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eS emmemse Federal Court Gour fédérale Date: 20081007 Docket: 7134-08 Toros, Ontario, tober 72008 PRESENT: Madam Prothonotary Milezyaid BETWEEN: PHILIP MOONEY, RON MeKAY, KEITH FRANK, RHONDA WILLIAMS, GERD DAMITZ, RUSSEL MONSURATS, [RON LIBERMAN, JULIA BRODYANSKY, TADEUSZ (TAD) KAWECKI, "TAREK ALLAM, SOL GOMBINSKY, PRAVEEN SHRIVISTAVA, ‘CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL IMMIGRATION CONSULTANTS - L'ASSOCIATION ‘CANADIENNE DES CONSEILLERS PROFESSIONNELS. EN IMMIGRATION Applicants and ‘CANADIAN SOCIETY OF IMMIGRATION CONSULTANTS Respondent [UPON motion, ited the 12" day of September, 2008, on bbalf ofthe Respondent, fx: |. AnOnder striking he Notice of Application ofthe Applicants sued August 20,2008; cero7me0e 1753 GAS-eary TORO as oe 06 P.ev18 12. Inthe ahurve, an Order stikng potion ofthe Notice of Application; 3. Cons hiamation; end 4 Such further an oer lias hs Honourable Court may deem jus. “The Applica are meres ofthe Cennin Asocaon of Profesional Immigration ‘Consus (CAPIC")~ lrg (600 member) nomprfi rofesiona asain for Canasin 1 immignton contacts, CAPIC provides edveston ed nfomaton services tots member and : rgnaesin advocxeyobbying activites on tir eal, The Respondent, The Canadian Sociyof | lnmigatin Const (“CSIC isthe independent selfegultory governing boy for | immigton consults ‘The Applicans ae the subject of investigations commenced by te Respondent, CSIC into posible breaches by tem of CSIC's Rules of Profesional Conduct. The Applicems submit that ‘he decision wo investigate are made without juisiction ano advance an enprope pupoHe, namely to silence the Appleans and hi crcism of CSIC. They submit he investigations were launched and conducted ina manner that is contrary othe rls of natal juice, ere biased and are ‘comiary to subsection 2() ofthe Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. ow ne. ccrercee 1753 cre-sirs ToROWTO OF ais we cea? Poe Page: 3 Forth esos stout below, th appeaton dst, is prema, The Anvesignons wont fct tring age, have net roended to ara nd have not viet any decision tht mayb th et ofl evi, 1d otf tanh cane, the des w nor ond te inetiation te. desion for wich aja view may be seo ‘Pursuant 1 the /momtgrarion and Refisgee Protecrlon Act and the Regulations Amending the eid a ee ena as an ‘the independent, elf epultory body for immigration consultant, with authelty to, among other cee cate a snipe na ot ty fine AFA wm ncacrentn ean anr eee ‘in the Canadian immigration process (immigration consultants), as Secor eee ea easiness een eee ‘things, « code of conduct for members and a complaints and discipline mechanism. It has done so, ee eee ee eee ‘Complaints & Discipline Policy that sets out the investigation and discipline process concerning, possible breaches of the Code. 9-08 esfoute nt ao[A4 ce. nbe-BpfOrne ni ie oceusAes (tng

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