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Prcticas Ingls II (Grado en Estudios Ingleses) Prof. Mercedes Guinea Francisco Jos Barroso Bentez A.


1. - Where was Elia on 11th September 2001? She was working in the World Trade Center (in the first paragraph, line two) 2. - How did she react when the plane hit the World Trade Center? She froze (in the third paragraph, line 4) 3. - What saved her life? She was saved thanks to the tip that her colleague gave it (in the second paragraph) 4. - How quickly did she leave? She left the building slowly (in the third paragraph, line five) 5.- How could more lives have been saved? Lives could have been saved if victims had left the building sooner. (in the third paragraph, in the end)

B.- ON MARCH 27 1977

1.- Where was Paul Heck on 27th March 1977? He was taking off from Tenerife airport (in the first and second paragraph, line three to

2.- How did the accident happen? The Pauls plane was taking off and it collided with a plane which was landing (in the first paragraph, line one to two) 3.- How could more passengers have survived?

They could have survived If they had read the safetys instruction (in the third paragraph, the last three lines)
4.- Why did Paul Heck survive? Because he had read the safetys instructions (in the second paragraph, line three to five) 5.- What previous experience influenced Paul? When he was a child, he lived a fire in a theatre (in the second paragraph, in the middle)

Prcticas Ingls II (Grado en Estudios Ingleses) Prof. Mercedes Guinea Francisco Jos Barroso Bentez D.- Read the whole article and in pairs, mark the sentences true(T) or false (F).
1.- Elia Zedeo's first instinct was to run. F (in the first paragraph, line four) 2.- If her colleague hadn't shouted, she might not have reacted how she did. T (in the second paragraph, line four and five) 3.- She took her time to leave because she didn't know where the exit was. F (in the third paragraph, lines one to three) 4.- Some people who died in the WTC could have survived. T (the last three lines) 5.- The 1977 Tenerife air crash happened in bad weather conditions. T (the first two lines) 6.- The Pan Am passengers had plenty of time to escape. T (in the first paragraph, the last three lines) 7.- Heck always worried about how he would be able to escape from places. T (in the second paragraph, lines four and five) 8.- People don't read safety information because they aren't worried about crashing. T (in the second paragraph, the last lines)

E.- Look at the highlighted words related to disasters. Try to work out the mearting from the context of the ones you didn't know.
Evacuation: When a hazard is necessary to evacuate people to a safer place. Explosion: It is when something explodes. In a trance: It is when a person is stunned. Shook: It is when something is waved. Made it: It is when somebody does something. Collided with: It is when an accident happen and transport means crash. Survivors: They are the ones who survive a disaster. Caught fire: It is when a building burn out. Paralysed: unable to do something.

Prcticas Ingls II (Grado en Estudios Ingleses) Prof. Mercedes Guinea Francisco Jos Barroso Bentez 3.- Reading
Read the article paragraph by paragraph, using the glossary to help you. After each paragraph, stop and answer the questions with a partner.

1.- What did Amy use to do when her husband couldn't find his keys? What does
she do now?
She helped her husband to find the keys and now she doesnt help him (in the first and the last paragraph)

2.- Why and how did she learn about animal training? What idea occurred to her? What is the main principle of animal training?
She was writing a book about exotic animal trainers and she saw how the trainers to train some animals. So, she wanted to use the same techniques to train her husband. (in the second paragraph)

3.- What is the technique called 'approximations'? How did she apply it to her husband?
It is a technique which rewards all the good small steps they take. So, she praised every time he collaborated with houseworks (in the third paragraph, the last three)

4.- What behaviour did the bird-trainer want to stop? How did he do it? How did she apply this technique to her husband?
He wanted to stop the birds landing on his and shoulder. He taught on mats. She prevented her husband enters the kitchen by giving him some tasks (in the fourth paragraph)

5.- What did she learn from the dolphin trainer?How did she apply this to her husband?
She learned LRS, a technique which doesnt respond at all when a person does wrong something (in the fifth paragraph) She went on doing her task when her husband was finding his keys (in the fift paragraph, line five to seven)

6.- What often happens when animals learn a technique? What technique did her husband use on her, and how?
Animals use the same technique on their trainer (in the sixth paragraph, line one and two) Her husband ignored her when she was complaining (the last lines)

C What do think of Amy and the way she trained her husband? Is there anyone you would like to train? What technique do you think would work best? I think its a good technique to correct bad habits. Yes, for example, my father. The same technique which has used Amy.

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