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Making an "ant farm" for your children is an excellent way to hold their attention for hours and is a good

educational tool as well. They can teach children the importance of an eco system as well as responsibility in caring for a creature that relies on them for food and water. Ant farms are both easy to make and inexpensive. They are good pets for children that live in apartments or a home with limited space. They are perfect for kids that are allergic to dogs and cats. Best of all these pets don't have to be house trained! Find an ant pile and using a shovel carefully dig enough ants and dirt to fill your jar within 2-3 inches from the top. Pack the dirt firmly. You can use other dirt to fill your jar but it is just as easy to transplant the anthill into its new home. If you are using red ants or other varieties that can bite keep your child a safe distance away from this part of the project. Capture as many ants as you can, including an ant that looks larger than the others and a queen ant, which may have wings. You might also scoop up little white eggs and larvae. If ants are not readily available in your area craft and hobby stores can generally give you information on where to mail order them. They are generally very inexpensive and travel well. Ants like to eat small breadcrumbs, or bread dipped in sugar water or with a drop of honey. They can also eat tiny bits of fruit and vegetables but don't feed them too much or their tank can get cluttered before they can remove it to their underground storage space. To water your new pets, let your child drop a water soaked cotton ball into the jar. Most of the liquid ants need they can get from their food but it is a good idea to add a new wet cotton ball every few days as needed. If you can't find any ants you can ____ . dig them up with a shovel get larvae buy them in hobby stores make them have them posted

Many old people work well into their 70s and 80s, running families, countries or corporations. Other people, however, despite being fit and highly talented, are forced to retire in their 60s or even earlier because of company or national regulations. First of all, older employees have an immense amount of knowledge and experience, which can be lost to a business or organization if they are made to retire. A second point is that older employees are often extremely loyal and are more willing to implement company policies than younger less committed staff. However, a more important point is regarding the attitudes in society to old people. To force someone to resign or retire at 60 or 65 indicates that society does not value the input of these people and that effectively their useful life is over. Allowing older people to work indefinitely however is not always a good policy. Age alone is no guarantee of ability. Many younger employees have more experience or skills than older staff who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives. Having compulsory retirement allows new ideas in an organization. Another point of view is that older people should be rewarded by society for their lifes labor by being given generous pensions and the freedom to enjoy their leisure. With many young people unemployed or frustrated in low-level positions, there are often calls to compulsorily retire older workers. However, this can affect the older individuals freedom - and right - to work and can deprive society of valuable experience and insights. Giving workers more flexibility and choice over their retirement age will benefit society and the individual. Older people usually have ____ . a lot of technical knowledge little experience a lot of knowledge about the company many frustrations little or no value to society

Whether we are lighting our houses, washing our clothes, refrigerating our food or running our computers, energy is an essential of modern life. We use it in most of the things we do. It creates comfort and convenience; helps keep us entertained and healthy. Without it our civilization would collapse. Yet there is also a heavy price. Traditional methods of power generation have created a legacy of acid rain, oil spills and - despite billions of pounds of research nuclear waste, issues all of which need to be tackled. That price never appears on the quarterly bill. Renewable energy comes from sources that will remain sustainable long after fossil fuels become scarce. Photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity, wind turbines that exploit Britain's climate, hydropower which captures energy from falling water, and wave power which captures energy from the sea are some of the main sources. The potential for the effective use of renewable sources of energy in this country is huge, but its implementation is poor.What is the cost of using non-renewable sources? Most serious of all is the contribution to climate change. We have been steadily pumping carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide creates a blanket round the earth. Heat which would normally disappear into space cannot escape, and is reflected back to be soaked up by the oceans. The world gets hotter. This is the Greenhouse Effect. Is it a coincidence that 10 of the 11 hottest years on record have occurred since 1980, with 1998 the hottest year ever recorded? Europe has seen the average temperature increase by 0.8C this century, and the World Health Organization warned in June that global warming could result in mosquitoes spreading malaria and encephalitis through Britain and the northern hemisphere. Exceptional weather in New York City created perfect breeding conditions for mosquitoes and helicopters were used to spray the entire city with insecticide. Large parts of England suffered their worst floods ever last year. Tony Blair's government has recognized climate change as "one of the greatest environmental threats facing the world today". The government's chief scientist says the Gulf Stream, which makes Britain's climate so benign, could be halted.Nowhere is immune. In the Arctic, where temperatures are higher than at any time during the last three centuries, the ice is melting. Wildlife cannot adapt fast enough, and polar bears, walruses

and whales are losing their feeding grounds. Marine biologists reported in July that most of the world's coral reefs could die within the next century. With predictions of global temperatures rising by a further 3.5C over the next 100 years, worse is likely to be in store. The impact could be felt increasingly within many of our lifetimes, and certainly in the lifetimes of our children. Last year more people were uprooted by natural disasters than by wars, according to the Red Cross, which warned of a series of "super-disasters" precipitated by climate change. How many renewable sources of energy are mentioned in the article? two three six five

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in response to your advertisement in The Times newspaper yesterday for the position of executive secretary. I enclose a copy of my CV as requested and I would like to briefly explain why I am suitable for the job. I recently graduated from the Miami School for Secretaries with a diploma in secretarial skills. Prior to this I worked in several large companies in New York and Chicago as an office clerk and assisted the secretaries in many areas of their work. I am hard working, well organized and have a polite telephone manner. I feel I will be a good member of your team if you decide to take me on. Yours faithfully,Grace Comings Grace Comings is ____ . applying for a job a new graduate a good secretary looking for a secretary reading the newspaper

Computer games and game consoles have been popular for decades now and many households have at least one. However it can be seen that playing these games causes social, educational and personal problems of several kinds both to youngsters and society. Firstly, youngsters who spend a great deal of time in front of a monitor are not studying, playing sport, socializing or learning about life, which are skills needed in order to interact with others and succeed in the real world.Secondly, studies have shown that the new generation of young males is actually physically growing less than previous generations due to lack of exercise. In addition to this they are more likely to be overweight and less healthy and therefore prone to diseases such as diabetes.Furthermore, the games themselves are often quite violent and dangerously sexist. For example, there are games which show graphic fighting scenes where the most brutal is most applauded. Women are shown as either sexy, but weak or as some kind of warrior type character. Violence against women is often part of these games, which encourages negative opinions of women. The language tends to be violent and sexist which further adds to the problems of lack of interaction and social skills.It is easy to imagine the effects of such games on young minds. If we wish children to grow up to become well-adjusted members of society, these games should be more tightly controlled. The author is ____ . a computer programmer a computer game fan no information in favor of computer games not in favor of computer games

Package holidays, vacations where everything is included, are becoming increasingly popular. Everything is prepared for you. Once you get to the airport, it is up to the tour guide to see that you get safely to your destination. On the tour you make friends and have a good time but there is very little chance that you will get to know the local people. This is even more likely on a bus tour, when you spend most of your time traveling. Of course, there are carefully planned stops for you to visit historic buildings and places of interest. You may visit the historic, the beautiful, the ancient but time is always limited. There is always another disadvantage of having to spend your holiday with a group of people you have never met before. This means that you can be stuck with a group of people you have nothing in common with and no shared interests other than the fact that you are having the same holiday together. Many people do make good friends on package holidays and this friendship can last for many years with many friends keeping in touch when they return home. Package holidays are____ . holidays where everything is arranged for you dangerous holidays where you pay for everything separately historic, beautiful and ancient getting less and less popular

On the mountainside there is a battle of the aliens. The once almost universal blue of the Alaskan Lupin is being smothered by the taller white mass of flowers from a tougher weed. Warmth is transforming Iceland. Short grass and tiny ground-hugging plants, typical of cold and rocky areas, are no longer the only plants that can survive. The Lupin, a tough, cold-resistant plant, was introduced deliberately by the government from similar climes in Alaska 50 years ago to reverse erosion and add nitrogen to the soil. It has been so successful it covers vast areas of open country, so much so that there is serious concern it is out of control.Now a new uninvited invader has entered the fray - but this is a weed of temperate climes - Cow Parsley. How it arrived is not known but it probably came from seeds trapped in the mud of a tourist's boot. This summer there are hundreds of thousands of plants smothering both the Lupin and all other local vegetation. Iceland's greatest asset, its fish stocks, are also on the move. The capelin on which the cod feed are disappearing northwards because the water is too warm. Monkfish, once a rarity because the sea was too cold, are now an important commercial catch. Shrimp are far fewer because cod, deprived of capelin to eat, and haddock in increasing numbers, are eating them before they can be caught for human consumption. The new warmth in Iceland is not just changing the sort of plants that can grow here, it is melting the glaciers and ice caps and changing lifestyles too. British tourists with winter coats arrive to find long-legged girls in hot pants and T-shirts sitting outside on the pavement cafes in the capital Reykjavik. The country's population is also on the increase, up to 280,000 from a low of 40,000 during the mini-ice age of the 18th century. Unlike most of the rest of the planet, climate change offers a lot of advantages for Iceland. Twenty years ago it was not possible to grow barley because it was too cold for grain to ripen. Ten years ago in the extreme south farmers succeeded in getting a crop for winter fodder - it was the first harvest since the time of the first Viking settlers. This year farmers are planting barley all over the country. The change is so rapid that the country's scientists cannot believe it will continue. For the last two years temperatures have been the highest since records began in the country in 1822 and, judging by the Greenland ice cores, any time since the medieval warm period when the Vikings

arrived in Iceland. Everyone believes that soon there must be a swing back to colder times. Climate change in Iceland is affecting ____ . alien invaders tourism fish stocks Viking settlers people, plants and animals

South African Hein Wagner has become the world's fastest blind driver. Driving a red Maserati V8 Gran Sport, he notched up 269km/h along an airstrip in northwest South Africa. It is an absolutely awesome feeling. It was over so fast", the 33-year-old said, after breaking the previous 233km/h record. Blind from birth, Mr. Wagner is a motivational speaker from Cape Town and was raising funds for the South African National Council for the Blind. "We've raised $9,500 so far and I'm aiming to get $15,500", he told the BBC News website on his arrival back in Cape Town. "The record was set on an airstrip because blind people are not allowed to drive on public roads", he said. "I had five hours training in the car before I made the attempt", he said. He also said he had to drive the sports car, owned by the car dealer Viglietti, without any insurance. This is not his only intrepid sporting success. In 1998 he was part of the South African blind cricket team, which won the first-ever blind World Cup. He has also completed two marathons; climbed 10 of the highest mountains in South Africa's Western Cape region and finished the Cape to Rio Yacht Race in 1993. Hein Wagner is unusual because .. he broke a speed record as a blind driver he lives in South Africa he has a red Maserati V8 Gran Sport he raised $9,500 he drives without having any insurance

Security cameras have become ubiquitous in many countries. Whereas before they appeared only in banks and at high-security areas, they are now entering public places such as malls, streets, stadiums and transport. Many people feel this affects their privacy. Surveillance cameras have several benefits. An obvious benefit is that the police can catch criminals in the act, thus reducing crime. This will make the streets safer for ordinary people. A more important point is that criminals, particularly young offenders or petty criminals will be deterred. They will not be tempted to carry out crimes, and thus society will be a lot safer. Cameras are also cost-effective and unobtrusive. Authorities do not need to spend large amounts of money on police. However, security cameras are far from being a perfect solution. The biggest objection concerns privacy. Many people feel that they should be free to travel or move around a shop, mall, street or country without being photographed or recorded. They feel that being watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their freedom because of these devices. Another point is that although the police say that only criminals have something to fear from the cameras, many people do not trust governments with too much information. Corrupt authorities could use information in the wrong way or twist it to victimize some groups. Thirdly, cameras and computers can make mistakes. In conclusion, although there are definite advantages to using surveillance devices such as cameras, we need to balance the need for security with respect for the individual's privacy and freedom. If we do not trust the members of society, a situation like George Orwell's "1984" could be the result. The main objection to security cameras is ____ . cost errors invasion of privacy preventing crime safety

Security cameras have become ubiquitous in many countries. Whereas before they appeared only in banks and at high-security areas, they are now entering public places such as malls, streets, stadiums and transport. Many people feel this affects their privacy. Surveillance cameras have several benefits. An obvious benefit is that the police can catch criminals in the act, thus reducing crime. This will make the streets safer for ordinary people. A more important point is that criminals, particularly young offenders or petty criminals will be deterred. They will not be tempted to carry out crimes, and thus society will be a lot safer. Cameras are also cost-effective and unobtrusive. Authorities do not need to spend large amounts of money on police. However, security cameras are far from being a perfect solution. The biggest objection concerns privacy. Many people feel that they should be free to travel or move around a shop, mall, street or country without being photographed or recorded. They feel that being watched constantly is like being in a jail, and that ordinary people are losing their freedom because of these devices. Another point is that although the police say that only criminals have something to fear from the cameras, many people do not trust governments with too much information. Corrupt authorities could use information in the wrong way or twist it to victimize some groups. Thirdly, cameras and computers can make mistakes. In conclusion, although there are definite advantages to using surveillance devices such as cameras, we need to balance the need for security with respect for the individual's privacy and freedom. If we do not trust the members of society, a situation like George Orwell's "1984" could be the result. One disadvantage of using security cameras is ____ . the information can be used in the wrong way governments don't know how to use all the information cameras are highly cost-effective it's far from the perfect solution the streets are safer

Where does he decide to take his girlfriend in the end?

He wants to take her to dinner. He wants to invite her home for dinner. He decides to stay at home to talk. He doesn't make a decision. He decides to see a movie.

What was the speaker's first impression of the person?

he didn't trust him he wasn't sure about him he was impressed by him he wanted to speak to him he accepted him

What is the cost of living like in Japan?

The cost of living is lower in Japan than in the US. Japan is inexpensive. Japan is much higher than the US. Japan is more expensive than the US. Japan has a bigger budget than the US.

On what day will he return to San Diego?

July 7 July 12 July 30 July 13 July 14

What happens directly after their first meeting?

They fall in love. They meet again many times. They meet again once.

They realize they are married. They get married.

What is the genre of the movie she is describing?

comedy drama special effects romance action

What is the speaker's overall impression of Japanese people?

They are congenial. They are inflexible. They are ceremonious. They are customary. They are spontaneous.

What should he remember to do?

arrive in Boston set his watch return to Shanghai buy a watch book a hotel

The way people greet each other in Japan _____ .

is customary shows how important they are shows how rich they are varies from person to person shows if they are related

Using the Ultraslim diet, what should you have for dinner?

an Ultraslim bar a light meal a slimming formula a milkshake a regular meal


Eating peanuts can __________ an allergic reaction.

make like causal issue cause

The gas leak was serious enough _____ the police to evacuate the building.
for why since because to

We hadn't arranged to meet. We met _____ .

from chance in a chance of chance by chance at a chance

My grandfather was very clever. He _____ speak 6 languages.

wouldn't can can't

could couldn't

My uncle bought some valuable new stamps for his _____.

expansion collectibles expanding collection expanding collation expounding collection expanding collectibles

Sorry we're late. We couldn't get a taxi, so we had to come _____ .

with feet by walking walk walking on foot

Her death was _____ natural causes.

due of due to reason of result of because

I've just taken my car _____ .

for a seat service for a repair service for a full service for a fuel service for a temperature service

He _____ an award for bravery.

was given the deserving was deserving to be given was deserving

deserved the given deserved to be given

Jim Sims, _____ car the weapons were found, has been arrested.
in who's who who's in whose whose

Hello, nice to hear that :) I knew that you would pass them very well (because you are smart LOL). I'm sorry for not writing for so long time but it's everything because I'm very busy :( I've just had my exams (and I know that I've passed one of them but for other results unfortunately I have to wait...) At the same time I'm writing my master thesis and to be honest I hate English now LOL. Every single available article about my drug (or maybe it would be better to say that about a drug that I'm writing about :) ) is written in English. And it's so medical English that I even don't know how to translate it into Polish or if such translations exists... So my head doesn't like English right now (it's one of the reasons why I couldn't write my mails LOL). But you sent me a SMS (which was stolen in half by my mobile phone...I could notice that you sent me a message which consisted of more than one SMS but my mobile could see only one of them...stupid mobile phone!!!!) and this mail so I decided that I have to reply :) Apart from writing my master thesis, I'm doing my research (to master thesis) and they are very exhausting. Everyday I spend about 9 hours at my university doing it and today my teacher told me that I got very strange results from this research and he needs to think what can be wrong. So I'm afraid that after his "thinking" I will have to repeat everything from scratch :( And when I'm standing in this lab I'm feeling very stupid because you know, we had a lot of labs during my studies but now I have to do something entirely different and there's so many expensive machines (I'm sure that even if I would like to sell my kidney, I wouldn't be able to afford them LOL) that I'm afraid that I can damage something :) I'm sure that it's not so difficult to destroy something ;) And moreover - this drug is very toxic so if I'm not careful enough I can hurt myself :( Ok, stop writing about me :-) <Can you see how many English words did I have to use?>

So you are after your exams...does it mean that you have holidays now? I wish you a nice day, Ania

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