:.> 0'1 ttl:i(; t:> 7tt. ffl c - "l: . r,f'
b'It:1:.'lli0r. '\H.,,\.;lt ';U"1 --lllt'Jon W<UJ 1oc,t-6 1:, j.l),.;"; ('trir,," i.' 6U'
"ort of 7th infantry ;:a:ml'ln ;;oJlpany.
'r. 1st ')f A:l"I['Ilr.j'anc ...d : 1ft:.:;'), of (>"l':-I\ny
-:1:1veo with tilft 7th to , ("i55"f:4) an "r"r'.t.::,n
"'!--.(' ':- Car'Al scc:th :0 9
I.t-.f' Ilt 'a23:-;3 'lr,,; .\t "'!lilt ')f ':",;' -.:'::.. .\j
8 t j:'ll9 +:rw 1,) tL I '-J !\l; '. i ,j ". f. +:.. ...' tr ,. ar.;,; ,:; Ii ': +. ...
'J)OOr")'T "8St. .)f' c .... tilr;L;, U44422 .' 7,:-.'11Y clo.-;,-. "-, -).",
c'lr.a1 I" th. 3:)t.!1 >:fa:'ltr
' "If .1,;St. :.'l:-t.h .r' ,;:
'\.f ..... 1r-. .. r9 0[' :i,'\: ':,-, :.. T: '.
3543 "'837'1, "H Fr:tbruIiTY. '''t"r wal tln,' '"t' 1\ rrl"i 'r, at <5:1.1?
c'11.'d.'u'1c' 8')uth t') l' [,,'. 3r-: r.;.tr..;l:lr. thf! lbtr. :,-.
:'llltr:! ' . ., Ilnd ":0 Jr'a::y - nnu "lA+')I)n) hy
t-(') 1 r"serVA. ""''''':'J ' t
.... Z'+,j, '1819 ",'1
?fJ4th . "t :....,'L:t :"J''''r. .,; .... .-,:- .,')
to,,!, 7tl, r :'I\lltry 's left !l'l" tr,,:, r.o"",;1 'he ; rst .19.':. 'lr.
,f the d>c'''''''1\4 :e.t ')L "if ....... t') or. rl ...
-.iss1,r;n. in"lltrnt'!'r. t1', l')f+. '>f " :- .rt'1r
"IX ',r.e 7t!-. :-al1 r;tt-.n t--;':l'. tc'(::' ( .. -,')CK(,J ')qt. ';:'/9() li '''t L.i\';ks
'l,'. !l'" :-,' .... '" 1\ "'''''::- "'In". l:)t,L Ir.f',,::;
a:')[l';1 '> ... 7n /1:: .: t,:'I')k 1 hI ;r/1ur r')"j '. s-:'llti ,)f
at J:.:5Yi':'. 'ltt4ck t:.: 6 ")'..Itr. c'r.t;.i..'\;fI!' 'Jr. "\-0 lith .
!'\' ... '\:::.' A t..,oi<,q: -osl -:.f+;"'r a r.i. r.': I;Ittp,(,,; in -+:, .... -.
";)' ,', ! :. ';:',fl; irs: 113'::1 r 'n ,'(".l1r,;l\v:r C; " 'is tp.v',-' ....
;:::)4tt. 1, f"l;ltry : <>,.i Il'.:.:l t) It,th ; ::f<tntry -".
an 'lttf\r', or. th", '. ',1" 1:. of ,:"1 ',. ._; VI) CI.:1y r. 'v,d
; t9 C '.i. ',"S--: :.' l"l SL.-,t' A.:1 ",,", .... -, ,.
1 'Jr: t'e tl ,..,f :.: - s.
- 1
, ......
.... t

:at"or: ',1' 1Il11Y A a.lso i:"') th Ir:ff\l!try nrld

";: 'J\n" 'I L "I, [n 0f t.t:P. 15th 'nfantry, "irRt . llltoon
"1' ", l'lt e'<.t (')f '.:' )t" \'ri.:i,!.es rr .. ' hlow,) and
t")i>: I;" ,'.f"".,dve 1:'e i'ir&t i ltltr:on;:lf RUp
'!" ')1; F" ;<!": ... :; ... st '"If i:re c"
.,.I e \!>:!..,1;l-- ",'i' :("':". "C, f)'1 tbA ohr'iluy
.;';' .
.. "
'; 'Jy I'i iV/11 n in au-:r'")r+, 7tr
, ,'I',tr
r:-iC .;.-: P: (!'
-.: "1"'-,, .'\"
"If i ". I . ., . ;," ..
I ' .... (' : .. ......... ,., . J.. i .
')r-:'. r'!r!J' 1\0 f .. ... l:!i
'";. l:.P" 11" tt- .....
')Ii. -,"'}n.y i .. >J:'< tho ;u:-:I! B. ... IT ,,:'i
r .' .. \. . .fo'!, l:L:"l i 1.. ',,,c: tl)
rr ':r1 1,: ,'I"r.,'!"on ,,11 t ',: in
,.... -. q"',
A !\t
\ , . It, 0( 7 1i " ,
.. '7\:0 l'.I/rd 1r:!','l{!t" 1",
,l t. ,'j ': ',II ;'"
;'nr ...... " :l'),.\:.",l")"\
r .. i .... t r,;. 1 r ,J v t',," p -' 't. .L r f 1:1 t. r y
. ,-' t .. , T
.(" 1.1 ..
: .:! $101
'v I.d .,', r ':6. ir
,:.,; 'r,l' n,:; 05
,? } 1 t ) , ." t:\ '1
., ... ':i 10 :Jth
.. ... IJ lr; :'"'p:l,..,...... l
'1 r.-. f\
. ,./ "
.. '
';;';: ,'):.1 fr -.,'
-" , .
J .1
it. t;: ,:.r... ... :i..:P, :"priod
II' ';e 'lr C" :" ,'r" r, -: "r-fli.. < ;d. (If'
:. ' : :

) s '...l S \',: t . ..,
::,)4. r""1'; 1. r. t l.
t,) r "I" J:"
. 1
.1::1<. e. t. !'!It<Hl' t' 1'''1" t\.q
ta: ..: , :' '''/# 'vor. ,' ... re
;,: b1:1;";'I iI :lS '\ :' :: J: ." r' f <, u t
f"il,,' ',") "t,,:, -':1" ,"

.... . .......
:w . PrI1 ...............;''''.
, - ;..' '.. 1. -' ...
'in--: ':;".:.5 l.l3+;' ',:')3t bri:! 'e.
ti-, r nt l7lfl.j:1; :,,: nr;e"j' forc"s ... i ther u:, 'r
;,.,.;, '_;, r,i3 . :1s:'ti):. j" fr l'!t -:f th.., "i7isi;')!:
"'r ':c;' ",1/. e ,)(",vtnc;::;l,:; r."n )o,Qr" +" ":0t
ir. "I.:1TfI 'fJlo:t.j'
""r"' 1"'<
: ... I :, " : .
._---------- -- --
.+:. ''If th:> +-,h., WJ!S Tt"gerve l\1th
.;" 1 l ..... "r:tr:' :;-i::,- a ..lefousive r-of'i+;';''Jr.
IV. ., . -, L .,
. , . lc"rs ,>nrrant En! isted
(T/r ,
39) 3) (T/OI G82
632 tr.,.. I't;'r "uty
2 'I'D tr: r.s. 14 TO in!'.S.
3 'I'D tnT:.f..
Fres. :'Qr1uty 1

Run Fit in Sn"aint 0rd ror Lo.. for
ners 24 r.ra for Fep. Repair Total Month Short
':'\: S 4
w/7F;:".'M ;:un 1 26 o
;: ..Ii Tks ll4A1
w/76mm {rull 11 2 o
'.'itd :"8 ',!4A!5 B08
w/76::t.r1l pun 14. 1 1 16 o o
15 16 I I
"d Ik.
w/ln51'11'1l !iow. 6 o o
- z
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.

Fit ir t'r, 'f, 1rlt -'rel ror I os s for
:4 hre for FieF. rl8:Ja i r Totd OLt.h

;/'2 ...
: ("f 1 5 0 1
'.' ,
23 2 25
v. r
I'r,t) r.I\rt!tr o:'ll:'1 arm()r ';1"6
W;''':1 USIII( ) ... 1-. "I.V,,).: !' ... <\11pst
IJnit s}'culd th"l '11'" tltojpr-e:-. tank!' "!"re
b:' .):lr ;- .. ::-:;') to::.:i ;'<-r" .. ) 6upport rlaC'r ,t.h(Or.
r'urtherl:1ore, succeSI 18 'llUcr Itkply. /:..,8"" i!".far:.try c"n "t'ick r,ne,
Qr:, r)r +!"rc tan'<" 9Iitr lair ... :;If' :;u('l('t'SI. A "lAi'or.
i5 l.l!Hl .. ll .... tro . Ire:, ')ftltr. r,,11 h",clc ,,'t.h't t. tr,)'Jr - r-r t"o:v 'Ire
C81:,rI.t 1:. t .... 'jf'. Let. Ar!!t C',.)r.f%" .. ::", '",,\.-:;"s
':lrt-rr. t('l fir ... ht d .. A ".",rUt cr
trflY 1-:'1""[ w';:1 l'"coivf" fir- "!""' s\.:r'ccl"t1n': "', r":C" .. t.
a 61' t"l.c,i<s L, tl. rT.all ..r'!. 'Vflrwt (l)1c. t}:e
Cor..tlnuou,j to!: ')f thf! Sfll'ltJ t1.r. S ts al!r +.'") t ... l!.7oi,J ....,.
ranks should n()t b .. \A50d to 8uppvrt attAck the i ('ft"n
they ca,noi; be or aroy .. rticulRr :'llt. ;:ao il: tho:) .:-(1) sti11
COl;!! tautl,:' alr..rtc::: n!'lCl Sftt aa h:> t i VA:1 t RS
tho l"f'antry ion tr...y art'! lIuT'F0rtJ.. '.! rr.'lt!:. :""n;arc: roar. 'J1 '1rft
often ver:' rRttgu1nr, 1\180. bfttn[" '1 \'-":1 Il "break" tS!u.:
w111 r,lvo h.,ttN perl'ot"1.r.cO ovur Ii '.'f t.t;:).,. :01 :-lI,rud".,.
att,,,k I!' it Cl\n t)(J forese19n that t. nkl.l wr"lf. rrnbllLhlr b., .11' no ()r
of n!'!i "tty. "alu" III ";;lorllle ths inr..ntr:', it l<f('1,1-i
be b.)l,ji. to \'/'1 :)\.t.
Moonl1trht can .- Jot! tan!.:" Tt "u:Jt 1:>1' 11
enOUi',!l 80 that th" .ne>:l)' oan he .eer;. Ur::'tIr,h thl'l sight., Furt"'"r!llore,
lnfa:;try 'Wet he on all sidel or ':.'1n;'- to "f'roto('t j t har.ook!\s 'l:lrl
as In any nlr,ht operation.
S. 1.0';0,
Uaj or, Infantry,
COtIIIDa1'X1 till:.
, ,
; "'"'
, .",
/Ii, .
I" . ",

," .
. i
0 M )4 .4 D I R' S BARRA!ITI.


; I

0 ..
t... .
J A II U A R Y" AND ., 11: B Ii U A Y

:'ho hi:Jtory cf the 756th Tank Battalion for tho r.1onths of J:ll1uary
'0:):"t1[U1', 1944, car. ba cii vided into the followine; phas"'G,
Jan. 1-D (inc1) Reort;anization and TraininG in t:lC ;:;. AGATA area.
Jan. 10-11 (incl) Uovement to area in tho vicinit:" of
Attaohment to Task Force Allen.
Jan. 12-15 (incl) : Reconnaissance for and pa.rticlp3.t:'on in
against Mt. TROCHIO. \...
Attachment to First Tank Grou?
Jan. 16-18 I Reconnaissance for andLmovement to now bivouac
Attachment to 34th Infantry
Jan. 19-20 (incl) I Reconnaissance for in initial
action against CASsmo.)
(Preparation of Firos).
Jan. 21-29 (incl) Reconnaissance for in
action which resulted in successful crossing
of the RAPIDO J
Jan. 30 - I Action against CAIRA.
Jan. 31-Feb 1 (incl): Action 'Yd. th "Butler Force''.
Attachment to 135th Infantry 1er;i!:lcnt.
Feb 2-21 (inc1) : Action against CASSINO.
Attachment to 133rd Infantr! Ile::,;inent.
Feb. 22-23 (incl) Movement lfromCOmbat area to re3crvicing area.
Feb. 24-29 (incl) : Bivouac in PIEDI':OlJTZ-ALlFE area.
Page 1

:.,,:rinc; thi:. i10rio(; tho ba.tta.lion "Hal! ont;ac;ed in roor.::;:\.::'. ;,':t'..;.i.on
")' at lTi.LY. The battal ion had beull OOllVEH' c:d a
....:. a _ ta,l.l:: bal.talion on the 15 1943, a.r:.rl 11:1/ bcon in
:J, that dal;o.
Jan. ___:iovemellt to Area in Vicinity of' i.:IGHAlTO.
I:\lrinc this period the battalion mO'led to a new assembly area. in
'bhc V'ici:-,it:: of ;'IG:!ANO at 996118. Upon arrival in the now aroa. tho battalion
was to Task !o'orce Allen. Reconnaissance was Gr::.'cctu':,:1. t:1C Et.
P'.J::c::rc ond CreEHELLI areas for action against counterattacks 'which miGht
:!c.ro1o[ around the North or South flanks of PORCHIO. Plans ....tOro made
for ':he rolief of "D" Co., 753rd Tank Battalion, by "B" Co., 75Gth ?c..rJ: Ba"b
tal..i.o;l. llnns were nado for firing a platoon of tanks and the ASGau1 t Gun
?1ut')o:; i:1direct fire methods. 1945A on 11 Januo.ry 1944, t:1C Jnttalion
.3-3 ':/0.::; that the had been attached to ':'::l.n:.: Group,
voce, I::: Corps, effective i."ll!lediate1y, and the above plans ",'rere ,'ut in
Jan. 12-15 (inc1) Reconnaissance for and participation in i!n"tiul
attack against I,!t. TROCHIO.
':'he Tank Battalioc1 Commander repcrted to the Group ,::
e::l.r1j" :.or:ling of the 12th January and received b.formation of' the ten ::-L-n of attack a::;ainst Ute TROCEIO. Route, site and re
w').s i:1iti3.t'3d the sane day. The chief problen was -'co fi!ld a
route into the area at CERVARO. There were suitable areas
.:.r.: '::'ir:'.:::; i tio:J.s for supporting weapons in and near :\:,d tor
,':as i'rcirl;;T suitable for tank employment, especially in the "13" Co. zone
(2ee I ;,owever the routes into CE?Vf.. '10 vrere veri poer and
considerable Enj;ineer work. \ Reconnaissance was directo':' t::rough
,L. 'T=:::'?8:::::': a..'1c! through the C area, but the trail fra:::. :3 T. '!ITTORE
to :; . was the onlr Qne whi ch held any promise. On the 13th J anuury
the 73.:-J: Battalion C.O. contacted the C.O., l68th Infantry and
Page 2.-.

c:)l1.:"o:'rc,' OL plD.Ils for the attack aGainst hlT. T1WC:'IO. Plans n.t Ghat time
c'mto:-:: use of tho entire Tank Battalion. It WIll! asreen tv o.::1;loy
J.'ank" tactics for the close support of the InfantrJ, such
taotic::; crn'ld be applied.
The Tank Battalion C.O. kept the Group Commander infornocl of the
;:>ro;ro:::;::; cf tho work 0.....1<1 tho Group Commander passed thi.::;
on to :,it.:arters, 34th Infantry Division. .;iuch liaison betwo,):'tr.c Tank
of the act;ivel
' engaged tank elements and the is not
An i.:;nbineer Liaison and Reconnaissance Officer 51101-:1(: be at
tacllcd to and work 'Vli th the activo tank elementa from the vory earliost stages
of nction which can conceivably require Engineer work.
l.. t 1015A., 14 Janu:u-y 1944, the 1'ank Battalion C.O. was ini'onned
that :::11:," one company of tanks would be employed. Reoonnaissance was con
tini.\c',l DJ:(: extended that da;:r. At 200QA., 14 January 1944, tho'Iroup Conmander
infor::1Cc: tho Tank Ba.ttalion C.O. that only one tank platoon wO'lld bo om
i:1 support of the l68th Infantry Regiment and that no ::;upporting;
weo:):13 could bo moved over the ST. VITTORE-Cr:RVARO road. Accordingly the
1st -'0;:1: llatoon of Co. Itn't set out for CERVA.110 at 2135,A, 14 J anun.r:r 1944,
'bj" a part:," and by the Battalior.. and GOm::"'al1Y Cor.unand
ors. 0200A, 15 January 1944, the/tank platoon closed in an 'l:;.:;cnbly area
in the at At 0230A the Ta..'lk Battalion C.O. contacted the
C.J., EJc;l: Infantry Hee;iment, and di::;cussed the final plans :'or the attack,
a::lrl for a meetins with tho C.0. of the 1st Bn., l68t:1 Infantry at
030QA. :'110 'i.'ank Ba'ctal:i.on C.O. then contacted .the C.O., 1st 3n., 168th In
fantr:,', C:iscussed final plar:s for the attack and arranged for a me2t::..n0 of
Tal'll: .:: 0;:-:';-.l:y ::>nd Platoon Officers with the Infantry Battalion U,.'l.U Conpany
Offic")rs. :2he Plan was simple. I The tank platoon was to attacl: in the "B"
Co. of actio::-. (See Bx 'fi=9A) and was to move forward, echeloned to the
lc::'t a:-:.:' sliChtly to the rear of the attacking Infantry elements 0:' the 1st
Bn., lSCt:-: Lia.ison was arranged as follows: Radio i'ror,l the tank
lCD-der direct to the tank liaison officer at the rre,:;i."Y!r..tal C.P.,
i'arL: C.0. to Infantry Battalion C.0. by telephone VI;lO:l
I ni'J..1:tz:, to tank platoon by runner, and the Tank Co. Vias to
traycl -;;=- tIl the Infantry Bn. Commander as a Tank Adviser. \ The att2ck was
QS ::lanred at 06l5A, 15 January 1944. The plan and liaiso:n c:.otails
troops met no resistance and by 0830.i. -i.e -:fas '..;:;F'
t:1J,"C '.. ould [robably be very little use, if any, for tile t:u:l:::; in that
Zt)u3 The tanks had advanced to the vicinity of 905195, "..,hero
tho' ::8J,: forced to take to the road by the nature of the terrain. There
l:""I.d only one casualt-y, a tank, which WaS thoroughly stuc:: Vii th. two
tracks. The Battalion C.0. inspected the tanks in their forward po
sition decided it would be best, for the Infantry, to them
in ?osition they had good defilade where they were, but wculc have
attrD..cte(: :::'.uch attention if they had tried to move out in dayli;;ht. The
t::t:L: 1 J:.... waS relieved and returned to bivouao at l500A., 16 JanuarJ 1944
Fage 3

Jrul. lG-16 (incl) - Reconnaissanco for and laovemont to now bivo\.,\l.c uroa.
to 34th Infantr;'
:,t 1545.0.., 16 January the b3.ttn.lion was ntl;ac:lod t8 t::o 34th
I.'i vi:>ion. :3y 1200A., 17 JJ.nuary 1944, a new bivouac .:,: the
:JC1'j r':'cl ::l(}t:aro had boon located and fully roconnoi toreu. By 0500A, 18
Jl.llU'..:':., all ele::lents had clo:lod in the new bivouac o.roa. The
C:J l: .. cr cUl.ferred with G-3, 34th Infantry l.Jivis ion on the 18tll J a..:1Uury
L to!1tative plans for the eraploynont of the 34th Inf1l..'1trJ ,).>;ision
Follovrin{; the conferonce the Battalion Com:nan::lor ::irccted
t:10 .j-;'; to nal:e 0. reconnaissance pIa:J. for employment in the area .W. of
.. (J
Jaa. 10-20 (inc1) Reconnaissance for and participation in initial action
ae;ainst CASSnm. (Preparation of Indircct Fires)
(n the 10 January 1944, the Battalion Commander attendee a TIoet
J: ::oGinental Co.rmanders of the 34th InfantrJ Divisio:l at w:l2.Cn tho
Ceneral outlined several plans for action aGainst the CP3Sr:;C
ItJin:;cr" .. :inc. The initial plan contemplated a deT'1onstration by the 34th
:.:ivision ae;ainst CASSINO from the East, (FO #10, Hq, 34t:1 :::nfantry
Vi vis::' 0:::, Je.nuary 1944). The Tank Battalion was in reserve, but the Tn.nJt:
Comnander decided to try to use the Assault Guns and SO:r:lC of the
t::t:1.l:::; in inGirect fire in support of the demons-'cration. In tho newtinc
arra:1: :::1cncs "lere :.lade to have To.nk Foot patrols work with I ni'antr:.' patrols
in tho area 1:.','[. of 8T. l!IC?'i:I2, in an aLempt to find sui tablec,:.l1l: trails
t:irO:,:-)l the ST.. IClfBW area into the valley of the upper R.:\.P:::JO. 1'1-:0
As s:.11).1:c Guns were set up in firing positions N.E. of and sUFPorted
:1Qi.:m::;"cration againsc under the control of the Jivisb;: ii.rtil
lOI7. :;''1;0 tanks platoons Vlere surveyee in, but were not fired of
lac:: visibiEty for adjustment. The guns Vlere to have firod :"'rom the
bi v-rmac area. The follo-wing day, 21 Januar./. the "ell Co. Co:::man:ier selected
for t"\vo platoo:1.s of tani:s in the vicinity of C... xld t::ese
'', acain surveY0d in. Asain the tanks did fir.,). '::':i::: tir,le
c': C8IJ:3;lcl.S priority on tl:.e officers a..'1d con

Page 4.

i{econnaiss(U1co for and in 1';;:ich
resulted ill SUCCQssful 0;' :::c DC.
en the January 1944, the Ba.ttalion Co:nmander ruHl 3-0
!l ;:\.: 0;:' :.ot=;incntal Commanders at ..h':'ch the (;oIlU:1andin; ,xenor:ll "1.:tlined
f',::'':';::::' . kItS for the attac:-:: of CA.sSINO. At this time it the
pIx".. FO 34th Infantry Division, Jo.:lU!lr:,' 1944.
,'f'J.,3 t::J : o::;t likely ])lan to be carried throuGh. At a:.1:- r:,to,
t:1J.t [l19.11 ....IUS the iiost favorabh to the eurly employment of t'.J,;L:3 :\G. ilC.i
b:' prolir.1inary reconnaissanco which had already beon aCC,):-l by
the :'o;u: Battalion. By tho eveninG of 21 January 1944, tho Dattalion
Co::n:.:..::::cr had sufficient infonnation of the of hic;hor ho "!.drp
n.:'hl 3,:t icient preliminary tarrair; inforr.1ation to issue a '(;ont8..tiv" attack
pLL'l to :Cu.cilitate further developmer.t of reconllaissance. (Joo 3x's
o.n:: )3\;). tank route from Highway #6 into the upper lU.PDu had
be]:, :i:.;:o,'erod and :n;;ineer work had already been reques ced.
C::1 2.;; January, e;eneral employment reconnais sance ','las d.iroctcd.
The lhttalion C.O., 5-3 and Co. "A" C.O. -:he ':::o;;i
Co :::::mder of the l33d Infantry Regiment and discussed fer the
att'lcl:. were made for Tank Com?any Commanders to the
Battalio!l COr.t!':1anders and plan for liaisoll a:::.l
C1.-::)l'l.:.> ",':.:3 o.e::reed upon. A Tank Liaison Officer with radio v/o.!ld ".Jc 31)
to ::csi:;ent and to Infantry Assault Battalion. The In::;tdion
Go::.. i!ldicated that all reconnaissance so far had pointed to urea
t}:e barracks as beinG the most likely for a tank that
::l.e1inite crossings had not yet been located and that Engineer 'inr}: ",81'1d
net be initiated until s onetime during the attack. The Tn.rJ:
In.tb.li01: nas to be available for support of the InfantrJ at __t, but
the l.'o.':: Liaison Officers were to report to the Infantry C:o:-:'-:1ander s
:)rior to the attack and to accompany them during the r.ight attack to insure
CO:ll:u:.1.ic[..tions with the tanks at dawn.
l.ftcr the conference the Battalion Coz:unander. S -3 and trAil Com
continued on The S-3 checked the selected
Ta:::: for pro:ress of Zngineer work. This work W"J,S i'ouad to 1)0 un
a.t this' tirae and it Vias arra...'"lgod later on for a t ,!,:.i.: rcpre
vo to accompa!ly work parties on this job. ;{eco:'Lc..iz
SX1.c') the day c::;nf'irmed previous infor::lation that the c:
tl18 :':';::10 cf' action VlriS the nost favorable for tank action, and tho."!; the
.:'3.-,-oruble area for crossings was north of the barraCks. V:LLA).
was slow and tedious because of the considerable
W:"::'Cll llc.d to be traversed on foot, and because of German cO'lmter-patroling.
:':ort:r fire was a nuisance. but did not materially reduce the
Page 5.
\ ., ___ .1

t' of reconnaissanoe. N1g::t patrols wero hampered, h0"'.7cvcr,
boc:J.\l3o it V;8,S at tho time of the duk of tho moon. However, by tho even
in:.:; of the 22 January, t'10 Tank Ba.ttalion Commander had infor
r.lJ. the tank plan to a point where routos, assembly c..r.d de
nrcas were pretty well decided upon. It was still beli nrou at
-:L-w that the easiest crossings could be effected in the aroa huned ::ortL of the barracks 1r. the vicinity of "Item", (See Ex ;1-34).
ACC03S to the general area was to be by of the Tank Route Yoke-Xr8\Y
Criginal deployment was to be as shown with extended distance
a.."1d in'.;ervul. Tank Commanders were to support by fire whenover requcsted
a.."1'; :f:cn the opportunit-J offered. Commanders could move elements of their
Ul1i"';3 D.80ut to seek favorable tiring positions for the sp eoifl0 tarGets re
qucstJQ nt the time. The Battalion Commander planned to make the initial
or03sin.:; effort with "A" Company,' to be followed by "B" Company, both sup
ported "e" Company. "D" Company was oharged wflth the seourity of the
flar.l:s the attack. On both the right and the left "D" Campany was
coorci!U'.ted v;ith the Infantry Anti-Tank elements. "c" Compat'lY Was to be
propnres. to supporOt "D" Company in the event of a counterattac!:: aGainst
our flall1:s. It was planned to remain in approximate assembly areas rul
S:1()\'ffi u::.til a successful crOSSing was effected. (There was no place else
to ::;0).
I The same evening, 22 January, additional night patrols vrere sent
out the Infantry patrols to detennine possible crossings north of the
I ba: raeks. Ir.structions were is sued for initiation of reconnais.3 :mee for
installations in the forward area the follmving morning.
The morning of 23 January the Battalion C.O. and Execut:'ve Cf
ficer conferred with the G-3, 34th Infantry Division on the use the tank
route and the proGress of the Engineer work thereon. The G-3 the
Tl.:::ll: :-:;actdion Commander that the French would probably oarch some. tonks
.wer the troll:: route that eveninG and that tank personnel had better check
the r0ute after the French finished using it. Tentative plans for clearance
an:l cf the route at such time as this battalion would require it, were
made at that time.
7he Battalion Cor.nnander contacted the C.0. of the 135ti1.
,O:lt i!Ilc. conferred on plans for the attack. It was agreed that the
attack of the 135th Infantry Regiment could be supported by fire trOI:l posi
I t:. :m::i -;:-:.. thin the l33d Infantry of action and that initially one Te.nk
i Com:;o...'1Y on call for sorties would be ample. The C.O. of "C" C07:1;:: any, 756th
Tank was present, engaged in the conference and understood that
he '.'TD.S ::0 be prepared to support the l35th Infantry by either fire or move

.i.t 1900A, 23 January 1944, a conference of oommanders tr.c'. eta.ff
\laO to settle the final dotails for the attack. The of attack
Cl:",r"r;;od closoly to tentative plans already Bet forth. Jiur:lul for
fLul :'b,ns). The plan for deploynent as shown on aketch Sx. }31 \'Tno ro
"ehc flna11,lan of with the exception tho forward
pLatoor ';)(1til of "A" and "B" Companies would have to select dopl,y:-:tcnt areas
on hl::Lor ,::round, generally just to the East of thoir 1st and 3d Flntoona
n03i til::;. l'llE' e.s:3embly areas vrere to be secured by company roc'I:Lnlssa.noe
c;: one man per ttl.Ilk, the details to move to the areas in ::o.:l"Ught
to i:1.3ure thnt thE: areus Vlere free of enemy patrr:ls. A reconnaiss:mcc
party Yins to precede the colu::m to place guidea and secure tho lino of 11arcb.
'rho DO. 'n column was to be preceded a platoon of lieht tanks and a platoon
of Ded:u.":'! t:,nks. A Compan:,' of Engineers was to move into o.reo.s
in rear of "A" Company and Wo.5 to be prepared to assist I'A" Compo.ny 1:1. the
cf the RAPIDO by demoli tiona and by corduroy.
en the 24 January, the C. O. of the 1108 Group
the b::. commander and conferred on the Engineer require:"..onts. Later
dec:- "elle ::;xecutive Officer of the 235th Engineer Battalion c:m"e:;.cted
(;;1.:) 0o:7.l".ander and arranGed for an officer guide for the He
di::; cu.;:; seC. the Engineer plan th the Tank Com.'na.Ilder. T:u; plan ',[D,S simply
to n.C"t:UlC8 :"nbineers to the proposed crossing sites as soon a3 the Ir.i'antry
had soct.:rcd n. small bridGehead and effect e. crossing by dem'Jlitiol:s m::.d
tho route with corduroy. At this time the EnGineers ,'rere dependent
upor. til:;';: reconnaissance for their information.
At l20QA. tho Tank Bn.ttalion Commender cO!'lforred with tho G-3, 34th
Jivision on the final plans and obtained clearance for the ",ove
cve:::'nG. It was estimated that i t take about seve:l to
movo 0.."1(: close the column. It was also planned not to move tanks !,ast
poi:lt J.:ray prior to 223OA. in order to give the Infantry a chance to clear
t:1at At l235A the Tank Battalion CO!!ll11ander issued tho r:J..'lrc:'1 crder
:or tho ,,:8ve to the deployment areas and covered the final dotai 15 c:' the
plan. jt:rinc the past several days the Assault Gun platoon had beor.. firing
under Division Artiller.r control. At l700f. the S-3 tool: steps
to battalion control of the Assault Guns.
At 200QA., 24 JanuaI""J the collL""J1'moved out of the bhrQuac
at ::ii'. } and by 2245A the first vehicle of the COh1l7'_"1 had clo:::;cc. in
the ac.embly area in tho vicLli ty of 889231. The tank b,;cCDe
V'0r",/ d:'C','icul t at a point about 400 yards South of Xray, a..'1C i t CC:l
s i:i:)r:.l.'Jlc organized pioneer work with some Engineer assistance GO :;ct the
colu::::-,. "el:rough. By 0345A, 25 January most of the battalion clo::;oc. in
a:::;.::;c:r..oly c..rCaS as planned. A platoon of Light Tanks and .. Platoon of l:ed
iun Ta.:l:s had to select ney, assembly areas because they coul::: not reach
tho :) ones as plar.ned on account of the road conditions. At 0345A
tho directed that the 3ngineers conce:ltra-:c on


tr.;) .l: ..cute in order to Get their ovm equipmc:l+:: X::. ::l. mini
r ()\;.r Gupply vohicles t.hrough. Tho TaIlk Houte hAd bocOI7Ic 30 r' ':':ficul t
i'r'Jn::. i D.f;SacO of tIle ta...'1kB that there was dancer of not. to
.;::'r.ccr equip.. en"e through tho route until it was repaireu.
Al thouGh it ho.'l not been planned to utilize the ::. r. 3\1' port
," ::11-,) until daylight, by. 020QA. the first request for brJ: sUl
1) received. A variety of r01uosts continued from that thu:: '.mtil
dn.':r.l c r:tinued 0:' course ,throuGhout tho day. The requeGt::; dark
111):;::; 1':'..:1(;0(:. fro'!! requestr. to run through mine fields to fire miGsions.
')rJr.lO 'Ji'these missions were almost impossible to accomplish because of a
0!' difficult terrain and complete darImese. (Tlle ti::1C o!' the
m:nt;, '.fo..::; the dark of the moon). However, every effort vras to meet
over:,," ::..lOS t as best we could. Although we have no nie;ht firin0
the tarGet could be definitely located, the gunners '.:>ore-::;i:;hted
ani the target on 1mtial rounds. Thereafter, fire was '\dj 'steel
t:lr'Ju-:)l liaison radios with the Info.ntry. This YIM not very of:'cctive.
A::: ::l()0r. r,::; it beca!e daylight both "A" and "B" Companies were to render
:':iroct fire support b:,r moving platoons about to find sui table firinG posi
ti'J:1S. About 083OA. the Tank Batto.lion Commander conferred with "ellO ":.." Co
CO:.1L1o..' concerning the terrain, tho proGress that was beinb ::lade, the
Md Eq;ineer work to be done. The road originally selocted as a
r)uto for the le'n.ding platoon of Co "AIt had collapsed, but the road run
nil: ::.1.1. from Roger vras a fair alternate route. (It actually hold up for
a couple of days' operations). Further reconnaissance had also indicated
a crossing at a point 600 yards East of Easy held much morc ?romise
tIm proposed crossings near the barracks. The Battalion C.O. directed
tlUlt reconnaissance be oontinued until the Engineers could Cet and
work on the crossings. At this time it looked doubtful that tho
would be able to work on the 'Crossings in daylight as they were under very
sharp artillery fire. The Tank Battalion C.O. contacted the C.O.
of the 1st Battalion 168th Infantry at 090OA. at the O.P about :me thousand
yards :'{est of Roger. The Tank Battalion C.o. indicated to the I:tf:l.."1try
Battc',Lon G.C. that it was improbable that tanks '\7ould get across thn.t day
unless a sufficient bridge head was established to allow the Er.ginccrs to
::;et to ...rork and informed the Infantry Battalion C.O. that the EnGir.cers
.-rere ru:..vinG difficulty in getting their equipment through, :md that it would
probabl:,' bo slow Engineer work on the proposed crossine;s in He
info:noG the Infantry Battalion C.O. that tanks could move on the road di
rectly to his front and that direct fires could be utilized in evcr./ instance
where they desired and they could be brought to bear. Later "A" Corapany
Gu:-:r1.3rs rlaced some good fire against the base of the hill at Fox frOr.l this
road and one German Prisoner stated that a tank, w:-:ilc .f:;'ring
fr'Jm a position on, or near the road, had placed a lucky shot an
aperture of a pill box, killing a captain. At lOl5A the Tank Battalion C.0.
c'Jntc.cC:cd the Regir::ental Conmander of the 133d Infantry Regi:::.ent and ir.
fomod hin of the same items which had been discussed with Tank CO::lpany

r of "A" Company and the Battalion CCJr.'Ir.lander of lat 168tb
Tank Battalion Commander informed th) Ror,imon-';'1.l Can
::1o.;,c1or'.;J: t he would request additional EnGineer assistanoo.
Tu.n1: Battalion C.O. returned to tho Tank Battalio'l C.P. tl.t Victor
at l03QA, cCl1ferroci with the Liaison Officer of the 235th E>lc;ino Jr Battal
ion, . ".:;tructed him to press work on tho Tank Houte and make roc::;:r:.a::'ssanoe
for a. to.rJ: cross inc along the Corps boundary of Easy. Tho
Liai::: -n C:fi'icor indicated that his mon were very tired, that he \'lould need
::1orc holp from his battalion (Only one oom!'any was on job a.t this tine).
The 3a.ttal1on Comma."1der told him to r;et what help he needod am: oalled
G-3, 34tl: Infantry Divieion to ask for turther Enc;ineer help. .A CJI:.pany
of 2:ngineers was allotted to the Tank Battalion. At 113QA tho
To.:ll: Ba.ttalion C.O. departed on forward reoonnaissanoe.
During the ai'ternoo!1 of the 25 January, two tank patrols were
sent on probing missions along the roads (Sugar-Oboe and alone Higm'l'ay
-ifoG i::to These patrols were operated on direction fron the Com
General, 34th Infantry Division. The patrol (two ta.nks) operating
011 the (Su;n.r-Qboe) road advanced to a point about five hundred yards
3ast of Oboe where it was stopped by blown bridges. It received no anti
tluU: but it did receive copsiderable artillery tire. The other patrol
on Iiisll'o'ray 1;--6 was stopped enroute to Tare by a Tank Liaison Oi'.'ieer operating'
.Ii th tr..c l35th Infantry. The Tank Liaison Officer had infonnation of an
cun in CASSInO in the vicinity of Peter and believed his infonna
tio::1 ::mi'i'icient to turn the tank seotion back. He did not know the full
facts and VIas operating on his own initiative. It was after dark before
this fact was learned by the Tank Battalion Commander, however he ordered
the r..ission be run first thing the next day, if it was still desired
by lrir;her headquarters. (The mission was run the next de;)!. Tho tanks
a point just to the West of Tare where they were stopped by a blown
briugo. The tanks did not receive fire, but they did receive
artillcrJ fire). The results of both of these patrols was reported to G-3,
34th lni'rultI:r Division shortly after the oompletion of each mission.
"A" and ItB" Companies continued direct fire support nissicns
thrOUGhout the day in the support of t."1.e attack. itAIt Compa-'1y fired several
ta.'1k loads of H.E. A typioal mission was to bring fire to bear 011 the
Cenetcry Md the houses in the vicinity just "1lest of Easy. These were re
ported locations of automatic weapons positiona. The itAIt Conpany Conn-,ander
::lOvod t:>..nks a few hundred yards forward !'rom their assembly areas and fired
them from the vicinity of Roger, or !'rom positions along the road lUke -11an.
The fire appeared to be very accurate.
At l60QA the Tank Battalion ConmUUlder returned to the battalion C.P.
at Victor and learned that "Bit Company of the 16th Armored Engineer Battalion
hc.d b0en attached to the battalion. During the day a Liaison Officer of the
805th T.D. Battalion had reported to the Battalion and stated
that his guns were in position and availah for of the battalion.
Page 9.
'1t.-"0; .. ... l;ldicatod t.lut tho Ti:'o ,:;uPIlort to...
C,)', 'I' L;,o road3 :,ort:l a.r:d ";outh thr:luCh CA::;.; X'd
(It .:,;:; (jfi'icult to find closo in firin:; p03itions for towou ,:'.':'.:1 ':'n
!'tlr:"j.c lar orea, he!1co, tho offensive ol.lploymont of tilO eOSt!. 1'J':. WtlS
L ':i,;J::. / ;.. Liaison Officer and cJbserver of the 59t:, .\.r:l"l'oc.
i,"LeL DatLaliOl: ro;,ortod, durinG the afternoon. Al tho
." 'dl .. :,t':'J.1or
' Jatta was not spocifically desiGnated in su:)'<)rt of
til') battalion at this ti::10, the fires of the ','IOr'O :t','a:.luule
;. vattalion Commander raade Good use of them several.:u,'s h.ter.
J.t H13UA. the Tank Battalion C.G. cO!lferred with the :"::'a':'son Cf
.:."'.i.cor of "..;110 235th :!:ngincer Battalion and wit!l the \J.O. Go 'IT3'I, lGt::
orou ., Battalion. The J.1en and equipment of Co. "J", 16t::
,(0::;':':,10 wero Gtill enroute and with the condition of roads it WaS
would arrive in time to start work before morning.i.'ho .. <)Dr-any
of the 235th Lllcineers was havinG all it could do to tile 'i.'a.;:l: :':oute
so tllat more supplies and equipment could be brour;ht t . .rou:;h. Ac
Tank Battalion Comma.TJ.der decided to leave them on work
and t;lC 16th Engineers exclusively on the cros::linGs. T:1e Co.
;':;');1 ,:er llf.!.S to be assisted by Tank Officer dtlides in mOVi!1'; nen :u1Cl equip
'Che crossir.g sites. The 3ngineer Officer made a reco:L"1nissn.:ce of
t:lO cr;s::;i:!cS sites that eveninE; and decided that he c')uld nake usc of
u,;.:' :":_::i1t equipm'c)r.t
.ht 2000A the Tank Battalion Comnancier issued for the
::c:-:t clc..:' s action.
The instructions included details for cooperation ....1: th t21C
ocr;:; t .., inc lude a covering force for the ;fugineers, if the:' found i_ t pos
si:Jlc,G \'lorl: on the crossinc;s in daylight.
By 080..lA, 26 January, it was apparent the EneLl.cors were not
.:;:)::'::,:-; tc able to do nuch work on the crossi:',:';s in dayli:;ht. ...'i:o were
l.L1UOr c::stant artiller:' fire. The ..!:::.gineers he.d. not been able t) ::wve into
the arca ll:"til about 0645A, 26 Januar;)r and had not be()n able to .. j
any ,for;:. The Tail<: Battalion Commander conferred with the ".\." ; ':-':)e.n:,r Com
::-:lX'lC:ler 8.l1d a tank platoon commander at a point about six Jl.Unured :.-c.rds ':':outlln
\'[83-;; 'J.2 : il:e. The crossi:lE;S :forth of the barracks were eli:Ji'2tc:i. ::.:3 ::os
siJili'.:;:"e::; '.;::.thout :::; ..;:;ineer assistance. the 3attali Jr.,";<J::'k."'1a!lder
cli:-,:;c/c: '':::;at a ta.:0.: section attempt to make a crossin!; USL1C the l'oc.d run
..) froTi: .GoG, alone the Corps bou."2ciary. l'he first tal'l:: stl.:cl: on
his r :,ute, the route, but it did C;O far enough to i ... -:;::at
r;....;..te ccu1d be de7eloped into a crossins withcut a prohibitiT3 ru20unt
of "':::';::':,801' worl:. The Tank Battalion Com:'llander contacted t.t.e'::.C. of the
1st ion, 168th InfantI"'J Regiment and arrangements W'3re ,:1[1.'10 to sup
port ':';:.0 c.ttack of the Infantry, to ta:r.:e place at 1'::e 1a"..:: 3attalion
Page 10.
C.0. in(:icuted tha.t he would make an attempt to force a orossin::; o.nd put
to work on it to improve it, once a tank or two &ot If
tho did not force a. crossing the support would amount to direct fire
3up:;ort fro.'":l positions on and along tho North-South road, just to tho :Sast
of ::Al mo. The Tank ConmAnders were familiar with the tarr;at:J wh';'oh
tho ..ntIj usually wanted fire on, and knew positions from which oould
brill,: fire to bear on tho desired targets. Arrangements were for tank
sUPIJortinc fires and the activities of the rest of the battalion vtaro co
ordLl''. By l400A it was apparent that orossings were not to be made
wi th::lUt l:::::;ineer preparation. Five more tanks were oompletely stuck and
thoro ;io..S no doubt left as to the nature of the tank standinG in the entire
area. an old road or a oorduroy road would have to be employed to
cot to the ba.nks of the RAPIDO. The RAPIDO itself was not tlUch of a prob
lem, except in Sl:ots where a small amount of demo11tiona would have cut
tho b.-:nks down enough to allow a tank to enter and leave the stream bed.
At tllis tine it was still hoped to make the crossing at two points if pos
sible: along the road just North of the barracks, and along the road
ru.'1I1inr; S .yF. from Dog along the Corps boundary,. Jos yet the Engineers had
not beon able to make a good try at is, and it still remained to see what
they could do.
During the afternoon "C" Company was engaged in the support of
the l3Sth Ini'antry by direct fire. "B" Company fired at seleoted targets
in and to the left of the barraoks area., and took over "A" Company's Mis
sion ...[hen "A" Company ran out of ammunition.
At 192Q\ the Tank Battalion Commander contaoted the Commanding
Officer of the l68th Infantry Regiment at his C.P. and oonferred on a plan
of action for the next day. (The tank battalion is attached to the l68th
Infantry Regiment). The Tank Battalion Commander informed the Regimental
that he believed that a crossing could be prepared alonG the road
runninG S.W. from Dog, and that it would not take a prohibitive amount of
EnGineer work to make the route passable.
The Engineers had been able to do sane oOl'ciuroy work during the
day about four hundred yards East of How, but the progress of their work
had beon slaw because of shell fire and they did not think the crossing
immediately to the North of the barracks was promiSing. Consequently, the
Tank Battalion Commander counted most on the possibilities of the crOSSing
along the road running Southeast from Dog. The new plan of attack was very
similar to the original, with the exception that "B" Comp8.Il was to be the
leadinr; Compa.ny, and "A" was to support by direct fire on targets
along the base of the hill Fox (Commonly called "The Pimple"). Ite" Cmnpany
was to support "B" crossing by fire (to do 80 it bad to reposition
SOIl1) of its tanks) and be prepared to follow "B" C ompaIIY aoros s on order.
The first mission of the tanks was to get the Infantry onto Hill Able, Baker,
Page 11. .......
and Fo:: b:' smashinc; barbed wire entanglements, orushine paths throut,h the
foot raine fields and neutralidng automatio weapons. The tanks \ver0 to u
oomblo :IO:.;t of the Cemetery and North of Fox. The assembly area in the draw
','(ost of the barraoks was not to be used on this venture. Tho ta.!'Ucs were to
'00 prepared to exploit to the North into CAIRA and to the South into
C.W3mC. 'rank Supporting weapons were already in position and were to be
preparod to fire on 00.11. Preparation fi1"es were fir3d by artillory and
Infantry weapons only.
The Engineers were informed of the plan and instruoted to make a
mo....dIllU:.l effort to prepare the orossing along the road running S.E. from
Dog. The Engineers were also instruoted to mark any partial work, or
approaches in the vioini ty of How. These were to be used in oase
the eros sing near the Corps boundary failed.
The time of attaok had been set to give the tanks some fair
visibility for direct fire support. "A" was to fire one complete
load before the crossing started. At 0700A, "A" Company started .:'iring
and by 0715A they had completed firing and were moving back for more am
munition. This movement added a little deception to the action because
the tanks were in plain view of enemy observation. The only elenent that
preventec! the enemy from using nat trajectory weapons against tho tanks
was the mask of trees along the river bed.
At 0730A, 27 January, "B" Company started the RAFIDC,
usinG tho prepared crossing along the Corps boundary. Some tanks Slipped
off the edce of the route (it was narrow and under water), but before
0830.'\., t-;:o tanks had crossed and as they did not meet aJ:ry anti-tank fire,
they operated immediately on the mission assigned the tankB. They des
troyed considerable barbed wire and cut several paths through the foot-mine
fie Ids. The approaches to the cros sing were becoming churned uP. however
and "Ca..'l1ks were getting stuck in the approaches. The Tank Battalion Com
oandor and the "B" Company Commander made a reconnaissance on foot for more
suitable approaches and it was decided that "B" Company would cont::'nue to
try to Get some more tanks through at the main crossing, while other ap
proaches and crossings were attempted by "CIt Company. The Ta."1k Battalion
CO::lI1D.l1:::'or directed the "e" Company Commander to try the partially prepared
ap?roaches in the vicinity of How and to extend reconnaissance
to the Eorth into the French zone of action. "e" Company attempted cross
inbs as fur as one thousand yards North of the Corps boundary. By 09l5A, two
more It]" Company tanks had crossed the RAPIDO, including the Com
mander. Captain WILKnrSON, who demonstrated the highest determination to
bet across to assist the Infantry. His own tank had stuck hCTNover. and in
his hazte to cross, he selected a tank in which the transmitter was not
functioning. His receiver was 'WOrldng satisfactorily however I and he was
able reccivo instructions on variou3 missions requested by tho Inrnntry
9.l111 c }r,':od thom out with tho assiatanoe of two of the other t:u'll:s. Cno
of four to.nks whioh had orossed had run into a minerield and >.a.d a r"
trac:: otherwiso the tanks had met no resistanoe and '1101"0 o::cratinc
noro or less at will. It wus Serc;eant Jarvis I tank which struo1: the ;-..ine.
In the moant1I:le, tho approaches to the orossin:; ha<l faibd and
otuck t.:..t:1:s were blooking .f'urther attempts at "e" had
failer: to open any new approaches to the RAPIDO and had stuck S(}VCrll tanks
in a series of attempts to force their way through.
Stuck tanks had to be oleared and more Engineer vo rk had to be
a,cc::Jc.1:')lished before a.ny oonsiderable number of tanks could be orossed. At
tho :7'.oncnt it was not possible to get a tank aoross. AccordinGly. at
1120A the Tank Battalion Commander directed that the Tank Ba::;talion
ton:mcc Cffioer begin to clear the stuck tanks at once. At 1135A tho !ank
Ba.ttalion Commander called for the C.O., Co. "B", 16th I&;;iooo:"s to report
to hiLl at the crossint; site as soon as possible. The Engineer Officer con
tacted '';he Tank Battalion C.0. at 120OA. and was direoted to start YO rk on
a road just to the South of the road running S.E. fron'Do,:. lihen
tho road itself could be cleared of stuck tanks and improved \'lI. th EnGineer
work, tho road and the corduroy trail would provide two approachos tc the
At l200A the C.O. l68th Infantry directed the Tank to
3et U8 oany aoross as possible. The Tank replied thnt
evo'r'J cfi'ort was being made. but that there was little promise thut B.."TJ
more c0uld be gotten across that day.
In the meantime the three tanks across the river had pgrforrncd
sevcr:l.l missions for the Infantry, however by l30QA all tanks the
river -acre out of action. Two ta.nks were struck by bazooka. rockets ,'rhen [...../'
','-:::L::,DJSOH lead the tanks in an attack against a concrete pillbox.
Ti18 ore-;;s of these two tanks were captured. The gurmer of Captain. s
ta.'1k v;as killed by the rocket which struck the tank. Lt. HEl3Y vras killed
w::on ho ubandoned his tank after it was inmobilized. One other crew !:lember
was 1:i2.1cd. The others were cap tured. The third tank bot s tuck: it
ret:U-iled to the side of the crossing after firing all its
Tho crew of this tank was intaot.
Lt 1330A the Battalion Commander was informed throu3h the Tank
Liaison Officer that operations were-'over :for the daiY. lni'antr:,r i'rluld hold
the bridgehead 1Jhich they bad gained. (The Inrantry had advB.."1oe::. far
so that there should have been very little small arms fire around
Page 13.
tho cro:.;oirl[,. It is interestinG to note however that 48 hour. l[\tor there
wo.:l :3 small anns sniping in the vioini ty of tho cro:lsin,,; b:- in
fil,; indvidual snipers). The were to press their \'n rk as
/loG ;ossible unde;- Infantry cover. Tank retrievers wore to cleor the
:Jtnc:: t8.!:ks, work at once.
During the course of the morning the Tank Battalion c: .0. re
quo addi tional ass istance and later in the day the o.dd: tiona1
reported for assipont of mission. A.t 1530.\ the Ta:li; Battalion
C.:". c:) and conferred with the C.O. 168th Regiment. It was
aero that no crossinc would be attempted on the 28 January. .:i:nsineer
wor]: ";o.s to be pushed without rest until the morning of the 29 Janunry,
when tho tonks would initiate the action by effecting a cross ing. The In
fantr;. vio1.:ld not attempt to advance until the tanks effected the crossing.
Tho In... had not been able to get through the mine fields a..'1d a;.l tomatic
vroa::r:l:u; fire on the far side of the RAPIDO and it was considored essential
t') to.: ks across for the assistance of the InfantrJ.
1800A the C.O. 235th Engineer Battalion, C.O. "B",
lGt!l ;.rllorcd :::;ngineers and C.O. Tank Battalion conferred on tho J''-Gi::1eer
plan. Cor,lpany "B" 16th Arr:lored :::ngineers was to continue .work on the cordu
roo.d. ::b.o 235th Engineers Vlou1d furnish cut corduroy an'l prefabricated
cul ane:. maintain the tank trail from FJ. glnvay #6 all the to the
rivor. '1.'he trails fron :::ast to wi thin the zone of action were beGin
\ to collapse from tank use and the following day the Ta..'1k Battalion Com
cbt:lined p3I7'..ission to use a road which ran through the Francll zone
of ;lcticn and terr.rinated at The road in the French zone J!: action
relicv:lc:. probleI:l that could have developed on approaches to -:hc flooded
area 3.:1(: relieved Engineers to work at the actual crossing. trnks
'wero to be used to transport corduroy because of the condition of roads and
bec3.'-':;c of the artillery activity of the eneny.
During the day the Tank Battalion Cormander had ask:Jd for ta.."1k
rei;-;.:':rconcnts and a tank company was attached to the battalio!l. At 203OA.
a Liaison Cfficer of Company "Cit # 760th Tank Battalion reporte:l for in.struc
The Tank Battalion C.O. oriented the Liaison Officer on tllC si tua
tiJ:l 8.ppointed guides to put his company into an asser.lbly area.
-/'kc 213QA the S-3 proceeded to the crossinr; site -:ho C.O.
of 2;)5th :i;;nGi:neers and C.O. Company "B", 16th Ar::1ored Zn3i:n0ers. lIe
', -:8 chad: the route, the progress of the Engineer work at crossing
fL.'1.: t2le rroGress 'of the Tank Battalion Retriovers in clearins the roae. at
the cntr:mce to the crossing. ./
1.t 2200A the Battalion Com."':laIlder oriented the Tank Com
man-lars on the developments. Directed them to continue :'irc sup
port the Infa.ntrJ by firing on targets as requested. Assaul -: o.!lc: :,:ortar
PlatoO:1S to be alert for missions on call.
i;.t OllSA on 28 January the C.G. Compr.nj' "C", 760th T'lnk
-:;0 the Tank Battalion C.0. The Battalion Commander ol"iantQd him on
tho tuc.tion, told him that thore would be no emploJ.:tl;n-: :'or his
the 23th a.nd instructed h1.1 to movo into assombly o.roo. report
lo.r :.:-, -'.;ho day for further instructions.
-- .At 070QA. the 3-3 reForted on tho condition of the ta:ll: tho
:-,r),:rc:3:3 of the Enginoor work at the crossing, and the proGress of the re
trio-;"rs. Tho tank trail was rapidly becoming impassible,
\7')rk ',In::> slow, and the rotriev,ers were having cons iderable difficul'!;:" in
___ rO::1:)v':'n.,,; stuck tanks. The situation was not too bad however. becuuse the
t:llll( t!'uil could be easily circumvented bJl tho trail throu:;h the
French zone of action, more Engineers could be put to llOrk and thore '\'las
still 24 hours to work before the had to be made. Also more re
could be obtained by getting help from the Ordnance and there was
still con.siderable time loft to effect complete clearance of tho approach
to the crossing along the Corps boundary. The only hindrance was the in
te:l.Ci t:r of oneny artillery fire which made it most inconvenient to carry
on steo.dy v.crk at the crossing.
At 094QA tho Tank Battalion Commander reported to the C.O. of the
lG8th I!:fo.ntry and conferred wi th the Infantry Commander and tho C.O. of the
1l08th EnGineer Group. The Tank Commander indicated that he felt confident
that the :;tucl: tanks would be cleared in plenty of time, and that the bng
incers caulc. prepare two satisfactory approaches to the crossi::J.::: before
tiro for the It was just a matter of pushing the work as as
possible. The Engineer Group Commander inspected the Engineer w8rk shortly
after this conference.
At l50QA the C.O. of the 235th Enbineer roported to
the Ta::J.: 3o.ttaJ,ion C.O. that one of his Company Commanders belioved that
the river bed from 873259 to crossing could be used as an approach to
tho crossiLg. lie bad made a reconnaissanco, but was not sure what
the could do in the way 6f surmounting obstacles which were in the
stre::lT.l bed. Accordingly the Tank Battalion C.O. directed that Lt. GIIJ.!A.N
of "A" accompany Captain SORRELL of the Engineers on an ir:unediate
of the route. Before 180QA the sarna evening a ro]ort based
was favorable enough to initiate plans for a
third rc;;.te.
At 1800A the Tank Battalion C.O. conferred with the
Officers on final plans for the night's work. Three routes were to be pre
pD..lcd. The Engineers were to improve the initial route alonG the Corps
boundary by sandbagging the shoulders of the narrow road; this was to "::lc
dcsic;no.-:'ed Able Route. The route just to the South of this Able Route was
Page l5.'II!fn.._1!..
to be oomrlately oorduroyed and' designated Baker Route. The now route from
the !:ortl: to be of obsta.oles by demol1tiona, a.n
.{',::: bo made at the North entrance to the strear.l bed (!roar whore Lhc cridge
W3.::l '..Jl:y::n y:hioh had dammod the stream), and the entranoe a..'1d bod was
to be :::vropt for mines. This route was to 'be designated Charlio
Tho BattalioIl Commander was to report eo the Tank Batto.l LOll Cor.1
mander every' 't'.oro hours during the nig;ht on the progress of tho wor}: with a
finnl roport due at 04001\, 29 January, on whether the route v'::Julcl ";)0 oron
::or 0. or not. The Tau1: Battal ion C01mnander had azraed to pass on
il'.i.'orno.tion to tho Infantry Commander as he roceived the If
work was not successful the attack was to be deb.:red c.nothcr
24 until it was sucoessful.
At 190QA the Tank Battalion Commander issued final wtnctions
:).11 Commanders and Staff. (See Journal for final instructions).
1.. t 2000A, 28 January, the Executive Officer reported that ::-.11
t:'L'1.ks had been removed from Able 20ute and that the route was now clear.
fficer had supervised the retriever work in renovinc the
.L.t 0400:1., 29 January, the Engineer Battalion Co::t'lr.r.dcr r'c:,orted
r'0"J.tCS J.blc and Baker would be finished dayliEht. Tho I:;,i'a:1.try
ViaS informed of this fact and that the tanks would st:u-t crossing;
at 0720A. At 053QA. the Ite" Company C.P. was severely shelled ..(hile the
CO:r;'l.lJc.ny Cor.unn.nder was issuing last minute precautions and instructions to
Ta:1l: Gom::anders. The Company Commander was wounded and several of his
conmanders wounded. The Company Commander reported to the Bat
talion Commander and the ,Battalion Commander directed the Executi vo Officer
to so'; that the Second in Comman:i of the Company got under -;''Xj" m: [l..'1.d to
supori;ise the reorganization of the Company.
The C.0. and S-3 joined the tank column and at 06l5A the Tank on C.C. met two of the Engineer officers returning from rl: on the
crossinG. The report was that water was much deeper on Able :toutc, Baker
,rc.r. blocked by two stuck Engineer trucks and Route "C" had not been
prepc.rod. The Battalion C.0. informed the "A" Company of: the
cr03 CO:.di tions and directed that if Able Route failed he ','las to have
a ta::;i: pus h trucks off of Baker Route and go thr ough that At
0700A, Jc.nuary "A" Company started crossing, using Able ib-.r'ce. Six
nedi:J.!.:' t2.rJ::s and a light tank got across before the route "Iras blocked b:,r
/t"'(O Getting stuck in the route. The itA" Company Commander :;ot across
before the route was blocked. Part of the "A" Company colu.":T.. w;:m"c IJ!1st
Bun:- when the leader saw that the route was blocked by two trucks.
The platoon 1eeder ir.volved had not been informed that Baker .louta was
blod:od e.nG. thought that it must be farther down the way. The Battalion
Gor.xr.nnc:er sm7 the tail end of the platoon disappearing in the early I:lorning
Eo:; a."1d called the platoon back. Lt. ORIEHT undertook to Dush two 2 1/2 ton
cf tho road with his tN1k and after throe or
':;ri<; :,(' .-.Jnlly succeodf3u in clearinG the routo. The oorduroyin-:; w::\.s not
C):, _ ;:C'o';ovor, and thero was a stretch of soft grou...'1d ;v;,ich -';: ::0
-{)l'- befcre tllO tn:J.: rouci1ed the solid route ac;ain. As th;) t;-;::1:
10.::'t ,:.., c::(: of tho corduroyiIlb. it sank in up to the 'ponson. In the
:-:1.).'1.:,;i,)(' "..;1:0 Cc:mpa:1.Y Comnander vms deployinG the six tanks ho h!l.d across
Gut the assiGned missions. i,ust limited visibility. tnrJ:s
cnguC;f)(l by one or :more siP guns. Four tanks the
ell.::,.'..::, C.:-:mnander's (Captain LEWIS) were hit and ilT.1obilized. Two (11' the
out. In tho fi;:;ht one sip gun was knocked out and dos';royed.
T:10 t"o rer:w.. inint; tanks continued the misl3ion until their e..mrnuniti,)l1 was
a1::J.0::; t c::lu:l.Usted when they returned to near the river bank where Cnpt:1in
;IJ i:,ctructed them to retain some of their a'1lr.luni tion for
0.:1d t:ntil somo more tanks Got across. Baok on the oth3r side of
tho rivcr the Tank Battalion Commander had heard enough of radio convorsa
. tion to bwi'J that a sharp fight had taken plo.ce. Ee directed the 01:0 light
tn...'1l( had gotten across to await the o.rrival of some nore t:ll"J::s. He
calbc: U:.e ;';-3 and instructed him to get the Officer on the
job '::i th about threo T-2' s. Baker Route was of no use v.i thout Sor:l.C nore
.. ;::r 1'0 rk, but Able I{oute would be OK as soon :13 the stuck t'l:li;:s could
bo rCDClved. fron the route. The Battalion C.O. called tho 3-3 and
hin to bet cO::lplete infonnation on Charlie Route fran tho E::1
Clnc: Cet them started on cleari::1g the route at once. Both -:;;,c En
D.1cC the Tank Retrievers got to work promptly.
The Tank Battalion Cor.:mander received a request fran the .l:r..;.:'antry
throuGh the Tank Liaison Officer at Regiment for ta.'11:: nzsistance
0.;:;::2. net m:tomatic arms fire fror.l the vicinity of the cemetery. ':'110 tank
Co:-.Y,-,-'1'cr iYlformed. the Liaison Officer of the 6i tuation.
tank Cc:mmander contacted the R)gimental Cornrr.a::c.3r :lLC con
0:1 c.etion to be taken. The follOwing plan was agreed u:?on: The In
f!l.ntrJ" to Lold. WlAt they had until the tanks got tl.rough; Able and Charlie
rtou-COS to be prepared and the tanks to try a crossing again. 'I'L"lle of the
::;et for about 1630A., but dependent upon the successful preparation
of routes.
Tho Ta.'1k returned to the crossinG si to 'lt Ab18 ='.'Jute
i.'1::l :3 ':.',; tLc-t the stuck tanks had been cleared, and that the route ";:as
:::-J::;::;i':2.J if sroat care was used in moving a tank through the r'.1uto. The
T:x::':': :o:lc'er met the Division Commander on a foot reconnaissance at this
point nne. they held a brief conference. rihen it was determined Able
.:o.s clear aGain the Tank Commander directed the 8-3 to ha\T8 the com
manders staff at Battalion C.P. for further orders.
Page 17.
'.:.'110 Tank (;ommar.der roturned to tho Dattalicr. C.P. tull :1t 140QA
Cant i:: ..:: of tho !!:ngineers reported that der.loli tioIlB vforl: ;::1d boon
0(")];1 l' or. L:harlie Houte, but that he was not sure of the of
"t:lC: ,.. 'r:: the rest o!' tho route and that he would like to chocl: -:'ho
-.:.:.rcuLhout with a light ta.nk befol"e givinG the OK. Acoord a
IS 1mplo CC' c Wall dovisod to s impUf'y radio reports. Four :110::'[ the
r')u:Cl r:('r(' selectod and dest(;I1ated 1, 2, 3, and 4. lihan poir.t 1: ;m.o re
f.' )r-:J' clear it. would indicate that the tanks could get all 'tho
thr:)U)l the route and out at the orossing sito. A tllllk ,) :-f':cer, Lt
uccompaniecJ. Captain SORRELL to assure correct intorpro!;uti.::m or
rona" ::: ... .::; cbzt3.clas. At l430A. tho Tank Commander inssued a new ::l.ttuck
c '..'he plan "ms as follows: l'he 'rank COmtle..naer was to lead "c" COI:l
pan:" 7GOth Tank Battalion around by Charlie Route. The Exeouth"o Officer
vIas to procoed to the entrance of Able Route and send "A" and I':J" Conpany
tu:l1:s (756th Tank Battalion) throuGh Able rtouto, one at a ti..n.e. The reason
for this l"laS to keep tanks mobile if Able .ttoute failed and Charlie Route
VIas Charlie Route held the most promise at this time. The
ta.nks 'which crossed at Able H.oute were to assemble on the other s:'de of' the
until the tanks moved through Charlie Route or the condition or
thQ.t route vras detennined. Objectives .and missions remained the S!lr.te.
At about reports had come in that point Itl" WM clcor
alld pansuble. At l53OA. th'C) Tank Commander got the tank column uncle' "lay
ane. Lac: ,',:cved as far as the intersection at lrike when the report c:.:me
tLut point "3" was OK and passable. In order to save t:L--:lO the
70.:11: Co; :r..under did not wait .a:rr.t further, but proceeded at once to nove
the c')IUl:m to and into route Charlie. The column of tanks was already
in tJ-.o bed (Charlie l-bute) when the final OK was received. b;-; n.dio
st3.tin::; that point "4" was OK. At about l630A the head of the colur..n
the reconnaissance tank on its way back and the ClJndi of the
route .:as conf'inned by personal contact with Captain SOR!'lELL. A i'f)"; moments
la-:or t:w t8.Ilk colu.":"n left the river bed and moved towards a point of de
plJ:::::c:lt several hundred yards beyond the point of debouch--:lents :'rClD the
oed. The Tank Battalion Conu:w.nder directed an initial doplc:-:lont to
tho l0"c i:: order to bet as na.'"lY tanks in line as quickly as possible in
ordor to Cevelop fire power quickly. After initial deploynent to the left
i t.:3.'3 =cssible to deploy a platoon to the right (l;orth) of tho Cemetery.
loot and barbed wire were encountered the tanks, but t:lcr'.; seemed
to be little artillery fire or mortar fire at this time c)m?ared to
w:-;.at th"re had been e.arlier in the day. The Inantry reportod 3.utonatic
ar:;:; i'ire frOm the vicinity of' the Cemetery. The Tank Cor:L'llondcr r.'!")ved to
the but could detect no automatic a.rms fire. The tanks Vlore
deployed and everyone was watching, listening, for the slightest onenI'J
The enemy seemed to have quit for a few minutes at least. The
tanks r:lcvod about to get into good position to precede the and
then noved straight towards Hill 56 and Hill 213. The Infantry followed
n the tank traolca. It was Gettinc dusk. As the ma.S8 <,i: troops tho hill some automatic weapons opened up frcn the flanks. Tho tanka
roturno': tho fire at onoe and the automatic arms fire oeased o.lrn03 t o.s soon
as it boCan. Tho tanks moved to the base of the hill where tho l1n.ture of
tho t;:), Lcenied them further advance. At that point they 7:we tho hilla
0. tlo ing over with both HE and maohine gun fire am! thon causod
!'ira u:; our lr..fantry swarm"d up the hills.
As soon as the Infantry was well up on the Hills 56 a.nd 213, the
';:-Jlnunder informed .the Hegimental Commander that tho ";o.s on
tilO :1o.->_ctive and desired the artillery to be lifted. Cons idor::o.blo J::--;i'o.ntry
mes were transml tted throuGh the Tank Radio nets back to tho ReGimental
C.P. from the Infantry oarried messages to be transmitted, to the
tan.::s. As soon as it was apparent tha.t there was no need for tho tc.nks at
tho i; base of the hill the Tank Battalion Commamer diroctcc. the tanlal
t) :;lOVC out onto the flat and fonn deployed strong points for the nibht. He
diroctoc: the tanks later on to be prepared to move back into the shelter of
tho hills befdlre first light in the morning. He contaoted tho Battalion
;:Jxecut::'ve Cffioer and directed him to make plans for resupply of the tanka
f'ir:3t th.:nc the next day. There were a few requests for tank assistance
clur '::1'::; the night and each request filled as it came up. Typicll request
"fa:> i'or t:mk:3 to clear some more barbed wire or same more mines. The Tank
requested an Infantry Patrol for local security against tanl: hunters.
,j':"'on the patrol reported the Tank COI41l1la.nder released it because the ta...."'lk
:!,oints appeared to be well enoug:1 organized for their own security.
Tho ratrol had suffered some casualties getting through to the tanks and
tho did not desire to have them continue tho hazardous task
of wor::':ng in and about the mine fields.
The Regi.Yflental Cornr.w.nder contacted the Tank Battalion C.0. by radio
and :::irocted him to move to an Infantry Battalion Forward C.P., 'Rhero he cmld
receive i\lrther instructions by phone. The Tank Commander contacted the C.O.
l68th Ini'a.'"ltry by phone and received instructions to support an Il"'..:!'antry
po.trol, operating into CAIRA in the morning, wi th tanks. The' Tank Cor.mlander '
that he believed a platoon of tanks would be enOU&l for the job.
The Commander directed the Tank Commander to coordinate the action
bev.'1eex: Infantry and Tanks.
J 8,:1. 30- - Action against CArRA.
At first light, the tanks pulled into the protection of Hills 56
a:ui 213. Liaison was effected with the 2d Battalion, 168th Ini'a.ntrJ and
at 080QA the Tank conferred with the 3d Battalion, 158th Infantry
C.O., dnd arranged for a conference between the tank platoon leader and
tho platoon leader, who were going to operate in The
platoon leaders got together and conferred on their plan. At 0845A
the I:lf:mtrJ and tanks started operating towards CAIRA. There was a
fi.:;ht be"t\'leen the tank platoon and two Sjp Guns which ended in :mo te.nk
Page 19.
being knocked out and both sIP gun. oompletely de.troyed. Pr1s;)ners began
streaming baok !'rem the action.
At 0900A the Exeoutive Offioer reported that the supplies were
and the C.O. directed to send them over at once. Supplies are to be
trnnaported by 16 Light Tanlas. The .upply oolumn arrived at 1115A and
uelivered the supplies u plamed. The Tank Ccmmander direoted the Exe
outive Ofi'icer to form a relief un! t of two light tank platoons and one
medium tank platoon. The C .0. of "D" wu to be in oomma.nd. The
relief 'WaB to be ready to move on call. The Exeoutive Officer ,.,aa to
contact G-3, Mth Infantry Division and request reinforoements of medium
\.. .. ta.nks. (f\. ogIl8iderable number of organic tanka were immobilized at this
time and it looked as though the operation was going to be oontinuous enoudl
so that tank units 'Would have to be rotated in order to allow a unit time
to service its tanks properly for further oombat. Aotually, further rein
forcements were never required although, during the following month there
WaB a steady deterioration in the mechanioal dependability bf the tonka
remaining in aotion).
By 1130A the Infantry-Tank patrol had oleared the town of CAIRA
and was occupying it. During the course of the afternoon the tanks in
town received a 11ttle fire from some American tanks whioh were ;aoving in
from the E:ast. It was apparently some wild machine gun fire from friendly
tanks on the North flank as the French were using American tanks in their
attack on that flank. The platoon leader of the tanks in CAIRA was so
infor'med at the time and indicated that the platoon could take satisfao
tory cover among the buildings of CAIRA and that the fire was not cDUsine;
casualties. The tanks had exhausted their ammunition in their action
against CAIRA and at 1605A the Tank Battalion Commander directed the C.O.
- of "C". 760th Tank Battalion to wi thdra.w the pla.toon.
At the Regimental Cormnander directed the Tank CO!:Ill1ander to
send a couple of tanks around the corner of Hi1l 56 to determine the enemy
rea.ction. Accordingly a tank seotion worked around the corner of the Hi1l
and anti-tank fire from the vicinity of M VILLA. . The tanka returned
the fire. but withdrew around the corner when they could not tell "Nhere
the fire \';8.:3 coming from. This was reported to the Regimental C.O.
At l545A the "D" Company column started crossing the field to
vra.rds Eill 213. The anti-tank gun in the vicinity of 11 VILLA opened fire
and a :::;r.coke screen Vias dropped immediately. A section of tanks was also
Page 20.
around tho corner of Hill 56 in the direotion of tho
and tho:- oponed on suspeoted positions within tho barraoY..:l area, but
t:li3 C _::10 tl;c
' did not receivo any anti-tank fire a.t all. As SJ01: ns the
;;crJf):l was dropped between the movine tank oolunm and tho
C'-.lll it :Jtoppod firinG, ;:0 tanks in the oolunn were hit, but tho anti-tonlc
s"ttn hit a tank whioh had been stuok a.t tho side of the trail ,,"or a
o')u:;lo ,'If da.:,'s and set it on firo. Tho liD' Company colur:m arrivoti ir, po
3:'. til::. ,',"i thout oasual ties. The tank Commander oriented tho "D" Company
;;Omr:l:ll1c'.or 01: tho si tuation and informed him that he could eet in cC:ltnct
wi tl1. Li.:: c.t any tine by ra.dio. The Battnlion Commander pla!l!l6c1. at this
ti;'lO relieve the tanks which were in aotion by the fresh foroe nne.or
tho "nil Company Commander. The tankers which were in action at that time
vrOTO slu:Cish because of lack of sleep and extended aotivity. Tho relief
,'ras cffcctec with')ut incident other than that reoorded above. Tho "c"
of both the 756th Tank Battalion and 760th Tank Battalion closed
in their assembly areas on the East B ide of the RAPIDO at about 18SCA.
(Tho liD" Cor,lpany Commander had oontact with the Tank Battalion Cr.'..l'l1allder
throuGh the telephone at the 2d Battalion, l68th Infantry C.P., as well as
by radio).
That evening the C.O., Tank Battalion conferred with the
l68th Infantry Regiment on future plans and action.
During the night or 30th January "n" Company was not called upon
for a. tlission of any kind, but received heavy artillery fire and two tanks ./
were damaged.
Jan. 31-Feb 1 (incl) - Action with "Butler Force" -- Attachment to 135th
Infantry Regiment.
JI_t 0900A, 31 January, instructions were received to dispatch a
t&nl: scction to operate with a pa.trol of the 9lst Reconnaissance S qua.dron,
."(,iC!l -;;a.s to move up the road from CArRA towards T::::RELLE and cO:ltact the
Butler :"orce. The Tank Battalion Commander directed the 3-S t'J ')rocced
to 854240 and supervise the instruction and dispatch of the patrol.
1115...;. the tank section got stuck on a trail above CAIRA and tho :leconnais
sance Patrol proceeded without the ta.nks. At G-3, 34th lni'o..'>ltry
Division reported that the Reconnaissance Patrol had gotten thr:mGh to the
Butler Force and that they could guide the tanks through if the tanks could
neet tOOtl. The Tank Battalion COIl11llB.Ilder contacted the S-3 and directed
hir.l to di.spatch a platoon of light tanks to the Butler Force and sec that
they Got on the right road and kept going. the 3-3 sent a
platoon of light tanks to CAIRA to join the two that were there and then
personally checked to see that they took the correct route. By 2250A the
platoo:l of the light tank platoon repo contacted
i . " . , .. ...
the Butler Force.


Page 21.
At 1215:;' tho C.O., 168th Inf'antrJ Hec;lment dirocto: that u
:': aGainst ri: VILJ.A in conjW1ction V4. th an Infantry' l'o.trol.
1 . :, )J', the liD" Company COr.mle.nder was instructed as to t:l0 plD.n nnd
ho the details on the spot. He arranged for a 8mo:::o at
057234 to cover the initial operation of the tnnk nection which ho had
mndo La pla.rmed to use two medium ta.nks in oonjunction wi th ono lie;ht
t:U'J(. At 1305A the patrol started out under cover of the smoke sc::-ocn,
0..:1 :1 '.r...:tCd. The sIP lTwl opened fire from the vioinity of 858233. Coo
molit::.; t was hit. The sjl> Gun was not destroyed. The tank !)atro1 with
drow. (':'0 Got around this corner of Hill 56 and procoed to tho s.'luth,
tunl:.:.; had. to cross a ditch at a bridge. The bridge WaS in, but it canal
izcdL.Lc approach to the and made it very easy for concealed SjP
SUns to hold off any attempt in that direction, even when the tries wore
made u:1der smoke. The batrackB were finally taken by a night In':\Ultry ','.i thout the support of tanks).
At the Tank Battalion Commander informed that the Bat
t!lll::n .Hl.S f:'.ttached to the 135th Inf'antry. At 2245A the C.O. and the Ex
ecut:' vo Cfficer contacted the C.0., l35th Inf'antry Regiment and conferred
on plall of action for th') following day. The plan was as follows: One
Con:;a:1Y of tanks (Co tIC" 760th Tank Bn) to support the 3d Battalion, l35th
In:"l:1tr:," by fire from posi tiona in the vicinity of CArnA, and positions to
the ,:ost and Southwest of CAIRA. "B" Compa.I\Y vtas to support tho 2d Battalion
lGGth :L;:fDntry by fire. Company "B" is to try to get a tank section well
up into the draw 7lest of Hill 213, in a position where it can fire on L
a..'1.c. to the South in support of the Infantry. Company "B" will take
i,.itial action aGainst the SIP gun in the vicinity of U VILL<\ so tho.t tfDlks
can operate around the corner of Hill 56. The Tank Battalion CO;1."lander
that it ,vas doubtful if tanks could operate against the suspected
ani ;:nonr. sft guns in the barracks area without considerable loss in Get
tin;:; .:J.rcund the corner of Hill 56, and that the effort to get around that
corncr r:ould depend on how much the Infantry need",d the assistance of tanks
in tho draw iiest of the barracks. Supporting; weapons were to be ready oil
call. The TD's vrere already in position to fire on the barracks area, but
it ;ID.:3 uifficult to get a nat trajectory weapon in position )'/here it could
do D.Y'\,r :ood. on tare;ets in the barracks area. Liaison was the usual arrange
:;10n-:; Liaison Officers wi th pack radios in direct contact vii. th
and COr.1pany tank commanders
.At 2345A the Tank Battalion issued the above pl81l to
hi s ::..::; ser.,bled cO::llIlanders and staff.
The attack developed as planned except that the Infantry met much less
than expected. By 083QA the Liaison Officer with the Assault
reported that the assistance of the tanks is no lon::;or required.
J'-.lri:l= the action it was estimated that three enemy SjP guns were operating
in tlm barracks area. A tank reconnaissance patrol was promptly en;aged
by these .sjp guns when it attempted to nose around the corner of Hill 56.
Page 22.
ArL':' 1,: 1-./ , Jorta" and Assalll t Guna fired on suspected aroas wi t:1in the
o.rOa. A tank :laction made fair progress throuGh tho UrrlYI ':icst
Ji' 213, but actually found few targets to fire u!10n an;1 OV011t"rllly
At 0930A the Tank 1:\attalion was rolieved from tho 135-+;11 Info.n
'tr:- :.l,:: :.l.GsiCnotl in support of the 133d Infantry, which vras to on
o.J,; b.c1: -.I :"'uth. through the barracks area the. t a.t'ternoon.
i.rr!lI1Gomonts were made at once to shift Liaison Officer::> aIle: the
1':1:11: COI:1-:lander contacted the C.0. 133d Infantry at
A cf t\ttack is a:;reed upon. The Infantry is to ini tiato an[,ck
the barracks area that afternoon and continue the attack until
tho on.rro.cks ta.ken. "B" Company will support the attack and '/!ill ad
v:mcc !C.nothcr section through the draw West of Hill 213. (It Was possible
tv tank!: through here with more time and oare). "B" Company to advance
to.:.u:s into the barracks area as soon as Infantry can assist in neutro.lizing
:3/p G'",ns. "c" Company, 760th Tank Battalion to remain in reserve in present
poo'.tlon in C.HRA. TD's to support the attack by moving gu...'1S into :,osition
v[horo they can bring fire on barracb area. Other tank supportinG weapons
to be prepared to fire on call. 111e Tank Battalion Commander bsuecl the
oreer at 1330A.. The Tank Battalion Conunander moved to I:'Jl o.P. at
869218 at 1400A..
The lnfnntry pushed the attack against the bar%'acks area and,
alt}-.)u::;h they met considerable resistance, they got troops in the north end
of: t:i1C barracks area by 1555A.. This was reported through the !,Iortar Pla
toon COi;:rl1nclor. At l60OA. the Tank Battalion Commander contacted the liB"
Company Commander and directed him to contact the 3d Battalion, l33d Infantry
for further information and initiate aggressive action at the
fir::;-\; opportunity. At l635A. the Tank Battalion C.O. informed the Executive
Officer that two sIP's were definitely located in the M VILLA area at
857233 and 857235, and that the information should be passed to Division
Artillery. Infantry am Artillery action was continued against the barracks
area and tank supporting weapons were used against the barracks area, but
did not engage that day because the sIP Guns were coverinG the one
narrow' bridge over which the tanks could approach. At 17301\. the Tank Bat
talion Co:n."'lUlIlder directed the C.0., CompaDiY' "B" to organize strong points
under cover of: Hill 213 and report to Battalion C.P. for further instructions.
The 72..nJ: 3attal:ion Commander cc:ntacted the C.0. l68th lnf:antry and proposed
a pln.n to trap the sIP guns in the barracks area. IX'..structiol1.s were issued
to co.rr-:,r out a plan whereby a hasty mine field was to be laid across the
strean bed and the road between the barracks area and CA.S3:LnO. A:::1. enemy
anti-personnel mine field had to be passed through in order to accouplish
this, but a path been cleared through this field for a previous operation
and it i'las believed still open. The patrol was a oomposite patrol of In
f:antry, Engineers, and Tankers. It was so slow getting startc3d that two
velucles were reported as passing along the stream bed or the road bef:ore
the cot well under way. By 224QA the Engineer Officer in of
Page 23.
;J,trd rCi'ort,:d that minos and enemy ros istnnce was such tlut the patrol
;:,-t rench the road. Tho Tank Battalion C.O. was convinco,-l tho.t tho
:'/p >J:HJ made Sood their esoape and released the patrol i'r,1J:1 ...'urthor
'.) rfort ovoning.
the dny another tank platoon had been called. 1':->r nne. had
to tho Butler Forge at TE..>tE:LI.B. At 19OQA. the liGht r.ul'l medium
t:l.--L: co:r;..::ncors at (Butler I"orde) reported that no f,1:-thor use was
c:mto::1::atcd for the ta...'1k8 of this Batto.lion by the Butlor Forco. This
r;as confirmed through G-3, 34th Infantry Divis ion before the
t:, ''::..2U::i..LS were withdrawn.
At 2l2OA the Tank Battalion Commander contacted the C.O. 168th
Inf'sltr:: nne) conferred on plans for the following day. At 2300A tho C.0.
pro.:;antoc: 'c:'is pla.'1 to his assembled conunanders and staff, The Infantry
Dost of the barracks already and the sIP guns had wi thdravm to
tho S::mth. Company "B" will attack CASSINO in conju.'1ction with tho 3d Bat
talioc:., 133d Infantry at daylight. A platoon of tanks from itA" 6:JI1lpany
was to position at 869218 to cover the left flank. All other tanka
wore to supr:0r"t the attack from present positions. The TD's ("C" COT.'lpany,
776t:l Ii o.-'ctalion) was to support the attack from positiona at 855242
and 875223. tiertar and Assault guns were to be on call. 59th F.A. Bat
talion VIaS Civen an initial concentration in the North end of CA3SnrO,
thoroafter on call. "Bit Company was to move a tank section into the barrack 8
b:r :la.ylJ.::;ht ane. be prepared to support the Infantry in an attack against
the s;:lulders of the Hill S.W. of the barracks. At such time as resistance
develops from CASSmO itself, smoke and Artillery are to be placed on the
Horth one: of CASS TID. The first mission and objective however, is to clear
tno all along the road from the barracks to CASSINO by joint Infantry
Tad: .:l.C'Cion. The C.O. WaS to control all supporting fires from an O.P. at
The Tank Platoon Leader from the Butler Force in at
2345.-\. Gnly casualty was a tank which had struck a mine.
?cb. 2-21 (inc1) - Action against CASS TIm - Attachment to 133d Infantry.
Lt 0730A, 2" February 1944, the C.O., 133d Infantry requested tank
bo :.:TlCd to South edge of the barracks area, that the Infantry ','/as receiving
mac>.il1e CV:r, fire. The C.O. contacted the C.O., Company "B" at 0735A and
directec hj,!il to su?port the Infantry as indicated at once. By 0935A the
C.0., "3" reports that he is ready to advance South i'romthe barracks
aroa. (:::C has been supporting the attack from positions in tho barracY..s area).
e' r
Page 24.
-- ....... 1, ..:
.... -..
r:1 :0:" covor of So lic;ht Ilr:1oke screen at 858225, he advanood tllO ",.i.atoono
SL.:,:_L ,!tl10C,':; lJ'. One worked ita way down tho stream bod and IlIlotllr.r ,;orked
it:. .::'\,' '0"::" the road. The letdinr; elements of eaoh plltoon"'9l"o cor,corned
prl. ,1:':'::':- fire to the front while the follOwing section:. of
til: ...iith pa.:-tLcular o.ttoIltiO:1 to the hills on the ri-.::ht. T;:o lro
:;1'0:::;::;:.; for a while with the tanks flushi:1G 1u:\.'C) Il fay, prison
01":';. :':;lC: ,.EltOO:l i ': the stream bed VTas stopped by obstacles 1l.'10. AT fire at
JS82.i.0. ,?latoon on the road WaS stopped by anti-tank firo ;hon it ar
rivo': ae D.!J()ut 858220. The fire waS from a very short rango, but tr;ore was
:3 0 :TJch ::HJO}:C and dust that the GUll could not be looated. ':'he
boll;::'; -.I:' thdrcw to firinG POSl tions at the quarry and smoke was liftod to
, 11... -;}-:o "Lc.l.ks to chance to return the anti-tank fire. By l20QA the C.0.
C "?" reported that his bUns could not reach the ailti-t8.rll: Guns and
til:).:; ':.;ho onU-to.nk gU:lB were firing on the Infantry. The supportinc fires
wero rlrcce on Horth edge of CASSINO again. Shortly thereafter an sIP WaS
rcnortoc at definite locution - 856217. The 59th F.A. Ba.ttalion nlo.ced
he concentrations on this point. The C .0. directed the C.0., Cony:any "B"
tv pressure und dispatched the 3-3 to check connnunical:;ioi.s and
sth.1ul-:;.t,c coordinatod action betv/een Infantry and Tanks. The Tank COT.::.'nander
instructed the "BlI Co:rr.pany CO:GITlander to be ready for another push into
r:;O. From observation of the action so far the Tank waS con
tho.t Tanks and Infantry could move into the North end of
unrier cover of a heavy smoj,{e screen and an artillery concentra.tion main
until it was masked by our troops and then lifted only as required
uc:vance of our troops. He considered an appropriate til:l.e for this
attack 2..5 about an hour and a half before dark. Accordingly, he cor.tacted
'i'no C.C., l33d Ini'antry Regiment at l600A and presented his plan. The
Commander agreed to the plan. The S-3 of the l33d I!lf:..mtry
accompani,;d the Tank Battalion Commander to the O.p. :';1C Tal'll: Bat
talion':;o::-,lnander issued the necessary instructions to the tani:s nnd support
in. .; -::C2..;-:0:5 by radio and the tanks VTere ready to push off in the attack at
l715A. Snol:e and artillery concentrations Vlere placed as and at
1725)" t:lO t;_..nks on CASSINO. By 1740A the tanks had in the
cnc of CASSnIO without any resista.."1.ce beine; received. T:'1o:- -,rore re
ccivi.::.::; c. little artillery fire, but it was probably some of our oym ar
",;hich was adjusted very close to their objective which WaS tIe first
.:;roup of buildings in the lJorth end of CASSINO. The Infantry did not follow
and the tank platoon commander was instructed to opcra;;e ...nere
no ,i8.::; the friendly Infantry could catch up with him. On roquest of
thoca:"';: :-l2..toon lealler the C.O. shifted the artillery fire ab:Jett 1,,'iO 2-lUnd
rod - 0.1<S to the South. At l750A the S-3 reported that the did
'1..0 c ::;oc vnlier way behind the tanks. C.O. directs the 3-3 at battalion and
the LiD.isClE Officer at Regiment to accelerate Infantry action. On :::;uggesticn
of -ell0 3-3 more tanks were dispatched to the M VILLA area. By 1840A the
tD-vL: nIc.tecT! in tovm Vias receiving enemy Infantry attacks. ...\t 19101. the C.0.
Page 25.
:; ,y" lead 9. t.a.nJ: rJcction i "+,:) tOWll with Info.ntry fo11'?\,/1n:
:1:::; -"orc fired on b:l 'J/p cuns !'rom loft front !l1ld b:,' t;U:lS
fro:,: 'v: ":"C)!lt. Tho Infantry wore firod on by smo.ll arms. '1ho crull::; Trure
in the c1osinc; dusk und the Infantry withdrew. the tU:-L: ::;cction
' 1.. ..,.... c': ::;dt up pos i tion at 857227. At 1G30l1. the ;;;-3 that
o ,:'.I;,'lC: ita!-. boen lost with tho platoon in CA3SINO, ani that it Vias
known that coo of the four tanks which the platoon leader had tnl:cm in
wi 'ell ;,:'..:-,; 1-.110 been out. The 5-3 also reported that tll.J Int."'nntry did
L'.!, -';0 o.ttack again that evenine and acoordingly the C.O. in.::'orT.lod tho
.3-3 no more would be sent into c/\.ssmo that evenine. :ho C.O.
a130 in:.'ormed the S-3 that he was goinc; to maintain the ccrccn
tr on the North end of CASSINO to sive the tank section in CAS Il:O
fire if they wore still in action, at the same time he instruct
ed tho J-::i to ascertain whether oommunioations could be establishod V.1 th
t:10 :;lo.tocn in CASSnrO. At 2l45A. the Tank Battalion C.O. cont3.ctea tho C.O
10;:id. :::1f':).n-L;ry to roview the action and make plans for conti:tuinC; the o.ttack
the :l':ct It was planned to make a coordinated Infantry-Tank attack
s c);';letine followinc; afternoon, the details of the plan to be settled the
next J:10rninE;.
to.nks were and three hit and damaged in the dn:,'s oper- \
atiOl1!3. J:?le days att"'.ck had co.rricd the Infantry fron the barracks alrnost
to -(;::0 86.ze of CASS :LIW.
lJ'ring the morning 3 February reconnaissance was continued dong
orth CASSINO road. .\t 070Q\ the C.O. informed the 3-3 that
the 3y.Qcutiva Officer would contact him later in the day wi th full plans
for a. cC1tinuation of the attack on CASSINO, and that in the meantime he
was to continue reconnaissance with that in mind. At the Ta!1l: Battalion
cJn':;:'.ctot: the C.O 133d Infantry and arranged final details of coordination
for the which was to take place that The C.O. returned to
the C.P. uncJ. instructed the EXecutive Officer in the details 0 f th3
The pla...";. .'Wo.s as follows: to be ready to attack at 1530A.. TnnkS\
,; to ::1o-;e into the north edge of Ci,.3S TIm under a smoke and \
'/ lie", 760th Tank Ba,ttalion to attaok. "A" and "B" Companies, 756th
I, 32.,ttalion to sur-port by fire and be ready to exploit. A plat:)cn of "A"
.../as to from the vicinity of 872225. Artillery was to :,reparc and
a. ccncentration organized in zones numbered from l:rorth t:)
zone waS to be two hundred yards wide. The fire was to bo lifted by
zone:. ::..3 it was maskec. by the troops. The Tank Battalion C.0. ,'ras to con
trol 'cho artillerJ and mortars from the O.P. The 59th Armored F._-\.. Bc.ttalion
"l:us :m;;porting the attack as vrell as the Divisional Artillery. (The fires
of this battalion were superimposed on the Divisional fires frJm uajustcents
fired. the previous da:'. This arrangement made it very easy to adjust the
to;:!po of the artillery fires). The Exeoutive Officer was to ramain "lith
troops and supervise their deployment.
,,1:C morl:in
; Lhe 3-3 hncl a.djusted n.rtillcry fire O..11U f'::'ro on (luspoctod loca.tions of 3/P {;Un!3 in tho .':c. (:.JurinG
t:1L ,U.:i nne! for several days thoreaftor there Viere three .3;P in the
;;c1rt': 0:':(' of CAS..:n;G. Those Guns could be obsorved frc:r: opts
::.,;. 0: C/.!,;:..;r::C, but it was difficult to brine flat tro.j,'ct':-":' i'iro on
;UllO, a1'll' a1 thouC;h artillery and mortars disturbed the-'ll, it de:
bot;;lcrL:1cn nucll nore than it does tanks).
The Executive Officer arriverl. at the C.P. of the 3c! i3a"ct:l.lion,
l33d ]:nfn.rctry at 8572G7 at about l23CA and issued instructionn .::'01' the at
to.c1:. Coupany "D" was to place a platoon of tanks in the riV0r to sup
port :)y firo. Another- platoon of "B" CompD.llY was to movo across '-';;:0 rivor
and the attack by fire from 861223 and 862227. (A platoo!1 oi' "A"
VIeS already in position at 872225). The platoon in the river bed
was to tal:e position under cover of the smoke screen. Tne pla':;oor. w::ich
VLlSCO cross the river was to move into position i::unodiately so tJu-.t it
vnuL be ready to fire by 1515A/One platoon of "c" Company, 760th I
],It'Co.Lon to move down the road into the Horth ede;e of C1W3 ::1:0 na.::ing I
tho in conjunotion vrith the 3d Battalion, 133d InfantrJ. 7ho Infantry
was "co c:.;;tuck alonG the ridge as the tanks moved into town and ','[Qre to ad
V.l..'1CC rapidly as they oould in order to afford mutual support u,!'C.d to
c')n:;')::':Ld2.te the gains made by the tanks.
7he support platoons were late in setting into :)ositio 3X.' the
(ici not get under way until about l555A. This did not C.',:'lS0 e..
::'O!'C. because the att'lck 'was timed on the movement of the and not __
8:n a specific hour. The attack progressed as ,planned until the noving
into C;.'):.l ::JiC, ran into a breach in the road which the Infantry q1lic::ly re
p::l.iroc: v;i'chcut undue incident and the attack continued. By 164SA the tanks entereci the l;orth end of CASSmO and the platoon leader that
S:-1O::'o c;.1G. artillery fires be lifted in order to increase visibiE'c". As
the 3::acl:o cleared an sIP gun opened fire and hit the Exeoutive Of':"icer's ..,/
tlnk will ch on the road. in the vicinity of the quarry. The and
arti::'lcry was put down agaiYl and the "C" Company tanks in tovh i'("!rc r:ct
hit at this time. At 17lCA t.he Executive reported that the Llf'al';.tr:," was not
up with the tanks. The C.C. informed the C.O., 133d of
that fact and requested that the Infantry advance be accelera.;od. At l730A.
t::o Officer reported that he did not think that the ::::"'.i'CIT.'crJ
lu: :;,::':icient strength in the attack to hold the required nU:',lbJ:- 0.::' buildings
i:n t::r.::l to effect r.lutual support for the tanks. and a few ;;linu-ces later, at
1740A ::0 requested permission to direct the wi thdrav;::;.l 0:" the in tm'm.
It;;a3 c:1.."sk by this time, and although the smoke had been consid
visibility was poor. It had been hoped that by this tine the In
',iou:i.d have overtaken the tanks and consolidated positions in their
--- ---
v1oia.i.ty to prot.ctt tMlll from tntmy' tank hunting parti... ('G"ro had
be c.. the night before when they had remainod in town tN' 11')11:;, un
b:' Infantry). AccordinGly, tho 'lank C.O. CI'!l!ltOtl par
:'"C'r the withdra.wal if conditionD warranted it, and checked
.. l:J1C G.C., l33d Infantry throut.;h the Liaison Radio a.s to 'I;ho eli:; csition
Ilnd ir.tcmtions of the Iufantry. He learned that the Infantry ha.d advanoed
ftlzothor thun the tankers realized and intended to cons Jl1dato in the vicinity
The rank Battalion C.O. reversed his previous docision and at
l755A 110 instructed the Exeoutive Offioer to have the platoon of "';:ll.l:S re
main in Cl..SS :NO and consolidate with the Infantry. Only one t'l.Il1c had had
t i.oe to attempt to I'll thdraw1when the order to remain in town held the rest
fJf tho in plaoe. No tanka aotually withdrew, one tank was hit with"
I AT fire just as it started to JVi thdraw. At 1830&. the Exeoutive Offioer re
portod that one tank had hit, but that the platoon was now in oontact
wi tIl t:-,o Infantry and that progress in consolidation was satisfaotory. The
C.O. instruoted him to oheck the situation by reoonnaissance, and returned
to the C.P. At 204QA the tank battalion C.O. contaoted the C.O., 133d Intan
try for oonferenoe next days aotion. The Intantl'1 plan VlU to
oon;;olidate their gains the next day. The Tank Conmander indicates he will
roinfo:-oe tanka in town if needed and will initiate reoonnaissance to oontinue
the attaok the Infantry is ready.
The Tank COJllll8llder dilpatohed the Headquarters Cor.un.andant to re
lievo the Exeoutive Officer to supervise the ajministrative arrangements for
servicing and supplying the tanka in usembly area at Hill 213.
In the days aotion the tanka and Infantry had gained a foothold
in the Horth of CASSINO. The tanka were assembled in a small strong point
in the court yard at 856215. They were using walls and oorners of buildings
for defilade. The Infantry held the housea; to their West as far aa the dry
ditch at 855215 - 856215. Two tanks had been hit and destroyed in the days
The 4th February the Infantry spent in oonsolidation of the posii1 ona
gainod in the North end of CASSINO. The Tank Battalion Commander spent the
day on reconnaissanoe and plarming. A new O.P. was selected at 855222. The
C.O. conferred with the Infantry Commander and reoanmended that 57r.nn guns
be placed at 855222 and at 858221. The 235th Engineers assist'3d in placing
the at 855222. The first night they tried to get the gun up the hill
::'id not succeed. Ordnanoe assistance was finally obtained and the gun
was disassembled, carried up the hill piece by piece, reassembled and put in
:)osition. The successful emplacement of the gun wu accOlll?lished on the se
cond trJ. (The 235th Engineers had been relievid trom support or the Tank

Page E.
1 ;;.J ".. ""' ....
ut that time, but did the job Toluntarily). The ot
the ut 856222 gave the Tank Battalion plunging!T fire on tho north end
of ..:.\......:J IlK'. The ulault gun platoon (whioh included the three lO5mm guns
fro)', the ttedium tank oompanies, was moved to a DeW tiring postiion in CAIRA.
Th.e ':'u:.u: Battalion Commander had hoped to obtain fla.nldng fire IIld tire on
the roar of the buildings in the North ot CASSINO, but the effeotiveness
of tho Melc of fire was sc=ewhat modified by the proximity of our own troops.
uno sootion of 3 inoh ro's (M-IO's) was moved into the south enl of the bar
raoks El..'1C: sited into the north end of CASSINO. A. fp days later an 1:10
....{a.s r.10ve<l into the quarry where it was kept under oover just as a surprise
wea.pon ::'n the event of any undue enemy armored aotivity in the r.orth of CAS
SIl-iO. 7his:;un WaB never used, but the guns in the south end of: the barraoks
helped to destroy a lIark IV tank later in the aotion. The onl:/ aotion of
the oco\.\red when three siP guns moved into the square at 858214 ene! seemed
to be 9.l'lGling into position for an expeoted attack. The only i'iro 'which could
reaoh thc::n \Vas mortar and the Tank Battalion C.O. adjusted HE on 'the square.
Tho 3/P SUns huddled up against the west side of the jail house. Tho lIE was
not efftKtive in driving them out. White phosphorous 11'8$ tried and when
the s::101:0 oleared, the SjP guns had withdrawn. It is not 1moym whother they
tool: of the screen to pullout (they could have pulled out vrith
out nucil c.anGer to themselves anyway) or whether the white phos?horous both
ered then enough to make them withdraw. The C.O. conteriJed with the C.O.,
3d Bn:cto.lion, l33d Infantry and learned that the InfantlJp Vlould :lot attaok
tho n'J;=i; 'I'his was confinnod through the Liaison Officer :lot
The 5th F"ebruary was spent in further reconnaissanoe and rlanning
and in the establishment of a C.P. in CAIRA. (This C.P. consist'Jd 1:tainly
of EoaC:quarters for the Headquarters Commandant and a place where the Tank
CO.Jm:.'.rl':0r and Staff slept at night. There was an Intennediate C.P. just
acr03S RJ..IIDO at 889232, where the Executive Officer controlled the now
of s:.:p;.:iies to the front and where all general administrative functions
were :c..:.u:dled. In the vicinity small dumps of supplies were d,
of vehicles .vas effected, and parties to or lTam the
bactle aree. were organized and instructed. Near S. PIETRO there was a
third. or rear C.P., where the Service Company C.O. controlled the "D" Section
of the trailns).
the day the Sip guns again entered the square at 85821. 4,
near "ellC jail ane! were again induced to withdraw by adjustment 0;"" a variety
of ..:capons in their vicinity. (Weapons included Mortars, A.ssault Guns ,
Arti.1.1cr:,' and TD IS).
At l30QA. the Battalion C.O. led a reoonnaissance of S-3, C.O.
C ltD", Platoon Sergeants, "B", and Platoon Leader, COl':lpany "CIt
on reconnaissance into the outskirts. of CASSINO. Various small ttctics
Page 2
. -..;
:mra :,:c\':.;;.;ad on the Ground. Tentative plans were for 1l:J:.lintlnc further
of the Infantry and for destroying stroIlGholda of the enor.t(. The
loca.tion of some sniper positions was determined. Plc.n:l to blast
"ut laid.
i.t l70OA. the Tank Battalion C.O. oonf'erred with tho C.C., 133d
1:1:"I;:tr:' O,nd loarned that plans were beint; made to oontinue the attack in
CA..;"; but that action the following day would probably be co!1finod to
p.:l.trol :.o.ction. At l715A the Tank Datto.lion Commander instructed tho C.O.
"C", 700th Tank Battalion on the supply of the platoon in CASSnrO.
Early in the morning of 6 rebruary a Mark IV taWc appoared at
tho corner of the buUding at 858214. It opened fire and th'J ,tanks in town
at 857215, and the TD'e at 859227, opened fire. The Mark rv wa.s l)r07nptly
It could not be deterluned who destroyed the enemy t::..nk because
it burned exploded.
The Tank Battalion C.O. conferred with Inf'antry and
3J.."ctalion Conmanders, but there was no action involving tanks pla:med for
the or the following day.
the day all tank supporting weapons were i'ired nr;3inst
in CASSmO. (Some buildings were cut or demolished to open
fielC:s 0.:' fire. adjustments wore made on areas and lanes where the enemy
to be active). Tank Commanders continued reconnaissance.
Luring the evening the platoon in CASSnrO was relieved under cover
of c..rtillery and TD fire. During the evening the 57mm \'faS success
fully rL'ced in position on the hill at 855222.
en the 7th February new plans for continuing the attack
CAS.s:TI:-O ,'Iere discussed and dissemina:ted. (F.O. #16 (Frag) Headcpnrters. 34th
Division, 7 February 1944).
A sketch of the CASSIno area was prepared by the tank: battalion
and is rd'orred to herein as Unnumbered Sketch, CASSINO. (Ex l/=u). 'fIith
reference to the sketch the tank plan was as follows: Artillery preparation
as :r: by the Infantry, no special fires for the tanks. T:l.l11: supporting
to be read;;r on call. Company "C", Tank Battalion -,-;3.S to ad
vwce a s action of tanks in support of the Infantry along the rout') A-L-M-N
or A-L-JT, to as semble in the vicinity of o. The entire compu.n:y ,'[3.6 to be
prepared for action, but it was not feasible to use more than a of tanb
at once in this section of the city. (As a matter of .fact. it W!lS d;ubted 1::bat
tanks could get through the rubble that was most likely clogGing the narrow
streets in this section, however a tank or two could give some valuable ini
t i al 3upport if it coul d get into position). Compa:n;y C 756th Tank B attoliOIl {
__ ......... .._ .....'-0.'..-...-_.' ' , .........
V/3.:3 L t:,rouch the section and !1Ssornble in vicl :'t:" of P.
"'3" ';')1:1 Ul\, iVa3 to t:lTough the sections E-I-Q and ::md o.::;somble
"11." (ompany waB to support with one platoon from \r.:. th the re
ci' the Company in resorve at 855238. The tanks of tho three cOr.lpan
b:; c,c;c'.. t>:: tho o.ttack Viere not to physically assemble in tho ,'l.rco. Q-F-o.
';11 La liLa ",;o.s merely used aG a coordinatinG li11e and the vehicles of the
';jore to remEdn in depth north of that line aftor resis
tlnce hu(: been neutralizod in that area. The tank and InfantrJ would
Jcibr':::'::lO the action from there on. Initially the C.0. was to direct oper
o.t:O::3 from the o.P. at 855222 and the S-3 was to control tro.f:'ic from the
quarry o.t 858222.
The att:lck was to start at 07001\. when the tanks had Good shootinG
li;:;ht. The tanks were to follow the Infantry olosely and support by direct
fire at close
the evening the support of the 59th F.A. Battulion 'was
vd thc.ravm, one tank in CASSmO was hit and patrols were sent into CASSn:O
for a last ninute check of condition of routes from the North-South road to
t:18 urco. around the jail. The report rendered by the patrol was ::l.Ot encour
plans wero not chanGed because it was thought that So:7le of the bad
routes cOllId be forced. The scope of the 'reconnaissance ha.d b30n limited by
At 060CA, 8 February, the Tank Battalion C.O. chockod vrith the
C.O l:::'Sd Infantry and deterr.d.ned that the plan was to be executed as plan
By 0630A everything was set. At about 0645A two siP guns slid into
Positio::. one at the S.E. corner of the square at A, and the other near the
cnd 0:;.."' the Nunnery at D. Early morning mists had not cleared. and
-;[as poor. At least one of the Sjp guns should have ha;.m easily
visible to the 57mr.l gun on the hill. The Tank Battalion C.0. the
and after same difficulty made contact to find that the Sjp
cuns coule: not be seen from the gun position. Artillery fire coc.llcl rot be
ad)ustoc. 'beca.use of the proximity of friendly troops. In the meant ire one \
S/PY:1 c-mi. three ta.nks, engaged in a fire fight at point blank range of
150 The fight was s lowed a little by smoke and 1'0::;, snoko and
:'rOl1 the masonry which was being demolished during the fiGht. In a
fen T::':"::1J.tes hovrever the sIP gtlll had hit and two ta.:lks and l-rithdrew _
into t:".8 t;ovm under cover of the other gun at D. The Tank Battalior.. Com
rna..' chanGed the ?lan at this point. The plan as revised, con'.;empla.ted
1/ the iLitio.l use of a platoon of "C" Com an , 7126th Tank Battalion in tho area
/ at A, 'with "B" Company t ing over the areas at:i3 and C. The "e" Company
platoon ;-ras to move in first. The plan was initia,ted, but was blocked by
a blcr.m culvert at the North end of the square. Patrols had not reported
this culvert blown and the tanks were not able to negotiate the ureckage.
Page :31.
At JC1SA the ta.nlca wi thdre'W to the quarry. The platoon leader and tho S-S
raport to the C.O. at the O.P. and the C.O. outlines another plan. The.lst
plntoon, Cctnpany lie" is to move into town along the North-South rand and
M';\;r:'.l1ze the enemy positions in the buildings Eut or Able. Tho Infantry
ia to ta}l) the building at 858216 and then under oover of tank fire, the
Infantry will olear part of the rubbish and debris from the road Horth of
tho bullding at 868216 to allow the passage of the tanks. By noon the
Infantr:,: 11:\6 been tully informed of the ohange of plans and the attaok ___
let for 133Q6.. At lS2OA. the tanks Move into town I.D1 in!tiate the
by fire on buildingl on the South lide of the square at Able and on the
buildings Eut or Able. Fire including sup?orting tirel are placed on the
jail and adjaoent buildings. The Intantry auooeeeled. in t&k1ng the
at 858216 and oleared the road liorth thereot. The aeoond platoon of Compau;r
"C't movod in and took over (lit platoon running out ot amua!Uon). The
attack prooeeded towards the jail. Tanka JROY8' out towards the jail aDd
buildings '"iest of it. Infantry oalled upon the ta:lllm for Ipeoifio misaioD8
on the spot by way of mellengera. Scae Intantry got into the jail and the
tanks were warned not to fire into the jail. Tanka were 'Within 75 yarde ot
the j ail at this time, but _re having a 11ttle trouble De gotiating s CD& ot
the debris. One backed onto the roa.d at the Northeast oorner of the buiiiding
at 858216 and was hit there by a rifle The rifle grenade froze "'"'"
the turret and started .. flash fire, but the tank did not burn up. Shortl
J therea.fter a ta.nlc oommander was killed by a sniper and his tank was hit by \\
/ a rifle grenade whioh put the gun out of aotion. Sinoe the tank was bloolatd
by the other tank the orew dismounted. The Infantry attaok was al ready
experuled hov.-evers Infantry had taken buildinp on the North and East Sides
of the square at Able some of the other buildings East Sf Able inoluding the
houne at 858216 and had gotten men into the jail. Reintoroement of the
force already in the jallwas hampered by sniper and machine gun fire, the
source of which was not easy to determine. By l545.l the .. attaok
had expended its forCe and further tank aotion lJ&S by the tanks
blockinG the road N.E. of the building at 858216. The Tank Battalion C.O.
cautionoe the TD's to be especially watchfUl of routes along the East
of CASSINO. At160OA. the Tank Battalion C.O. entered CASSINO on foot reoon
naissance to confer with 'tank and Infantry oonmanders in the town. Infantry
wire comnumcations were out at the time and the InfantrY picture was not
clear. ' The e.0. oonfirmed that some Infantry were in the jail, but asoer
tained that the Infantry was attempting to consolidate what gains they had"
and were not planning on further advance that evening. The Tank Bat
iJalion Commander directs the Company Commander to move his tn.nk.s to
853240 after dark, to remain in assembly position in the oourtyard until
/" _/--- ------
The Tank Battalion C.O. oonferred nth the Infantry Con.mander on
the days action. The Infantry did not plan a ooordinated attack, but
plannod. to consolidate what they had. The Tank Battalion C.0. arranged for
assistanoe to fill the oulvert on the North side of the square,
improve the road North of the building at 858216 and running East just
..1(1'" \) jail by cle:lrinr. debris.
CrC:ors for next action were issue< aL 200QA.. 7:\0 plan
\'l'\':; .,: C action ar;a.inst buildings in the square, the anl(;he
oJ.' th'1jai 1. Some Infantry were in the jail, but .... as not
0:10 . t,: hol(1 it in tho o;'inion of the Tank Commander and ho oxpcc'ced that
t;:l,),'C c bo cloarance to fire on the jail by morning.
During the night an attempt was made to recover tho ta.nks which
hal bon: nocked out at the oorner of the building at 858216, but tho at",:
,i:;>.:3 not sucoessful because of enemy fire T/hioh the \'1ork parties drew
whenovo:' they made noise.
On 9 February olearanoe was obtained to fire on the jail and a
systematic destruction of the jail was undertaken. The tankB also neutr&l
izod enero\{ resistance in another building iIi the square and the building
was occupied by our Infantry.
There were no tank oasualties on the 9th February. The To..'1k Bat
talion C.O. conferred with the Infantry COIIIIl8llder and issued instructions for
tho next days action at 20301\.. The Infantry intended to oonsolidate and the Illan VIaS to continue destruction of enemy pos i tion that C::luld be reaohed
by tho tank guns from the available podtiona
On the morning of loth February an SjP gun shelled the O.P. and
knocked out a couple of radios. 'The O.P. set up was reestablished about
7he Battalion C.O. and the C.O. l33d Infantry ReGiment con
ferred about a ooordinated attack to take plaoe the next day. Plans were
for tank reconnaissanoe and additional new sketches were made.
Plans .../o'::'e made to evacuate the damaged tanks in CASSINO. Ai'ter :?11mS for
tho n ::::t day were completed considerable tank aotion was executed in pre
parat':'on for the next days activity. One tank section moved into town and
the crow cf two tanks succeeded in towing and pushing the disabled tanks
out of tho way. The destruction and neutralization of the jail then proceed
ed so successfully that the Infantry believed that they could occupy the
jail :mel d l500A they attenpted to do so with a coordinated tank support.
3ever21 prisoners were captured, but the jail was not taken. The Bat
C.C. arranged to interrogate four prisoners personally.
At 1900A the Tank Commander issued the order for the follow
inG (See Exhibit #16). The tank plan was to advanoe one company of
tanks the left flank A-F-K, one along the left edge of the building,
G-L-P-Q, and a few tanks through the narrow streets C -H-M. The latter would
Page 33
.- ...
ha;q t bo prec.ded b:r IntantZ"JP. but it WaD planned that they W'oulcl ":'ollow
tho closely and give them what support they oould until
pro ;ro:;:J YTnB stopped by obstaoles or enemy. "B" Company whioh W:l.:J to move
to...:n:'}:J Fox to advance mothodioally and seleot firing posi tionD behind
along the route A-F-K and support the advanoe of t/l."1k:s r.,oving
0::'0::'01' to the buildings The O.P. was to be mov"d to Castle Hill it
events ceveloped favorably.
Four Prisoners of War were interrogated and it W8.S learned that
t:'ero ';'(l.S an AT gun in the vioinity of Mike. (This faot had already been
suspocted). The C.O. 3d Battalion, l33d Infantry visited the C.P. and conter
rC)d on the plan of attaok tor the next day.
On the 11 February the plans for the IR'antry action wore changed
and no D.ction was undertaken by the Infantry during The tanks con
tinuoc. 0. action aGainst the jail and against buildings just to the South
of At l530l. the Tank Battt.lion C.O. learned that the I.U'antI1r desired
fire on "che jail until dark beoause the Infantry intended to occupy the
ja',1 tb'.t night. Arrangements are made for Engineer work on the road just
Horth of the jail. Here debris had to be cleared to give a to.nk spnce enough
to n:)'ve dong the edge of the dry ditoh which runs East and i1est just l-:orth
of 3clwr. Some work was done on the debris; but actually not em'Jr;h, be
cause one tank slipped into the ditch a few days later.
The Tank Battalion C.O. checked with the C.O. 133d I:J.f?.ntry, but
thore ""o.S no plan for a coordinated attack the next day.
! .
I r :2;arly the. morning of the 12 the 1st Batta.lion, l33d
. Inf:..ntr:," took the jail. The Tank Battalion C.0. contacted both the C.0., 1st
Battalion and the C.0. 3d 133d Inf'antry and arraneei for tank
fires in both their zones of action. That tanks operating in the vici
nit:r C:Ul.!"lie encountered Sjp gun and anti-tank fire from the vicinity of
lUke. Apparently her,'.ever too AT gun could not depress sufficiently to bring
fire to bear dir0ctly on the tanks and tank fire caused the sIP [;Un to with
draw. 7he tanks accomplished their mission. The tanks at Do:; ancl Easy en
countered AT Rifle grenades fire. One tank became stuck in the 3ncincer
fill at DOG and while it was trying to extricate itself it was hit four
/ tL":loS '::i th AT grenades, t.:o of which were penetrations. After the fourth
In. t crc'-r abundo:J.ed tank and the tank commandel' came bac}:: to the quarry
a.11 sccurec5 another ta:1.k with which he covered a second ta.l.k trappel"l I'd thin /
the) by the stuck tank at Doe;. Both of the tanks were recovered after
dark. ___-....
'.;.'anJe Battalion C.0. arranges to leave a tank near the jail until,
th] I:-_tn.r/cry moved a 57rmn into position just North of Charlie, :1owever some
diffIculties d.eveloped in advancinG the 57mm and the tank was withdrawn
aoout 2130A. A day or so later a' tank battalion T-2 assis'ced in
Page 34.
-- - -- --- ---..
the 13 F'ehrunry the I:lfantry did not attack hut t"16
C' ,t: ":uao. operations as usual. Two more ta;Jcs ware rocovered fron nro
dqr:"'": t::o l,vening. Enbi..neers worked on road into
(.n tho 14 February there was no The
to.":::; operations as usual. Sniper positions and part of tho
Co.!Jtle 'l'owor wore destroyed. A reconnaissanoe of the Inf'antr/ :?c>sitions
tlll"0'.',:;:'l A-r;-C revealed that the bridge at "A", whioh was partially blown,
oTld be f:'xed by pioneer or E".gineer work in part of an eveThz,. The
nino:) y,>ich had been in position had all been removed, but there wus con
side:o:;.:)le debris along the edge of the dry ditch just north of' the Jail
:Iousc. l'jle road C-H-M was also ologged at intervals with piles of debris.
Tho 1'"':'108 of debris might have been negotiable with a tank. (311cillocr work
\'(Il,::i c,,:,:.tir:ued in the evening and a bridge was emplaoed at "Ablo" "with the
Assistance of a Tank BattaliQn T-2. The bridge was prefabric.'lted :in seo
tions and tho sections were oarried into place by the T-2.) This foot
confirmed a previous tank reoonnaissance which"ha1 indioated
that it would be possible to find a little cover from gun positi)]':sin the
ci advancing; up the route A-F-K. The buildings alone; the route
furnished some cover. A.fter the reconnaissa.."1ce several missio1S were run
in tile area D-E-I without loss of men or equipment. (Some missions whioh
were run during these days 'Were at the request of the Infa.'1try and SOllle
'.73r'3 VCb!ltary with the intent ot keeping pressure on the ene:ny and keep.
inG :?ressure otf of our awn Infantry)
During the 15 and 16 February the Tank Battalion oontinued its
usual activi ties in and about the north en4 ot CASS INO but on the 17 February
no actually went into CASS INO although some cross fire was
to beur en the church at "X" from ta.."1k guns at the quarry at 858222 and
fr')m the "A" Company Platoon at 872225. The In:fantry Commander requested
this chance in tempo to see if the Germans would let up a oit on sO:..e of
the shelling and mortaring which they had been on the
=: C"lrth end of CASS mo
On the 18 February the Tank Battalion C.O. contacted the C.O.
5th 3risaae. 4th Indian Division (British). A plan was :formulatod for the
ta:::inc of C,AnI::-JO in conjunction with the Essex Battalion of t:1C 5th Brigade.
Arra::.:;e:::e!1ts 'were r::ade to have the Easex Battalion Compa..'1Y COr.tU-'1G.Ol"S and
Staff nect t::e 756th Tank Battalion Company Cor.trilanders and Staff at forward
CP of the 756th Tank Battalion at 143QA that a:fternoon. Jur::'n.:; day
several r.1issions were run :for the Infantry. At l43OA. the pla:-:r.ed ",ecting
:-;ot m:c:er.. and the following plan waS set up. The Essex did
not inte:r..d to attack CASSINO directl'! from the north until Aboc-- T::ill and
Ca!3tle Iiill was taken. The "e" o:f each Battalion operate
Page 35
Get nertl.ll:, tr.rouC;h C-G-L-P-Q. with the Infantry operating deeper in the town
whilo the tc.nlcs C/1lOO alone the edge. At the same time tho "B" Companies ot
the were to operate gel18rally along the lett throu;h A-F-X-o
with :nfo.ntry operatins 1.110 along the route 01' tM tanka throuch
O-G-L-P-Q. All Liailon detaill are effeoted to inolude the use of Britilh
radio:. in oompany cOrm:1&nder'l tankl to enable tank oODlpt.rJ\Y and Infantry
cotuno.Ilders to oO::Irllunioate. By l70QL the planl were oomploted and
0.11 tho Lotails were hashed out. At 21SOl the attaok wu oalled ott.
There w.B very little aotivity on the 19 February exoept mortar
and ASSllt,lt Guns whioh fired during the day on targets in oASsnr6.
The night 01' the 19th, "c" CCIIlPany .,8Oth Tank Battalion diipatobad
by inf'iltration to the IntermediatePOIit1on on the other side of' the
RAPIDO tor a rest. .
, .
On the 20th of February word wal reoeived trom Division tha.t the
Do.tta::'ion WaB to be relieved the night 01' the 21-22 by th8 5th UZ 1rmored
Re;inent. At 1430&. the Ln. O. and Exeoutive Otticer 01' the 6th Regiment
Armorod IJZ contacted the Tank Battalion C.O. and arrangements tor the reliet
were oODFleted. The Tank Battalion C.O. oriented the HZ Oftioers on
situlltion in the North End of CASSINO and furnished them several copies Qt
sk0tC!i.eS that the Battalioll. had been using. The pian ot the relief was
sinple. Tho British would make a reoonnaissanoe of the ground and drive,.
a ta;:J: in side by side for the tank the Battalion had in assembly areas
and ulort pas i tions. .then this was completed a Brttish Ln., Officer" would
the Tank Battalion C.O. that the re1iet had been accomplished.
At 1900A instructions tor the re1iet and the march to Inter
Position were issued. Mortars were already on the East side'ot
the RAPIDO and presented no problem. Assault Guns were to fire the rest
of thair tirst thing the next day, wait a couple 01' hours and
then bo;in tr move their vehicles by infiltration. The tanks were to march
back in the order "B", "C", ItA-: Companies.
At 2l3QA plans for the movement of the trainS from the Inter
mediate. Position to the ST. PIETRO &rea were completed.
On 21 February. at 1130l, a Liaison Ofticer 01' the 19th Armored
4th Annored Brigade reported to the C.O. and informed him that it
would be tanks 01' his unit which would relieve the 756th Tan..ic Battalion.
Plans for the relief were completed.
At 143QA tinal instruotions tor the reliet were issued to th8
remaining canmanders. At 1710l, CAIRA was shelled aDd an 11-7 which had DOt , . ",. J
moved in the day because 01' mechanical tailure was hit and destrored. I
(inol) - Movement from Combat Area to Area.
At OlOOil., 22 February 1944, .the Lie.ilSon Of'f'ioer of' 1;hi(19th
Armored reported that the relief' was oomplete and the ot
the 756th 'l'ank Battalion started their maroh baok to the Intennediate
Posi tiOl1. All vehicles olosed at 06OQL. There were no oasualties sutfered
during the relief' other than the lOBI of' the one U-7 whioh was struok
while it was still in originAl po.ition.
At l030l the battalion marohed f'or ALlFE at 285048, and the laat
vehicle closed at ALIFE at 060Ql on the 23 February.
Feb. 24-29 (incl) - Bivouac in Area.
In addition to usual oamp duties, the first five days were apeut
in resorvicing and rehabilitation. On the 29th. 'of February a training
program was initiated.
Lessons Learned.
Few new and startling lessons were learned in any of' this aotiop,
but old familiar prinoiples were strongly emphasized. Not included.1D
the cateGory of' principles is the observation Bet forth below. It
worthy of conaideration as a guide to a means to effect surprise under atm!
lar circumstanoe. (It not used too otten). . .
Three suocessful operations at CASSINO and one in a previOUS aotion .. fall, all pad identical timing and veay .similar ciroumstances. DurlDg
the clay a series of attacks were made against a German position. The . attacks
were strol1b and so waS the resistanoe. By noon the attaok is stopped in
its tracks. An attack is then organized to take place about an hour and a
half before dark and takes place a. planned. The objective is taken prcaptLy,
':;:", '
1'.1 th fe... casualties, and a number of prisoners were taken. In each case
the German seemed to be caught by surpriat, even in one inst$ilce where the
identically same plan was run twioe in a.
All the action emphasized the impDrtance of well trained crewa
and sections. Tank commanders must be trained to ma.lD9 decisions quiokly.
Commanders are frequently knocked out or their radios stop fUnctioning.
t ? t
,1am1'QC and. oolftlnuou reoosma1l
I4&p ...oozma1 ,.
very important in reocnma.1a.uo. ,1um!1ic, 1nrt .'
aerial photocraphl mq be it II :. '.
It -":...a-l4 . Ifi>i ",,,ct.:,' .'
ooaprehenaift .oal. eDta11lD& a .U...... '78te1i .
leminate imf'onution oolleoted. rr_,.-4 perteh
'. 1Je ....... . . <Y.,.": <,
..t dd1"'_ ,"'.",.:.
is the information that oa.J..',Iii ;jut a..,. .... . ',' ,':. "
few momentl, before tM aottoa "&tte0W4 "'...... . ." ,
This "010 to aotion 1.Iatorat:lon
O'1'll':r." .v.J_;z.O'.J:-alJ'....:,R.
is seldom anJ.1able 1;0 the ta'Dk kttallOD 00-..,.r.1'- '.".,':
: ....... . to I:' ....t .. -
going to luPPOrt in battl., d.viDe 1Jn.:ln1ng j)I'Ur' .,'0'
Under the present !/i. a 1;ad -battalion 11 .tie" ot 1/4
The ,tank battalion should. be equipped wL th at 1ealt tour pack ".
the -rac11o .hould be 80 delip.ed.that 1t .0aD,--. . ,
run by vehicular batteries to .,I'8'ftDt exceaaive oODlUllptiOD Or pack
.. to affeot ita .
':,', ,,' ,':.'7,;, .
.... "..". '.' .' ',-' '. -: '.' ..; ", ..
.'. - ; ..
..,,'-..... "
...., ... ,:,:.,,:.
, . "
:, . : "":"; " .'. .: ,'.. . ,-'

.... .. .... __

Indlvlltual tankers (knowing the .ituat1d and tM _ lon) mUlt then look
uou;:d anC. move around to oCDpl.te tbI 1I11.1em.

The 'Vital importanc. ot reoODMlllanqe waa .apw1.ed tilM
The meanine of reooDDd. _
lanoe must be tully under.tood. b1 &11 .000.rud.
oonfirmod. ReooDD&1"aDoe oould. 'lie
lare;or and more
trequently the reoorma1...noe ';
,just a
be initiated.
Separate tank
. ,
The value of suoh attaol1ment 18 1De.1;laa11..
transportation on the seoond day ot ao""on.
problem for reconna.1ssa:tlce periouel,.pta 'WOrse.
radios of improved. de.ign.
, teries" but must be 80 bu!Jq'
present SCR 509 i. not luitabqportab1e.
.__, ____ ......._ ...... .r.MdIodlU ..___

"I ,
'/ 1" )
,-,j,. ../''';..
.. _...
'r-':__ a:1d Oc
'T .....
\,., ..J
1. ttod hcre'wi t>. "rOIlort::; of .;:10:,\.,11 .'J1' t:'uO'
n,.)n-clJ:3 0'::' Jcrtc;;;:bcr o..n,;' OctOD::::- 1940. Haport for ':;optonbor is 0. cOl'Y of
ori '.,;i:lal
0.. :::lcmcnt::; of this battu.lion effected Ll.ctual cO!1tact ';rith the
in only tno instances during the month of September 1945; a.s c(')vcrcd
b;:; lJarrative for September 22d and 23d.
b. Heport for October is a report.
2. OriGinal "Report of Action AGair:st ::::::1om:/' for Scpt:):-:::O::r "{as L!o.iled
':ron JC:l'Jse Eoadc:.u2.rters on October 5, 194:::, roceipt0cl '01' Allicd :'-orco',;:;:-s on 10, was errQ:'l.cous1:'
tho Co::-'..lnandin.:; Offico::':
1st Lt., =:-c.'.'.l1tr:,-,
f.. dj',lb.:::.t.
1. cf Action 22 Sept. 1943,
':!::'-;;;1 of Unit Jourll.:.'11 22
in c:uin.
2.,o:.:'crt 0f ::l:l 23 Sc::;t. 1943,
'..:,:- .

756th Tank tJ,ntblion (L)
A:C ,/464
5 October IJ43.
SUDJ8CT: Transmi ttal of Commander's Notes for Month of Septez:tber 1943.
TO Commanding General, All ied Force, APO 512, U.S. Arrrv.
1. Transmitted herewith Commander's Narrative Reports and pertinent
extract copies of the Unit Journal pertaining to:
a. Infantry-Tank action on hill southwest of Oliveto Citra.
be }nfantry-Tank action on road Oliveto Citra-Quaglietta.
2. The above includes all actual engagements with the enerrv in which
this unit participated during the month o September 1943.
3. written orders or overlays, except from higher headquarter..s, nre
involved. Such written orders did not pertain to the specifio operations here
in reported.
Inc1: 3 copies Report and
3xtract of Journal
cCt::.:A,;>jDER 'S NAi\ftAT r'J'E
22 September 1943
l4A.P1 ITALY 1:100.000 Sheets 186 and 198.
At 100013 hours on 20 September 1943 the Battalion was attaohed to the
l80th Infantry. The Battalion moved from base Tank Park at N 918074 at 13305
and closed in an assembly area at N 955270 at 2000B. A liaison officer with
radio was assigned to the l80th Inf'antry. The following morning route aDd
employment reoonnaissance was oarried out by the Battalion Commander and Statt.
The Battalion Commander WI.S summoned to a meeting ot Statt and Commanders at
Headquarters at 2l00B at N 966250. (The plan tor operations the
following day, 22 September 1943, was set torth a.s tollows I Infantry to make
a night attack along the road from 0 005308 to Oliveto Citra and secure the
village of Oliveto by morning.j reA- of the 19lst Tank Bn. (M) to cross
an IP at N 999293 (Bridge on Highway No. 91) at 0500B hours and move to Oliveto
to support the Infantry in holding the town and be prepared to repell counter
attacks. The 756th Tank Bn. (L) (Less one Compa.Il'\f) to tollow "A" Comp8l\Y of'
the 191st Tank Bn. (M) and move into attack positions on the reverse slopes of
the high ground south west ot Oliveto; prepared to launch a coordinated attack
which was expected to take place as soon as the situation was determined and
reconnaissance completed. The following supporting weapons were attached to
the Tank Battalion at 21000 hours s Regimental Cannon Company less one platoon,
Co. 1tJ)" of the 2nd Chemical Battalion (Less one platoon), two artillery observers
were assigned to the Tank Battalion and it was understood that the Battalion
would have five batteries of artillery available to support the attack. The
Medium Tank Company was to be attached to the Light Tank Bn. at Oliveto. The
Tank Battalion Commander assembled Commanders of attached units, artillery
observers and staff; and made complete tentative plans for a coordinated attack
fron map study and from knowledge gained by the days reconnaissance. Conmnmica
tions and liaison details were arranged to include a special brevity oode to
inform the Battalion Commander through the liaison officers radio the exact
progress of the infantry prior to the time the tanks were to cross the IP. The
tanks were in position to cross the IP at 05008 hours and at that time the Tank
Battalion Commander was informed by the liaison officer at Regimental that
the lni'antry had not been successful in taking the town but that the tanks were
to prooeed along the designated route. The Tank Battalion Commander informed
the lleditUll CompaII\Y Commander of these instructions and the Medium Company Com
mander moved out. The Light Tank Battalion followed with reconnaissance and
Advance Guard operating to the front. At 0 006306 at 0700B the Medium Compall;y
Commander informed the Battalion C()11l!T!snder that he had run into(artillery fire
- 1

; . If k '. r
"'" . IE.... It
and had :iovod off the road under cover. At this time the lituation was
vacuo fl..:ld tho Tank Battalion (;olll:1ander advised the ::edlum Company Conm..'\lHler
tlult !lC v;culd join him immediately to cot a better look at the terrain.
Tilo ;;attalicn Commander directed the Tank Battalioll to move into an asser.lbly
aroa of.!.' road and went forward and contacted tLo :.:edium Compau:,;
or. LlO 7:\orninc haze was so heavy that visibility was very poor and troops
contacted know very little about the lSi tuation; however, j the Tank Battalion
Officer had reported the approximate location of the
lines a...'1d. the information had been oonfirmed by personal oontact with the
Liaison Officer. The Liaison Offioer had in the meantime lost oontact
wi th the Regimental Commander. The Tank Battalion Commander advised the
Llediun Tank Commander to move into defilade firing positions forward
of his prosent position and informed him that he (the Tank Battalion Comman
der) would move forward on reoonnaissance and contaot him enroute. The Bn.
Executive joined the Battalion Commander and they moved forward on reoon
naissance. Contaot was llI8.d.e with the Medium COJIDMnder and the Bn
Commander of the Third Battalion of the l8oth. The Battalion Comms.nder of
the Infantry Battalion was not in oontact with the Regimental Commander but ./
it was determined that the Infantry had. been stopped along the general line
of the Aquaduot at 0 020325 - 0 026324. It was also determined that the
suffered oonsiderable losses, No definate &8 to
the location of ar:J type of enenv weapons could be The Tank Bn.
Commander and the Medium Company Commander moved to a Mortar OP "lor better
observation to look over the ground and while still at the OF were oontaot
ed by the S-3 of the First Battalion whioh was engaged with the enenv(along
the From him it was determined that our Infantry had been stopped
by MGt s and r.achine Pistols a1'ter having been somswhat out up by artillery
and mortars. General location of enell\Y' automatio weapons was indicated by
the S-3 of the Infantry Battalion but he had no information of anti-tank
weapons. He did have the first definite information as to the location of
the ReGimental Commander. He was with the First Battalion in the front lines.
When the S-3 left the front the Regimental Commander was attempting to reor
ganize his troops but was handicapped by eneIlliY small arms fire. The Tank Bn.
Commander considered an immediate tank attaok, to relieve the situation, with
out further contaot with the Regimental Commander because of the time element
involved. He met the Assistant Division Commander before putting his plan in
effect. The Assistant Division CoIllllla:'nder advised immediate oontact with the
Regir..ental Commander and the Tank: Battalion Commander proceeded to the front
lines on foot where he contacted the Regimental Commander shortly before noon.
The Regimental Commander indioated that he would not be able to follow a tank
attack until further reorganization but directed that some tanks be moved into
position to cover the Infantry trom enell\Y' counterattack. The I.1edium Tank Co.
was attac:1ed to the i.ight Tank Battalion. The Tank Battalion Commander dis
posed the Tank Co. in depth so that it would be in position to repell
a counterattack and also be in position to jump off in an attack. Platoons
in positions as follows: 0 014315, 0 019320, and 0 019321. It was also
planned to move one company of liht tanks forward into positions from which
they could be more quiokly employed. This part of the plan was not effected
before the Battalion Commander was called to Regimental C.P. for further in
structions. The Regimental Commander asked the Battalion Commander how soon
he could be prepared to launch a coordinated attack. The Battalion Comnander
indicated two hours and. accordingly a plan was set up as follows: Tank

- 2 -
olements wero to mOTe to the objeot!" 1n the followin& order One Ll&ht
Tank Cvr.lp1UlY Iupported by a Platoon or Mediums, Battalion COlDInand and
TanlCl, tho Seoond Light Tank ComP&D\Y. Two platoona or J4ed1uma were to re
main in defiladed firing pOlitions whioh they ocoupied at the time and cover
the advance or the other tanka. Supporting artillery batteries were to open
fire upon rooket lignal as the tank el_lItl approached the Point ot
Deployment. The Chemioal wu to prOTide a lmoke lor.en to .00Ter the
right front and flank ot the Tank n ...ntl, the Cannon CompU ftII r.l.u.d.
to R.gimental oontrol but the TaDk Battalion Aa,ault GuD8 ....r. ,inn tt. . to
r.gister prior to the attack aDd f'1red at ,up.oW ant1-taDk poalticma. The
IBoth was to tollow the tank attack oloeel,. aDd ...... to JIIOY. in the,
The tanka were to rally on the lonr 01' the objective. One-halt hou.I: ..
. prlor to B hour the !aDk Battalion C,....nd.r .... iDatruote4 to d..1q hi.
tack one half-hour aDd .... that the l6Tth Int&D'tr1wou14 attaok la
oOnjUDOtion 'With the t&Dlcl on the rlght. All .l_nt. ar. intormecl' of tl
:an developmeut; aDd the attack.... l&UDOhe4 t_ at lam hour. nth a111
.upporting fir.. opening as plazmecl. The t&Db wer. foroed to apprOloOh the
point or deploymeDt in oolumn and W to pu. b.tnen tJae aquaduot &D4' a ,
farmhou in '1Dcle tl1. in. ar'cler 1;0 acmt cmto the objeo1ii'Y8. !her........
!D&D\Y .lements that are UDta'9Ql"ab1e to tlUlk emplOyment OD tb1a ter
rain but the T&Dk Battalion C0JD&D4er felt that' the action wu M17
tied by the clrcwataDa fte ... bad the defil. between the aquUa4" ,
and the tarmhoal. ccnved 'by artillery tir. but the tire lIP iDetteoti.... -.;. ,
and all tanka moved outo the objecti.... without damage. fbe tirst liglrt tlUlk
oOlllpUIY be0!UD8 iDvol.... d in a .erie. ot stone wall terraces wh10h hampered itl
,mobility but was, able to .eek out ......ral .ulI\V' positiona and neutral1le t ...
No anti-tank tire developed and ainoe one platoon ot mediums were on
the objective in tiring positions to support the lights 'the Battalion cOJIIIIaJi
der ordered the rest ot the mediums torward a platoon at a time so tllat
could brin& more .... ttire on stone buildillgs in 1I'b1ch the eD81I3' ...... tak
ing re1"uge from light tanka., Automatic tire oould be seen coming trom" '
buildings in rear ot the general positions to which the bulk of the W
advanced and 1ig'ht tanka ....r. ordered by the Battalion Cmwmander to go over ', ..
certain portions ot the objective the .ecoM time to inaure the neutralisa-:
tion ot all automatio weapons. Shortly thereafter no fire could be 4e
tected !"rom 8l7l' portion of the objecti,". the Battalion Cmmnander oould DOt
disoern e:trJ Intantry" on the objeotive at this time and .ince his liai.on ot
fioers radio had been destra,yed by artill.ry fire he moved ott the objeotive
contacted an offioer aDd dispatched him to request the Infantry Comm;uyjer ttf
push .the toot troops taster. Qle returDed to the object!" and discovered
thAt the Inta.utry was then already in 1\111 possesion of the objecti," and ...
about it at "rill without opposition. At about 1130B the tanks maYed to a
position on the objecti.... .... seleoted on the spot because the
origlnaI rallying position could not be reached on account of the terrain.
The Battalion Executive took OT8r the and the Commander returned to the Reg
imeIItal C.p. tor fUrther iJ:us'tructions. The Battalion was moved out ot the
rall.yiD.g position shortly thereaf'ter at about 18100 to reservioe in. the rOrmer
Intermediate Position. Note: (During the course ot the action it was report-
ad to the Battalion Comnander that a heavy mti-4;ank gun was located at the .
edge or the road on the upper part ot the' objectin on the left. that the gun
- 3
was nc)t i.llll'll'lOd and that lIome enemy were to take rei'uGe in '"
near the &UD and wore cor.f'ined to the building by tank i'ire.
other nnti-ta..'1k f,WlB were discovered during the attack but a fifty ::rllli
metor ";Un discovered in a concealed position near the center of the
tho following day. \This gun waa not manned during the attack either
and both cuns were captued in fighting condition.\ The heavy on the road
was a 77 with large muzzle brt.lce. No tank personnel or materiel oasualties
nre suffered. There were little cr DO Infantry casualties in the attack)
In the eve:'linr; a!'ter the attack the Tank Battalicn waa relieved !'ram attach
ment to the l80th Inl"antry and attached to the 179th Infantry.
- 4
7S6th Tank Battalion (L)
22 .;i optembor 1943
756th Tank Battalion (L)
September 22, to IDOluabe)
Oliveto, Italy.
Maps: ITALY 1:100,000 Sheet. 186 and. 198.
Combat Strengths Oftioerl 8e W.O. 2 i.M. 626 To1al 666
Looation: N 96627
315D Reccmnai..anoe element. oleared biTOU&O at 9562'1_. orossed the
Bn. IP, B 951271. &Del moved on Highway 91 to IP at bridge at
N 999298
Combat elements crossed Bn. IF and moved on Highwaf 91 to bridge
N 999293. One tank of Co. nC
overturned and Sgt. Johnie Bowman
suffered sprained lett arm aDd outs.
Co. "An 191st Tank Bn. (M) crossed bridge at N 999295 and continued
towards Oliveto.
Reconnaissance elements crossed bridge turned lett on secondary road
800 yds. east of bridge. and moved toward Oliveto Citra.
,0615B Combat elements crossed bridge useing same route as Reconnaissance
C.o. selected new Assembly Position at 0 $653;S. Assault Polsition
previously]>.icked in enelDi'f hands. l1edium Co. receiving artillery
fire at 0
C.0. contacted Liaison Officer and Rcn. Otficer who informed him df'
the location of' the enenv lines. C.O. went forward on rcn.
Battalion closed in assembly area.
9s6.B : C.O. called for Executive to join him. and Executive went tor-
ward to locate C.O. of' 180th Infantry.
One M-4 Half-track slightly damaged by artillery evacuated to rear.
Pvt. Jones Hq. Co. received shrapnel wounds 'in upper le.f't arm and
was evacuated to the 120th Clearing Station.
- 1
the' nit Journal, Cont'd:
co'1tacted;inlantal C;. and .. ;.;.5 ordered to to.: l:D to
0. fonrard position behind front line infantry to rapoll clJunter
attaoks. Co. "A" 191st Tank Dn. (/.;) attached to 75Gth 7ru-.k In. (L).
Co. "A" 0f the 19lst Tank un. (I,l) moved into forwurd positions at
o 0 and 0 l932l. Co. "A" 756th 'rank Bn. (L) oom
pleted reoonnaiss&nOe and prepared to move.
14B c.o. reported to Regimental C.P. at 0 Coordinated attack
was planned for Objective: High ground southwest of Oliveto
Citra, 0 ,3932,. l80th Infantry to attack from the left of Tank:
Zone ot Aotion.
Attaohments: 2 Platoona of Co. "D" 2nd Chemioal Bn. to the Tank .
In Support: Five Batteries ot F.A.
returned to Tank Bn. O.P. at 0 snS3lS and issued orders for
the attaok.
Attack delayed until on orders of Regimental C.O. to allow
infantry to get into position. lS7th Infan1;ry Regiment was to
get into pos!tion to launch an attack at the same time from the
right of the Tank Zone of Action.

Pvt. Vasquez, Hq. Co. received severe shrapnel wounds in back in
the vicinity of C.P. 180th Infantry and was evacuated to the 120th
Clearing Station. One 510 Radio destroyed at the sa.::ne ti;;le.
163.B The attack was launched on time. The objective was taken and held
until the inf'antry arrived on the position. Light resistance
encountered. No personnel or vehicle casualties.
l73B Battalion moved to rallying position on objective.
131B Battalion withdrew from objective and moved to a reservicing point
at 0
"A certified true copyn
1st Lt. Infantl"'J
- 2

23 September 1943
MAPS J ITALY 1t 100.000 Sheets 186 and 198
At 22300 on 22 September 1943 the Tank Battalion CoJlll1l8Jlder and the
Company Crnmnander of itAIt Co. or the 19lat 1't.nk: Battalion. (ll) were in.fqrmed
that the Battalion had been relieved from the l80th Infantry a.:cd been attaoh
ed to the 179th InfantryJ however it wu 040C13 on 23 September before the
Battalion Commander and C.O. D,Aft Co. 1911t Tank Bn. (M) were able to oontaot
the Regimental COJl1JD8nder beoaUSe the Regimental C.P. was in the process of
displa.oing forward. The Regimental Commander informed the Tank Battalion
COT1VDander tha.t the Regiment YaB attacldng at daylight the Road (Oliveto
Citra - Quaglietta) and that be desired tank support for the atta.ok. The
mission of the Regiment was to adTallCe along the indioat.d axis as far as
possible. Af'ter some disoussion a.s to the a.dviseability ot the early oommit
ment of tanks the Regimental Commander indicated that he desired immediate
tank support of the leading elements of the advance guard. The Battalion
Commander of the leading Battalion of Infantry arrived a.t the Regimental C.P.
at about 053013 hours and the following plan was devised: Initially the Medium
Tank CompaIl\Y was to support the advance of the leading elements of' Infantry
i'r0I!l. the high ground just south and just north or Oliveto. Two platoons were
to take up firing positions on the high ground south of and one platoon'
was to take up positions on the high ground north of Oliveto Citra prepared to
move forward in support of the leading elements of the advanoe guard. J.. Light
Tank was furnished the Medium Commander to be used as an Artipery
Observers Tank for the two platoons south of Oliveto Citra. An extra quarter
tOl:. C&R was also furnished the Medium CompaDY Comrilander to fUrnish
sanee transportation to assist in the forward displaoement of the two platoons
in fire support. The light tank compaD!es were to be held in their present
assembly area 0 005295 until suitable "assembly area north of Oliveto could be
selected. A tank Liaison Offioer with a radio was to report to the Command
ing Officer of the leading Infantry Battalion and the regular liaison officer
was assigned to Regiment. The Tank Commanders were informed that the bridge
leading to the town of Valva. wa.s out but that the 157th Inf'antry had 'by
passed the bridge and was advancing abreast of the 179th Infantry. The Tank
Commanders returned to the tank assembly area and issued orders and instruc
tions to carry out the plan set forth above. The Tank Battalion
then moved forward and again contaoted the Regimental Commander on the south
side of Oliveto. The Tank Liaison Offioer was present and informed the Tank
Conoander that the Regimental Commander bad. directed that a medium tank platoon
join the leading elements of the advance guard at once and tha.t he desired a
lic;ht t ..nk platoon to patrol the street. of Oliveto and watch for sniper
Tho mouilllll platoon had alread moved for;';ard and two other medium tank
wore in positions. The Tank Commander requested 1f
ta;Uco 'Noro to be used in the town that Infantry be asoigned to ride the
top to assist in neutralizing snipers in the upper windows of build
inGs. The request was granted. A light tank platoon wu already on the
\vn:y i'or.V'urd to move into an assembly are.. on the north of Oliveto where it
was ?lanned to assemble a light tank company. The Tank Commander indioated
to the Liaison Offioer that he could utilize this platoon to patrol the
town. The Tank Commander then moTed forward through the town accompanied
by his S-3. It wa.s noted that the lstreets of Oliveto were very narrow and
oonstituted a considerable bottleneck and that there were already a great
lD&ll\f friendly troops in town, including !'!pIS. Aooordingly the Tank Command
er sent a message to the Infantry Regimental COJlllllander tha.t he believed that
tanks would oonatitute a traffic hazard in the town a%Id that it would be un
neoessary to have tanka patrol the town looking for snipers since the town
was crowded with friendly troops. The Regimental Commander reduced the tank
patrol to two tanlal. The Tank C01!1!D8nder proceeded on reoonnaissance and noted
tha.t nlthough the bridge to Valva had been destroyed that the bridge on the
Regimental Axis of Advance was untouohed, that the terrain along the left
flank of the line of march arforded .ome actual defilade for vehioles moving
on the road, that the terrain fell to the right of the road and afforded
no cover in that direotion although there was considerable vegetation which
limited observation from the right flank to some extent. He also noted that
the leading platoon of medium tanks had not yet joined the leading element.
of the advanoe guard but had moved into an assembly area north of Oliveto.
He dispatohed the 8-3 to bring up the platoon of medium tanks, the balance
of the leading platoon of light tanka (3 tanks - 2 were on patrol in Oliveto)
and his awn oommand and staff tanks whioh he intended to use for further re
connaissance and for oommunioations. The medium tank platoon soon overtook
the infantry and the Tank Commander rode the leading tank to a position be
hind the Infantry point where he issued final instruotions to platoon command
er and informed the Infantry Commander that the tanks would follow the Infantry
Point at three to four hundred yards. (The road was winding and there was OOD
siderable vegetation at this point) He also informed the medium tank platoon
oommander that three light tanks were moving forward and that two of them were
to preoede the leading medium tank; and tha.t the remaining light tank, and the
balance of medium tank platoon, in that order, were to follow the two lights
and the medium whioh were to aot as a point. He reminded the medium tank
platoon oommander of his mission whioh was to engage and destroy enemy ground
troops encountered by the Infantry Advance Guard and repell enenw meoh
anized counterattacks. The three light tanks moved up shortly thereafter and
the Tank Commander instructed the Platoon Commander and indicated that he was
to take up his positions at the next halt. In a few minutes a second medium
tanl: platoon moved up. This platoon had not been ordered up by the Tank Com
mander but had moved forward through a misunderstanding of instructions issued
by the Medium Company COUUDander. There was no suitable place to pull the
platoon off the road at this point and the platoon oould not have stopped or
baoked up Viithout blooking other vehioular traffio so the Tank: Commander in
structed the platoon oommander to follow the light tanks and informed him
briefly of the situation and the arrangement of the tanka ahead. He decided
to pull the second medium tank platoon otf the road a.s soon a.s the platoon
arrived abreast of a suitable area. A few minutes later at approxL-Jately
121GB at 0 048357 automatic weapons fire broke out at the head of the
oolumn. Ta.nlcD ret)U"ned the tire with both machine gun and oannon fire,
a.ncl there waS a ludden lull in the firing. Infantry whioh had halted
durinc tho brief enga:gement re.umed the -.roh. The rolled forward
aGain. S\lddonly intenae automatic arms tire relUJl8d at the head of the
oolumn and intenso artillery fire opened up tram both the front and the
riCht flank sinru.ltaneoully. A sharp aotion followed whioh luted about
thirty minutos. Artillery fire from the front appeared to be acourately
reGistered indireot tire. Fire tram the f'lank aero.. the river at 0 06OS67
was hiGh velocity direot artillery fire. One gun oould be leen
tiring from the tlank aZId _dium tanka of the aeoond platoon returM4 thi.
fire. During this aotion the enem;y gun (Determined later to be a Marle IV
Tank)' was ailenced. ODe of our medium ttJllca was let on tire. Two ..... .."
damaged one of wbioh bogged down, and another t&Dk whioh had b.en tir1l2g
rapidly, turned over when the edge of the road gave way under it. !he ,.
intensity of the tire trom the flank aubaided oOllliderably &Dd luddenly .
but vehiole whioh moved brought 1JmDediate lIZ'tillery tire trom the
tront. The Tank Commander moved torn.rd to the leading tank eleiDezrta
and found the leading medium platoon good po.ition. The Platoon Leader
ot the light tank leotion wu allO with th1a platoon. but oDe ot hia tallb v
had turned over and another had bogged down. None ot the light tanlca aDd
none of the medium. tanks of the leading platoon were damaged. Small arm
, fire was soattered aDd almoat There friendly infantry
troops deployed forward of the area in whioh the tanka were ulembled.
They were not in immediate oontact with the The Tank COJIIIZ18llder con
tacted the Infantry Battalion and learned that he 11'&1 reorganis
ine his troops which had been cut up a bit by the artillery fire. The Tank
Commander oontacted the Platoon Leader ot the Medium Tank Platoon whioh had
suffered tho casualties and instruoted him to contact hia Compan;y Ccmnander.
take steps to remove what vehicles were still on the road and await rurther
instructions. (This platoon had been oaught on a seotion of the road where
it was difficult to get vehicles ort ot the road and the still burning tank
nearly blocked the road. The Tank ,coimnender realized that the Platoon Leader
would probably need assistance to remove the burning tank but two undamaged
mediums were still:' on the road although they were behind good cover of vegeta
tion.) The Tank Commander then contacted the Regimental Conunander for fur
ther instructions and learned that there would be no further use of to.nks that
evening. The Tank issued instructions to establish security the
tanks which could not be evacuated that evening and ordered that the 1Jndamaged
tanks be assembled in the intermediate positiOllS atter dark. The light tank
returned to position north of Oliveto. The Medium Tanks returned to positions
south of Oliveto. NOTE: (The terrain in general and the road in partioular'
were not favorable to tank employment. Spur of the moment deployment b-om the
road was almost impossible as witness the fact that every tank that lei't the
road in one section either bogged dawn or turned over. ,With mobility seriOUSly
reduced, poor and the element ot surprise monopolized by the
the tank casualties were surprisingly light:
tank destroyed.)
One killed five e and one
- .----....
HEiU.i ,,'\RTERS
756th Tank Battalion (L)
APS ir464
766th Tank Battalion (L)
Saptembel' 23, 1943 (1B to 24B Inclusive)
l;raps: ITALY 1:100,000 Sheets 186 and 198.
Combat Strength: Officers 38 Vi .0. 2 E.M. 623 Total 663
Location: o #5295
Lt. Stone, l79th Infantry reported to C.O. that the Bn. (-Co. "B")
and Co. "A" 19lst Tank Bn. (M) was relieved' of attachment to the
l80th Infantry and was attached to the l79th lni'antry.
C.O. Tank Bn. and C.O. Co. "A" 19lst Tank Bn. (M) moved out to
Regimental C.P. A plan for the employment of the ta.:u-::s was form
ulated as set forth below.
C.O. returned to the Bn. area aDd issued the instructions:
The Artillery Observers tank and a 1/4 Ton C&R were to be furnished
to Co. "All 19lst Tank Bn. (M) for fire control and reconnaissance
purposes; Co. "A" 19lst Tank Bn. (1I) was to place one platoon Horth
of Oliveto Citra, and two platoons South of the town prepared to
support the Advance Guard of the Infantry; Co. "C" 756th l'ank Bn. (L)
was to move into an assembly area North of Oliveto Citra as soon as
an area was secured by the Infantry. "C" Co. to move only one platoon
at a time.
G45B Two officers from Co. "A" 19lst Tank Bn. (M) repor-cad to the Tank
Bn. C.P. and took the vehicles assigned to them.
"A" trains start move from bivouac at N 95527 to assembly area at
o 5295.
C.0, and S-3 move forward.
C.C. contacted C.O. of the l79th Infantry and the Tank Liaison Offioer
and received instructions to plaoe one platoon of light tanks on
patrol in the town of Oliveto Citra.
C.O. and S-3 move through Oliveto.
Extraot iTom the Unit Journal, Cont 'd,
c.e. reoommended by written mes.age Liaison Offioer that
light tank platoon not be employed in
;945D C.0. Tank Bn. wu inatruoted through Tank L1ailon Offioer to move
a medium tank platoon in immediate .upport ,t the leading elementl
of the AdT&nCe Guard.
1$',0i3 let Platooil Co ...c.. arrin4 at Oli'nto. Two tanlca 'Were plaoed in
the town. The other three tanka 'ftnt into po.ition north ot the
1,015B C.O. and the S-3 moved along the line ot maroh of the Infantry on
1,045B , C.O. dilpatohed 8-3 to speed up the Medium Tank Platoon aM to brine
torward the balaDCe ot the 1st Platoon ot C Co. the 8-3 .t the
Medium Platoon a lbort distance down the road. He prooeeded on to
the rear and blued orders tor the three ta.nlcs to join the Jledium
Platoon in the Advanoe Guard. I
I S-3 oontacted Liai.on Ottioer at Regimental O.P. and informed him
ot the situation. At this time the 1st Platoon ot Co. "A" 191st
Tank Bn. (Y) passed. Tho Platoon leader stated that he had. been
ordered torward b.1 C.O. Co. "An 191st Tank Bn. (M).
"A" trains olosed in Assembly Area at 0
Three tanks ot 1st Platoon ot Co. "C" took up position with AdvaDCe
1145.8 S-3 rejoins C.O. at X
Executive Oftioer joined Liaison Offioer at Regimental O.P.
l21B Infazrtry stopped by Machine Uun and Machine Pistol fire in vicinity
of 0 048367. TaIlkB engaged. Anti-tank guns opened fire from East
of the Sele River and trom the front. One light tank overturned
and one light tank bogged. One medium tank destroyed and two damaged.
No personnel casualties in the light tanka. One E.l!. killed, one
seriously 'Wounded, and four slightly 'Wounded in the Medium tanka.
2 Remainder ot Co. C olosed in position at 0
Co. "C" 191st Tank Bn. (M) relieves Co. "A", same unit, from attach
ment .to the l79th Intantry effectiva at 24000.
163B C.O. and S-3 return to Regimental Headquarters.

- 2
ixtr&et from tlw Unit JourDA1, Cont'41 UNI'J llIIl!A
17NiJ I C.O. ordered to withdraw tanlal tiom 0 to
o lM633l after dark. One ot Co. C" 191.t Tank Bn. (M)
to mcmt to 0 .a22 prepared to lupport IZt.tantry att&ok in
vioinity of QuagUetta at SeptGber 2'th and be prepared.
to repell .nay oOUllteratt&oo. 10 4et1D1te'att&OhmeDt of Co.
"C" 1918t Tank Bn. (J) to Tank Bn. (1.) .... made at tb1l
193;S I faDlal 1F1tb4r... u or4ere4.
zSl3ItS C.O. Tank Bn. ooDtaoW C.O. of 00. C l8l8't TaDk Bn. (10. c.O.
Co. 0 1J:adioate4 that he lIa4 DO intormatiOD to the ettect tat
hi. oOllp&D,1 bad "'en att&oMcl to the 75eth fank Bn. (L). C.O.
766th Tank Bn. (L) lutruoted. C.O. Co. 0 to oont&Ot the Reg1MDtal
C.O. 179th IntIJl'tt'y 41r.ot aM olarity
.. A oertlt1ed true Copt'

. EDlrIN B. t;LSOW
lst Lt. Intantry

... .'
., .
. i j):
------:."-:, :-.---
.. lr.. \ ;.
,-,\., l'r ttal of Report of In A,:;ainst tlle of
lJocembor, 1943.
l'::':'.ilJil: Cor.unandinr; General, Fifth Army, APO 464, U.s. Army.
fO General, Allied Force, APO 512, U.S. Array.
Transmi tted herewith Report of Action AGainst tho E:>.10:lY for the
of December, 1943.
For the Commandinc; Officer:

2 Inch: 2d Lt., Infantry,
of Action (tripl)
Journal for Dec. 43.
:. I... I
...1 "L
iCPOHT 01<' ACTI:;o . .i.:TAFJT
Docember 1 - 31 Incl.

1. Tlus battalion did not onG!l.30 in a.ction with tho cnOi"i)T
tho :,'::"\;h of December, 1943.
....... #. u . j ...
Lt. Col., Infn.nt :i J
l:".:.i t Journal for Dec. J 1943.
766th Tank Battalion (L)
8 Dooember
, .'
Nar.mber 1 - aO'Dlel.
(NlG.Lfl1l RiPal!)
1. This Batt&1ion did."aot pin oOJltaot with th. ... dviD& the"
month of Uovember 19f.&, exoept .. noted belOll'.
, . . . .., . I .,"
2. Prior to tM aotica lld.t1ai;M bJl'.O. fla. VI Corp.. 2Iov....
19'3, it wu plumed'to u.e light taJlb aocori1a& ''to''tia ,pW".t'UM{""'"
the attached UDnu8.r.4 lIaaGr_cbla. Bq.t6th , '
1943, Subjeots
.... ' ...... ::, ! .;,. ,'" " ",.;' .....,'\, ,', ; ; ,:;:, , -:
. 3. The machu101 ot plUl were oarried out, all .et ... ",
in the Unit Journal, but dUZ'iDi the Wtiil &lid .ubquat ratattt,,,_
only one fire mission wu oalled tor. (aO rnc1a. 'USIIIil.l.'.G. ' tire. ,
Building, Results, UIlk:non). Poslibl. ap1opantot talaJ ... .w.h
by the supported troops several time., but, DO aotio.
the absence ot strOllS resistaDce wllore tulaI oould be _.'
, , " " ,'i. . ,
',,- ;
COMMENTS. Actually the plu. proposed for the emp101J110nt of tlae
tanks applies' best to medium taakaJ but the Tapk C()7!!l1llllder desired to;
the ll'echanics of the plan aDd w.. &ranted tho opportunity to 40 .0. t1. .
JllBchlmios' 1I'8H' satisfaotory. Result. pr'or.4 that more t1Dle'u 0.'",.,./ ,.
Initial reeolmaissanoe a.nd. less time ooUumed on subsequent ..' -
Inels. (Dup) . ,
2. U:rmumbered Memo, 1tJIaplot-zrt. ot tight
Tanka in MountaiAQUB t.i+a1a
e' (Quia)
3. MapBof Italy. ..' ",'.
Sheets,No's. 161, ,
. '\ ,". -. .-;..
. ,':
tlU:s. is WI,ed. <'.': ',. .. - '
.. . .:>,,/}t.:"'Sf
'''''lliM# ..s
.' .
1 Unit Journal for Nov; 1943

L_ '. __.. _,_. ___ ,____ .... ___,_. __ .. , _.
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image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
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