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MATLAB SIMULATION OF FS-1015 LPC-10e COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-99 ANDREAS SPANIAS and TED PAINTER This Copyright applies only to this particular MATLAB implementation of the LPC-10e coder. The MATLAB software is intended only for educational purposes. No other use is intended or authorized. This is not a public domain program and unauthorized distribution to individuals or networks is prohibited. Be aware that use of the standard in any form is goverened by rules of the US DoD. This program is free software. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There is no commitment or even implied commitment on behalf of Andreas Spanias or Ted Painter for maintenance or support of this code. MATLAB is trademark of The Mathworks Inc ALL DERIVATIVE WORKS MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. ****************************************************************** GUISTAT NSA LPC-10 VOICE CODER GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) 4-28-94 ****************************************************************** DESCRIPTION Updates simulation status information in status window during non-interactive simulations (no graphical output). DESIGN NOTES Computes percent complete in terms of frames remaining to be processed. VARIABLES INPUTS none OUTPUTS none INTERNALS StatStr Pcomp px py Status string Percent complete (simulation overall, in terms of frames) Percent complete bar graph x boundaries Percent complete bar graph y boundaries Handle for status line object Total number of frames in input speech file Current frame number Status line position in status window

GLOBALS guiSline guiFrames FrameCnt CONSTANTS STATPOS -


function guistat global guiSline FrameCnt guiFrames; % ESTABLISH STATUS STRING POSITION IN STATUS WINDOW STATPOS = [210,200,200,20]; % DELETE EXISTING STATUS AND OVERWRITE WITH NEW STATUS delete(guiSline); StatStr = sprintf( 'Processing Frame %3d of %3d', FrameCnt, guiFrames ); guiSline = uicontrol( 'style','text','string',StatStr,'position',STATPOS ); % SET DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES TO WHITE TEXT set( guiSline,'backg',get(gcf,'color'),'foreg',[1,1,1]-get(gcf,'color') ); Pcomp = (FrameCnt/guiFrames) * 100; % COMPUTE PERCENT COMPLETE AND UPDATE BAR GRAPH px = [0,0,Pcomp,Pcomp]; py = [0,1,1,0]; fill(px,py,'b'); drawnow;

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