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Symbiotic Jelly cu Subterranean Very rare ONGANEZATION. Seley : CLIMATETTERRAIN: ACTIVITY CYE Any DIE} Special INTELLIGENCE: Semi- (2-4) TREASURE: Nit ALIGNMENT: Neatral NO. APPEARING: 1 ARMOR CLASS: 8 MOVEMENT: I HIT DIC THACO: NO. OF ATTACKS: DAMAGEATTACK: SPECIAL ATTACKS: SPECIAL DEFENSES: MAGIC RESISTANCE: Nil SIZE: T("-3" diameter) ‘MORALE: Steady (12-14) XP VALUE: 270 Symbiotic jelly is a distant cousin ofthe gelatinous cube. It oc- ‘cupies a very special ecological niche, and thus has a specific but rather unusual mode of existence. It exists by controlling the ‘mind of another creature, which it then uses for protection and to obtain sustenance These jellies are dificult to spot due to their small size (about 2°-3" diameter). Their appearance is similar to that of a jelly fish: yellow, spherical or slighty fattened globules. Radiating outwards from the central mass are about three dozen thin tend= til, which act as antennae from which the creature communi- cates with and controls another creature (see below). They are translucent and slightly milky, but contain no fived internal structure Combat: These creatures choose unoccupied caves in which to vel, and stick tothe celling in the shadows, where they ate llmostimpossbleto detect When a carnivore ventures ito the ‘ave, the symbiotic jelly will attempt to use its innate charm ‘monster bility to persuade the intruder telepathically to remain inthe cave and attack any othet creature which enters: Mon stets which ate not carnivorous, creatures from. planes othe than the Prime Material, and undead are ignored by the jelly The ell then uses another powerful spel-like ability, sinilar (0 a vellspell Two vivid illusions are thus created The first ilu. Sion makes the charmed monster appear to be a much weaker variety ofthe same beast, while the second creates an inviting but illosory treasure inthe cave. The nature ofthe treasure will be determined as the symbiotic jelly uses an ESPAike power to detect the vitims interest in the cave. The ESP is also used to determine the victim's response tothe illisions, so thatthe ely can quickly alter the illusion for greater believabity. This ad jasment occurs 20 rapidly, within a fraction ofa second, that the viewer ofthe iusion is unaware ofthe subtle changes which rave ken place Creatures observing the illusions fecep! the chara monty wi al econ hse a sch le they save vs. spell ata penalty of ~7 Thus, ita huge cave beat Ischarmed,itmay be made to appear asa weak beat cub, while the back ofthe cave might appear to contain a ich vein of gold ore if a dwarf entered the eave, or a sumptuous banquet if a hungry halfling wandered by. ' “The symbiotic jelly gains sustenance by diaining energy from ‘a carnivorous creature which is feeding This energy drain is done from a distance of about ten feet from the feeding ste. Tf the intruder is killed by the creature the jelly has charmed, the jelly will drain power through the creature as it eats IF the ‘harmed creature loses the batle, the jelly will attempt to charm the victor and persuade it to replace the former occupant. This peculiar diet isthe reason for the jelly’s unique behavior Tt is believed thatthe ely feeds on the emotions derived from satis: fying the instinctual urge t eat ‘The symbiotic jllys communication tendils are fragile, but regenerate quickly, within 1-3 turns pet tendil destroyed. any tendiils are damaged, there is a proportional decrease in the chance to communicate with the host creature Thus, if 6 of the 36 tendrils are destroyed, there isa 6 in 36 chance (1 in 6) that ‘communication willbe severed, and the contra ofthe host crea- tore wll be lost. HabitavSociety: Ifa symbiotic jelly doesnot ea for one month, itformsa shelllke, protective coating around itself and enters &

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