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The expletive “there” corries only nominative cage-feature (it doesn't carry agreement features -number, person, gender)“ and is nerted in spec-TP order o satisfy the strong nomintive-cose-eature carried bye fine T node Raising predicates and control predicates: + Verbs such as: seem, appear, happen, turn out ore called subject raising verbs, they allow the subject of an embedded infinitive complement te be raised up to become subject of the raising verb Verbs such as: try, decide, plan, choose, hope, threaten, intend manage, needs, promises. like, want, expect and have (te do sth) are called control predicates, they may take ar infinitive complement witha contralied PRO subject Differences between subject raising verbs and control verbs: ‘Subject raising verbs Control verbs don't theta mark their subject + theta mark their subject + take on infinitival complement without PRO ‘take an infinitival complement with PRO subject + don't have restriction in subject cheice ‘+ imposes restriction in subject choice-subject: + allow an expletive there subject tan expression denoting an entity capable of rational thought. + don’t allow an expletive there subject “hete eriterion: Each argument bears one and only one thete-role, and each theta role is assigned to ane and only one rgument. - . ‘an expression deneting an entity capable of rational thought, + don't allow on expletive there subject aliow an expletive there subject “heta criterion: Each argument bears one end only one thete-rele, and each thets role is assigned to ane and enly one gument. + allow an expierve mere subject an expression denoting on entity capable of rational theught. + don't allow an expletive there subject “heta criterion: Each argument bear's one and only one thetarrole, and each theta role is assigned to ane and only one rgument - . ‘an expression deneting an entity capable of rational thought, + don't allow on expletive there subject © aliow an explenive there subject Theta criterion: Each argument bears one and only one thefa-role, and each thetc role is assigned te one and only one rgument. - an expression denoting on entity capable of rational thought + don’t allow ar expletive there subject fan explerive there subject “neta criterion: Each argument bears one and only ene thetorrole, and each theta role is assigned to ene and only one rgument. _ “He seems to enjoy syntax", he bears the theta role of experiencer assigned by enjoy and then raises to spec-TP for ‘easons of greed to check its own nominative features, He tries to PRO enjoy.” he bears the theta role of agent assigned by try and PRO bears the theta role of experiencer “esigned by eniov

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