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Loan Words from English-The Easiest Words for You


Chinese language has been actively borrowing words from foreign languages, and its efforts have been
fruitful. A vocabulary of loan words from English is listed below for you. As these words were
transliterated from their original pronunciations, eChineseLearning (
believe that you will find it pretty easy and enjoyable to learn and remember them.

Loan Words from English

Name of Drinks & Foods

咖啡 kā fēi coffee 布丁 bù dīng pudding

披萨 pī sà pizza 汉堡 hàn bǎo hamburger

三明治 sān míng zhì sandwich 巧克力 qiǎo kè lì chocolate

肯德基 kěn dé jī Kentucky 麦当劳 mài dāng McDonald's

(KFC) láo

可口可乐 ké kǒu kě lè Coca-Cola 百事可乐 bǎi shì kě lè Pepsi-Cola

Name of Groceries & Vehicles

沙发 shā fā sofa 香波 xiāng bō shampoo

蕾丝 léi sī lace 迷你裙 mí nǐ qún miniskirt

巴士 bā shì bus 坦克 tǎn kè tank

摩托车 mó tuō chē motor 吉普车 jí pǔ chē jeep

比基尼 bǐ jī ní bikini 席梦思 xí mèng sī Simmons

Name of Entertainments &


扑克 pū ke poker 卡通 kǎ tōng cartoon

博客 bó kè blog 派对 pài duì party

爵士 jué shì jazz 探戈 tàn gē tango ‐ Online One‐on‐one Chinese lesson with professional Chinese teachers, Sign up for a free 
trial now: 

芭蕾 Bā léi ballet 伦巴 lún bā rumba

蹦极 bèng jí bungee 迪斯科 dí si ke disco

保龄球 bǎo líng qiú bowling 马拉松 mǎ lā sōng marathon

因特网 yīn tè wǎng Internet 脱口秀 tuō kǒu xiù talk show

Name of Others

酷 kù cool 费 fèi fee

幽默 yōu mò humor 逻辑 luó ji logic

模特 mó tè model 粉丝 fěn sī fans

黑客 hēi kè hacker 安琪儿 ān qí er angel

罗曼蒂克 luó màn dì romantic 歇斯底里 xiē sī dǐ lǐ hysteria ‐ Online One‐on‐one Chinese lesson with professional Chinese teachers, Sign up for a free 
trial now: 

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