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Music Element Notes

Use the following information to complete the Opener and Learning Guide that you missed: Get the red Adventures in the Human Spirit book from the back of the room and answer the following questions using pages 19-21. Rewrite the sentence with the answer! 1. ____________ is an art that depends on performers to bring it to life. 2. The basic component of music is the ___________________. 3. A musical tone also has ___________, which means simply how the tone sounds. 4. Musical tones have ______________, depending on how loudly or softly the tones are played. 5. ______________ is a series of tones that make some sense to the ear, that create a tune that the ear can follow. 6. _____________________ is essential to one of musics most important functions, as an accompaniment to dance. 7. _________________ composed frequently for a string quartet. 8. Music can serve either _____________________ or __________________ functions, depending on where it is performed. 9. ______________ means the arrangement of a compositions parts into a unified and meaningful whole. 10. The _______________ was a choral work that set biblical story to music and was often performed in churches. Notebook Quiz- Step One Make your Test Analysis Graph Music Terminology Elements, Forms of Opera, and Movements of Classical Symphony An interesting fact Italian is the language of music. Many of the terms used to describe the elements of music are from the Italian language (presto, largo, sonata).


Music Element Notes

Rhythm is the way music paces itself and moves through time. Music can flow gently or forcefully, smoothly or roughly. It can be rapid or slow, deliberate or tentative. Can you perform different rhythms with your right hand, left hand, and right foot? Listen to the song and establish the accent on beat one. Tap this accent with your right foot every time you hear it. While your right foot continues to tap on one, use your left hand to tap regular beats of four. Tap these four beats on your desk. Make sure you accentuate the first beat. Use your right hand to sound a beat at double the speed of your left hand (this means youll play 8 beats). In your head, think the eight beats by counting to either silently as you play. Melody An intentionally organized succession of musical tones. Think of the melody as the part of the song that you hum or think of whenever youre thinking of the song. Form The structure and design of a composition, incorporating repetition, contrast, unity, and variety. In other words, form is everything you hear but dont realize your hearing when you listen to any song. Form- Types of AB: 2 contrasting sections ABA: 3 sections with contrast in the middle Call and Response: one voice or instrument plays or sings a phrase, followed by a responding phrase played or sung by a different voice or instrument. Closed: the song has a clear ending- the song stops. Open: the ending of the song fades out. Theme The melodic idea of a piece.

Music Element Notes

Rondo A composition consisting of a recurring theme alternating with contrasting sections. The rondo usually occurs in the last movement, since it is usually fast in tempo and merry in mood. Timbre Aerophones: sound is made when wind travels through the instrument. Idiophones: sound is made whenever the instrument is struck. Membranophones: sound is made when a skin is rubbed or struck. Chordophones: sound is made when a cord is struck. Electrophones: sound is made from electricity. Harmony The combination of simultaneous notes of different tones. Ex: Boys II Men Texture Harmony -more than one part, played in unison Consonance -notes that sound good together, e.g. guitar chords or piano chords Dissonance -notes that dont sound good together (sometimes done on purpose to create emphasis or contrast in a musical piece) Texture- addition to pg. 3 -the multiple layers that are found in the music 3 basic types: 1.Monophony -everybody sings the same thing

Music Element Notes

Tempo The pace with which music moves. In other words, how fast do you bounce your head to the song? 2.Homophony -same rhythm, different pitches 3.Polyphony -two parts that are totally different at the same time

Below, are the terms for the speed of the beat allegro: rapid, happy Andante: flows at a walking speed Moderato: moderate pace Presto: extremely rapid pace Largo: extremely slow pace

Dynamics The volume of the musical passage. Dynamic markings: (<) crescendo- gradually get louder (>) decresecendo

The Degrees of Loudness: Forte (f): loud Piano (p): soft Fortissimo (ff): very loud Pianissimo (pp)= very soft Mezzo (medium)= (mf) mezzo-forte (mp) mezzo-piano

Music Element Notes

Movement One: fast dramatic movement Movement Two: lyrical or slow movement Movement Three: a dance-like movement Movement Four: brilliant or heroic fast movement Overture Aria A song for a solo singer and orchestra. Recitative Sung conversation between characters to help advance the story line.

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