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spruce \sproos\, verb: 1. To make neat or dapper (often followed by up). 2. To make oneself spruce (usually followed by up).

pachyderm \PAK-i-durm\, noun: 1. A person who is not sensitive to criticism, ridicule, etc. 2. Any of the thick-skinned, nonruminant ungulates, as the elephant, hippopotamu s, and rhinoceros. 3. An elephant. tramontane \truh-MON-teyn\, adjective: 1. Being or situated beyond the mountains. 2. Beyond the Alps as viewed from Italy; transalpine. 3. Of, pertaining to, or coming from the other side of the mountains. 4. Foreign; barbarous. noun: 1. A person who lives beyond the mountains: formerly applied by the Italians to the peoples beyond the Alps, and by the latter to the Italians. 2. A foreigner; outlander; barbarian. 3. A violent, polar wind from the northwest that blows in southern France. mammonism \MAM-uh-niz-uhm\, noun: The greedy pursuit of riches. vilipend \vil-UH-pend\, verb: 1. To regard or treat as of little value or account. 2. To vilify; depreciate. cordate \KAWR-deyt\, adjective: 1. Heart-shaped. 2. (Of leaves) heart-shaped, with the attachment at the notched end. exoteric \ek-suh-TER-ik\, adjective: 1. Suitable for or communicated to the general public. 2. Not belonging, limited, or pertaining to the inner or select circle, as of di sciples or intimates. 3. Popular; simple; commonplace. 4. Pertaining to the outside; exterior; external. auscultation \aw-skuhl-TEY-shuhn\, noun: The act of listening to sounds within the body as a method of diagnosis.

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