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BLS OnTheRoad

BLS & PBLS interactive simulator

Multilanguage (Italian-English-French-Portuguese-Spanish) - Full version FREEWARE

last release (v2.09) January 2009

DOWNLOAD site (copy/paste this address):;12973382;/fileinfo.html

1. Finality
2. Functional features
3. Operational protocol and setting
4. Report_BLS and New Scenario

1. Finality
BLS OnTheRoad, based on the Guidelines IRC - 2005, is an original dynamic, interactive simulator that dips
the virtual rescuer into an aid situation reality, also thanks to a truthful animation of every manoeuvre.
It arises from the ascertainment that is the question «WHAT MUST I DO NOW ?» to distress a lay-rescuer
who, if he succeeds in overcoming this phase, easily remembers «HOW TO DO !» the manoeuvres to which
he was trained on manikin so as to become aware that the survival or the life quality depend on the
manoeuvres implemented since the first instants that follow:
Consciousness > Breathing > Circulation failure.
However, to guarantee our own safety and other people's one, it's essential to refresh own knowledge, also by
resorting to simulators like this.
2. Functional features
If you like, YOU CAN REPLACE THESE IMAGES WITH YOUR OWN PHOTOS simply saving them in
...\Images folder with the same name and format (.bmp) of the original ones.
Then, to start the simulation user must choose the MODALITY, the TARGET victim, the SCENARIO; input
his ID (optional) and, after, the phone number of local EMS - 'Emergency Medical Service' (ex. 911 - 9.1.1.
- TARGET : the victim may be an ADULT (BLS) or a KIDDY (PBLS).
- MODALITY: in TUTORIAL mode the program leads the rescuer, step by step, into the choice of the
appropriate treatment (this modality is automatically adopted by checking the option <Create New Scenario>
where the outcome of every patient's Control will be memorized for the future); while in TEST mode the
rescuer has to decide 'What to do', supported by the explicit visualization of the victim state, the times and
the outcome of his Controls (unless he doesn't opt to operate as <Expert Rescuer>, in that case he'll have to
act without the aid of some of these memoranda).
- SCENARIO: the Scenario 00_INTERATTIVO allows the widest action flexibility because its evolution
depends exclusively on the outcome of each Control, declared by the same rescuer by answering YES - NO
to the question that appears in the lower part of the operating window.
In relation to his answer he'll have to make a manoeuvre, suitable to the situation visualized in the upper part
of the operating window.
In such a way he has the possibility to train himself to face a variety of situations, being able to assume
virtual scenarios ranging from a 'false alarm' up to the extreme situation of a traumatized person in cardiac
arrest, with obstructed airways, to rescue in initial solitude and so on.
ALL SCENARIOS are usable whether in TUTORIAL or in TEST mode, but others then 00_INTERATTIVO
are 'at fixed answer' (YES \ NO) i.e. the rescuer has only to do a correct action.

Only to make the use of this simulator more enjoyable, in TEST mode, a score of variable entity is associated
to each action.
In order to avoid an unnatural operating rigidity, actions like the repetition of the head hyperextension or
mouth exploration are held harmless or correct, as well as to postpone the use of the gloves or the bare chest,
providing that their are made in proper time and so on.
If the rescuer performs an incorrect manoeuvre the related score will be dropped, while if he delays the action
too long, a message will solicit him to: CHECK > ANSWER > OPERATE and his indecision will negatively
influence on the TEST result, as well as checking parameters for less than 5 or more than 10 seconds.
If he doesn’t know as to continue, he can obtain a tip by clicking on the <?> red signal.
These penalizations, as well as extra-bonus for particularly timely or proper actions (start CPR within ca. 1',
further <Safety> verification etc.), are marked by short flashes of a dummy face (red/green) on the upper
right corner of the operating window.
In any case, to emphasize the vital importance of these actions, the simulation immediately stops if the
rescuer does not ensure the SCENE SAFETY first or if, stated an emergency status, he does not SHOUT
It is remembered that an isolated rescuer can delay the EMS alert only in event of a cardio-respiratory arrest
clearly deriving from ASPHYXIA or affecting a non-cardiopathyc KID.
In this case, he will practice approximately 1 minute of CPR (2 or 4 CPR cycles), followed by 1 minute of
Artificial Respiration in case of a sure respiratory activity reappearance, before abandoning the patient.
The moment to go to call EMS is suggested by a writing relative to the actual situation (Critical conditions -
Parameters Restored - Resuscitation Failure).
The moment to check the patient's state again is suggested, but not to the 'Expert Rescuer', by a writing
relative to the manoeuvre on, that changes its color from green to red (for programming necessity: 1 minute =
2\4 cycles CPR or 10 Insufflations in case of Artificial Respiration).
The simulation finishes automatically, after a time linked to the Scenario complexity, with the arrival of the
sanitary staff that will take care of the patient (supposing that the EMS had to be alerted).
3. Operational protocol and setting (default)
Some settings (*), associated to each Scenario, can be modified, acting in the panel on side, and memorized
for further sessions clicking on <Save settings> command.

a* BLS/Adult or PBLS/Kiddy
b) Compressions/Insufflations Ratio (30:2 or 15:2)
c) Initial Insufflations in event of Asphyxia or PBLS (5)
d) Patient's Recheck (never if CPR_BLS - 1 after 4 cycles if CPR_PBLS - every 10 Insufflations if AR)
e* Scenario (00_INTERATTIVO)
The other ones, stored in ...\Scenario_BLS folder, are:
> ALL_OK is the case of a false alarm
> BLS_ASFISSIA is the case of an adult CA for asphyxia - no trauma - EMS summoning - regurgitation
> BLS_BASIC is the case of an adult CA - no trauma - EMS summoning - resumption
> BLS_COMPLEX is the case of an adult CA - obstructed airways - initial solitude - regurgitation
> BLS_DISPNEA is the case of breathlessness - no trauma - EMS summoning
> PBLS_ALONE is the case of a traumatized boy - CA after dispnea - initial solitude
> PBLS_APNEA is the case of a kiddy in respiratory arrest - no trauma - EMS summoning - resumption
> PBLS_BASIC is the classic case of a kiddy CA - no trauma - EMS summoning
> RCP_SIMPLE is the BLS without any complications
> SCENARIO_01 ... SCENARIO_10 are only some of the innumerable Scenarios you can create; the
program will guide you in their creation, independently from the complexity of the virtual situation.
f* EHM - Compression Rate (move the cursor to set at 100/minute)
g* Sound effects (OFF)
The scores assigned to each action are recorded in Scores_BLS.diz file you can modify by NotePad.
To exclude from the Scenario the event <Regurgitation>, during chest compressions, it is enough to delete
the row: nEHM from the respective file
The <Resumption Signs> event during CPR may occur only if the current score is >= 95%.

4. Report BLS and New Scenario

The TEST mode leads to a detailed report that shows the Scenario evolution and the rescuer's actions with
the related results and a final score; it can be stored in ...\Report_BLS\ folder as file IDRescuer_BLSnnn.txt.
The TUTORIAL mode, instead, gives only the list of the correct rescue actions, that can be stored in
...\Report_BLS\ folder too, but as file IDRescuer_BLSnnn.tut.
To create a NEW SCENARIO simply check the <Create New Scenario> box, then it will be stored in
...\Scenario_BLS\ folder and you can get its content more explicit by replacing the name automatically
assigned (nn_SCENARIO.Scn) by another not longer than 14 digits.

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