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April 26, 2012
an inside look at a couple with
developmental disabilities
getting it
What it's
like to...
job search made simple
negotiate with a gang lord
the oDDs
From the Editor} {
Whats hot this Week
All in the family
inside this issue
thursday april 26
friday april 27
saturday april 28
sunday april 29
monday april 30
tuesday may 1
Wednesday may 2
What: The CrafT we Choose: my life in The Cia
When: 3 p.m.
Where: The dole insTiTuTe of poliTiCs
Why you care: former Top Cia offiCer diCk holm gives The publiC The behind-The-sCenes
look aT whaT iTs like To work for suCh a ClandesTine serviCe.
What: Talib kweli
When: 7 p.m.
Where: The granada, 1020 massaChuseTTs sT.
Why you care: bringing hip hop To The granada
wiTh an arTisT ThaT goT his sTarT Through Collabora-
Tive efforTs wiTh mos def.
What: afriCa world doCumenTary film fesTival
When: 1 p.m. To 11 p.m.
Where: spenCer museum of arT
Why you care: Ten films from differenT CounTries of
afriCa. go To hTTp://www.afriCaworldfilmfesTival.Com/2012/
sChedule for show Times.
What: lawrenCe jewish CommuniTy womens film fesTival
When: 3 p.m.
Where: lawrenCe jewish CommuniTy CenTer, 917 high-
land drive
Why you care: loTs of films To Choose from This
What: free argenTine Tango open praCTiCa
When: 8 p.m.
Where: signs of life, 722 massaChuseTTs sT.
Why you care: free danCe lesson? learn To Tango
and impress your friends.
What: Tuesday farmers markeT
When: 4 p.m.
Where: TenTh and vermonT
Why you care: loCal produCe, baked goods and jam.
geT some good grub.
What: quieT Corral
When: 9 p.m.
Where: granada, 1020 massaChuseTTs sT.
Why you care: supporT The loCal musiC sCene, we all
have To sTarT somewhere.
ediTor sss nadia imafidon
assoCiaTe ediTor sss lindsey deiTer
designers sss emily grigone, allie welCh
love sss sasha lund, aliZa Chudnow, raChel sChwarTZ
sChool sss allison bond, megan hinman
Campus + Town sss kelsea eCkenroTh, john garfield, briTTney haynes
enTerTainmenT sss kelsey Cipolla, raChel sChulTZ, aleX TreTbar
play sss sara sneaTh, raChel Cheon
ConTribuTors sss miChelle maCbain, landon mCdonald
CreaTive ConsulTanT sss Carol holsTead
lindsey deiter | associate editor
In less than three weeks, Ill be a bach-
elor degree holding college graduate. Save
for some sort of disaster that I shouldnt
even mention for fear of jinxing it, so
will a slew of other young Jayhawks. Im
sure Im not alone in all the uncertainties
that arise during this time, as my futures
horizon is quite hazy.
My parents ask regularly if I have any
plans or prospects afer I graduate. My
boss wants to know how long he can
expect me around. Every time I speak to
someone from back home, they want to
know what Im up to. Im running out of
nice ways to say I dont really know.
But I am confdent and feel blessed to
have so many people that care about and
support me, when so much of my life is
yet to be written. Its easy to be skeptical
and get weighed down by the expenses
that Ill soon be shouldering: student loan
repayment, car and health insurance, rent,
gasoline, taxes, and the million wed-
ding and baby shower gifs I feel like Ive
already purchased since I graduated high
school. Im not kidding: I graduated in a
class of 36 and already need all of both
hands to count how many of my class-
mates are engaged, married and/or have
children or are expecting one soon.
Ten I think about how much I already
have, even if a legitimate career prospect
isnt one of them. Even in my character-
istic skepticism, I have a family, a lover
and a web of friends that I genuinely love
and trust. I have a job at arguably the best
restaurant in town that I can support my-
self with. I pay my own rent. I have a car,
a laptop and a pet kitty. In the wise words
of Dave Chappelle, Im rich, bitch!
Give or take a thing or two, these are
all things that most all other Jayhawks
have too. Too ofen do we allow the pres-
sures of our complex society and busy
schedules to skew the way we view our
own lives and all the things we are lucky
enough to have. Alizas story on page 12
reminded me of all the things I have to
be grateful for, as well as the ways society
used to limit the lives of people like Lisa
and Hal, the couple featured in her story.
So Dave Chappelle wasnt talking
about quite the same thing I am, but his
words still apply. With our economy in a
rut and the job market in a similar state,
I think our generation can bring about a
new way of viewing wealth. If thats the
case, my kitty Charles is worth his weight
in gold.
table of contents
Kansas graduate does reality
TV show, Sweet Home
Alabama. 6
campus & town:

You walk past Liberty Hall on
Mass Street all the time, but
how much do you really know
about it?
No money, no problem:
the limited life of an
independent fim maker.
Do this...boudoir photos: the
art of a tasteful naked photo.
Do you believe in magic?
Metaphysics and the
personal essay:
One Jayplay writers journey
through coping with a loss
while studying abroad.
cover photy by travis young
Hal schultz and lisa barcus
Dear Michelle,
My girlfriend told me that she cannot
get pregnant while she is on her period,
so we have not used condoms during this
time. Should I be worried about getting
her pregnant during her period?
Baby While Bleeding
Dear BWB,
Adopting the notion that a woman
cannot become pregnant during men-
struation will eventually fail you. I assume
you are trying to prevent a pregnancy
from happening, so why dont we start
with a crash course on the female men-
strual cycle.
Ovulation is not a straight-forward
process; the 14-day ovulation cycle is not
accurate. Tracking ovulation requires
much more time and attention. To begin,
your girlfriend should pay attention to
her menstruation cycle and determine
whether it is regular or irregular. Regular
cycles will produce a menstrual period
consistently, afer a set number of days
(28 on average, but can range from 21to
35 days).
If your girlfriend has regular, like
clockwork, cycles, then she can deter-
mine ovulation through basic math and
with the help of ovulation predictor
devices found at your local drug store.
Ovulation with regular cycles can be
estimated two ways: 1) Counting 11 to 21
days since the last menstrual period, or
2) Counting 12 to 16 days from when you
expect the next menstrual period to be-
gin. During ovulation, an egg is available
Te Hookup
Michelle MacBain, Kansas City, is a graduate student
in communication Studies. She studied psychology
and human sexuality at KU and the University of
Email questions to
for fertilization for about 12 to 24 hours
afer being released. Since sperm can live
in the body for up to fve days, the woman
can be fertile for up to seven days.
Ovulation predictor devices will detect
the presence of luteinizing hormones
(LH). LH rise right before ovulation
occurs. Tese devices will only detect
whether you are ovulating, but cannot
ensure you do ovulate.
Menstruation and Pregnancy:
A woman can only become pregnant
during ovulation. If your girlfriend has
a regular cycle and can estimate time
of ovulation, you should avoid having
unprotected sex during her ovulation.
Usually, a woman with a regular cycle
has little chance of becoming pregnant
during her menstrual period. However,
(and pay attention to this next part) it IS
possible for a woman to become pregnant
when having unprotected sex during her
menstrual cycle.
Lets say your girlfriend has a 21-day
cycle and she averages about seven days
of bleeding for every cycle. Ovulation
can occur 12 to 16 days before the next
period. With this cycle and the amount of
bleeding time, she would be ovulating at
days 6 to 10 of her 21-day cycle. Re-
member, sperm can live inside her body
for three to fve days. If your girlfriend
happens to ovulate on this schedule and
you have unprotected sex during her
menstruation, you can tell your friends to
start calling you daddy.
Finally, lets say she has a regular cycle,
she tracks her ovulation through calcula-
tion and the ovulation detection device,
and she determines ovulation does not
occur during her menstrual cycle. What
could go wrong? Well, you forget to factor
in lifestyle and stress. Ovulation can be
afected by stress, illness or the disrup-
tion of normal daily routines. A womans
cycle is sensitive to these factors and
although she may assume her ovulation is
occurring at the same time every month,
something like demanding fnals or a
week-long fu could throw her ovulation
way of.
So what does this all mean? If you want
to prevent an unplanned or unwanted
pregnancy, use efective contraceptives
properly EVERY time you have sex.
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Chelsea Mullen, a sophomore from
Eudora, likes guys with facial hair. If he
can make her laugh, shes putty in his
hands. But, Mullen says, her friends just
dont get it.
Most of my friends like pretty boys
who are overly groomed, and I dont think
thats attractive in the least, she says.
While Mullen and her friends might be at
odds over it, science has proven that there
are characteristics found to be most desir-
able in the opposite sex. A 2008 study
in the Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology found that red is the most at-
tractive color to members of the opposite
sex. Another study done at the University
of Texas found an ideal waist-to-hip ratio
for women to be 0.7 which represents
a much smaller waist than hips. Various
other scientifc research has pointed to
facial symmetry as being of high impor-
tance when it comes to attracting a mate.
With these conclusions, can we assume
that an ideal specimen exists?
Dennis M. Dailey, retired professor of
the school of social welfare, says no. Te
basis of our attraction to other people
is based on a attraction template that is
formed as we grow older. Dailey says the
preferences that make up this attraction
Te Laws of Attraction
Why you and your friends just cant agree on johnny depp
The MosT BeauTiful
PeoPle in The World
People magazine publishes
an annual list of the Most
Beautiful People. Here is a
look at some of their picks
throughout the years.
2011: Jennifer Lopez
2008: Kate Hudson
2007: Drew Barrymore
2006: Angelina Jolie
2005: Julia Roberts
2004: Jennifer Aniston
2003: Halle Berry
2002: Nicole Kidman
1998: Leonardo Dicaprio
1997: Tom Cruise
1996: Mel Gibson
1994: Meg Ryan
1993: Cindy Crawford
1992: Jodi Foster
template vary greatly from person to
person, but we all have our type.
If everyone had to be a stunning
model that represented the thing men are
attarcted to, wed be in trouble. Tere are
social standards that says what is or isnt
beautiful, but that doesnt represent ev-
eryones attraction template, Dailey says.
Dailey says that experiences such as Mul-
lens are common, and because there is so
much variance in attraction, its impos-
sible to determine what one persons at-
traction template is compared to another
persons. Sexual attraction, however, Dai-
ley says, is just one component of overall
attraction an umbrella term which
includes values, intelligence, money, reli-
gion and power all as things we consider
when evaluating someones attractiveness.
Our attraction templates, Dailey says, will
alert us if a possible mate has enough of
these qualities that we desire.
Everyones attraction template is
unique, Dailey says, so where does it
come from? Te answer is simple: Beauty
is in the eye of the beholder. Our difer-
ences in attraction can stem from our
parents, social learning from peers, or
childhood sex play and fantasy. One thing
is for sure though, Dailey believes: we
arent born with our templates.
Isadora Alman, a syndicated advice
columnist and marriage and family thera-
pist, agrees that while attraction is based
on many things, it almost always starts
out as something physical. She advises
people to identify their physical triggers,
and use them to their advantage.
People have to cop to the fact that
they have a penchant for redheads or
great bottoms or something. Tat will
make the diference of whether theyll
talk to someone and get to know them,
she says.
While physical attraction may be
important for a new romance, Alman
warns people that it may not always lead
to a long-term relationship. She says
sex appeal can be overridden quickly if
someone says something ofensive or
Someone can look absolutely great,
and then once they open their mouth, its
gone, she says.
// sasha Lund
Alman believes that, while there are
many things a person can do to decrease
their attractiveness to other people, the
only thing a person can do to appear
more attractive to the opposite sex is be
friendly and be themselves. She says if
youre looking to stand out from the pack,
dont be self-concious and just reach out
to someone.
If someone is willing to smile and
say hi, they are going to make a wonder-
fully better frst impression that is going
to override any physical characteristics,
Alman says.
Dennis Dailey agrees that little can
be done to enhance your appeal to the
opposite sex. He advises someone looking
for love to be authentic and genuine, and
love will fnd its way.
I dont think you can dress yourself
up to be attractive to someone of the op-
posite sex. No one needs to do anything
extra. Tere are people out there who will
fnd you attractive, he says.
phOtO by mOrgan LafOrgE
everyones attraction template is different says retired social welfare professor
dennis M. dailey.
ligence and humor, for sure. Its also
important that they are active and like to
do things outside.
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB? I want to stay in
academia and be a professor. I want to
Cassie Rupp, 24, a small town girl from
Dighton, never thought she would star
in the CMT reality show Sweet Home
Alabama. But afer graduating from KU
in 2010 and moving to California, she was
cast for the second season of the series,
where country girls were pitted against city
girls to vie for model Tribble Reeses heart.
She made it past six rounds before being
It was nothing like I thought it would
be. I did think I would come in and it
would be scripted. But I showed up and
lived in a house with 21 girls. Im from
Kansas; I hate city boys and I knew it
wasnt like Te Bachelor. I think with
Te Bachelor there is so much pres-
sure to be engaged at the end. I never
Catch of the Week
Celebrity Dish:
educate on environmental issues; mainly
sustainability and reform within the food
industry. Being a farmer would be cool as
Ancient Egypt. Im totally fascinated by
Egyptian culture.
Te Bourgeois Pig. I like the crowd that
goes there and they make really good
would really like to go to Ireland because
thats where a lot of my family is from. Its
really beautiful there.
erts. She has been in so many of my favor-
ite movies. I love her laugh and her smile.
potato fries and probably some kind of
vegetable stir-fry.
considered it; I knew it was light-hearted
fun. Te producers let us live and never
stepped in. I spent all of my time with the
girls in the house.
When I frst met Tribble I really liked
him and he seemed really hot. It was hard
to really get to know him because of the
situation; Im not one to fght for a guy,
so I honestly wanted to give up. Afer I
went on a one-on-one date with him, I
thought he was really cool and charming.
But it was hard to be real when there were
cameras around and there was so much
going on.
Waiting for it to air was super nerve
wracking. Im such a dork. I say stupid
things and I make an ass out of myself
every day but you dont realize it when
six cameras are flming you. But I looked
extremely normal, thank God.
Its really weird and really funny. I never
thought I would say this, but Im 100
percent sure that it is possible.
cOntributEd phOtO
cOntributEd phOtO
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Alyssa Keith started of the month of
March by putting on her best business
attire, printing of copies of her resume
and heading to the journalism career fair.
I went in there with an open mind, says
Keith, a senior from El Dorado. Im open
to anything. Its pretty much have bag
will travel. But before connecting with
journalism employers from around Kan-
sas, Keith prepared by also going to the
University Career Fair and seeking help
from the University Career Center.
Keith is not the only one preparing for
career fairs on campus. Te University
Career Center director David Gaston says
1,000 students attended the University
Career Fair in February with 116 busi-
nesses to choose from. Two things to
prepare and polish before career fairs are
resume and interview skills.
One of the ways the Career Center,
located in room 110 at the Burge Union,
can help is through building and polish-
ing your resume. Students can work on
Preparing for the job search
their resume by using the online Optimal
Resume tool, a self-directed resume de-
velopment tool, or schedule an appoint-
ment with a Career Coach.
Debbie Snyder, employee at World
Company, which employs around 200
people in places such as the Lawrence
Journal-World, Mediaphormedia and
Sunfower Publishing, ofers a tip for
student resumes. Include all of your
experience, even if you feel its not rel-
evant, Snyder says. You learn something
from every experience. Gatson reminds
students though that the purpose of a
resume is to secure an interview. Resumes
provide the opportunity to promote your
experience and skills as a good ft for a
Once the interview is secured though,
how can you make sure the interview goes
great? One way is to practice through
mock interviews. Students can fne-tune
their interview skills by sitting down with
a career coach for a video recorded mock
Three big inTerview Tips
David Gatson, University Career
Center director, says there are three
big tips to preparing for a great
Self-Assessment: Know who you
are and what you want to accom-
Network: Look for opportunities
that correlate with you. Then com-
municate what value you can add
to an organization. Do background
research on the company you are
interviewing with. when interviewing
make sure to include some of that
research into the conversation.
Follow-up: Make sure you follow-
up the interview with a written note
or an email afterward.
Three big resuMe Tips offers these tips
for building the best resume:
Be clear: A resume should ad-
dress the experience required for the
position you are applying for.
Be concise: Try to ft your resume
on one page.
Be clean: Make sure your resume
is neat and easy to read. Tips to
accomplish this are use a readable
font such as Times new roman
in 11 or 12-point type, highlight
achievements and skills using bullet
points, use action verbs and avoid
// Allison Bond
leArn tips of the trAde for getting thAt joB After grAduAtion
or finding An internship for the summer
interview. Afer the interview, the tape
is replayed and talked about. A new edi-
tion of this process is called the optimal
interview, found at
Students can perform a self-directed
mock interview where they select a set
of questions that an actor in a video then
asks in an interview. Aferward, students
can send in the tape to get critiqued, a
process that is done all online.
First impressions are pretty impor-
tant, Gatson says. Going into an inter-
view, you have to communicate what you
have to ofer with a 30-second commer-
cial of who you are and what you want to
do, Gatson says. Trough a very indi-
vidualized approach, the Career Center,
serving around 3,000 students a year just
for individual appointments alone, seeks
to assist students in any phase of fguring
out what they want to do, from choos-
ing a career direction or major to helping
develop resumes and search for jobs.
Paul Coleman, who works at Lazer
105.9 radio station in Lawrence, agrees
that it is all about the interview process.
You come in and say, I didnt know what
else to do so I thought I would come and
apply, thats not going to work, Coleman
says. We are looking for people who are
motivated and know what they want.
Whether fnding an internship for the
summer or trying to get that frst job afer
college, polishing your resume and inter-
view skills never go to waste. Te Career
Center is here to help, Gaston says. We
love to help folks realize their dreams.
getting that job you want is as easy as nailing the preparation. photo illustration by jessica janasz
Films submitted from around the
world are appearing in the Spencer Mu-
seum of Art this week as the University of
Kansas hosts its frst of the Africa World
Documentary Film Festival. Presenting
21 movies from April 25 through 29, the
flm festival seeks to promote knowledge
and the culture of the people of Africa,
says Christina Lux, assistant director of
African studies. Te flms range in length
and content, focusing on diferent parts of
African culture.
While the media tends to focus on
confict in Africa, Lux says the flm festi-
val is a way to expose students to a variety
of perspectives and topics. Students see
Africa in a particular way, Lux says. Tis
features people showing their own voices
in their own reality.
Mugabi Byenkya, a sophomore from
Kampala, Uganda, who helped in the
selection process of the movies, says that
his favorite pick was Surfng Soweto. It
focuses on the lives of three surfers and
portrays the lives of a new generation of
youth in Soweto, South Africa.
Byenkya believes that in showing
documentary flms about Africa, students
can broaden their perspective on African
culture. If you can step outside of your
comfort zone and watch something you
normally wouldnt watch, it teaches you
to see the world through someone elses
eyes, Byenkya says. It can help you relate
with other people.
To learn more about the schedule of
movies playing or about the Africa World
Documentary Film Festival visit africa-
Get Involved:
Africa World Documentary Film Festival
Four days, 21 flms. //allIson bond
Get Involved:
KU Performance Club
Watch, learn, or join in. //meGan hInman
betteR oPtIons:
Bad Posture
It doesnt look good or feel good. //meGan hInman
If youve ever walked by Budig on a Monday afernoon, youve probably seen the KU Perfor-
mance Club, a group that recently combined with the KU Juggling Club. Te group practices
from noon to 4 p.m. every week, and their performances are eye-catching.
Hula hoop, fre staf, levitation stick, and poi are some of the acts Rachel Berry, a sopho-
more from Johnson County, performs with the group. Occasionally well go down to Mass.
Street and do little performances down there, Berry says, as she passes her hula hoop to a
friend. Tey might even perform at Busker Festival, a street performers gathering downtown
in August.
Te energy within the group of about 15 is high as they practice their diferent performanc-
es, with upbeat music playing from a stereo by one of the trees with a slack line on them. Tose
are the fat ropes tied to two trees that you might see people
walking or balancing on.
Te group will teach you any performance art they can,
says leader Shawn Nelson, a sophomore from Overland Park.
As he twirls his poi strings with balls on the end that can
be lit on fre for efect around his body efortlessly, he ex-
plains that it doesnt matter if the strings touch his arm. But
he wouldnt do that if they were lit, would he? Oh, absolutely
I would, he says.
Its like running your fnger through a candle fame,
interjects Bridget Lamb, former Juggling Club President and
senior from Exton, Pa. As long as you dont hold it over it for
like, fve seconds, youll be fne.
While many passersby turn their heads shyly to glance at
the group, Lamb says aloud what the performers are think-
ing. Its okay to watch. Its even better to come try some-
thing. You can stop and watch. Its okay.
shawn nelson, a sophomore from
Photo by meGan hInman
overland Park, performs poi.
Everyone slouches. Tat may seem like an exaggeration, but as I looked around one of
my classes for a slouching student, no one stuck out. Everyone was slouching, so I didnt
have a good-posture comparison.
If Im standing and I realize Im slouching, says Davina De La Torre, a senior from
Liberal and one of the students in that room, Ill straighten up because it looks like you
have low self-esteem and you arent very confdent. But she slouches when shes been sit-
ting, working on a paper for a long time, and she notices later that her muscles are sore.
Tis is easily curable, says Laura Bennetts, physical therapist and owner of Lawrence
Terapy Services, 2200 Harvard Road. Bennetts sees an increase in students with sore
necks and backs at the end of each semester, and she
suggests taking a study break. In some ways, she says,
the more you study, the more pain you could have be-
cause of static pain, which is what makes you sore afer
sitting for hours with poor posture.
When you do have to sit at your computer, make
sure your screen is eye-level. If you need to pile books
underneath your laptop to prop it up, do it, Bennetts
says, and attach a separate keyboard that you can keep
at a comfortable position. Also, sit in the 90-90-90 posi-
tion. Tat means your knees are at a 90-degree angle
with your feet resting fat on the foor, your hips are
at a 90-degree angle with your legs fat and your back
straight, and your elbows are at a 90-degree angle with
your wrists straight.
It may seem unnecessary, but these simple steps
could really reduce your pain from poor posture.
a student using proper posture at a lab computer.
Photo by meGan hInman
thuRsday, aPRIl 26th, FIlm
schedule, showInG In the
sPenceR museum oF aRt:
7:00 p.m. - Surfng Soweto
8:30 p.m. - Street Journeys
9:35 p.m. - The Creators
11:00 p.m. - Shooting
contRIbuted Photo
Although Greylags Andrew Stonestreet attended Trevecca Nazarene University in
Nashville for a year, he soon lef afer advice from his professors. He knew he wanted
to be a musician and, being a history and philosophy major, didnt want to pay to be
fckle any longer. Originally from West Virginia, Andrew Stonestreet made the move
to Portland in 2009 to pursue his music career with friend and now fellow band mem-
ber Daniel Dixon. Greylags frst album, Te Only Way to Kill You, debuts in May and
is a culmination of genres, especially folk, blues and rock and roll. Te band opens for
Augustana at the Granada on May 2.
Why did you turn to singing? hoW did you get in to music and begin your
Ive been in music my whole life. When I was 11 or 12, I started writing songs they
were horrible. Daniel and I started the project several years ago and when we moved to
Portland it began to solidify.
hoW did the band get its name? Whats the meaning behind it?
We just wanted to pick something that didnt have a real association with anything.
When youre a band youve just gotta have a name, something to call yourselves
(laughs). It doesnt hold a lot of weight.
What do you love about live performance and live music?
Teres something special that happens on stage. Teres an intimacy with the people
youre playing with and the people youre playing for and Ive always loved it. I get a
sense that it draws people together in a really unique way, more than most things, and
theres a special kind of unity for a short moment in time.
have you ever performed in laWrence before?
No. But I have exactly one friend from Kansas.
What challenges do you face in this business?
I think from a bands perspective the goal is always to have a band you can hold closely
and have deep friendship with. Mixing friendships and art and money together is not
an easy task. You have to know how to defne those things and keep them as separate as
What do you do When youre not traveling or making music?
A lot of hiking and walking and I love going to the coast, having bonfres and having
friends over and just enjoying Portland. So many things that are beautiful to do. I bike
everywhere up. Its just relaxing.
if you Werent pursuing a career in music, What Would you be doing?
Defnitely something that has a large element of creativity involved, like painting or
design, or something between design and a form of photography. Ive also thought a lot
about having a bike shop.
What do you look forWard to in your future career?
Hopefully sustaining it and being able to continue doing it and making music. Id like
to be able to live and take care of myself and my loved ones and do what I love.
What advice do you have for college age people?
I think college is a beautiful and rewarding thing. It can give you a strong context for
moving forward, as long as you are moving forward. But being a professional student
is a danger, mostly for fnancial reasons. So keep diggin, try and remain curious and
never lose wonder. Never let things be so controlled. Pursue passion.
//rachel schultz
Daniel Dixon (left) and andrew stonestreet make up the up-and-coming band from Portland, Greylag,
mixes acoustic guitar and harmonic vocals to create a compilation of sounds. the band opens for
augustana Wednesday, may 2, at the Granada.
contributeD Photo

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Bully is ostensibly an efort to show
how the problem of bullying has devel-
oped into a full-blown epidemic, how the
recent spike in teen suicides has carried
with it a rancid undercurrent of startling
cultural prejudice, homophobia and the
kind of malignant stupidity that could
easily be mistaken for evil. It paints a
tender, vivid portrait of bullied youths
and their families, including two couples
whose children turned to self-destruction
afer years of torment and ridicule.
But does Lee Hirschs documentary,
which opens amid a well-publicized rat-
ings tif between the MPAA and executive
producer and notorious Oscar hoarder
Harvey Weinstein, really do justice to its
subject? On one hand, it has popularized
an issue that too many school adminis-
trators seem content to shrug of as part
of the rigors of growing up. And no one
can doubt the sincerity of the families af-
fected, many of who have since rallied in
their grief to become tireless anti-bullying
Yet the flm itself is far too narrow
in its focus, framing the problem as a
regional quirk by insisting that all its
subjects hail from working-class Bible
Belt communities, a decision which has
already led to predictable accusations of
coastal elitism and the concealment of
thornier psychological implications re-
garding the universal cruelty of children.
Te phenomenon of cyber-bullying, an
ofen-anonymous brand of harassment
that led to a number of the suicides the
flm mentions, is barely touched on.
Im also skeptical about the legitimacy
of certain sequences. A frail, bespectacled
middle-schooler named Alex is savagely
beaten aboard a school bus with one of
Hirschs cameras stationed only a few
rows away. Tere has been no obvious at-
tempt to hide the camera. Did the bullies
know it was there? Did they care? Should
the cameraman have intervened? No one
ever elaborates.
In the end, the kids are the flms saving
grace. Alex, awkward and unknowable,
has been numbed to the point where
he regards the bullies as his only point
of human contact outside his immedi-
ate family. Kelby, a lesbian tired of being
persecuted at her high school, is pulled
back from the brink by her merry band
Movie Review
// Landon McdonaLd
of friends and lovers. Te best friend of
an 11-year-old suicide victim reveals
that he was once a bully himself. And, in
the flms most achingly honest scene, a
kindergartner is asked how he feels about
a bully calling him a faggot. His answer:
It breaks my heart. Despite all its faults,
Bully might do the same for you.
contributed photo
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The Raid
Movie Review
Believe everything youve heard about
this one. Gareth Evans Te Raid is a
certifably insane bone-cruncher of an ac-
tion flm; doused in uncut adrenaline and
primed to detonate in a glorious frestorm
of high kicks, low blows and a disturb-
ing appreciation for what bullets, blades
and exploding refrigerators can do to the
human body. I havent seen perfectly cho-
reographed mayhem of this caliber since
the glory days of John Woo and Bloody
Sam Peckinpah. Heres a flm designed for
your inner caveman, the hulking brute
that nearly tore out your spinal column
and used it to pole vault when your better
half-dragged you to see Titanic 3D.
Te set-up couldnt be simpler. An In-
donesian drug lord rules the slums of Ja-
karta with an iron fst thanks to his most
vicious enforcer, the appropriately named
Mad Dog (Yayan Ruhian). Te kingpins
entire operation is housed in the grimy
confnes of a 30-story tenement build-
ing, an ugly slab of concrete that looms
over the city like a dirty hangnail. An elite
SWAT team under the command of Jaka
(Joe Taslim) is dispatched to storm the
building and arrest the mobster by any
means necessary. Rama (Iko Uwais), the
units token rookie and expectant father,
is there with an ulterior motive: to fnd
his no-good gangbanger brother Andi
(Doni Alamsyah) and bring him home.
And thats all you need to know. Te rest
is sound and fury, signifying the arrival of
a new gold standard for action cinema.
Despite originally hailing from Wales,
Gareth Evans has done more to popu-
larize Indonesian martial arts than any
flmmaker alive. Te style most ofen
showcased in Te Raid is the discipline
known as Silat, which involves the careful
manipulation of ones joints in conjunc-
tion with wielding multiple blades. Te
result is fght choreography like none
youve ever witnessed; a blood-drenched
ballet of death that couldnt be repli-
cated with even the most fnely detailed
CGI. Te combatants become a furry of
appendages, landing blow afer blow in
rapid succession until the enemy is liter-
ally torn open.
Nearly every actor in Te Raid
doubles as his own stuntman, adding to
the seamless quality of the flm. Ruhian,
who brings an almost mythic malevolence
to the role of Mad Dog, even trained for
the Indonesian equivalent of the Secret
Service. Uwais, whose character quickly
becomes our central protagonist, also
astounds, both with his incredible martial
prowess and the occasional ficker of vul-
nerability he lends to Rama and his quest
You cant keep a Mad dog (Yayan Ruhian) down in the Indonesian martial arts extravaganza The Raid.
to redeem his wayward sibling.
For those who still take their action
red of tooth and claw, seek out Te Raid
and treat yourself to a full-tilt action
smorgasbord. But be warned: it might
sour you on Hollywood blockbusters for a
while. Turns out they really do make em
like they used to, at least in Indonesia.

contributed photo
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Hal Schultz and Lisa Barcus have been together for six years.
Despite having disabilities, they thrive in the Lawrence
community and as a couple // AlizA Chudnow
a love that
outweighs it all
will soon change. Last year we had our
national convention where more than 300
individuals in the U.S. attended, Carroll
says. Out of those 300 individuals, I
would say we had two couples who have
been married, a lot of boyfriends and
girlfriends and a lot of engaged couples.
As the saying goes, all you need is one;
even people afected by developmental
disabilities need love in their lives, which
leads to Hal and Lisas story.
love at first sight
Hal and Lisas love story began six
years ago at a national sales convention
for people with developmental disabili-
ties. At the time, Hal lived in Overland
Park while Lisa lived in Lawrence. When
they both traveled to the convention,
Hals friends mentioned Lisas name to
him explaining that he would really like
her. My friends said they knew Lisa was
a little bit shy so they decided to join us
when we met, Hal says. And thats what
al Schultz and Lisa Barcus sit
patiently in their apartment. Hal
has a big smile on his face as he
answers every question with ease,
jumping at the chance to elaborate on a
story that comes to mind. Lisa sits across
from him, reserved and shy. When I ask
her a question, Hal encourages her to
answer by gently saying, Youve got this
one honey. As Hal speaks with pride
about how they met, Lisa sits back in her
chair, carefully listening as he explains
how their love blossomed.
Although Lisa and Hals love story is
comparable to any couple, something sets
them apart. Lisa, 31, was born with Down
syndrome, a genetic disorder that afects
the body and brains normal develop-
ment, while Hal, 36, was born with the
congenital disorder cerebral palsy, which
impacts how the brain and nervous
system function. Down syndrome can
cause mild to moderate intellectual
impairment, and cerebral palsy can afect
ones movement, language and memory.
Hals cerebral palsy is a mild case, while
Lisa has trisomy 21, the type of Down
syndrome where her 21st chromosome is
afected; instead of two chromosomes she
has three. Despite having to grow up with
many odds against them, their supportive
families helped them thrive in their home
and school environments.
Jennifer Carroll, resource specialist at
the National Down Syndrome Congress
in Roswell, Ga., says that there was a time
when parents were told to put their chil-
dren with developmental disorders such
as Down syndrome into institutions. Te
congress, which provides information, ad-
vocacy and support for individuals with
Down syndrome, believes that 50 years
ago these children were kept at home and
most people would never see a child with
disabilities out in the community. About
20 years ago is when things started to
change, Carroll says. It was then that
children could access speech therapy and
occupational therapy. Tey began going
to school, and their regular peers were
able to learn alongside the students with
In the U.S. today, there are an esti-
mated 400,000 people afected by Down
syndrome and 500,000 people afected
by cerebral palsy. Caroll says less than 1
percent of people with Down syndrome
get married, but she hopes that number
happened. I was a little bit nervous, I
dont know about her. Lisa, now smiling,
shakes her head when asked if she was
nervous, and replies with an immediate
Tat trip to Anaheim where they
frst met was one of their best memo-
ries because they were also able to go to
Disneyland together. We got to go to a
special part of Disney with a lot of rides
and food, Hal says. Tat was really fun.
Within a year of dating, Hal told his mom
that he was moving to Lawrence for Lisa.
Tat was fve years ago, now the couple is
currently living together, going through
their everyday tasks by each others side.
thriving in the community
Although Lisa and Hal are able to live
alone, together in an apartment in east
Lawrence, they still receive support from
Cottonwood, an agency whose mission is
to help people with disabilities shape their
own future. Cottonwood is considered a
full-service agency that serves more than
580 people by ofering day programs,
residential programs and employment
programs. In Lisa and Hals case, it pro-
vides them with diferent employment
opportunities through contracts with
Cottonwood as well as diferent places in
Hal works fve days a week at Cot-
tonwood and the nonproft organization
the United Way, to support people with
developmental disabilities in Lawrence.
Lisa is also employed at Cottonwood and
spends two days a week at McDonalds
as well. Peggy Wallert, the director of
community relations at Cottonwood,
worked directly with Lisa and Hal and
believes its a remarkable feeling to be a
part of something that is making such a
diference in peoples lives. Tere is a lot
more that I take home every night than I
could possibly give, Wallert says. You
learn so much, its like being in a Cheers
environment. Everyone knows your name
and wants to share with you. Hal and
Lisa, and all the people that work here are
While working during the day keeps
both Hal and Lisa busy, they are able
to spend their nights together cooking
dinner, watching TV or going to diferent
Parks and Recreation activities. Tey
make each other laugh and help each
other when they are sad, says Lisas mom,
Angie Barcus. To cheer each other up af-
ter a long days work, Lisa gave Hal a cas-
sette tape while Hal surprised Lisa with
sacks of candy. Tey also make sure to
help one another around the apartment,
and always cook dinner together. A great
thing about them as a couple is they are
so complementary with their strengths
and weaknesses, Barcus adds.
As far as bills go, they both split their
payments equally, each paying 50/50.
Tey also have their own, individual
lease on their apartment, and when it
comes to groceries, they buy their own
separate things. Tey have a staf person
from Cottonwood pick them up and they
always schedule their rides whether that
is to the store, work or night activities,
Barcus says. Technically, Barcus and Lisas
dad are her guardians, but they still urge
her to make her own decisions and are
amazed by everything she has accom-
plished, including being together with
Hal. I think everybody should have a
partner in life, Barcus says. Tey are a
great couple, and it is neat to see that yes,
it can happen. I hope all people regard-
less if they have a disability or not can
have what Lisa and Hal have.
Just like any couple, Lisa and Hal have
experienced diferent obstacles in their
relationship. When they frst started
dating, Lisa had some medical problems
that were hard for Hal to handle. Hal was
very concerned about Lisa, Barcus says.
Tat was probably the worst obstacle
they have dealt with, but Hal was very
supportive, and they did very well work-
ing together to get each other through it.
Te two arent perfect though, as they do
fght from time to time. Usually when
they argue, they can work it out them-
selves, but once in a while they will turn
to Barcus for help to sort out their prob-
lems. Sometimes Lisa or Hal will call me
and say what happened, Barcus says. I
try to listen and give them their options
of what they can do.
Another topic that the couple must
deal with is the possibility of having chil-
dren of their own. Barcus has discussed
her concern with Lisa about having
children and the possibility that if she
did, her children would be likely to have
Down syndrome. Resource specialist Car-
roll says that because Hal does not have
Down syndrome, there is a 25 percent
chance that the couples children could be
born with the disorder. Tey defnitely
know the issues and the fact that if Lisa
ever became pregnant, there is a chance
of having a child with Down syndrome,
Barcus says. I think they understand
that along with the physical parts of their

natural ties
One organization thats become promi-
nent in Hal and Lisas lives is Natural Ties,
a KU organization founded in 1988, that
strives to integrate people with devel-
opmental disabilities into college life.
Te KU greek system plays a signifcant
role in Natural Ties as it was started by
the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon afer
they formed a bond with a boy who has
developmental disabilities and made him
an honorary member of their fraternity.
It was then they decided to create an
organization that could help many people
with disabilities living in the community.
Now, almost every fraternity and sorority
on campus are paired with one or more
people with disabilities and are able to
engage in diferent activities with them.
Lisa has participated in Natural Ties for
the past 10 years, while Hal has partici-
pated the past six.
Andrew Edmunds from Prairie Vil-
lage, and Mike Lierz from Saint Joseph,
Mo., both sophomores and members of
Beta Teta Pi fraternity, have been paired
with Lisa and Hal since the start of their
freshmen year. Every Wednesday they
drive over to Lisa and Hals apartment to
pick them up and take them to a Natural
Ties event, such as holiday parties, movie
nights and game nights. Tey love events
where they can eat, Andrew says. Hal
likes Cherry Coke and Lisa likes Dr. Pep-
per. Hal agrees with this statement saying
that their favorite event is when they
go out to eat at CiCis Pizza. Although
Andrew and Mike did not know what to
expect before their frst time meeting Lisa
and Hal, they have developed a friendship
with them that continues to grow every
day. Tey always remember everything
you say, Mike says. Weve gotten really
close the past two years. We absolutely
consider ourselves friends with them.
For some students, Natural Ties is all
about forming bonds with people they
normally wouldnt interact with. Co-
director and senior Erin Atwood, Topeka,
has been involved with Natural Ties since
her freshman year and thinks the organi-
zation is really good for college students
who dont know how to act around others
who have disabilities. Natural Ties puts
you in a very laid-back, relaxed environ-
ment, Atwood says. Going to these
events and being with the same people ev-
ery week, you really do become friends.
Hal and Lisa know just about everyone at
Natural Ties as they have formed many
lifelong friendships through the expand-
ing organization. Tere are about 100
ties, says Caroline Godfrey, social coor-
dinator, junior from Leawood. We have
really grown. Sometimes it is challenging
because you have to plan a big enough
space and enough food for 200 people.
But it is defnitely worth it when you see
that moment where everybody is having
a good time, the energy of the event is up
and you can tell there is no stress living in
that moment.
Lisa remained very quiet through-
out the evening, listening intensely to
everything Hal said. It wasnt until my
last question that she sat up, eyes wide,
ready to speak. I have something to say,
she said in a gentle voice. She turned to
look at Hal for a brief second then turned
back to me. When I frst met him it was
kind of like freworks shooting of. Tat
answer says it all. Regardless of their dis-
abilities, it is safe to say Lisa and Hal share
a love that anybody should envy, a love
that outweighs it all.
Difficulties with getting
legally marrieD
Jennifer carroll, the resource
specialist at the national Down
syndrome congress says that
sometimes it is diffcult for people
with Down syndrome to get mar-
ried. individuals with the disorder
receive social security benefts,
but if they were to get married,
those benefts would go away.
thats one of those things i think
is very unfair, carroll says. they
need that money to pay rent and
utilities, its not enough to live
off of, even if each spouse has a
job. Because of these fnancial
diffculties, a lot of couples choose
to live together without receiving
a legal marriage license. there
are a lot of programs that provide
services for people who want to
live together on their own, carroll
says. married or not, couples with
developmental disabilities are
learning to overcome government
regulations, by living their lives to
the fullest.
Te slow-tempo rock sounds of Te
Mars Volta, an American progressive
rock band that formed in El Paso, Texas,
blare from my laptops speakers from a
mix of electronic and acoustic instru-
ments. Te bands sixth full-length album,
Noctourniquet, topped the KJHK charts
this week at No. 1, beating out new music
from bands Bear in Heaven and White
Mars Volta is the type of music that
I listen to when Im in a doldrums-type
of mood, says Ashton Capps, an interior
and environmental design student. Its
something thats not going to be boring
to my ears. I listen to take my focus of of
other things on my mind; theres so much
going on in the music that it takes over
your head.
Te bands newest album features ir-
regular instrumentation and contrasting
vocals, and has a more of a range of tonal-
ity than their last few productions. Capps
says that the album is mellower and has
catchier choruses than those in the past,
and compares it to the sounds of bands
Radiohead and King Crimson.
Teyre trying to keep up with what
people are really into the technology
in music and how to make more in-depth
electronic and synthetic sounds, Capps
If studying or traveling abroad this
summer, music fans may be able to catch
Te Mars Volta in concert across the
globe. Te bands tour schedule includes
stops in Italy, Spain, Israel and Portugal.
top album:
Not for the faint of heart: The Mars Volta //rachel schultz
a progressive rock band with electronic infuences, the mars Volta topped the KJhK charts this week with their newest album, noctourniquet. the band will tour
europe this summer, performing in italy, spain, isreal and portugal.
contributed photo
2 1 1 2 W . 2 5 T H S T
7 8 5 . 8 3 8 . 3 5 0 0
1 / 2 P R I C E
m a r t i n i s
p a s t a , s a l a d ,
& b r e a d
P A I S A N O S r e d ,
c h a b l i s , &
s a n g r i a
5 p m - C L O S E
2 1 1 2 W . 2 5 T H S T
7 8 5 . 8 3 8 . 3 5 0 0
p aa ss tt aa , ss aa ll aa dd ,,
& b r e aa dd
P A P A P A P I S I S I S A N A N A N N A N O O O O S SS S rr e d ,
c h a bb l ii ss ,, &
ss aa nn gg rr ii aa
5 p m - C L O S E
Christopher Good asks his girlfriend
and co-producer to call one of their lead
actresses with a costume question.
Ask her if she still has the same outft
from when we flmed at the Ozarks,
Good says. Remember, the pink thing?
Tis is just one facet of what Good,
31, and other independent flmmakers
call no-budget production. Good and
his girlfriend, Megan Mantia, are get-
ting ready for a shoot at Mantias parents
house in Lenexa. Teyre working on
Goods frst feature flm, Mudjackin, and
the pair has to jump through a number of
hoops to make the project possible but
it takes time and patience.
One thing that slows the process
down is having to work around peoples
work schedules, Good says. It just takes
longer. We cant have concentrated bursts
of flming because of it and, of course,
there are the money-related issues. We
make a lot of trips to Home Depot and
Hobby Lobby.
But Good and Mantia were able
to raise their goal of $20,000 last July
through, a website that
enables anyone to pitch ideas to friends
and strangers alike, who then decide
whether the project is worth donating
cash toward. Most notably, 63 people
donated between $25 and $50, and three
donated between $2,500 and $5,000.
Mudjackin is an absurdist summer
comedy set in the Ozarks. Mudjackers are
// Alex TreTbAr
workers hired to repair sinking concrete
by drilling a hole and flling the area
underneath the concrete with a mixture
of mud and concrete, raising the sidewalk
or driveway back up. Te story revolves
around two mudjackers trying to have
the summer of their lives. Te pair have a
rap-metal project, rival mudjackers show
up and the story eventually becomes a
kooky murder mystery.
Before Mudjackin, Good, who gradu-
ated from KU with a psychology degree
in 2003, wrote, directed and produced
two short flms, Return of the Gumshoe
Kids and Holy Moly, released in 2010
and 2011. Goods style is frantic and
fast-paced with dark comedy sprinkled
throughout. He says Mudjackin has
roughly 200 scenes, and the script isnt
even complete yet.
Good frst met Mantia, 28, when she
helped organize a screening for him at
Tivoli Cinemas in Kansas Citys Westport
district. He eventually asked Mantia, who
graduated from the Kansas City Art Insti-
tute in 2006, to help him get Holy Moly
started, and the two began dating shortly
Hes ultimately at the helm, Mantia
says. Ive flled the roles of co-producer,
production coordinator, manager and
documentation photographer. And those
ofen extend to craf servicesIm the
general gopher. Sometimes I help with
casting, props; even hand-stitching letters
to a jacket for a costume.
Mudjackin is coming along, but as
lead actor Jimmy Darrah explains, Goods
flmmaking process is careful and patient.
Its a lot of hard work, Darrah, 28,
says. Hes defnitely a perfectionist who
really really knows what hes doing, and
he knows what he wants. He does a lot of
takes until he gets exactly what he wants
from me. Its just really rewardingI love
working for him.
Good, Mantia and Darrah face prob-
lems and issues throughout the produc-
tion process, but imagine the diference
$20,000 makes. Graham Young, a Law-
rence flmmaker, doesnt have that kind of
money, but he makes do.
Young, 29, graduated from KU with a
theater and flm degree in 2008. He began
production on his flm Kurtwood at
the end of last summer, fnishing flm-
ing within the frst few months of the fall
semester. Having worked on the flm for
the better part of a year with virtually no
budget ($763.41 to this date, which Young
insists is not much in the flm world),
Young is fnally close to fnishing. Its been
a rough road, though.
Te hardest part is fnding people that
want to work for free, Young says. When
youre working at an independent level
its hard to fnd people that can sacrifce
a number of things, including pay. Te
good thing about independent flmmak-
ing is that it allows you to solve problems
creatively instead of having to use your
But, as in the case of Good and Mantia,
Young needed a second-hand man. Young
met Jordan McClain, 22, about four years
ago when McClain frst moved to Law-
rence from Wichita. Last summer Young
asked McClain to sort through multiple
flm ideas, and they eventually settled on
Kurtwood, a story about a prisoner who
learns of a fortune hidden on the outside.
McClain, who is set to graduate from
KU with a flm degree next month, ofers
advice to the budding flmmaker.
Be prepared for constant failures and
constant difculties, cause theyll happen
a lot, McClain says. Te most important
thing for a young flmmaker is just to pro-
duce stuf. Te value of having physical
material to show people is irreplaceable.
Young says Kurtwood will be done
by June.
Making Movies On No Budget
Young filmmAkers use limiTed resources To creATivelY overcome
consTAnT obsTAcles
Lawrence flmmaker Graham
Youngs list of fve movies to
take to a deserted island:
Seven Samurai
La Dolce Vita
2001: A Space Odyssey
christopher good, 31, is an independent flmmaker based out kansas city. He was able to raise $20,000
through to fund his current flm project mudjackin.
Jimmy darrah, one of the lead actors in goods flm, poses with mudjacking equipment.
contributed photo
contributed photo
campus & town
During the course of a photo assignment
in Rio de Janeiro, Sarah Stern, junior from
Lawrence, found herself in a precarious
situation afer irritating the local drug
Rocinha was run by the drug trafck-
ers, the mother-of-all Rio slums. It was,
however, the home of an uncommon,
dignifed and improvisational brand of
beauty. Te resilient and jubilant popula-
tion ofered a sharp contrast to the dire
circumstances of their survival.
For my two partners and me, captur-
ing that beauty on flm was a careful
game of trying not to step on toes. Te
cameras drew apprehension from the
gang-bangers, and a temporary lapse of
judgment cost one of my partners his
He had ignored advice never to shoot
without a guide, and had thoughtlessly
captured a dealer on flm. We had heard
horror stories of a murder following a
similar incident, but I felt we had nothing
to fear. We were no narcs, but a steady
uneasiness nagged at me the days afer.
I spread word of our good intentions,
asking around for a chance to meet the
man who ruled Rocinha.
Trough broken Portuguese patched
with Spanish, I had fnally arranged to
meet with Nem, the leader of the local
gang. We were led up through the wind-
ing, crowded streets of the slum, to a
gigantic party where I joined the crowd in
Samba to ease the tension of waiting.
Called out of the crowd, we ascended
to our audience and were greeted by an
unassuming character. He seemed tame,
collected. A young, well-dressed man, he
listened politely as I explained our good
intentions and my partners unfortunate
He was kind and receptive, and
ordered the camera returned so that we
could continue to document his kingdom.
I enjoyed a breath of relief and returned
to the party to dance.
Months later, at home in America, I
saw his face on the news. Antonio Lopes,
one of the most wanted criminals in
Latin America, was on trial and linked
to dozens of murders. In hindsight, the
situation might have jarred me, but I was
20, American, by no means did I imagine
I could have died there, by the hand of a
drug kingpin.
what its like to.
level with a Brazilian Druglord //as tolD to john garfielD By sarah stern
what its like to.
have lyme disease //as tolD to kelsea eckenroth By sammi whitcup
Sammi Whitcup, a junior from Vienna,
Va., was a junior in high school when she
found out she had Lyme disease, a bacte-
rial infection transmitted by a tick bite.
Whitcup doesnt know when she got the
disease, but has had it for more than seven
I started showing symptoms in junior
high and didnt know what it was. Te
symptoms are vague, but my lef knee
kept swelling and I had no idea why. I was
tired all the time and my dad wouldnt be
able to wake me up for school. Te symp-
toms got worse by the time I was in high
school, so I went to the doctor and got a
blood test done. Blood tests arent always
accurate and sometimes give a false nega-
tive, so the doctor drained fuid out of my
knee and tested it for Lyme disease. Te
test came out positive.
My family was in the room with me
when I found out. We were all really
shocked and asked the doctor all kinds
of questions like if there was treatment
or if I would be able to be cured. I didnt
know if I was going to die or how serious
the disease was. My initial thought was
that it would kill me. I dont even recall
ever having a tick bite. I went to camp a
lot growing up and Virginia has a lot of
woods and trees, but I dont know where I
got the disease. Te doctor told me theres
treatment for it, but its experimental
treatment. Ive had Lyme disease for so
long that its chronic, so Im going to have
it for the rest of my life. Im lucky because
Lyme disease can also afect your brain
and spine, but it only afected my major
knee joint.
contriButeD photo
photo By sarah stern
photo By sarah stern
sammi will probably have the disease the rest
of her life, but has had no serious side effects.
on the streets of rocinha.
one of sarahs favorite images from within rocinha.
campus & town
ten things You DiDnt Know about
Liberty Hall //john garfielD
Te name Liberty Hall belonged to the original venue, built above a butcher shop
in 1856. Te title was a nod to Abraham Lincolns having once called Lawrence the
cradle of liberty.
Before it held the original Liberty Hall, the space on the 600 block of
Massachusetts belonged to the abolitionist newspaper the Herald of Freedom,
which was burnt down in 1855 for being a nuisance to a Midwest that still har-
bored many people with pro-slavery sentiments.
Te space that is Liberty Hall today was the prolifc Bowersock Opera House from
1882 to 1911, when it perished in a fre.
Liberty Hall and the Lawrence Journal-World have a long and storied history of
cohabitation. When the Bowersock Opera House burned down in 1911, it took the
Lawrence Journal (half of the modern Journal-World) with it.
In addition to showing independent flms, the theater operates a video rental store
which ofers many titles not available elsewhere in town.
Since being the original venue in the mid 1800s, Liberty Hall has been a half dozen
venues including the Dickinson Teater, the Jayhawker Teater and the Red Dog
Inn Night Club.
On your birthday, Liberty Hall will ofer a free movie complete with a drink and
popcorn and a free movie rental.
During World War II, inspectors certifed the building that is now Liberty Hall as
capable of withstanding an aerial bombing.
On Tuesday nights, theater tickets are two-for-one, making it a great place to take a
mid-week date.
Liberty Hall is the only place in town to see a movie on the big screen while
drinking a beer.
photo bY john garfielD
N O W O P E N !
t t t
RS C H E D U L E I S S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E D U E T O P R I VAT E E V E N T S OR WE AT H E R . 7 8 5 . 8 4 3 . 1 2 0 0
1 2 0 0 OR E A D AV E . | L AWR E N C E , K S 6 6 0 4 4 | WWW. T H E OR E A D. C OM
O P E N T O T H E P U B L I C !
4 P M L A T E
Doors open at 9pm | 21
| Enter o Indiana
campus & town
According to the Center for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention, Douglas Countys water
supply contains .90mg/L of hydrofuorosili-
cic acid, a byproduct of industrial fertilizer
production. Te fuoride compound is toxic
and illegal to dump, but is added to municipal
water supplies throughout the United States as
a means of strengthening teeth.
While this number falls well within the
4mg/L fgure established as safe by the U.S.
National Research Council, international
scientifc research spanning the last 65 years
links fuoride exposure at much lower levels
to a variety of adverse efects. To name a few,
scientists believe fuoridation to be linked to
thyroid disorders, endocrine dysfunction,
reproductive harm, skin conditions, brittle
bones, immunodefciency, premature puberty
and even a lower IQ.
what Do You Know about...
Water Fluoridation?
Poisoning the Well? //john garfielD
what Do You Know about...
Flash mobs? //Kelsea ecKenroth
In the summer of 2011, a shooting
occurred at the Country Club Plaza in
Kansas City, Mo. A group of teenagers
gathered and the gathering took a violent
turn, injuring three of them. Te group
was viewed as a fash mob, a public event
where people appear together at the same
time and perform a predetermined action
and disperse.
Hyunjin Seo, a journalism professor,
says fash mobs are a growing cultural
phenomenon. She studies the role of
social media in diferent areas of commu-
nication and pays attention to fash mobs,
which are usually organized by digital
or mobile communication. Seo, along
with a professor from the University of
Missouri and the executive director of
the Kansas City Area Education Research
Consortium, or KCAERC, are conduct-
ing research showing how and why teens
organize fash mobs.
Te researchers developed a survey
questionnaire based on 10 focus groups
of teenagers from around the Kansas City
area who they contacted through schools,
youth centers and youth-oriented radio
stations. Te data collection began last
December and lasted until March. Tey
were able to identify the communication
behavior and tools used to get informa-
tion about fash mobs, which are social
networking sites like Facebook and You-
Tube. Clay Larson, a senior from Law-
rence, was part of the KU student section
fash mob at the NCAA National Cham-
pionship game this year. Larson received
an e-mail about the fash mob from the
company that sold the student tickets. Te
company also sent a video for students to
watch and learn the dance moves.
Te researchers are now analyzing the
data that shows reasons why teenagers
organize fash mobs. Te research is not
to prevent teenagers from participating in
fash mobs, because fash mobs are main-
ly benign, fun activities for them, Seo
says. Te idea is how can the city provide
a safe environment for teenage gatherings
for teenagers to express themselves.

contributeD photo
photo bY john garfielD
Fluoridation resistance has a history within
Douglas County. With 6,000 members, the
Community Mercantile represents about one
in 19 Douglas County residents. Accord-
ing to Merc wellness manager Tyra Kalman,
it is because of those 6,000 members and
their skepticism of water additives that the
Merc employs two separate water distillation
Fluoridation is outlawed in the majority
of European countries with many interna-
tional scientists proclaiming that, at best, the
verdict is out. Even the winner of the 2000
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Arvid
Carlsson, is an outspoken opponent of the
practice, though the United States continues
to champion it to be one of the top 10 great-
est advances in public health policy since its
implementation in the 1950s.
One of the most damning pieces of re-
search occurred at the University of Surrey in
1997 afer Jennifer Luke discovered that the
pineal glands in some medical cadavers had
accumulated fuoride to the point of mineral-
Te pineal gland produces melatonin for
the human body. While many know melatonin
to be the hormone associated with sleep, KU
Professor of Molecular Biosciences Paul Kelly
explains that its function permeates all aspects
of life:
Melatonin is a secreted product of the
pineal gland, and as you probably know that is
functionally important for circadian rhythms;
our ability to have an internal clock and be
able to adjust a lot of the physiology and
metabolism in our body, our brain and all our
organs so that it is optimal for daylight, awak-
ening behavior and also optimal for sleeping
at night.
In a study to determine the efects fuorida-
tion has on prepubescent mammals, Luke
conducted a study for her doctoral dissertation
comparing groups of gerbils with high and
low fuoride diets. Te results of Lukes study
showed female gerbils undergoing puberty
signifcantly earlier and male gerbils exhibit-
ing lower mean teste weight afer puberty afer
being given the high fuoride diet than afer
being given the low fuoride diet.
Dr. Albert Burgstahler, KU Professor Emeri-
tus of Chemistry has been a lifelong skeptic
of water fuoridation and maintains that the
studies which led to its original implementa-
tion used scientifcally-unsound methods.
Historically, he has had an accurate track
record of criticizing other harmful chemicals
such as DDT that have since been repealed.
Burgstahler actually participated as a subject
in the landmark 1944-45 study in Grand Rap-
ids and Muskegon, Michigan that paved the
way for fuoridation in the United States. How-
ever, he says that the sample size was adjusted
partway through the study to include fewer
schools. Te remaining schools, Burgstahler
says, happened to be in more afuent districts
where subjects had greater access to dental
care and quality nutrition, thus compromising
the scientifc integrity of the study and exag-
gerating the fndings on a national scale.
Even in retirement from the University,
Burgstahler presides over and contributes to
the Fluoride Journal, a collaborative scien-
tifc efort that he has been a part of since
its inception. Te Fluoride Journal acts as a
culmination of over 50 years of research from
hundreds of scientists challenging the studies
espousing fuoridation and pointing to the
health complications it is linked to.
When reached for comment, Jeanette
Klamm, Program Manager of the City of
Lawrence Utility Department, said that neither
her personal opinion nor anyones opinion
mattered in the implementation of water fuo-
ridation. Te decision, she said was the result
of the ordinance passed in the 1950s, but that
they would repeal fuoridation if a contrary
ordinance were to pass.
hyunjin seo, journalism professor
who is studying flash mobs.
What comes to your mind when you hear
the words psychic, tarot card, crystal
ball, or fortune-telling? You may think
of one of those stereotypical psychics
on TV with head wrap and a crystal
ball talking to a call-in customer, or just
a fun, unique way to spend your time.
Tese are examples of metaphysics, which
are philosophies and methods that help
people understand reality in ways science
cant explain. However you view these
experiences, they are signifcant for some
college students.
Belief in the paranormal or metaphysics
increases during college from about 23
percent among freshmen to 31 percent
in seniors, according to the study in 2001
conducted by Bryan Farha at Oklahoma
City University and Gary Steward Jr. at
University of Central Oklahoma with 439
college students. Another study done by
Baylor University and the Gallup orga-
nization in 2006 with 1,721 Americans
concludes that 52 percent believe dreams
can sometimes foretell the future or
reveal hidden truths, 30 percent think its
possible to infuence the physical world
through mind alone (telekinesis), more
than 20 percent think its possible to com-
municate with the dead, and nearly 40
percent believe in haunted houses. Horo-
scopes are common in newspapers, and
there are psychic businesses everywhere,
including places in Lawrence.
Aruna Dawn is a tarot card reader in
I See You
StudentS go out for metaphySical experienceS, both for fun and for real guidance
Lawrence and president of the Reiki Rays
Institute, which ofers online courses
about metaphysics. Reiki is a form of
healing by hovering hands over the
clients body and channeling positive
force. Tarot card reading interprets and
predicts a certain situation with a deck
of 78 cards. Each card represents distinct
elements. For example, the card devil
represents intense passion and possessive-
ness. Dawn says tarot is helpful for getting
the answers you seek if you ask the right
questions. Who you are going to marry
or winning the lottery are usually not
the type of things to get the right answer,
Dawn says. She also says that sometimes
psychics are good interpreters of body
language, voice and eye reactions rather
than knowing what the cards are trying to
say. When talking to someone, you know
what answer they want, Dawn says.
Perhaps this was the case for Emilie
Newell, senior from Kansas City, Mo.,
Newell thinks tarot cards present uni-
versal lessons that are useful for getting a
new perspective, but not necessarily tools
of psychic power. Newell and her friend
went for a palm reading at Lawrence
Metaphysical Shop, 727 Massachusetts
St., three years ago as just sort of a fun,
quirky thing to do. Te psychic told
Newell that she was going to either make
or be part of a movie in mid-June, but
that didnt happen. When Newell was
studying abroad in the United Kingdom
// rachel cheon
in the summer of 2011, she had psychic
reading done in Brighton. She had broken
up with her boyfriend and looked for
some wisdom. She correctly knew that I
was involved in a breakup, but assumed I
was the one who was broken up with and
talked to me about how things happen for
a reason and destiny, Newell says.
On another hand, Nick Ward, graduate
student from Shawnee, came out with an
astonishing feeling afer $35 tarot card
reading at Lawrence Metaphysical Shop.
Te psychic accurately talked about how
close he is to his family or how he tends
to notice things in environment better
than his friends do without Ward telling
her. Ward says the psychic was even more
specifc when talking to one of his friends.
She told my friend that her boyfriend is
her soul mate and that one of her friends
is extremely jealous of her, Ward says.
Wards friend is now engaged to her soul
mate boyfriend, and she is no longer
friends with a former close friend afer in-
cidents that pointed to jealousy problems.
Tarot card reader and Reiki master Aruna
Dawn believes that real psychics ex-
ist, such as the psychic she encountered
during a vacation in Massachusetts who
read out of gemstones, and knew about
Dawns grandfathers death and how he
used to play Frank Sinatra on piano. Al-
though she thinks the gemstone psychic
was the real deal, Dawn acknowledges
that there are fake psychics out there. A
true psychic will not advertise that they
can heal anyone, Dawn says. She also
says psychics who advertise a low price,
but ofer more expensive services to
answer some questions may be fake. Tis
requires clients to come back and spend
more money. Te key to a real, intuitive
psychic seems to know specifcs without
you having to give them any information,
Dawn says.
Metaphysics can be a unique way to
help understand reality better, but some
people become dependent and addicted
to metaphysics, expecting that metaphys-
ics can fx anything. Dawn says that
there are clients who come back to ask
the same question over and over again,
only to not take the advice and come
back to ask about fxing the same condi-
tion. If I make them feel better and they
keep injuring themselves, and Im like a
pain killer, I dont want my time wasted
and accused of doing something wrong,
Dawn says. Having a metaphysical ex-
perience may not result in the accurate
prediction of your future, but having
exclusive attention on your problems and
talking about them can be a remedy in
Trying ouT a call-in
psychic service
i was curious how much the
professional psychics with years
of experience are like. after trying it
out, this is what i learned:
i call the number from an adver-
tisement. a lady answered and i give
my credit card information, and i
was asked to choose a psychic after
listening to the choices. Before con-
necting me to the psychic, the lady
says this reading is for entertain-
ment purposes only, and i asked,
Wait what? so its not real? to which
she says, oh were just required to
say that by law. interesting. i was
connected to the psychic and i com-
plained about made-up boy prob-
lems. she talked about some general
things, more like a therapist, but
nothing about the future or specifcs.
she called me by my Korean name
as given in the card information,
and asked where im from. i replied
south Korea, and she says lets
see. let me try to see you how you
look. ahh, i see you have black hair
and dark eyes. are you kidding me?
im asian. Then she went on to say
and i see that you are petite, right?
uh, yes. im 5-foot-3, but i bet she
was saying that out of a stereotype
and not out of some psychic abil-
ity. i lied and said, not really. im
fve-eight. she replied, oh alright,
and changed the subject about how
my hypothetical boy needed profes-
sional help. after minutes of common
sense, i asked directly, so what
can you see in the near future? she
replied that my dude and i will keep
having conficts, but that things will
get better. really? i can predict that
too. i said thank you and hung up,
feeling like i paid $10 for 10 minutes
to talk to a nice, listening stranger
than a psychic.
tarot cards help predict certain situations that seekers ask about.
photos by rachel cheon
Out & abOut
What KU person has infuenced you mot this semester? //sara sneath
With the semester coming to an end, students refect on the most infuential KU people in their lives this semester.
My history professor, Eric Rath. Im a history major and I just
really love his class. Hes an awesome teacher. Ive learned all kinds
of things about sexual intercourse in Medieval Japan. Heres an
example: Samurais ofen slept with each other.
Brian rogers, sophomore from prairie Village
My linguistics graduate teaching assistant, Sally Ocampo. She
caused me to change my major.
amanda swanson, freshman from erie, Colo.
Bill Self. He taught me that no matter what you have to work
with, no matter what people say, you can always work hard and get
to the top.
adam niCholson, junior from lawrenCe
Mary Klayder. Shes been a great professor and a great adviser.
jonathan james, freshman from oVerland park
Jef Withey, because he makes me want to be taller. I really look
up to him.
Brooke hanson, freshman from st. louis
My professor in Korean, professor Lee. She encourages me to go
the extra mile in learning the language. She directs me to places
around town where I can fnd people who speak the language.
Shes really helped me a lot.
tito huynh, sophomore from oVerland park
My flm 100 teacher, Dave Lacy. Hes infuenced how I see flms.
Ive gained a new perspective, especially in diferentiating between
character and characterization.
joe newman, sophomore from prairie Village
Plaza Shopping. Vampire Movies. Psyc 300.
Take a summer class at KU in KC.
Its your summer. Make the most of it.
Overland Park, KS 66213 t
A ghostly noise seeps out of the stone
freplace in the Sigma Nu fraternity
house. Legend has it that in the early-
1900s Kansas Gov. Roscoe Stubbs, the
resident of the house at that time, came
home to fnd his mistress, Virginia, hang-
ing from a third-foor ballroom. Stubbs
had Virginias body entombed inside
the freplace, legend says. A plaque on
the freplace adds to the tale. Te plaque
reads Te world of strife shut out, the
world of love shut in.
Tis night the ghostly noises are
coming from a fraternity brother who is
entertaining a paranormal tour hosted
by Ghost Tours of Kansas. Te Sigma
Nu house is the second stop on the tour,
following the Eldridge Hotel. Each stop
has its own history as well as several
ghost stories. Olga Sevcuka, a senior from
Overland Park, says her favorite story was
the one from the Sigma Nu house.
As Sevcuka enters the Pioneer Cem-
etery on west campus, she says she hasnt
seen paranormal activity yet, but thinks
a cemetery is a good place to look. Tere
are about 30 people of varying ages in the
tour group. Nancy Sullivan, one of the
paranormal tour guides, says Ghost Tours
of Kansas chooses the ghostly locations
based on interviews and investigations
it conducts prior to the tours. Sullivan is
also a member of the Kansas Paranormal
Investigators, or KPI, which works with
Ghost Tours of Kansas to verify just how
haunted a place is.
KPI conducted an investigated of the
Sigma Nu house in 2009. Sullivan says
during the inquiry KPI recorded a disem-
bodied voice saying mommy. One of the
KPI cameras was also dismounted from a
stairwell by an unknown force, she says.
Sullivan says there will be more tours
in the area as Halloween approaches. Te
next Lawrence tour is on June 16. For
more information go to ghosttoursofan-
Do this
take a ghot tour
Learn about Lawrences haunted history
//sara sneath
Do this
take boudoir photo
Capture your self-confdence in 1,000 words
//sara sneath
I like to do things that scare me. Ive
joined the Marine Corps, repelled of
buildings, jumped of clifs and, most
recently, taken boudoir photos.
I heard about boudoir photography
from a season four episode of Sex and the
City in which Samantha decides to take
nude photos to look back on. Te idea
sounded intimidating to me until recently
when I read an ABC News story about the
intimate photography sessions becoming
a trend. One photographer in the story
said 40 percent of the brides she worked
with have booked boudoir sessions.
I found three photographers in
Lawrence who take boudoir pho-
tos: OhSnap!Photography, Chelsea
Donoho and Atomic Photography. Te
average price was $225. I decided on
OhSnap!Photography, because Ive had
good experiences with its photo booths
and event photos in the past.
Ailecia Ruscin, the owner of
OhSnap!Photography, arrived at my
house at 10:30 a.m., but my nervousness
began much earlier. I kept wondering
how I should answer the door. It was like
that moment in movies when the woman
says shes going to freshen up and the
man tries to decide whether this means
he should take of his pants or not. I de-
cided to take my pants of.
Ruscin put me at ease by giving good
direction and constantly asking for my
approval. She told me she would take sev-
eral hundred photos 682 to be exact
and I would pick 10 photos for her to edit.
She would then give me all of the edited
and unedited images on a disc, which I
could print or publish.
We took several pictures in safe pos-
ses, which Ruscin said are fattering for
every body. In one such pose, I lie on the
bed, pushing my chest out and put my
feet in the air. Aferward, we took fun
photos. In one, I put on my Marine Corps
blouse. In another, I wore apple print
I saw the photos the next day, when
Ruscin uploaded them to a password
protected page on her website, www. Tey were beautiful, ar-
tistic and classy. Te images gave me just
as much confdence as any clif Ive ever
jumped of of or building Ive repelled
photo by oh snap! photography
contributeD photo
a sigma nu brother tells of his own experience with the buildings fireplace.
sara poses in just her Marine corps blouse
Some turn to pills for a sickness
remedy. Some turn to chicken noodle
soup, and some turn to hot tea. Claire
Kim, graduate student from Seoul, South
Korea, turns to squash soup. She was
Drink Tis:
SquaSh Soup // Rachel cheon
stressed out about her studies, personal
life and having hard time adjusting to
graduate student life at KU. She got sick
ofen and developed digestive problems
as well. Afer searching for health remedy
recipes, she came across a recipe for but-
ternut squash soup and simplifed it for
her version. I love soups. Warm soups
calm me down and I saw the health ben-
efts listed on the websites and thought
this could be my remedy food, Kim says.
Afer having warm squash soup
throughout the day, she recovered from
her illness, and continues to drink it
ofen. It was super yummy. It put me in
good mood and I also felt relaxed. I had
soup in bed and just took a nap that day
and felt much better aferward. Kim says.
Even when shes not sick, she still enjoys
this recipe because its healthy.
She says any kind of squash is fne, and
even using pumpkin will result in a simi-
lar taste. Te main ingredients are one
squash, half a cup of rice four, and three
cups of water. Here are the steps:
- Peel the squash and get rid of the

- Dice the squash.

- Put it in blender and blend. You
can adjust the timing depending on
if you prefer lumpy soup or smooth
- Pour three cups of water and the
blended squash into saucepan and
- When it boils, pour rice powder
and stir, while heating on low.
- Let it simmer for about ten min-
- According to your preference,
season the soup with salt and sugar.
If you want the soup to be less thick,
add more water or milk and simmer.

Drink Tis:
flavoRed vodka foR the adventuRouS palate
If youve ever felt your favorite bever-
age sweet tea, cofee, or Mountain Dew
or your favorite food cake, bacon or
fruit loops was missing one thing, and
that one thing was 30 to 35 percent alco-
// SaRa Sneath
hol, favored vodka is the drink for you.
Brendan Dowdle, the general manager
of Cork & Barrel Downtown, says he is
no longer surprised by the new favors
vodka distributors come up with. Dowdle
says the trend began last year with cake-
favored vodka. He didnt think it would
gain popularity, he says, but afer trying it,
he understands.
Its sweet and tasty, Dowdle says. I
drink it with grenadine and pineapple
juice, as a shot. It tastes like pineapple
turnover cake.
He says when a new favor comes out
Cork & Barrel Downtown, 901 Missis-
sippi St., purchases two bottles. If those
go over well, the store makes a bulk order.
Dowdle says the wacky favors tend to
catch the eyes of students. Matt Easley,
the general manager of On the Rocks,
People in their early 20s are more
willing to try things. Tey are trying to
fgure out what they like, Easley says.
Sweet tea vodka was a big hit last sum-
mer, he says. He expects it to return this
summer. Easley says price is also a con-
sideration for students. A bottle of Firefy
brand sweet tea vodka is $17.99 at On the
Rocks, 1818 Massachusetts St.
One of the newest favors to hit the
shelves is Loopy, a Tree Olives vodka
that tastes like fruit loops. Chelsea Meyer,
a senior from Spring Hill, says shes inter-
ested in trying Loopy. On occasion she
drinks UVs cake-favored vodka with Dr.
Pepper. Meyer says her drink of choice is
non-favored Most Wanted Vodka.
I think its a good combination of not
super trashy, but not super expensive,
Meyer says.
photo by rachel cheon
photo by morgan laforge
photo illustration by morgan laforge
Under the Tuscan sun
Making a tough decision and coping with an irreplaceable loss
// Kelsea ecKenroth
Kelsea (far right) and her friends Katie and Dani stop to take a look at the tuscan countryside.
I stared at the stacks of clothes on my
bedroom foor trying to fgure out how
they were all going to ft in my suitcase.
Te next day, the last day of May in 2011,
I was leaving for a month-long study
abroad trip in Florence, Italy. As I was de-
ciding if I should bring all of my dresses,
or just three of them, I heard the phone
ring downstairs.
My dad called from my grandparents
house in North Carolina. My Nana had
been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a
few weeks before and my dad few from
our home in Kansas to visit her and my
grandpa, whom we all call Pop Pop. My
dad called to tell the rest of my family
Nanas prognosis. Te cancer had spread
throughout her body. Te doctors said
she would die sometime within the next
two days.
My Nana was 68 years old and a huge
Chicago Cubs fan. Four years ago, my
family went to a Cubs game while we
were all in Chicago. My cousin and I
made a sign saying, We got Nana in the
bleachers. Buy her a beer! People bought
Nana beer throughout the game and
chanted her name. She sat in the bleach-
ers waving at all her fans, drinking her
free beer and having the time of her life.
Nana dying so soon seemed impossible.
When I heard the news about Nana, my
body went numb and my eyes flled with
tears. I crawled into my bed and buried
my face in my pillow. I stayed like that for
about two hours wondering how I would
be able to go to Italy knowing my Nana
was dying. I didnt know how I was going
to manage being away from my family
during such a hard time. I didnt know
who was going to be in Italy to help me
cope with Nanas death. I needed some-
one to help me make a logical decision
about what to do.
Pop Pop called me a little while later. I
almost didnt answer, but Im glad I did
because I dont think anyone else could
have made me get my ass out of bed and
fnd the strength to fnish packing my
bags. Kels, your Nana would be pissed if
she knew you didnt go to Italy because of
her, he said in a tone I had never heard
him use before. He sounded angry, but I
could also hear sadness in his voice. Pop
Pop never gets angry, so I knew he was
serious. I also knew he was right. I had
to go. Nana wouldnt have wanted me to
miss this opportunity and if she had been
able to speak, she would have told me this
I hadnt seen my Nana since summer
2010 when I was last in North Caro-
lina. Tat year my grandparents hired a
photographer to come to their house for
a family photo shoot. We put on our best
fake smiles and went along with it. At the
end of the photo shoot, my family gath-
ered in the backyard by the pool. I looked
over and saw Nana whisper something to
the photographer.
Nana started to run full speed towards
the pool. When Nana got to the edge, the
photographer snapped a picture as Nana
jumped in the pool wearing a white shirt
and jeans. When she surfaced, she had a
giant grin on her face and looked at the
rest of us as we laughed uncontrollably.
Tats the exact reaction she wanted from
us. I have an action shot of her jumping
into a pool fully clothed to remind me of
how spontaneous and goofy she was. No
one would have believed Nana would be
taken from us a year later.
Te fight to Italy was long and miser-
able. I couldnt sleep and felt sick. I knew
bad news was in my near future. Afer the
plane landed and I got Internet access, I
found out Nana died while I was in the
air. I like to think that she waited to die
until I couldnt change my mind about
going to Italy.
Te next few days were a roller coaster
of emotions. I kept thinking I wanted to
come home. My friends Dani and Katie
were traveling with me and tried their
best to cheer me up. A week went by and
being submerged in a new culture with
so many distractions eventually made the
sadness temporarily disappear and gave
me motivation to stay.
Nanas memorial service happened
to be on the same day my friends and
I planned to ride Vespas through the
Tuscan countryside. I felt guilty. My
family was gathering in North Carolina
to mourn the loss of Nana, and I was in
Italy about to live a day people read about
in novels. I remembered the last time I
spoke to Nana. I called her two weeks
before she died. Te last thing she said to
me before we hung up was, I love you
sweetie. Have fun in Italy. I strapped on
my helmet, hopped on the Vespa and
took of.
I felt calm and at peace despite the
wind whipping me in the face as we sped
through the green Tuscan hills. I looked
around at all the tiny stone houses sitting
on the peak of each hill and wondered
what it would be like to live there. Grape
vines were planted in perfect rows, and as
we went up and down the hills, the vines
looked like they were moving in zigzags.
We pulled over to take a walk through
a vineyard. Once we shut of the Vespas,
it was completely silent. Te grape vines
looked so much bigger up close and the
zigzags turned into lines of vines that
went on forever. I gazed of at the pan-
oramic view of the Tuscan countryside in
front of me and couldnt imagine a more
perfect moment. I was thankful that I was
here instead of in North Carolina. I was
closer to Nana here in my own personal
heaven. She would have loved to live this
moment and I was living it for her.
conTribUTed phoTo
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