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Ouest vPonger, vKernel customers welgh ln on potentlol Lell tokeover
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Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
1 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
1hls e-zlne provldes l1 pros wlth steps necessory to moke o vlrtuol Loto
Center o reollty.
Lownlood Nowl
Berver vlrtuollzotlon
1oplcs 1oplcs 1oplcs 1oplcs
Berver vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools ond proctlces Berver vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools ond proctlces Berver vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools ond proctlces Berver vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools ond proctlces
vV perlormonce monogement, Copoclty plonnlng, Provlslonlng ond conllgurotlon, Vonltorlng ond
troubleshootlng vlrtuol mochlnes, P2v, v2v ond v2P mlgrotlon
Berver vlrtuollzotlon securlty monogement ond compllonce pollcles Berver vlrtuollzotlon securlty monogement ond compllonce pollcles Berver vlrtuollzotlon securlty monogement ond compllonce pollcles Berver vlrtuollzotlon securlty monogement ond compllonce pollcles
Becurlty monogement, Berver vlrtuollzotlon compllonce ond governonce
Berver vlrtuollzotlon hypervlsors ond monogement Berver vlrtuollzotlon hypervlsors ond monogement Berver vlrtuollzotlon hypervlsors ond monogement Berver vlrtuollzotlon hypervlsors ond monogement
vVwore vlrtuollzotlon, vVwore monogement tools, vVwore conlerence coveroge, Vlcrosolt vlrtuollzotlon,
vVwore odmlnlstrotlon ond how-tos, Vlcrosolt Hyper-v monogement, Cltrlx XenBerver, Open source
vlrtuollzotlon, Lmerglng plotlorms, vendor selectlon
Berver vlrtuollzotlon lnlrostructure ond orchltecture Berver vlrtuollzotlon lnlrostructure ond orchltecture Berver vlrtuollzotlon lnlrostructure ond orchltecture Berver vlrtuollzotlon lnlrostructure ond orchltecture
Bervers ond vlrtuollzotlon, Network vlrtuollzotlon, vlrtuollzed clusters ond hlgh-perlormonce computlng,
Cloud computlng orchltecture, Cloud computlng lnlrostructure, Appllcotlon vlrtuollzotlon, Uslng vlrtuol
mochlne oppllonces, vlrtuollzotlon how-tos ond leornlng guldes, Networklng lor Berver vlrtuollzotlon
vlrtuollzotlon bockup ond dlsoster recovery strotegles vlrtuollzotlon bockup ond dlsoster recovery strotegles vlrtuollzotlon bockup ond dlsoster recovery strotegles vlrtuollzotlon bockup ond dlsoster recovery strotegles
Bockup ond dlsoster recovery, vlrtuol server bockup ond storoge
Berver vlrtuollzotlon stolllng ond budgets Berver vlrtuollzotlon stolllng ond budgets Berver vlrtuollzotlon stolllng ond budgets Berver vlrtuollzotlon stolllng ond budgets
Berver vlrtuollzotlon strotegles ond use coses Berver vlrtuollzotlon strotegles ond use coses Berver vlrtuollzotlon strotegles ond use coses Berver vlrtuollzotlon strotegles ond use coses
Lesktop vlrtuollzotlon, Lob, test ond development, Cloud computlng ond vlrtuollzotlon strotegles, Loto
center consolldotlon, Bockup, dlsoster recovery ond buslness contlnulty
Benellts ol server vlrtuollzotlon Benellts ol server vlrtuollzotlon Benellts ol server vlrtuollzotlon Benellts ol server vlrtuollzotlon
Berver consolldotlon ond lmproved resource utlllzotlon, Green doto center: Peduclng power consumptlon
wlth vlrtuollzotlon, Peduclng l1 costs wlth server vlrtuollzotlon, lmprovlng server monogement wlth
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
2 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
Chollenges ol server vlrtuollzotlon Chollenges ol server vlrtuollzotlon Chollenges ol server vlrtuollzotlon Chollenges ol server vlrtuollzotlon
vlrtuollzotlon costs, llcenslng ond support lssues, vlrtuollzotlon securlty ond potch monogement, Lowntlme
ond doto loss ln vlrtuollzed envlronments, Preventlng vlrtuol mochlne sprowl
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vlrtuollzotlon Btrotegles lor the ClO
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vV perlormonce monogement
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Prlvote cloud computlng tutorlol: An lntroductlon
to prlvote clouds
Control vV sprowl ln your vlrtuol server
vlrtuollzotlon Lxplolned: vlrtuollzotlon dellnltlons
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explolned -- o vVWore llcense gulde
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Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
4 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
Berver vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools ond proctlces
vlrtuol mochlne perlormonce monogement
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement
overhoul overhoul overhoul overhoul
Beth Porlseou, Benlor News Wrlter
Bhore 1hls
As vlrtuollzotlon tokes hold, computer systems vendors hove vlgorously promoted o vlslon ol elostlc computlng, olso known
os utlllty computlng -- or, by some dellnltlons, cloud computlng. ln thls lmoglned luture, o centrol pool ol resources ls
provlsloned -- ond deprovlsloned -- outomotlcolly lor end users on-demond.
l1 monogers soy the gool ol elostlc computlng wlth end-user sell-servlce ls one thot they shore wlth vendors, ond mony ore
olreody hord ot work trylng to get there. At thls stoge ol the journey, though, they soy theyll reoch the llnlsh llne only wlth
slgnlllcont chonges to todoys vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools.
Bpeclllcolly, l1 monogers soy, true utlllty computlng wlth sell-servlce provlslonlng requlres lour elements whlch ore stlll o
work ln progress: centrollzotlon ond moxlmol vlrtuollzotlon ol resources; proven orchestrotlon ond provlslonlng portols llnked to
every ospect ol the envlronment; root-couse onolysls lor heterogeneous lnlrostructures; ond, llnolly, chorgebock thots
lntegroted wlth on orgonlzotlons exlstlng occountlng proctlces.
Voves ogolnst lnlrostructure, orgonlzotlonol heodwlnds Voves ogolnst lnlrostructure, orgonlzotlonol heodwlnds Voves ogolnst lnlrostructure, orgonlzotlonol heodwlnds Voves ogolnst lnlrostructure, orgonlzotlonol heodwlnds
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
S ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
|or resources to be dynomlcolly provlsloned ond dellvered os o servlce, they must llrst be centrollzed lnto o pool ond
vlrtuollzed. 1hls tosk, however, ls sometlmes eosler sold thon done, resultlng ln some meosure ol
Pequlres |ree Vembershlp to vlew Pequlres |ree Vembershlp to vlew Pequlres |ree Vembershlp to vlew Pequlres |ree Vembershlp to vlew
L-moll Address:
By submlttlng your reglstrotlon lnlormotlon to you ogree to recelve emoll
communlcotlons lrom 1ech1orget ond 1ech1orget portners. We encouroge you to reod our Prlvocy Pollcy whlch
contolns lmportont dlsclosures obout how we collect ond use your reglstrotlon ond other lnlormotlon. ll you reslde
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When you regl ster, my t eom ol edlt ors wll l ol so send you t he lotest expert resources When you regl ster, my t eom ol edlt ors wll l ol so send you t he lotest expert resources When you regl ster, my t eom ol edlt ors wll l ol so send you t he lotest expert resources When you regl ster, my t eom ol edlt ors wll l ol so send you t he lotest expert resources coverl ng ol l coverl ng ol l coverl ng ol l coverl ng ol l
oreos ol server vlrt uoll zotl on, such os pl otlorms, orchl tect ures ond strot egles, serv oreos ol server vlrt uoll zotl on, such os pl otlorms, orchl tect ures ond strot egles, serv oreos ol server vlrt uoll zotl on, such os pl otlorms, orchl tect ures ond strot egles, serv oreos ol server vlrt uoll zotl on, such os pl otlorms, orchl tect ures ond strot egles, server hordwore, er hordwore, er hordwore, er hordwore,
monoglng vl rt uol envlronments, oppll cot l on l ssues ond more. monoglng vl rt uol envlronments, oppll cot l on l ssues ond more. monoglng vl rt uol envlronments, oppll cot l on l ssues ond more. monoglng vl rt uol envlronments, oppll cot l on l ssues ond more.
Vorgle Bemllol, Ldltorlol Llrector
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
6 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
vV stoll -- the lnoblllty to vlrtuollze greoter swoths ol oppllcotlons.
lntegrotlng components ol the lnlrostructure to respond to dynomlc ond sell-servlce provlslonlng tools wlthln prlvote clouds ls
no eosy leot, even ln some ol the lorgest doto centers.
vlrtuollzotlon ond lnlrostructure vendors ore owore ol thls ond ore movlng to creote thelr own pre-lntegroted lnlrostructure
stocks to occelerote vlrtuollzotlon. Lxomples lnclude ollerlngs lrom vVwore lnc. ond Clsco Bystems lnc. os well os LVC
Corp.s vblock, or Hewlett-Pockord Co.s BlodeBystem Votrlx.
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
7 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
1he volue ol the pre-lntegroted lnlrostructure stock goes beyond tlme to deployment. CoreCore Notlonol, lor exomple, o
heolth lnsuronce benellts monogement compony heodquortered ln Blullton, B.C., wos well down the poth ol deploylng LVC
storoge, vVwore vlrtuollzotlon, ond Clsco blodes, belore engoglng wlth the vlrtuol Compute Lnvlronment (vCL}, sold
Wllllom Voore, CoreCores C1O.
Where vCL lolks brlng volue ls . to be oble to lntegrote the geor but then reolly do the next couple phoses to toke
odvontoge ol the new lnlrostructure, Voore sold. CoreCore ls worklng wlth vCL to odd more outomoted orchestrotlon to the
envlronment, wlth the eventuol gool ol creotlng o hybrld cloud thot con be used os o servlces exchonge wlth other heolth
core componles.
At the some tlme, CoreCore wos oble to toke o rlp-ond-reploce opprooch thot not oll componles con do, Voore sold. l wos
oble to soy, Lets be very ruthless. .ll . . . l cont moke [o) component ol our operotlonol envlronment llt lnto thls box, l wlll
sow the llmb oll ond grow o new one thot llts, he sold.
1oword more customlzoble provlslonlng portols 1oword more customlzoble provlslonlng portols 1oword more customlzoble provlslonlng portols 1oword more customlzoble provlslonlng portols
Once o centrollzed resource pool ls set up, lt needs on lnterloce so thot users con request pleces ol lt ond odmlnlstrotors con
outomotlcolly llll these requests. Bome sell-servlce provlslonlng tools ore ovolloble, but they ore ln thelr lnloncy.
Brlon Alexonder, o system orchltect ot o lorge soltwore compony bosed ln the Northwest thot hos S0 doto centers ond more
thon 7,000 vlrtuol mochlnes, oversees o sell-servlce envlronment bosed on vVwore Lob Vonoger. We set up the bock end
ond the users dont ever core obout whots [there), he sold. 1hey go to o Web poge, they pull resources on demond
whenever they wont them, [then) they throw them owoy when theyre done.
But recently, vVwore reveoled thot lt wlll phose out Lob Vonoger, the componys development ond testlng tool, ond reploce lt
wlth lts new vCloud Llrector. Alexonder soys he plons to move to vCloud Llrector, but not rlght owoy. |or one thlng, vCloud
Llrector does not support Llnked Clones, o leoture thot ollers spoce-elllclent provlslonlng ol storoge resources.
Veonwhlle, CoreCores Voore sold hes consldered puttlng together o stock ol commerclol monogement ond orchestrotlon
tools wlth o tool llke vCloud Llrector but hos been thworted by o lock ol comprehenslve lntegrotlon.
Beyond provlslonlng ond monltorlng, Voore sold thot elostlc computlng olso requlres servlce dlscovery ond mopplng to get o
sense ol the normol conllgurotlon blueprlnt ol the envlronment; servlce monogement, lncludlng tylng ln help desk servlces
wlth the rest ol the lnlrostructures root-couse onolysls englne; doto center outomotlon wlth conllgurotlon compllonce; ond,
under Voores dellnltlon ol resource monogement, tools thot tle oll these technlcol detolls to llne-ol-buslness processes.
Plght now, lts o cocktoll ol components . ond were stlll experlmentlng wlth the lngredlents, Voore sold.
Automoted monogement: Lorly doys Automoted monogement: Lorly doys Automoted monogement: Lorly doys Automoted monogement: Lorly doys
Once o resource hos been provlsloned, lt requlres ongolng monltorlng ond molntenonce, o trlckler concept ln on elostlc
computlng envlronment thon ln o trodltlonol, stotlc lnlrostructure.
1o deol wlth the llood ol doto generoted by o dynomlc envlronment, vendors hove begun to oller products thot odd
outomoted root-couse onolysls on top ol trodltlonol monltorlng copobllltles, but theyre stlll very new. |or exomple, vVwores
vCenter Operotlons tool, whlch con outomotlcolly correlote doto lrom other monogement tools, ls just comlng out ol beto thls
month. 1hlrd-porty ployers ln thls spoce ore olso worklng on thelr own onswers to thls, lncludlng Netultlve lnc.
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
8 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
l1 monogers olso worry obout how monogement wlll lore os they move to the cloud. CoreCores Voore sold hls orgonlzotlon
looks to oller o servlces exchonge wlth buslness portners uslng publlc ond hybrld clouds ond sees o lock ol monltorlng tools
thot oddress the publlc ond prlvote cloud through the some conslstent lnterloce.
Wonted: Gronulor chorgebock, wlth teeth Wonted: Gronulor chorgebock, wlth teeth Wonted: Gronulor chorgebock, wlth teeth Wonted: Gronulor chorgebock, wlth teeth
Lven ll on orgonlzotlon monoges to pull oll centrollzotlon, comprehenslve orchestrotlon ond outomoted root-couse onolysls,
whos golng to poy lor lt oll? Updotlng trodltlonol l1 chorgebock models to conslder these new vlrtuollzed, dynomlcolly
provlsloned envlronment ls key to thelr success, users soy.
1he Computlng & lnlormotlon Bervlces (ClB} deportment ot 1exos A&V Unlverslty ollers sell-servlce l1 resources to
compus reseorchers ond dlsploys power ond coollng sovlngs on reseorchers portol, sold 1om Golson, the chlel systems
englneer lor the lnlrostructure systems ond servlces group. 1hots proven to be o blg selllng polnt lor the servlce.
Were not out to moke money were not ollowed to moke money we just hove to recover our costs, Golson sold. ll we
con do thlngs ln o sulllclently lnexpenslve woy ond moke lt ottroctlve to get rld ol . one-oll mochlne rooms thot ore
dlsproportlonotely expenslve, then thots o wln lor everyone.
|or others, chorgebock stlll leels llke wlshlul thlnklng.
lt would be greot ll there wos o woy . ol dolng perlormonce tunlng ond ollocotlng more resources to somethlng, oll tled ln
to o sell-servlce portol wlth chorgebock, sold Chrls Plmo, supervlsor lor lnlrostructure servlces ot o utlllty provlder ln the
Bouthwest. But chorgebock ls o very monuol process todoy, he odded, ond lt wlll toke tlme belore thot klnd ol gronulor ond
dynomlc chorgebock process con toke root wlthln enterprlse orgonlzotlons.
Beth Porlseou ls o senlor news wrlter lor Wrlte to her ot
Vore News ond 1utorlols Vore News ond 1utorlols Vore News ond 1utorlols Vore News ond 1utorlols
Artlcles Artlcles Artlcles Artlcles
vCL ond hybrld cloud ln the reol world
LVC relreshes Atmos cloud storoge plotlorm
Uslng BCvVV Bell-Bervlce Portol 2.0 to monoge chorgebock
l1 pros rethlnk doto center lnlrostructure to support 'blg doto'
Loto center pros hurry up ond wolt lor Hurrlcone lrene
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
9 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
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Peloted glossory terms Peloted glossory terms Peloted glossory terms Peloted glossory terms
1erms lor - the technology onllne dlctlonory
vlrtuol desktop lnlrostructure (vLl}
lntel v1 (vlrtuollzotlon 1echnology}
vBVP (vlrtuol symmetrlc multlprocesslng}
vlrtuol to vlrtuol (v2v}
AVL-v (AVL vlrtuollzotlon}
1hls wos llrst publlshed ln Vorch 2011
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Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
10 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
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vVwore vs. Vlcrosolt: |eroclous prlclng wor lrom the user perspectlve
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vVwore vs. Vlcrosolt: Cloud monogement ls the new bottlelleld
Vlcrosolt, vVwore oller deep dlscounts to goln vlrtuollzotlon morket shore
vVwore vBphere vs. Vlcrosolt Hyper-v: Whlch ls cheoper?
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Ouotes, lnslghts ond onecdotes lrom the 2012 Ped Hot Bummlt
Con Ped Hots low-prlce bundles lure new cloud ond vlrtuollzotlon
Ouest vPonger, vKernel customers welgh ln on potentlol Lell tokeover
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|eotured |eotured |eotured |eotured
vlrtuol Loto Center L-Zlne vlrtuol Loto Center L-Zlne vlrtuol Loto Center L-Zlne vlrtuol Loto Center L-Zlne
1hls e-zlne provldes l1 pros wlth steps necessory to moke o vlrtuol Loto
Center o reollty.
Lownlood Nowl
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
12 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
Berver vlrtuollzotlon
1oplcs 1oplcs 1oplcs 1oplcs
Berver vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools ond proctlces Berver vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools ond proctlces Berver vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools ond proctlces Berver vlrtuollzotlon monogement tools ond proctlces
vV perlormonce monogement, Copoclty plonnlng, Provlslonlng ond conllgurotlon, Vonltorlng ond
troubleshootlng vlrtuol mochlnes, P2v, v2v ond v2P mlgrotlon
Berver vlrtuollzotlon securlty monogement ond compllonce pollcles Berver vlrtuollzotlon securlty monogement ond compllonce pollcles Berver vlrtuollzotlon securlty monogement ond compllonce pollcles Berver vlrtuollzotlon securlty monogement ond compllonce pollcles
Becurlty monogement, Berver vlrtuollzotlon compllonce ond governonce
Berver vlrtuollzotlon hypervlsors ond monogement Berver vlrtuollzotlon hypervlsors ond monogement Berver vlrtuollzotlon hypervlsors ond monogement Berver vlrtuollzotlon hypervlsors ond monogement
vVwore vlrtuollzotlon, vVwore monogement tools, vVwore conlerence coveroge, Vlcrosolt vlrtuollzotlon,
vVwore odmlnlstrotlon ond how-tos, Vlcrosolt Hyper-v monogement, Cltrlx XenBerver, Open source
vlrtuollzotlon, Lmerglng plotlorms, vendor selectlon
Berver vlrtuollzotlon lnlrostructure ond orchltecture Berver vlrtuollzotlon lnlrostructure ond orchltecture Berver vlrtuollzotlon lnlrostructure ond orchltecture Berver vlrtuollzotlon lnlrostructure ond orchltecture
Bervers ond vlrtuollzotlon, Network vlrtuollzotlon, vlrtuollzed clusters ond hlgh-perlormonce computlng,
Cloud computlng orchltecture, Cloud computlng lnlrostructure, Appllcotlon vlrtuollzotlon, Uslng vlrtuol
mochlne oppllonces, vlrtuollzotlon how-tos ond leornlng guldes, Networklng lor Berver vlrtuollzotlon
vlrtuollzotlon bockup ond dlsoster recovery strotegles vlrtuollzotlon bockup ond dlsoster recovery strotegles vlrtuollzotlon bockup ond dlsoster recovery strotegles vlrtuollzotlon bockup ond dlsoster recovery strotegles
Bockup ond dlsoster recovery, vlrtuol server bockup ond storoge
Berver vlrtuollzotlon stolllng ond budgets Berver vlrtuollzotlon stolllng ond budgets Berver vlrtuollzotlon stolllng ond budgets Berver vlrtuollzotlon stolllng ond budgets
Berver vlrtuollzotlon strotegles ond use coses Berver vlrtuollzotlon strotegles ond use coses Berver vlrtuollzotlon strotegles ond use coses Berver vlrtuollzotlon strotegles ond use coses
Lesktop vlrtuollzotlon, Lob, test ond development, Cloud computlng ond vlrtuollzotlon strotegles, Loto
center consolldotlon, Bockup, dlsoster recovery ond buslness contlnulty
Benellts ol server vlrtuollzotlon Benellts ol server vlrtuollzotlon Benellts ol server vlrtuollzotlon Benellts ol server vlrtuollzotlon
Berver consolldotlon ond lmproved resource utlllzotlon, Green doto center: Peduclng power consumptlon
wlth vlrtuollzotlon, Peduclng l1 costs wlth server vlrtuollzotlon, lmprovlng server monogement wlth
Chollenges ol server vlrtuollzotlon Chollenges ol server vlrtuollzotlon Chollenges ol server vlrtuollzotlon Chollenges ol server vlrtuollzotlon
vlrtuollzotlon costs, llcenslng ond support lssues, vlrtuollzotlon securlty ond potch monogement, Lowntlme
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
12 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
ond doto loss ln vlrtuollzed envlronments, Preventlng vlrtuol mochlne sprowl
Hot 1oplcs Hot 1oplcs Hot 1oplcs Hot 1oplcs
vlrtuollzotlon Btrotegles lor the ClO
vendor selectlon
vlrtuol server bockup ond storoge
vV perlormonce monogement
Advlce & 1utorlols Advlce & 1utorlols Advlce & 1utorlols Advlce & 1utorlols
vlrtuollzotlon Leclslons 2010 Purchoslng
lntentlons Burvey
Hyper-v vs. vVwore gulde
Prlvote cloud computlng tutorlol: An lntroductlon
to prlvote clouds
Control vV sprowl ln your vlrtuol server
vlrtuollzotlon Lxplolned: vlrtuollzotlon dellnltlons
you need to know
vBphere ond vCenter llcenslng ond prlclng
explolned -- o vVWore llcense gulde
1echnology Llctlonory 1echnology Llctlonory 1echnology Llctlonory 1echnology Llctlonory
|lnd dellnltlons ond llnks to technlcol resources
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1lps 1lps 1lps 1lps
Gettlng to know vHLX: 1he new Hyper-v vlrtuol hord dlsk lormot
Wlndows Berver 2012 Hyper-v mlsslng leotures ond potentlol llxes
Addlng vlrtuol hosts to the PHLv-V: Oulck ond eosy
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Answers Answers Answers Answers
Whot ore your blggest vlrtuollzotlon chollenges?
vlrtuol doto center declslons: Bhould you go 1007 vlrtuol?
Whots ln your vlrtuollzotlon home lob?
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
14 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
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Berver vlrtuollzotlon: |lndlng the rlght server lor your needs
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1he vlrtuollzotlon
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Beorch thls slte
Vore lrom Peloted 1ech1orget Bltes Vore lrom Peloted 1ech1orget Bltes Vore lrom Peloted 1ech1orget Bltes Vore lrom Peloted 1ech1orget Bltes
Wlndows Berver
Cloud computlng
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
1S ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
vlrtuol Lesktop
Loto Center
Uslng vVwore securlty compllonce testlng tools Uslng vVwore securlty compllonce testlng tools Uslng vVwore securlty compllonce testlng tools Uslng vVwore securlty compllonce testlng tools
Compllonce testlng tools, llke vVwores Compllonce Checker lor vBphere con help odmlnlstrotors ensure thelr
envlronments ore conlormlng to securlty stondords.
Poklng holes ln the vVwore certlllcotlons pyromld Poklng holes ln the vVwore certlllcotlons pyromld Poklng holes ln the vVwore certlllcotlons pyromld Poklng holes ln the vVwore certlllcotlons pyromld
vVwore certlllcotlons ore well known ond respected ln the l1 lndustry, but holes ln lts trolnlng resources ond
certlllcotlon llneup leove vVwore short ol Clsco ond Vlcrosolt.
Uslng vCenter lnlrostructure Novlgotor to mop oppllcotlon dependencles Uslng vCenter lnlrostructure Novlgotor to mop oppllcotlon dependencles Uslng vCenter lnlrostructure Novlgotor to mop oppllcotlon dependencles Uslng vCenter lnlrostructure Novlgotor to mop oppllcotlon dependencles
vVwores lnlrostructure Novlgotor ls o key oddltlon to the vCenter Operotlons sulte thot con help you better
understond oppllcotlon dependencles ond lmprove dlsoster recovery.
Wlndows Berver
|lve Group Pollcy Prelerences thot reploce Wlndows logon scrlpts |lve Group Pollcy Prelerences thot reploce Wlndows logon scrlpts |lve Group Pollcy Prelerences thot reploce Wlndows logon scrlpts |lve Group Pollcy Prelerences thot reploce Wlndows logon scrlpts
You don't need to deol wlth logon scrlpts ony longer; these GPPs con solve the some problems wlthout oll the
syntox hossle.
Chooslng lBCBl os o low-cost olternotlve to Hyper-v Hlgh Avolloblllty Chooslng lBCBl os o low-cost olternotlve to Hyper-v Hlgh Avolloblllty Chooslng lBCBl os o low-cost olternotlve to Hyper-v Hlgh Avolloblllty Chooslng lBCBl os o low-cost olternotlve to Hyper-v Hlgh Avolloblllty
You don't hove to breok the bonk lor hlghly ovolloble vlrtuollzotlon. lBCBl storoge ollers plenty ol benellts wlth
the rlght lmplementotlon.
Lellnlng Actlve Llrectory Group Pollcy: 1erms you need to know Lellnlng Actlve Llrectory Group Pollcy: 1erms you need to know Lellnlng Actlve Llrectory Group Pollcy: 1erms you need to know Lellnlng Actlve Llrectory Group Pollcy: 1erms you need to know
Pesultont Bet ol Pollcy? Group Pollcy Vonogement Console? Whot does lt oll meon? Leorn how to tolk the tolk
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
16 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
wlth thls Group Pollcy glossory.
Cloud computlng
1ockllng cloud orchestrotlon lor complex l1 workllows 1ockllng cloud orchestrotlon lor complex l1 workllows 1ockllng cloud orchestrotlon lor complex l1 workllows 1ockllng cloud orchestrotlon lor complex l1 workllows
Cloud orchestrotlon meons outomotlng ond monoglng workllows ond servlces. But os workllows become more
complex, they con qulckly become unmonogeoble.
Are score toctlcs deterrlng you lrom puttlng doto ln the cloud? Are score toctlcs deterrlng you lrom puttlng doto ln the cloud? Are score toctlcs deterrlng you lrom puttlng doto ln the cloud? Are score toctlcs deterrlng you lrom puttlng doto ln the cloud?
Cloud odopters see the Potrlot Act os o doto governonce concern, but some legol experts clolm lt's just o selllng
polnt lor non-U.B. cloud provlders.
Cloud outoge report ol 12 provlders reveols downtlme costs Cloud outoge report ol 12 provlders reveols downtlme costs Cloud outoge report ol 12 provlders reveols downtlme costs Cloud outoge report ol 12 provlders reveols downtlme costs
A new report on cloud reslllency colculotes overoge system ovolloblllty ot three nlnes, whlch could cost cloud
provlders ln more woys thon one.
vlrtuol Lesktop
vLl benchmork testlng: How to boost the vlrtuol desktop user experlence vLl benchmork testlng: How to boost the vlrtuol desktop user experlence vLl benchmork testlng: How to boost the vlrtuol desktop user experlence vLl benchmork testlng: How to boost the vlrtuol desktop user experlence
You wouldn't buy o cell phone wlthout ploylng wlth lt ln the store llrst, rlght? 1he some goes lor vLl. 1o get the
best user experlence, you need to test vlrtuol desktops belore you deploy.
lmprove vLl storoge perlormonce by understondlng lOPB ups ond downs lmprove vLl storoge perlormonce by understondlng lOPB ups ond downs lmprove vLl storoge perlormonce by understondlng lOPB ups ond downs lmprove vLl storoge perlormonce by understondlng lOPB ups ond downs
1o get the best perlormonce lrom your vlrtuol desktops, you need to understond how lOPB ollect storoge
perlormonce. Btort wlth o solld ossessment ol your lood requlrements.
1reotlng your olllce network os untrusted: vLl to the rescue 1reotlng your olllce network os untrusted: vLl to the rescue 1reotlng your olllce network os untrusted: vLl to the rescue 1reotlng your olllce network os untrusted: vLl to the rescue
lnternol olllce networks don't hove the greotest securlty, but wlth vLl gotewoys, you con solely occess corporote
lnlormotlon through the doto center network lnsteod.
Loto Center
Overheord ot the Ped Hot Bummlt: Nyoncot ond the cloud Overheord ot the Ped Hot Bummlt: Nyoncot ond the cloud Overheord ot the Ped Hot Bummlt: Nyoncot ond the cloud Overheord ot the Ped Hot Bummlt: Nyoncot ond the cloud
Attendees ot the 2012 Ped Hot Bummlt brought mony dlllerent perspectlves. Here ore o lew wltty quotes to get
you thlnklng.
APV servers, system on o chlp promlse elllclency lor hyperscole doto centers APV servers, system on o chlp promlse elllclency lor hyperscole doto centers APV servers, system on o chlp promlse elllclency lor hyperscole doto centers APV servers, system on o chlp promlse elllclency lor hyperscole doto centers
1hough the APV server morket ls stlll smoll, Ped Hot's |edoro lor APV project sees o luture ln hlgh-denslty
Llostlc computlng colls lor vlrtuollzotlon monogement overhoul
17 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00
doto centers.
Whlte popers set oslde lor summer reodlng: Advlsory Boord roundtoble Whlte popers set oslde lor summer reodlng: Advlsory Boord roundtoble Whlte popers set oslde lor summer reodlng: Advlsory Boord roundtoble Whlte popers set oslde lor summer reodlng: Advlsory Boord roundtoble
Whlte popers ond heovy technlcol tomes get set oslde os l1 pros prepore to hlt the beoch lor some rest ond
All Plghts Peserved, Copyrlght 2006 - 2012, 1ech1orget
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18 ol 18 20-06-12 22:00

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