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John 21:3-14 The story is basically the same as what happened in Luke chapter 5 verses 1-11 but there

are a few different interpretations and explanations. Verses 3-6 are basically similar to verse 4-6 in Chapter 5 of Luke, I will explain it later. Verse 7: When Peter responded, It is the Lord, it showed that something so miraculous can only undoubtedly be done by Jesus. *Third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after being risen from the dead. Questions: Are there anything I missed about the passage except verse 1-6?

Luke 5:1-11 Location: 5:1 Lake of Gennesaret is referred to the Sea of Galilee From Bible - 5:8 The nearer people come to God, the more they feel their own sinfulness and unworthiness as did Abraham in Genesis 18:27, Job in 42:6, and Isaiah in 6:5. From Bible - 5:11 These men had been with Jesus; their periodic and loose association now became a closely knit fellowship as they followed the Mater. Read 5:4-6 Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch. Jesus. The command was directed to Simon, although he truthfully admitted that the prior night has been futile in terms of any hope to catching fish, he also answered, But because you say so, I will let down the nets, this shows his faith, loyalty, and obedience for Christ despite the failures. Verse 4 was the command, verse 5 was the response, and verse 6 was the result which ended with a plentiful and abundant catch. Message: The message is that we do not need to be perfect to come to God; but, we need to trust God and let him do his gracious work in transforming our lives as do we having to put in our own effort as the response to Gods offers. Questions: 1. What did Jesus mean when he said from now on you will catch men, in verse 10? 2. Were there any themes that youve noticed? a. Theme for verse 4 to 6: A boat can hold men with a total weight of hundreds of pounds, two boats can hold even more, but yet there were so many fishes that even the boats began to sink,

the fishes can be epitomized symbolized as the gifts and blessings from God for us people if we all can all have the same response and attitude as Simon did, which was that although in times of hopelessness, we must put our faith in God. The gifts and blessings from God are so great that people cannot even imagine. b. Theme - 5:8-11 I did not understand what Jesus meant by saying Dont be afraid; from now on you will catch men, but I understood that the few people mentioned in verse 10 as well as Simon Peter were astonished by His greatness that they probably knew that they do not deserve such a great gift as sinful men, but they did humble themselves so Jesus has accepted their repentance with an open heart. Jesuss response in verse 10 showed that He has accepted their repentance and probably gave them a chance for redemption which is when Jesus said to the men, from now on you will catch men.

Group Q - 1. Were there any moments when you chose to obey God or anyone else in general despite the times of hopelessness in your life and the outcome was good or positive? Group Q -2. Have you seen, experienced, or heard a time where someone was or is acting too prideful and arrogant whereas there was a negative outcome for that person and has changed his or her life enough for that person to humble themselves?

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