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What is Physical Science/Scientific Method?

Stage 1-Desired Results

Matter Energy Chemistry Physics Scientific Method Technology Data Theory Law Observation Hypothesis Fact Opinion
The established goals for this unit are based on the Washington West Supervisory Union Curriculum Physical Science, Reading, and Writing at the 7th -8th grade level. Scientific Questioning S7-8:1: Students demonstrate their understanding of SCIENTIFIC QUESTIONING by Developing questions that reflect prior knowledge. Refining and focusing broad ill-defined questions. Predicting and Hypothesizing S7-8:2: Students demonstrate their understanding of PREDICTING AND HYPOTHESIZING by Predicting results (evidence) that support the hypothesis. Proposing a hypothesis based upon a scientific concept or principle, observation, or experience that identifies the relationship between variables. Designing Experiments S7-8:3: Students demonstrate their understanding of EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN by Writing a plan related to the question, hypothesis, and prediction that includes: a. A diagram labeled using scientific terminology that supports procedures and illustrates the setup. b. A procedure that lists significant steps that identify manipulated (independent) and responding (dependent) variables. c. A control for comparing data when appropriate. d. Identification of tools and procedures for collecting data and reducing error.

Established Goals/Grade Level Expectations:

explaining the particle nature of electromagnetic energy (photoelectric effect, Compton effect.) Representing Data and Analysis S7-8:5: Students demonstrate their ability to REPRESENT DATA by Representing independent variable on the X axis and dependent variable on the Y axis. Determining a scale for a diagram that is appropriate to the task. Using technology to enhance a representation. Using color, texture, symbols and other graphic strategies to clarify trends/patterns within a representation.

Our knowledge of physical science comes from curious people who conduct Enduring Understandings: experiments in the measureable universe using a consistent methodology.

Essential Questions:

What is matter? What is energy? How can you tell the difference between a fact and an opinion? How do scientists use the scientific method to develop theories and laws? 1. The definition of physical science 2. The definitions for the parts of the scientific method 3. The difference between fact and opinion 4. What makes a law and a theory 1. Use senses to create observations 2. Create a question from an observation. 3. Create a hypothesis from a question using previous knowledge or experiences. 4. Graph a set of data using a proper scale and units/draw best fit line and equation. 5. Analyze a set of data using graphs and develop a conclusion. 6. Convert very long numbers into scientific notation. Be able to multiply and divide numbers in scientific notation. HGE 1 Solve complex problems through the Fermi Project HGE 2- Know yourself as a learner Fermi Project HGE 3 Demonstrate literacy for a variety of audiences reading, writing, numeracy, information technology- EDU 2.0 Response to Literature, Fermi Project

As a result of this unit, students will Know As a result of this unit, students will be able to Do.


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