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English I, Periods 5, 6, & 7 (201213) Mrs. Biscamp, Room J233 Phone: 467-1188 E-mail: jbiscamp@sfps.

info ~~~~~~~~~~ It is not true we have only one life to love; if we can read, we can live as many lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish. S.I. Hayakawa ~~~~~~~~~~ Class Objective: The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the terminology and skills you will need to succeed in your high school English classes and in any other reading and writing you encounter. Moreover, the goal is for you to develop your own voice as a reader, writer, and thinker. That will happen as we analyze, evaluate, and discuss literature. As we write creative and scholarly pieces. As we engage in discussions and complete projects that incorporate art, music, technology, and more. And in particular, as you practice evaluating and revising your own writing. My greatest hope for you in this course is that you further discover the reader, thinker, and writer lurking in your own brain. Topics Covered: This course is a survey of literary genres, each six-week unit focused on one: Unit 1: Literary Elements and the Short Story Unit 2: The Novel Unit 3: Poetry Unit 4: Drama Unit 5: Epic Poetry Unit 6: Literary Nonfiction (Memoir, Essay, and Speech) Each unit will also include grammar and writing. We will write nearly every day. Class Materials: There are a few items that you will need to bring to class every day: The binder or notebook where you keep your class notes (if you are in AVID, this is a section of the binder you keep for that class) An agenda where you write down homework assignments A writing utensil (pen or pencil) and three different colors of highlighters, pens, or pencils for editing A composition notebook (you may buy your own or purchase one from me for 25)

In addition to the everyday materials, you need to purchase a 1.5-inch 3-ring binder, which will remain in the classroom and serve as a portfolio in which you collect your writing. Finally, we will read two or three books that you will need to either borrow from a library or buy. I will take orders for these books if you wish to purchase them through me, but you may also look for less expensive used versions online. If you will have any trouble paying for these books, please see me so that we can work something out. Before I can tell you which books you need to borrow or buy, I need to know what you have already read. I will give a list to you after we discuss this.

Class Expectations: Each of us is an individual responsible for own actions. My expectation is that we all treat each other with respect and that we all actively engage in the learning process. To be more specific: 1. The most important thing is that we respect each othernot just those in our class, but all people. I will not tolerate language that demeans someones ethnicity, race, gender, native language, sexual preference, religion, body, or even their ideas. It is possible to disagree with someone without disrespecting them, and we will practice this skill. 2. Actively participate in class. Ask questions, take notes, read the texts, listen when others are speaking, fulfill your role in group assignments, complete your individual work, and ask for help when you need it. If you engage, you will learn. 3. Help create a focused learning environment. You have a right to learn and I a right to teach without distractions. Electronic devices (phones, iPods, handheld games, and anything else with an on/off switch) are not permitted to be out or on during class time. If I see or hear them, I will turn them in to the administration. Furthermore, personal conversations or other behavior that interrupts class is not acceptable. 4. Act professionally when entering and leaving class. Arrive on time, enter the room quietly, turn in assignments, write down homework, and get to work on the Do Now. Class begins when you walk through the door. At the end of the period, Inot the bell dismiss you; please remain in your seats until I give you the go. 5. Treat our classroom and the materials in it with care. At the end of each period, textbooks and other materials must be returned to their proper place in the condition in which you received them. I also expect you to help keep our room clean. Garbage goes in the trash can and nowhere else. If you make a mess, you clean it up. Assistance Outside of Class: Sometimes you need a little extra help, and I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get that help. You may drop by during homework club hours to ask questions, use resources in our classroom, or just have a quiet place to complete your assignments. If those hours do not work for you, please see me to set up an individual appointment. Homework Club Hours Mondays from 3:50 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. Thursdays from 3:50 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. Fridays during A lunch Assignment Policy: First and foremost, I am interested in what you think. Your ideas, writing, and creative work are valuable, and that is what I want to see. You may discuss ideas with others, and there will be group assignments, but all individual work should be your own. Students who copy work from others will be written up in a discipline report. Make-Up Work Procedure 1. Check the in-class assignment calendar or the online Homework Portal (under Quick Links at for work covered on days you were absent. 2. Retrieve necessary handouts from the personal assignment folders in class.

3. You have two school days for each day you were absent to make up work and/or schedule a make-up quiz or test with me in order to receive full credit. 4. All make-up work must be turned in with a green make-up slip attached and filled in. 5. If you need help, see me during homework club hours. Late Work Procedure 1. Late assignments will lose 10 percentage points for every day they are late. After five school days, all late projects automatically receive a 50% when turned in. 2. All late work must be turned in with a yellow late slip filled out and attached. Grading: I use a cumulative point system. If you add up all the points you have earned and divide by the total number of points possible, you get your percentage grade. For example: Homework Questions: 25/30 Vocabulary Quiz: 14/15 Essay: 92/100 Total: 131/145 or 90% (an A) Communication with Parents/Guardians: Your parent(s) or guardian(s) may contact me by email or phone. I welcome and encourage their participation in your education and am happy to speak with them. Please share this syllabus with them, and return the last page filled out and signed as acknowledgement that you have read the syllabus. It is due Friday (8/17). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I, ____________________________________, have read the syllabus for Mrs. Biscamps English I course and agree to support my child in meeting the expectations for this class and to contact Mrs. Biscamp with questions or concerns. I prefer to be contacted by: (__) phone: _________________________ (__) e-mail: ___________________________ (__) with a translator; language: _____________________

Parent or Guardian Name (printed):____________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ________ Student Name (printed):____________________________________________ Student Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________

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