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Knit Using Bulky or 5-weight yarn about 100 yards and Size US 10 .5 Circular
Abbreviations: k1b: knit one stitch in the row below the one you are currently knitting k2tog: knit 2 stitches together Cast on 55 stitches, place marker and join, taking care to not twist your stitches. Work in K3, P2 ribbing for 1 - 2 inches, depending on your taste. Row 1: *k3, p2*; repeat around Repeat Row 1 as many times as needed Finish: Rose Stitch Pattern: Row 1: *p1, k1*; repeat around (for the rst working ONLY, end with a k2tog, instead of k1) Row 2: *k1b, k1*; repeat around Row 3: *k1, p1*; repeat around Row 4: *k1, k1b*; repeat around
Carolyn Rose Pattern Robin Agar - Celli 2012

Repeat Rows 1 - 4 until the piece measures 7.5 to 8 inches, again, depending on your taste.

Decrease Crown: Row 1: *k4, k2tog*; repeat across Row 2: *k3, k2tog*; repeat across Row 3: *k2, k2tog*; repeat across Row 4: *k1, k2tog*; repeat across

Cut working yarn, leaving a 6-inch tail. Draw the tail through the stitches remaining on your needles and cinch tightly. Secure and weave in ends. After making this hat, if you're not donating it to someone, please do something for someone else to honor Carolyn's memory.

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