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Climate change has always been a very hot topic of discussion for the past few years, many

people has felt that people of our age, the youths, play a huge role in curbing climate change. Climate change now becomes something that is irreversible, it is actually our generations role to prevent the further worsening of the situation and create a better living condition for our next generation to live in. I am convinced that climate change, and what we do about it, will define us, our era, and ultimately the global legacy we leave for future generations. We hold the future in our hands. Together, we must ensure that our grandchildren will not have to ask why we failed to do the right thing, and let them suffer the consequences. said by Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations. From this, we can clearly see that youths of our age do have a huge and important role to play when it comes to curbing the climate change. There are three ways we can do, innovating new ideas, doing our own part and also self-initiate organizations. Firstly, youth of our age, can definitely help to innovate new ideas on dealing with climate change, such as creating new products and ways to help the environment, reduce carbon emission. Although, many would say that youth at our age may not be mature enough to do a part in helping the environment and reducing carbon emission, this is not true. We youths can be very creative in coming up new ideas on how to save the environment and curbing climate change. For example, a 16 year old, Ontario, Canada high school student, Daniel Burd, who got tired of dealing with those now-being-banned thin plastic bags and decided to do something about it. Taking this as his science fair project, he worked to find a way to speed up plastics decomposition rate estimated to take around 1,000 years to a much more rapid timeframe. Eventually, he came up with a formula that speeds up the decomposition process. This resulted in hastening the process to an estimated 3-month breakdown period a dramatic breakthrough. Although, what he did was not really curbing the climate change, but he helped to save the environment, shows that youth nowadays are very conscious of the environment. Also, this shows that people of our age is very capable of coming up new ideas and solutions curbing the environmental and climate change issues, even ideas that grown-ups may not have thought about it. There is an amazing amount of creativity and innovation going on with products created by youths that successfully address some issue or problem related to our environment and climate change. From building materials that help homes save significantly on heating expenses to a prototype revolving door that generates electricity to power the lobby of a building, creativity from youths are definitely playing a role in curbing the environmental and climate change issues. Secondly, we can also do a part ourselves to help to curb the climate change issues. Global warming and climate change is not an issue that we should wait for something to happen, but rather is an issue that we must take the very first stepping in helping to curb the climate change. What could be more important than the future of our world? As young people, we have the most at stake, so we should be stepping up to our roles as the major stakeholders and stand up for the kind of future we want. -PauPau, TakingITGlobal member, Philippines. It is very true that we youths should start doing our own part in shaping a better future for our children and the next

generation, creating a much cleaner and greener environment for them. There are several small acts that we can start with ourselves to curb the climate change, mainly to reduce carbon emission. Firstly, we as youths should walk or cycle more often instead of using private cars to transport us from one place to another. For example, going to school, we could cycle to school instead of having our parents use their private cars to send us there. Also, in this way, we get to help reduce the carbon emission through cars, help saving the environment, also we get to exercise and become more physically fit. This way would be killing two birds with one stone. Besides walking and cycling, we can also choose to take public transport instead of using our parents private car, so to help reduce carbon emission from car. Secondly, we can also convince our parents to switch to more energy friendly cars that use biofuel or electricity, that would not produce as much carbon as the convention fuel-powered cars. We can also use this chance to plant more trees around our houses, campus, so as to make the city greener. Besides all of these, saving electricity is also another major way we could help to reduce carbon emission. This is because in several electricity stations, they often burn fossil fuels to produce electricity, this way they release a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide into the air, worsening the climate change. Thus, through following these tips, we can create a better future for ourselves and our children. Lastly, youths like us can form self-initiated organizations in schools and communities that can do a part to curb the climate change. Although many people doubt the abilities of youths in forming organizations that will change peoples lifestyles and help curbing global warming, our strength is not to be underestimated. We are the next generation of pillars in our countries; we definitely have the abilities to form organization that can in some extent affect the mindsets of people and help to curb the climate change. For example, Anna Rose, an Australian student, founded an environmental group at her high school, Anna got involved with the environmental collective at the University of Sydney. In 2005, she convened the Australian Student Environment Network (ASEN), with a focus on starting a nation-wide campus clean energy campaign. The following year, she founded the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) to mobilize youth in the struggle for climate justice and a clean energy future. The AYCC is open to all organizations with significant youth leadership or involvement, and all young Australians passionate about stopping our climate crisis. Uniting a diversity of youth organizations and individual youth (with a combined membership of over 200,000) in action at all levels from local to international, the Coalition focuses on educating young people about climate change and mobilizing them to take action. Another key aim is to have youth recognized as stakeholders in climate policy formation. This shows that youths are totally capable to organize self-initiated organizations that can do a part in changing and curbing the climate change. In conclusion, we youths do play a very huge part in helping to curb the climate change that is very prominent now. If we all can do our part and have the mindsets that the future is in our hands and we are those that can shape the future, we would acquire great strength in curbing climate change.

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