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A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

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Android Tutorial 3: Custom Audio Streaming with MediaPlayer

Published April 4, 2008 Android , Tutorials 243 Comments Tags: Android, audio, google, media, mediaplayer, stream, tutorial, video

Introduction NOTE: This tutorial was written for Android v1.0. I have just updated the Android streaming media player tutorial/code to v1.5 (Cupcake) with some additional information on the updated code. You should read that post as well as this one. This is a long tutorial, but for those of you that have been struggling with streaming of .mp3 audio to Googles Androids MediaPlayer, then I hope this tutorial proves useful as you finalize your entries into Googles Android Challenge This tutorial will show how to roll your own streaming audio utility for Androids MediaPlayer. We will buffer 10 seconds of audio and start playing that audio while the rest of the audio loads in the background. We store the streamed audio locally so you could cache it on device for later use or simply let it be garbage collected. Heres the source code for those that just want to jump in. Youll also notice code for the other tutorials as I didnt have time to strip them out. Here are a few screenshots of what well be creating:

Basic Layout The tutorial consists of just two classes:

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Tutorial3: Contains the UI layout and process button clicks StreamingMediaPlayer: Connects to the server, downloads audio into the buffer, and controls the functionality to ensure the audio continues to play seamlessly. Well assume you know about UI layout using Androids XML resource files and will instead jump right into the audio streaming code. Start Your Streaming Upon clicking the Start Streaming button, Tutorial3 creates an instance of StreamingMediaPlayer. new StreamingMediaPlayer(textStreamed, playButton, streamButton,progressBar); All UI elements are passed to StreamingMediaPlayer so it can perform UI update itself. In a more robust implementation, StreamingMediaPlayer would fire relevant update events and Tutorial3 would handle the UI updates. For simplicity & cleaner code in this tutorial however, StreamingMediaPlayer will be directly updating the UI. Tutorial3 then calls StreamingMediaPlayer.startStreaming(): audioStreamer.startStreaming(,1444, 180); Three variables are passed to startStreaming(): a url for the media to stream (link to an .mp3 file in this tutorial), the length in kilobytes of the media file, and the lenght in seconds of the media file. These last two values will be used when updating the progress bar. AudioStreamer.startStreaming() creates a new thread for streaming the content so we can immediately return control back to the user interface. public void startStreaming(final String mediaUrl, long mediaLengthInKb, long mediaLengthInSeconds) throws IOException { this.mediaLengthInKb = mediaLengthInKb; this.mediaLengthInSeconds = mediaLengthInSeconds; Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { downloadAudioIncrement(mediaUrl); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), Initialization error for fileUrl= + mediaUrl, e); return; }
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

} }; new Thread(r).start(); } Incremental Media Download This is where the magic happens as we download media content from the the url stream until we have enough content buffered to start the MediaPlayer. We then let the MediaPlayer play in the background while we download the remaining audio. If the MediaPlayer reaches the end of the buffered audio, then we transfer any newly downloaded audio to the MediaPlayer and let it start playing again. Things get a little tricky here because: (a) The MediaPlayer seems to lock the file so we cant simply append our content to the existing file. (b) Pausing the MediaPlayer to load the new content takes awhile so we only want to interrupt it when absolutely necessary. (c) Accessing the MediaPlayer from a separate thread causes it to crash. So with those caveats in mind, heres the method that bufferes the media content to a temporary file: public void downloadAudioIncrement(String mediaUrl) throws IOException { // First establish connection to the media provider URLConnection cn = new URL(mediaUrl).openConnection(); cn.connect(); InputStream stream = cn.getInputStream(); if (stream == null) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), Unable to create InputStream for mediaUrl: + mediaUrl); } // Create the temporary file for buffering data into downloadingMediaFile = File.createTempFile(downloadingMedia, .dat); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(downloadingMediaFile); // Start reading data from the URL stream byte buf[] = new byte[16384]; int totalBytesRead = 0, incrementalBytesRead = 0; do { int numread =; if (numread <= 0) { // Nothing left to read so quit break;
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

} else { out.write(buf, 0, numread); totalBytesRead += numread; incrementalBytesRead += numread; totalKbRead = totalBytesRead/1000; // Test whether we need to transfer buffered data to the MediaPlayer testMediaBuffer(); // Update the status for ProgressBar and TextFields fireDataLoadUpdate(); } } while (true); // Lastly transfer fully loaded audio to the MediaPlayer and close the InputStream fireDataFullyLoaded(); stream.close(); } Whats up with testMediaBuffer()? So if you were paying attention, an important piece of functionality must reside in the testMediaBuffer() method. Youre right. Thats the method where we determine whether we need to transfer buffered data to the MediaPlayer because we have enough to start the MediaPlayer or because the MediaPlayer has already played out its previous buffer content. Before we jump into that, please take note that interacting with a MediaPlayer on non-main UI thread can cause crashes so we always ensure we are interacting with the UI on the main-UI Thread by using a Handler when necessary. For example, we must do so in the following method because it is being called by the media streaming Thread. private void testMediaBuffer() { // Well place our following code into a Runnable so the Handler can call it for running // on the main UI thread Runnable updater = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (mediaPlayer == null) { // The MediaPlayer has not yet been created so see if we have // the minimum buffered data yet. // For our purposes, we take the minimum buffered requirement to be: // INTIAL_KB_BUFFER = 96*10/8;//assume 96kbps*10secs/8bits per byte if ( totalKbRead >= INTIAL_KB_BUFFER) {
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

try { // We have enough buffered content so start the MediaPlayer startMediaPlayer(bufferedFile); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), Error copying buffered conent., e); } } } else if ( mediaPlayer.getDuration() mediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition() <= 1000 ){ // The MediaPlayer has been started and has reached the end of its buffered // content. We test for < 1second of data (i.e. 1000ms) because the media // player will often stop when there are still a few milliseconds of data left to play transferBufferToMediaPlayer(); } } };; } Starting the MediaPlayer with Initial Content Buffer Starting the MediaPlayer is very straightforward now. We simply copy all the currently buffered content into a new Ffile and start the MediaPlayer with it. private void startMediaPlayer(File bufferedFile) { try { File bufferedFile = File.createTempFile(playingMedia, .dat); FileUtils.copyFile(downloadingMediaFile,bufferedFile);} catch (IOException e) { mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mediaPlayer.setDataSource(bufferedFile.getAbsolutePath()); mediaPlayer.prepare(); fireDataPreloadComplete(); Log.e(getClass().getName(), Error initializing the MediaPlaer., e); return; }
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

} Transferring Buffered Content to a MediaPlayer That is Already Playing This is a little trickier but not much. We simply pause the MediaPlayer if it was playing (i.e. the user had not pressed pause), copy over the currently downloaded media content (which may be all of it by now) and then restart the MediaPlayer if it was previously running or had hit the end of its buffer due to a slow network. private void transferBufferToMediaPlayer() { try { // Determine if we need to restart the player after transferring data (e.g. perhaps the user // pressed pause) & also store the current audio position so we can reset it later. boolean wasPlaying = mediaPlayer.isPlaying(); int curPosition = mediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); mediaPlayer.pause(); // Copy the current buffer file as we cant download content into the same file that // the MediaPlayer is reading from. File bufferedFile = File.createTempFile(playingMedia, .dat); FileUtils.copyFile(downloadingMediaFile,bufferedFile); // Create a new MediaPlayer. Weve tried reusing them but that seems to result in // more system crashes than simply creating new ones. mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mediaPlayer.setDataSource(bufferedFile.getAbsolutePath()); mediaPlayer.prepare(); mediaPlayer.seekTo(curPosition); // Restart if at end of prior beuffered content or mediaPlayer was previously playing. // NOTE: We test for < 1second of data because the media player can stop when there is still // a few milliseconds of data left to play boolean atEndOfFile = mediaPlayer.getDuration() mediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition() <= 1000; if (wasPlaying || atEndOfFile){ mediaPlayer.start(); } }catch (Exception e) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), Error updating to newly loaded content., e); } } Conclusion
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

To get the real feel for how your audio will download, make sure to set it to a slower network speed. I recommend setting to AT&Ts EDGE network setting as it should give a lower limit on expected performance. You can make these settings easy in Eclipse by setting going into your Run or Debug settings dialog and making these selections.

Well thats it. Ive inluded additional code for handling the ProgressBar and TextField updates but that should all be sufficiently easy to understand once you understand the rest of the code. Good luck during the next week as you finish your Android Challenge submissions. And of course, heres the source code. Please post a comment below if I need to explain anything in more detail. Youll also notice code for the other tutorials as I didnt have time to strip them out. Other Tutorials Tutorial 1: Transparent Panel (Linear Layout) On MapView (Google Map) Tutorial 2: Hit testing on a View (MapView) Tutorial 4.1: Image and Text-Only Buttons

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243 Responses to Android Tutorial 3: Custom Audio Streaming with MediaPlayer Feed for this Entry Trackback Address

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi


1 Subha April 21, 2008 at 2:48 pm too useful and very good Reply


2 Marielisa May 21, 2008 at 10:08 am Hi, great tutorial!. Im working on a media player and i used it as a guide. Im traying to add a funtionality, when i press a button i would like to change to the next song. It start play the music ok but after listening a few songs or after a while the emulator crash, it restart by itself, i dont know whath i going on. I really appreciate your help. Thanks Reply

3 Janardhanan June 4, 2010 at 2:50 am @Marielisa To avoid emulator closing try deleting the old buffered file before it start to stream the song. I just give u a rough code.make it better for ur app.. for(int i=0;i<20;i++) { File oldBufferedFile = new File(context.getCacheDir(), "playingMedia" + i + ".dat"); if(oldBufferedFile.exists()) { System.out.println("File Deleted "+i); oldBufferedFile.delete(); } } Reply

4 sagy August 10, 2010 at 11:23 pm Hi, could you tell me how does pv player comes into picture while creating a media player application.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi



5 Michal May 23, 2008 at 1:47 am Hello, unfortunately I have the same problem as Marielisa, after launching several songs the emulator crashes, any suggests? Reply


6 biosopher May 24, 2008 at 6:30 am Hi Michal, Weve been discussing this issue on another thread at Heres the link: Since this tutorial was posted, Ive further developed my streaming player to support caching of files and have been able to play unlimited numbers of files without crashing. SoI at minimum know its possible and not a limitation of the Android SDK. That said, it took me a week of coding and debugging to resolve various quirks of reimplementing this tutorial as a Service. Part of the Service challenge was dealing with multi-threaded conflicts and the caching though. Are you using the StreamingMediaPlayer exactly as I had released it but with ability to play more files or have you re-implemented it as a Service? Biosopher Reply


7 biosopher May 24, 2008 at 6:33 am Actually heres a link to the exact starting post: Reply

6. Hi All,

8 Souvik June 2, 2008 at 4:15 am

I am new in Android. Wants to develop one streaming media player application. This tutorial is really nice to read and implement.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

I have downloaded this source code. but not able to run it . Can u all please help me . Just show me the process how i should open this project in android to run this application! Thanks in advance. thanks. Souvik Reply


9 Biosopher June 2, 2008 at 7:26 am Hi Souvik, Heres how to import an .apk file into Android. 1) Start a new Emulator.exe or quit out of any apps running in a current Emulator by clicking the home button. 2) Run: adb install myproject/bin/.apk e.g. adb install D:\personal\Work\Code\Eclipse\MobileJourney\bin\MobileJourney.apk 3) Note: Installation of new applications may require restarting the Emulator.exe as the Android app manager may only reads manifests on start. Cheers, Anthony Reply


10 Souvik June 2, 2008 at 7:31 pm Hi Anthony, Thanks for your quick reply. But where and how to run Run: adb install myproject/bin/.apk Where should i write this command. And Even if I able to run this application in emulator, can i add it as a project and do some modification into this? if yes, then how? Waiting for your reply.

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Thanks, Souvik Reply


11 Souvik June 2, 2008 at 9:19 pm Hi Anthony, I forget to mention that I am using windows XP. souvik Reply


12 Souvik June 2, 2008 at 10:47 pm Hi Anthony, Thanks a lot for your help. Actually I was using windows pc. And there is no need to run Run: adb install myproject/bin/.apk we can directly load the project in eclips with the same folder name .and we have to run this application. Its working properly Its really great. Thanks, Souvik Reply


13 lordhong June 5, 2008 at 10:18 am you guys ROCK! thanks for sharing!!! Reply

12. Hi ,

14 Souvik June 5, 2008 at 11:55 pm

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

I have done some basic application with android.And all are independent application. Now I want to do something different .. For example, I have two separate application like tutorials & Browser/Game Now, what i have to do, If I wants to Launch game or Browser application by clicking Tutorial1 button which is a separate application??? Need help..(Its like calling one application from another application) Thanks in advance. Thanks, Souvik Reply


15 Biosopher June 6, 2008 at 6:28 am Hi Souvik, Applications are simply groups of Activity & Service classes. To launch one application from another, all youll need do is have an Activity in one Application launch an Activity from the other application. public class Application1 extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.main); Button launchApp2Button = (Button) findViewById(; launchApp2Button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { startActivity(new Intent(this, Application2.class)); }}); } } Reply

14. Hi,

16 Souvik June 9, 2008 at 10:41 pm

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Im not able to write blogs, after clicking submit buuton its displaying discard message. What i have to do for this? Please let me know. Thanks, Souvik Reply


17 Souvik June 9, 2008 at 10:42 pm Hi Biosopher, Thanks for the response But my scenario is little different. I have not done any main.xml changes for UI. like: public class PikuTest extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText(test ===\n); setContentView(tv); } continued in next blog . Reply


18 Souvik June 9, 2008 at 10:43 pm I have created one menu iten with submenu like: public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); SubMenu subITEM = menu.addSubMenu(0,0,TEST); subITEM .add(0, 1, CM1); subITEM .add(0, 2, CM2); subITEM .add(0, 3, CM3); return true; } continued in next blog Reply
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi


19 Souvik June 9, 2008 at 10:47 pm and i am handling these menu item in the function onOptionsItemSelected as switch statement where it displays through showAlert(Menu Item Clicked,0, CM1, ok, null, false, null); continued in next blog . Reply


20 Souvik June 9, 2008 at 10:48 pm Now my question is when I am clicking CM1, How should i launch browser application. Can u please modify the code to make me understand!! Thanks, Souvik Reply


21 Biosopher June 11, 2008 at 2:01 pm Hello souvik, In the case of launching a browser window, you should pass a URI to startActivity() with an ACTION_VIEW intent. Android will then determine what the default browser is and hand your URI to it for display. Activity parentActivity; public HelpMenuHandler(Activity parentActivity) { this.parentActivity = parentActivity; } Then when requested, simply call the following method with your desired URL: parentActivity.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(; Cheers, Biosopher Reply


22 Souvik June 12, 2008 at 3:04 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi Biosopher, Thanks for the responseIts working with some small changes. However we are calling Uri API, and its launching browser with the mentioned link. But what happen if, I want to launch one of my own application by clicking the menu item? suppose I want to launch app1 by clicking one menu item from app2. Then what activity I have to start? Thanks, Souvik Reply


23 Biosopher June 12, 2008 at 7:16 am Hi Souvik, Simply call: startActivity(new Intent(this, YourActivity.class)); Reply


24 Souvik June 12, 2008 at 10:36 pm Hello Biosopher, But I am not able to call like this: Tutorials is one different application for me. but this stsrtActivity I am calling from TestApp. Where Tutorial and TestApp both have different package name. then how should I call ? startActivity(new Intent(this, Tutorials.class)); For me if i call like this , its giving me error: Tutorials cannot be resolved to a type Thanks, Souvik Reply


25 Souvik June 19, 2008 at 1:43 am Hi, How to refresh file if its not updating automatically when I am adding one file in resource? Thanks, Souvik
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi



26 Biosopher June 19, 2008 at 7:25 am Hi Souvik, Make sure you are reading all the error messages in detail. You are not allowed to have capital letters in your resources files so HALUDPAKHI is an invalid file name. Change it to lower case. The should refresh itself but you can always right click on your project in Eclipse & select Refresh if necessary. Anthony Reply


27 Souvik June 19, 2008 at 10:41 pm Thanks, I solved the problem. Actually file is not updated automatically because there is one Thub.db file inside res. When i remove this file form that folder is updated automatically. Now I can able to play mp3 file from resource. But need help in case of playing from URl. Have tried this steps, but not working: try { MediaPlayer mp1 = new MediaPlayer(); mp1.setDataSource(http://ip address /Jingle_Bell-Dog.mp3); mp1.start(); } catch ( IOException e ) { Log.e( ioexception, , e); } But its not playing . Any suggestion?? Thanks, Souvik Reply
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

26. Hi,

28 Anu November 11, 2008 at 1:00 am

I was wondering if you could provide a sample code of how u created the media player as a service? thanks! anu Reply

27. Hi,

29 ele November 11, 2008 at 11:32 pm

FileUtils were supported in the earlier version .but not in 1.0 how to solve this problem? thanks Reply


30 Biosopher November 12, 2008 at 4:11 pm Hello Ele, It seems we now need to write the code ourselves in order to copy files. Heres the code for doing so. Hopefully Ill get the time to rewrite and update this blog posting soon. Anthony public static void moveFile(File oldLocation, File newLocation) throws IOException { if ( oldLocation.exists( )) { makeDirectories(newLocation, false); //BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( oldLocation ) ); //BufferedWriter newFWriter = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( newLocation, false ) ); BufferedInputStream reader = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(oldLocation) ); BufferedOutputStream writer = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(newLocation, false)); try {
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

byte[] buff = new byte[8192]; int numChars; while ( (numChars = buff, 0, buff.length ) ) != -1) { writer.write( buff, 0, numChars ); } } catch( IOException ex ) { throw new IOException(IOException when transferring + oldLocation.getPath() + to + newLocation.getPath()); } finally { try { if ( reader != null ){ writer.close(); reader.close(); } } catch( IOException ex ){ Log.e(FileUtils,Error closing files when transferring + oldLocation.getPath() + to + newLocation.getPath() ); } } } else { throw new IOException(Old location does not exist when transferring + oldLocation.getPath() + to + newLocation.getPath() ); } } Reply


31 Guru November 19, 2008 at 2:36 am When the streaming is happening , at one of the cursor position the Media players gets paused with throwing this error. 11-19 16:00:06.659: ERROR/MediaPlayer(536): Error (-38,0) Whats the reason for this error?? Reply


32 Guru November 19, 2008 at 6:52 am oh let me correct the error that i get when i run tutorial 3 11-19 20:09:41.339: ERROR/Player(247): 124584 11-19 20:09:41.350: ERROR/Player(247): /data/data/com.pocketjourney.tutorials/cache/playingMedia1.dat 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ Error initializing the MediaPlaer.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFC 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at Method) 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at$2( 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at$ 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at android.os.Looper.loop( 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at$ 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at 11-19 20:09:41.430: ERROR/ at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) Reply


33 Polox November 23, 2008 at 5:03 pm Guru, I had the same issue then tried to play wrong content via Media Player. Since you cannot(as I see in SDK) specify content-type for sound file Media Player try to open and play .dat file and looks like cannot do so. Currently android supports olsy MPEG-4, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG and h.264 formats. p.s I could be wrong of course but it is my observarions Reply


34 Breno November 26, 2008 at 3:21 am Hey Biosopher

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Nice Tutorial, congratulations!! Ive downloaded here, with SDK 1.0, and no problem to compile. But, when running, an error in LogCat happens: Host is unresolved: The link is there, i tried to download in browser, no problem. But i dont know why this happens. Im on a proxy, and im using proxy settings on Emulator, and i can access internet on it without problem. Do you have any idea? thanks a lot Reply


35 Breno November 26, 2008 at 3:22 am i missed to say the rest of error: at Reply

34. Gyru:

36 villain_dm December 1, 2008 at 9:10 am

player cannot read users files. use: FileInputStream ins = new FileInputStream(bufferedFile.getAbsolutePath()); mediaPlayer.setDataSource(ins.getFD()); instead Reply


37 cmavr8 December 3, 2008 at 3:58 pm Hi guys, that is a nice tutorial. I dont think its clever if each one of us started their own program to use this. So, has anyone written a working program that can stream audio? If not, do we have a common project? Should we start one? Thanks, Chris Reply


38 lym December 9, 2008 at 4:31 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Thanks for sharing your code, its a nice tutorial. But when I run in in Android 1.0 SDK, the startMediaPlayer() throws exception when calling mediaPalyer.prepare(), if I change the data source to a local mp3 file, it can works. private void startMediaPlayer() { try { File bufferedFile = new File(context.getCacheDir(),playingMedia + (counter++) + .dat); moveFile(downloadingMediaFile,bufferedFile); mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); // the following line cause prepare throws io exception, dont know why // mediaPlayer.setDataSource(bufferedFile.getAbsolutePath()); // change data source to local file, it works mediaPlayer.setDataSource(/sdcard/Toto_-_Africa.mp3); mediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); mediaPlayer.prepare(); I have no idea why the bufferefFile cannot be used in mediaPlayer. can you help ? Reply

37. Hi,

39 r0ckf3l3r December 16, 2008 at 7:35 am

First of all, nice tutorials you have here. Ive been trying to play your file. I configured the app, loaded it with Eclipse, and installed it. When I try the Tutorial 3 application, however, I can stream whatever file I want, but I dont have any sound at all.. Still, theres no problem with it, or so says Eclipse. ty, r0ckf3l3r Reply

40 Stefan Rasmusson September 26, 2009 at 5:36 am Hi r0ckf3l3r did you ever got the sound working, I have the same problem. Reply

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

41 evan September 3, 2010 at 7:40 am after streaming ur able to play sound.i am not able play the sound ,wht is happening any idea?

38. cmavr8

42 villain_dm December 19, 2008 at 3:34 pm

if you are intrested in common app android platform has build in streaming activity in Media.apk just use corresponding intent to invoke it: this activity uses MediaPlaybackService to play the file. You can also use it. MusicUtils.bindToService(this, new ServiceConnection() { public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName classname, IBinder obj) { try { IntentFilter f = new IntentFilter(); f.addAction(MediaPlaybackService.ASYNC_OPEN_COMPLETE); registerReceiver(mStatusListener, new IntentFilter(f)); MusicUtils.sService.openfileAsync(getIntent().getData().toString()); } catch (RemoteException ex) { } } public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName classname) { } }); Reply

39. Reply

43 villain_dm December 19, 2008 at 3:35 pm


44 villain_dm December 19, 2008 at 3:36 pm cannot post xml:-) sry activity android:name=StreamStarter android:theme=@android:style/Theme.Dialog intent-filter action android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW />
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

category android:name=android.intent.category.DEFAULT /> category android:name=android.intent.category.BROWSABLE /> data android:scheme=http /> data android:mimeType=audio/mp3/> data android:mimeType=audio/x-mp3/> data android:mimeType=audio/mpeg/> data android:mimeType=audio/mp4/> /intent-filter> /activity Reply

41. Hi,

45 German December 22, 2008 at 8:06 am

I noticed that getDuration() is returning the total duration of the file (probably retrieved from the files header), instead of returning the total duration of the buffered file. This is causing the method transferBufferToMediaPlayer() not to be called (it is called only when the whole file is downloaded). Does anybody knows a workaround for this issue? Thanks Reply


46 incandenza December 30, 2008 at 8:25 pm Thanks for the tutorial. I found that you dont actually have to copy the file over to a second one. You can just point the media player back to the same file. The only issue is that it looks at the file length when you give it the file, and then it will stop when it hits the end. So, you do have to reset it and point it back at the file again, but it can be the same one. Theres no locking that prevents you from appending to it. Reply


47 amit February 12, 2009 at 6:00 pm I get : prepare failed in startMediaPlayer() until the entire file is downloaded, at which point, prepare() works. I am doing this to setDataSource: FileInputStream ins = new FileInputStream(bufferedFile.getAbsolutePath()); mediaPlayer.setDataSource(ins.getFD());
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Any ideas? -amit Reply


48 Biosopher February 12, 2009 at 10:19 pm Hi Amit, I tried to send this directly but the email you provided was inaccurate. Could you post more of your code? Its hard to tell with just that short snippet. Please show me the full set of calls from new MediaPlayer() through to mediaPlayer.prepare(). Thanks, Anthony Reply


49 amit February 14, 2009 at 12:23 pm What is your email Biosopher? I will email you all my code. I am using my correct email.. Thanks. Reply


50 amit February 15, 2009 at 12:42 pm After some tinkering, I was able to make the app work with the mp3 file. But my real goal is to be able to stream videos. The same logic does not seem to work with mp4 or 3gp files. Anybody have any input? Whats this MediaPlaybackService class? Anybody know of any code that plays streaming video off the net? amit Reply


51 Biosopher February 15, 2009 at 2:30 pm For simple streaming video, just follow the code for Androids video demo in APIDemos. We use that code for streaming video without a problem.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Anthony Reply


52 amit February 16, 2009 at 2:16 am Anthony, by the APIDemo, Im guessing youre referring to the MediaPlayerDemo_Video class. Since you are using this code for streaming video without a problem, can you share the URLs of some of the videos you are able to play? The more variety the better. And if you can tell me exactly what kind of streamable content MediaPlayer can handle, that would be great too. Thanks a lot! Reply


53 Biosopher February 16, 2009 at 9:58 am Hi Amit, We settled on .3gp as getting other formats to stream properly was not working in the earlier versions. Other formats might work now but were happy with .3gp as its smaller than other formats and is an open format. Ill send the files to you to work with. Anthony Reply


54 amit February 16, 2009 at 10:14 am Anthony, thanks for your response. I have been able to play 3gp and mp4 files locally too. IE, if I download these files onto the device then MediaPlayer can play them. But what I want to do is to be able to play streaming/progressive download videos straight off the web, with a minimum buffer. It seems MediaPlayer cannot do this (Prepare failed error), which is why I started looking into your StreamingVideoPlayer since downloading smaller chunks at a time and playing is faster than downloading the whole file and playing. Are you aware of anything that can help me play streaming or progressive download video content, without downloading the whole file first? Reply


55 Biosopher February 16, 2009 at 11:01 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

The files I provided you are ones we stream from a server and play via Androids MediaPlayer (i.e. we dont download them first and then play them locally). Without seeing your code, its hard to say whats wrong. The main bug people typically introduce when playing videos is to not setup their SurfaceView properly. Make sure your method call chain looks something like this else youll get a prepare error: public Your MediaController() { // Add the video callback listener videoSurface.getHolder().addCallback(MediaController.this); } // Implementation of SurfaceHolder.Callback @Override public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder videoHolder) { // Dont create and prepare your MediaPlayer until this method has been called createMediaPlayer(); } private void createMediaPlayer() { try { foregroundMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); foregroundMediaPlayer.setDataSource(mediaUri); foregroundMediaPlayer.setDisplay(videoSurface.getHolder()); foregroundMediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(this); foregroundMediaPlayer.setOnErrorListener(this); foregroundMediaPlayer.setOnBufferingUpdateListener(this); foregroundMediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(this); // If prepare() is called before the SurfaceView is ready, youll get a // preprare failed error when MediaPlayer accesses the invalid SurfaceView foregroundMediaPlayer.prepare(); foregroundMediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); }catch (Exception e) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), Error while preparing MediaPlayer path: + mediaUri, e); } } Reply


56 amit February 16, 2009 at 11:54 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Anthony, I am creating the MediaPlayer only after surfaceCreated() has been called. I am still getting prepared failed error. Here is the code (Ive removed the empty listener methods). public class TestMediaPlayer2 extends Activity implements OnBufferingUpdateListener, OnCompletionListener, MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener, SurfaceHolder.Callback { private static final String TAG = MediaPlayerDemo; private int mVideoWidth; private int mVideoHeight; private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer; private SurfaceView mPreview; private SurfaceHolder holder; private String videoStreamUrl; /** * * Called when the activity is first created. */ public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { Log.d(TAG, hello); super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.main); Toast.makeText(this, hi, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); mPreview = (SurfaceView) findViewById(; holder = mPreview.getHolder(); holder.addCallback(this); holder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS); //extras = getIntent().getExtras(); videoStreamUrl = /*url to a 3gp file. pocketjourney is complaining..*/ Log.d(TAG, videoStreamUrl); } public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.d(TAG, surfaceCreated called); playVideo(); } private void playVideo() { Log.d(TAG, in playVideo());

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

try { // Create a new media player and set the listeners mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(videoStreamUrl); mMediaPlayer.setDisplay(holder); mMediaPlayer.setOnBufferingUpdateListener(this); mMediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(this); mMediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(this); mMediaPlayer.prepare(); mMediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, error: + e.getMessage(), e); } } public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mediaplayer) { Log.d(TAG, onPrepared called); mVideoWidth = mMediaPlayer.getVideoWidth(); mVideoHeight = mMediaPlayer.getVideoHeight(); if (mVideoWidth != 0 && mVideoHeight != 0) { holder.setFixedSize(mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight); mMediaPlayer.start(); } } } Reply


57 chris March 8, 2009 at 6:03 am HI Biosopher, i am also interested in this 3gp links ., may you forward me them also. In this days i am also starting to develop me first tests for streaming and will also try your scripts. till now i am experimenting with the api demo, but all he 3gp i tested are not opening. greets chris Reply


58 chris March 8, 2009 at 6:57 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi together, i was able now to create a 3gp that plays nice from local, but not over the net does anyone have a complete source example just simple streaming 3gp over the net with http protocol? thanks chris Reply


59 Biosopher March 9, 2009 at 8:50 am The MediaPlayer streaming example in Androids ApiDemos provides easy streaming of 3gp. Ive used the same code by simply pointing to my .3gp file at my server. Reply

60 Geetha April 3, 2010 at 4:07 am Hi Video stream in ApiDemos is not working showing java exceprion error after mediaplayer.prepare() Thanks, Geetha Reply


61 chris March 9, 2009 at 9:04 am hi Biosopher, thanks, I got now also a small 3gp File running with the API DEMO, and also with 2 other option. But in the moment this 3gp or .mp4 comes bigger, lets say over 2mb, it is not working. I have now two option working for smaller files. // Version 1 mVideoView.setVideoURI(Uri.parse(urlpath)); mVideoView.setMediaController(new MediaController(this)); mVideoView.requestFocus();

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

// Version 2 Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Uri u = Uri.parse(urlpath); i.setDataAndType(u, video/*); startActivity(i); //for all other beginners: use setDataAndType! I search hours till i found out But as mentioned, if its bigger, lets say like my testfile: on it stops working. Thats the Reason I tried to work with this Streaming Demo on this Page here. For now I can get mp3 downloaden and he even starts playing but stops after around 8sec. (i guess in the moment he refresh the buffer its gone) If you have any idea, let me know. If you send me your email, I also will provide you with all sources I have. The goal is a streaming functionality, like mentioned on this page for music.. to realize for videos.. also with big files. (second small question) When I understand right, the demo above loads piece by piece and appends to the pieces bevore. But so i guess a big file with lets 700 MB (video), will never work with this demo (just because internal memory of the g1)?? Greets Chris Reply


62 Biosopher March 9, 2009 at 9:10 am We have streamed file up to 5MB that were 5 mins long. Check the format of your files. The Android MediaPlayer is very finicky still. We create our .3gp using Quicktime Pro and have had no problems. However we did have numerous issues creating .3gp files with other audio tools. Biosopher Reply

58. Chris,

63 Biosopher March 9, 2009 at 9:13 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

As you say, this streaming media player is for small files (1-10MB) as anything larger should probably be downloaded via a sync cable. As a side note, we wrote this tool when Androids sreaming media functionality was not working well. Now, we simply use Androids built-in streaming ability. Anthony Reply


64 ramakrishna April 2, 2009 at 3:46 am Hii Biosopher, I am also trying to stream videos from a vlc server using the mediaplayerdemo_video in Apidemos.The file i have been trying to stream is of .3gp format(600 kb). But the problem is that i am not able to stream this file consistently. i mean to say that i can stream the file successfully once or twice but most of the times i get error as error: Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFF Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFF I tried to find out the error and solve but all my efforts went in vain.So could u please help me in this matter? Reply


65 TheiPirate April 7, 2009 at 9:42 pm Anyone have working mp3 streaming? use pastebin(google it) and link your code for us. Thanks Reply


66 kartik trivedi April 16, 2009 at 8:49 pm It is giving me exception while calling prepare() method of MediaPlayer. I am using SDK 1.1 is there problem in it. Please mail me what could be wrong in it. Reply


67 Amit Panwar April 28, 2009 at 8:14 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi Biosopher, I was trying MediaPlayerDemo_Video example from API Demos. Used the URL for different mp4 and 3gp files but the same issue: I got the following exceptionerror: Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFF Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFF If API demos dont have any issue, Please send me the URLs of some 3gp/mp4 files so that I can enable myself to test the same. Thanks, Amit Reply

68 amit April 28, 2009 at 8:47 am anthony, hope you dont mind. im going to share this link. Reply


69 Biosopher April 28, 2009 at 11:29 am Hi Amit, As amit suggests, this works in API Demos MediaPlayerDemo_Video class: Cheers, Anthony Reply


70 Bindu Rao May 2, 2009 at 1:24 pm Hi: I liked your Tutorial3 demo. Thanks. However, I am getting an error after the music starts playing it seems to come due to the counter being wrong, or not set properly, between the downloadingmedia and playing media. In particular, the error shown is:
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi / data/data/com.pocketjourney.tutorials/cache/playingMedia2.dat and seems to come from: transferBufferToMediaPlayer line 199 (in my version of your code), where the code is as follows: File bufferedFile = new File(context.getCacheDir(),playingMedia + (counter++) + .dat); //FileUtils.copyFile(downloadingMediaFile,bufferedFile); mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); //mediaPlayer.setDataSource(bufferedFile.getAbsolutePath()); FileInputStream ins = new FileInputStream(bufferedFile.getAbsolutePath()); mediaPlayer.setDataSource(ins.getFD()); Seems like counter has become 2, when playingMedia2.dat does not exist / is not created. only playingMedia1.dat exists. No wonder there is a fileNotFound exception. Any ideas, your help will be appreciated. Thanks Bindu Rama Rao Reply

65. Hi,

71 Senthil May 3, 2009 at 11:48 pm

I have tried video streaming using API demo sample. it s working only for the url which is suggested by amit.. for all other url i am getting the following error. error: Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFF Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFF can anyone provide me some other url of 3gp video format..? thanks, Senthil.M Reply


72 msenthil May 4, 2009 at 11:40 pm

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi, Can anyone tell me how to resolve the follwing error while implementing video streaming. error: Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFF Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFF i am getting this error when mediaplayer.prepare(); is called. thanks, Senthil.M Reply


73 Biosopher May 5, 2009 at 1:33 pm Hi msenthil, Your files are most likely not compatible with Android. Android has issues with most file formats. Ive only been able to get .3gp to work successfully. Even then, only files created using Quicktime Pro have worked for me. E.g. this file was created using Quicktime Pro: If the file above works but your other ones dont, then you need to fix the format of your file. Anthony Reply

74 msenthil May 11, 2009 at 4:54 am Hi Anthony, Thanks for your reply. I understood that the problem is with the URL which i tried. When i try to play that url, i got a message Sorry ,this video is not valid for streaming to this device thanks, Senthil.M Reply


75 Senthil May 23, 2009 at 3:48 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi friends, Can anyone temme how to change the colour of the stars in rating bar in android. I am getting the stars in green colour when we rate them. But i need to change them as some other colour when we rate. Is it possible..? thanks , Senthil Reply


76 Biosopher May 23, 2009 at 9:20 am Hi Senthil, Im not doing Android dev at the moment so my info may be slightly out of date, but heres what I know: A RatingBar is an extension of SeekBar and ProgressBar that shows a rating in stars. The XML format for updating the ProgressBar was a combination of this: Where shape_media_segment_rating_bar was defined as such: More info here: These pages offer info on changing the ProgressBar style though not the RatingBar stars (hope it helps): Cheers, Anthony Reply


77 ivy May 28, 2009 at 1:30 am hi.. ive been studying your code and the tutorial and i found some inconsistencies between the two.. plus when i run the emulator using either from the downloaded code and the code from the tutorial, adb logcat gives me an error about media player prepare failed.. can you help me?

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi



78 Aahna May 29, 2009 at 3:50 am Hi, Can anyone tell me how to stream live videos on android emulator? Kindly help as this is very urgent!!! REgards, Aahan Reply


79 Aahna May 29, 2009 at 3:50 am Hi, Can anyone tell me how to stream live videos on android emulator? Kindly help as this is very urgent!!! Mail me available info or your knowledge on this requirement on REgards, Aahna Reply


80 Biosopher May 29, 2009 at 6:44 am Hi Aahna, Use the MediaPlayerDemo_Video example in Androids APIDemo. Simply set the examples path argument to the url of your video file. I highly recommend getting your file to load from the local directory first so you can ensure your media file is in a valid format. Cheers, Anthony Reply

81 Aahna May 30, 2009 at 11:20 pm Hi Anthony, Thanks for your reply. However I am able to play only only pocketjourney link given on this webpage by Amit which ofcourse is not live link. I tried to put some http links from some live news channel weblinks but all the times emulator shows error message, Sorry, this video can not be played.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

I am using windows Vista system and android 1.5 with ADT 0.9 version and testing on APIDemo, MediaPlayerDemo_Video example only. If possible, can you send me some live video weblinks which plays successfully on emulator by streaming online video? REgards, Aahna Reply


82 Biosopher May 31, 2009 at 9:59 am Android does not handle media files very well. They MUST be in one of the few supported formats. E.g. this URL points to a media file that was encoded properly for the .3gp format using QuickTime: I highly recommend using QuickTime to format your media files. Ensure you test any media format by playing through Android off the local drive before trying to play those files off the net. I dont know of any specific live URLs that play well through Android. Anthony Reply

83 Aahna May 31, 2009 at 8:44 pm Dear Anthony, Thanks for your quick response. However, I am not able to find any online .3GP links. All 3gp/mp4 videos are found on .html URL link only It would be great if you can elaborate more on encoding part. As far as I know we can use quicktime or VLC player and stream/encode to any other format. However, I am not able to choose particular .3GP or .MP4 video links for this job. Can you or anyone else help me? Regards, Aahna Reply


84 Biosopher June 1, 2009 at 10:14 am Hi Aahna,

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

If you are streaming other peoples media files (i.e. you cant encode them to .3gp/.mp4 yourself), then youll need to parse through that sites .html to find the media file links to pass to Android. What websites media files are you trying to stream to Android? Anthony Reply


85 YuvalKesten June 1, 2009 at 12:43 pm Dear Anthony Thanks for all! I am developing an app requiring streaming (PD) and this post is the only place on the web I found the solution. I am using QuickTimePro for images I have downloaded from YouTube (With the uploader permission) and its working great! Thanks!!! Reply

86 Aahna June 2, 2009 at 8:40 pm Hi Anthony, Can you explain me your reply with easy to understand steps to meet my requirement? Anthony If you are streaming other peoples media files (i.e. you cant encode them to .3gp/.mp4 yourself), then youll need to parse through that sites .html to find the media file links to pass to Android. I am interested in streaming and getting played some live videos on android emulator 1.5 for example, So, how should I achieve this successfully? Your procedural response would help many developers like me as there is no clear response to this question on any forum. Let me know wihtout RTSP support on emulator 1.5, would this be possible to stream live news/sport videos? Regards, Aahna Reply

87 Aahna June 2, 2009 at 8:45 pm

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi YuvalKesten, You have mentioned that you are using quickTimePro for images downloaded from youTube. Can you tell me what are the exact steps you are performing to get streamed videos? I tried using VLC network stream to get some URL link as an input and putting encoded streamed out HTTP/UDP packets on my own system and then redirecting packets from desktop to emulators IP. But it failed Because of this, I am not able to play any other .3gp video link except that pocketjourney link. Your or anybodys reply on this would be great help. Thanks, Aahna Reply


88 Biosopher June 3, 2009 at 7:23 am Hi Aahna, Im streaming my own videos accessible from my own server. Streaming other peoples videos is typically against their usage agreement. If you have authorization though, then someone on their IT team can help you access the videos. If you want to stream videos from another site though, you would need to parse through their HTML & Javascript to find their video file links. Nowadays though, most companies encode their video links so you wouldnt be able to access them even if you tried. I dont know the answer to your RTSP question. Anthony Reply

89 Aahna June 3, 2009 at 10:11 pm Hi Anthony, Thanks for the explanation. I would have to find such sites for getting live streaming. Kindly keep me updated if you find any such site who can authorize us to get their live videos streamed. Can you answer me the above question I have put to YuvalKesten? Putting it othe way, would like to ask how you are achieving formatting the video through quick time and getting it played on emulator? Is the procedue I have mentioned above is correct? Because with my encoded packets I am able to playback on another instance of VLC (in your case might be quicktime) but those are not getting redirected to emulator. How to achieve that?

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Regards, Aahna Reply


90 Nicolas June 3, 2009 at 12:12 pm Hi Anthony, I just have a question about your tutorial3. I tried to play an online radio (with this URL for example and its not working. Is your tutorial working only for mp3s ? In that case, isnt it possible to listen streaming music coming from an streaming radio ? Thanks. Nicolas Reply


91 Biosopher June 3, 2009 at 1:39 pm Hi Nicolas, The answer to your question has been discussed many times in other posts for this tutorial. In short, Android does not handle media files very well. They MUST be in one of the few supported formats. E.g. this URL points to a media file that was encoded properly for the .3gp format using QuickTime: I highly recommend using QuickTime to format your media files. Ensure you test any media format by playing through Android off the local drive (using the API Demo example) before trying to play those files off the net. In your case, download the file from AOL and ensure that Android can play their specific format. Anthony Reply

92 Nicolas June 3, 2009 at 11:44 pm Hi Anthony,

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Im sorry if I havent been really clear but I was talking about audio and not video. I tried MP3 and OGG web radios but not working. Android can handle these both formats for one file right ? So it shouldnt be impossible to read the same formats from a stream ? Thanks again for your time Nicolas Reply


93 Biosopher June 4, 2009 at 7:04 am Hi Nicolas, Why arent you just streaming using Androids built-in streaming capability? All you need do is put a URL as the path for the MediaPlayer example in ApiDemo. Doesnt that work for you? Anthony Reply


94 Biosopher June 4, 2009 at 7:10 am Hi Aahna, Two answers: 1) Go here for video files you can stream. They have numerous files you can download:,com_mediadb/itemid,26 2) Its very easy to create a streamable .3gp file using QuickTime Pro. Simply open your video in QuickTime Pro and then choose Export and select .3gp. Anthony Reply

95 Aahna June 4, 2009 at 10:37 pm Hi Anthony, Thank you very much for your support so far. I hardly seen anyone helping developers like this!!! You are really great having lot of patience and clarity on your inputs.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Adding another requirement to my application, I need to let user enter some URL video link to play the streamable video. If this URL lists the available video items then how to decide at run time whether android can play selected video on emulator Also I am not using Linux. I am using windows vista, android 1.5, ADT 0.9. Regards, Aahna Reply

96 YuvalKesten June 20, 2009 at 3:08 am Hi, I am working on an Android project as part of a university project. I am working with some film-makers from the Arts faculty. What we are doing is they are uploading their movies to youtube, I am downloading them, convert them using QucikTimePro (Export to IPhone(Cell)) and then I upload the converted videos to a file server. Hope I helped


97 Biosopher June 4, 2009 at 7:13 am Hi Nicolas, Yesthis tutorial only works with MP3 files. Radio and other audio streaming sites are not typically streaming mp3 files as their feeds are continuous while mp3 files are discreet chunks (with headers and footers in the file describing start and end information). Anthony Reply


98 ivy June 16, 2009 at 6:29 pm Hi. Im developing an application that can stream from internet radio stations. Can you help me out? THanks Reply

84. Hi Ivy,

99 Biosopher June 16, 2009 at 7:37 pm

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Sadly my code doesnt work for internet radio stations as they dont typically use streams compatible with Androids media player (that I know of). Cheers, Anthony Reply


100 Senthil July 8, 2009 at 7:55 am Hi Anthony, Can we able to encode the video file url through code to make it to support streaming in android? thanks, Senthil Reply


101 Biosopher July 10, 2009 at 9:12 am Hi Senthil, You definitely couldnt convert streaming video in the wrong format to the correct format. Youd have to download the entire file and then convert it. Of course, you would then need access to Java code that could convert whatever format the server is providing into a format that Android accepts (e.g. .3gp). Most likely it would be impossible or a LOT of work though. Anthony Reply

102 Tiger July 13, 2009 at 7:02 am Hi, is this player also able to play aac streams ? Reply

103 Senthil July 14, 2009 at 3:29 am Hi Anthony,

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Thanks for the reply. Can we have any other way of converting the video file to streaming format other than QuicktimePro..? thanks , Senthil.M Reply


104 Biosopher July 13, 2009 at 7:46 am Hi Tiger, This tutorial uses Androids MediaPlayer so it would work with any format supported by Android. Anthony Reply


105 Biosopher July 14, 2009 at 8:17 am Hi Senthil, Im sure there are but I found that Quicktime Pro worked and stooped looking after that. Anthony Reply

106 Senthil July 14, 2009 at 9:45 pm Hi Anthony, Actually for my application, i am getting the video urls dynamically from the server.. and those video files are not supported for streaming in android device. I need to convert those urls to proper format so that it supports streaming in android. currently i am downloading the entire video in SD card and playing it. but i don want the user to wait until the entire video is getting downloaded. I don think that quicktimepro is helpful for my case. Also i am searching for any java code available for video streaming. if i get any information, it ll be very helpful. thanks, Senthil.M Reply

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

107 Senthil July 15, 2009 at 10:44 pm Hi Anthony, Can you please tell me whether quicktimepro will help for the above scenario i mentioned or any other way if you found for streaming, please post here. thanks, Senthil.M

108 Biosopher July 15, 2009 at 10:55 pm Converting video on the fly is not possible from what I knowor at least too difficult to attempt unless youre a media format guru. Your current approach is the only solutionthough not very usable as you say. Anthony


109 Tiger July 15, 2009 at 5:13 am Hi, I have been looking osmewhat in the code and I noticed that the call to startStreaming actually needs a file length and the duration Lets say that Id like to stream an infinite file, a real stream Has that been implemented, so could I pass like for example a -1 as argument for both ? Reply


110 Biosopher July 15, 2009 at 11:00 am Hi Tiger, You could easily implement that update. The file length is only really used for displaying the playback progress. E.g. 1:01 mins played of 5:00 total mins. Reply


111 Senthil July 15, 2009 at 11:53 pm Thanks for your reply Anthony.. Senthil.M
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi



112 theluk July 16, 2009 at 3:54 am why dont you use audiotrack??? there you can easily write data to it, while its playing Reply

113 Biosopher July 16, 2009 at 6:42 am Thanks for pointing us to AudioTrack, theluk. That class wasnt available when I wrote this tutorial. It wont help Senthils audio format translation but might provide a useful extension to this tutorials solution. Sadly as with most of Androids code, theres very little in the way of documentation. Heres a brief from a post by Ed Burnette: AudioTrack and AudioRecord are interesting to low level audio developers: * Expose raw PCM audio streams to applications * AudioTrack: Write PCM audio directly to mixer engine * AudioRecord: Read PCM audio directly from mic * Callback mechanism for threaded application * Static buffer for playing sound effects Full post: Anthony Reply


114 Uma Maheswara Rao July 20, 2009 at 3:33 am hi friends i have been working on a problem called out of memory exception. i am getting this exception in my application when i spawn more number of threads. i am using System.gc(); runtime.gc(); in onDestroy method. Still i am getting this exception..
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Can anyone knows the solution for this problem? thanks, Uma Maheswara Rao Reply


115 Jason August 3, 2009 at 10:47 am Anthony, Thanks for your blog post and code. I came across it only after writing something very similar. Glad to see I (mostly) had it right! Jason Reply


116 Senthil.M August 21, 2009 at 10:40 pm Hi Anthony, I have one more question regarding the videos. Actually i am calling an intent after the video is getting played completely by using setoncompletionlistener method. When i try to play video in media player of android, for some videos it is not calling the setoncompletionlistener method when the video is finished. Simply video playing time (displayed on the left side of media player)is getting increased infinitely even after the whole playing time (displayed on the right side of media player) of video. I dont know the reason why it is happening like that.. This scenario is occurring especially when we drag the video fully. regards, Senthil.M Reply


117 Biosopher August 23, 2009 at 1:08 pm Hi Senthil, Sounds like a possible bug. Id try posting in the Android dev group to see if a Google/Android lead knows a solution or if its a bug. Anthony Reply

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

118 Senthil.M August 23, 2009 at 8:47 pm Hi Anthony, Thanks for the reply. If you found any solution for this problem, please post the information here so that it will be helpful for everyone. thanks, Senthil.M Reply


119 alwaystry September 15, 2009 at 6:00 am Hi Biosopher, thanks for the tutorial! I try the code to run on the HTC G1, but ist seemed something wrong. private void fireDataPreloadComplete() { Runnable updater = new Runnable() { public void run() { mediaPlayer.start();//never be called startPlayProgressUpdater(); playButton.setEnabled(true); // streamButton.setEnabled(false); } };; } the line mediaPlayer.start() is apparently never be called, so i can hear nothing. Do u have some ideas? thanks T.B Reply


120 Biosopher September 15, 2009 at 11:11 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi alwaystry, Sadly Im not developing on Android at the moment. Probably a threading issue or your not preparing the MediaPlayer properly. The code worked in prior versions so perhaps the newest release broke the code. Anthony Reply


121 Yen October 11, 2009 at 8:33 pm Hi Anthony, First of all, Thanks a ton for the tutorial. I downloaded the tutorial and created a new project with the same files. I compiled the project and was able to run it without any errors. I used the URL provided in the example. Also, in the emulator I could see the buffering taking place. However, No sound is coming . I am using Windows vista and Android SDK 1.5 with Eclipse. I think, when i call mediaplayer.prepare () , it throws an exception Error Not Supported. I also tried with Local files. it worked.. So does it mean the file format in the URL ( provided in the example ) is not supported..? If yes .. how to go about it .. please explain.. I am new to Android.. Kindly help me out with this ASAP. Thanks again, yen Reply

122 CatDaaaady October 15, 2009 at 8:21 pm I checked it out. On atleast Android 1.5 mediaplayer wont play a file that still has an open FileOutputStream connected to it. If you close the FileOutputStream first, then is will prepare and play. At least that is my experience. But good tutorial as a guideline how the whole thing works.

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi


123 CatDaaaady October 19, 2009 at 9:44 pm By the way, here is my code where I used Biosophers code and modified it to support a continuous stream of audio instead of a file. It downloads X number of seconds and save that audio segment. Then it starts playing that audio clip while it downloads the next sections of audio in the background. Then queuing up the audio segments for playing next. It is not perfect though. I get a slight playback pause between audio segments though. Hopefully I will prefect it or find another way around. r/


124 Biosopher October 20, 2009 at 9:21 am

This is great, CatDaaaady. Thanks for sharing! Reply


125 mstudda1 November 13, 2009 at 9:34 am

I am getting this error any help Reply


126 Zeba November 23, 2009 at 1:30 am

hi, Wen i try to run dis tutorial i get the following error. Can u please tell me how do I correct it. Thanks. E/Player ( 5300): /data/data/com.example.streaming/cache/playingMedia1.dat E/PlayerDriver( 36): Command PLAYER_SET_DATA_SOURCE completed with an error or info PVMFErrNotSupported E/MediaPlayer( 5300): error (1, -4) E/ 5300): Error initializing the MediaPla er. E/ 5300): Prepare fa iled.: status=01 E/ 5300): at
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

ayer.prepare(Native Method) E/ 5300): at eamingMediaPlayer.startMediaPlayer( E/ 5300): at eamingMediaPlayer.access$2( E/ 5300): at eamingMediaPlayer$ E/ 5300): at android.os.Handler.ha ndleCallback( E/ 5300): at android.os.Handler.di spatchMessage( E/ 5300): at android.os.Looper.loo p( E/ 5300): at hread.main( E/ 5300): at java.lang.reflect.Met hod.invokeNative(Native Method) E/ 5300): at java.lang.reflect.Met hod.invoke( E/ 5300): at os.ZygoteInit$ E/ 5300): at os.ZygoteInit.main( E/ 5300): at dalvik.system.NativeS tart.main(Native Method) D/Sensors ( 58): sensors=00000000, real=00000000 D/KeyguardViewMediator( 58): screen is locked W/ActivityManager( 58): Unable to start service Intent { action=android.accoun ts.IAccountsService comp={ eapps.GoogleLoginService} }: not found Reply

103. hi,

127 monkey December 26, 2009 at 5:18 am

when i run the tutorial, theres not voice, and the LogCat appear continuously the message: 12-26 13:02:25.844: ERROR/MediaPlayer(742): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer and 12-26 13:02:25.905: ERROR/MediaPlayer(742): Error (-38,0), i dont know how to solve the problem, do yo know the reason?

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

thanks Reply

104. Hi,

128 Biosopher December 26, 2009 at 11:41 pm

I finally got around to updating my Android MediaPlayer streaming media tutorial Cupcake (v1.5). I last worked on this code nearly 18 months (for v1.0) so I had to update everything. Ill be posting an updated tutorial in a few days. In the meantime if you need the code, please post here and Ill send it to you. Cheers, Anthony Reply

129 monkey December 27, 2009 at 12:23 am Hi, Thanks a lot, the v1.5 code works! And no error occur! thanks again Monkey Reply

130 Biosopher December 27, 2009 at 7:54 am Great to hear. Thanks for letting me know. Anthony

131 Tiger79 December 27, 2009 at 2:38 pm Well Id be happy to receive the code so I can have a look at it and (obviously) test it on a device

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

132 Biosopher December 28, 2009 at 2:07 pm The updated tutorials are avialable in these two new posts: Streaming Media: Maps: Cheers, Anthony


133 Biosopher December 28, 2009 at 2:06 pm

The updated tutorials are avialable in these two new posts: Streaming Media: Maps: Cheers, Anthony Reply

106. Hi Anthony,

134 Senthil.M December 30, 2009 at 11:30 pm

I have an issue regarding video play in android 2.0.1 emulator. When i try to play a video in android 2.0.1 emulator, i am getting a white screen in the view. But audio is working fine, also getting the following error message in the logcat, ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(64): layer 0x3f8528, texture=2, using format 32, which is not supported by the GL The error mentioned above keeps on repeating in the logcat till the end of the video. The same video is played without any errors in android 2.0 and previous version emulators. I am not sure about the android 2.0.1 devices. I am getting the above problem even in Apidemo video sample program. Is there any way to resolve this issue or is it an android 2.0.1 bug ? Any help appreciated.

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

thanks in advance, Senthil.M Reply

135 Biosopher December 31, 2009 at 9:05 am Hi Senthil, Most likely this is a problem with your video file. Can you play this video file in a pre-2.0.1 version? I found .3gpp to work well and most other formats to have problems. What format are you using? Reply

136 Senthil.M January 1, 2010 at 11:27 pm Thanks for your reply Anthony. I am getting above problem only in android 2.0.1 emulator. It is working fine in all other previous versions. My video file is .3gp format only. I have checked the Apidemo video sample with the following url too. With this url also, it is not working in 2.0.1 version emulator. thanks, Senthil.M


137 Biosopher January 2, 2010 at 9:35 pm

What error messages are you seeing? Reply

138 Senthil.M January 3, 2010 at 8:54 pm I am getting the following error message in logcat ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(64): layer 03f8528, texture=2, using format 32, which is not supported by the GL
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

And this message is repeated till the end of the video play. Simply getting a white screen in the view. But audio is working fine. I found some links related to this issue posted by some people. I am attaching those links here below. Also i have posted this issue in android bug tracker site which can be referred here. thanks, Senthil Reply

139 Senthil.M January 4, 2010 at 9:34 pm I am getting the following error message in logcat ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(64): layer 03f8528, texture=2, using format 32, which is not supported by the GL And this message is repeated till the end of the video play. Simply getting a white screen in the view. But audio is working fine. I found some links related to this issue posted by some people. I am attaching those links here below. Also i have posted this issue in android bug tracker site which can be referred here. thanks, Senthil Reply


140 Tmac January 7, 2010 at 8:00 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Regarding the video display issues I have had similar problems. This is what I did and it fixed the issues. 1. Create an MP4 or 3GP file. Does not matter really. Up to you. There are plenty of utilities for doing this. One of the coolest is Place your newly created file on your hard drive. 2. Download MP4Box for Windows. Just do a search and download the command line MP4Box utility. This utility, among many other things it does, will add the appropriate headers to allow for progressive download. Do not run the executable from Windows. Place all of the contents in a folder and open a DOS session. 3. Place your video file in the MP4Box folder. From your DOS session type MP4Box yourvideofilename -hint 4. Upload your video to the server of choice. Reply

141 Tmac January 7, 2010 at 8:03 am Also, you will get format errors from MediaPlayer even if it cannot find the URL. I spent hours trying to figure this out when I discovered that the XML I was reading to get my URL path included quotes. Reply

109. Hi Senthil,

142 Biosopher January 8, 2010 at 9:18 pm

Are you using the updated code that I released in my revised Streaming Media Tutorial? Also, did Tmacs recommendations help solve your problem? Reply


143 Luis Botero February 3, 2010 at 8:48 am

I found another way to do a similar thing but easier using AsyncPlayer ( Heres a short example:
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

protected void PlaySound(LocationEntry locEntry) { Uri url = Uri.parse(; AsyncPlayer player = new AsyncPlayer(test); player.stop();, url, false, AudioManager.STREAM_SYSTEM); } Reply

111. Hi Anthony,

144 Riz February 10, 2010 at 12:09 am

great tutorials . but I am wondering how can I save that file to sqlite database or file system please suggest me ,if I go through the source code I can see commented line //FileUtils.copyFile(downloadingMediaFile,bufferedFile); if I un-comment is it going to work downloadingMediaFile contain every thing ? Reply

145 Biosopher February 10, 2010 at 9:23 am Hi Riz, FUtils refers to code that does not exist so simply delete that commented line. The downloaded file is currently being copied to the file system. You can choose to capture the data and save it as a blob to a sqllite db, but the lite db or really any db isnt built for storing files. You should save to the file system and simply store the file path in the db. Reply

146 kavitha February 15, 2010 at 5:12 am Thanks CatDaaaady,, But still there is gap in between switching over of files What will be the workaround for that???? Please tell me solution. Thanks Kavitha
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

112. Hi Kavitha,

147 Biosopher February 15, 2010 at 5:07 pm

I just tested the streaming tutorial and dont hear any gaps in the downloaded audio. Anthony Reply

148 CatDaaaady February 15, 2010 at 8:30 pm I actually hear it in my app. In my app I am saving pieces of a live, continuous, stream and playing them one by one. It is VERY subtle. But I know the gap is there. None of my users have complained about it yet though. So I assume maybe it is only for people with sensitive ears. My plan to getting around it is to implement some type of live stream-to-rtp converter. So the program will download a portion of audio, put it into a RTP packet, then send that off to the audio player. I think this is how other apps are doing it. I havent had time to do this just yet. I noticed some links on this page that mention RTP. Maybe they point the way even though it is for video? I think sometime next month, after I add a different feature to my app, I will tackle this rtp thing. I will report back. Reply

149 kavitha March 1, 2010 at 8:45 pm Hi CatDaaaady and Biosopher, Thanks for the replies. Using catDaaadys player idea,I am able to play continously an Internet Radio. But when i change the Internet Radio link url,file is getting downloaded,but i am not able to play once again,,MediaPlayers hang up without even showing error. I am calling player(File f) from another thread and pause it when user clicks on another url,clear mediaplayers vector in clear() ,,and again start thread when file gets downloaded. Please tell me the solution. Here is what I am doing when i change url
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

public void player(File ff){ final File f = ff; final String TAG = **************************************setupplayer*****:; Log.i(TAG, File + f.getAbsolutePath()); // Runnable r = new Runnable(){ // public void run(){ try{ MediaPlayer mp=new MediaPlayer(); try{ FileInputStream ins = new FileInputStream( f ); mp.setDataSource(ins.getFD()); mp.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); mp.setOnCompletionListener(playerlistener); if ( ! started ){ mp.prepare(); } else { //This will save us a few more seconds mp.prepareAsync(); } insertMedia(mp); if ( ! started ){ startMediaPlayer(); } }catch(Exception e){ Log.e(TAG, :ERROR********:+e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(********************ERROR IN PLAYER +e); e.printStackTrace(); } // } // }; // new Thread(r).start(); } MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener playerlistener = new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener () { public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp){ onMediaPlayerCompletePlay(mp); } }; private void onMediaPlayerCompletePlay(MediaPlayer mp){ String TAG = MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener; Log.i(TAG, Current size of mediaplayer list: + mediaplayers.size() ); MediaPlayer mp2 = getMedia(); if(mp2 != null)
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

mp2.start(); mp.release(); removefile(); } public void insertMedia(MediaPlayer file){ ///add file at last of vector try{ mediaplayers.add(file); available = true; }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(EXCEPTION IN INSERTMEDIA+e); e.printStackTrace(); } } public MediaPlayer getMedia(){ try{ if(mediaplayers.size()<1){ available=false; } if(!available){ return null; } mediaplayers.remove(0);; if(mediaplayers.size()<1){ return null; } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("EXCEPTION IN GETMEDIA"+e); e.printStackTrace(); } return mediaplayers.firstElement(); } private void removefile (){ String TAG = "removefile ***:"; try{ File temp = new File(context.getCacheDir(),DOWNFILE + playedcounter); Log.i(TAG, temp.getAbsolutePath()); temp.delete(); synchronized(this){ playedcounter++; } }catch(Exception e){
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

System.out.println("EXCEPTION IN REMOVEFILE"+e); e.printStackTrace(); } } //Start first audio clip private void startMediaPlayer() { String TAG = "startMediaPlayer***:"; try{ //Grab out first media player synchronized(this){ started = true; MediaPlayer mp = mediaplayers.get(0); mp.start(); } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("EXCEPTION IN STARTMEDIAPLAYER"+e); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void clear(){ String TAG = "CLEAR URL STREAMPLAYER***:"; try{ synchronized(this){ playedcounter = 1; started = false; available=false; for(int i=0;i<mediaplayers.size();i++){ MediaPlayer mp=mediaplayers.get(i); if(mp != null){ if( mp.isPlaying()) mp.pause(); mp.reset(); mp.release(); } } mediaplayers.removeAllElements(); } }catch(Exception e){ Log.i(TAG, "ERROR CLEARING MEADIA PLAYERS : " + mediaplayers.size() ); e.printStackTrace(); }

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi


150 CatDaaaady March 1, 2010 at 10:17 pm

I am not so sure on that one. But maybe in your clear() try mp.stop(); mp.release(); Instead of mp.pause(); mp.reset(); mp.release(); It could be the mediaplayer resources are not getting released properly? Reply

151 kavitha March 2, 2010 at 8:45 pm Thanks for the reply catdaaady. I tried with mp.stop() and mp.release(). Still it is same. Any other alternatives???? or else do you have any idea of converting audio to PCM and playing from AudioTrack class of Android? Reply

152 vinod March 5, 2010 at 2:05 am HI kavitha you will try mp.reset();

153 vinod March 5, 2010 at 2:08 am and you must interrupt to buffer loading
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi


154 kolos March 12, 2010 at 7:45 am

Hi guys, i am new to Android. i am trying to stream a video but i always have this error message sorry cannot play video! does anybody have a solution?? Reply

155 Biosopher March 12, 2010 at 8:01 am Hi Kolos, You should read all the responses to this current post as dozens of people have already asked that question and posted many answers. Also read this post for the same reason: Reply

115. Hi,,

156 kavitha April 6, 2010 at 9:17 pm

How to implement media player as service. Please suggest. Thanks Kavitha Reply


157 CatDaaaady April 7, 2010 at 11:58 pm

I converted my streaming player into a service first in revision 19 It took a lot of trial and error, but I bet you can find some tutorials on the net. Reply
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi


158 meen_onboard April 11, 2010 at 3:26 am

Thanks, this is a great tutorial for me to understand how to streaming music to my Hero. Reply

159 Scission April 16, 2010 at 5:37 am HI Biosopher Big thanks for this very tutorial it help me a lof ^^ Can u provide me plz a example of source code which deals with only local file and not in internet ? because the buffer process is a little hard for me ^^ thx a lot ps : sorry for my english and i PM u in anddev ^^ Reply


160 Ron April 20, 2010 at 2:20 am

Hi Biosopher, thanks for the great tutorial. Im an iPhone developer taking my first steps at developing for Android. I have an app on the iPhone that implements the exact functionality youre describing here so this is a great start for porting it to the Android platform. Unfortunately it seems the download link for source code is broken, any chance to get it fixed, of if anyone else has the source code, Ill be happy to get it. Thanks, Ron. Reply

119. Hi Anthony,

161 Hari April 26, 2010 at 9:55 pm

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

I tried executing your code in Android emulator. Download is happening properly but I dont hear any audio. I checked playback of an mp3 file in sdcard using the music player in emulator, it works fine. What could be the problem? Reply

120. Hi Hari,

162 Biosopher April 26, 2010 at 10:10 pm

Do you see any error messages in the Log? Anthony Reply

163 Hari April 26, 2010 at 10:56 pm Hi Anthony, Where can I see the log messages in the emulator? Kindly guide me, I will check and get back to you. Reply

164 Hari April 27, 2010 at 1:57 am Hi Anthony, When the download is happening, following error is getting displayed continuously: E/MediaPlayer( 247): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer E/MediaPlayer( 247): error (-38, 0) E/MediaPlayer( 247): Error (-38,0) E/MediaPlayer( 247): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer E/MediaPlayer( 247): error (-38, 0) E/MediaPlayer( 247): Error (-38,0) Please let me know why this error happens and how to fix it. Reply

165 Hari April 27, 2010 at 2:05 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi Anthony, And the call stack at the end of download is as follows: E/PlayerDriver( 31): Command PLAYER_SET_DATA_SOURCE completed with an error or info PVMFErrNotSupported E/MediaPlayer( 247): error (1, -4) E/ 247): Error updating to newly loaded content. E/ 247): Prepare failed.: status=01 E/ 247): at Method) E/ 247): at E/ 247): at$3( E/ 247): at$ E/ 247): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( E/ 247): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( E/ 247): at android.os.Looper.loop( E/ 247): at E/ 247): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) E/ 247): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( E/ 247): at$ E/ 247): at E/ 247): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) E/MediaPlayer( 247): Error (-38,0) W/PlayerDriver( 31): PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete E/MediaPlayer( 247): Error (-38,0) I/MediaPlayer( 247): Info (1,26) Reply

121. Hi Hari,

166 Biosopher April 27, 2010 at 8:16 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

It looks like you altered the tutorial code slightly. Read the tutorial section for information about PVMFErrNotSupported. Anthony Reply


167 Ronak May 5, 2010 at 10:02 pm

I was just wondering how can we get details of currently playing song like we get on our computers.. I want to display the name of currently playing track in a TextBox. Something like below: Now Playing: Boys like girls Two is better than one Reply


168 Rob May 11, 2010 at 8:46 pm

This tutorial worked really well on my Motorola Droid. Has anyone been able to get a play list to work like a m3u or pls in the URL? This steams mp3 files really well from my server but I cant make it play my playlist. I would find this really useful to change the playlist and never have to change the code. Reply


169 Jonathan May 13, 2010 at 8:24 am

been reading the OPs code and it looks good but im a bit confused at one thing. u store a buffer of the music and replace the old buffered file with the newly downloaded one? doesnt this provide a gap between the song your streaming as you have to set the mediaPlayer with the newly buffered music file? You say that it is impossible to add content to the file that the mediaPlayer is playing at the moment but what is wrong with simply doing this: mediaPlayer.create(context, Uri.parse(http://media/music/micheal_Jackson.mp3) ) mediaPlayer.start(); Why in the API does it say that the MediaPLayer itself can play content from a url providing the content your plauying supports continues download? Reply
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

170 Biosopher May 13, 2010 at 9:32 am The gap is so minor it typically isnt noticeable. Try your alternative and let us know if it works. Reply

171 CatDaaaady May 14, 2010 at 7:42 pm This tutorial was first setup when androids music player was extra sucky. See this: It is not so bad now. I used this page to help with my npr app doing live streaming. Since the current mediaplayer would not stream shoutcast-like live streams. I do hear the audio gaps but people Using the app dont seem to mind. Or maybe they cant tell? Reply


172 Rishu May 16, 2010 at 11:56 pm

Hi Please any one tell me . how to play continuous radio. I have try with above tutorial it s playing but after some time due to buffering it not working Reply


173 HungBh May 18, 2010 at 1:26 am

Hi u , I try to play streaming video with APIDemos, but I can play it with only file famous.3gp of you, i tried a lot of file .3gp but it show some error : command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info PVMFErrContentInvalidForProgressivePlayback. Attemp to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer. can u help me, plzzz can u send me some url or video, which APIDemos can streming, my email : tks alot!!! Reply


174 praveen May 28, 2010 at 3:11 pm

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi Biosopher, I worked with your Streaming media player. It worked very well for me. Im using this for playing audio stream from radio station url where streaming may be continuous. I increased buffer size to 10Mb in moveFile(oldFileLoc,newFileLoc) method to play continuously. Here sd caching is happening which could result in crash if user has insufficient memory. SO is there any another method or player service which works without SD caching. Pls let me know the better way to come out of this issue.. Thanks. Reply

175 Biosopher May 29, 2010 at 10:33 am Great to hear, Praveen. Many many people have been asking about streaming live audio on Android. 10MB seems like a reasonable file size depending on the bytes/second of audio time being streamed. What radio station are you streaming and what format is their stream encrypted into? Reply

128. Hi Biospher

176 Abhijeet June 2, 2010 at 7:30 pm

I am a bit new to Android . I was trying to run the MediaPlayerDemo_Video example given in API demos of sample codes . But there was a glitch . My emulator showed the message :The application MediaPlayerDemo_Video (process has stopped unexpectedly . Please try again. I am not getting where the problem is . I think there might be some problem with my manifest file , so I am sending you the manifest file that I used . I have read the whole discussion . You have been very cooperative throughout . Please help me out !!! Abhijeet Reply


177 Abhijeet June 2, 2010 at 7:32 pm

The AndroidManifest file is :A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Abhijeet Reply

130. Reply

178 Abhijeet June 2, 2010 at 7:32 pm


179 Abhijeet June 2, 2010 at 7:35 pm

I am unable to send you the manifest file . I am copying it here in the comment box but it is not publishing the code. So you only send me the required files to run it. My id Abhijeet Reply


180 Abhijeet June 2, 2010 at 7:37 pm

I am unable to send you the manifest file . I am copying it here in the comment box but it is not publishing the code. So you only send me the required files to run it. My id Abhijeet Reply


181 CatDaaaady June 3, 2010 at 10:55 pm

God has smiled on us! With the android app I have been running, MyNPR, I used Biosophers code to get me going playing a live stream of local npr stations. My code is here ( Yesterday, NPR released the code for the official NPR app for Android. Why is this so great? Because they have real live streaming for stations. No saving files locally and playing them in a queue! But there is a catch it is currently not working in the app. BUT looking at their code we can see the direction they are going.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Basically they are doing what I thought I would have to do to make it all work with out saving files. Take the live stream , repackage the packets into something the mediaplayer can use, then send it to the mediaplayer. I was thinking of converting the live stream to some sort of rtps stream. But NPR is doing something different. I am not sure what though. Check the links below for the code. Funny side note: I swear some of their code is very close to Biosophers code . Even down to the variable names. Playback service (where I see some similar code, check lines 328-337) Code that translates the live stream: Announcement: Reply

182 Biosopher June 4, 2010 at 10:17 pm This is awesome news, CatDaaaady. Ill have to find the time to dig into the NPR app code. If possible, Ill write an audio streaming tutorial based on the NPR code. This will be an excellent next step for this tutorialit drastically needs to be updated. Cheers, Anthony Reply

134. Hi Biospher ,

183 Abhijeet June 13, 2010 at 2:49 am

I have tried the code given in API demos i.e but on executing the code , I just get a blank screen on the emulator and nothing happens (no audio as well) . Plz some one help me out !!!! Reply

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

135. Hi biospher

184 Abhijeet June 13, 2010 at 4:06 am

Besides the API code , I have also tried writing the code the way you told amit in one of the posts in this blog (16th february 2009). But the result is same , once again I am getting a blank screen with no video and audio . Please Biospher , help me out. Abhijeet Reply


185 Abhijeet June 14, 2010 at 4:33 am

please sum1 reply me i really need sum help !!! Reply

186 Biosopher June 14, 2010 at 8:08 am Hi Abhijeet, Sounds lke your video is not formatted properly. Make sure use a valid format and that your video works in the API Demos code before trying my code above. Here is a valid video: Reply

187 Abhijeet June 14, 2010 at 7:48 pm Hi biospher , thnx for the reply . I am using the same file which you have told. Now the problem is that I am getting the audio but , the video stops immediately after the first frame . The audio keeps on going fine but in the surface view only the first frame is being shown. I am sending you the code I am using : package;

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.widget.Toast; public class VideoPlayer extends Activity implements OnBufferingUpdateListener, OnCompletionListener, OnPreparedListener, SurfaceHolder.Callback { private static final String TAG = MediaPlayerDemo; private int mVideoWidth; private int mVideoHeight; private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer; private SurfaceView mPreview; private SurfaceHolder holder; private String path; private String videoStreamURL; private Bundle extras; private static final String MEDIA = media; private static final int LOCAL_VIDEO = 4; private static final int STREAM_VIDEO = 5; private boolean mIsVideoSizeKnown = false; private boolean mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed = false; public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { Log.d(TAG,hello); super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.mediaplayer); Toast.makeText(this,hi, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); mPreview = (SurfaceView) findViewById(; holder = mPreview.getHolder(); holder.addCallback(this); holder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS); videoStreamURL=; Log.d(TAG,videoStreamURL);

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

} public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { Log.d(TAG, surfaceCreated called); playvideo(); } private void playvideo(){ Log.d(TAG,in Playvideo); try { mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(videoStreamURL); mMediaPlayer.setDisplay(holder); mMediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(this); mMediaPlayer.setOnBufferingUpdateListener(this); mMediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(this); mMediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(this); mMediaPlayer.prepare(); mMediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, error: + e.getMessage(), e); } } public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mediaplayer) { Log.d(TAG,onPrepared called); mVideoWidth = mMediaPlayer.getVideoWidth(); mVideoHeight = mMediaPlayer.getVideoHeight(); if (mVideoWidth != 0 && mVideoHeight != 0) { holder.setFixedSize(mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight); mMediaPlayer.start(); } } public void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer arg0, int percent) { Log.d(TAG, onBufferingUpdate percent: + percent); } public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer arg0) { Log.d(TAG, onCompletion called); }

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder surfaceholder, int i,int j, int k) { Log.d(TAG, surfaceChanged called); } public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder surfaceholder) { Log.d(TAG, surfaceDestroyed called); } protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); releaseMediaPlayer(); doCleanUp(); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); releaseMediaPlayer(); doCleanUp(); } private void releaseMediaPlayer() { if (mMediaPlayer != null) { mMediaPlayer.release(); mMediaPlayer = null; } } private void doCleanUp() { mVideoWidth = 0; mVideoHeight = 0; mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed = false; mIsVideoSizeKnown = false; } private void startVideoPlayback() { Log.v(TAG, startVideoPlayback); holder.setFixedSize(mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight); mMediaPlayer.start(); } public void onVideoSizeChanged(MediaPlayer mp, int width, int height) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } My .xml file is as follows :
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

The manifest file is as follows :Please guide me through this. Abhijeet

137. My xml file :Reply

188 Abhijeet June 14, 2010 at 7:50 pm


189 Abhijeet June 14, 2010 at 7:52 pm

I am unable to send the xml file and manifest file to you . I am copying it in the comment box but it is not showing up in the post . Reply

190 tiger June 14, 2010 at 11:41 pm thank god for that !!!! really, do you know the word spam ? Ever thought you might be applying for the spam-master seeing the incredible amount of stuff you are posting It might be somewhat easier (and smarter) to ask for biospheres email adres, IF he is willing to give that for supplying some help, obviously his code is given as is, as in : if you cant get it to work then most probably it has something to do with yourself, like a wrong manifest, wrong project, wrong settings Reply

191 Abhijeet June 15, 2010 at 1:24 am hi tiger , thanks for the idea but i thought it would be better to get my doubts cleared over here only so that it may be useful to the people taking up the this project in near future . By the way , please help me with this problem of mine . It will be of great use for me

139. Thanks Tiger.

192 Biosopher June 15, 2010 at 6:47 pm

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hi Abhijeet, Did you change Androids VideoPlayer demo code at all or did you simply plug-in the URL for my video file? What version of Android are you using? Reply

193 Abhijeet June 15, 2010 at 11:15 pm hi Biospher , yes I have changed the code , I have posted it already . If you dont mind can you please send me your email id , I will send you the complete project of mine.My email id is I am using android 2.1 Reply

194 Biosopher June 16, 2010 at 6:04 am Sadly I dont have time to review an entire project. What lines of code did you change and why did you change them?

140. Hi,

195 jubin June 24, 2010 at 11:07 pm

I have used this code but it is not streaming audio.Will this code work on android emulator. Reply

196 Biosopher June 24, 2010 at 11:16 pm The code works in the emulator. Reply


197 Daniel June 30, 2010 at 11:20 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Hey, there. Great tutorial. Ive implemented it, however, and its not working properly. Im using Eclipse, and Im stepping through the code with the debugger, and it appears as though once the download thread is started, none of the code thats supposed to be handled by the handler is being handled. Im sure its something Ive done wrong. Was there something special that I was supposed to do to ensure that the message handler thread exists? Getting VERY frustrated Thanks, Daniel Reply

198 Biosopher June 30, 2010 at 11:39 am Try streaming this file: Reply

199 Daniel June 30, 2010 at 12:37 pm Uh, wow. Thanks for you quick reply! I changed the calls to kicking off new threads, and, WHEW, that really made for interesting results Dont know what Im doing wrong. Thanks Ill try it Daniel

200 Daniel June 30, 2010 at 12:54 pm Thanks, but actually, that threw an exception. Im not sure why the source would have made a difference, though. Anyway, let me briefly explain my setup how its different from yours is that I have an array of media players that are in a listview (essentially). Its actually an array of StreamingMediaPlayer objects. Nonetheless, once you get into the actual StreamingMediaPlayer object that is instantiated for the particular row, it should behave no differently than yours (so *I* believe).
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Anyway, thats the situation the selected row streams the file properly, but that is fired off in testMediaBuffer APPEARS to never be run which leads me to believe that Im not set up properly somehow my thread from which these posts are being done (handled) is not right. Why I think this is because of this constructor definition in the API: public Handler () Since: API Level 1 Default constructor associates this handler with the queue for the current thread. If there isnt one, this handler wont be able to receive messages. Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Stuck in the mud Thanks, Daniel P.S. I HAVE read both tutorials


201 extract audio from video July 10, 2010 at 2:01 am

I recommend to look for the answer to your question in Reply


202 raul August 16, 2010 at 11:55 am

first of all i would like to say that this a great website. my problem is the following: i am on the road all the time and i listen to radio stations from my country. When i go to the website and i click on the radio link to start listening, a small windows pops up and show everything except for the windows media controls (pause, play, volume)i have htc evo,with froyo. the small window only shows a square with a little box, obviously is missing the control buttons. is this a codec problem? plugin? any help will be greatly appreciated. Reply

203 Biosopher August 18, 2010 at 7:32 am Hi Raul, Sounds like the website is using Flashwhich is not supported on the iPhone. Reply

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

144. Hello,

204 Fabien August 18, 2010 at 2:18 pm

When I use a simple MediaPlayer code with icecast mp3 stream, it plays sound from Android 1.5 to 2.2. When I use a simple MediaPlayer code with shoutcast, it only plays sound on Android 2.2. Do you know why Android 2.1 doesnt support shoutcast streams like shoutcast streams ? Thank you. Reply

205 Biosopher August 18, 2010 at 2:48 pm Sorry Fabien, I dont know anything about shoutcast streams. Most likely it is a streamed media format. Android provides little support for streaming formats. Anthony Reply

206 Fabien August 23, 2010 at 12:43 pm Ok, thank you


207 Freddy September 12, 2010 at 1:49 pm

Hello men, First of all thank you for these instructive posts! Did one of you tested the MyNPR code using the streamProxy ? I tried to use it in order to play Shoutcast streams and was unable to get any results on both 1.5 and 1.6 versions of the API. Which solution do you use to play live Shoutcast streams ? The best solution I found is CatDaaadys one. Even if there tends to be some cuts when switching between two captures. Reply
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

146. Hello,

208 Charlie October 13, 2010 at 5:57 pm

First thanks for sharing. I tries this programme on my phone and it works! Now what I want to do it to buffer a live streaming, so I replace the media URL with something like rtsp://, and this programme seems does not support that. Biosopher, do you have any idea how to modify your code so that it can support live streaming buffering? Thanks a lot. Charlie Reply

147. Hi,

209 Travis October 20, 2010 at 9:47 am

it just a great tutorial and works fine but what change we have to made if the length in kilobytes of the media file, and the length in seconds of the media file are not known,in order to update the progress bar. Reply

148. Hi,

210 sudheer October 21, 2010 at 10:39 pm

I am working on a project where i am sending live video streams from an ip camera to a android phone. now i have an idea of sending bidirectional audio both from ip camera and android since they have microphone and speaker. can you please tell me how can we proceed with this? thanks & regards, karumanchi Reply

149. Hi,

211 Kapil Choubisa November 1, 2010 at 3:47 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

I am new in android and working on os 2.2 I had tried your code for play streaming .mp3 but not get succeed. When I click on Start Streaming. The progressbar shows streaming but I am unable to play the sound. the play button is not working. Dont know why? and is there any change with os 2.2 coz this is for 1.5. Thank you Reply


212 SciLor November 1, 2010 at 12:23 pm Any chance to send me the source code?

To bad that the download link is down Reply

213 Biosopher November 7, 2010 at 8:55 pm The site is back up! Sorry for the delay Checkout the updated post here as well: Reply


214 nick November 4, 2010 at 12:16 am

thanku this code works !!!!!!can any one help me in reducing the code here. i just want to buffer radio station and play all unwanted error messages want to be removed !!! and other useless stuff Reply

152. Hi,

215 sudheer November 17, 2010 at 12:13 am

Thanks for sharing nice tutorial on audio streaming in android. I am doing similar to this, where my task is to play live audio streams coming from ip camera over rtsp/http in .cgi format.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Is this code is useful for my task. Kindly help me to do so. Thanks & Regards, Karumanchi Reply

216 Biosopher November 18, 2010 at 7:57 pm Hi Karumanchi. Sadly youre not the first to ask that question and most likely not the last. Please read through the other posts for everyones input on streaming. Short of it still seems to be that there is no easy solution for doing this on Android. Reply

153. Hi,

217 jhulst November 19, 2010 at 8:25 am

Thanks for posting this. Im looking to use some of it for a local radio station app and Id like to release my code as GPL. Do you have any restrictions on the code you posted? Any specific license you want it under? Thanks, Josh Reply

218 Biosopher November 20, 2010 at 10:01 am GPL is fine by me. Please let me know when you release the code so I can post around and let others know. Reply

154. Hi Biosopher,

219 Charlie November 28, 2010 at 9:22 pm

I try to modify your code so that I can streaming video. While in the stratMediaPayer() function, the File bufferedFile =new File(context.getCacheDir(),getCacheDir(),playeringMedia+(counter++)+.dat) only works for the file. After that, the logcat says that content is truncated. Do you know how does this happen? Why the
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

code work for audio but not video? Thanks a lot. Charlie. Reply

220 Charlie November 28, 2010 at 9:24 pm Sorry a small typo, in the 4th line, it should be works for the first file. Reply


221 Alireza December 14, 2010 at 6:02 am

I am trying to record a voice from Mic using Media Recorder class. in the mentioned class we have just setOutputFile method to set the output file, but I need to get a buffer of some certain recorded voice, I mean i need something like a CallBack method that return a block of recorded byte at that time and i am going to send the mentioned bytes to another device Actually I want to stream and send the recorded voice through socket to another device simultaneously not saving the recorded voice and then read the file and send it, due to it results an unexpected delay Reply

156. Hi,

222 Carla Castro December 23, 2010 at 1:16 pm

I am looking for a tutorial on remote control to control a server. NOT STREAMING audio. I would like to import a .apk into eclipse, but it keeps saying that the AndroidManifest.xml could not be parsed. I am a newbie at this, but would really need someone to help me on this. Many thanks Reply

157. Hi

223 ThiloG January 18, 2011 at 10:42 pm

Im working on pdf file downloading task.Pdf file is downloading partially, not fully. And also progress bar is not comming. Here i mention about my code. If you find solution means please reply me.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

public class Downloading extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ String filePath = /sdcard/ ; String fileName = one.pdf; BufferedInputStream bos; BufferedOutputStream bis; //String PATH = /sdcard/; ProgressBar mprogressbar; // pdf = =0CFcQ1QIoAA public String url =; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.downloading); Button increase = (Button) findViewById(; increase.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub /*ImageManager im = new ImageManager(); im.downloadFromUrl(imageName, fileName);*/ new DownloadFile().execute(); } }); }//oncreate closing public class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask{ int count; //@Override protected void onCancelled() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onCancelled(); } //@Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean downloaded) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

//super.onPostExecute(result); if(downloaded){ downloaded = false; Log.i(onPostExecute, checking download + downloaded); Toast.makeText(Downloading.this, File is downloaded, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } String filefrom = /sdcard/one.pdf; File file1 = new File(filefrom ); if(!file1.exists()){ } Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.fromFile(file1)); intent.setFlags(2); intent.setClass(Downloading.this,PdfViewerActivity.class); startActivity(intent); } //@Override protected void onPreExecute() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //super.onPreExecute(); } //@Override protected void onProgressUpdate(String values) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //super.onProgressUpdate(values); //mprogressbar.setProgress(Float.parseFloat(values)); } @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(File params) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { URL url1 = new URL(url); Log.i(DoInBackground , url1. + url1); File file = new File(filePath + fileName); Log.i(DoInBackground , filePath. + filePath + fileName.. + fileName + file + file); URLConnection conection = url1.openConnection(); conection.connect(); int file_length = conection.getContentLength(); // for progress as 1-100 % //for download file InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(url1.openStream()); Log.i(DoInBackground, Inputstream is + is + url1.openstreat(). + url1.openStream()); OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); Log.i(DoInBackground, OutputStream is + os + FileOpStream() ); byte data[] =new byte[1024]; int total = 0;

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

while((count = != -1){ total += count; Log.i(DoInBackground, total count + total); publishProgress((int)total*100/file_length);// progressing os.write(data, 0, count); } os.flush(); os.close(); is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); boolean downloaded = true; } return true; } } } Reply


224 Dharmin January 19, 2011 at 8:42 am

Thank you soo much for the great tutorial. You rock!! Reply


225 foob January 22, 2011 at 10:33 pm

please can u giv teh codez? All your dropouts are belong to us. Reply

226 Biosopher January 23, 2011 at 11:37 am The link to the code is at the bottom of the tutorial. Reply

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi


227 deepz January 29, 2011 at 1:40 am

thanks for such a great effort really helped a lot Reply

161. Hi all

228 Rimi February 18, 2011 at 10:17 pm

I am new in android and working on streaming.The totorial is helpful and easy to understand. But while launching I get some errors as installation error of missing shared libraries.Wiil be greatful if you could help out in this. Thanks in advance Rimi Reply

229 Biosopher February 19, 2011 at 10:39 am Whats the error? Reply

162. Hi all

230 Rimi February 18, 2011 at 10:18 pm

I am new in android and working on streaming.The tutorial is helpful and easy to understand. But while launching I get some errors as installation error of missing shared libraries.Wiil be greatful if you could help out in this. Thanks in advance Rimi Reply

163. Hi Guys,

231 sandroid March 9, 2011 at 6:50 am

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

This tutorial has been really helpful, i have not read all the previous posts since there are many. The only problem with this tutorial is that, 1. Its very complicated logic 2. Lot of gaps in audio 3. CPU intensive. I have achived to get rid of all 3 problmes, by using my very own inbuilt http server. Which works like a charm. I can have a tutrial on this, if anyone is intrested. Just let me know. Reply

232 CatDaaaady March 11, 2011 at 1:06 am You should post it up somewhere and link back to it here. Reply

233 Biosopher March 11, 2011 at 8:09 am An in-built http server would be an interesting solution. As CatDaaaady sayd, please create a tutorial introducing your approach and definitely post a link into to this page. Reply

234 Y.H. Lin May 6, 2011 at 2:19 am If you can provide your http server tutorial for media, it will be appreciated. Reply

1. 1 Android Tutorial #4: Image & Text-Only Buttons Pocket Journey Trackback on April 30, 2008 at 5:14 pm 2. 2 Android Tutorial #4.2: Passing custom variables via XML resource files Pocket Journey Trackback on
May 2, 2008 at 12:13 pm

3. 3 Tutorial 1: Transparent Panel (Linear Layout) On MapView (Google Map) Pocket Journey Trackback
on August 11, 2008 at 9:51 pm

4. 4 Streaming encoded video via RTP Afraha ! The Next Big Thing! Trackback on August 7, 2009 at 3:51 am 5. 5 Streaming encoded video via RTP Afraha ! The Next Big Thing! Trackback on August 9, 2009 at 12:02 am 6. 6 Android Streaming MediaPlayer Tutorial Updated to v1.5 (Cupcake) Pocket Journey Trackback on
December 27, 2009 at 9:30 am

7. 7 Android Audio Streaming Ballard Hack Trackback on April 25, 2010 at 9:12 am 8. 8 Easy Cocoa [Android] Tutorial Trackback on October 25, 2010 at 4:16 pm 9. 9 Android Streaming music from one device to another | Android JB Trackback on May 1, 2011 at 11:31 pm

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