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Endometrium is epithelial tissue , of uterus during menstrual cycle changes happen here when it grows it proliferating phase of menstrual cycle, when it secretes it is secreting phase of menstrual cycle both phases depends on blood supply. Intermediate layer is the thick layer, muscular layer (myometrium), proliferate during pregnancy. It is smooth muscles , hypertrophy. Outermost layer is perimetrium / epimetrium contains connective tissue, nerve + hormones Distal narrow position is cervical canal between canal & uterus canal is internal os. B/w vaginal canal & outer is external os. Cervical is opening in vaginal the surrounding space is vaginal fornix. There are four walls, two lateral + ant. + post. Pus is drained form post. Vaginal fornix Imaginary line b/w 2 uterine tube, part of uterus above it is fundus of uterus Rest b/w internal os & fundus is body of uterus. Dilation in uterine tube is Ampulla and fertilization take place normally here. The narrowest part of uterine tube is Asthmus & Sperms rest here. At 3rd month of intrauterine life of baby,the cells came from yolk sac to posterior abdominal cell called germ cells these are oogonia & start meiosis,& by age these cells are 7 million the space is insufficient , some cells will go to meiosis & other go to degeneration & at birth its number is 2 million and in childhood some cells degenerate so on puberty they are just 40,000 and only 400 used in life averagely. In meiosis 1 the reduction phases mean unusual distribution of cytoplasm , 90 :1.

Then primary oocyte goes to meiosis 2 and polar body rests in prophase(dictyotene) stage. Age of menarci (when menstrual cycle starts) is is actual training period towards maturity. In early infancy,primary oocyte+polar body protected by flat cells of epithelium called PRIMORDIAL FOLLICLE. Gonadotropin(FSH+LH) released at age of puberty acts on primordial follicle(flat cells+surrounding tissues) & no. increased by mitosis. Glandular epithelium forms surroundings of flat cells THECA INTERNA,& there is also a covering which is THECA EXTERNA. Steroid hormones are produced (estrogen+progesterone) FSH acts on follicular layer it goes converted into stratified. 15-20 cells of 2 million are used per month of menstrual cycle. The primary oocyte is pushed to one side of the follicle where it is surrounded by a mound of follicular cells which are cumulus oophorus. Completion of meiosis 2 is complete when sperm enters otherwise it rests in telophase stage. EPF (early pregnancy factor) presence of a immunosuppressants (healthy protein) in serum of mother after 30 hours of conceptus. EPF is different from hormone test for pregnancy. No. of 16 cells is not important but appearance of this structure like malburry tree called morula is important. Individual cell of morula is blastomere. Within zona pellucida cells will increase in no. but decrease in size and come closer. Destiny of blastomere is not decided so we can analysis (genetic) pre natal birth defects by this blastomere. Conceptus reach uterine end at day 4 (after 14th day the day of ovulation) After compaction(no. 32) not possible for cells of centre to reach peripheral area now fate of cells will be decided.

Outer mass cells will provide nutrition(trophoblast,tropho=nutrition) Inner mass cells will provide embryoblast (stem cells) LAW OF EMBRYO a cavity forms when cells gets divide rapidly. So there will be a blasto cell space in uterine tube here the age of conceptus will be 4 /5 days.. the phase of menstrual cycle here will be secretory. At the day 19(of menstrual cycle) secretions will come from endometrium,to the blastocoele in blastocyst and embryo will be pushed to one side,covered by outer cell mass (one layer only) It helps to convert it into bipolar structure, EMBRYONIC POLE+AN-EMBRYONIC POLE Breakage of zona pellucida on 6th day (of conceptus),and blastocyst will attach to the fundus of the uterus with embryonic pole USUALLY it is called implantation) WHICH IS POSTERIOR SIDE /ANTERIOR OF FUNDUS normally. Trophoblast will get signal and divide more rapidly.irregular cells with multi nuclei form. Throphoblast gives 2 type of cells .. network forming,bigger size is syncytiotrophoblast,mitotic figure is cytotrophoblast. They produce human gonadotropin,chorion,HCG because it got ve feedback to suppress progesterone by pituitary gland but we want to maintain pregnancy. HCG is seen in urine of mother after 10 days of conceptus.we can see in test after 1 week of missing periods. Cells towards blastocoele cavity are hypoblast in embryo and acquire cuboidal shape and other form columnar shape and are epiblast. Epiblast will divide rapidly and spaces will be formed (amniotic cavity),roof of this cavity is amnioblast and floor forming are still epiblast. Hypoblast also divide and forming covering for blastocoel now it is called primitive yolk sac(by langman) / primary umbilical vesicle (by K.L.M) Embryonic disc(bilaminar)=epiblast+hypoblast,surrounding by 2 cavities. Syncytiotrophoblast will also secrete proteolytic enzyme to digest mucosal cells of fundus of mother. Implantation starts on 6th day ends on 9th day and at 12th day nothing can be seen/enters in fundus.. thus conceptus is saved in fundus.

Conversion of non pregnant uterus to pregnant uterus in decidual reaction and now mucosa of pregnant woman is decidual mucosa. Immunosuppressant released by blastomere itself but not by mother and it can be detected in 24-48 hours after fertilization. Factors of implantation from langman Technique to detect ectopic implantation is abdominal pain+trans vaginal ultrasonography. From proliferative phase of menstrual cycle glycogen+lipid stores and abnormal shape of cells of uterus columnar to polygonal. ICSI ( intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) is performed in low sperm count. Extra set of chromosome is seen at non disjunction in 24+23=47 meiosis 1 so

Exocelomic=Heusers membrane,due to migration of hypoblast,makes lining of blastocoele cavity and this is exocelomic cavity/primitive yolk sac. Chorionic villus are in spaces of syncytiotrophoblast,core is of cytotrophoblast and coat is of cytotrophoblast. Embryonic pole becomes bushy,and anembryonic pole becomes smooth. MESODERM is formed by the proliferation(outer and lateral) of hypoblasts,it is in between hausers membrane and cytotrophoblast. This forming mesoderm is extraembryonic and doesn't form anything of baby(in his body),it helps in development in uterus of mother. Chorionic cavity which is formed in extra embryonic mesoderm divides it into 2.. inner layer covering primary umbilical vesicle is splanchnic mesoderm,it will form coverings for viscera like heart,lungs etc and other is roof of chorionic cavity,covering body of embryo known as somatic mesoderm. Exocelomic cyst: remnant of primary umbilical vesicle by compression of secondary umbilical cavity and chorionic is on head nothing to worry about it. Gastrulation is conversion of bilaminar germ disc into trilaminar germ disc, it is done in 1st half of 3rd week. Vitamin A is dangerous in pregnancy because it can cause blindness in babies (it is

for treatment of pimples)

Connecting stalk is actually upper layer of extra embryonic mesoderm,it is continuous with cytotrophoblast,it will decide the caudal end. Hypoblast is strictly adherent to epiblast by bucchopherangeal stalk,holes in this is coreacle plate. NEURAENTERIC ,neuro;nervous and enteric;GIT Canal is hollow and chord is hard. NOTOCHORD is important inducer for head region and axial skeleton(vertebral column). Tumor of notochord is chordema,1/3 of chorademas occur at the base of cranium and extend to the nasopharynx. Conversion of simple ectoderm BY SIGNAL of NOTOCHORD from mesoderm is neurulation. The new ectoderm is neuroectoderm,the cells of neuroectoderm are tall columnar and remaining ectoderm is surface ectoderm. The depressed area in neuroectoderm migrates towards mesoderm and it is neural groove. Than neural groove converts into neural canal and it is covering notochord in mesoderm. Formation of skin+nervous system and axial skeleton starts in 3rd week. Cells detach from neural ectoderm in process of conversion of neuroectoderm to canal are neural crest cells.they will participate in coverings of brain and cage for nervous system.THEY ARE NOT LOCALIZED,they reach neck region and contribute for thyroid gland+form septa of heart in thorax region.also form bones of face and ganglia+portion of adrenal gland ,suprarenal gland (medulla part). Allantois,Endoderm of yolk sac grows in extra embryonic forms bladder(urinary bladder). Derivatives of endoderm,participation of urinary blader(urachus) +GIT There is another mesoderm which is intraembryonic mesoderm which can be describe as following points: Paraxial mesoderm is medial mesoderm part surrounding notochord(which is

future vertebral column & musculoskeletal system) Intermediate mesoderm forms urogenital system Lateral plate mesoderm,its one layer surrounds yolk sac and other surrounds amniotic sac as splanchnic mesoderm and somatic mesoderm. Muscles of GIT are from yolk sac and muscles of body & dermis are from somatic mesoderm. Paraxial mesoderm gets segmented and these segments are known as somites. Somites of head region give deposition to ectodermal cells(neural crest cells) these cells are neuromas. Somites are important for age calculation of embryo. 1st pair of somites appear at 20th day,& 1st ly the somites appear in cervical region,they form at rate of 3 somites/day. Somites will divide itself in 2 ports,ventromedially & dorsolateral. Ventromedial cells will detach from somites & start surrounding growing notochord+neural canal and these cells will be known as sclerotome(forms cartilage & bone)these are fibroblastic. Dorsolateral cells have 3 groups: Central cells wull contribute in dermis (dermatomes) Dorsomedial & ventrolateral cells of dorsolateral part will join to form myotome muscles. Localized defect of spinal cord can be easily detect by study of dermatomes. Blood vessels develop from mesoderm it(b.v) may be extraembryonic like placental+umbilical & intraembryonic like cardiovascular system. Formation of blood vessels,conversion of mesoderm to vessels is VASCULOGENSIS. And sprouting of branches from any blood vessel is ANGIOGENSIS. MESENCHYMAL CELLS in splanchnic mesoderm makes isogenous group loose processes & form disc like structures known as blood island. Than arrange further in rows & centers. The central cells are angioblast which converts into R.B.Cs,W.B.Cs etc

The peripheral cells are epithelial cells and converts in continuous epithelium,endothelium. AGM is aorta gonad mesenphrone, The aorta-gonad-mesonephros is a region of embryonic mesoderm that develops during embryonic development.It has been suggested that this area, in particular the ventral wall of the dorsal aorta, is one of the primary origins of the definitive hematopoietic stem cell. The AGM region contains the dorsal aorta, genital ridges and mesonephros. The AGM region plays an important role in embryonic development, being the first autonomous intra-embryonic site for definitive hematopoiesis.

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