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Keniko's Vocabulary

Last Update: November 17th 2008

I, me, myself: mi

you, yourself: ti

he, her, she, himself, herself, it, that: li

this, now, present, current, (present particle): kon

with, together, and, also, too, indeed, even, plus, in addition, add: to

location, area, field, position, status, seat, surroundings, environment, situation, condition: loko

here, this place: kono loko

that place, there: li loko

of, from, by, through, times, multiply: te

more, again: mo

a, the, one, any, a single, solo: un

two, double, pair: ni

three: tuli

four: kato

five: bente

six: lu

seven: nana

eight: oko

nine: nona

ten: teka

10^2 (100): beto

10^3 (1000): kilo

10^6 (million): neka

10^9 (billion): kika

10^12 (trillion): teha

10^15 (quadrillion): beta

10^18 (quintillion): eka

10^21: keta

10^30: beka

10^33: bunta

10^36: uta

10^39: teta

10^42: kota

10^45: linta

10^48: keka

10^51: beko

10^54: ota

10^57: mema

10^60: minka

10^63: lunto

each, every, all, total, result, finish, end, last, final, done, compelete, ultimate, whole, sum, compute,
calculate: oni

the universe, outerspace, everything in existance: oni iku

thing, stuff, material, matter, physical, object, item, objectify, figure, shape: koto

in, at, inside, absorb, inner, internal, divide, divided by: in

out, external, away, absent, missing, remove, subtract, absence, outside, outer, alien, foreign: eki
exist, existance, life, experience, story, legend, biography, live, health: iku

wish, hope, want, need, desire, pray, goal: kibo

please, plea, (imperative particle): bi

go (away), travel, leave, abandon, desert, exit, excape, transportation, transport, mobile: ba

tool, device, machine, utensil, instrument, equipment: konku

vehicle, telepod: ba konku

male, husband, guy, boyfriend, masculine, manly: nan

female, woman, girl, wife, girlfriend, feminine: nu

copula, is, am, to be, are, yes: ha

non-, not, un-, no, none, negation, zero, nevermind, (negative prefix): no

everything: oni koto

nothing: no koto

isn't it?, right?, do you agree?: ne

(question prefix): ka

person, human, humanize, personify, personalize, personal, private, secret: nin

public, company, society, community, group, social, people, population, race, culture: bibo

some, multi-, (plural particle): muti

what, which: ke

create, build, make, construct, work, act, do, function, deed, project, activity: tu

see, view, vision, eyesight, visual, watch, look, pay attention, read, eye: oku

to, toward, for, until, in order to: bo

should, ought to, must: teben

sun, light, bright, shiny, sunlight, day, daily, date: hi

fire, heat, warm, cook, hot, spicey: ho

although, even though, despite: noni

today: kon hi

but, however, still, yet, instead: temo

have, has, contain, hold, keep: haba

thus, therefore, that's why: ita

so, very, much, very much, many, a lot, amount, quantity: tan

big, huge, main, best, tall, large, major, important, most, great, deep: ta

long, wide: lon

ah, ha, uh, oh, ooh, aw, well (emotion word): a

woof!, meow!, moo!, etc., (cute animal noise), onomatoepia: o

moon, satelite: luna

moonlight: luna hi

good, happy, healthy, positive, nice, correct, right, OK, cool, improve, yay, you're welcome, fix, repair,
heal, fluent: bon

bad, negative, wrong, sad, depressed, evil, complex, unhealthy, ill, sick, sickness: malo

love, enjoy, like, appreciate, passion, passionate: ama

hate, despise: no ama

fear, scared, scary, nervous, shy, shock, surprised: timo

brave, courageous, confident: no timo

thank you: mi ama li

give, share, sell, donate, put, send, throw, trigger, shoot, place, print (on printer), emit, cause, transfer,
exchange: tona

acquire, get, catch, obtain, achieve, take, bring, carry, buy: aki

can, may, is posible, ability, possibility, permission, enable, allow, permit: ken

write, to type, writing, literature, alphabet, draw, image, character, icon, letter: kibe

word, concept, idea, thought, theory, intention, vocabulary, text: tanko

think, brain, mind, head, feel, sense, touch, opine, opinion, feeling, emotion: omo

breast, chest, wall, thorax, lung, heart: mune

core, target, center, middle, centre, central, among, between, while, during: naka

self, ego, spirit, spiritual, soul, ghost: eko

law, legal, license, rule, ruler, government, govern, lead, front, fore, police, authorities, Emperor,
president, control: le

super, special, superior, over, above, high, higher: oba

below, inferior, under, down, low, lower, beneath, bottom, floor: onta

God, divine, holy: kami

angel: bon eko

demon, devil, goblin, monster: malo eko

father, mother, parent, to raise (a child), to grow, parental, maternal, fatherly: mama

come (here), become, call, summon, name, title, event, arrival, happening, manage to, start to, begin:

previously, previous, before, (past particle): ante

difference, different, otherwise, or else, change, alter, modify: beko

or, either, neither, nor: i

wait, stay, remain, pause, stop, stationary, permanent: mate

ew!, feces, shit, shit!, damn!, fuck!, garbage, filth, trash, dirty, to pee, to create feces, gross: kaka

red: aka

blue: bulu

yellow: helo

black, dark, shadow, darken,: melan

white, blank, to erase, to format, light (color), clear, bright, pure, empty, snowy: luko

green: bulu helo

orange: aka helo

purple: aka bulu

grey: luko melan

pink: luko aka

brown: melan aka

color, paint, colour: kolo

rainbow, all colours: oni kolo

eat, consume, drink, swallow, food, meal: kome

bite, chew, mouth, taste, flavor, oral, lip, say, speak, tongue, language, dialect, comment, reply,
communication: ko

teeth: luko ko

time, age, period, season, moment, hour, duration, when, whenever: toki

always: oni toki

never: no toki

month, monthly: meno

daytime, day: hi

nighttime, night: melan

usually, often, many times: tan toki

stupid, foolish, fool, drunk, weird, strange, silly, make wierd, crazy: baka

similar, same, equal, like, as, seem: iko

cold, freeze, frozen, chill, raw (food), cool: biho

sphere, ball: bola

circle, surround, orbit, rotate, around, cycle, process, round, cyclincal: obito

year, year old, annual: aniho

summer: hi toki
winter: biho toki

spring: bo hi toki

autumn, fall: bo biho toki

little, small, young, child, baby, a bit, short, few, less, shrink, lessen: nano

hand, arm, use, useful, operate: mano

door, window, opening, open, turn on hole, portal, door, orifice: kan

close, turn off, shut, lock: no kan

land, earth, ground, soil, dust: keho

country, state, nation: ma

capital: le ma

home, family, class, house, nest, den, dome, building, domestic, household: kiha

town, city, urban: ubo

country, village, suburb: bila

learn, know, study, understand, know how to, wise, intelligent, smart, knowledge, science: len

teach, demonstrate, show, lesson: tona len

teacher: tona len nin

network, connection, connect, tie, join, attach, equip, association, link, website, internet, world wide
web, net: neti

online: in neti

smile, laugh: tona bon omo

cry: tona mal omo

death, die, hunt, deadly, fatal, kill, damge, destruction, ruin, spoil, broken, break, destroy: ki

fish, seafood, sea creature: kala

animal, beast, land creature: animo

organ, meat: in te animo

sushi: kala no hi

plant, herb, drug, fungus, fungi, mushroom, flower, leaf, grass, spice: hebo

bread, wheat, rice, grain, pasta, cereal: ban

business: aki tano

market, shop, store: aki tano loko

money, currency, dollar, finacial: mani

free, release, set free, freedom, independent, liberal, liberate, liberty: libe

bump, nose, smell, hill, mountain, button, slope: nena

another time, later: beko toki

greet, introduce, introduction, meet, meeting: ola

bye, see you later, farewell, depart: baba

television, video, a show, a movie: ko oku koto

cinema, theatre: ko oku koto loko

glasses: oku konku

hard, rough, tough, thick: nikuhi

semi-hard: no tan nikuhi

soft, thin: no nikuhi

bug, insect, spider, roach: bibi

side, surface, platform, stage, hip, next to, beside, horizontal, station: tabi

table, desk: tabo

back, behind, rear, butt, ass, anus: ano

heavy (weight): no hubi

light (weight), airy: hubi

face, mask: men

verticle: no tabi
box, container, bottle, bowl, cup, glass: haba konku

body, torso: koto eko

stomach: in koto eko

new, fresh: neho

old, eldest, retro: bali

size: ta lon (meto)

cute, sweet, sweeten, candy: meli

ugly, sour: no meli

because, since: boke

only, just, sole: take

water: telo

liquid, juice, sauce: liki

breathe, breath, wind, breeze, air, aero-, gas, atmosphere, ventilation: hu

heaven, sky: ten

weather: ten hu

chance, luck, maybe, prehaps, probably, probability, about, estimate: mebi

Good Luck: bi ti haba bon mebi

note, mark, spot, point, dot, period, store, save (information): nota

audio, audible, sound, ring, tweet, noise, play (instrument), tone, voice, volume: oto

loud (sound): ta oto

low (sound): nano oto

hear, ear, listen, obey: kiku

number, count, measure, meter, unit, atom, cell, math: meto

mute, inaudible: no oto

way, method, road, path, principle, doctrine, philosophy, skill, Tao (Taoism), technique, mode, style,
manner, fashion, type, kind of, sort of: taho

leg, feet, step, press, base: kaki

tree, wood, lumber, stick (from tree): mu

woods, forest: mu loko

fruit, vegetable, berry, seed, egg, sperm, penis, vigina, nut, offspring, child, origin, source: nuto

sleep, rest, relax, dream: nemu

game, play, fun, interesting, amuse, entertainment: kemu

erotic, lust, sexy, sexuality, sexual, fuck, have sex with: elo

military, navy, roit, war, battle, argument, competition, struggle, conflict, hit, strike, beat, attack: bato

bird, winged animal, wing: abi

power, strength, strong, confident, energize, to load, strengthen, energy, will-power, bullet, amno, fuel:

electric, electricity, electrical, shock (by electricity), lightning: eleki

static, thunder: oto eleki

clothes, article of clothing, cloth, fabric, tissue, textile: tela

guard, protect, defend, to block, to cover, to wrap, save, help, skin, shell, peel, bark: mamo

will, after, next, and then, then, (future particle): bu

ice, snow: biho telo

ice cream, icey: beho nuto ko telo

computer, calculator: oni konku

artificial, man made: nin tu

page, information, sheet, paper, data, card, disc, disk (computer): babe

pages, book, notebook: libo

text book: tanko libo

library: libo loko

psychic, medium, ESP: miko

magic, witchcraft, sorcery, spell: maki

remember, memory, memories, recollection, reminiscence: memo

cloud: ten hu

finger: mano meto

true, real, reality, turth, accurate, actual, fact: kin

actually: in kin

scientifically: in len

philosophically: in taho

right, rightside: teki

left, leftside: lebo

more...than: mo...te

sugar, cinnamon, a sweet spice: meli hebo

sluggish, slow, to be late, delayed: lento

fast, hurry, speedy, quick, soon, imediately, instantly, instant, early: haku

hair, fur, nail, string, wire, chord, rope, line, linear, straight, direct: lin

select, choose, choice, option, pick, elect, vote: eleko

triangle: tuli tabi koto

sing, chant: kanta

melody, rythm, beat, flow, music: meloti

naked, bare, plain, nude: nuti

simple, basic, piece, part, section, foundamental, easy, primary, element, elementary: keni

hurt, pain, ache, harm, sore, damage, injure: noku

notice, realized: noti

instead, against, versus, vs., oposite: anti

on the other hand: temo in anti

cut, slice, blade, sharp, stab, knife, sword: katana

gift, present: tono

friend, ally, companion, pal, comrade: amiko

enemy, opponent, rival: enemi

drama, play (frama), act (theatre), to pretend, to act: ako

to spring, jump, hop, bounce, leap, skip: bin

plot, plan, conspiracy: bulan

common, normal, natural: komun

clean, organize, arrange, sort, wash: kulin

Origins Of Vocabulary Words

mi - European

ti - European

li - European

kono - Asian

koko - Asian

loko - European

te - European

to - Asian

mo - Asian

oni - European

koto - Asian
in - European

iku - Asian

kibo - Other

ba - European

bi - European

konku - Asian

nan - Asian

nu - Asian

muti - European

tu - European

oku - European

bo - European

teben - European

hi - Asian

noni - Asian

temo - Asian

haba - European

ita - European

tan - European

ta - Asian

a - Asian, European, Other

o - Other

luna - European

bon - European
malo - European

ama - European

tona - European

aki - European

kibe - European

ken - European

tanko - Asian

omo - Asian

mune - Asian

naka - Asian

eko - European

le - European

oba - European

mama - European

ben - European

ante - European

beko - Asian

i - European

mate - Asian

kaka - European

aka - Asian

bulu - European

melan - European

luko - European

helo - European
timo - European

kami - Asian

kome - European

ko - Asian

baka - Asian

iko - European

bola - European

toki - Asian

kan - Asian

ma - Other

kiha - Asian

len - European

neti - European

kala - Other

hebo - European

animo - European

ban - European

ka - Asian

ne - Asian

mani - European

nena - Other

ola - European

baba - Other

nikuhi - Asian
bibi - Other

tabi - Other

neho - European

meli - Asian

boke - European

take - Asian

telo - Other

hu - Asian

ten - Asian

mebi - European

nota - European

oto - Asian

kiku - Asian

meto - European

taho - Asian

kaki - Other

mu - Asian

nuto - European

nemu - Asian

kemu - European

eki - European

elo - European

bato - European

abi - European

eneki - European
eleki - European

tela - European

mamo - Asian

bu - European

babe - European

nano - European

biho - European

miko - Asian

maki - European

memo - European

kin - Asian

onta - European

teki - European

lebo - European

lento - European

haku - Asian

ni - Asian

tuli - European

kato - European

bente - European

lu - Asian

nana - Asian

oko - European

nona - European
teka - European

beto - European

kilo - European

neka - European

kika - European

teha - European

beta - European

eka - European

keta - European

beka - European

bunta - European

uta - European

teta - European

kota - European

linta - European

keka - European

beko - European

ota - European

mema - European

minka - European

lunto - European

lin - European

eleko - European

ho - Asian

liki - European
lon - European

kanta - European

meloti - European

nuti - European

keni - Asian

noku - European

noti - European

bali - European

tabo - European

anti - European

obito - European

katana - Asian

libe - European

libo - European

ubo - European

bila - European

tono - European

amiko - European

enami - enemy

ako - European

bin - European

bulan - European

bibo - European

komun - European
keho - European

men - Asian

ano - European

hebi - European

aniho - European

meno - European

kulin - European

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