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Provisions of the Law Tit le Date of Approval Subject Matter Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 Inter - Country 25 February 1998 Adoption involv ing parents in and or fore igners the Phi l i pp ines Fi l i p i no who wil l Adoption Act of 1995 7 June1995 Fi l i p Adoption involv ing i no res idor Fi l i p i nos ing as adoptees, as as adopters adopters Republic Act 8552 Republic Act 8043

fore igners chi ld ren res ide

res id ing abroad as who wil l

and Fi l i p i no

chi ld ren

adoptees, Age requirement

res ide outs ide the Phi l i pp ines in must be at years least old

the Phi l i pp ines Adopters must be of lega l age Adopters older than the adoptee; If

for adopters

and at least six teen (16) years twenty- seven


and at least six teen (16) years

the adopter is a fore igner , he than the adoptee older for at least three must be below the

must have been res id ing in the Phi l i pp ines Age requirement (3) consecut ive years Adoptees must be

below Adoptees

for adoptees Other requirements for the adopters

eighteen (18) years old f i f t een (15) years old 1) has not been convicted 1) of must possess al l any 2) cr ime involv ing moral i f i c a t i ons qual turp i tude; emotional l y capable psychologica l l y disqual i f i c a t i ons and under Phi l i pp ines laws; 2) el ig i b l e of

and none of the provided

to adopt under his

car ing for chi ld ren; care for his /her

or her nat ional law chi ld ren in

3) in a posi t i on to support and keeping with the means of the fami ly ; 4) for fore igners res id ing in the Phi l i pp ines , his /her country of

or ig in Supervised Custody



dip lomatic

re la t i ons with the Phi l i pp ines Trial At least six months At least six months

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