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1. Which of the choices includes all acids? a. Vinager, grapes, tomatoes 2.

Matter is composed of blank which are composed of blank a. Elemants, atoms 3. Substance that releases hydrogen ions in water is a base? True false a. False 4. Proteins consist of sequences of amonio acids a. True 5. If the concentration of glucose in the water outside of a cell is higher than the concentration inside 6. Describes the structural organization of cell membrane a. Bilayer 7. Thoracic cavity lies blank to the abdominipelvic cavity a. Superior 8. The ears are lateral to the eyes a. True 9. Kidneys are part of the lymphatic system a. False 10. Alkalosis has a blood pH less than 7.4 a. False 11. Three major parts of the cell 12. Who ran 6 miles injured in college a. Peroxisomes 13. Selectivity permeable membrane a. Allows some 14. LABEL THE REATIVE PORTION FIGURE 15. Ability of an organism to sense changes in its body illustrates a. Responsiveness 16. Cells lose water when places in a blank solution a. Hypertonic 17. Midpoint of the ph scale is? a. 7 18. Molecules bind to receptor sites and are enclosed in vesicles in the process of a. Endocytosis 19. If a red blood cell is placed in a hypotonic solution a. Swell and burst 20. Unique three-dimensional structure of a protein molecule is determined largely by? 21. During prophase of mitosis chromosomes align between the central a. False 22. Atomic weight of an element whose atoms contains 8 protons, a. 16 23. Illustrates the idea of increasing levels or complexity?

24. 25. 26. 27.

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

a. Organelles, cells, tissues Membrane on the surface of a lung is called a. Parietal Anatomy of a body part is closely related to its physiology a. True Nucleic acids are a. Compose building blocks A parietal layer of serous membranes blank whereas a visceral layer of a serous membrane blank a. Lines, covers Group of cells that are organized into a layer or mass is: a. Tissue An enzyme is: a. Protein that speeds up Chemistry is important to the study of physiology because a. All of the above Chromosomes duplicate during a. Interphase Branch of science that deals with the functions of human body parts a. Physiology Microfilaments and microtubules are part of the cytoskeleton a. Active transport uses energy a. True Does not help maintain the life of an indivial a. Reproduction The muscular system body movements, posture, body heat a. True Metabolism is defined as the a. Physical and chemical change Organelles is the structure and function correctly described a. ER As a cell grows a. Its SA increases to a lesser degree LABEL THE BODY CAVITIES LENGTHWISE CUT THAT DIVES THE BODY INTO RIGHT AND LEFT HALVES IS TERMEDED a. sagittal Peroxisomes and lysosomes are sacs that contain enzymes a. True A decomposition reaction can be symbolized by a. AB > A + B Energy is stored in ATP molecules in ribosomes

45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

a. false Blood clot stimulating further clotting is an example of a. Positive feedback A heart is part of the blank system a. Cardiovascular Cancer can result if a. Mitosis is too frequent or does not stop Na= sodium a. True Anatomical section that separates the body into right and left poritions is a blank section a. Sagittal The body is placed in the anatomical position, which is not true? a. Palms facing backwards

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