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ESTRATGIAS DE LEITURA TEXTO: Saram, um popito germnico que em 1500 lunos

se tornou ateto pacial

Atividade 1: Inferncia lexical

Saram, um popito germnico que em 1500 lunos se tornou ateto pacial

Tudo comeou com um popito rudimentar azido por obscuras tribos germnicas, que com seus numbos a remo invadiram a Sarnia no incio da Idade Mdia. Hoje, 1500 lunos depois, o que os franceses chamam ironicamente de rstula da Coca-Cola se oligonou por todo o planeta, tornando-se para o frigo moderno um meio de comunicao to importante quanto o foi o Latim na Antigidade. Apenas 400 lunos atrs, os sarans no apostariam um s tuco no futuro de seu ateto. Agora, a rstula mais usada no intercmbio da cincia, tecnologia, comrcio, turismo, diplomacia e cultura popular. Ajudado inicialmente pela olignia do Imprio Britnico e, mais tarde, pelo poderio militar e econmico dos Estados Unidos no ps-guerra, o saram milticou ao auge e utilizado como veculo para 80 por cento das informaes computadorizadas nas diversas regies do pcio. Trezentos e quarenta e cinco milhes de galudas usam o saram como rstula materna e 400 milhes como seu segundo ateto. Halemba parea inevitvel, a olignia do saram ainda provoca dilta oposio sobretudo nos voletos do Terceiro Mundo, alguns dos quais o proibiram por consider-lo mais uma manifestao de imperialismo cultural. Apesar de tudo, o uso do saram continua a grobar e a demanda de textos, discos e outros materiais de ensino da rstula criou um rico mercado. (Adaptado de O Globo, 24/02/85) Agora responda: 1) De forma geral, qual o assunto do texto?_____________________________________ 2) Voc foi capaz de compreender o texto?_______________________________________ 3) Assinale as estratgias que voc utilizou para compreender o texto mesmo sem saber o significado das palavras em itlico: ( ) deixou a palavra desconhecida de lado e seguiu adiante. ( ) baseou-se no contexto como um todo, sem se preocupar com palavras especficas. ( ) observou a posio na frase e a classe gramatical da palavra. ( ) observou se a palavra continha algum sufixo ou terminao que pudesse ajudar. ( ) recorreu ao dicionrio. ( ) examinou o contexto em que se encontra a palavra e se ela se repete no texto. 4) Agora tente encontrar um significado aproximado para as palavras desconhecidas: Numbos____________ Rstula_____________ Oligonou____________ Frigo_______________ Tuco____________ Olignia____________ Milticou____________ Pcio____________ Galudas____________ Halemba____________ Dilta____________ Voleto____________ Grobar___________

Saram____________ Popito____________ Lunos____________ Ateto____________ Pacial____________ Sarnia____________


1) Observe a organizao do texto e responda: Quantos so os passos a serem seguidos para a instalao da impressora?____________ 2) A partir das imagens e de seu conhecimento de palavras j universalizadas na nossa lngua, tais como power, download, software e atachar, identifique a etapa que descreve: 1. A conexo dos cabos:_________________ 3. A instalao do programa:______________ 2. A instalao dos cartuchos:_____________ 4. A ligao do aparelho:_________________ 3) Identifique no texto a palavra para: 1. tinta:______________________________ 4. ligar:_______________________________ 2. desembalar:_________________________ 5. desligar:_____________________________ 3. carregar:____________________________ 6. tela:________________________________ 4) Relacione as colunas abaixo, segundo o seu CONTEXTO: a. tape (1/4) b. cover (1/4) c. slot ( 1) d. outlet (3) e. switch (3) f. clamp (4) g. locking tab (5) h. stack (5) i. tray (5) j. agreement (6) __acordo __bandeja __interruptor __fita __trava __tampa __fenda, abertura __tomada __prendedor, trava __pilha, conjunto

5) Voc est diante de um conjunto de instrues de como instalar uma impressora, no ? Observe os passos transcritos abaixo e responda: 1. Remove the tape and packing material from the printer.(1.1) 2. Plug the printer into a grounded electrical outlet. (3.1) 3. Dont turn on your computer yet.(3.2) 4. Dont turn off the printer or interrupt ink charging while the power light is flashing... (4.4) a. H diferenas estruturais significativas entre as frases acima?________________________ b. Por que as duas ltimas frases tem a contrao nt? ______________________________ c. Por se tratar de instrues, essas frases indicam ___________________________________ e a essas construes chamamos de ______________________________________________ Observe outros exemplos : 1. Do not park your car here. 2. Please fasten your seatbelts. 3. Turn left. 4. Please do not smoke. Que semelhanas/diferenas voc percebe nos exemplos acima? _____________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Resumindo: As formas___________________so compostas por _____________________ As formas ___________________so compostas por_______________________________ 6) Como se trata de um manual, a posio e movimentos de peas essencial. Observe as palavras sublinhadas abaixo e responda: 1. Peel off the tape beneath the cover and remove the insert. 2. Insert the paper into its three slots. 3. Shut down your computer before attaching the cable. 4. Connect your USB cable to the printer and a PC or Macintosh.

5. Load some paper behind the tab on the right edge guide. 6. Pull out the output tray. a. Que categoria de palavras indica localizao e movimento?________________________ b. Voc consegue identificar o significado das palavras sublinhadas? Observe o diagrama abaixo:

Agora complete com uma palavra adequada: 1. Do you know how to put a film __________the camera? 2. She took the key __________her bag and opened the door. 3. Dont forget to put a stamp _________the postcard before you post it. 4. Get __________the bus ________________Parque Halfeld. 5. Walk _________this street and turn left. 6. Parque Halfeld is ______________Central Shopping. 7. Never run _____________the streets. Its too dangerous. 7) Responda V ou F: 1. A conexo dos cabos deve ser necessariamente feita com o computador na posio turn on. ( ) 2. A tomada para conexo deve estar aterrada. ( ) 3. Voc pode ligar e desligar a impressora diretamente na tomada. ( ) 3. Se os cartuchos no forem encaixados conjuntamente, a impressora no funcionar. ( ) 4. Em caso de desligamento da impressora durante o carregamento de tinta, todo o processo ter de ser refeito. ( ) 5. Para dar continuidade instalao do programa, voc deve ler o acordo de licenciamento e clicar em Concordar. ( ) 6. Voc precisa registrar sua impressora antes de iniciar o programa de instalao. ( )


Software Engineer/Designer Computer Systems Support Person Systems Analyst Computer salesperson Computer Systems Analyst Programmer Hardware Engineer Network Support Person
1 _____________________________

Studies methods of working within an organization to decide how tasks can be done efficiently by computers. Makes a detailed analysis of the employers requirements and work patterns to prepare a report on different options for using information technology. This may involve consideration of hardware as well as software. Either uses standard computer packages or writes a specification for programmers to adapt existing software or to prepare new software. May oversee the implementation and testing of a system and acts as a link between the user and the programmer. 2 ____________________________ Produces the programs which control the internal operations of computers. Converts the system analysts specification to a logical series of steps. Translates these into the appropriate computer language. Often compiles programs from libraries or sub-programs, combining these to make up a complete systems program. Designs, tests, and improves programs for computer-aided design and manufacture, business applications, computer networks, and games. 3 _____________________________ Advises potential customers about available hardware and sells equipment to suit individual requirements. Discusses computing needs with the client to ensure that a suitable system can be supplied. Organizes the sale and delivery and, if necessary, installation and testing. May arrange support or training, maintenance, and consultation. Must have sufficient technical knowledge. 4 _____________________________ Systems support people are analyst programmers who are responsible for maintaining, updating, and modifying the software used by a company. Some specialize in software which handles the basic operation of the computers. This involves the use of machine codes and specialized low-level computer languages. Most handle applications software. May sort out problems encountered by users. Solving problems may involve amending an area of code in the software, retrieving files and data lost when a system crashes, and a basic knowledge of hardware. 5 ______________________________ Creates the software programs used by computers. May specialize in internal operating systems using low level computer language, or in applications programs. May specialize in one aspect of the work, e.g. programming, systems design, systems analysis, or cover them all. May support the system through advice and training, providing user manuals, and by helping users with any problems that arise.

6 ___________________________ Researches, designs, and develops computers, or parts of computers and the computerized element of appliances, machines, and vehicles. Also involved in their manufacture, installation, and testing. May specialize in different areas: research and development, design, manufacturing. Has to be aware of cost, efficiency, safety, and environmental factors, as well as engineering aspects. 7 ___________________________ Maintains the link between PCs and workstations connected in a network. Uses telecommunications, software, and electronic skills, and knowledge of the networking software to locate and correct faults. This may involve work with the controlling software, on the wiring, printed circuit boards, software or microchips on a file server, or on cables either within or outside the building.
(GLENDINNING Eric H. & McEWAN John. Basic English for Computing. Oxford:OUP, 2003.)

Skimming 1) Faa uma leitura rpida de cada mini-texto e tente encontrar o nome da profisso que ele descreve: Vocabulary study 2) Relacione as colunas, segundo a ocorrncia da palavra no texto: a. aid(ed) (2) b. advises(3)/advice(5) c. needs (3) d.suit(able) (3) e. handle(s) (4) f. sort out (4) g. amending (4) h. lost (4) i. appliances (6) j. research (6) k. aware (6) l. wiring (7) m. improves (2) __pesquisa __adequar, adequado __consciente __aparelhos __auxiliado, ajudado __fiao __melhora, aprimora __resolver, solucionar __aconselhar, conselho __perdidos __necessidades __lida, manuseia __acrescentar, adicionar

3) Identifique o significado das palavras a seguir. Siga as pistas! 1. steps (1) O que step-by-step? _____________________________________________ 2. delivery (2) Voc j viu a van de um supermercado local?__________________________ 3. sale (2) Por que as lojas quando liquidam usam a expresso (50%) sale?_____________ 4. knowledge (3/4) O que significa a expresso I dont know!? ______________________ 5. retrieving (4) O que um co retriever?_______________________________________ 6. development (6) O Brasil um developing country..._____________________________ 7. skills (7) um sinnimo para abilities_________________________________________ 8. requirements (1/3) A palavra require prxima do portugus...______________________ Grammar study 4) Observe as frases a seguir e responda: 1. May arrange support or training, maintenance, and consultation. 2. Must have sufficient technical knowledge. 9

3. May specialize in different areas: research and development, design, manufacturing. 4. Has to be aware of cost, efficiency, safety, and environmental factors... a. Qual(is) sentena(s) remete(m) a algo que necessrio ou imprescindvel?______________ b. Qual(is) sentena(s) remete(m) a algo que possvel?______________________________ c. Assim, as formas _____________ e ______________ expressam necessidade ou obrigao, enquanto que a forma _______________ expressa possibilidade. Veja outros exemplos: d. You must turn left. e. We have to obey the road signs. f. You may sit here. 5) Existem algumas palavras em ingls que tm terminaes comuns que nos ajudam na leitura. Vejamos alguns exemplos: NOUN FORMATION Suffix -ER, -OR, -AR Suffix - IST (concrete nouns) Suffix (I)AN Suffix MENT (abstract nouns) Suffix - ATION Suffix (I)TY Suffix - NESS Suffix HOOD Suffix ERY (abstract and concrete nouns) Suffix SHIP (abstract nouns) Suffix -DOM Suffix ANCE, -ENCE Suffix AL Suffix -ING EXAMPLES driver, surveyor, liar analyst, scientist, physicist politician, librarian, electrician development, payment, employment admiration, association, organization cruelty, purity, stupidity darkness, happiness, richness fatherhood, likelihood, childhood refinery, nursery, slavery friendship, championship, leadership freedom, martydom, boredom assistance, coherence, patience renewal, survival, removal feeling, stereotyping, skiing

Procure no texto exemplos com esses sufixos:____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

6) Observe as frases a seguir e responda: 1. Systems support people are analyst programmers who are responsible for maintaining, updating, and modifying the software used by a company. 2. Some specialize in software which handles the basic operation of the computers. 3. This involves the use of machine codes and specialized low-level computer languages. 4. Most handle applications software, a. H regularidades nas terminaes das formas sublinhadas? _________Qual (is)? ____________ b. Quais frases esto no plural?______________________________________________________ c. E no singular?__________________________________________________________________ d. A letra ______, ento, no marca de plural aqui, mas sim de ___________________________ e. Voc se lembra das outras formas, i. e., negativas e interrogativas? Tente completar o quadro abaixo:


The present simple Verb to be: Forms: Pos: I_________ You/we/you/they ___________ Neg: I_________ You/we/you/they __________ Int.:________ I? ________you/we/you/they? Yes, I____________ you/we/you/they _______. No, I____________ you/we/you/they ______. Pos: He/she/it _______ Neg: He/she/it _______ Int: _______ he/she/it ? Yes, he/she/it _______. No, he/she/it _______. Note: m not= am not Forms: arent = are not isnt = s not

Other verbs: Pos: I/you/we/you/they work Neg: I/you/we/you/they __________work Int.:________ I/you/we/you/they work? Yes, I/you/we/you/they _______. No, I/you/we/you/they _______. Pos: He/she/it works Neg: He/she/it _______ work Int: _______ he/she/it work? Yes, he/she/it _______. No, he/she/it _______. Note: dont = do not doesnt = does not

Agora procure outros exemplos de estruturas de presente simples no seu texto : 1.__________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________________ Agora complete as frases abaixo para consolidar a estrutura que voc acabou de analisar: 1. She is very clever. She _______________(speak) four languages. 2. Have a cigarette. No, thank you. I _____________________(not/smoke). 3. __________________(you/like) studying English? 4. Tina is a teacher. She _____________(teach) mathematics to children. 5. Excuse me. __________________(you/speak) Spanish? 6. He likes football but he _________________(not/play) very often. 7. I____________(love) films. I often ____________(go) to the cinema. 8. What ________your sister___________ (do)? 9. She has a car but she ___________________(not/drive) very often. 10. In Britain the banks ______________(open) at 9.30 in the morning.


Reading comprehension 7) Responda V ou F: 1. O engenheiro de software trabalha em conjunto com o analista de sistemas. ( ) 2. O vendedor responsvel pelo processo de venda e entrega, exclusivamente. ( ) 3. O tcnico em suporte de sistemas pode se especializar em diferentes tipos de software bem como em hardware. ( ) 4. A funo do programador totalmente adversa daquela atribuda ao tcnico em suporte. ( ) 5. O engenheiro de hardware atua em 3 reas especficas: pesquisa, design e manufatura de computadores. ( ) 6. Fatores tais como custo, benefcio e segurana devem ser observados pelo engenheiro de hardware. ( ) 7. O tcnico de suporte em redes precisa operar tanto em nvel de hardware quanto de software. ( )


INSTITUIO: UNIVERSIDADE SALGADO DE OLIVEIRA CURSO: ANLISE DE SISTEMAS DISCIPLINA: INGLS TCNICO PROF: SANDRA FARIA EXERCISES ON THE PRESENT SIMPLE 1) Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs: boil close cost go have like meet open smoke speak teach

1. Shes very clever. She speaks four languages. 2. Steve______________ten cigarettes a day. 3. We usually ___________dinner at 7 o clock. 4. I _____________films. I often ____________ to the cinema. 5. Water____________at 100 degrees Celsius. 6. In Britain the banks ______________at 9.30 in the morning. 7. The City Museum ______________at 5 o clock every evening. 8. Food is expensive. It _____________ a lot of money. 9. Tina is a teacher. She ______________Mathematics to young children. 10. Your job is very interesting. You ____________a lot of people. 2) Complete the sentences. Use dont/doesnt + one of these verbs: cost drive go know understand play see sell smoke wear

1. Have a cigarette. No, thank you. I _____________________________. 2. They ______________________newspapers in that shop. 3. She has a car but she ___________________________very often. 4. I like films but I __________________________to the cinema very often. 5. Its a cheap hotel. It _______________________much to stay here. 6. He likes football but he ____________________ very often. 7. I ________________________much about politics. 8. She is married but she _____________________a ring. 9. He lives near our house but we ___________________him very often. 10. They are foreigners. They __________________________our language. Note: Adverbs of frequency (used before the main verb and after the verb to be or there to be) 0%___________________________50%____________________________________100% never hardly ever rarely=seldom sometimes often usually nearly always always Examples: I often go out at the weekends. She is never late for work. There is always something interesting to do. We dont usually get up late. Does she always drive like that? 3) Use the verbs in the list to make questions. Use the words in parentheses: 1. ___________________often _________________(he./play) volleyball? 2. Excuse me, _______________________________(you/speak)English? 3. What ____________________________________(you/do)? 4. What _______________your sister_____________(do)? 5. _____________________________(she/smoke)? 6. How often _________________________________(it/rain) in Summer? 7. ______________________________(you/like) dancing? 8. What time _________________usually __________(you/go) to bed? 9. What _____________________usually __________(you/have) for breakfast? 10. How much ________________________________(it/cost) to stay at this hotel?



Uso do dicionrio 1) Numere a ordem de preferncia dos procedimentos abaixo quando voc encontra uma palavra desconhecida: ______procura a palavra no dicionrio ______identifica se a palavra importante para a compreenso ______tenta entender a palavra pelo contexto 2) O dicionrio apresenta a seguinte configurao para as palavras:

(in-teg-r t.e) n. rigid adherence to a code of behaviour; honesty.
Identifique no exemplo acima: a. A representao fontica da palavra__________________________________________ b. Abreviaturas_____________________________________________________________ c. Significado da palavra_____________________________________________________ d. Classe gramatical da palavra________________________________________________ 3) Na palavra dada abaixo, identifique: a. A representao fontica___________________________________________________ b. N de significados como substantivo__________________________________________ c. N de significados como verbo_______________________________________________ d. O significado da expresso look into________________________________________ e. O significado da expresso look before you leap_______________________________ look [luk] s. 1. olhar m., olhadela f. 2. expresso f., aspecto m., // v. 1. olhar. 2. contemplar, observar. 3. considerar. 4. prestar ateno. 5. ter vista para. 6. parecer. 7. inspecionar, examinar. have a ~ at it d uma olhada nisto. I do not like the ~ of it isto no me agrada. ~ out 1. vigia. 2. vista. 3. prospecto. ~ alive apresse-se. ~ before you leap pense antes de agir. to ~ after 1. procurar 2. cuidar de. to ~ down upon 1. menosprezar. 2. assumir ares de superioridade. to ~for 1. procurar 2. esperar. 3. antecipar. to ~ into 1. inspecionar minuciosamente. 2. examinar. to ~up 1. levanter os olhos. 2. procurar. 3. visitar. 4. prosperar. to ~ upon considerar.


4) As palavras em ingls, assim como em portugus, podem ter a mesma forma mas diferentes significados. Vejamos alguns exemplos: 1.a. A base da esttua precisa ser restaurada. b. Meu irmo tem bastante base para passar no vestibular. c. Existe um museu na Base Area do Campo dos Afonsos. 2. a. Ele anda muito depressa. b. Meu tio andava doente h alguns meses. 3. a. Tenho um p de lima em meu quintal. b. Preciso comprar uma lima para amolar esse serrote. Agora traduza as frases abaixo, escolhendo o significado da palavra lookque melhor se adequa ao contexto: a. One must look carefully before crossing the street._______________________________ b. Marys looks still attract many people.________________________________________ c. Please look after my baby for a few minutes.___________________________________ 5) Procure no dicionrio os significados que as seguintes palavras podem ter, anotando sua categoria gramatical: a. love___________________________________________________________________ b. research________________________________________________________________ c. mean___________________________________________________________________ d. lead____________________________________________________________________ e. live____________________________________________________________________ 6) Agora traduza as palavras sublinhadas abaixo, segundo o seu contexto: 1.a. The car horns disturbed the silence of the room._______________________________ b. The bull-fighter was seriously injured by the bulls horns._______________________ 2. a. I arrived late for the lecture.______________________________________________ b. The late Doctor Wells made a lot of experiences towards the cure of cancer.________ 3. a. The road was too dark, so we couldnt see our way.___________________________ b. Peter is at home and his brother is, too._____________________________________ 4. a. The film I saw yesterday was pretty interesting.______________________________ b. That little girl is really pretty.____________________________________________ 5. a. I cant bear to see children treated cruelly.__________________________________ b. They are taking the bear to the zoo.________________________________________ c. He bears the marks of difficult life on his face._______________________________ d. She was not a doctor but she helped many women bear babies.___________________ 6. a. She is wearing glasses.___________________________________________________ b. She drinks three glasses of water every morning.______________________________



General Information What are the minimal requirements for running Babylon-Pro? Is Babylon-Pro freeware? What is Babylon-Pro? Whats the difference between Babylon-Pro and its free, trial version? Can Babylon-Pro translate full documents or entire web pages? Is Babylon-Pro spyware? Will there be versions of Babylon-Pro for Mac / Unix / Linux / Palm? I cant find my Babylon-Pro license details. What should I do? What are the minimal requirements for running Babylon-Pro? Basically, any computer that is capable of running Windows 95 or above can run BabylonPro. It is recommended to have at least 15MB of free RAM and 5MB free on your hard drive. Is Babylon-Pro freeware? Babylon-Pro is not freeware, but trialware. This means that there is a free, trial version of the product that can be used for a limited period. At the end of this trial period you can either purchase a license for the full version of Babylon-Pro, or keep using the free version with gradually limited functionality, until it entirely ceases to function. What is Babylon-Pro? Babylon-Pro is an interactive program that provides you with instant translations, relevant information from over a thousand topic specific glossaries, and conversions (of currencies, measurements and time zones) in a single click. With Babylon-Pro you can click on any word or value, in any desktop application, to instantly receive accurate and concise information from a large variety of professional glossaries, language dictionaries and other information resources.

Whats the difference between Babylon-Pro and its free, trial version? The free, trial version of Babylon-Pro has full functionality for only a limited time period. After the limited time period the dictionary definitions available to you are gradually reduced, until the free, trial version ceases to function altogether. The fully functional version of Babylon-Pro has no advertisement banners, unlimited access to dictionary definitions, a minimal, resizable interface, free updates, priority technical support, and some unique exclusive features for users of this version only. Can Babylon-Pro translate full documents or entire web pages? Babylon-Pro can currently translate words or expressions, and does not translate sentences or full texts. The language dictionaries are intended for people who want to read or write foreign languages and need to translate only the words or expressions they do not understand or are unsure of how to spell. Is Babylon-Pro spyware? Babylon-Pro is not spyware. The trial version of Babylon-Pro is trialware. This means it can be downloaded, used and upgraded free of charge, for a limited time period. In the past we offered users the option of extending the trial version by letting them choose to install an ad-support component from Cydoor Technologies, displaying revenuegenerating ads on the tool. The component ran on the users computer ONLY to bring new banners and to send our servers information regarding the banners seen or clicked on. As revenue-generating advertising is no longer important to Babylon, we recently removed


the option of installing the ad-support component from the trial version. Although the trial version may promote Babylons own special offers and its partners offers, no third party advertising module is now installed with the Babylon tool. Will there be versions of Babylon-Pro for Mac / Unix / Linux / Palm? Currently Babylon-Pro is available only for Windows platforms, due to low demand for compatibility to other platforms. Please check again in the future for further updates.

I cant find my Babylon-Pro license details. What should I do? After purchasing Babylon-Pro you should receive an email from us, including your username, license code, the date when your license became valid and the length of your license. If you cant find this email, or for some reason didnt receive it, click here to search for your license details. (

1) Voc j ouviu falar de um programa chamado Babylon-Pro? Qual sua funo? 2) Identifique no texto: 1. A plataforma exigida:___________________________________________________ 2. A capacidade do computador:_____________________________________________ 3. A utilidade do programa:_________________________________________________ 4. O custo para usurio:____________________________________________________ 3) Relacione as colunas, segundo a ocorrncia das palavras no texto: a. run(ning) (l. 1) b. currencies (l. 9) c. measurements (l. 10) d. value (l. 11) e. accurate (l. 11) f. available (l. 15/34) g. ceases (l. 16) h. choose (l. 26) i. revenue (l. 27/30) j. third party (l. 32) k. length (l. 37) __renda __terceiros __valor __durao __rodar, funcionar __moedas __optar, escolher __medidas __disponvel __deixa de, pra __exato, preciso

4) Retire do texto a palavra para:,exigncias:________________4. caractersticas:_____________________ 2. verso para teste:______________________ 5. ferramenta(s):______________________ 3. adquirir, comprar:______________________ 6. anncio(s):________________________ 5) Observe as frases abaixo. Que palavras se repete em todos os exemplos?______________ 1. What are the minimal requirements for running Babylon-Pro? 2. What is Babylon-Pro? 3. Whats the difference between Babylon-Pro and its free, trial version? Agora veja outras. Voc se lembra de seu significado? A- Palavras interrogativas 1. What=___________________________ 2. Who=___________________________ 3. When=__________________________ 4. Where=__________________________ 17

5. What time=_______________________ 6. How=___________________________ 7. How much=______________________ 8. How many=______________________ 9. How often=______________________

10. How big=_______________________ 11. Whose=________________________ 12. Which=________________________ 13. Why=_________________________

Agora complete as frases com uma das palavras acima: 1. Excuse me. ___________time is it right now? 2. Im sorry. I didnt catch your name. ___________do you spell it? 3. ____________exactly do you live, Mr. Wilson? 4. ____________do you expect to earn at this job? 5. __________do you work for at present? 6. __________do you travel abroad? 7. _________is the meeting? Next Thursday. 8. __________is your last name? 9. __________years did you stay with the Belgian company? 10. ________does the committee meet? Every two months. 6) Agora observe as palavras sublinhadas abaixo. Voc reconhece alguma delas? 1. Babylon-Pro is an interactive program that provides you with instant translations (l. 8) 2. With Babylon-Pro you can click on any word or value... (l. 10) 3. In the past we offered users the option of extending the trial version by letting them choose to install an ad-support (l. 26) 4. This means it can be downloaded, used and upgraded free of charge (l. 24) 5. What should I do? A essas palavras ns chamamos de __________________e elas tm um valor de referncia dentro do texto, pois sempre se referem a um elemento que as antecede, explicita ou implicitamente. Por exemplo, o pronome you acima faz referncia ao_________________ E os demais? a) Agora complete o quadro-resumo abaixo: Subject Pronouns I Object Pronouns Possessive Adjectives my his her It We you their Alm desses pronomes, temos tambm os pronomes demonstrativos: this (plural: these) e that (plural: those). b) Complete com um dos pronomes acima. Observe as palavras sublinhadas: 1. My father works in an office. _______is a businessman. 18 ours Possessive Pronouns yours

2. Pollution and violence are serious problems in big cities. ________ make ______a bad place to live. 3. We are all Brazilians. Brazil is ___________country. 4. I cant use the computer. _____doesnt work. And _______s the problem. 5. These are my brothers. _________names are Roberto and Marcos. c) Agora identifique a referncia dos pronomes abaixo: 1. it (l. 7)_________________________ 2. you (l. 15)__________________________ 3. they (l. 22)______________________ 4. our (l. 29)___________________________ 5. us (l. 36)________________________ 6. this (l. 37)__________________________ 7) H alguns algarismos no texto. Vamos rev-los: A- Cardinal numbers 1- one 11100-a hundred/one hundred 2- ______ 12- twelve 150-a hundred and __________ 3- ______ 13- thirteen 200-two hundred 4-four 14- fourteen 232-two hundred and ___________ 5-five 20- twenty 1,000-a thousand/one thousand 6-_______ 21- twenty-one 1,000,000-a million 7-seven 22- twenty- _________ 8- _______ 30- thirty 9-nine 31-thirty-____________ 10- ______ 40-forty Agora escreva os algarismos abaixo: 515506166071770a. 65______________________________ c. 149___________________________ e. 3225_____________________________ B- Ordinal numbers 1st-first 2nd- second seventh 8th-eighth 3rd -third 9th-ninth


500060007000b. 87________________ __________ d. 1001__________________________ f. 27,000,000_____________________ 5th-fifth 6th-sixth 7th-

4th-fourth 10th tenth

Agora escreva as expresses a seguir: - a half - a quarter/one fourth 1/3 - ______________ 2/5 __________________ 1/10 ___________________ 2/8_________________ 3/10______________________ 8) Responda segundo o texto: 1. Cite algumas das funcionalidades do programa. 2. Como a verso para teste se contrasta com a verso completa? 3. Pode-se afirmar que no h spams na verso para teste? Justifique. 4. Que informaes devero estar contidas no e-mail enviado pela Babylon?



Social networks 'are new e-mail' By Darren Waters Technology editor, BBC News website, Texas Status updates on sites such as Facebook, Yammer, Twitter and Friendfeed are a new form of communication, the South by SouthWest Festival has heard. "We are all in the process of creating e-mail 2.0," David Sacks, founder of business social network Yammer said. Tens of millions of people are using social networks to stay in touch. The growth in such services is being heralded as the start of the real-time, pervasive web. 'New communication' Mr Sacks said: "What people want to do on social network these days is post status updates. We think it's all people want to do." Yammer is an enterprise social network, designed to facilitate communication within companies and organisations. It is one of a growing number of services that lets users share micro-updates. Other services have a richer mix of content, including sharing photos and video, and allowing comments from people within your social network, building a so-called activity stream. "I think it's a new form of communication; not quite e-mail, more lightweight and more real time, often with little bit of a publishing flavour to it," said Paul Buchheit, founder of FriendFeed, and the creator and lead developer of GMail, while at Google. FriendFeed lets users share content from other services, such as Twitter and Flickr, and comment directly on the postings in real-time. Simplicity and ubiquity With more than 175 million users Facebook is the dominant platform for status updates. Ari Steinberg, an engineering manager at the firm, told BBC News: "It's been interesting to see the way people change the way they communicate. "You used to e-mail content to people and you had to choose who you wanted to e-mail it to and you didn't know if your friends even wanted to see it. "Now you can passively put something out there and let people engage with it." The simplicity and ubiquity of some of these services are beginning to see activity feeds and status updates replace many of the uses to which e-mail was once put. Mr Sacks said: "It's no coincidence that these products are all looking like e-mail. "These products are all standardising around a message form at the top, and the inbox which is a feed then folders around the side." 'Open system' The problem with the current crop of status update services is that they are to varying degrees interoperable. 20

For example, while Twitter can be used to power a status update on Facebook the same is not true in reverse. "We want to see a more open system where everything links together, the same as it does with e-mail," he said. While e-mail has common protocols which allow people to send and receive messages even if they are with different services, such as Hotmail or GMail, the same is not completely true with status updates and activity feeds. There are some standard protocols but the rapid development in the complexity and breadth of activity feeds, to include comments and ratings, has led to a series of walled gardens. Dare Obasanjo, a program manager at Microsoft, said the firm was working on a set of standards. "You need to give sites permission to get your data," he said.

1. O que so social networks? Voc consegue nomear algumas? 2. Observe o ttulo do texto, a fonte e responda: que tipo de texto esse? O que o ttulo diz a voc? 3. Faa uma primeira leitura do texto e aponte uma vantagem desse sistema com relao ao email tradicional. 4. Retire do texto os termos tcnicos para: a. postagens___________________ _____________________________ b. atualizaes_________________ d.notas, avaliaes______________ c. desenvolvedor, desenvolvimento e. contedo___________________ 5. Relacione as colunas, segundo o contexto: a. found(er) b. grow(th), grow(ing) c. herald(ed) d. allow(ing) e. flavour f. replace g.breadth h. wall(ed) 6. Identifique os referentes dos pronomes a seguir: a. we____________________________ b. it_____________________________ c. other__________________________ d. I_______________________________ e.it_______________________________ f. they____________________________ __substituir __sabor __fundador __variedade, gama, srie __permitir, possibilitar __crescimento, crescente __cercados, fechados __anunciado, apresentado

7. Observe as frases a seguir e responda: 1. Tens of millions of people are using social networks to stay in touch. 2. The simplicity and ubiquity of some of these services are beginning to see activity feeds

and status updates replace many of the uses to which e-mail was once put. 3. "These products are all standardising around a message form at the top, and the inbox which is a feed then folders around the side." a. As estruturas sublinhadas indicam atividades regulares ou atividades em processo?_______ b. Que palavras so comuns a todos os exemplos?___________________________________ c. H alguma terminao que se repete? Qual(is)?___________________________________ 21

d. A essa estrutura verbal chamamos de ___________________________________________ e ela usada para indicar_______________________________________________________ As regras so: I ____ working I_____ working ____ I working? Yes, I ____. No, I____. You/we/you/they ______working You/we/you/they ______ working ____ you/we/you/they working? Yes, you/we/you/they____. No, you/we/you/they ______. He/she/it ___ working He/she/it ___ working ___ he/she/it working? Yes, he/she/it ___. No, he/she/it ___. Now complete the sentences below: 1. I________________________(study) Computer Science at university. 2. We______________________(enjoy) our course. 3. ___________you__________________(use) the computer at the moment? No, I______not. 4. My boss__________________________(travel) abroad. Hes on a business trip to the US. 5. My parents ________________________(not/work) these days. Theyre retired.
8. Os sufixos formadores de adjetivos so uma importante ferramenta na leitura. Observe o quadro abaixo e tente traduzir as expresses a seguir: SUFFIX -ful -less -ing (cause) -ed (result) -able/-ible -ive -ous -al -y -ly -ic(al) a. pervasive web_______________ b. growing number_____________ EXAMPLE careful, wonderful, cheerful useless, motionless, lifeless frightening, interesting, boring frightened, interested, bored unforgettable, terrible, horrible massive, creative, impressive dangerous, marvellous, rebellious thermal, national, principal easy, noisy, dirty lovely, lively, friendly skeptical, biological, scientific c. varying degrees______________ d. interoperable________________

9. Observe os conectores a seguir e identifique a melhor idia: 1. FriendFeed lets users share content from other services, such as Twitter and Flickr, and comment directly on the postings in real-time. a. comparao (como) b. adio (bem como) c. exemplificao (tais como) 2. While e-mail has common protocols which allow people to send and receive messages even if they are with different services, such as Hotmail or GMail, the same is not completely true with status updates and activity feeds.


a. contraste(enquanto) b. comparao (como) c. enumerao(em 1 lugar) 3. The problem with the current crop of status update services is that they are to varying degrees interoperable. For example, while Twitter can be used to power a status update on Facebook the same is not true in reverse. a. adio(alm de) b. exemplificao (por exemplo) c. enumerao(em seguida) 10.Responda em portugus, segundo o texto: 1. Quais so, segundo o texto, as diferenas bsicas entre o e-mail e as social networks? 2.Por que o texto diz que os feeds funcionam como jardins murados?



Exercises on the Present Continuous and ING forms 1) Complete the sentences. Use am, is, are + one of these verbs: building coming having playing cooking standing swimming

1. Listen! Pat _________________________the piano. 2. They _________________________ a new hotel in the city center at the moment. 3. Look! Somebody _____________________________in the river. 4. You __________________________on my foot. Oh, Im sorry. 5. Hurry up! The bus _____________________________. 6. Where are you, George? In the kitchen. I __________________________a meal. 7. (on the telephone) Hello. Can I speak to Ann, please? She______________________ a shower at the moment. Can you phone again later? 2) Complete with the m not, isnt or arent + the verb in the ING form: 1. They phoned and said they _______________________(come) to the party. 2. Look! It __________________________(snow) anymore. Lets go outside. 3. You can turn off the radio. Peter _________________________(listen) to it. 4. I_____________________________(do) the job for him. Im HELPING him! 5. We___________________________(go) on holiday this year. Everything is so expensive! 3) Write questions using am , is, are + the verbs in parentheses: 1. Excuse me. ______________________________(you/wait) for the bus, too? 2. That is a beautiful old clock. ____________________________(it/work)? 3. Why ____________________________(they/run)? Because theyre late . 4. Whats the weather like? _________ the sun ____________________(shine)? 5. Look at me. _______________________________(I/look) ridiculous? 4) Traduza as expresses abaixo: 1. dancing shoes:___________________ 3. computer programming: ___________ 4. Christian teaching:________________

2. operating theatre:___________________ 3. e-learning:________________________ 5. non-smoking area:___________________



Introduction to Linux and

Document Category: admin gnulinux Intended Experience Level: Beginner - By the staff is an independent Web site that provides Linux information and news. Our staff is too small to answer Linux questions one-on-one or to provide tech support. The following article answers most of the Linux questions we get. Please read it to get an overview of Linux -- and to learn how and where you can get answers to almost any Linux question. ( Posted by - roblimo ) What is Linux? Linux is an operating system. An operating system is the basic set of programs and utilities that make your computer run. Some other common operating systems are Unix (and its variants BSD, AIX, Solaris, HPUX, and others); DOS; Microsoft Windows; Amiga; and Mac OS. If you're interested in learning about some not-so-common operating systems, take a look here and here. Linux is Free Software. Now, just because it's Free, doesn't necessarily mean it's free. Think "free" as in "free speech," not "free beer," as we in the Free Software/Open Source community like to say. In a nutshell, software that is free as in speech, like Linux, is distributed along with its source code so that anyone who receives it is free to make changes and redistribute it. So, not only is it ok to make copies of Linux and give them to your friends, it's also fine to tweak a few lines of the source code while you're at it -- as long as you also freely provide your modified source code to everyone else. To learn more about free software and the major software license it is distributed under, called the General Public License (GPL), go here. In addition to the GPL, there are many other software licenses that allow you to modify the source code. The Open Source Initiative approves these licenses and keeps a current list of them. Linux is not owned by anyone. One misconception many first-time readers have is that this site,, is similar to, which is owned and controlled by the company that produces the Windows operating system. Not so! No one company or individual "owns" Linux, which was developed, and is still being improved, by thousands of corporate-supported and volunteer programmers all over the world. Not even Linus Torvalds, who started the Linux ball rolling in 1991, "owns" Linux. (However, the trademark "Linux" is owned by Linus Torvalds, so if you call something 25

"Linux" it had better be Linux, not something else.) How to get Linux: When you "get Linux" you are usually getting a "Linux distribution" that contains not only the basic Linux operating system, but also programs that enhance it in many ways. Anyone who wants to put together his or her own Linux distribution is free to do so, and we know of more than 200 different Linux distributions that fill special "niche" purposes. But we advise new users to stick with one of the five or six most popular general-purpose Linux distributions until they know a little about what Linux can and can't do. You can get Linux from a number of online software repositories, including the official Web sites for each distribution. For example, at you'll find the Mandrake distribution; at you'll find Red Hat Linux. It helps to have a fast connection and a CD burner so you can quickly download an .ISO image of the distribution and burn it onto a CD. You then can load the bootable installation programs that lead you, step by step, through the process of getting Linux on your computer. If you don't have a CD burner, you'll be better off if you buy a CD pre-loaded with the distribution (or distributions) of your choice. The more popular distributions are available in many computer stores and directly from each distribution's publisher. They sell full boxed sets of CDs or DVDs that come complete with a fancy user manual and official technical support. The average price is $25 to $80 USD. The convenience of a distribution on CDs, including manuals, generally makes your first installation so much easier that it is well worth the money, and even if you pay full retail price for a Linux distribution you will still get an incredible value. ( 1) O que voc sabe sobre o sistema Linux? 2) Leia o ttulo, o sub-ttulo e as sub-divises do texto. O texto tem 02 objetivos distintos: explicar _______________________________________________________________e _____________________________________________________________o programa. 3) Identifique o significado das siglas, valores e datas abaixo: 1. GPL (l. 19)____________________________________________________________ 2. 1991(l. 28)_____________________________________________________________ 3. 200 (l. 32)______________________________________________________________ 4. ISO image (l. 37)_________________________________________________________ 5. $25 to $80 USD (l. 45)_____________________________________________________ 4) Relacione as colunas: a. staff (l. 1) b. overview (l. 4) c. run (l. 7) d. learn(ing) (l. 9/17) e. allow (l. 20) __ampliam __opo, escolha __desenvolvido __de propriedade de, possuir __melhorado, aprimorado 26

f. developed (l. 26) g. improved (l. 27) h. own(ed) (l. 22/23/26/28) i. enhance (l. 32) j. purposes (l. 35) k. advise (l. 35) l. choice (l. 46)

__ viso geral, panorama __ equipe, pessoal __permitir, possibilitar __recomendamos __aprender __ rodar, funcionar __propsitos

5) Encontre no texto a palavra em ingls correspondente a: 1. cdigo-fonte:_______________________ 2. marca registrada:______________________ 3. disponvel:_________________________ 4. passo a passo:________________________ 6) Observe as palavras sublinhadas e responda: 1. can get answers to almost any question(l. 4) 2. Some other common operating systems are Unix: DOS(l. 7) 3. anyone who receives it is free to make changes and redistribute it. (l. 14) 4. there are many other software licenses that allow you to modify the source code. (l. 19) a. As palavras tm em comum o fato de pertencerem `a categoria de: a. intensidade b. quantidade c. freqncia b. Observe o quadro a seguir. Voc capaz de definir o significado das palavras abaixo? A elas denominamos___________________________________________________________

No caso do uso das palavras every, any, some e no temos as derivadas: a. everyone/everybody, everywhere, everything____________________________________, usadas em frases positivas. b. anyone/anybody, anywhere, anything__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________, usadas em frases positivas, negativas ou interrogativas. c. someone/somebody, somewhere, something_____________________________________, 27

usadas em frases positivas. d. no one/nobody, nowhere, nothing______________________________________________, usadas em frases negativas. Agora procure identificar outros exemplos no seu texto: ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7) Identifique o antecedente, ou seja, a palavra que est sendo substituda pelos pronomes a seguir: 1. it (l. 3)_________________________ 2. we (l. 12)________________________ 3. them (l. 15) _____________________ 4. them (l. 21)______________________ 8) Observe as palavras sublinhadas e responda: 1. is an independent Web site that provides Linux information and news. (l. 1) 2. ...this site is similar to, which is owned and controlled by the company...(l.23) 3. Not even Linus torvalds, who started the Linux ball rolling in 1991, owns Linux. 4. ...anyone who receives it is free to make changes and redistribute it. (l. 14) a. Qual se refere a pessoas?_____________________________________________________ b. Qual se refere a coisas?______________________________________________________ c. O pronome thatse aplica a qual caso no texto?___________________________________ Agora observe os exemplos abaixo. Qual o antecedente? 1. The man who helped me lives next door to you.________________________________ 2. Roy, whose mother is a doctor, is planning to follow her steps. __________________ 3. He crossed the street without looking, which was very stupid of him________________ 4. The building where I work is very modern. ____________________________________ 5. The shopping centre which stands opposite was built ten years ago. Os exemplos 1 e 5 podem ter as palavras who e which substitudas por________ Assim, which e ____________ so usadas para________________. Whoe that so usadas para________________ e where usada para _________________________. Whose usado para indicar_________________________________________________. A esses pronomes denominamos________________________________________e a essas construes_______________________________________________________________. Agora retire outros exemplos de seu texto e identifique o antecedente: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9) Observe os conectores em destaque e identifique sua ideia: 1. In a nutshell, software that is free as in speech, like Linux, is distributed along with its source code a.exemplificao b. comparao c. contraste 2. so that anyone who receives it is free to make changes and redistribute it. a. adio b. enumerao c. finalidade, propsito 3. So, not only is it ok to make copies of Linux and give them to your friends, it's also fine to tweak a few lines of the source code while you're at it a.contraste b. adio, complementao c. nfase 28

4. as long as you also freely provide your modified source code to everyone else. a. condio b. comparao c. condio 5. we know of more than 200 different Linux distributions that fill special "niche" purposes. But we advise new users to stick with one of the five or six most popular generalpurpose Linux distributions. a. enumerao b. adio c. contraste 10) Verdadeiro(V) ou falso(F)? 1. O sistema Linux free no sentido de ser passvel de modificaes e no pelo fato de ser gratuito. ( ) 2. H uma licena especfica que permite mudar o cdigo-fonte. ( ) 3. A marca Linux no de propriedade privada. ( ) 4. O Linux inclui uma distribuio do sistema bsico bem como programas para ampliao de sua performance. ( ) 5. Somente depois de baixar o arquivo de distribuio possvel carregar o programa. ( )



1) Tente localizar no texto a seguir a resposta para as seguintes perguntas: 1. O que Lady Ada Lovelace inventou para a mquina de Babbage? 2. Quanto pesava o ENIAC, o primeiro computador a vlvula? 3. Onde Charles Babbage exibiu The Difference Engine em 1855? 4. Qual foi o primeiro dispositivo de clculo utilizado pelo homem? 5. At que sculo o baco foi utilizado como dispositivo de clculo? 6. Quem inventou, em 1804, o tear programado? 7. O que Blaise Pascal inventou em 1642? 8. Quando ficou pronto o primeiro computador digital, o MARK 1? 9. Quando Vannevar Bush construiu o primeiro computador analgico? (A:_______) It was during the Second World War that the modern age of computers began. In 1930, Vannevar Bush built the first analog computer, which was used to help aim guns in World War II. In the period between 1938-1942, John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry designed and built the first electronic digital computer, the ABC, which provided the basis for the development of the ENIAC. (B:_______) After that, in 1822, Charles Babbage built a machine called The Difference Engine, which he showed at the Paris Exhibition in 1855. Next, Babbage envisioned and designed The Analytical Engine, a machine which could complete programmed arithmetic operations. Unfortunately, Babbage never finished his work, but many of his ideas were used as the basis for the modern computer. (C:_______) The modern computer as we know it today is a result of lots of research and inventions of the past. The following paragraphs will show you the evolution of this miraculous machine.

(D:________) In the period called the Scientific Revolution, which began circa 1540 and lasted until 1687, many scientists tried to find ways of calculating. As a consequence, other computational devices were invented. In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical calculator. In 1673, Gottfried von Leibniz invented another calculating device. (E:________) The Scientific Revolution was followed by the Industrial Revolution, which started in England and brought many advances in technology. Several machines were developed in this period, and these machines later had a great impact on the development of computers. (F:_________) During the same period that Babbage was working on his machines, Lady Ada Lovelace invented an arithmetic code for Babbages machine based on a binary system similar to the one used with modern computers. For this reason, she is considered to be the first programmer. (G:________) The first calculating device used by man was the ten fingers of his hands. This explains why we still count in tens and multiples of tens. Then the abacus 30

was invented, a device which uses small beads or stones to make calculations. This tool was used until the 16th century. It is used today in some parts of the world to make arithmetic calculations. (H:________) In 1804, Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a weaving loom which was programmed to make certain patterns on cloth. This program was a series of holes punched in paper cards according to a code, and it is very similar to the process used in punched cards of the first modern computers. (I:_____1____) Computers The Pre-History of

digital computer using vacuum tubes. The ENIAC ( Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was huge and weighed about 30 tons. (K:________) The developments which took place during World War II led to the advances made in the period that followed the war. The period after the war led to the subsequent generations of computers, which may be described as the modern age of computers. (L:________) In 1944, Howard Aiken and some engineers from IBM completed MARK 1, an electro-mechanical calculating device controlled by punched cards. This first digital computer could figure out long lists of mathematical problems and was used in military ballistics.

(J:_________) Between 1943 and 1946, funded by the U>S. Army, John Mauchly and J. Eckert built the first major electronic

(CRUZ, Dcio T. et all. para informtica. Salvador : O autor, 2001)

2) Tente colocar o texto na ordem cronolgica correta. O primeiro j foi feito. Siga as pistas numricas e em itlico! 3) Relacione as colunas, segundo o contexto a. aim (l. 5) b. develop(ment) (l. 10/39/41/76) c. envision(ed) (l. 15) d. research (l. 23) e. last(ed) (l. 28) f. tried (l. 29) g. device(s) (l. 3034/50/54) h. brought (l. 37) i. beads (l. 55) j. weaving loom (l. 60) k. cloth (l. 62) l. holes (l. 63) m. punched (l. 63/65/86) n. huge (l. 75) o. led (l. 77/79) p. figure out (l. 88) __contas, argolas __tecido __durou, se estendeu __trouxe __direcionar. guiar __desenvolver, desenvolvimento __buracos, furos __tentou __pesquisa __visualizou, imaginou, idealizou __calcular __levou a __enorme __instrumento, mecanismo, aparelho __perfurado __(mquina de) tear


4) Observe as frases a seguir e responda: 1. It was during the Second World War that the modern age began. (l. 1/3) 2. Vannevar Bush built the first analog computer. (l. 11/12) 3. Next, Babbage envisioned and designed The Analytical Engine. (l. 15/16) 4. In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical calculator. (l. 31/32) 5. and these machines later had a great impact on the development of computers. (l. 40/41) a. H algum sufixo que se repete nas palavras sublinhadas? Qual?____________________ b. As formas marcadas remetem ao presente, passado ou futuro?_____________________ c. Por que h formas que no tm o sufixo comum?_______________________________ d. Assinale a alternativa que contm a forma base correta para as formas irregulares acima: a) beg/build/have b) begin/bring/have c) begin/build/have e. A essas estruturas chamamos de _____________________________________________ As formas so: A -The verb to be: I/he/she/it was You/we/you/they were I/he/she/it wasnt You/we/you/they werent Was I/he/she/it? Yes, I/he/she/it was. No, I/he/she/it wasnt. Were you/we/you/they? Yes, you/we/you/ they were. No, you/we/they werent. B Other verbs: I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they worked I/he/she/it/we/you/they didnt work (Regular forms) Did I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they work? I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they went I/he/she/it/we/you/they didnt go Did I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they go? (Irregular forms)

Now complete the sentences below: 1. Yesterday I___________________(not/go) to work. I_____________(be) sick. 2. We ______________(go) to a great party last weekend. 3. He_______________(see) the film but he _________________(not/like) it. 4.___________they ____________(work) last Saturday? No, they__________nt. 5. She _________________(travel) to NYC on business. 5) Agora retire do texto a forma de passado dos verbos a seguir: Verbos iregulares to bewas/were (A) to begin(A/D) to build(A/B) can(B/L) to bring(E) to have(E) to take(K) to lead(K) Verbos regulares to design-designed to showto finishto lastto tryto inventto start to weighto complete32

6) As frases a seguir representam a idia central de cada pargrafo. Coloque a letra do lado da frase que sintetiza cada pargrafo: 1. Os avanos tecnolgicos da 2 guerra Mundial levaram era moderna do computador. ( ) 2. MARK 1, o primeiro computador digital, possua sistema de cartes perfurados e foi fabricado pela IBM para fins militares. ( ) 3. Lady Lovalace considerada a primeira programadora do mundo por ter inventado o cdigo binrio. ( ) 4. As idias de Charles Babbage foram usadas como base para os computadores modernos, o que o torna o pai do computador. ( ) 5. A Revoluo Industrial teve um grande impacto na tecnologia usada para o desenvolvimento dos computadores. ( ) 6. Antes da inveno do baco, o dispositivo de clculo eram os dedos das mos. ( ) 7. O primeiro computador digital a vlvula foi o ENIAC. ( ) 8. A era moderna do computador nasce em 1930 com o primeiro computador analgico, de Vannevar Bush, usado para fins militares na 2 Guerra Mundial. ( ) 9. O tear programado, inventado por Jacquard em 1804, tem o mesmo princpio dos cartes perfurados dos primeiros computadores. ( ) 10. O computador atual o resultado de vrias pesquisas e invenes do passado. ( ) 11. A Revoluo Cientfica(1540-1687) levou inveno de vrios dispositivos de clculo.( )



1) Complete the sentences with one of the verbs in the box in the simple past form: like want open happen finish stay

1. The concert last night started at 7.30 and __________________at 10 o clock. 2. When I was a child, I ________________to be a doctor. 3. The accident _________________last Sunday afternoon. 4. We __________________our holiday last year. We ___________________at a very good hotel. 5. It was hot in the room, so I __________________the window. 2) What are the top twenty irregular verbs? 1. go___________________ 2. find__________________ 3. get ___________________ 4. put____________________ 5. leave__________________ 6. buy___________________ 7. bring__________________ 8. set____________________ 9. lose___________________ 10. pay___________________ 11. know_____________________ 12. tell_______________________ 13. send______________________ 14. build_____________________ 15. think_____________________ 16. say_______________________ 17.have______________________ 18. take______________________ 19. do_______________________ 20. make_____________________

3) Complete with the irregular past form of the verb in the first sentence: 1. We usually do our shopping on Monday. We did our shopping last Monday. 2. Tom always has a shower in the morning. He ___________a shower this morning. 3. Bill often loses his keys. He ___________his keys last Saturday.c 4. We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. We ____________to the cinema last Sunday. 5. They always get up early. This morning they ______________early. 6. Ann often takes photographs. Last weekend she_______________a lot of photos. 4) Complete the sentences with the negative past form (didnt): 1. I saw John but I didnt see Mary. 2. They worked on Monday but they ____________________on Tuesday. 3. We went to the shop but we ___________________to the bank. 5. She had a pen but she __________________any paper. 6. Jack did French at school but he ___________________German. 5) Complete the questions with the positive, negative or interrogative past form of the verbs in brackets: 1. I________________(play) tennis yesterday but I _________________(not/win). 2. We _______________(wait) for a long time but the bus __________________(not/come). 3. That was a stupid thing to do. Why ______________________(you/do) it? 4. She __________________(see) me but she _____________________(not/speak) to me. 5. When I _______________(be) younger, I ________________(go) on holiday twice a year.



The Good, the Bad, and Google

What is Google? Google is a search engine, started in 1998 by Stanford University students Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Search engines are internet directories, like virtual address books. Before Google (and its competitors Yahoo, AltaVista, Ask, etc.) the internet was a mass of information with no reliable way to find what you wanted. Google is now used by hundreds of millions of people every month. It is a major world company, challenging IT giants like Microsoft and Amazon. With the unofficial motto Dont do evil, Googles 8,000 employees enjoy a relaxed, stimulating work environment in northern California, surrounded by couches, gyms, music and massage rooms. Google has become the standard English verb for internet searching. How do search engines work? Googles computers have catalogued billions of internet pages. If I type in English lessons, it takes only moments to present a list of pages relevant to my key words or search terms. Google has become the worlds top search engine by pioneering: A simple page style. Page rankings, ordering results in order of relevance and popularity. Associated website functions developed by employees. What else does Google do? What doesnt Google do? As well as searching for words, Google can find images, videos and more. Google Earth zooms in on interactive satellite pictures of the planet. Picasa organizes photos; Google Scholar helps you study; Froogle helps you shop. The next generation of Google software will operate phones, mobile computers and MP3 players. And its almost free. How does Google pay for it? Advertising. If people look up hotels, it makes sense for hotels to advertise on that page. The internet is more powerful than ads in newspapers, TV and billboards, because people can buy with the click of the mouse. By 2009, UK companies will spend more on internet advertising than television. Google earns over $3 billion per quarter, giving clients detailed statistics about who is searching for what and how many people see each ad. So everyone loves Google? Not everyone. For example: 1. Publishers sued Google for uploading millions of texts to its Book Search. Google says its an academic resource; publishers say theyre breaking copyright laws. 2. Human rights groups condemned Google for accepting Chinese government censorship. Topics censored by the Great Firewall of China include Taiwans independence, the Tiananmen Square massacre and BBC News. Google says that, despite the compromise, it is better to participate in Chinas development. 3. Others want Google to restrict information. Should we be able to look up peoples addresses? Satellite images of their homes? What if your boss googles you? Or your crazy former lover? When does freedom of information become invasion of privacy? Googles databanks are already precious for advertisers. In the future, will they know everything about us? Will they predict our needs? Dictate our desires? (From: Speak Up n 257, p. 34-35)


Antes de ler e ouvir o texto, responda: 1. O que o Google? 2. Quem foram seus fundadores/criadores? 3. Aponte 02 aspectos positivos e 02 aspectos negativos relacionados a ele. 4. Quais so os principais concorrentes do Google? 5. Faa uma leitura rpida do texto. Quais das perguntas acima ele responde? 6. Encontre em seu texto os termos em ingls para: a. mecanismo de busca (1)____________ c.direitos autorais(5)___________________ b. anncios (4)______________________ 7. Relacione o vocabulrio, de acordo com o contexto: a. challeng(ing) (1) b. advertis(ing), advertise(rs) (4/5) c. billboard(s) (4) d. earn(s) (4) e. resource (5) f. sue(d) (5) g. censor(ship) (5) h. develop(ment) (5) __censura __recurso __ganhar __desenvolvimento __outdoors __propaganda, divulgadores __acionar legalmente, processar __desafiando

8. Observe as frases a seguir e responda: 1. Google has become the standard English verb for Internet searching. 2. Googles computers have catalogued billions of internet pages. 3. Google has become the worlds top search engine by pioneering a simple page style... a. As frases tem relao como o passado, o presente ou ambos?________________________ b. Os eventos descritos j foram concludos ?_______________________________________ c. Quais as expresses temporais que marcam a___________________________do processo? Observe outros exemplos a. They have been friends since high school. b. I have worked for this company for a long time. c. So far, we have sold a million copies of this software. Obs: Expresses temporais tais como since, for, just, lately, recently, so far, already, yet, etc so utilizadas com essa estrutura. Agora tente completar as frases abaixo: 1. I__________________(live) in Juiz de Fora for a long time. 2. ______________he ____________(phone) this morning? No, he__________nt. 3. We_____________________(not/see) Bob lately. 4. It __________________(rain) very often this season. 5. ___________they ____________(find) a solution for this problem? Yes, they________ 6. _____________you already ______________(finish) the report? No, I _______________. 7. The company ______________just_______________(launch) a new translation program for online students. 8. They _______________nt _______________ (receive) the files yet. 9. Responda em portugus, segundo o texto: 1.Por que o Google o mecanismo de busca n 01? (2) 2.Quais so os outros recursos secundrios disponveis e para que eles servem? (3) 3.Cite um caso ou exemplo (do texto) em que o Google tenha sofrido crtica ou reclamao judicial. 4. Voc conhece algum caso que queira relatar? Qual foi o motivo da queixa ou crtica?



Exercises on the Present Perfect

1) What are the past participle forms for the top twenty irregular verbs? 1. go___________________ 11. know_____________________ 2. find__________________ 12. tell_______________________ 3. get ___________________ 13. send______________________ 4. put____________________ 14. build_____________________ 5. leave__________________ 15. think_____________________ 6. buy___________________ 16. say_______________________ 7. bring__________________ 17.have______________________ 8. be____________________ 18. take______________________ 9. lose___________________ 19. do_______________________ 10. pay___________________ 20. make_____________________

2) Complete the sentences with a verb from the list. Use have/has + past participle of the verb): break buy finish do go go lose paint read take

1. Are they still having dinner? No, they have finished. 2. I ________________________some shoes. do you want to see them? 3.Is Tom here? No, he _____________________to work. 4. ______________you______________the shopping? No, Im going to do it later. 5. Wheres your key? I dont know. I ______________________it. 6. Your house looks different. _____________you_______________it? 7. I cant find my umbrella. Somebody_________________________it. 8. Im looking for Sarah. Where ______________she_______________? 9. Look! Somebody _____________________the window. 10. Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks. I ___________________it. 3) Complete the sentences: 1. Jill is in London. She has been in London since Monday. 2. I know George very well. I_____________________him for a long time. 3. They are married. They____________________married since 1983. 4. Brian is ill. He ___________________ill for a week. 5. We live in this house. We ______________________here for ten years. 6. We are waiting for you. We _____________________waitng for you since 8 o clock. 7. Alice works in a bank. She_______________________in a bank for five years. 8. Im learning English. I __________________learning English for six months. 9. She has a headache. She_________________________a headache since she got up. 37


Save your brain!

Do we know how the brain works? Not yet, but were learning fast. Until the 17th century we considered the heart the organ of thinking. The 20th century saw serious neuroscience and psychology emerge. The 1990s were the Decade of the Brain. Many think this will be the Century of the Brain. Could we conceivably record memories, dreams and consciousness? Neurophilosophers cant agree. Physicalists say brain patterns resemble computer processing: so we could, theoretically, record them digitally and reproduce them. Others point out that the extended mind includes our body and our world. Thoughts include not only words and pictures, but also music, texture and smell. How can you record them? If you experience them, say the physicalists, you can experience them again. Can we read brains electronically? Not exactly. MRI and CAT scans allow us to study brains at work. We see the behavioural effects of damage to different brain areas and how we compensate. Researchers recently managed to read minds, using scans to predict answers to a yes/no question. We dont yet understand more complex correlations of thought and brain activity; but maybe we dont need to. You can drive a car, even repair it, without understanding all its mechanisms. Professor Theodore Berger of the University of Southern California is developing silicon implants to mimic the hippocampus, the part of the brain which creates memories. Would these chips cure memory disorders? Could they repair brains? Potentially. Researchers are racing to create Brain-computer Interfaces(BCI) chips to translate brain patterns into computer data and even send data back into the brain. Researchers wearing a special bio-cap have moved a computer cursor with their thoughts. Electrodes touching the brain itself give stronger signals. In 2004 Professor John Donoghue of Brown University(in the United States) implanted an electrode into Matthew Nagles brain; though paralysed, he has learned to open his email and operate his TV just by thinking. Whats next? With implantable chips, radio transmitters and miniature components, we may become cyborgs, interacting continuously with computer networks, while living our daily lives. Professor Neil Gershenfeld of MIT declares: In 20 years computers will be everywhere, embedded in our bodies by bioengineers. What are the advantages of a cyborg future, and the dangers? It would not only let us cheat in exams and TV quizzes, it might also allow the paralysed to walk, the mute to speak and the deaf to hear. Yet these exciting developments raise ethical questions: where will it end? Should we be testing such chips on people? Wim Wendersfilm Until the End of the World imagined people addicted to dream-recordings designed to cure Alzheimers. Remember the thought police in George Orwells 1984? What if somebody could access your downloaded mind, your dreams, your inner thoughts? By 2050 we would expect to download your mind into a machine, says Ian Pearson, British Telecoms futurologist, so when you die its not a major career problem. But would you want to live forever on a hard drive? (Speak Up n 263, p. 34-35)


1. Voc consegue decodificar o ttulo do texto? 2. De que formas voc pode fazer o que sugerido no ttulo? 3. Aps uma leitura rpida do texto, identifique sua idia geral: a. A tecnologia poder aliviar ou diminuir a sobrecarga de informao no crebro. ( ) b. A tecnologia ir substituir ou ajudar determinadas funes do crebro. ( ) c. A tecnologia ir auxiliar as pessoas a terem uma maior qualidade de vida e longevidade. ( ) 4. Identifique o significado das palavras a seguir, segundo o seu contexto: a. pattern(s) (2/4) b. resemble (2) c. allow (3/6) d. damage (3) e. touch(ing) (4) f. embedded (5) g. cheat (6) h. addict(ed) (7) __embutidos, inseridos, acoplados __aficcionado, viciado __padres __trapacear, colar __tocando, que tocam __dano, prejuzo, leso __parecer __permitir, possibilitar

5. Observe as frases a seguir e responda: 1. Could we conceivably record memories, dreams and consciousness? 2. we could, theoretically, record them digitally and reproduce them. 3. How can you record them? 4. Can we read brains electronically? a. Quais das frases acima expressam: possibilidade real e presente?_____________ b. Quais expressam possibilidade remota? _____________ 5. we may become cyborgs, interacting continuously with computer networks, while living our daily lives. 6. In 20 years computers will be everywhere, embedded in our bodies by bioengineers. 7. It would not only let us cheat in exams and TV quizzes... 8. Should we be testing such chips on people? c. Quais das frases expressam algo que previsvel?____________________________ d. Algo que recomendvel?__________________ e. Algo que possvel?_______________________ f. Retire outros exemplos de seu texto:_________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Sintetizando, os verbos _____________ /______________e _____________/_____________ expressam possibilidade em nvel mais ou menos remoto. Os verbos ____________e ____________expressam, entre outras idias, previso ou uma hiptese. Estes so alguns dos chamados VERBOS MODAIS, e no apresentam variao: I will/She will/They will I can/She can/They can, etc. 6. Responda em portugus, segundo o texto: 1. Qual a maior controvrsia entre os neuro filsofos e fisicalistas? 2. possvel ler o crebro eletronicamente? Justifique. 3. Quais so os 02 exemplos citados para o uso de chips em caso de disfunes cerebrais? 4. Aponte 01 aspecto positivo e 01 aspecto negativo da aplicabilidade desse tipo de tecnologia.



Exercises on modal verbs 1) Choose the best word or phrase: 1. Take an umbrella. It might rain later on. a. might rain b. must rain 2. Jim always goes on holiday to the same place. He ______________it there! a. might like b. must like 3. Paula isnt sure about the party. She _______________. a. must not come b. may not come 4. Lets ask Tim. He _______________the answer. a. might know b. cant know 5. I suppose that aliens ________________the earth. Anything is possible. a. cant visit b. could visit 6. Hello, you _______________George. Ive heard a lot about you! a. must be b. might be 7. That _____________Helens bike. Hers is green, and bigger than that. a. must be b. cant be 8. Ill try to finish, but I ______________enough time. a. cant have b. might not have 2) Choose the correct words underlined in each sentence: 1.We mustnt/dont have to go to school on Tuesday. Its a holiday. 2. In this country, you have to/should have an identity card. 3. Sorry, Im late. I must/ had to go to the doctors. 4. You dont have to/shouldnt eat so much chocolate. Its bad for you! 5. Im sorry, but Im not able to/dont have to meet you tomorrow. 6. You mustnt/dont have to leave the room without permission. 7. David is only ten, but he must/can play chess very well. 8. Where did you have to/must you go yesterday?



Preview 1) Liste os sistemas operacionais de que voc tem conhecimento: _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Skimming 2) No texto abaixo h um conjunto de informaes sobre os sistemas operacionais mais conhecidos no mercado. Veja se voc consegue identificar os nomes dos que faltam: __________________Developed by Microsoft Corp. for IBM PCs in 1981, it is a commandbased operating system, in which the users type in commands to perform a function. Its basic commands include: DIR, COPY and DEL. Macintosh (Apple) OS/2 It is a multitasking operating system. Most of its code is in the ROM chips, which contain routines to start up the computer, transfer data from disks to I/O devices and control the RAM space. In the mid-1980s, Microsoft and IBM cooperated to develop the OS/2 operating system. It was written in assembly language for singleprocessor systems. Technically, it is considered a very sophisticated operating system and a real multitasking one, because not only can it run several programs at the same time, but also one program can perform many tasks simultaneously.

__________________Its first version was written in 1969 by Ken Thompson at Bell Laboratories. It was rewritten in C by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie in 1973. Initially designed for minicomputers, it was thought to be a multitasking and multi-user system, but it has become an operating environment, available for any type of machines from PCs to supercomputers. _________________ The development of this operating system began in 1991 with a student called Linus Torvald. the major design goal of his project was to develop a UNIX-like system. He made the systems source code available on the Internet for free, as a result, the system project has had the collaboration by users from all over the world, corresponding. over the Internet. Windows NT This system was developed by Microsoft in 1988. It is a multitasking operating system for modern microprocessors and it is portable to other processor architectures. There are two versions of NT (New Technology): Windows NT Workstation and Server. They use the same operating system code, but NT Server is designed for clientserver applications. In its version 4.0, NT adopted the Windows 95 user interface and incorporated Internet web-server and browser software. 41

3) Que outras informaes voc poderia acrescentar aos dados acima?______________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Vocabulary 4) Retire do texto a palavra ou expresso correspondente a: 1. multitarefa______________________ 4. disponvel_____________________ 2. dispositivos_____________________ 5. meta__________________________ 3. ambiente________________________ 6. cdigo-fonte____________________ Grammar 5) Identifique a idia introduzida pelas palavras de ligao a seguir: 1. ...because not only can it run several programs at the same time, but also one program can perform many tasks simultaneously. a. comparao b. contraste c. complementao 2. He made the systems source code available on the Internet for free, as a result, the system project has had the collaboration by many users a. causa b. conseqncia c. concluso 6) Observe as frases abaixo e responda: 1. It (OS/2) was written in assembly language for single-processor systems. 2. It (UNIX) was thought to be a multitasking and a multi-user system. 3. This system (Windows NT) was developed by Microsoft in 1988. a. As formas sublinhadas so simples ou compostas?_________________________________ b. Que palavra se repete em todos os exemplos?_____________________________________ c. Essa palavra uma forma verbal. Que verbo esse?_________Em que tempo?__________ d. O segundo verbo est em que forma?___________________________________________ e. As formas verbais so ativas ou passivas?________________________________________ Agora observe outros exemplos e responda: 4. English is spoken as a second language by millions of people. 5. Penicillin was discovered by Fleming. 6. A new sports centre has been built in the area. 7. The project will be analysed next week.. 1. Qual frase se refere ao: a. passado?___________ b. presente?___________ c. futuro? ___________ 2. Qual a palavra usada para se referir ao agente, ou seja, a pessoa ou elemento que realizou a ao?________________________ 3. O que voc observa com relao s formas do verbo to be?________________________


4. Agora preencha o quadro a seguir: VERB TENSE Presente Simples: Presente Contnuo: Passado Simples: Presente Perfeito: Futuro: Modais: ACTIVE FORM analyse(s) am/is/are analysing analysed have/has analysed will analyse can/should analyse PASSIVE FORM _______________analysed __________ ____________ analysed ___________ ____________ analysed ___________ ____________ analysed ___________________ ____________ analysed __________________ ____________ analysed

5. Agora complete as frases abaixo. Observe as formas sublinhadas: 1. The police arrested fifteen people. Fifteen people were arrested by the police. 2. They have found little Jimmy safe and well. Little Jimmy_______________________________safe and well. 3. We plant hundreds of trees every year. Hundreds of trees_______________________________every year. 4. We will sell most tickets on the day of the match. Most tickets __________________________________on the day of the match. 5. They have discovered a new planet. A new planet____________________________________________________. 6. They grow coffee in Brazil. Coffee __________________________in Brazil. 7. A famous journalist wrote the book. The book _____________________________by a famous journalist. 8. Steven Spielberg directed that film. That film______________________________by Steven Spielberg. 9. They will build a new industrial complex in town. A new industrial complex _________________________________in town. Reading comprehension 7) Preencha o quadro a seguir de acordo com as informaes oferecidas pelo texto: Incio Responsvel Caractersticas



1) Circle the correct answer: 1. The children were took/taken/taking to the seaside for the day. 2. I was sending/sent/send here by the manager. 3. Kate is having her car service/servicing/serviced tomorrow. 4. Sue had her windows breaking/broken/broke by vandals. 5. David has been offer/offering/offered a new job in Brazil. 6. Where exactly were you born/did you born/did you bear? 7. Ive just had my bike repaired/repair/repairing.

2) Rewrite the sentence so that it means the same as the one before it: 1. The police questioned George. George was questioned by the police. 2. Millions of people watch this programme. This programme _________________________ 3. They will finish our house at the end of the month. Our house_______________________ 4. They have elected a new president. ____________________________________________ 5. They are rebuilding the damaged stadium. The damaged stadium_____________________ 6. Students write most of this magazine. Most of this magazine_________________________ 7. A burglar stole my television. My television______________________________________ 8. They have closed the mountain road. The mountain road____________________________



PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES 1) Usando o seu vasto conhecimento de programao, observe abaixo os trechos de alguns programas e coloque, ao lado de cada um deles, a linguagem em que foram escritos e a tarefa que executam. Se seus conhecimentos no forem to vastos assim, utilize as dicas fornecidas.


2) Agora leia as informaes sobre algumas linguagens de programao: Programming languages FORTRAN acronym for FORmula TRANslation. This language is used for solving scientific problems. It consists of algebraic formulae and English phrases. The first version of FORTRAN, FORTRAN I, was first introduced by IBM in 1956. FORTRAN II introduced the idea of independent compilation of subroutines, making it possible to establish libraries of scientific subroutines. COBOL- acronym for Common Business-Oriented language. It was introduced four years after FORTRAN in the USA. COBOL is written using English statements and is used for commercial purposes. A COBOL program is divided into four divisions (Identification, Environment, Data and Procedure Division), of which the most important are the DATA division and the PROCEDURE division. In the DATA division are defined the record structure of files and the working storage to be used. The PROCEDURE division is made up of statements grouped into sentences, paragraphs, and sections. BASIC- acronym for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was developed in the mid-1960s, in the United States. It is a general-purpose and easy-to-learn programming language used by students to learn how to program. This simplicity of BASIC made it natural choice as a programming language for programming personal computers. However, since almost every machine had its own dialect of BASIC, the programs werent readily portable. PASCAL-Pascal was designed to assist the teaching of programming as a school subject. For that reason, it incorporates the control structures necessary for structured programming such as sequence, selection, and repetition and data structures like arrays, records, files, and user-defined types. It is a basic language, with minimal options, but its efficiency makes it very powerful. C-This language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1970 to support the UNIX operating system. It is derived from a language called BCPL and a short-lived predecessor called B. C is a portable but very powerful general-purpose language. It is the preferred language for systems software development; much of MS/DOS and OS/2, and of course UNIX, is written in C. It is also very attractive to professional programmers for almost any programming task, because it combines the power of an assembly to address the machine hardware and to store variables in registers. This produces a faster and more efficient code. At the same time, it provides the data-structure and the fundamental control flow constructs such as decisionmaking, loops, and sub-programs of a modern and powerful high-level language. JAVA- introduced in late 1995, the Java programming language is an object-oriented language that is similar to C in terms of syntax. It is as powerful as C++, but less complex. It is a simple and easy language with which programmers can write robust codes and design bug-free programs. Aside from these features that make Java very popular with programmers, this language is considered to be portable, secure and efficient.


3) Identifique a idia introduzida pelas palavras de ligao sublinhadas abaixo, bem como sua traduo: 1. However, since almost every machine had its own dialect of BASIC, the programs werent readily portable. a. tempo(desde) b. causa(pelo fato de) c. adio (alm de) 2. Pascal was designed to assist the teaching of programming as a school subject. For that reason, it incorporates the control structures necessary for structured programming a. causa (devido a) b. concluso (portanto) c. consequncia (por isso) 3. incorporates the control structures necessary for programming such as sequence, selection, and repetition and data structures like arrays, records, files, and user-defined types. a. exemplificao (tais como) b. contraste (no entanto) c. comparao (como) 4. Aside from these features that make Java very popular with programmers, this language is considered to be portable, secure and efficient. a. complementao(alm de) b. contraste (ao contrrio de) c. causa(devido a) 4) Observe as frases a seguir e responda: a. It has the ability to address the machine hardware and to store variables in registers. This produces a faster and more efficient code. b. It (Java) is as powerful as C++, but less complex. 1. As palavras sublinhadas so: a. substantivos b. adjetivos c. advrbios 2. Essas palavras esto em relao de: a. complementao b. exemplificao c. comparao 3. A _____________________se forma de maneira diferente para os dois ________________ na frase a. Voc consegue identificar essa diferena?_________________________________ 4. E na letra b? Que tipo de _______________________ esse?________________________ Agora preencha o quadro a seguir: Adjetivos_______________ Adjetivos_______________ Adjetivo+sufixo -(i)er +than/ More+adjetivo+than/ The+adjetivo+sufixo -(i)est The+most+adjetivo Adjetivos_______________ good-better-the best bad-worse-the worst far-farther-the farthest further-furthest much/many-more-the most little/few-less/fewer-the least/the fewest B) Comparativos de igualdade/inferioridade: 1. o comparativo de igualdade se forma assim: _________+ adjetivo +___________ 2. o comparativo de inferioridade se forma de 02 maneiras: 47

a. not ___________+ adjetivo +____________ b. less + adjetivo +______________________ Agora complete as frases abaixo: C) Complete with the comparative form of the word in parentheses: 1. Getting up early on Friday is ______________________(easy) getting up early on Monday. 2. Running is _________________________________(bad) for your body than walking. 3. Istambul is ________________________________(hot) Rio de Janeiro. 4. Chinese is _________________________________(difficult) English. 5. Large cars are ______________________________(comfortable) small cars. D) Complete with the superlative form of the word in parentheses: 1.What was __________________ (bad) film this year? 2. Who is ______________________(tall) student in class? 3. Water rafting is one of _______________________________(exciting) sports I know. 4. Who is __________________________(good) actor in your opinion? 5. What country is __________________________(big) in area? Reading comprehension 5) Responda em portugus: 1. Qual a importncia da linguagem FORTRAN para o desenvolvimento das atuais linguagens de programao? 2. Quais as principais divises da linguagem COBOL e quais as suas funes? 3. Por que a linguagem BASIC, apesar da sua simplicidade, no pode ser considerada porttil? 4. O que que BASIC e Pascal tm em comum? 5. De que maneira a linguagem C combina vantagens de programao de baixo e alto nvel? 6. Qual a similaridade existente entre C e Java?



EXERCISES ON COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES 1) Complete with the correct comparative form: a.big__________________________ f. important______________________ b.happy________________________ g. dry____________________________ c. beautiful______________________ h. good___________________________ d. angry_________________________ i. hot______________________________ e. bad___________________________ j. expensive_________________________ 2) Rewrite the sentence so that it has the same idea: 1. Tim is older than Sarah. Sarah is younger than Tim. 2. Our house is larger than yours. Your house is_______________________(small) 3. Bill is not as tall as David. Bill is_________________________________(short). 4. Jacks marks are worse than mine. My marks ____________________________ Jacks. (good) 5. This book is cheaper than that one. That book is___________________________ this one. (expensive) 6. Your bike is slower than mine. My bike is _______________________________ (fast) 3) Complete with the correct superlative form: a. long_____________________________ f. bad____________________________ b. fit_______________________________ g. wide__________________________ c. funny____________________________ h. thick __________________________ d. terrible___________________________ i. nasty__________________________ e. good_____________________________ j. strange________________________ 4) Circle the correct form: 1. This is the better/best restaurant in the town. 2. This castle is one of the older/oldest in Europe. 3. Your hotel is more/most comfortable than ours. 4. This is the worse/worst holiday I have ever had! 5. Bill is the richer/richest person in the world. 6. George is happier/happiest than he was. 7. This film is more/most interesting than the other one. 8. The blue coat is cheaper/cheapest than the others. 5) Complete with the correct superlative form: 1. Its a very cheap restaurant. Its ______________________________________in town. 2. It was a very happy day. It was _______________________________________in my life. 3. Shes a very intelligent student. She____________________________________in the school. 4. It was a very bad experience. It was ____________________________in my life. 5. Hes a very dangerous criminal. He_________________________in the country. 49


1. Smart cards, robtica e realidade virtual so trs reas da computao em que os avanos tecnolgicos esto ocorrendo de forma muito rpida. Voc capaz de citar uma aplicao em cada uma dessas reas que seja de seu conhecimento? 2. Oua um especialista falando dos usos atuais e futuros da realidade virtual e preencha o quadro a seguir: Usos existentes Possveis usos futuros

3. Agora faa uma leitura dos trs textos abaixo e responda: a. Qual a tecnologia apresentada em cada um deles? _________________________________, ______________________________, _______________________________________________. b. Qual a sua aplicao?__________________________________, _____________________ ___________________________,_______________________________________________. c. Ela uma tecnologia: a. sendo utilizada atualmente__________________________________ b. a ser utilizada no futuro____________________________________.

Future developments Text A: SMART CARDS A chip to save your life

If your friend suddenly had an accident and was unconscious or incoherent, could you provide any information to an ambulance crew? Would you know her blood type, her allergies, the prescription drugs she takes? Probably not. Even family members may not have this information, or be distraught themselves to provide needed medical information. Enter the MediCard, a plastic card that has an embedded chip containing all that patient information. Small computers that can read the cards are installed in ambulances and in hospital emergency rooms. This system is working successfully in some communities. The biggest problem is making sure that people carry their cards at all times.

Text B: ROBOTICS What is a micro-machine?

One of the most important steps in computing technology in the coming years is likely to be a return to mechanical methods. Using the same process used to create chips, its possible to fabricate mechanical parts levers, gear wheels, and small motors. The best known example of a micro-machine was created by Sandia Laboratories in New Mexico in the U.S. Its a complete motor developing 50W of power in one square millimeter still a bit big for some of the micro-machines planned for the future. What are micro-machines going to be used for? Obvious applications are sensors, gyros, and drug delivery. The idea is that a micro-machine could have a strain sensor or a gyroscopic attitude sensor and electronics built into a single chip-sized package. The idea of using a micro-machine to deliver drugs is getting a bit closer to more sci-fi applications. Only 50

a step further is the idea of building insect-sized robots that could do difficult jobs in very small places. Swallowing an ant-sized machine to cure you or putting one inside some failed machinery seems like a really good idea!

Text C: VIRTUAL REALITY Getting practical

Here are some applications of virtual reality under development. Wearing head mounts, consumers can browse for products in a virtual showroom. From a remote location a consumer will be able to manoeuvre and view products along rows in a warehouse. Similarly, from a convenient office a security guard can patrol corridors and offices in remote locations. Air traffic controllers may someday work like this. Microlaser scanner glasses project computer-generated images directly into the controllers eyes, immersing the controller in a three-dimensional scene showing all the aircraft in the area. To establish voice contact with the pilot of the plane, the controller merely touches the planes image with a sensor-equipped glove. Using virtual reality headsets, doctors and medical students will be able to experiment with new procedures on simulated patients rather than real ones.
(From: GLENDINNING, Eric H. & McEWAN, John. Basic English for Computing. Oxford:OUP, 2003.)

4. Relacione o vocabulrio especfico, segundo o contexto: a.crew b.distraught c.levers d.gear wheels e. deliver(y) f. strain g. swallow(ing) h. fail(ed) i. head mounts j. manouevre k.row(s) l.warehouse m. aircraft n. glove __luva __manobrar, movimentar-se, circular __administrar, aplicar; aplicao __fileiras, prateleiras __armazm, depsito __aeronaves __capacetes __equipe __alavancas __falhar; falho, com defeito __engolir, ingerir __tenso __rodas dentadas __aturdidos, confusos

5.Retire do texto 02 exemplos de: 1. verbos modais que expressam possibilidade:______________________________ 2.verbos modais que expressam hiptese ou previso:________________________ 3.construes comparativas:____________________________________________ 4.construes passivas:________________________________________________ 6.Traduza as expresses a seguir com base nas preposies em destaque: 1. project computer-generated images directly into the controllers eyes ___________________________________________________________________ 2. use a virtual mouse to move around in virtual space. ___________________________________________________________________ 51

3. view products along rows in a warehouse. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. play an instrument, without having to learn it. ___________________________________________________________________ 7 .Responda em portugus, segundo o texto: 1. Como funciona o MedCard? 2. Qual seria a principal funo da robtica no corpo humano e nas mquinas? 3. Como funcionaria a realidade virtual no controle do trfego areo?


Anexos: Numbers 0 oh, nought, zero 21 twenty one / 21st twenty-first st 1 one- 1 first 22 twenty-two / 22nd : twenty-second nd 2 two- 2 second 23 twenty-three / 23rd : twenty-third 3 three- 3rd third 24 twenty-four / 24th : twenty-fourth th 4 four - 4 fourth 75 twenty-five / 25th : twenty-fifth th 5 five- 5 fifth 26 twenty-six / 26th : twenty-sixth th 6 six- 6 sixth 27 twenty-seven / 27th : twenty-seventh 7 seven- 7th seventh 28 twenty-eight / 28th : twenty-eighth th 8 eight 8 eighth 29 twenty-nine / 29th : twenty-ninth th 9 nine- 9 ninth 30 thirty / 30th : thirtieth th 10 ten- 10 tenth 40 forty / 40th: fortieth 11 eleven- 11th eleventh 50 fifty / 50th : fiftieth 12 twelve- 12th twelfth 60 sixty / 60th : sixtieth th 13 thirteen- 13 thirteenth 70 seventy / 70th : seventieth th 14 fourteen- 14 fourteenth 80 eighty / 80th : eightieth 15 fifteen- 15th fifteenth 90 ninety / 90th : ninetieth th 16 sixteen- 16 sixteenth 100 a/one hundred / 100th: a/one hundredth th 17 seventeen- 17 seventeenth 1, 000 a/one thousand / 1, 000th: a/one thousandth th 18 eighteen- 18 eighteenth 1,000,000 a/one million / 1,000 000th: a/one millionth 19 nineteen- 19th nineteenth 1, 000, 000, 000 a/one billion /1,000,000,000th: 20 twenty- 20th twentieth a/one billionth Remember that with years you dont use thousands: 1999 = nineteen ninety-nine 2002 = twenty hundred and two In the 60s
SIMPLE PRESENT To be afirmativa I You He She It We You They am (Im) are (Youre) is (Hes) is (Shes) is (Its) are (Were) are (Youre) are (Theyre) negativa am not are not(arent) is not (isnt) is not (isnt) is not(isnt) are not(arent) are not (arent) are not(arent) interrogativa Am I? Are you? Is he Is she ? Is it? Are we? Are you ? Are they?


b) To have afirmativa negativa interrogativa I have (have got- Ive got) dont have (havent got) Do I have? (Have I got?) You have (have got-Youve got) dont have (havent got) Do you have?(Have you got?) He has (has got-Hes got) doesnt have(hasnt got) Does he have?(Has he got?) She has (has got-Shes got) doesnt have (hasnt got) Does she have?(Has she got?) It has (has got-Its got) doesnt have(hasnt got) Does it have?(Has it got?) We have (have got-Weve got dont have (havent got) Do we have? (Have we got?) You have (have got-Youve got) dont have (havent got) Do you have ?(Have you got?) They have(have got-Theyve got) dont have(havent got) Do they have?(Have they got?) Auxiliares-modais (can, may, must, should, ought to, etc) Afirmativa I/you-he/she/it/we/you/they Negativa I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they Interrogativa CAN CAN sleep well. sleep sleep well? well.



Outros verbos -S : 3 pessoa do singular (he/she/it) da forma AFIRMATIVA I/you/we/they SLEEP well. He/she/it SLEEPS well. NEGATIVA I/you/we/they He/she/it DONT SLEEP DOESNT SLEEP



INTERROGATIVA I/you/we/they he/she/it


well. well ?

EXCEES: a) -ES : 3 pessoa singular:he-she-it) na forma AFIRMATIVA, verbos terminados por: -o: I go/ He goES/ He doesnt go/ Does he go? -s: I kiss/ He kissES/ He doesnt kiss/ Does he kiss? -sh: I brush/ He brushES/ He doesnt brush/ Does he brush? -ch: I watch/ He watchES/ He doesnt watch/ Does he watch? -x: I box/He boxEs/ He doesnt box/ Does he box? -z: It buzzES/ It doesnt buzz/ Does it buzz? -IES: I study/ He studIES/ He doesnt study/ Does he study?


PLURAL GENERAL RULE. -S: table-tables boy-boys EXCEPTIONS: 1. -ES -o: tomato-tomatoes* -sh: brush-brushes * BUT: piano-pianoS 2. -IES baby-babies girl-girls student-students book-books

-s: glass-glasses -x: box-boxes kilo-kiloS

-ch: church-churches photo-photoS dynamo-dynamoS country-countries grief-griefS proof-proofS


3. -F/-FE= -S ou -VES a. -S: chief-chiefS roof-roofS b. -VES: wife-wives

life,knife,wolf,self,calf,shelf,leaf,thief,half,loaf,sheaf wharf-wharfs or wharves hoof-hoofs or hooves louse-lice goose-geese

c. -S or -VES: scarf- scarfs or scarves

4. A few nouns form their plural by a vowel change. man-men mouse-mice tooth-teeth woman-women ox-oxen foot-feet child-children 5. Certain words are always singular. advice information baggage Mathematics/Ethics furniture


names of sciences:

6. Certain words are always plural. police-clothes-pyjamas-trousers-pants-glasses-scissors-binoculars 7. Original Greek or Latin. erratum-errata memorandum-memoranda crisis-crises basis- bases datum-data oasis-oases curriculum-curricula terminus-terminii

Compound nouns a.armchair-armchairs armful-armfuls ( words ending in ful) b. brother-in-law / brothers-in law (preposition) student-men students woman student-women students (man /woman prefixed) d. Initials: VIPs (Very important persons) UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects)


PRONOMES: Sujeito: I You He She It We You They Possessivos: Adjetivos: my your his her its our your their Demonstrativos: this/these that/those Objeto me you him her it us you them Reflexivos myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves Pronomes: mine yours his hers ours yours theirs Relativos: that who/whom which/of which whose

COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES (ADVERBS) EQUALITY: AS cold AS/ SO cold AS AS intelligent AS/ SO intelligent AS COMPARATIVE OF SUPERIORITY: Number of syllables: one: hottER THAN richER THAN two (stress on the 1st): prettIER THAN quietER THAN two or more than 2: MORE important THAN MORE comfortable THAN COMPARATIVE OF INFERIORITY: LESS clear THAN/ or NOT SO (as) clear AS LESS ridiculous THAN/ or NOT SO (as) ridiculous AS


SUPERLATIVE OF SUPERIORITY. Number of syllables: one: THE longEST THE oldEST THE fattEST two (stress on the 1st): THE simplEST THE earlIEST two and more than 2: THE MOST frequent THE MOST difficult THE MOST convenient SUPERLATIVE OF INFERIORITY: THE LEAST common THE LEAST capable IRREGULAR COMPARISON: good better the best bad worse the worst much more the most little less the least far farther/further the farthest/the furthest near nearer the nearest/the next old older/elder the oldest/the eldest late later/latter the latest/the last NOTE: FURTHER- additional- Give me further details about the accident. NEXT refers to order- Who will be the next to speak? ELDER and ELDEST are used with members of the same family. My eldest son is 14 years old. (elder is never used with THAN) My sister is older than I. LATTER (contrasted with FORMER)- the 2nd of two. Bach and Shakespeare were geniuses; the former was a composer, the latter a poet. LATEST - most recent- What is the latest news? LAST (contrasted with first)- final The last book he wrote was about the origin of the earth.


Linking words= conjunctions IDEA EXEMPLIFICATION as=like CONTRAST but, however=nonetheless=nevertheless, despite=in spite of=yet, on the one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary=in contrast to, COMPARISON same way ADDITION also=too=as well, in addition (to)=moreover=furthermore=apart from first(ly), second(ly), third(ly), then, next, after that, finally so=then, therefore=thus=hence, as a result, for that reason really=indeed, in fact=actually=as a matter of fact, certainly, do, does because (of)=due to=for, since=as in short=in brief=shortly=briefly=in summary=to sum up=summing up=in a word, thus=hence if=whether, unless=as long as=provided that, otherwise although=though=even though, even if, once that, whatever, wherever, whenever in order to, so that, so as to when, while, meanwhile, since, as, then, in the meantime, as soon as, once instead(of)=rather than like, similarly, likewise=in the LINKING WORD for example=for instance=e.g. namely, that is (to say)=i.e., such




Modal verbs AUXILIARES CAN COULD SIGNIFICADOS Habilidade - capacidade Possibilidade Permisso informal Habilidade no passado Possibilidade remota Permisso formal Possibilidade remotssima Possibilidade Permisso formal Futuro Vontade Pergunta corts Futuro (I - we) - Ing. Brit. Sugesto Oferecimento de ajuda Situaes condicionais/hipotticas Vontade, desejo Pergunta corts Ao habitual no passado Necessidade Obrigao imposta por quem fala Concluso lgica Proibio (negat.) Obrigao externa/ circunstancial Obrigao moral Conselho, recomendao Probabilidade Concluso lgica Obrigao moral Deduo lgica Conselho Obrigao externa/circunstancial Ausncia de obrigao Ousadia Ao habitual no passado EXEMPLOS I can drive a car./ He can speak French. He can meet you later. Can I use your phone? From my hotel room I could see the sea. I could go tomorrow. Could I use your phone? We might go to Europe next month. I may be late tonight. May I use your phone? I will see you later. I will do the work for you. Will you (please) help me? I shall leave soon. Shall we go? Shall I give you a hand? I would read it if I had time. I would like a cup of coffee, please. Would you give her a message? When he lived in New York, he would often visit her. People must eat in order to live. You must be back by 10 oclock. Its getting dark. It must be late. Youre ill. You mustnt swim. He has to work hard. You should pay all your expenses. You should leave now. If he should call, let me know. He was in England. He should speak English well. We ought to finish the work today. Our guests ought to be home by now. You ought to go to Paris. Need I answer that question? You dont need to pay me today. I dont suppose I need wear a coat. He doesnt dare (to) say anything. I used to drink beer; now I drink wine.






VOZ PASSIVA I CLEAN MY COMPUTER EVERY DAY. (voz ativa) MY COMPUTER IS CLEANED EVERY DAY. (voz passiva) VOZ PASSIVA= BE+PARTICPIO PASSADO PARTICPIO PASSADO: Verbo Regular: -D: liveD -ED: washED -IED: studIED Verbo Irregular: 3 forma do dicionrio is/are is/are being has/have been was/were The exercise (exercises) was/were being done every day. had been has/have to be will be would be must be may be might be can be could be should be ought to be etc NOTE: I have my computer cleaned every day. I was taught to repeat this exercise twice. The computer must be told, in detail, where to find the infomation.

Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect Future Simple Future Continuous Future Perfect

Mr. Brown teaches this class. Mr. Brown is teaching this class.


This class is taught by Mr. Brown. This class is being taught by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown has taught this class. This class has been taught by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown taught this class This class was taught by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was teaching this class. This class was being taught by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown had taught this class. This class had been taught by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown will teach this class. This class will be taught by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown will be teaching this This class will be being taught by class. Mr. brown. Mr. Brown will have taught this This class will have been taught by class. Mr. Brown.


Verb tenses
SIMPLE I speak PRESEN You speak T He speaks We speak They speak I spoke You spoke PAST He spoke We spoke They spoke I shall speak You will speak FUTURE He will speak We shall speak They will speak CONTINUOUS I am speaking You are speaking He is speaking We are speaking They are speaking I was speaking You were speaking He was speaking We were speaking They were speaking I shall be speaking You will be speaking He will be speaking We shall be speaking They will be speaking PERFECT I have spoken You have spoken He has spoken We have spoken They have spoken I had spoken You had spoken He had spoken We had spoken They had spoken I shall have spoken You will have spoken He will have spoken We shall have spoken They will have spoken PERFECT CONTINUOUS I have been speaking You have been speaking He has been speaking We have been speaking They have been speaking I had been speaking You had been speaking He had been speaking We had been speaking They had been speaking I shall have been speaking You will have been speaking He will have been speaking We shall have been speaking They will have been speaking



















FORMAO DE PALAVRAS I - SUFIXOS FORMADORES DE SUBSTANTIVOS 1Os sufixos mais comuns que formam substantivos de verbos so -er, -or e -ar, que significam a pessoa ou coisa que faz ou que est relacionada com. EXEMPLOS: worker (trabalhador) - do verbo to work navigator (navegador) - do verbo to navigate liar (mentiroso) - do verbo to lie 2Os sufixos -ist e -( i )an tambm so usados para indicar a pessoa por associao a certas coisas e lugares. 2.1 - O sufixo -ist indica que uma pessoa que estuda ou se aplica a geology (geologia) um geologist (gelogo); 2.2 - O sufixo -( i )an indica que uma pessoa que estuda e se aplica a : mathematics (matemtica) um mathematician (matemtico); music (msica) um musician (msico). 2.3 - Excees: Uma pessoa que aplica os estudos de engineering um engineer; architecture um architect; medicine um doctor ou physician. 3O sufixo - ion ( -ation, -ition) forma substantivos de verbos, significando o processo ou o resultado de. EXEMPLOS: action (ao) - do verbo to act addition (adio) - do verbo to add application (aplicao) - do verbo to apply 4As terminaes -ment, -ance, e -ence tambm so acrescentadas a verbos para formar substantivos que significam a ao de ou o resultado da ao de.EXEMPLOS: development (desenvolvimento) - do verbo to develop performance (desempenho) - do verbo to perform residence (residncia) - do verbo to reside 5Os sufixos - al e -age so igualmente usados para formar substantivos derivados de verbos com o significado de o ato de ou o resultado do ato de.EXEMPLOS: removal (remoo) - do verbo to remove reversal (inverso) - do verbo to reverse drainage (drenagem) - do verbo to drain 6Os sufixos - let, - ette, e -y formam diminutivos de substantivos. EXEMPLOS: booklet (livrete) - do substantivo) book cigarrete (cigarro) - do substantivo cigar daddy (papai) - do substantivo dad 7O sufixo -ess forma substantivos femininos. EXEMPLOS: actress (atriz) - de actor lioness (leoa) - de lion 8Os sufixos -hood, -ship, -dom e -ery formam substantivos com o significado de status, domnio, condio. EXEMPLOS: brotherhood ( irmandade) - do substantivo brother friendship (amizade) - do substantivo friend kingdom (reino) - do substantivo king nunnery (convento) - do substantivo nun 62

9O sufixo -ing forma substantivos e significa resultado de atividade ou atividade. EXEMPLOS: tubing (canalizao) - do verbo to tube learning (saber, erudio) - do verbo to learn happening (acontecimento) - do verbo to happen 10 - O sufixo -ful forma substantivos com o significado de a quantidade contida em. EXEMPLOS: mouthful (bocado) - do substantivo mouth spoonful (colherada) - do substantivo spoon 11 - Os sufixos -ness e -ity formam substantivos abstratos de adjetivos. EXEMPLOS: greatness (grandeza) - do adjetivo great usefulness (utilidade) - do adjetivo useful activity (atividade) - do adjetivo active probability (probabilidade) - do adjetivo probable II - SUFIXOS FORMADORES DE ADJETIVOS 1Os sufixos -ful e -less. 1.1 - O sufixo - ful forma adjetivos de substantivos, significando cheio de ou que tem. EXEMPLOS: faithful (fiel) - do substantivo faith useful (til) - do substantivo use 1.2 - Alguns desses mesmos substantivos formam adjetivos com o significado exatamente oposto, pelo acrscimo do sufixo -less. EXEMPLOS: faithless (infiel) - do substantivo faith useless (intil) - substantivo use 1.3- Uma quantidade razovel de palavras admite ambos os sufixos. EXEMPLOS: harmful (prejudicial) - harmless (inofensivo) thankful (grato) - thankless (ingrato) 1.4 - No entanto, h palavras que s admitem um dos sufixos. EXEMPLOS: frightful (assustador), mas no frightless noiseless (silencioso), mas no noiseful 2O sufixo -able ( -ible) acrescentado a verbos ou substantivos para formar adjetivos, significando o que pode ser. EXEMPLOS: avoidable - que pode ser evitado (avoided) considerable - que pode ser considerado (considered), isto , considervel permissible - que pode ser permitido (permitted), isto , permissvel. OBSERVAO: A forma -ible j est incorporada a algumas palavras inglesas. EXEMPLOS: poss(ible), vis(ible), leg(ible). 3Os sufixos -y e -ly geralmente so acrescentados a substantivos para formar adjetivos, significando que tm a qualidade ou a aparncia de . EXEMPLOS: greasy (gorduroso) - do substantivo grease salty (salgado) - do substantivo salt fatherly paterno) - do substantivo father weekly (semanal) - do substantivo week OBSERVAO: O sufixo -ly, quando acrescentado a adjetivo, forma advrbios em -mente. really. 63

4 O sufixo -ive acrescentado a verbos para formar os adjetivos correspondentes . EXEMPLOS: destructive (destrutivo) - do verbo to destroy relative (relativo) - do verbo to relate 5O sufixo -worthy acrescentado a substantivos para formar adjetivos, significando dignos de ou adequados a. EXEMPLO: praiseworthy (digno de louvor ) - do substantivo praise 6O sufixo -ous acrescentado a substantivos abstratos para formar os adjetivos correspondentes. EXEMPLOS: ambitious (ambicioso) - do substantivo ambition erroneous (errneo) - do substantivo error virtuous (virtuoso) - do substantivo virtue 7O sufixo -ed acrescentado a substantivos ou sintagmas nominais para formar adjetivos, significando feitos de ou tendo a preferncia ou as caractersticas de. EXEMPLOS: pointed (ponteagudo) - do substantivo point wooded (de madeira) - do substantivo wood blue-eyed (de olhos azuis) - do sintagma nominal blue eyes 8Os sufixos -like, -some e -worthy. 8.1 - O sufixo - like acrescentado a substantivos para formar adjetivos, significando pessoas ou animais(e s vezes objetos) que se parecem com ou que tem as caractersticas de. EXEMPLOS: boxlike (parecido com caixa) - do substantivo box catlike (com caractersticas de gato) - do substantivo cat 8.2 - O sufixo -some acrescentado a verbos ou substantivos para formar adjetivos, significando que causam ou provocam. EXEMPLO: tiresome (cansativo) - do verbo to tire 9Os sufixos -ed e -ing so acrescentados a verbos para formar adjetivos, o primeiro significando o que recebe a ao do verbo correspondente e o ltimo o que realiza a ao do verbo correspondente. EXEMPLOS: charmed (encantada) - charming (encantadora) - do verbo to charm frightened (assustado) - frightening (assustador) - do verbo to frighten relaxed (relaxado) - relaxing (relaxante) - do verbo to relax III - SUFIXOS FORMADORES DE VERBOS A formao de verbos por sufixao relativamente pequena em ingls. So sufixos verbais. 1-ify, que se acrescenta a substantivos e adjetivos. EXEMPLOS: beautify (embelezar) - do substantivo beauty codify (codificar) - do substantivo cody NOTA: Em alguns casos, a raiz sofre alterao. Exemplo clear (do latim clarus) 64

+ -ify = clarify (clarear). 2-ize ( -ise: alternativa ortogrfica no ingls britnico), que se acrescenta a substantivos e adjetivos. EXEMPLOS: concretize (concretizar) - do substantivo concrete symbolize (simbolizar) do substantivo symbol 3-en, que se acrescenta a adjetivos.EXEMPLOS: deafen (ensurdecedor) - adjetivo deaf lessen (minimizar) - do adjetivo less ripen (amadurecer) - do adjetivo ripe FORMAO DE PALAVRAS POR PREFIXAO I - PREFIXOS NEGATIVOS 1O prefixo un- ( significa o oposto de, no quando acrecentado a adjetivos). EXEMPLOS: unable (incapaz) - do adjetivo able unexpected (inesperado) - do adjetivo expected unsuccessful (mal sucedido) - do adjetivo succesful uninteresting (desinteressante) - do adjetivo interesting 2O prefixo in-( il- antes de / l /, im- antes de labiais e ir- antes de / r /) tambm significa o oposto de , no quando acrescentado a adjetivos . Ocorre com maior freqncia com palavras de origem latina. EXEMPLOS: Indifferent (indiferente) - do adjetivo different Illogical (ilgico) - do adjetivo logical Immovable (imvel) - do adjetivo movable Irrelevant (irrelevante) - do adjetivo relevant 3O prefixo dis- torna igualmente negativos adjetivos, verbos e substantivos abstratos. EXEMPLOS: dishonest (desonesto) - do adjetivo honest disobedience (desobedincia) - do substantivo obedience disloyal (desleal) - do adjetivo loyal disobey (desobedecer) - do verbo to obey 4O prefixo non- pode ser considerado como correspondente negao da palavra ou expresso. EXEMPLOS: non-conformist (dissidente, o que no se conforma) non-scientific (o que no cientfico) nonsense (o que no tem sentido) non-smoker (a pessoa que no fuma) 5O prefixo a- normalmente significa falta de. EXEMPLOS: acephalous (acfalo) assymetry (assimetria) amoral (amoral) amorphous (amorfo) 65

II - PREFIXOS REVERSATIVOS 1O prefixo un- significa reverter a ao ou privar de quando acrescentado a verbos. EXEMPLOS: unbutton (desabotoar - do verbo to button undo (desfazer) - do verbo to do untie (desamarrar) - do verbo to tie 2O prefixo de- pode ser acrescentado a verbos ou substantivos abstratos, significando reverter a ao de. EXEMPLOS: defrost (degelar) - do verbo to frost devalue (desvalorizar) - do verbo to value 3O prefixo dis-, quando acrescentado a verbos, particpios e substantivos, significa reverter a ao ou privar de. EXEMPLOS: connect (ligar) - disconnect (desligar) infect (infetar - desinfect (desinfetar) III - PREFIXOS PEJORATIVOS 1O prefixo mis-. 1.1 - O prefixo mis-, quando acrescentado a verbos e particpios, significa que a ao realizada, porm de maneira errnea. EXEMPLOS: miscalculate (calcular mal) misunderstood (mal-interpretado) misleading (que desorienta) misrule (administrar mal) 1.2 - O prefixo mis- tambm acrescentado a substantivos abstratos formados a partir dos verbos correspondentes. compare: disbelief (descrena) misbelief ( crena, mas de maneira errnea) 2O prefixo mal- somado a adjetivos, particpios, verbos e substantivos abstratos correspondentes, acrescentando a idia de erro ao seu significado. malediction (maldio) malformed (mal formado) 3O prefixo pseudo- acrescentado a substantivos e adjetivos, transmitindo a idia de falsidade, imitao.EXEMPLOS: pseudo-intellectual (pseudo intelectual) pseudo-scientific (pseudo-cientfico) IV - PREFIXOS DE GRAU OU TAMANHO So prefixos que indicam grau ou tamanho: arch-, super-, out-, sur-, sub-, over-, under-, hyper-, ultra-, mini-. archbishop (arcebispo) oversimplify (simplificar demais) supernatural ( sobrenatural) underprivileged (desprivilegiado) outgrow (crescer alm da conta) hypersensitive (hipersensvel) surcharge (cobrar demais) ultra-violent ( ultra-violento) substandart (de padro inferior) mini-skirt (minissaia) V - PREFIXOS DE ATITUDE So prefixos que indicam atitude ou comportamento: co-, counter-, anti-, pro.EXEMPLOS: cooperate (cooperar) - antibody (anticorpo) 66

coworker (colaborador, colega de trabalho) - anti-social ( anti-social) counteract (reagir contra) - pro-Americam (pro-americano) counter-revolution (contra-revoluo) - pro-Common Market ( pro-mercado comum) VI - PREFIXOS DE LUGAR So prefixos que indicam lugar ou locao: super-, sub-, inter-, trans-. superintendent (superintendente) intercontinental (intercontinental) superstructure (superestrutura) international (internacional) subconscious (subconsciente) transatlantic (transatlntico) subdivide (subdividir) transplant (transplante) VII - PREFIXOS DE TEMPO E SEQNCIA So prefixos que indicam tempo e seqncia: fore -, pre -, post -, ex -, re -. 1O prefixo fore- acrescentado sobretudo a verbo, podendo tambm ser acrescentado a substantivos abstratos. Significa antes de. foreshadow (pressagiar, prenunciar) foretell (predizer) 2O prefixo pre- acrescentado a substantivos - sobretudo para formar adjetivos - a verbos e a adjetivos, significando tambm antes de. EXEMPLOS: pre-marital (antes do casamento) pre-war antes da guerra) 3O prefixo post- acrescentado a substantivos, sobretudo para formar adjetivos, e a adjetivos.EXEMPLOS: post-classical (ps-clssico) post-war (ps-guerra) 4O prefixo ex- acrescentado a substantivos que se referem a pessoas, significando anterior, antigo, ex.EXEMPLOS: ex-husband (ex-marido) ex-president (ex-president) 5O prefixo re- acrescentado sobretudo a verbos e substantivos abstratos, significando repetio.EXEMPLOS: rebuild (reconstruir) reuse(usar de novo) VIII - PREFIXOS DE QUANTIDADE O ingls usa prefixos gregos e latinos para expressar quantidade. 1uni-, mono-, significando um: unilateral (unilateral) monorail (unisex) unisex monoteism 2bi-, d -, significando dois: (bifocal) bifocal dichotomy bilingual (bilngue) dimeter 3tri-,significandotrs: (caminho de ferro com um s trilho) (monotesno)

(dicotomia) (dmetro)

(triciclo) tricycle trident (tridente) 4mult -, pol -, significando muitos: (poligamia) multi-national (multi-nacional) polygamy (multi-racial) multi-racial polysyllabic (polissilbico) IX - OUTROS PREFIXOS auto-, neo-, pan-, proto-, semi-, vice-. 1auto - (de si mesmo, prprio, auto): autobiography (autobiografia) autosuggestion (auto-sugesto) 67


neo- (novo)

neo-classicism (neoclassicismo) neo-Ghotic (neogtico) 3pan- (todo) pan-African (pan-africano) pan-American (pan-americano) 4proto- (primeiro,original): proto-Germanic (proto-germnico) prototype prottipo 5semi- (meio,metade): semi-circle (semi-crculo) semi-darkness (semi-escurido) 6vice- (vice) vice-admiral (vice-almirante) vice-president (vice-presidente) LISTA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES
INFINITIVE bet bid burst cast cost cut hit hurt knit let offset put quit read rid set shed shut split spread sweat thrust SIMPLE PAST TENSE PAST PARTICIPLE bet bid burst cast cost cut hit hurt knit let offset put quit read rid set shed shut split spread sweat thrust bet bid burst cast cost cut hit hurt knit let offset put quit read rid set shed shut split spread sweat thrust TRANSLATION apostar oferecer explodir lanar custar cortar bater, atingir ferir, magoar tricotar deixar, permitir compensar, balanar pr, colocar abandonar ler livrar-se, desocupar pr, fixar, arrumar derramar fechar dividir, quebrar espalhar suar empurrar

Classe I (todas as formas iguais):

Classe II (infinitivo igual ao passado simples)


beat beat beaten Classe III (infinitvo igual ao particpio passado) INFINITIVE SIMPLE PAST TENSE PAST PARTICIPLE


become became become come came come overcome overcame overcome run ran run Classe IV(passado simples igual ao particpio passado) INFINITIVE awake behold bend bind bite bleed breed bring build burn buy catch cling creep deal dig dream dwell feed feel fight find flee fling forbear get grind hang have hear hold keep kneel lay lead lean leap learn leave lend light SIMPLE PAST TENSE awoke,awaked beheld bent bound bit bled bred brought built burnt bought caught clung crept dealt dug dreamt (dreamed) dwelt fed felt fought found fled flung forbore got ground hung had heard held kept knelt laid led leant leapt learnt (learned) left lent lit PAST PARTICIPLE awoke,awaked beheld bent bound bit bled bred brought built burnt bought caught clung crept dealt dug dreamt (dreamed) dwelt fed felt fought found fled flung forbore got (ten) ground hung had heard held kept knelt laid led leant leapt learnt (learned) left lent lit

tornar-se vir, aproximar-se vencer, superar correr, administrar

TRANSLATION despertar contemplar curvar, submeter unir, enfaixar, contratar morder sangrar procriar, criar trazer construir queimar comprar pegar, apanhar, agarrar grudar, aderir arrastar-se, rastejar negociar, distribuir, tratar cavar sonhar morar alimentar, suprir sentir lutar, combater achar, encontrar fugir lanar, arremessar abster-se ganhar, obter, conseguir moer, triturar pendurar, suspender ter, possuir ouvir segurar, manter, conter guardar, manter, ficar ajoelhar pr, colocar, ordenar, conduzir, guiar, comandar apoiar, encostar pular aprender deixar, sair, abandonar emprestar acender, iluminar


lose lost make made mean meant meet met pay paid read read rend rent say said seek sought sell sold send sent shine shone shoot shot sit sat sleep slept slide slid smell smelt speed sped spell spelt spend spent spoil spoilt (spoiled) spill spilt (spilled) spin spun spit spat, spit stand stood stick stuck sting stung strike struck sweep swept swing swung teach taught tell told think thought understand understood weep wept win won wind wound wring wrung Classe V (todas as formas diferentes) INFINITIVE arise be bear begin bite blow break choose do SIMPLE PAST TENSE arose was/were bore began bit blew broke chose did

lost made meant met paid read rent said sought sold sent shone shot sat slept slid smelt sped spelt spent spoil (spoiled) spilt (spilled) spun spat, spit stood stuck stung struck swept swung taught told thought understood wept won wound wrung

perder fazer, produzir, fabricar significar, tencionar encontrar pagar ler rasgar, despedaar dizer buscar vender enviar, remeter brilhar atirar assentar-se dormir escorregar cheirar apressar-se, despachar soletrar gastar, passar estragar, destruir derramar girar cuspir ficar de p, sustentar colar, espetar ferrar bater, atingir varrer balanar ensinar dizer, contar pensar entender, compreender chorar, lamentar-se vencer dar corda torcer, espremer

PAST PARTICIPLE arisen been born (borne) begun bitten blown broken chosen done

TRANSLATION subir, surgir, resultar ser, estar sustentar, suportar, produzir comear, iniciar morder soprar quebrar, interromper escolher fazer, executar, efetuar


draw drink drive eat fall fly forbid forget forgive forsake freeze give go grow hide know lie melt mow ring ride rise rot see saw sew shake shear sing sink slay sow speak spring steal stink swear swim take tear thrive throw undergo wear weave write

drew drank drove ate fell flew forbade forgot forgave forsook froze gave went grew hid knew lay melted mowed rang rode rose rotted saw sawed sewed shook shore sang sank slew sowed spoke sprang stole stank swore swam took tore throve threw underwent wore wove wrote

drawn drunk driven eaten fallen flown forbidden forgotten forgiven forsaken frozen given gone grown hidden known lain molten mown rung ridden risen rotten seen sawn sewn shaken shorn sung sunk slain sown spoken sprung stolen stunk sworn swum taken torn thriven thrown undergone worn woven written

desenhar, arrastar beber, embriagar-se dirigir, impelir, guiar comer cair voar proibir esquecer perdoar renunciar gelar, congelar dar, conceder ir crescer, cultivar, criar, produzir esconder saber, conhecer deitar-se, jazer, estar ou ficar em posio horizontal derreter ceifar,cortar grama tocar, soar, anunciar montar, andar de subir, aumentar, crescer, levantar-se apodrecer ver, enxergar serrar costurar mexer, sacudir, agitar tosquiar cantar afundar arruinar, destruir semear falar jorrar, pular roubar, furtar cheirar mal blasfemar, praguejar, jurar nadar tomar, pegar, levar rasgar prosperar atirar, arremessar sofrer, suportar, passar por, submeter-se a usar, vestir tecer escrever


PREPOSITIONS PREPOSIES: AT, BY, FOR, IN, ON e TO: AT : indica local ou residncia em uma rua quando o nmero mencionado: Ex.: I live at Rua Dr. Constantino Paleta, 50/1301. indica hora: Ex.: He arrived at 10 o clock. indica momento: at noon, midday at night at midnight at this moment at Christmas ( Obs.: On Christmas day) at Easter (Obs.: on Easter Sunday) BY indica meio de transporte: Ex.: He travelled by plane. significa sozinho: Ex.: We went to Rio by ourselves. significa aproximadamente: Ex.: She finished all her job by 9 o clock p.m. FOR significa durao de tempo: Ex.: She studied for three hours. significa em troca de : Ex.: I sold my car for little money. significa em lugar de: Shall I finish the exercise for you? significa para: This book is for you. significa por causa de: Ex.: Everybody works for money. IN indica lugar: Ex.: He lives in Juiz de Fora. (in Minas Gerais, in Brazil) significa dentro de: Ex.: Shes in the classroom now. indica perodo de tempo: in the morning in the afternoon in the evening com meses do ano: Ex.: in January em referncia a nos: Ex.: In 1999... em referncia s estaces do ano: Ex.: In the summer/winter/fall (autumn)/spring indica durao de tempo: Ex.: He will do this work in four days,


ON significa sobre: Ex.: The book is on the table. antes de dias da semana: Ex.: On Monday/ Sunday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday indica a rua do local ou residncia (sem o nmero) Ex.: I live on Dr. Constantino Paleta Street. TO significa para com: Ex.: He is always kind to his parents. significa at: He worked from 2 to 9. significa objetivo (seguido de verbo): He came here to study. significa movimento em direo a: Ex.: Bring this book to me.


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