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1.1 Introduction
Onsite or decentralized wastewater systems make up a large and critical portion of the worlds wastewater service. The U.S. EPA estimates that approximately a quarter of U.S. households rely on onsite or decentralized systems for their wastewater service. Those include both new installations and existing homes that may at some point need repairs or replacement. Although, historically these systems have often been considered temporary wastewater service solutions, they are increasingly recognized as a necessary element of long-term sustainable development and infrastructure. Decentralized systems are often needed to serve single residences or businesses, developments, and resorts located along sensitive and pristine watersheds. Implementing sound and sustainable decentralized wastewater treatment practices is essential to protecting the worlds critical water resources. The terms onsite and decentralized are sometimes used interchangeably for wastewater systems not connected to centralized collection and treatment grids (e.g., municipal systems). In a strict sense onsite refers to decentralized systems for which the final disposition of the wastewater effluent occurs on the property where the wastewater is generated. Decentralized wastewater systems constitutes a broader category of systems serving either individual or multiple properties (e.g., cluster or collective systems). For clustered systems, wastewater from multiple properties is collected and conveyed to a common location(s) used for final treatment and effluent disposition. Onsite systems are, therefore, a subset of decentralized systems. The principal goals for this book are to Frame and provide explanations for sustainability considerations for planning and implementing decentralized systems Dispel certain myths surrounding onsite/decentralized wastewater systems that have tended to persist within either the industry or the public Provide basic technical explanations and guidance for evaluating project sites

Chapter One
Provide basic descriptions of technologies to assist persons with making sound and sustainable choices in the selection of overall approaches, methods, and materials for their decentralized wastewater projects Direct engineers/designers of systems to other technical resources for more detailed scientific information and design guidance on systems Provide helpful information to project owners/managers, contractors, and engineers/designers on methods and materials used for constructing sustainable systems Provide more detailed construction information on several nonproprietary treatment and dispersal methods considered to be very sustainable where appropriate for use, and for which less installation guidance is available as compared with proprietary systems. Provide information on operation, maintenance, and management practices essential to reliable performance and long useful service lives for systems Onsite or decentralized wastewater systems play a critical role in sustainable water services infrastructure. In areas outlying communities or larger cities having centralized wastewater service grids, it is often much less cost-effective and may be very environmentally disruptive to continue further extending larger centralized sewer lines. Those larger lines must also be built prior to the construction of development that it serves, in contrast to decentralized systems that can be staged in simultaneously with residential and/or commercial building projects. Due to the higher initial capital costs often associated with expansion of centralized wastewater service grids, there are, in many cases, pressures to overdevelop lands in sensitive environmental settings to increase numbers of users paying for that centralized system. Decentralized wastewater systems are very compatible with less densely populated areas having lower impervious cover, and low impact development (LID) concepts in general. Implementation of sound decentralized wastewater systems often confronts some of the same economic challenges as off-the-grid solar/photovoltaic electric systems serving single or limited numbers of dwellings or businesses. Due to economies of scale, initial costs of installing the system tend to be higher as compared with systems serving larger numbers of users, given the ability to spread costs out among more persons. However, for such systems serving individual homes or business, there are no monthly user charges unless the system is managed by an outside entity, unlike centralized wastewater systems for which users are typically charged monthly service fees.

Because of the on-lot investment for decentralized systems components on properties served, its especially important to select the most sustainable overall approaches. Methods and materials need to be used that will result in the least long-term costs with the longest useful service lives, while meeting water quality and public health goals and any applicable regulatory requirements. Recurring costs that can add up quickly over the life of a system include routine operation and maintenance expenses and periodic replacement or repair of components. As well as reducing long-term costs, systems using less electric power to operate and that generate less waste sludge contribute to much more sustainable wastewater service approaches. Information presented throughout this book on different types of decentralized wastewater technologies and components is intended to provide a basis for comparing, selecting, and implementing more sustainable systems. There are currently many technical publications and texts available to help engineers and planners with the conceptual planning, theory, and detailed calculations associated with a wide variety of decentralized treatment systems. Examples include the books Small and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems (Tchobanoglous and Crites, McGraw-Hill, 1998), and Advanced Onsite Wastewater Systems Technologies (Jantrania and Gross, Taylor & Francis, 2006). Another excellent planning resource is the U.S. EPAs Onsite Wastewater Systems Treatment Manual (EPA/625/R-00/008, February 2002). There are, however, very few technical resources that guide planners on the selection and planning of the most sustainable onsite treatment options. Information presented in this book is intended help guide engineers and systems planners with the selection of the most sustainable and cost-effective options, and to provide practical detailed guidance on the planning and installation of those options. Increasing numbers of property owners and developers are interested in making more green or sustainable choices for the methods and materials used for their residences and development projects. Those interests are based on a variety of concerns and factors such as energy usage and water quality protection. The focus throughout this book is in presenting detailed practical information on options that have proven to be the most sustainable and cost-effective on a longterm basis, and to have long useful service lives when designed and built properly. Basic considerations for sustainable wastewater planning are presented and discussed in Chap. 2. Regulators sometimes comment that engineers/designers of small- and large-scale decentralized wastewater systems seem to design systems with which they are familiar, rather than those necessarily best suited for site conditions.1 Achieving the most sustainable wastewater service solutions necessitates selecting a method of treatment and effluent disposition most appropriate to the site, as well as

Chapter One
considering other factors related to sustainability. Regulators tend to leave it to designers of systems and property owners to make choices relative to sustainability and cost-effectiveness, and simply require that systems meet applicable standards at a minimum. Some designers with knowledge on a variety of system types may assume that property owners prefer the option that is least costly up front, rather than explore owners interests in systems that are the most sustainable and cost-effective in the long term. For these reasons its important for property owners to take an active interest in the planning process to ensure that the methods and materials chosen are those best serving their interests. Many engineers, scientists, and planners who may be very knowledgeable on the subject of sustainable wastewater systems may find themselves unable to spend appreciable time in the field during the construction of these systems. Even in cases where engineers may have that experience, smaller-scale systems property owners are often not willing or able to pay for their engineers to spend enough time overseeing the construction of an onsite system to ensure its proper installation. County or local inspectors may perform only a limited number of inspections of those installations, and oftentimes just one. A number of U.S. states have some type of basic training or certification program for onsite wastewater systems installers, but most of these training programs are held over a period of just a few days, and not able to go into the kind of detail needed to impart enough information needed to install various types of systems properly. Training is often only in classrooms for 2 to 3 days. It may take 10 to 15 years constructing some types of systems for contractors to really learn the tricks of the trade needed to avoid certain problems. Without experienced engineers on the job site to verify that contractors are installing systems properly, property owners have to trust the quality of work performed by contractors who themselves may not understand the reason for doing things in a certain way when their intentions are to do installations properly. This book is intended to serve as an aid to both designers and installers of systems, and help through the many illustrations and explanations to serve as an important resource for project owners in observing and controlling the quality of their own projects. Many manufacturers of proprietary treatment and effluent dispersal systems have developed and distribute detailed documentation, including videos and printed installation and operating instructions for their products. Most engineers, and the installers of systems they design, routinely refer to manufacturers technical support and guidance documentation for the proprietary systems they deal with. That may also explain why those systems may be used more, short of detailed guidance information on nonproprietary methods.

Several types of nonproprietary systems considered sustainable and appropriate for use in various geographic settings are discussed in detail, with key construction steps illustrated and explained. The technologies covered in Chaps. 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10 are nonproprietary and for which there may not be such detailed manufacturers instructions and technical support. Chapter 5 covers primary treatment components in detail, which is applicable to all onsite wastewater systems, whether proprietary or not. Chapters 7 and 8 cover two types of natural treatment systems in detail, with much of the information also applicable to other types of treatment systems. Chapter 10 covers in detail a method of final subsurface effluent dispersal that is considered one of the most sustainable land/soil dispersal methods for a variety of reasons explained in Chaps. 9 and 10. That method of subsurface effluent dispersal may be used with essentially all levels and methods of treatment, including just primary or septic tank pretreatment where soil and site conditions are acceptable for that. By being provided with detailed, photo-illustrated steps in the construction of several basic types of systems capable of reliably providing high-quality onsite wastewater treatment, engineers, contractors, and project owners can hopefully benefit in different ways.


Current State of the Onsite Wastewater Industry in the United States

In recent decades, and following passage of the U.S. Clean Water Act in 1972, greater funding tended to be directed toward wastewater treatment plant upgrades and scientific investigations associated with larger centralized systems, as compared with smaller decentralized systems. In recent years, however, the U.S. EPA has focused greater attention on decentralized and smaller-scale systems, recognizing their role and importance for achieving sustainable and cost-effective wastewater service. In a January 2005 EPA document (EPA 832-R-05-002) entitled Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems: A Program Strategy, EPA stated that their vision was that decentralized wastewater treatment systems are appropriately managed, perform effectively, protect human health and the environment, and are a key component of our nations wastewater infrastructure. EPA followed by stating it was their mission to provide national direction and support to improve the performance of decentralized systems by promoting the concept of continuous management and facilitating upgraded professional standards of practice. As with the history of so many technical industries, the development of practices, materials, and processes used for decentralized and small-scale onsite systems has gone through many changes during the past few decades. Prior to the second half of the 20th century,

Technical / Planning and Installing Sustainable Onsite Wastewater Systems / Parten / 978-0-07-162463-3 / Chapter 1

Chapter One
the vast majority of systems consisted of very basic approaches that relied less on science and more on successes or failures with out of sight out of mind practices. Many such systems and practices still exist today, and especially in developing countries. As more research and development has occurred with onsite systems methods, materials, and technologies since the 1970s, accepted practices have changed dramatically in most U.S. states. As more data and observations have been reported on the performance of systems using those various technologies, the industry has continued to change. An example of one of the earlier technologies that were adapted to and began to be used for residential scale wastewater systems is aerated tank units (ATUs). These units, sometimes also referred to as aerobic treatment units, use the suspended growth treatment process also used for most municipal wastewater treatment plants. It is however (as with municipal plants) necessary to effectively control the treatment process in these units, though without the constant presence and benefit of treatment plant operators. Various product modifications have therefore occurred for those units over time, with many other types of proprietary manufactured units emerging on the market. However, problems persist with ATUs due to operational problems and service neglect, and there continues to be a need for more regulatory monitoring and auditing programs to ensure adequate performance is occurring. Other technologies continue to be developed and used to overcome some of the challenges inherent to small-scale wastewater treatment systems. The benefits and limitations associated with different types of predispersal treatment technologies are discussed in Chap. 6. As EPA and states have continued to focus more attention and resources on developments in the onsite industry, the increasing availability of better performing and more reliable systems continues. Essentially all of the information presented in this book pertains to domestic wastewaters, and not to those waste streams considered to be industrial or hazardous. Industrial wastewaters are those contaminated in some way by industrial or commercial activities prior to their subsequent (and required) treatment and release into the environment, or the reuse of that treated water. Examples of industrial waste flows would include waters contaminated from manufacturing processes (e.g., semiconductors), commercial food processing (e.g., meat packing facility), and other processes and activities producing nonhuman wastes. Hazardous wastes make up a very diverse range of materials, and can be solid, liquid, sludges, or contained gases. Examples of hazardous wastes include oil-based paints and thinners, pesticides, and many cleaning fluids.

Domestic wastewaters are human-generated sewage from homes and businesses. They are wastes produced from sanitary facilities serving residences, cities, mobile home parks, subdivisions, restaurants, rest homes, resorts, and so on. Systems handling that category of waste, and which use some method of soil/land-based final disposition of effluent, are the focus of this book.

1. S. M. Parten, Analysis of Existing Community-Sized Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems, Water Environment Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA, July 2008.

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